Strictly convex space

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The unit ball in the middle figure is strictly convex, while the other two balls are not (they contain a line segment as part of their boundary). Vector norms.svg
The unit ball in the middle figure is strictly convex, while the other two balls are not (they contain a line segment as part of their boundary).

In mathematics, a strictly convex space is a normed vector space (X, || ||) for which the closed unit ball is a strictly convex set. Put another way, a strictly convex space is one for which, given any two distinct points x and y on the unit sphereB (i.e. the boundary of the unit ball B of X), the segment joining x and y meets ∂Bonly at x and y. Strict convexity is somewhere between an inner product space (all inner product spaces being strictly convex) and a general normed space in terms of structure. It also guarantees the uniqueness of a best approximation to an element in X (strictly convex) out of a convex subspace Y, provided that such an approximation exists.

Mathematics field of study

Mathematics includes the study of such topics as quantity, structure, space, and change.

Normed vector space vector space on which a norm is defined

In mathematics, a normed vector space is a vector space over the real or complex numbers, on which a norm is defined. A norm is the formalization and the generalization to real vector spaces of the intuitive notion of distance in the real world. A norm is a real-valued function defined on the vector space that has the following properties:

  1. The zero vector, 0, has zero length; every other vector has a positive length.
  2. Multiplying a vector by a positive number changes its length without changing its direction. Moreover,
  3. The triangle inequality holds. That is, taking norms as distances, the distance from point A through B to C is never shorter than going directly from A to C, or the shortest distance between any two points is a straight line.
Ball (mathematics) in mathematics, space inside a sphere

In mathematics, a ball is the space bounded by a sphere. It may be a closed ball or an open ball.


If the normed space X is complete and satisfies the slightly stronger property of being uniformly convex (which implies strict convexity), then it is also reflexive by Milman-Pettis theorem.

In mathematics, more specifically in functional analysis, a Banach space is a complete normed vector space. Thus, a Banach space is a vector space with a metric that allows the computation of vector length and distance between vectors and is complete in the sense that a Cauchy sequence of vectors always converges to a well defined limit that is within the space.

In mathematics, uniformly convex spaces are common examples of reflexive Banach spaces. The concept of uniform convexity was first introduced by James A. Clarkson in 1936.


The following properties are equivalent to strict convexity.

In logic and related fields such as mathematics and philosophy, if and only if is a biconditional logical connective between statements.

See also

In mathematics, the modulus of convexity and the characteristic of convexity are measures of "how convex" the unit ball in a Banach space is. In some sense, the modulus of convexity has the same relationship to the ε-δ definition of uniform convexity as the modulus of continuity does to the ε-δ definition of continuity.

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