Rubber ducky antenna

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Rubber ducky antenna on a transceiver RDuckyAntenna.jpg
Rubber ducky antenna on a transceiver
Assorted rubber ducky antennas. Assorted Rubber Ducky Antennas.jpg
Assorted rubber ducky antennas.

The rubber ducky antenna (or rubber duck aerial) is an electrically short monopole antenna that functions somewhat like a base-loaded whip antenna. It consists of a springy wire in the shape of a narrow helix, sealed in a rubber or plastic jacket to protect the antenna. [1] The rubber ducky antenna is a form of normal-mode helical antenna.


Electrically short antennas like the rubber ducky are used in portable handheld radio equipment at VHF and UHF frequencies in place of a quarter-wavelength whip antenna, which is inconveniently long and cumbersome at these frequencies. [2] Many years after its invention in 1958, the rubber ducky antenna became the antenna of choice for many portable radio devices, including walkie-talkies and other portable transceivers, scanners and other devices where safety and robustness take precedence over electromagnetic performance. The rubber ducky is quite flexible, making it more suitable for handheld operation, especially when worn on the belt, than earlier rigid telescoping antennas.

Origin of the name

The term rubber duck stems from the rubberized protective coating commonly seen on handheld radios and police radios. [3] An alternative name is based on the short stub format: the "stubby antenna". [4] [5] [6]


Before the rubber ducky, antennas on portable radios usually consisted of quarter-wave whip antennas, rods whose length was one-quarter of the wavelength of the radio waves used. [1] In the VHF range where they were used, these antennas were 0.6 or 0.9 m (2 or 3 feet) long, making them cumbersome. They were often made of telescoping tubes that could be retracted when not in use. To make the antenna more compact, electrically short antennas, shorter than one-quarter wavelength, began to be used. Electrically short antennas have considerable capacitive reactance, so to make them resonant at the operating frequency an inductor (loading coil) is added in series with the antenna. Antennas which have these inductors built into their bases are called base-loaded whips.

The rubber ducky is an electrically short quarter-wave antenna in which the inductor, instead of being in the base, is built into the antenna itself. The antenna is made of a narrow helix of wire like a spring, which functions as the needed inductor. The springy wire is flexible, making it less prone to damage than a stiff antenna. The spring antenna is further enclosed in a plastic or rubber-like covering to protect it. The technical name for this type of antenna is a normal-mode helix. [7] Rubber ducky antennas are typically 4% to 15% of a wavelength long; [7] that is, 16% to 60% of the length of a standard quarter-wave whip.

Protective rubber removed from the antenna on a UHF CB transceiver. The entire length is used for base loading. UHF CB with rubber ducky exposed.jpg
Protective rubber removed from the antenna on a UHF CB transceiver. The entire length is used for base loading.

Effective aperture

Because the length of this antenna is significantly smaller than a wavelength the effective aperture, if 100% efficient, would be approximately: [8]

Like other electrically short antennas the rubber ducky has poorer performance (less gain) due to losses and thus considerably less gain than a quarter-wave whip. However it has somewhat better performance than an equal length base loaded antenna. This is because the inductance is distributed throughout the antenna and so allows somewhat greater current in the antenna.


Rubber ducky antennas have lower gain than a full size quarter-wavelength antenna, reducing the range of the radio. They are typically used in short-range two way radios where maximum range is not a requirement. Their design is a compromise between antenna gain and small size. They are difficult to characterize electrically because the current distribution along the element is not sinusoidal as is the case with a thin linear antenna.

In common with other inductively loaded short monopoles, the rubber ducky has a high Q factor and thus a narrow bandwidth. This means that as the frequency departs from the antenna's designed center frequency, its SWR increases and thus its efficiency falls off quickly. This type of antenna is often used over a wide frequency range, e.g. 100–500 MHz, and over this range its performance is poor, but in many mobile radio applications there is sufficient excess signal strength to overcome any deficiencies in the antenna.

Design rules

From these rules, one can surmise that it is possible to design a rubber ducky antenna that has about 50 Ω impedance at its feed-point, but a compromise of bandwidth may be necessary. Modern rubber ducky antennas such as those used on cell phones are tapered in such a way that few performance compromises are necessary.


Some rubber ducky antennas are designed quite differently than the original design. One type uses a spring only for support. The spring is electrically shorted out. The antenna is therefore electrically a linear element antenna. Some other rubber ducky antennas use a spring of non-conducting material for support and comprise a collinear array antenna. Such antennas are still called rubber ducky antennas even though they function quite differently (and often better) than the original spring antenna.

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Monopole antenna</span> Type of radio antenna

A monopole antenna is a class of radio antenna consisting of a straight rod-shaped conductor, often mounted perpendicularly over some type of conductive surface, called a ground plane. The driving signal from the transmitter is applied, or for receiving antennas the output signal to the receiver is taken, between the lower end of the monopole and the ground plane. One side of the antenna feedline is attached to the lower end of the monopole, and the other side is attached to the ground plane, which is often the Earth. This contrasts with a dipole antenna which consists of two identical rod conductors, with the signal from the transmitter applied between the two halves of the antenna.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Umbrella antenna</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Halo antenna</span> Omnidirectional circular bent dipole antenna

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Inverted-F antenna</span> Antenna used in wireless communication

An inverted-F antenna is a type of antenna used in wireless communication, mainly at UHF and microwave frequencies. It consists of a monopole antenna running parallel to a ground plane and grounded at one end. The antenna is fed from an intermediate point a distance from the grounded end. The design has two advantages over a simple monopole: the antenna is shorter and more compact, allowing it to be contained within the case of the mobile device, and it can be impedance matched to the feed circuit by the designer, allowing it to radiate power efficiently, without the need for extraneous matching components.

In radio systems, many different antenna types are used whose properties are especially crafted for particular applications.


  1. 1 2 Johnson, Richard B. (2006). "Rubber Ducky Antenna". Abominable Firebug. Archived from the original on 2011-07-07. Retrieved 2011-04-06.. A note at the bottom of the page says this page is not copyrighted, and text from this page has been quoted verbatim in this article
  2. Reed, Jeffrey Hugh (2002). Software Radio: A Modern Approach to Radio Engineering. Prentice Hall Professional. p. 25. ISBN   978-0-13-081158-5.
  3. Network World. IDG Network World Inc. 1995-06-12. p. 54.
  4. "Buy the coolest short stubby antenna for your car". Stubby Antenna. Archived from the original on 2014-07-01. Retrieved 2014-06-24.
  5. "PMAE4002 – Motorola Solutions USA". Archived from the original on 2012-10-23. Retrieved 2014-06-24.
  6. "stubby antenna - Google Search". Archived from the original on 2023-05-18. Retrieved 2013-03-17.
  7. 1 2 Fujimoto, Kyōhei (2001). Mobile antenna systems handbook, 2nd Ed. Artech House. p. 419. ISBN   1-58053-007-9. Archived from the original on 2023-05-18. Retrieved 2016-11-01.
  8. Kraus, John D. (1950). Antennas. McGraw-Hill. Chapter 3, The antenna as an aperture, p. 30.