Halo antenna

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Sketched design of a typical modern-style halo antenna. The sizes of, and space between the round end-plates is adjusted to tune the antenna to resonance; for some halos they are omitted. The thick, black, vertical line is the feed cable, ending in a small black box that contains a trimmer capacitor that with the gamma arm length, impedance matches the antenna feedpoint. Halo antenna.png
Sketched design of a typical modern-style halo antenna. The sizes of, and space between the round end-plates is adjusted to tune the antenna to resonance; for some halos they are omitted. The thick, black, vertical line is the feed cable, ending in a small black box that contains a trimmer capacitor that with the gamma arm length, impedance matches the antenna feedpoint.

A halo antenna, or halo, is a center-fed  1 /2 wavelength dipole antenna, which has been bent into a circle, with a break directly opposite the feed point. The dipole's ends are close, but do not touch, and their crossections may be broadened to form an air capacitor, whose spacing is used to adjust the antenna's resonant frequency. Most often mounted horizontally, this antenna's radiation is then approximately omnidirectional and horizontally polarized.


Halo antennas vs. loop antennas

This section contrasts halo antennas with loop antennas which are electrically dissimilar, but can be confused as they all share the same circular shape, and can have sizes that are indistinguishable, when built for frequencies twice as high or half as high as the halo's design frequency. [lower-alpha 1]

Halo vs. large loops

Radiation patterns for a large (left) and a small (right) loop antenna. The light grey square and octagonal rims represent the antenna wires. Colors represent signal strength:
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magenta and
red are "hot" directions of intense signal;
blue and
indigo are "cold" or low or weak signal;
black is no signal. Large and small loop antenna patterns.jpg
Radiation patterns for a large (left) and a small (right) loop antenna. The light grey square and octagonal rims represent the antenna wires. Colors represent signal strength: magenta and red are "hot" directions of intense signal; blue and indigo are "cold" or low or weak signal; black is no signal.

Although also a resonant antenna, the halo antenna is distinct from the full-wave loop antenna, which is almost exactly double its size for the same operating frequency. In the case of the halo antenna, each half is about a quarter wavelength long and ends with a current node (zero current and peak voltage) at the break. Self-resonant loops with a perimeter of one full wavelength have a radiation pattern which peaks perpendicular to the plane of the loop (along the z axis, in the diagram below) but falls to zero within the plane of the loop, quite opposite the radiation pattern of a halo antenna. Thus, despite the superficial similarity, these two antenna types behave fundamentally differently.

A full-wave loop antenna is slightly more than two half-wavelengths in circumference, which is a bit more than double the size of a halo antenna designed to operate on the same frequency. In contrast, the two semi-circles of a resonant loop, each is a half wavelength long. There is no gap, and each semicircle ends at the semi-circles' connection point, located on the point on the circle opposite from the feedpoint where both semicircles start; current and voltage is continuous across the connection point, which is a voltage node (peak current and zero voltage).

In the radiation diagram (left) the square, light grey full-wave loop has maximum signal (magenta) broadside to its wires, with nulls off the left and right sides of the diagram; the small loop is the light grey octagon, with its maximum signal within the plane of the antenna-wire octagon, with nulls (black center point) broadside to them.

Halo vs. small loops

A halo antenna is distinct from the small-loop antenna in size, [lower-alpha 1] radiation resistance, and efficiency, but their radiation patterns are nearly the same. A halo antenna is a self-resonant antenna: Its feedpoint impedance is reactance-free / purely resistive at the design frequency. A small loop antenna, on the other hand, has lower radiation resistance [lower-alpha 2] and is not self-resonant; it requires some form of impedance matching to counter the loop's reactance – in practice, this usually consists of a variable capacitor bridging the point corresponding to the gap of a halo.

Connection diagram for a gamma matched halo antenna. Halo antenna diagram.png
Connection diagram for a gamma matched halo antenna.

The distribution of current along the two arms of a halo antenna is similar to the currents along the two arms (also a quarter wavelength long) of a half-wave dipole (see the animation there), being largest at the feedpoint and dropping to zero at the ends (the gap in the case of the halo). On the other hand, a small loop has a current which is approximately uniform and in‑phase along the conductor. The halo – again like the half-wave dipole – also has voltage peaks at the gap, whereas it is the larger current near the feedpoint most responsible for the radiation produced, with the antenna radiating slightly more towards the split in the loop.[ citation needed ] The small loop radiates nearly equally in all directions within the plane of the conductor.

Both the halo and small loops' radiation patterns are opposite that of the full-wave loop, being maximum in the plane of the loop, rather than perpendicular to it; halo antennas radiate only a small amount perpendicular to the loop plane, and loops smaller than 1/ 10  wave have no perpendicular radiation at all ("null").

Halos are most often oriented with the plane of the loop aligned horizontally, parallel to the ground, in order to effect an approximately omnidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane and minimize wasteful vertical radiation. Small loops, on the other hand, are often oriented vertically, to take advantage of the small loop's "null" reception by pointing their "deaf" direction (perpendicular to the loop plane) towards a source of interference.

Mistaken understanding of the halo's gap

Although some writers consider the gap in the halo antenna's loop to distinguish it from a small loop antenna – since there is no DC connection between the two ends – that distinction is lost at RF: The close-bent high-voltage ends are connected capacitively, with a RF electrical connection completed through displacement current. Despite the abrupt reversal in voltage across the gap, the RF current bridging the gap is continuous (although possibly momentarily zero).

A "folded dipole" type of halo, similar to the original halo patent. Gain along Y axis 1.2 dBi, gain along Z axis -10 dBi, gain along X axis -1.7 dBi. Fed at the center of the bottom conductor (at the red mark; feed-line not shown), supported at the center of the top conductor which is at ground potential for RF. Halo geometry.png
A "folded dipole" type of halo, similar to the original halo patent. Gain along Y axis 1.2  dBi, gain along Z axis −10  dBi, gain along X axis −1.7  dBi. Fed at the center of the bottom conductor (at the red mark; feed-line not shown), supported at the center of the top conductor which is at ground potential for RF.

The gap in the halo is electrically equivalent to the tuning capacitor on a small loop, although its stray capacitance is not nearly as large as needed for a tuned loop: Capacitance is not needed since the halo antenna is already resonant, but since some small capacitive coupling is present anyway, the arms of the dipole are trimmed back from 97% of a quarter-wave each to restore resonance. Moreover, the halo ends are often pressed even closer together, to increase their mutual capacitance and the ends then cut even shorter to compensate, in order to make the radiation pattern even more nearly omnidirectional, and to produce even less wasteful vertical radiation [lower-alpha 3] (for a horizontally mounted halo).

Modern vs. original halo designs

Early halo antennas [2] used two or more parallel loops, modeled after a 1943 patent [1] which was a folded dipole bent into a circle, similar to the illustration to the right. [3]

The double loop design can be extended to multiple, stacked electrically parallel loops. Each additional loop increases the radiation resistance in proportion to the square of the number of loops, which broadens the SWR bandwidth, increases radiation efficiency, and up to a point, helps with impedance matching.

More recent halo antennas have tended to use a single turn loop, fed with a one-armed gamma match. [lower-alpha 4] The newer approach uses less material and reduces wind load, but has narrower bandwidth, may be mechanically less robust, and usually requires a current balun to inhibit feed-line radiation.

Advantages and disadvantages of a halo antennas

Like all antenna designs, the halo antenna is a compromise that sacrifices one desirable quality for another even more desirable quality – for example halos are small and moderately efficient, but only for a single frequency and a narrow band around it. The following sections discuss the advantages and disadvantages of halo antennas both for practical and theoretical issues.


Car roof-mounted 6 meter halo antenna for mobile amateur radio (by WA8FJW). Note the triple-loop. WA8FJW Mobile (1963 Plymouth with 6-meter Halo antenna).jpg
Car roof-mounted 6 meter halo antenna for mobile amateur radio (by WA8FJW). Note the triple-loop.



  1. 1 2 Note carefully that for all antenna types, for pattern and performance measurement an antenna's size is measured as a fraction (or multiple) of the length of waves received or transmitted through it; hence any one antenna's effective "size" changes whenever its attached radio is tuned to a different frequency.
  2. Since the small antenna's radiation resistance is small, at most perhaps a few Ohms, power converted to radio waves can be dwarfed by power lost by heat, due to resistance in the conductor, which is at least a few Ohms. For better transmitting performance, larger antennas are always preferred, but at long wavelengths (lower MF and LF) the size of any resonant antenna (including halo antennas) is unfeasibly large, and because they are more compact than a dipole or monopole, small loops are nevertheless used as a least-worst option.
  3. 1 2 3 High angle radiation is not useful for radio communications, except for near vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) or for signalling fast-orbiting spacecraft with a fixed antenna. For the special case of satellite communications, a radiation pattern that uniformly covers the entire sky is convenient, however the otherwise deprecated vertical radiation of a horizontal halo is too meager to uniformly cover the sky.
    For local communications by NVIS, vertical radiation is necessary, but at the low frequencies for which the upward signal can be reflected back down, the long wavelengths make the sizes of half-wave loops cumbersome. Furthermore, the frequencies usable for NVIS change from day-to-day, and once built, no halo design as-yet can resize to adapt as needed for the near-daily change in wavelength.
  4. A "one-armed" standard gamma match, providing an unbalanced feed, as opposed to a balanced "two-armed" 'T'-match (a gamma match for each side of the feedpoint). The use of an unbalanced gamma match is only a typical feature of modern halos; it is not essential to its design. There are other, less common methods of feeding halos that work just as well, or even better, and any type of feed can support a grounded halo, if the halo's connection to the supporting mast is placed (as shown in the illustrations) at the electrically neutral center of the loop(s) and has a connection to ground through the mast.
  5. Feasible small loop transmit frequencies are those that make its perimeter between about 1/ 8 λ~ 1 /3λ ,
    where the wavelength, λ, is given by λ =  299.79 m  / f [in MHz] =   983.563 ft.  / f [in MHz] .
    The highest operating frequency is determined by the minimum capacitance of the small loop's tuning capacitor. The lowest frequency by the maximum capacitance, and by how much loss is acceptable: At lower frequencies the electrical size of the same physical-size loop is smaller, which precipitously reduces the radiation resistance (already quite low for small loops) and makes the already marginal antenna efficiency very poor.
    A more often seen, but overly conservative range is 1/ 10 ~ 1 /4 wave, which applies to receiving loops. The smaller size is motivated by the desire to sustain the high directivity of the loop's reception null, rather than larger sizes preferred for improved transmit efficiency. For receiving shortwave and mediumwave, a much smaller loop antenna size range is quite practical, with the circumferences down to perhaps 1/ 16  wavelength or smaller. There is no such latitude with a halo antenna: It can only be (very nearly)  1 /2 wave.

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In electrical engineering, electrical length is a dimensionless parameter equal to the physical length of an electrical conductor such as a cable or wire, divided by the wavelength of alternating current at a given frequency traveling through the conductor. In other words, it is the length of the conductor measured in wavelengths. It can alternately be expressed as an angle, in radians or degrees, equal to the phase shift the alternating current experiences traveling through the conductor.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Antenna (radio)</span> Electrical device

In radio engineering, an antenna or aerial is the interface between radio waves propagating through space and electric currents moving in metal conductors, used with a transmitter or receiver. In transmission, a radio transmitter supplies an electric current to the antenna's terminals, and the antenna radiates the energy from the current as electromagnetic waves. In reception, an antenna intercepts some of the power of a radio wave in order to produce an electric current at its terminals, that is applied to a receiver to be amplified. Antennas are essential components of all radio equipment.

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A Yagi–Uda antenna, or simply Yagi antenna, is a directional antenna consisting of two or more parallel resonant antenna elements in an end-fire array; these elements are most often metal rods acting as half-wave dipoles. Yagi–Uda antennas consist of a single driven element connected to a radio transmitter or receiver through a transmission line, and additional passive radiators with no electrical connection, usually including one so-called reflector and any number of directors. It was invented in 1926 by Shintaro Uda of Tohoku Imperial University, Japan, with a lesser role played by his boss Hidetsugu Yagi.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Omnidirectional antenna</span> Radio antenna that sends signals in every direction

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Radiation resistance is that part of an antenna's feedpoint electrical resistance caused by the emission of radio waves from the antenna. A radio transmitter applies a radio frequency alternating current to an antenna, which radiates the energy of the current as radio waves. Because the antenna is absorbing the energy it is radiating from the transmitter, the antenna's input terminals present a resistance to the current from the transmitter.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Helical antenna</span> Type of antenna

A helical antenna is an antenna consisting of one or more conducting wires wound in the form of a helix. A helical antenna made of one helical wire, the most common type, is called monofilar, while antennas with two or four wires in a helix are called bifilar, or quadrifilar, respectively.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dipole antenna</span> Antenna consisting of two rod shaped conductors

In radio and telecommunications a dipole antenna or doublet is one of the two simplest and most widely-used types of antenna; the other is the monopole. The dipole is any one of a class of antennas producing a radiation pattern approximating that of an elementary electric dipole with a radiating structure supporting a line current so energized that the current has only one node at each far end. A dipole antenna commonly consists of two identical conductive elements such as metal wires or rods. The driving current from the transmitter is applied, or for receiving antennas the output signal to the receiver is taken, between the two halves of the antenna. Each side of the feedline to the transmitter or receiver is connected to one of the conductors. This contrasts with a monopole antenna, which consists of a single rod or conductor with one side of the feedline connected to it, and the other side connected to some type of ground. A common example of a dipole is the "rabbit ears" television antenna found on broadcast television sets. All dipoles are electrically equivalent to two monopoles mounted end-to-end and fed with opposite phases, with the ground plane between them made "virtual" by the opposing monopole.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Whip antenna</span> Type of radio antenna

A whip antenna is an antenna consisting of a straight flexible wire or rod. The bottom end of the whip is connected to the radio receiver or transmitter. A whip antenna is a form of monopole antenna. The antenna is designed to be flexible so that it does not break easily, and the name is derived from the whip-like motion that it exhibits when disturbed. Whip antennas for portable radios are often made of a series of interlocking telescoping metal tubes, so they can be retracted when not in use. Longer whips, made for mounting on vehicles and structures, are made of a flexible fiberglass rod around a wire core and can be up to 11 m long.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Slot antenna</span> Type of antenna used for various communication

A slot antenna consists of a metal surface, usually a flat plate, with one or more holes or slots cut out. When the plate is driven as an antenna by an applied radio frequency current, the slot radiates electromagnetic waves in a way similar to a dipole antenna. The shape and size of the slot, as well as the driving frequency, determine the radiation pattern. Slot antennas are usually used at UHF and microwave frequencies at which wavelengths are small enough that the plate and slot are conveniently small. At these frequencies, the radio waves are often conducted by a waveguide, and the antenna consists of slots in the waveguide; this is called a slotted waveguide antenna. Multiple slots act as a directive array antenna and can emit a narrow fan-shaped beam of microwaves. They are used in standard laboratory microwave sources used for research, UHF television transmitting antennas, antennas on missiles and aircraft, sector antennas for cellular base stations, and particularly marine radar antennas. A slot antenna's main advantages are its size, design simplicity, and convenient adaptation to mass production using either waveguide or PC board technology.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mast radiator</span> Type of radio frequency antenna

A mast radiator is a radio mast or tower in which the metal structure itself is energized and functions as an antenna. This design, first used widely in the 1930s, is commonly used for transmitting antennas operating at low frequencies, in the LF and MF bands, in particular those used for AM radio broadcasting stations. The conductive steel mast is electrically connected to the transmitter. Its base is usually mounted on a nonconductive support to insulate it from the ground. A mast radiator is a form of monopole antenna.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">T-antenna</span> Type of radio antenna

A ‘T’-antenna, ‘T’-aerial, or flat-top antenna is a monopole radio antenna consisting of one or more horizontal wires suspended between two supporting radio masts or buildings and insulated from them at the ends. A vertical wire is connected to the center of the horizontal wires and hangs down close to the ground, connected to the transmitter or receiver. The shape of the antenna resembles the letter "T", hence the name. The transmitter power is applied, or the receiver is connected, between the bottom of the vertical wire and a ground connection.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Loop antenna</span> Type of radio antenna

A loop antenna is a radio antenna consisting of a loop or coil of wire, tubing, or other electrical conductor, that for transmitting is usually fed by a balanced power source or for receiving feeds a balanced load. Within this physical description there are two distinct types:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Monopole antenna</span> Type of radio antenna

A monopole antenna is a class of radio antenna consisting of a straight rod-shaped conductor, often mounted perpendicularly over some type of conductive surface, called a ground plane. The driving signal from the transmitter is applied, or for receiving antennas the output signal to the receiver is taken, between the lower end of the monopole and the ground plane. One side of the antenna feedline is attached to the lower end of the monopole, and the other side is attached to the ground plane, which is often the Earth. This contrasts with a dipole antenna which consists of two identical rod conductors, with the signal from the transmitter applied between the two halves of the antenna.

In RF engineering, radial has three distinct meanings, both referring to lines which radiate from a radio antenna, but neither meaning is related to the other.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Folded unipole antenna</span> Antenna used for radio broadcasts

The folded unipole antenna is a type of monopole mast radiator antenna used as a transmitting antenna mainly in the medium wave band for AM radio broadcasting stations. It consists of a vertical metal rod or mast mounted over and connected at its base to a grounding system consisting of buried wires. The mast is surrounded by a "skirt" of vertical wires electrically attached at or near the top of the mast. The skirt wires are connected by a metal ring near the mast base, and the feedline feeding power from the transmitter is connected between the ring and the ground.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Umbrella antenna</span>

An umbrella antenna is a capacitively top-loaded wire monopole antenna, consisting in most cases of a mast fed at the ground end, to which a number of radial wires are connected at the top, sloping downwards. One side of the feedline supplying power from the transmitter is connected to the mast, and the other side to a ground (Earthing) system of radial wires buried in the earth under the antenna. They are used as transmitting antennas below 1 MHz, in the MF, LF and particularly the VLF bands, at frequencies sufficiently low that it is impractical or infeasible to build a full size quarter-wave monopole antenna. The outer end of each radial wire, sloping down from the top of the antenna, is connected by an insulator to a supporting rope or cable anchored to the ground; the radial wires can also support the mast as guy wires. The radial wires make the antenna look like the wire frame of a giant umbrella hence the name.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Turnstile antenna</span>

A turnstile antenna, or crossed-dipole antenna, is a radio antenna consisting of a set of two identical dipole antennas mounted at right angles to each other and fed in phase quadrature; the two currents applied to the dipoles are 90° out of phase. The name reflects the notion the antenna looks like a turnstile when mounted horizontally. The antenna can be used in two possible modes. In normal mode the antenna radiates horizontally polarized radio waves perpendicular to its axis. In axial mode the antenna radiates circularly polarized radiation along its axis.

A shortwave broadband antenna is a radio antenna that can be used for transmission of any shortwave radio band from among the greater part of the shortwave radio spectrum, without requiring any band-by-band adjustment of the antenna. Generally speaking, there is no difficulty in building an adequate receiving antenna; the challenge is designing an antenna which can be used for transmission without an adjustable impedance matching network.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Counterpoise (ground system)</span> Substitute for a ground connection in a radio antenna system

In electronics and radio communication, a counterpoise is a network of suspended horizontal wires or cables, used as a substitute for an earth (ground) connection in a radio antenna system. It is used with radio transmitters or receivers when a normal earth ground cannot be used because of high soil resistance or when an antenna is mounted above ground level, for example, on a building. It usually consists of a single wire or network of horizontal wires, parallel to the ground, suspended above the ground under the antenna, connected to the receiver or transmitter's "ground" wire. The counterpoise functions as one plate of a large capacitor, with the conductive layers of the earth acting as the other plate.

In radio systems, many different antenna types are used whose properties are especially crafted for particular applications. Most often, the greatest effect is due to the size (wavelength) of the radio waves the antenna is to intercept or produce; one competing second effect is differences in optimization for receiving and for transmitting; another competing influence is the number and bandwidth of the frequenc(y/ies) that any single antenna must intercept or emit.


  1. 1 2 USpatent 2324462,Leeds, L.M. & Scheldorf, M.W.,"High frequency antenna system",issued 1943-07-13, assigned to General Electric Company
  2. Stites, Francis H. (October 1947). "A halo for six meters". QST . p. 24.
  3. "Folded dipole". Antenna Theory.
  4. 1 2 Tildon, Edward P. (December 1956). "Polarization effects in VHF mobile". QST . pp. 11–13.
  5. Danzer, Paul (September 2004). "A 6 meter halo". QST Magazine. pp. 37–39.