Tulsa race riot

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Tulsa race riot
Part of racism in the United States
Homes and businesses burned in Greenwood
Location Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.
Coordinates 36°09′34″N95°59′11″W / 36.1594°N 95.9864°W / 36.1594; -95.9864 Coordinates: 36°09′34″N95°59′11″W / 36.1594°N 95.9864°W / 36.1594; -95.9864
DateMay 31 – June 1, 1921
TargetBlack residents, their homes and businesses
WeaponsGuns, explosives, incendiary devices, some dropped from airplanes [1] :196
Deaths36 total; 26 black and 10 white (1921 records)
150–200 black and 50 white (1921 estimate by W.F. White) [2]
56 confirmed (2001 commission) [3]
183 serious injuries [3]
exact number unknown
PerpetratorsWhite American mob and [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] :8, 10 the United States National Guard [1] :193, 196[ citation needed ]

The Tulsa race riot (also called the Tulsa massacre, Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre) of 1921 [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. [1] It has been called "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history." [15] The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district – at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".


More than 800 people were admitted to hospitals and more than 6,000 black residents were arrested and detained, many for several days. [16] The Oklahoma Bureau of Vital Statistics officially recorded 36 dead, but the American Red Cross declined to provide an estimate. A 2001 state commission examination of events noted estimations from between 36 and 300 killed in the rioting, and based on contemporary autopsy reports and death certificates, the commission confirmed 39 black males, 13 white males, and 4 unidentifiable bodies.

The riot began over Memorial Day weekend after 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was accused of assaulting Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator of the nearby Drexel Building. He was taken into custody. A subsequent gathering of angry local whites outside the courthouse where Rowland was being held, and the spread of rumors he had been lynched, alarmed the local black population, some of whom arrived at the courthouse armed. Shots were fired and twelve people were killed: ten white and two black. [17] As news of these deaths spread throughout the city, mob violence exploded. [2] White rioters rampaged through the black neighborhood that night and morning killing men and burning and looting stores and homes, and only around noon the next day Oklahoma National Guard troops managed to get control of the situation by declaring martial law. About 10,000 black people were left homeless, and property damage amounted to more than $1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property (equivalent to $32.25 million in 2019).

Many survivors left Tulsa. Black and white residents who stayed in the city were silent for decades about the terror, violence, and losses of this event. The riot was largely omitted from local, state, and national histories.

In 1996, seventy-five years after the riot, a bipartisan group in the state legislature authorized formation of the Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (renamed Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Massacre, in November 2018). Members were appointed to investigate events, interview survivors, hear testimony from the public, and prepare a report of events. There was an effort toward public education about these events through the process. The Commission's final report, published in 2001, said that the city had conspired with the mob of white citizens against black citizens; it recommended a program of reparations to survivors and their descendants. [1] The state passed legislation to establish some scholarships for descendants of survivors, encourage economic development of Greenwood, and develop a memorial park in Tulsa to the riot victims. The park was dedicated in 2010.


A map of Tulsa in 1920. The Greenwood District was in northern Tulsa. Tulsa OK Map 1920.jpg
A map of Tulsa in 1920. The Greenwood District was in northern Tulsa.

In 1921, Oklahoma had a racially, socially and politically tense atmosphere. The First World War had ended in 1918 with the return of many ex-servicemen. The American Civil War was still in living memory, even though it had ended in 1865. Civil rights for disenfranchised peoples were lacking and the Ku Klux Klan was resurgent. Tulsa, as a booming oil city, supported a large number of affluent, educated and professional African Americans. This combination of factors played a part in the rising tensions which were to culminate in the coming events.

The territory of Northern Oklahoma had been established for resettlement of Native Americans from the Southeast, some of whom had owned slaves. [18] Other areas had received many settlers from the South whose families had been slaveholders before the Civil War. Oklahoma was admitted as a state on November 16, 1907. The newly created state legislature passed racial segregation laws, commonly known as Jim Crow laws, as its first order of business. The 1907 Oklahoma Constitution did not call for strict segregation; delegates feared that, should they include such restrictions, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt would veto the document. Still, the very first law passed by the new legislature segregated all rail travel, and voter registration rules effectively disenfranchised most blacks. That meant they were also barred from serving on juries or in local office. These laws were enforced until after passage of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. Major cities passed additional restrictions. [19] [ page needed ]

In the early 20th century, lynchings were common in Oklahoma as part of a continuing effort to assert and maintain white supremacy. [19] [ page needed ] [20] [21] Between the declaration of statehood and the riot thirteen years later, at least 31 persons were lynched in Oklahoma; 26 were black, and nearly all were men or boys. During the twenty years following the riot, the number of known lynchings statewide fell to two. [22]

On August 4, 1916, Tulsa passed an ordinance that mandated residential segregation by forbidding blacks or whites from residing on any block where three-fourths or more of the residents were of the other race. Although the United States Supreme Court declared such an ordinance unconstitutional the following year, Tulsa and many other border and Southern cities continued to establish and enforce segregation for the next three decades. [19] :1–42 [23]

As returning veterans tried to reenter the labor market following World War I, social tensions and anti-black sentiment increased in cities where job competition was high. At the same time, black veterans pushed to have their civil rights enforced, believing they had earned full citizenship by military service. In what became known as the "Red Summer" of 1919, industrial cities across the Midwest and Northeast experienced severe race riots in which whites, sometimes including local authorities, attacked black communities. In Chicago and some other cities, blacks defended themselves for the first time with force but were often outnumbered.

Northeastern Oklahoma was in an economic slump that increased unemployment. Since 1915, the Ku Klux Klan had been growing in urban chapters across the country. Its first significant appearance in Oklahoma occurred on August 12, 1921. [20] By the end of 1921, Tulsa had 3,200 residents in the Klan by one estimate. [20] The city's population was 72,000 in 1920. [24]

Greenwood was a district in Tulsa organized in 1906 following Booker T. Washington's 1905 tour of Arkansas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma. Greenwood became so prosperous that it came to be known as "the Negro Wall Street" (now commonly referred to as "the Black Wall Street"). [25] Blacks had created their own businesses and services in this enclave, including several grocers, two newspapers, two movie theaters, nightclubs, and numerous churches. Black professionals, including doctors, dentists, lawyers, and clergy, served their peers. Most blacks lived together in the district and during his trip to Tulsa in 1905, Washington encouraged the co-operation, economic independence and excellence being demonstrated there. Greenwood District was formally established in Tulsa in 1906, namesake of the Greenwood District Washington had established as his own demonstration in Tuskegee, Alabama, five years earlier. Greenwood residents selected their own leaders and raised capital there to support economic growth. In the surrounding areas of northeastern Oklahoma, blacks also enjoyed relative prosperity and participated in the oil boom. [25]

Monday, May 30, 1921 – Memorial Day

Encounter in the elevator

It is alleged that at some time about or after 4 PM, 19-year-old Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner employed at a Main Street shine parlor, entered the only elevator of the nearby Drexel Building at 319 South Main Street to use the top-floor restroom, which was restricted to black people. He encountered Sarah Page, the 17-year-old white elevator operator on duty. The two likely knew each other at least by sight, as this building was the only one nearby with a restroom which Rowland had express permission to use, and the elevator operated by Page was the only one in the building. A clerk at Renberg's, a clothing store on the first floor of the Drexel, heard what sounded like a woman's scream and saw a young black man rushing from the building. The clerk went to the elevator and found Page in what he said was a distraught state. Thinking she had been assaulted, he summoned the authorities. [1] :37–102

The 2001 Oklahoma Commission Final Report notes that it was unusual for both Rowland and Page to be working downtown on Memorial Day, when most stores and businesses were closed. It suggests that Rowland had a simple accident, such as tripping and steadying himself against the girl, or perhaps they had a quarrel. [1] :37–102

Whether – and to what extent – Dick Rowland and Sarah Page knew each other has long been a matter of speculation. It seems reasonable that they would have least been able to recognize each other on sight, as Rowland would have regularly ridden in Page's elevator on his way to and from the restroom. Others, however, have speculated that the pair might have been lovers – a dangerous and potentially deadly taboo, but not an impossibility. Whether they knew each other or not, it is clear that both Dick Rowland and Sarah Page were downtown on Monday, May 30, 1921 – although this, too, is cloaked in some mystery. On Memorial Day, most – but not all – stores and businesses in Tulsa were closed. Yet, both Rowland and Page were apparently working that day.

Yet in the days and years that followed, many who knew Dick Rowland agreed on one thing: that he would never have been capable of rape.

A common explanation often offered is that Dick Rowland tripped as he got onto the elevator and, as he tried to catch his fall, he grabbed onto the arm of Sarah Page, who then screamed. [1] :57

Brief investigation

Although the police likely questioned Page, no written account of her statement has been found. It is generally accepted that the police determined that what happened between the two teenagers was something less than an assault. The authorities conducted a low-key investigation rather than launching a man-hunt for her alleged assailant. Afterward, Page told the police that she would not press charges. [19] [ page needed ]

Regardless of whether assault had occurred, Rowland had reason to be fearful. At the time, such an accusation alone put him at risk for attack by angry mobs of white people. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Rowland fled to his mother's house in the Greenwood neighborhood. [1] :37–102

Identity of the black rioters

On June 3, the Morning Tulsa Daily World reported major points of their interview with Deputy Sheriff Barney Cleaver concerning the events leading up to the Tulsa riot. Cleaver was deputy sheriff for Okmulgee County and not under the supervision of the city police department; his duties mainly involved enforcing law among the "colored people" of Greenwood but he also operated a business as a private investigator. He had previously been dismissed as a city police investigator for assisting county officers with a drug raid at Gurley's Hotel but not reporting his involvement to his superiors. [26] He had considerable land holdings and suffered tremendous financial damages as a result of the riot. Among his holdings were several residential properties and Cleaver Hall, a large community gathering place and function hall. He reported personally evicting a number of armed criminals who had taken to barricading themselves within properties he owned. Upon eviction, they merely moved to Cleaver Hall. Cleaver reported that the majority of violence started at Cleaver Hall along with the rioters barricaded inside. Charles Page offered to build him a new home. [4]

The Morning Tulsa Daily World stated, "Cleaver named Will Robinson, a dope peddler and all around bad negro, as the leader of the armed blacks. He has also the names of three others who were in the armed gang at the court house. The rest of the negroes participating in the fight, he says, were former servicemen who had an exaggerated idea of their own importance... They did not belong here, had no regular employment and were simply a floating element with seemingly no ambition in life but to foment trouble." [4] O. W. Gurley, owner of Gurley's Hotel, identified the following men by name as arming themselves and gathering in his hotel: Will Robinson, Peg Leg Taylor, Bud Bassett, Henry Van Dyke, Chester Ross, Jake Mayes, O. B. Mann, John Suplesox, Fatty, Jack Scott, Lee Mable, John Bowman and W. S. Weaver. [5]

Tuesday, May 31, 1921

Suspect arrested

One of the news articles that contributed to tensions in Tulsa Nab Negro for Attacking Girl in an Elevator.png
One of the news articles that contributed to tensions in Tulsa

On the morning after the incident, Detective Henry Carmichael and Henry C. Pack, a black patrolman, located Rowland on Greenwood Avenue and detained him. Pack was one of two black officers on the city's police force, which then included about 45 officers. [19] [ page needed ] Rowland was initially taken to the Tulsa city jail at First and Main. Late that day, Police Commissioner J. M. Adkison said he had received an anonymous telephone call threatening Rowland's life. He ordered Rowland transferred to the more secure jail on the top floor of the Tulsa County Courthouse. [27]

Rowland was well known among attorneys and other legal professionals within the city, many of whom knew Rowland through his work as a shoeshiner. Some witnesses later recounted hearing several attorneys defend Rowland in their conversations with one another. One of the men said, "Why, I know that boy, and have known him a good while. That's not in him." [28]

Newspaper coverage

The Tulsa Tribune , one of two white-owned papers published in Tulsa, broke the story in that afternoon's edition with the headline: "Nab Negro for Attacking Girl In an Elevator", describing the alleged incident. According to some witnesses, the same edition of the Tribune included an editorial warning of a potential lynching of Rowland, entitled "To Lynch Negro Tonight". The paper was known at the time to have a "sensationalist" style of news writing. All original copies of that issue of the paper have apparently been destroyed, and the relevant page is missing from the microfilm copy, so the exact content of the column (and whether it existed at all) remains in dispute.[ citation needed ] [1] :55–59 [29] [30]

Stand-off at the courthouse

The afternoon edition of the Tribune hit the streets shortly after 3 PM, and soon news spread of a potential lynching. By 4 PM, local authorities were on alert. White residents began congregating at and near the Tulsa County Courthouse. By sunset at 7:34 PM, the several hundred white residents assembled outside the courthouse appeared to have the makings of a lynch mob. Willard M. McCullough, the newly elected sheriff of Tulsa County, was determined to avoid events such as the 1920 lynching of white murder suspect Roy Belton in Tulsa, which had occurred during the term of his predecessor. [17] The sheriff took steps to ensure the safety of Rowland. McCullough organized his deputies into a defensive formation around Rowland, who was terrified.[ failed verification ] One of Scott Ellsworth's references in the 2001 commission report::72 The Guthrie Daily Leader reported that Rowland had been taken to the county jail before crowds started to gather. [31] The sheriff positioned six of his men, armed with rifles and shotguns, on the roof of the courthouse. He disabled the building's elevator, and had his remaining men barricade themselves at the top of the stairs with orders to shoot any intruders on sight. The sheriff went outside and tried to talk the crowd into going home, but to no avail. According to an account by Scott Ellsworth, the sheriff was "hooted down". [1] :37–102

About 8:20 PM, three white men entered the courthouse, demanding that Rowland be turned over to them. Although vastly outnumbered by the growing crowd out on the street, Sheriff McCullough turned the men away. [19] :81

A few blocks away on Greenwood Avenue, members of the black community gathered to discuss the situation at Gurley's Hotel. [4] [5] [6] Given the recent lynching of Belton, a white man accused of murder, they believed that Rowland was greatly at risk. Many black residents were determined to prevent the crowd from lynching Rowland, but they were divided about tactics. Young World War I veterans prepared for a battle by collecting guns and ammunition. Older, more prosperous men feared a destructive confrontation that likely would cost them dearly. [19] [ page needed ] O. W. Gurley gave a sworn statement to the Grand Jury that he tried to convince the men that there would be no lynching but that they had responded that Sheriff McCullough had personally told them their presence was required. [5] About 9:30 PM, a group of approximately 50–60 black men, armed with rifles and shotguns, arrived at the jail to support the sheriff and his deputies in defending Rowland from the mob. Corroborated by ten witnesses, attorney James Luther submitted to the grand jury that they were following the orders of Sheriff McCullough who publicly denied he gave any orders:

I saw a car full of negroes driving through the streets with guns; I saw Bill McCullough and told him those negroes would cause trouble; McCullough tried to talk to them, and they got out and stood in single file. W. G. Daggs was killed near Boulder and Sixth street. I was under the impression that a man with authority could have stopped and disarmed them. I saw Chief of Police on south side of court house on top step, talking; I did not see any officer except the Chief; I walked in the court house and met McCullough in about 15 feet of his door; I told him these negroes were going to make trouble, and he said he had told them to go home; he went out and told the whites to go home, and one said "they said you told them to come up here." McCullough said "I did not" and a negro said you did tell us to come. [5] [6]

Taking up arms

Having seen the armed blacks, some of the more than 1,000 whites who had been at the courthouse went home for their own guns. Others headed for the National Guard armory at Sixth Street and Norfolk Avenue, where they planned to arm themselves. The armory contained a supply of small arms and ammunition. Major James Bell of the 180th Infantry Regiment had already learned of the mounting situation downtown and the possibility of a break-in which he consequently took measures to prevent. He called the commanders of the three National Guard units in Tulsa, who ordered all the Guard members to put on their uniforms and report quickly to the armory. When a group of whites arrived and began pulling at the grating over a window, Bell went outside to confront the crowd of 300 to 400 men. Bell told them that the Guard members inside were armed and prepared to shoot anyone who tried to enter. After this show of force, the crowd withdrew from the armory. [19] [ page needed ]

At the courthouse, the crowd had swollen to nearly 2,000, many of them now armed. Several local leaders, including Reverend Charles W. Kerr, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, tried to dissuade mob action. The chief of police, John A. Gustafson, later claimed that he tried to talk the crowd into going home. [1] :37–102

Anxiety on Greenwood Avenue was rising. Many blacks worried about the safety of Rowland. Small groups of armed black men ventured toward the courthouse in automobiles, partly for reconnaissance, and to demonstrate they were prepared to take necessary action to protect Rowland. [1] :37–102

Many white men interpreted these actions as a "Negro uprising" and became concerned. Eyewitnesses reported gunshots, presumably fired into the air, increasing in frequency during the evening. [1] :37–102

Second offer

In Greenwood, rumors began to fly – in particular, a report that whites were storming the courthouse. Shortly after 10 pm, a second, larger group of approximately 75 armed black men decided to go to the courthouse. They offered their support to the sheriff, who declined their help. According to witnesses, a white man is alleged to have told one of the armed black men to surrender his pistol. The man refused, and a shot was fired. That first shot may have been accidental, or meant as a warning; it was a catalyst for an exchange of gunfire. [32]


The gunshots triggered an almost immediate response by whites in the crowd, many of whom fired on the blacks, who then fired back at the whites. The first "battle" was said to last a few seconds or so, but took a toll, as ten whites and two blacks lay dead or dying in the street. [17] The black contingent retreated toward Greenwood. A rolling gunfight ensued. The armed white mob pursued the armed black mob toward Greenwood, with many stopping to loot local stores for additional weapons and ammunition. Along the way, bystanders, many of whom were leaving a movie theater after a show, were caught off guard by the mobs and fled. Panic set in as the white mob began firing on any black people in the crowd. The white mob also shot and killed at least one white man in the confusion. [1] :37–102

At around 11 PM, members of the National Guard unit began to assemble at the armory to organize a plan to subdue the rioters. Several groups were deployed downtown to set up guard at the courthouse, police station, and other public facilities. Members of the local chapter of the American Legion joined in on patrols of the streets. The forces appeared to have been deployed to protect the white districts adjacent to Greenwood. The National Guard rounded up numerous black people and took them to the Convention Hall on Brady Street for detention. [1] :37–102

Many prominent white Tulsans also participated in the riot,[ citation needed ] including Tulsa founder and Ku Klux Klan member W. Tate Brady, who participated in the riot as a night watchman. This Land Press reported that W. Tate Brady participated and led the tarring and feathering of a group of men. The article stated that police, "delivered the convicted men into the custody of the black-robed Knights of Liberty." The provided document attached to the article states,""I believe the circumstantial evidence is sufficient to prevent any of them from wanting to give anyone any trouble in the way of lawsuits...all made the same statement with emphasis that Tate Brady put on the tar and feathers in the 'name of the women and children of Belgium.' The same is true as to the part that Chief of Police Ed Lucas took. Not all the witnesses said they would swear in court as to...[document incomplete]" The since uncovered remainder of the document continues, "It is a question as to what extent I could go in establishing beyond a doubt the persons in the mob since their disguise with the robes and masks was complete. I doubt if I could do it in a court in Oklahoma at this time." [33] [34] [35]

In the Tulsa Daily World article about the incident, the victims were reported to be suspected German spies, referred to as I.W.W.'s. [36] Harlows Weekly also explains the contemporary connection between Belgium, the I.W.W. and the Knights of Liberty. The article sympathetically explains the actions as economically and politically motivated rather than racially motivated. [37] [38] A Kansas detective reported over 200 members of the I.W.W. and their affiliates migrated to Oklahoma to organize an open rebellion among the working class against the war effort planned for November 1, 1917. It was reported that police beat the I.W.W. members before delivering them to the Knights of Liberty. [39] The Tulsa Daily World reported that none of the policemen could identify any of the hooded men. The Tulsa Daily World article states that the policemen were kidnapped, forced to drive the prisoners to a ravine and forced to watch the entire ordeal at gunpoint. [40] Previous reports regarding Brady's character seem favorable and he hired black employees in his businesses. [41] Brady married a Cherokee woman and fought for Cherokee claims against the U.S. government. [42]

At around midnight, white rioters again assembled outside the courthouse. It was a smaller group but more organized and determined. They shouted in support of a lynching. When they attempted to storm the building, the sheriff and his deputies turned them away and dispersed them.[ citation needed ]

Wednesday, June 1, 1921

Throughout the early morning hours, groups of armed whites and blacks squared off in gunfights. At this point the fighting was concentrated along sections of the Frisco tracks, a dividing line between the black and white commercial districts. A rumor circulated that more blacks were coming by train from Muskogee to help with an invasion of Tulsa. At one point, passengers on an incoming train were forced to take cover on the floor of the train cars, as they had arrived in the midst of crossfire, with the train taking hits on both sides. [19] [ page needed ]

Small groups of whites made brief forays by car into Greenwood, indiscriminately firing into businesses and residences. They often received return fire. Meanwhile, white rioters threw lighted oil rags into several buildings along Archer Street, igniting them. [19] [ page needed ]

Fires begin

Fires burning along Archer and Greenwood during the Tulsa race riot of 1921 Tulsariotpostcard2.jpg
Fires burning along Archer and Greenwood during the Tulsa race riot of 1921

At around 1 AM, the white mob began setting fires, mainly in businesses on commercial Archer Street at the southern edge of the Greenwood district. As crews from the Tulsa Fire Department arrived to put out fires, they were turned away at gunpoint. [19] [ page needed ][ failed verification ] Scott Elsworth makes the same claim, [1] :66 but his reference makes no mention of firefighters.:19 Parrish gave only praise for the national guard. [43] :20 Another reference Elsworth gives to support the claim of holding firefighters at gunpoint is only a summary of events in which they suppressed the firing of guns by the rioters and disarmed them of their firearms. [44] Yet another of his references states that they were fired upon by the white mob, "It would mean a fireman's life to turn a stream of water on one of those negro buildings. They shot at us all morning when we were trying to do something but none of my men were hit. There is not a chance in the world to get through that mob into the negro district." [31] :4 By 4 AM, an estimated two dozen black-owned businesses had been set ablaze.

As news traveled among Greenwood residents in the early morning hours, many began to take up arms in defense of their neighborhood, while others began a mass exodus from the city. [45] Throughout the night both sides continued fighting, sometimes only sporadically.


Upon sunrise, around 5 AM, a train whistle sounded (Hirsch said it was a siren). Some rioters believed this sound to be a signal for the rioters to launch an all-out assault on Greenwood. A white man stepped out from behind the Frisco depot and was fatally shot by a sniper in Greenwood. Crowds of rioters poured from their shelter, on foot and by car, into the streets of the black neighborhood. Five white men in a car led the charge, but were killed by a fusillade of gunfire before they had traveled one block. [19] [ page needed ]

Overwhelmed by the sheer number of white attackers, the blacks retreated north on Greenwood Avenue to the edge of town. Chaos ensued as terrified residents fled. The rioters shot indiscriminately and killed many residents along the way. Splitting into small groups, they began breaking into houses and buildings, looting. Several residents later testified the rioters broke into occupied homes and ordered the residents out to the street, where they could be driven or forced to walk to detention centers. [19] [ page needed ]

A rumor spread among the rioters that the new Mount Zion Baptist Church was being used as a fortress and armory. Purportedly twenty caskets full of rifles had been delivered to the church, though no evidence was ever found. [19] :107

Attack by air

Numerous eyewitnesses described airplanes carrying white assailants, who fired rifles and dropped firebombs on buildings, homes, and fleeing families. The privately owned aircraft were dispatched from the nearby Curtiss-Southwest Field outside Tulsa. [46]

Law enforcement officials later said that the planes were to provide reconnaissance and protect against a "Negro uprising". [46] Law enforcement personnel were thought to be aboard at least some flights. [1] [ page needed ] Eyewitness accounts, such as testimony from the survivors during Commission hearings and a manuscript by eyewitness and attorney Buck Colbert Franklin discovered in 2015, said that on the morning of June 1, at least "a dozen or more" planes circled the neighborhood and dropped "burning turpentine balls" on an office building, a hotel, a filling station and multiple other buildings. Men also fired rifles at young and old black residents, gunning them down in the street. [46] [8]

Richard S. Warner concluded in his submission to The Oklahoma Commission that contrary to later reports by claimed eyewitnesses of seeing explosions, there was no reliable evidence to support such attacks. [1] :107 Warner noted that while a number of newspapers targeted at black readers heavily reported the use of nitroglycerin, turpentine and rifles from the planes, many cited anonymous sources or second-hand accounts. [1] :107 Beryl Ford, one of the preeminent historians of the disaster, concluded from her large collection of photographs that there was no evidence of any building damaged by explosions. [1] :106 Danney Goble commended Warner on his efforts and supported his conclusions. [1] :6 State representative Don Ross (born in Tulsa in 1941), however, dissented from the evidence presented in the report concluding that bombs were in fact dropped from planes during the violence. [1] :prologue, viii

New eyewitness account

In 2015, a previously unknown written eyewitness account of the events of May 31, 1921 was discovered and subsequently obtained by the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. The 10-page typewritten manuscript was authored by noted Oklahoma attorney Buck Colbert Franklin. [47] [8]

Notable quotes:

Lurid flames roared and belched and licked their forked tongues into the air. Smoke ascended the sky in thick, black volumes and amid it all, the planes – now a dozen or more in number – still hummed and darted here and there with the agility of natural birds of the air. [8]

Planes circling in mid-air: They grew in number and hummed, darted and dipped low. I could hear something like hail falling upon the top of my office building. Down East Archer, I saw the old Mid-Way hotel on fire, burning from its top, and then another and another and another building began to burn from their top. [8]

The side-walks were literally covered with burning turpentine balls. I knew all too well where they came from, and I knew all too well why every burning building first caught fire from the top. [8]

I paused and waited for an opportune time to escape. 'Where oh where is our splendid fire department with its half dozen stations?' I asked myself. 'Is the city in conspiracy with the mob?' [8]

Franklin stated that every time he saw a white man shot, he "felt happy" [8] :8 and he "swelled with pride and hope for the race." [8] :6

Franklin reported seeing multiple machine guns firing at night and hearing 'thousands and thousands of guns' being fired simultaneously from all directions. [8] :4 He states that he was arrested by "a thousand boys, it seemed,...firing their guns every step they took." [8] :8

Other whites

As unrest spread to other parts of the city, many middle class white families who employed black people in their homes as live-in cooks and servants were accosted by white rioters. They demanded the families turn over their employees to be taken to detention centers around the city. Many white families complied, and those who refused were subjected to attacks and vandalism in turn. [1] :37–102[ page range too broad ]

Arrival of National Guard troops

National Guard with wounded. Tulsaraceriot1921-wounded-pickedup-fullpicture.jpg
National Guard with wounded.

Adjutant General Charles Barrett of the Oklahoma National Guard arrived with 109 troops from Oklahoma City by special train about 9:15 AM. Ordered in by the governor, he could not legally act until he had contacted all the appropriate local authorities, including the mayor T. D. Evans, the sheriff, and the police chief. Meanwhile, his troops paused to eat breakfast. Barrett summoned reinforcements from several other Oklahoma cities.

By this time, thousands of black residents had fled the city; another 4,000 persons had been rounded up and detained at various centers. Under the martial law established that day, the detainees were required to carry identification cards. [1] :123–132

Barrett declared martial law at 11:49 AM, [19] [ page needed ] and by noon the troops had managed to suppress most of the remaining violence. A 1921 letter from an officer of the Service Company, Third Infantry, Oklahoma National Guard, who arrived May 31, 1921, reported numerous events related to suppression of the riot:

Stockpiled ammunition

Captain John W. McCune reported that stockpiled ammunition within the burning structures began to explode which may have further contributed to casualties. [48]

End of martial law

Martial law was withdrawn Friday afternoon, June 4, 1921 under Field Order No. 7. [49]


Little Africa on Fire. Tulsa Race Riot, June 1, 1921 Apparently taken from the roof of the Hotel Tulsa on 3rd St. between Boston Ave. and Cincinnati Ave. The first row of buildings is along 2nd St. The smoke cloud on the left (Cincinnati Ave. and the Frisco Tracks) is identified in the Tulsa Tribune version of this photo as being where the fire started. Tulsariotpostcard1.jpg
Little Africa on Fire. Tulsa Race Riot, June 1, 1921 Apparently taken from the roof of the Hotel Tulsa on 3rd St. between Boston Ave. and Cincinnati Ave. The first row of buildings is along 2nd St. The smoke cloud on the left (Cincinnati Ave. and the Frisco Tracks) is identified in the Tulsa Tribune version of this photo as being where the fire started.


The riot was covered by national newspapers and the reported number of deaths varies widely. On June 1, 1921, the Tulsa Tribune reported that nine white people and 68 black people had died in the riot, but shortly afterwards it changed this number to a total of 176 dead. The next day, the same paper reported the count as nine white people and 21 black people. The New York Times said that 77 people had been killed, including 68 black people, but it later lowered the total to 33. The Richmond Times Dispatch of Virginia reported that 85 people (including 25 white people) were killed; it also reported that the Police Chief had reported to Governor Robertson that the total was 75; and that a Police Major put the figure at 175. [50] The Oklahoma Department of Vital Statistics count put the number of deaths at 36 (26 black and 10 white). [19] :118 very few people, if any, died as a direct result of the fire. Official state records recorded only five deaths by conflagration for the entire state in the year of 1921. [51]

Walter Francis White of the N.A.A.C.P. traveled to Tulsa from New York and reported that, although officials and undertakers said that the fatalities numbered ten white and 21 colored, he estimated the number of the dead to be 50 whites and between 150 and 200 Negroes; [52] he also reported that ten white men were killed on Tuesday; six white men drove into the black section and never came out, and thirteen whites were killed on Wednesday; he reported that the head of the Salvation Army in Tulsa said that 37 negroes were employed as gravediggers to bury 120 negroes in individual graves without coffins on Friday and Saturday. [53] The Oklahoma Commission report states that it was 150 graves and over 36 grave diggers. [1] :121 Ground penetrating radar was used to investigate the sites purported to contain these mass graves. Multiple eyewitness reports and 'oral histories' suggested the graves could have been dug at three different cemeteries across the city. The sites were examined and no evidence of ground disturbance indicative of mass graves was found however at one site ground disturbance was found in a five-meter squared area but cemetery records indicate that three graves had been dug and bodies buried within this envelope before the riot. [1] :131 The Los Angeles Express headline said "175 Killed, Many Wounded". [54] Oklahoma's 2001 Commission into the riot provides multiple contradicting estimates. D. Goble estimates 100–300 (also stating right after that no one was prosecuted even though nearly a hundred were indicted), [1] :13 and J. H. Franklin and S. Ellsworth only estimate at least 75–100 and describe some of the higher estimates as dubious as the low estimates. [1] :23 C. Snow was able to confirm 39 casualties all of listed as male although four were unidentifiable. 26 were black and 13 were white. [1] :114

Of the some 800 people admitted to local hospitals for injuries, the majority are believed to have been white,[ citation needed ] as both black hospitals had been burned in the rioting. Additionally, even if the white hospitals had admitted black people because of the riot, against their usual segregation policy, injured blacks had little means to get to these hospitals, which were located across the city from Greenwood.[ citation needed ] More than 6,000 black Greenwood residents were arrested and detained at three local facilities: Convention Hall, now known as the Brady Theater, the Tulsa County Fairgrounds (then located about a mile northeast of Greenwood), and McNulty Park (a baseball stadium at Tenth Street and Elgin Avenue). [55] [1] :83, 177

Red Cross

The Red Cross, in their preliminary overview, mentioned wide-ranging external estimates of 55 to 300 dead however due to the hurried nature of undocumented burials declined to suggest an estimate of their own stating, "The number of dead is a matter of conjecture." [3] :3 The Red Cross registered 8624 persons, recorded 1256 residences burned and a further 215 residences looted as a part of their relief effort. [3] :Condensed Report: p. 4, 12 183 people were hospitalized, mostly for gunshot wounds or burns(they differentiate in their records on the basis of triage category not the type of wound) while a further 531 required first aid or surgical treatment with an estimated 10 000 persons left homeless. 8 miscarriages were attributed to be a result of the tragedy. 19 died in care between June 1 and the 30th of December. [3] :Condensed Report: p. 20

Property losses

Taken from the southeast corner of the roof of Booker T. Washington High School, this panorama shows much of the damage within a day or so of the riot and fires. The road running laterally through the center of the image is Greenwood Avenue; the road slanting from the center to the left is Easton; and the road slanting off to the right is Frankfort. Panorama of the ruined area tulsa race riots.jpg
Taken from the southeast corner of the roof of Booker T. Washington High School, this panorama shows much of the damage within a day or so of the riot and fires. The road running laterally through the center of the image is Greenwood Avenue; the road slanting from the center to the left is Easton; and the road slanting off to the right is Frankfort.
Residential block burned down. Tulsaraceriot1921-residentialblocksburneddown.jpg
Residential block burned down.
"All that was left of his home", photograph, June 1, 1921. All That Was Left of His Home after the Tulsa Race Riot, 6-1-21 (Ag2013.0002).jpg
"All that was left of his home", photograph, June 1, 1921.

The commercial section of Greenwood was destroyed. Losses included 191 businesses, a junior high school, several churches, and the only hospital in the district. The Red Cross reported that 1,256 houses were burned and another 215 were looted but not burned. The Tulsa Real Estate Exchange estimated property losses amounted to US$1.5 million in real estate and $750,000 in personal property [1] :189 (equivalent to a total of $32 million in 2019).

The Red Cross estimated that 10,000 people, mostly black, were made homeless by the destruction. Over the next year, local citizens filed more than US$1.8 million (equivalent to $26 million in 2019) in riot-related claims against the city by June 6, 1922. [19] [ page needed ]

Public Safety Committee

By June 6, the Associated Press reported that a citizens' Public Safety Committee had been established, made up of 250 white men who vowed to protect the city and put down any more disturbance. A white man was shot and killed that day after he failed to stop as ordered by a National Guardsman. [56]


Governor James B. A. Robertson had gone to Tulsa during the riot to ensure order was restored. Before returning to the capital, he ordered an inquiry of events, especially of the City and Sheriff's Office. He called for a Grand Jury to be empanelled, and Judge Valjean Biddison said that its investigation would begin June 8. The jury was picked by June 9. Judge Biddison expected that the State Attorney General would call numerous witnesses, both black and white, given the large scale of the riot. [57]

State Attorney General S.P. Freeling initiated the investigation, and witnesses were heard over 12 days. In the end, the all-white jury attributed the riot to the black mobs, while noting that law enforcement officials had failed in preventing the riot. A total of 27 cases were brought before the court, and the jury indicted more than 85 individuals. In the end, no one was convicted of charges for the deaths, injuries or property damage. [58]

On June 3, a large group of over 1,000 businessmen and civic leaders met, resolving to form a committee to raise funds and aid in rebuilding Greenwood. Judge J. Martin, a former mayor of Tulsa, was chosen as the chairman of the group. He said at the mass meeting:

Tulsa can only redeem herself from the country-wide shame and humiliation into which she is today plunged by complete restitution and rehabilitation of the destroyed black belt. The rest of the United States must know that the real citizenship of Tulsa weeps at this unspeakable crime and will make good the damage, so far as it can be done, to the last penny. [57]

Despite this promise of funding, many blacks spent the winter of 1921–1922 in tents as they worked to rebuild.

Charles Page was commended for his philanthropic efforts in the wake of the riot in the assistance of 'destitute blacks.' [59]

A group of influential white developers persuaded the city to pass a fire ordinance that would have prohibited many blacks from rebuilding in Greenwood. Their intention was to redevelop Greenwood for more business and industrial use, and force blacks further to the edge of the city for residences. The case was litigated and appealed to the Oklahoma Supreme Court by B. C. Franklin, where the ordinance was ruled as unconstitutional. Most of the promised funding was never raised for the black residents, and they struggled to rebuild after the violence. Willows, the regional director of the Red Cross noted this in his report, explaining his slow initial progress to facilitate the rehabilitation of the refugees. The fire code was officially intended to prevent another tragedy by banning wooden frame construction houses in place of previously burnt homes. A concession was granted to allow temporary wooden frame dwellings while a new building which would meet the more restrictive fire code was being constructed. This was quickly halted as residents within two weeks had started to erect full sized wooden frame dwellings in contravention of the agreement. It took a further two-month delay securing the court decision to reinstate the previous fire code. Willows heavily criticized the Tulsa city officials for interfering in his efforts for their role in the Public Welfare Committee which first sought to rezone the "burned area" as industrial or construct a union station in its place with no consideration for the refugees. Then again for the dissolution of the Public Welfare Committee in favor of the formation of the Reconstruction Committee which simply failed to formulate a single plan, leaving the displaced residents prohibited from beginning reconstruction efforts for several months. [3] :22–25

Tulsa Union Depot

Despite the Red Cross' best efforts to assist with reconstruction of Greenwood's residential area, the considerably altered present-day layout of the district and its surrounding neighborhoods and the extensive redevelopment of Greenwood by people unaffiliated with the neighborhood prior to the riot stand as proof that the Red Cross relief efforts had limited success. [3] :22–23

Tulsa's main industries at the time of the riot were banking (BOK Financial Corporation), administrative (PennWell, ONEOK), and engineering (Skelly Oil) services for oil companies, earning Tulsa the title of "Oil Capital of the World." Joshua Cosden is also regarded as a founder of the city, having constructed the tallest building in Tulsa, the Cosden Building. The construction of the Cosden Building and Union Depot were overseen by the Manhattan Construction Company, at the time, based in Tulsa. Francis Rooney is the great grandson and beneficiary of the estate of Laurence H. Rooney, founder of the Manhattan Construction Company.

City planners immediately saw the fire that destroyed homes and businesses across Greenwood as a fortunate event for advancing their objectives, meanwhile showing a complete disregard for the welfare of affected residents. Plans were immediately made to rezone 'The Burned Area' for industrial use. [3] :22–23 The Tulsa Daily World reported that the mayor and city commissioners expressed that, "a large industrial section will be found desirable in causing a wider separation between negroes and whites." [60] The Reconstruction committee organized a forum to discuss their proposal with community leaders and stakeholders. Naming, among others, O.W. Gurley, Rev. H.T.F. Johnson and Barney Cleaver as participants in the forum, it was reported that all members were in agreement with the plan to redevelop the burned district as an industrial section and agreed that the proposed union station project was desirable. '... not a note of dissension was expressed.' The article states that these community leaders would again meet at the First Baptist Church in the following days. [61] The Black Dispatch describes the content of the following meeting at the First Baptist Church. The reconstruction committee had intended to have the black landholders sign over their property to a holding company managed by black representatives on behalf of the city but which was to be turned over to a white appraisal committee which would pay residents for the residential zoned land at the lower industrial zoned value in advance of the rezoning. Professor J.W. Hughes addressed the white reconstruction committee members in opposition to their proposition, coining a slogan which would come to galvanise the community, "I'm going to hold what I have until I get What I've lost." [62]

Construction of the Tulsa Union Depot, a large central rail hub connecting three major railroads, began in Greenwood less than two years after the riot. Prior to the riot, construction had already been underway for a smaller rail hub nearby. However, in the aftermath of the riot, land on which homes and businesses had been destroyed by the fires suddenly became available, allowing for a larger train depot near the heart of the city to be built in Greenwood instead. [3] :22–23 [1] :38, 40, 168

1921 Grand Jury investigation

Allegations of Corruption

Chief Chuck Jordan described the conduct of the 1921 Tulsa Police as, "... the police department did not do their job then, y'know, they just didn't." [63] Parrish, an African-American citizen of Tulsa, summarized the lawlessness in the state of Oklahoma as a contributing factor in 1922 as, "if...it were not for the profitable alliance of politics and vice or professional crime, the tiny spark which is the beginning of all these outrages would be promptly extinguished." [43] :87 Clark, a prominent Oklahoma historian and law professor completed his doctoral dissertation in law on the subject of lawlessness in Oklahoma specifically on this period of time and how lawlessness led to the rise of the second KKK in order to illustrate the need for effective law enforcement and a functional judiciary. [39]

John A. Gustafson

Chief of Police John A. Gustafson was the subject of a vice investigation. Official proceedings began on June 6, 1921. He was prosecuted on multiple counts: refusing to enforce prohibition, refusing to enforce anti-prostitution laws, operating a stolen automobile laundering racket and allowing known automobile thieves to escape justice for the purpose of extorting the citizens of Tulsa for rewards relating to their return, repurposing vehicles for their own use or sale, operating a fake detective agency for the purpose of billing the city of Tulsa for investigative duties he was already being paid for as chief of police, failing to enforce gun laws, and failure to take any action at all during the riots. [64]

The Attorney General of Oklahoma received a number of letters alleging members of the police force had conspired with members of the justice system to threaten witnesses in corruption trials stemming from the Grand Jury investigations. In the letters various members of the public requested the presence of the state attorney general at the trial. [65] [66] An assistant of the attorney general replied to one such letter by stating that their budget was too stretched to respond, and recommended instead that the citizens of Tulsa simply vote for new officers. [67]

Gustafson was found to have a long history of fraud predating his membership of the Tulsa Police Department. His previous partner in his detective agency, Phil Kirk, had been convicted of blackmail. [68] Gustafson's fake detective agency ran up high billings on the police account. Investigators noted that many blackmail letters had been sent to members of the community from the agency. One particularly disturbing case involved the frequent rape of an 11-year-old girl by her father who had since become pregnant. Instead of prosecuting, they sent a "blackhand letter." [69] :2–3

Breaking the silence

There were no convictions for any of the charges related to violence. [58] There were decades of silence about the terror, violence, and losses of this event. The riot was largely omitted from local, state, and national histories: "The Tulsa race riot of 1921 was rarely mentioned in history books, classrooms or even in private. Blacks and whites alike grew into middle age unaware of what had taken place." [70] It was not recognized in the Tulsa Tribune feature of "Fifteen Years Ago Today" or "Twenty-five Years Ago Today". [1] :26

A number of people tried to document the events, gather photographs, and record the names of the dead and injured. Mary E. Jones Parrish, a young black teacher and journalist from Rochester, New York, was hired by the Inter-racial Commission to write an account of the riot. Parrish was a survivor, and wrote about her experiences and collected other accounts, gathered photographs, and compiled "a partial roster of property losses in the African American community". She published these in Events of the Tulsa Disaster. [43] It was the first book to be published about the riot. [1] :28

The first academic account was a master's thesis written in 1946 by Loren L. Gill, a veteran of World War II, but the thesis did not circulate beyond the University of Tulsa. [1] :28–29

In 1971, a small group of survivors gathered for a memorial service at Mount Zion Baptist Church with blacks and whites in attendance. [1] :29

That same year, the Tulsa chamber of commerce decided to commemorate the riot, but when they read the accounts and saw photos gathered by Ed Wheeler, host of a radio history program, detailing the specifics of the riot, they refused to publish them. He then took his information to the two major newspapers in Tulsa, both of which also refused to run his story. His article was finally published in Impact Magazine, a new publication aimed at black audiences, but most of Tulsa's white residents never knew about it. [1] :29–30

In the early 1970s, "[a]long with Henry C. Whitlow, Jr., a history teacher at Booker T. Washington High School, [Mozella Franklin] Jones had not only helped to desegregate the Tulsa Historical Society, but had mounted the first-ever major exhibition on the history of African Americans in Tulsa. Moreover, she had also created at the Tulsa Historical Society the first collection of massacre photographs available to the public." [1] :21–36 While researching and sharing the history of the riot, Jones collaborated with a white woman named Ruth Sigler Avery, who was also trying to publicize accounts of the riot. The women encountered pressure, particularly among whites, to keep silent. [1] :30–31

Tulsa Race Massacre Commission

In 1996, as the riot's 75th anniversary neared, the state legislature authorized an Oklahoma Commission to investigate the Tulsa Race Riot by appointing individuals to study and prepare a report detailing a "historical account" of the riot. Authorization of the study "enjoyed strong support from members of both political parties and all political persuasions". [71] The commission was originally called the "Tulsa Race Riot Commission", but in November 2018 the name was officially changed to "Tulsa Race Massacre Commission. [72]

The commission conducted interviews and heard testimony to thoroughly document the causes and damages. The Commission arranged for archeological, non-invasive ground surveys of Newblock Park, Oaklawn Cemetery, and Booker T. Washington Cemetery, which were identified as possible locations for mass graves of black victims of the violence. According to oral histories and other sources, such mass graves existed.

The Commission delivered its final report on February 21, 2001. [1] The report recommended actions for substantial restitution to the black residents, listed below in order of priority:

  1. Direct payment of reparations to survivors of the 1921 Tulsa race riot;
  2. Direct payment of reparations to descendants of the survivors of the Tulsa race riot;
  3. A scholarship fund available to students affected by the Tulsa race riot;
  4. Establishment of an economic development enterprise zone in the historic area of the Greenwood district; and
  5. A memorial for the reburial of the remains of the victims of the Tulsa race riot. [1] :37–102[ page range too broad ]

Post-commission state and city actions

The Tulsa Reparations Coalition, sponsored by the Center for Racial Justice, Inc., was formed on April 7, 2001 to obtain restitution for the damages suffered by Tulsa's Black community, as recommended by the Oklahoma Commission. [73]

In June 2001, the Oklahoma state legislature passed the "1921 Tulsa Race Riot Reconciliation Act". The act fell far short of the Commission's recommendations, only providing for the following:

In 2001, Tulsa Mayor Kathy Taylor held a "celebration of conscience" at which she apologized to survivors and gave medals to those who could be located. [76]

On June 1, 2001, Governor Keating signed the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot Reconciliation Act into law. The act acknowledged that the event occurred, but failed to deliver any substantial reparations to the victims or their descendants. In spite of the Oklahoma Commission's recommendation for reparations in their report on the riot, the Oklahoma state legislature opposed the request for reparations and thus did not include them in the reconciliation act. [76]

In March 2001, each of the 118 known survivors of the riot still alive at the time, the youngest of whom was 85, was given a gold-plated medal bearing the state seal, as had been approved by bi-partisan state leaders. [76] [77]

A 2017 report detailing the history of the Tulsa Fire Department from 1897 until the date of publication makes no mention of the 1921 fire. The report is published on the Tulsa City website and the Tulsa Fire Museum website. [78] [79]

Search for mass graves

Tulsa Race Massacre Commission arranged for archeological, non-invasive ground surveys of Newblock Park, Oaklawn Cemetery and Booker T. Washington Cemetery, which were identified as possible locations for mass graves of black victims of the violence. Oral histories, other sources, and timing suggested that whites would have buried blacks at the first two locations. Blacks were said to have buried black victims at the third location after the riot was over. The people buried at The Washington Cemetery, which is reserved for black people, were thought to perhaps be people who had died of their wounds after the riot had ended since it was the most distant suspected burial location from downtown.

Investigations of the three potential mass grave sites were performed in 1997 and 1998. Though the total areas could not be surveyed, preliminary data suggested there were no mass graves in these locations. In 1999 an eyewitness was found who had seen whites burying blacks at Oaklawn Cemetery. A team investigated the potential area with more equipment.

In preparation for the 100th anniversary of the massacre, state archeologists, using ground-penetrating radar, are probing Oaklawn Cemetery for "long-rumored" mass graves. [80] Mayor G. T. Bynum calls it "a murder investigation". [81] On December 17, 2019 the team of forensic archaeologists announced they had found anomalies consistent with that of human-dug pits beneath the ground at Oaklawn Cemetery and the ground where Interstate 244 bridge crosses the Arkansas River. They announced them as likely candidates for mass graves but further radar survey and physical excavation of the sites is needed. [82] Researchers secured permission from the city to perform "limited excavations" to determine the contents of these sites in April 2020, and while they did not expect to dig up any human remains, asserted they would treat any they find with proper respect. [83]

2003 lawsuit against the City of Tulsa and the State of Oklahoma

Five elderly survivors, represented by a legal team that included Johnnie Cochran and Charles Ogletree, filed suit against the city of Tulsa and the state of Oklahoma (Alexander, et al. v. Oklahoma, et al.) in February 2003, based on the findings of the 2001 report. Ogletree said the state and city should compensate the victims and their families "to honor their admitted obligations as detailed in the commission's report". [84] The federal district and appellate courts dismissed the suit, citing the statute of limitations had been exceeded on the 80-year-old case. [85] The state requires that civil rights cases be filed within two years of the event. The court did not rule at all on the issues. The Supreme Court of the United States declined to hear the appeal.

In April 2007, Ogletree appealed to the U.S. Congress to pass a bill extending the statute of limitations for the case, given the state and city's accountability for the destruction and the long suppression of material about it. The bill was introduced by John Conyers of Michigan and heard by the Judiciary Committee of the House but it did not pass. [86] Conyers re-introduced the bill in 2009 as the John Hope Franklin Tulsa-Greenwood Race Riot Claims Accountability Act of 2009 (H.R. 1843), and in 2012. It has not gotten out of the Judiciary Committee. [76]

John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park, 2010 John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park Dedication October 2010.jpg
John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park, 2010

John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park

A park was developed in 2010 in the Greenwood area as a memorial to victims of the riot. In October 2010, the park was named for noted historian John Hope Franklin, who was born and raised in Tulsa. [87] He became known as a historian of the South. The park includes three statues of figures by sculptor Ed Dwight, representing Hostility, Humiliation and Hope. [88]

Publication of the Final Report by the Riot Commission and related publicity has stimulated artistic works related to the riot:

See also

Related Research Articles

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Greenwood District, Tulsa Neighborhood in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, United States

Greenwood is a historic freedom colony in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one of the most prominent concentrations of African-American businesses in the United States during the early 20th century, it was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street" until the Tulsa race massacre of 1921, in which white residents massacred as many as 300 black residents, injuring hundreds more, and razed the neighborhood within hours. The "riot" was one of the most devastating massacres in the history of U.S. race relations, destroying the once-thriving Greenwood community.

Red Summer Anti-black attacks by whites in 1919

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The East St. Louis riots or East St. Louis massacres were a series of outbreaks of labor- and race-related violence by people that caused the deaths of an estimated 40–250 African Americans in late May and early July 1917. Another 6,000 blacks were left homeless, and the rioting and vandalism cost approximately $400,000 in property damage. The events took place in and near East St. Louis, Illinois, an industrial city on the east bank of the Mississippi River, directly opposite the city of St. Louis, Missouri. The July 1917 episode in particular was marked by white-led violence throughout the city. The riots have been described as the worst case of labor-related violence in 20th-century American history, and among the worst race riots in U.S. history.

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The Atlanta race riot was an attack of armed mobs of white Americans against African Americans in Atlanta, Georgia, which began the evening of September 22 and lasted through September 24, 1906. The events were reported by newspapers around the world, including the French Le Petit Journal which described the "lynchings in the USA" and the "massacre of Negroes in Atlanta," the Aberdeen (Scotland) Press and Journal under the headline "Race Riots in Georgia," and the London (UK) Evening Standard under the headlines "Anti-Negro Riots" and "Outrages in Georgia." The final death toll of the conflict is to this day unknown and disputed, but "officially" at least 25 African Americans and two whites died. Unofficial reports ranged from 10–100 black Americans killed during the riots. According to the Atlanta History Center, some black Americans were hanged from lamposts; others were shot, beaten or stabbed to death. They were pulled from street cars and attacked on the street; white mobs invaded black neighborhoods, destroying homes and businesses.

The 1943Detroit race riot took place in Detroit, Michigan, of the United States, from the evening of June 20 through the early morning of June 22. It occurred in a period of dramatic population increase and social tensions associated with the military buildup of World War II, as Detroit's automotive industry was converted to the war effort. Existing social tensions and housing shortages were exacerbated by the arrival of nearly 400,000 migrants, both African-American and White Southerners, from the Southeastern United States between 1941 and 1943. The new migrants competed for space and jobs, as well as against European immigrants and their descendants.

Roy Belton was an 18-year-old white man arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma with a female accomplice for the August 21, 1920 hijacking and shooting of a white man Homer Nida, a local taxi driver. He was taken from the county jail by a group of armed men, after a confrontation with the sheriff, and taken to an isolated area where he was lynched. This incident contributed to fears in the black community about treatment by police and whites if any of their members were arrested.

Chicago race riot of 1919 August 1919 racial tensions in Chicago, Illinois, USA

The Chicago race riot of 1919 was a violent racial conflict provoked by white Americans against black Americans that began on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois on July 27, and ended on August 3, 1919. During the riot, thirty-eight people died. Over the week, injuries attributed to the episodic confrontations stood at 537, with two-thirds of the injured being black and one-third white, while the approximately 1,000 to 2,000 who lost their homes were mostly black. It is considered the worst of the nearly 25 riots in the United States during the "Red Summer" of 1919, so named because of the racial and labor related violence and fatalities across the nation. The combination of prolonged arson, looting, and murder made it one of the worst race riots in the history of Illinois.

Robert Charles riots

The Robert Charles riots of July 24–27, 1900 in New Orleans, Louisiana were sparked after African-American laborer Robert Charles fatally shot a white police officer during an altercation and escaped arrest. A large manhunt for him ensued, and a white mob started rioting, attacking blacks throughout the city. The manhunt for Charles began on Monday, July 23, 1900, and ended when Charles was killed on Friday, July 27, shot by a special police volunteer. The mob shot him hundreds more times, and beat the body.

The Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, also called the 1921 Race Riot Commission, was authorized in 1997 by the Oklahoma State Legislature. Its purpose was to research the events of the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. Its report was submitted on February 28, 2001. The Tulsa Reparations Coalition, sponsored by the Center for Racial Justice, Inc. was formed April 7, 2001 to obtain restitution for the damages suffered by Tulsa's Black community, as recommended by the Oklahoma Commission on February 21, 2001.

Dick Rowland was an African-American teenage shoeshiner whose arrest in May 1921 was the impetus for the Tulsa Race Massacre. Rowland was 19 years old at the time. The alleged victim of the assault was a white 17-year-old named Sarah Page. Page, who worked as an elevator operator, had eventually declined to prosecute. According to conflicting reports, the arrest was prompted after Rowland tripped in an elevator on his way to a segregated bathroom, and a white store clerk reported the incident as an "assault" or a rape.

The Detroit race riot of 1863 occurred on March 6, 1863, in the city of Detroit, Michigan, during the American Civil War. At the time, the Detroit Free Press reported these events as "the bloodiest day that ever dawned upon Detroit." It began due to unrest among the working class related to racism and the military draft, which was heightened after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln. Based in a free state, some recent immigrants and other workers resented being drafted for a war that they thought was waged for the benefit of slaves in the Southern United States, and they feared competition from blacks.

Memphis riots of 1866

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Knoxville riot of 1919

The Knoxville riot of 1919 was a race riot that took place in the American city of Knoxville, Tennessee, on August 30–31, 1919. The riot began when a lynch mob stormed the county jail in search of Maurice Mays, a biracial man who had been accused of murdering a white woman. Unable to find Mays, the rioters looted the jail and fought a pitched gun battle with the residents of a predominantly black neighborhood. The Tennessee National Guard, which at one point fired two machine guns indiscriminately into this neighborhood, eventually dispersed the rioters. At the end of August 1919 the Great Falls Daily Tribune reported four killed in a "race war riot" while the Washington Times reported "Scores dead." Other newspapers placed the death toll at just two, though eyewitness accounts suggest it was much higher.

Mount Zion Baptist Church (Tulsa) United States historic place

Mount Zion Baptist Church is a historically significant church in the Greenwood District of Tulsa, Oklahoma. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on September 5, 2008. The original building was burned during the Tulsa Race Riot on June 1, 1921. According to the Tulsa Preservation Commission, "... Mount Zion Baptist Church remains a testimony to the perseverance and tenacity of its congregants and the black community in Greenwood." The church building was rebuilt in 1952 on its original site.

The Ocoee massacre was a white mob attack on African-American residents in northern Ocoee, Florida, which occurred on November 2, 1920, the day of the U.S. presidential election. The town is in Orange County near Orlando. As many as 60 or 70 African Americans may have been killed during the riot, and most African-American-owned buildings and residences in northern Ocoee were burned to the ground. Other African Americans living in southern Ocoee were later killed or driven out on threat of more violence. Ocoee essentially became an all-white town. The riot has been described as the "single bloodiest day in modern American political history".

Olivia Hooker American psychologist, professor, and the last known survivor of the Tulsa race riots of 1921

Olivia Juliette Hooker was an American psychologist and professor. She was one of the last known survivors of the Tulsa race riots of 1921, and the first African-American woman to enter the U.S. Coast Guard in February 1945. She became a SPAR, a member of the United States Coast Guard Women's Reserve, during World War II, earning the rank of Yeoman, Second Class during her service. She served in the Coast Guard until her unit was disbanded in mid-1946; she went on to become a psychologist intern at a women's correctional facility and a clinical professor at Fordham University.

Washington race riot of 1919

The Washington race riot of 1919 was civil unrest in Washington, D.C. from July 19, 1919, to July 24, 1919. Starting July 19, white men, many in the military and in uniforms of all three services, responded to the rumored arrest of a black man for rape of a white woman with four days of mob violence against black individuals and businesses. They rioted, randomly beat black people on the street, and pulled others off streetcars for attacks. When police refused to intervene, the black population fought back. The city closed saloons and theaters to discourage assemblies. Meanwhile, the four white-owned local papers, including the Washington Post, fanned the violence with incendiary headlines and calling in at least one instance for mobilization of a "clean-up" operation. After four days of police inaction, President Woodrow Wilson mobilized the National Guard to restore order. But a violent summer rainstorm had more of a dampening effect. When the violence ended, 15–40 people had died: at least 10 white people, including two police officers; and around 5–30 black people. Fifty people were seriously wounded and another 100 less severely wounded. It was one of the few times in 20th-century riots of whites against blacks that white fatalities outnumbered those of black people. The unrest was also one of the Red Summer riots in America.


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Oklahoma Commission (February 28, 2001), "Final Report" (PDF), Oklahoma Commission to Study the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma, retrieved June 20, 2018
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  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Willows, Maurice (December 31, 1921). "Disaster Relief Report Riot 1921" (PDF). Tulsa Historical Society & Museum. American Red Cross. Archived from the original (PDF) on January 1, 2017. Retrieved June 19, 2018.
  4. 1 2 3 4 "Negro Deputy Sheriff Blames Black Dope-Head for Inciting His Race Into Rioting Here". The Morning Tulsa Daily World. June 3, 1921.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 "Statement O. W. Gurley, Attorney General Civil Case No. 1062". 1921. p. 1.
  6. 1 2 3 "Statement Luther James, Attorney General Civil Case No. 1062".
  7. Rooney, Lt. Col. LJF; Daley, Charles (June 3, 1921). "Letter from Lieutenant Colonel L.J.F. Rooney and Charles Daley Officer of the Inspector General's Department to the Adjutant General, June 3, 1921".
  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Franklin, Buck Colbert (August 22, 1931). "The Tulsa Race Riot and Three of Its Victims". National Museum of African American History and Culture. Retrieved December 3, 2018. Full text.
  9. "Tulsa 1921 Race Riot Commission renamed Race Massacre Commission". KJRH News . Tulsa. November 29, 2019. Retrieved May 10, 2019. Sen. Kevin Matthews held a news conference Thursday morning, in which he announced the official name change of the 1921 Race Riot Commission to the 1921 Race Massacre Commission.
  10. Day, Meagan (September 21, 2016). "The history of the Tulsa race massacre that destroyed America's wealthiest black neighborhood". Timeline. Retrieved February 27, 2019.
  11. White, Walter F. (August 23, 2001). "Tulsa, 1921". The Nation.
  12. Rao, Sameer (May 31, 2017). "It's Been 96 Years Since White Mobs Destroyed Tulsa's Black Wall Street". Colorlines.
  13. Moorehead, Monica (June 10, 1999). "U.S. ethnic cleansing: The 1921 Tulsa Massacre". Workers World.
  14. "Nearly 100 Years Later, Tulsa Begins Search for Mass Graves From 1921 Black Wall Street Massacre". The Root. Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  15. Scott Ellsworth, "Tulsa Race Riot", The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, 2009; accessed 31 December 2016
  16. Messer, Chris M., Krystal Beamon, and Patricia A. Bell. "The Tulsa Riot of 1921: Collective Violence and Racial Frames", The Western Journal of Black Studies 37, no. 1 (2013): 50–59.
  17. 1 2 3 Walter F. White, "The Eruption of Tulsa", The Nation, June 29, 1921., Digitasl Prairie
  18. Smith, Ryan (2018). "How Native American Slaveholders Complicate the Trail of Tears Narrative". Smithsonian Magazine.
  19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Hirsch, James S. (2002). Riot and Remembrance: The Tulsa Race War and its Legacy. Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN   978-0-618-10813-8.
  20. 1 2 3 Charles C. Alexander, Ku Klux Klan in the Southwest (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1965)
  21. Levy, David W. (2005). "XIII: The Struggle for Racial Justice". The University of Oklahoma: A History. II: 1917–1950. University of Oklahoma Press. ISBN   978-0-8061-5277-6 . Retrieved April 10, 2016.
  22. Mary Elizabeth Estes, An Historical Survey of Lynchings in Oklahoma and Texas, M.A. thesis, University of Oklahoma, (1942)
  23. Rothstein, Richard (2017). The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America. Liveright Publishing Corporation, A Division of W.W. Norton & Company. ISBN   978-1-63149-285-3.
  24. Tulsa History: Urban Development, Tulsa Preservation Commission
  25. 1 2 "A Find of a Lifetime" Archived September 29, 2007, at the Wayback Machine . Currie Ballard silent film of African-American towns in Oklahoma, 1920s. Rev. S. S. Jones for the National Baptist Convention. American Heritage magazine, 2006; Retrieved September 18, 2006
  26. "Statement Barney Cleaver, Attorney General Civil Case No. 1062". 1921.
  27. Krehbiel, Randy (April 29, 2011). "Tulsa Race Riot legacy still felt in the city". Tulsa World. Retrieved November 30, 2011.
  28. Franklin, Buck Colbert (2000). Franklin, John Hope; Franklin, John Whittington (eds.). My Life and An Era: The Autobiography of Buck Colbert Franklin . Louisiana State University Press. pp.  195–196.
  29. Ellsworth, Scott (1992). Death in a Promised Land. Louisiana State University Press. pp. 47–48. ISBN   978-0-8071-1767-5.
  30. Brophy, Alfred L. (2007). "Tulsa (Oklahoma) Riot of 1921"". In Rucker, Walter C.; Upton, James N. (eds.). Encyclopedia of American Race Riots. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 654. ISBN   978-0-313-33302-6.
  31. 1 2 "How The Big Fight In Tulsa Started". The Guthrie daily leader. June 1, 1921. p. 1.
  32. Ellsworth, Scott. "Tulsa Race Riot", Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture. Retrieved March 1, 2015.
  33. Brown, L.A. (March 29, 1918). "Letter from L. A. Brown to Roger Baldwin". This Land Press.
  34. "Correspondence-Cases By State: Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Volume 36; 1917–1918. MS The Roger Baldwin Years, 1912–1950.; American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912–1990". Princeton University Library, Gale Primary Resources, ACLU. Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University. From American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912–1990. March 29, 1918. p. 77 (134–135 of folio). Archived from the original on January 4, 2019. Retrieved January 4, 2019.
  35. Chapman, Lee Roy (2011). "The Nightmare of Dreamland". This Land Press . Retrieved September 19, 2011.
  36. "I.W.W. Members Are Held Guilty". Tulsa Daily World. November 10, 1917. p. 2.
  37. "Harlow's Weekly – A Journal of Comment & Current Events for Oklahoma". Harlow Publishing Company. November 14, 1917. p. 4.
  38. Paul, Brad A. (January 1, 1999). "Rebels of the New South : the Socialist Party in Dixie, 1892–1920". University of Massachusetts Amherst. pp. 171, 176, 189.
  39. 1 2 Clark, Carter Blue (1976). "A History of the Ku Klux Klan in Oklahoma" (PDF). The University of Oklahoma. pp. 23–25.
  40. "Modern Ku Klux Klan Comes into Being". Tulsa Daily World. November 10, 1917. p. 1.
  41. Myers, Jeffrey (November 5, 2014). "Examining the legacy of Tate Brady". Tulsa World.
  42. Vickery, Paul S. "Brady, Wyatt Tate (1870–1925)". Oklahoma Historical Society. Retrieved December 21, 2018.
  43. 1 2 3 Parrish, Mary E. Jones (1922). "Events of the Tulsa Disaster". University of Tulsa, Department of Special Collections and University Archives.
  44. 1 2 Letter Captain Frank Van Voorhis to Lieut. Col. L. J. F. Rooney, 1921 July 30, pp. 1–3, at digitalprairie.com
  45. Jones, F. "96 Years Later The Greenwood Cultural Center 1921 Race Riot Massacre Facts with Video" . Retrieved April 9, 2019.
  46. 1 2 3 Madigan, Tim. The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, New York: St Martin's Press (2001), pp. 4, 131–132, 144, 159, 164, 249. ISBN   0-312-27283-9
  47. Keyes, Allison (May 27, 2016). "A Long-Lost Manuscript Contains a Searing Eyewitness Account of the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921".
  48. "Letter Chas F. Barrett, Adjutant General to Lieut. Col. L. J. F. Rooney, 1921 June 1".
  49. "Barrett Commends Tulsa for Co-operation With the State Military Authorities". The Morning Tulsa Daily World. June 4, 1921. p. 2.
  50. "Richmond Times-Dispatch". Richmond, VA. June 2, 1921 via chroniclingamerica.loc.gov.
  51. "Sixth and Seventh Annual Report for the State Department of Health of Oklahoma, for the year ending June 30, 1922 and for the year ending June 30, 1923". State Department of Health of Oklahoma. p. 64.
  52. Walter Whites total estimate of about 250 white and African American fatalities is apparently confirmed in Tim Madigan, The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 (2013), p. 224 {reference only}
  53. White, Walter F. (August 20, 2001). "Tulsa, 1921 (reprint of article "The Eruption of Tulsa", first published June 15, 1921)". The Nation.
  54. "tulsa-race-riot". greenwoodculturalcenter.com. Archived from the original on April 1, 2017. Retrieved March 31, 2017.
  55. "McNulty Park". The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. March 6, 2013. Retrieved November 3, 2018.
  56. Associated Press, "Tulsa Guard Kills Man", Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA), 6 June 1921, article includes photo of burned-out portion of Greenwood, Chronicling America, Library of Congress; accessed 31 December 2016
  57. 1 2 "Tulsa In Remorse to Rebuild Homes; Dead Now Put at 30", New York Times, 3 June 1921; accessed 31 December 2016
  58. 1 2 Scott Ellsworth, Death in a Promised Land: The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921, LSU Press, 1992 pp. 94–96
  59. "No Trace of Girl". The Black Dispatch. June 17, 1921.
  60. "Burned District In Fire Limits, The Morning Tulsa daily world". June 9, 1921. p. 2. Retrieved December 7, 2018.
  61. "Leading Negroes Meet with Committee – to sanction Program". Tulsa Daily World. June 19, 1921. p. 2.
  62. "Unbroken Faith Shown In Re-habilitation Program". The Black Dispatch. June 29, 1921. p. 1. Retrieved December 21, 2018.
  63. "Police Chief Donates Rare Picture Of Tulsa's First African-American Officer". May 31, 2016. Archived from the original on August 11, 2016. Retrieved December 7, 2018.
  64. "Accusation District Court State of Oklahoma v. John A. Gustafson, Attorney General Civil Case No. 1062".
  65. "Letter C. J. Seeber to S. P. Freeling, Attorney General". July 8, 1921.
  66. "Letter Archie A. Kinion to S. P. Freeling, Attorney General". July 7, 1921.
  67. "Letter Assistant Attorney General to R. J. Churchill". July 27, 1921.
  68. "Local Findings on John A. Gustafson, Attorney General Civil Case No. 1062; Page 1" . Retrieved December 7, 2018.
  69. "Witness Statements taken by R. E. Maxey, Attorney General Civil Case No. 1062".
  70. Sulzberger, A. G. (June 19, 2011). "As Survivors Dwindle, Tulsa Confronts Past". The New York Times . Retrieved June 20, 2011.
  71. "Changes Planned for Resolution Authorizing Study of 1921 Riot" (Press release). Oklahoma House of Representatives. March 13, 1996. Archived from the original on May 24, 1997.
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  73. "The Tulsa Reparations Coalition". April 23, 2014. Archived from the original on April 23, 2014. Retrieved February 6, 2017.
  74. "John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park".
  75. Schmidt, Peter (July 13, 2001). "Oklahoma Scholarships Seek to Make Amends for 1921 Riot" . The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved May 5, 2016.
  76. 1 2 3 4 Expat Okie, "The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 – justice delayed, but the fight goes on", Daily Kos blog, 30 June 2012; accessed 31 December 2016
  77. "Survivor Medals for Race Riot Victims", News on 6, 26 March 2001; accessed 31 December 2016
  78. Goforth, Jill (2017). "History of Tulsa Fire Department" (PDF). Tulsa Fire Department. Archived from the original (PDF) on December 19, 2018.
  79. Goforth, Jill (2017). "History of Tulsa Fire Department" (PDF). Tulsa Fire Department.
  80. Brown, DeNeen L. (September 28, 2018). "They was killing black people". Washington Post .
  81. Brown, DeNeen L. (October 8, 2019). "Tulsa searches for graves from 1921 race massacre that left hundreds of black people dead". Washington Post .
  82. Brown, Deneen L. (December 17, 2019). "In Tulsa, an investigation finds possible evidence of mass graves from 1921 race massacre". Washington Post . Retrieved December 17, 2019.
  83. Brown, DeNeen (February 4, 2020). "Tulsa plans to dig for suspected mass graves from a 1921 race massacre". MSN . Retrieved February 4, 2020.
  84. Brune, Adrian (April 30, 2003), "A Long Wait for Justice", The Village Voice
  85. 04-5042 – Alexander v. State of Oklahoma – 09/08/2004 Archived April 25, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  86. Myers, Jim (April 25, 2007). "Race riot bill gets House hearing". Tulsa World.
  87. "Tulsa's John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park Dedicated", News on 6, 27 October 2010.
  88. Dexter Mullins, "Survivors of infamous 1921 Tulsa race riot still hope for justice", Al-Jazeera America (US), July 19, 2014; accessed December 31, 2016
  89. Mel Bracht, "Tulsa race riot examined in new film; Documentary debuts today on Cinemax", The Oklahoman , May 31, 2000.
  90. Steven Oxman, "The Tulsa Lynching of 1921: A Hidden Story", Variety , May 29, 2000.
  91. "Celebration of National Museum of African American History and Culture among activities at BCC's Friends and Family Day". Purdue University. September 15, 2016. Retrieved February 6, 2016.
  92. Before They Die!, movie website
  93. Race Riot Suite at AllMusic
  94. Fisher, Rich (February 4, 2015). "Rachel Lyon Discusses Her Film, "Hate Crimes in the Heartland," Which Will Soon Be Screened in Tulsa". Public Radio Tulsa. Retrieved April 2, 2016.
  95. "The Broad: Mark Bradford: Scorched Earth" . Retrieved September 9, 2018.
  96. Coates, Ta-Nehisi (June 2014). "The Case for Reparations". The Atlantic . Retrieved October 21, 2019.
  97. Cullera, Scott (October 21, 2019). "Why Watchmen's Damon Lindelof Used the Tulsa Massacre of 1921 as a Backdrop". IGN . Retrieved October 21, 2019.
  98. Arkin, Daniel (October 21, 2019). "'Watchmen' recreates the Tulsa massacre of 1921, exposing viewers to an ugly chapter". NBC News. Retrieved December 17, 2019.

Further reading

External video
Nuvola apps kaboodle.svg A Find of a Lifetime. Silent film of African-American towns in Oklahoma. 1920s. Rev. S. S. Jones for the National Baptist Convention. American Heritage magazine. Retrieved September 16, 2006.