Sovereign wealth fund

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A sovereign wealth fund (SWF), or sovereign investment fund is a state-owned investment fund that invests in real and financial assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, or in alternative investments such as private equity funds or hedge funds. Sovereign wealth funds invest globally. Most SWFs are funded by revenues from commodity exports or from foreign-exchange reserves held by the central bank.


Some sovereign wealth funds may be held by a central bank, which accumulates the funds in the course of its management of a nation's banking system; this type of fund is usually of major economic and fiscal importance. Other sovereign wealth funds are simply the state savings that are invested by various entities for investment return, and that may not have a significant role in fiscal management.

The accumulated funds may have their origin in, or may represent, foreign currency deposits, gold, special drawing rights (SDRs) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) reserve positions held by central banks and monetary authorities, along with other national assets such as pension investments, oil funds, or other industrial and financial holdings. These are assets of the sovereign nations that are typically held in domestic and different reserve currencies (such as the dollar, euro, pound, and yen). Such investment management entities may be set up as official investment companies, state pension funds, or sovereign funds, among others.

There have been attempts to distinguish funds held by sovereign entities from foreign-exchange reserves held by central banks. Sovereign wealth funds can be characterized as maximizing long-term return, with foreign exchange reserves serving short-term "currency stabilization", and liquidity management. Many central banks in recent years possess reserves massively in excess of needs for liquidity or foreign exchange management. Moreover, it is widely believed most have diversified hugely into assets other than short-term, highly liquid monetary ones, though almost no data is publicly available to back up this assertion.


The term "sovereign wealth fund" was first used in 2005 by Andrew Rozanov in an article entitled, "Who holds the wealth of nations?" in the Central Banking Journal. [1] The previous edition of the journal described the shift from traditional reserve management to sovereign wealth management; subsequently the term gained widespread use as the spending power of global officialdom has rocketed upward.[ citation needed ]

China's sovereign wealth funds entered global markets in 2007. [2] :4 Since then, their scale and scope have expanded significantly. [2] :4

SWFs were the first institutions to use sovereign capital in an effort to contain the financial damage in the early stages of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. [2] :1–2 SWFs are able to react quickly in such circumstances because unlike regulators, SWFs actively participate in the market. [2] :2

SWFs grew rapidly between 2008 and 2021, with global assets under management by these funds increasing from approximately $4 trillion to more than $10 trillion. [2] :3

SWFs invest in a variety of asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, private equity and hedge funds. Many sovereign funds are directly investing in institutional real estate. According to the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute's transaction database around US$9.26 billion in direct sovereign wealth fund transactions were recorded in institutional real estate for the last half of 2012. [3] In the first half of 2014, global sovereign wealth fund direct deals amounted to $50.02 billion according to the SWFI. [4]

Early SWFs

Sovereign wealth funds have existed for more than a century, but since 2000, the number of sovereign wealth funds has increased dramatically. The first SWFs were non-federal U.S. state funds established in the mid-19th century to fund specific public services. [5] The U.S. state of Texas was thus the first to establish such a scheme, to fund public education. The Permanent School Fund (PSF) was created in 1854 to benefit primary and secondary schools, with the Permanent University Fund (PUF) following in 1876 to benefit universities. The PUF was endowed with public lands, the ownership of which the state retained by terms of the 1845 annexation treaty between the Republic of Texas and the United States. While the PSF was first funded by an appropriation from the state legislature, it also received public lands at the same time that the PUF was created. The first SWF established for a sovereign state is the Kuwait Investment Authority, a commodity SWF created in 1953 from oil revenues before Kuwait gained independence from the United Kingdom. As of July 2023, Kuwait's Sovereign Wealth Fund, or locally known as Ajyal Fund, is now worth $853 billion. [6]

Another early registered SWFs is the Revenue Equalization Reserve Fund of Kiribati. Created in 1956, when the British administration of the Gilbert Islands in Micronesia put a levy on the export of phosphates used in fertilizer, the fund has since then grown to $520 million. [7]

Nature and purpose

$1 billion sovereign wealth fund initial investment
15% compounding interest annually Sovereign Wealth Fund.webp
$1 billion sovereign wealth fund initial investment
15% compounding interest annually
Dividend payments of 1.5% on initial $1B investment
$26.7 billion in total dividend payments over 40 years.
Dividends were not reinvested and can be used as revenue for the government. Wealth fund dividend payments.webp
Dividend payments of 1.5% on initial $1B investment
$26.7 billion in total dividend payments over 40 years.
Dividends were not reinvested and can be used as revenue for the government.

SWFs are typically created when governments have budgetary surpluses and have little or no international debt.[ dubious discuss ] It is not always possible or desirable to hold this excess liquidity as money or to channel it into immediate consumption. This is especially the case when a nation depends on raw material exports like oil, copper or diamonds. In such countries, the main reason for creating a SWF is because of the properties of resource revenue: high volatility of resource prices, unpredictability of extraction, and exhaustibility of resources.

SWFs are primarily commodity-based and many have been established by oil-rich states. [2] :5 SWFs of China are a notable exception to this more typical model. [2] :5

Stabilization SWFs are created to reduce the volatility of government revenues, to counter the boom-bust cycles' adverse effect on government spending and the national economy.

Savings SWFs build up savings for future generations. One such fund is the Government Pension Fund of Norway. It is believed that SWFs in resource-rich countries can help avoid resource curse, but the literature on this question is controversial. Governments may be able to spend the money immediately, but risk causing the economy to overheat, e.g., in Hugo Chávez's Venezuela or Shah-era Iran. In such circumstances, saving money to spend during a period of low inflation is often desirable.

Other reasons for creating SWFs may be economic, or strategic, such as war chests for uncertain times. For example, the Kuwait Investment Authority during the Gulf War managed excess reserves above the level needed for currency reserves (although many central banks do that now). The Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, Temasek Holdings, or Mubadala are partially the expression of a desire to bolster their countries' standing as an international financial centre. The Korea Investment Corporation has since been similarly managed. Sovereign wealth funds invest in all types of companies and assets, including startups like Xiaomi and renewable energy companies like Bloom Energy. [8]

According to a 2014 study, SWFs are not created for reasons related to reserve accumulation and commodity-export specialization. Rather, the diffusion of SWF can best be understood as a fad whereby certain governments consider it fashionable to create SWFs and are influenced by what their peers are doing. [9]

As market participants, SWFs influence other institutional investors, who may see investments made alongside SWFs as inherently safer. [2] :9 This effect can be seen with increasing frequency, especially with regard to investments made by the Government Pension Fund of Norway, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, and Temasek Holdings, and China Investment Corporation. [2] :9 SLFs help facilitate a state's ability to use its selective equity investments to promote its industrial policies and strategic interests. [2] :9

Concerns about SWFs

The growth of sovereign wealth funds is attracting close attention because:

The governments of SWFs commit to follow certain rules:

Governmental interest in 2008

Santiago Principles

A number of transparency indices sprang up before the Santiago Principles, some more stringent than others.[ citation needed ] To address these concerns, some of the world's main SWFs came together in a summit in Santiago, Chile, on 2–3 September 2008. Under the leadership of the IMF, they formed a temporary International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds. This working group then drafted the 24 Santiago Principles, to set out a common global set of international standards regarding transparency, independence, and accountability in the way that SWFs operate. [15] [16] These were published after being presented to the IMF International Monetary Financial Committee on 11 October 2008. [16] They also considered a standing committee to represent them, and so a new organisation, the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds was set up to maintain the new standards going forward and represent them in international policy debates. [17]

As of 2016, 30 funds [18] have formally signed up to the Principles, representing collectively 80% of the assets managed by sovereign funds globally or US$5.5 trillion. [19]

Size of SWFs

Assets under management of SWFs amounted to $7.94 trillion as of 24 December 2020. [20]

Countries with SWFs funded by oil and gas exports, totaled $5.4 trillion as of 2020. [21] Non-commodity SWFs are typically funded by transfer of assets from official foreign exchange reserves, and in some cases from government budget surpluses and privatization revenues. Middle Eastern and Asian countries account for 77% of all SWFs.

Depletion of SWFs

Numerous SWFs have gone bust throughout history. The most notable ones have been Algeria's FRR, Brazil's FSB, Ecuador's numerous SWF arrangements, Papua New Guinea's MRSF, and Venezuela's FIEM and FONDEN. The main reason why these funds have been exhausted is due to political instability, while economic determinants generally play a less important role. [22]

SWFs in unstable countries may provoke risks for recipient states of SWF investments, given that the instability in SWF-sponsor countries makes those investments uncertain and likely to be disinvested to weather political risk in the short-term.[ citation needed ]

Highly stable countries, such as Denmark, Qatar, China, or Australia are less likely to experience SWF depletion precisely because of their political stability.[ citation needed ]

Largest sovereign wealth funds

Country or RegionAbbreviationFundAssets [23]
billions US$
Flag of Norway.svg NorwayGPF-G Government Pension Fund Global 1,715 [24] 1990Oil & Gas
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChinaCIC China Investment Corporation 1,350 [25] 2007Non-commodity
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChinaSAFE SAFE Investment Company 1,090 [26] 1997 [26] Non-commodity
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesADIA Abu Dhabi Investment Authority 993 [27] 1976Oil & Gas
Flag of Kuwait.svg KuwaitKIA Kuwait Investment Authority 980 [28] 1953Oil & Gas
Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Saudi ArabiaPIF Public Investment Fund 925 [29] 1971Oil & Gas
Flag of Singapore.svg SingaporeGIC GIC Private Limited 770 [30] 1981Non-commodity
Flag of Qatar.svg QatarQIA Qatar Investment Authority 526 [31] 2005Oil & Gas
Flag of Hong Kong.svg Hong KongHKMA Exchange Fund (Hong Kong) 514 [32] 1935 [33] Non-commodity
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChinaNSSF National Council for Social Security Fund 414 [34] 2000Non-commodity
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesICD Investment Corporation of Dubai 341 [35] 2006Oil & Gas
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesPJSC Mubadala Investment Company 302 [36] 2002Oil & Gas
Flag of Singapore.svg SingaporeTH Temasek Holdings 287 [37] [38] 1974Non-commodity
Flag of Turkey.svg TurkeyTWF Turkey Wealth Fund 279.3 [39] 2017Non-commodity
Flag of Australia (converted).svg AustraliaFF Future Fund 223.4 [40] 2006Non-commodity
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesADQ Abu Dhabi Developmental Holding Company 196 [41] 2018Non-commodity
Flag of South Korea.svg South KoreaKIC Korea Investment Corporation 189 [42] 2005Non-commodity
Flag of Iran.svg IranNDFI National Development Fund 156 [43] 2011Oil & Gas
Flag of Russia.svg RussiaNWF Russian National Wealth Fund 133 [44] [45] 2008Oil & Gas
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CanadaAIMCo Alberta Investment Management Corporation 123 [46] 2008Non-commodity
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesEIA Emirates Investment Authority 87 [47] 2007Oil & Gas
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg KazakhstanSK Samruk-Kazyna 80.665 [48] 2008Oil & Gas
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesDW Dubai World 80 [49] 2005Non-commodity
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesAPF Alaska Permanent Fund 77.895 [50] 1976Oil & Gas
Flag of Brunei.svg BruneiBIA Brunei Investment Agency 73 [51] 1983Oil & Gas
Flag of Libya.svg LibyaLIA Libyan Investment Authority 67 [52] 2006Oil & Gas
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg KazakhstanNF Kazakhstan National Fund 55.7 [53] 2012Oil & Gas
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesPSF Texas Permanent School Fund 52.32 [54] 1854Land & Mineral Royalties
Flag of Oman.svg OmanOIA Oman Investment Fund 472020Oil & Gas
Flag of Azerbaijan.svg AzerbaijanSOFAZ State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan [55] 431999Oil & Gas
Flag of Austria.svg AustriaÖBAG Österreichische Beteiligungs AG 38.4 [56] 1967Non-commodity
Flag of Malaysia.svg MalaysiaKN Khazanah Nasional 35.8 [57] 1993Non-commodity
Flag of New Zealand.svg New ZealandNZSF New Zealand Superannuation Fund 35.1 [58] 2003Non-commodity
Flag of France.svg FranceBPI Bpifrance 33.5 [59] 2008Non-commodity
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesPUF Texas Permanent University Fund 33.01 [60] 1876Land & Mineral Royalties
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesLGPF New Mexico Land Grant Permanent Fund 28.65 [61] 1912Land & Mineral Royalties
Flag of Russia.svg RussiaRDIF Russian Direct Investment Fund 25 [62] 2011Non-commodity
Flag of Germany.svg GermanyNWDF Nuclear Waste Disposal Fund 25 [63] 2017Non-commodity
Flag of Norway.svg NorwayGPF-N Government Pension Fund – Norway 222006Oil & Gas
Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg Papua New GuineaPNGSWFPapua New Guinea Sovereign Wealth Fund222011Oil & Gas
Flag of Bahrain.svg BahrainBMHC Mumtalakat Holding Company 18.3 [64] 2006Oil & Gas
Flag of East Timor.svg Timor LesteTLPF Timor-Leste Petroleum Fund 17 [65] 2005Oil & Gas
Flag of Ireland.svg IrelandISIF Ireland Strategic Investment Fund [66] 15.7 [67] 2014Non-commodity
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg CanadaAHSTF Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund 15 [68] [69] 1976Oil & Gas
Flag of Colombia.svg ColombiaFAEPFondo de Ahorro y Estabilización Petrolera121995Oil & Gas
Flag of Chile.svg ChileESSFEconomic and Social Stabilization Fund [70] 112007Copper
Flag of Chile.svg ChilePRFPension Reserve Fund112006Copper
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesPWMTFPermanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund10.05 [71] 1974Minerals
Flag of the Philippines.svg PhilippinesMIF Maharlika Investment Fund 9.22023Non-commodity
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesNDLF North Dakota Legacy Fund 10.27 [72] 2011Oil & Gas
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesSTPF New Mexico Severance Tax Permanent Fund 8.33 [73] 1973Oil & Gas
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg United KingdomNWFNational Wealth Fund7.3 [74] 2024Non-commodity
Flag of Mexico.svg MexicoFMP Fondo Mexicano del Petroleo para la Estabilizacion y el Desarrollo 72000Oil & Gas
Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg Trinidad & TobagoHSFHeritage and Stabilization Fund [75] 5.6 [76] 2000Oil & Gas
Flag of Indonesia.svg IndonesiaINA Indonesia Investment Authority 5.6 [77] 2021Non-commodity
Flag of India.svg IndiaNIIF National Investment and Infrastructure Fund 5.3 [78] 2015Non-commodity
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg ChinaCADF China-Africa Development Fund 5 [79] 2007Non-commodity
Flag of Peru.svg PeruFSFFiscal Stabilization Fund [80] 51999Non-commodity
Flag of Italy.svg ItalyCDP Equity Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Equity [81] 394 [82] 2011Non-commodity
Flag of Botswana.svg BotswanaPF Pula Fund 4.1 [83] 1994Diamonds
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesATF Alabama Trust Fund 3.4 [84] 1985Oil & Gas
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesIEFIBIdaho Endowment Fund Investment Board [85] 3.2 [86] 1969Land & Mineral Royalties
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesSIFTOUtah School and Institutional Trust Funds Office [87] 2.51983Land & Mineral Royalties
Flag of Vietnam.svg VietnamSCIC State Capital Investment Corporation 2.4 [88] 2006Non-commodity
Flag of Nigeria.svg NigeriaNSIA Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority 2.3 [89] 2011Oil & Gas
Flag of Angola.svg AngolaFSDEA Fundo Soberano de Angola 2.2 [90] 2012Oil & Gas
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg BelgiumSFPIM Federale Participatie- en Investeringsmaatschappij  [ fr ]21962Non-commodity
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesRAKIA Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority 22005Oil & Gas
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg United Arab EmiratesSAMSharjah Asset Management Holding [91] [92] 22008Non-Commodity
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesCSF Oregon Common School Fund 21859Lands & Mineral Royalties
Flag of Kuwait.svg KuwaitAWQAF Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Fund [93] 1.991993Non-commodity
Flag of Panama.svg PanamaFAPFondo de Ahorro de Panama [94] 1.4 [95] 2012Non-commodity
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesLEQTFLouisiana Education Quality Trust Fund [96] 1.5 [97] 1986Oil & Gas
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesBCPL Wisconsin Board of Commissioners of Public Lands 1.41848Land, Timber and Non-commodity
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesFMPColorado Public School Fund Endowment Board1.22016Lands and Minerals Royalties
Flag of Israel.svg Israel Israeli Citizens' Fund 1.012022Gas & Minerals
Flag of Gabon.svg GabonFGISFonds Gabonais d'Investissements Strategiques1.02012Oil & Gas
Flag of Palestine.svg PalestinePIF Palestine Investment Fund 0.9 [98] 2003Non-commodity
Flag of Ghana.svg GhanaGPFGhana Petroleum Funds0.92011Oil & Gas
Flag of Australia (converted).svg AustraliaWAFFWestern Australian Future Fund0.9 [99] 2012Minerals
Flag of Turkmenistan.svg TurkmenistanTSFTurkmenistan Stabilization Fund0.52008Oil & Gas
Flag of Bolivia.svg BoliviaFINPROFondo para la Revolución Industrial Productiva [100] 0.42015Non-commodity
Flag of Kiribati.svg KiribatiRERF Revenue Equalization Reserve Fund 0.41956Phosphates
Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg Equatorial GuineaFRGFFonds de Réserves pour Générations Futures0.22002Oil & Gas
Flag of Rwanda.svg RwandaAGDFAgaciro Development Fund [101] 0.2 [102] 2012Non-commodity
Flag of the United States.svg United StatesWVFF West Virginia Future Fund 0.1 [103] 2014 [104] Oil & Gas
Flag of Mauritania.svg MauritaniaNFHRNational Fund for Hydrocarbon Reserves0.1 [105] 2006Oil & Gas
Flag of Mongolia.svg MongoliaFHFFuture Heritage Fund [106] 0.12011Minerals
Flag of Nigeria.svg NigeriaBDICBayelsa Development and Investment Corporation0.12012Non-commodity
Flag of Senegal.svg SenegalFONSISFonds Souverain d'Investissement Strategiques [107] 0.12012Non-commodity

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    Further reading