West African mythology is the body of myths of the people of West Africa. It consists of tales of various deities, beings, legendary creatures, heroes and folktales from various ethnic groups. Some of these myths traveled across the Atlantic during the period of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade to become part of Caribbean, African-American and Brazilian mythology. [1]
Mythology |
Written myths from West Africa were not established until the 1800s. [2] Most myths were passed from one generation to another orally. These myths were told by storytellers and grandparents. It is also told by griots in Mali and Senegal, Niger and northern Nigeria. [2] Elements and figures of West African mythology might sometimes be regarded as part of West Africa Traditional religion.
Mythology from Benin mostly comes from Dahomey. Several gods exist in the Dahomean Religion, with each having its own mythology. Myths of the Fon and Ewe people feature Aziza, fairy like creatures who live in the forest. According to legend, they provide good magic for hunters, and are also known to have given practical and spiritual knowledge to people. Common descriptions of Aziza people state that they are hairy people, and are said to live in anthills and silk-cotton trees. [3]
In the Gambia, most folklore proposes the existence of Ninki Nanka; descriptions of this creature vary, but most contend that the animal is reptilian and possibly dragon-like. The Ninki Nanka lives in the swamps. It attracted mainstream attention when in 2006, a group of "dragon hunters" from the Centre for Fortean Zoology (CFZ) went to Gambia to investigate the Ninki Nanka and take testimony from those who have claimed to have seen the mythical creature. [4]
In the Ewe folklore of Togo and Ghana, the Adze is a vampiric being that takes the form of a firefly, though it will transform into human shape upon capture. When in human form, the adze has the power to possess humans. In firefly form, the adze would pass through closed doors at night and suck blood from people as they slept. The victim would later fall sick and die. [5]
A similar mythology from the Akan people of southern Ghana, as well as Côte d'Ivoire, Togo [6] and 18th century Jamaica features creatures called Asasabonsam. These are vampire like beings who live in the forest and feed on people that wander around their home. An Asasabonsam is said to have iron teeth, pink skin, long red hair and iron hooks for feet. It lives in trees, attacking from above while in its humanoid form. It possesses bat-like features, including wings. [7] [8]
Obayifo is a vampire/witch-like mythological creature from the folklore of the Ashanti. In Ashanti folklore, obayifo are very common and may inhabit the bodies of any man or woman. They are described as having shifty eyes and being obsessed with food. When travelling at night, they are said to emit a phosphorescent light from their armpits and anus. The obayifo is similar to the Asiman of the Dahomey people, a creature that can shapeshift and fly, turning itself into a ball of light and hunting for prey in the night sky. [9]
Anansi, a trickster spider god from the Akan mythology, is also prevalent. He is often depicted in folktales interacting with the Supreme Being and other deities who frequently bestow him with temporary supernatural powers, such as the ability to bring rain or to have other duties performed for him. Some folkloric traditions portray Anansi as the son of the Earth Mother Asase Yaa. In others, Anansi is sometimes also considered an Abosom (lesser deity) in Akan spirituality, despite being commonly recognized as a trickster. [10] [11]
Malian mythology comes from a variety of ethnicities; among the Dogon people, Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and fish-like lower torsos and tails. Nommo are the first living creatures. According to Dogon Astrology, the Nommos were inhabitants of a world circling the star Sirius. The Nommos descended from the sky in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder. After arriving, the Nommos created a reservoir of water and subsequently dove into the water. The Dogon legends state that the Nommos required a watery environment in which to live. [12] [13]
In Niger mythology, Hira is a mythical monster which occurs in epic and folklore tales of the Songhai people, particularly the Bozo people; [14] its greatest opponent is Moussa Gname.
Zin are mythical water spirits that inhabit rivers and lakes in the mythology of the Songhai people, it is similar to the Zin Kibaru - a blind, river-dwelling spirit who commands fish. [15] [16]
The mythology of Nigeria is diverse because of the various ethnic groups that share the country. Elements of Yoruba mythology overlaps with Yoruba religion and include the Orisha, a pantheon of gods who are also venerated in the Candomble, Santeria, and Haitian Vodou religions in the African diaspora.
Another category of supernatural entity in Yoruban mythology is the Abiku, children from the spirit world who die before reaching puberty. Abiku also refers to the spirits which historically are said to inhabit trees. [17] [18]
Egbere are malevolent spirits that inhabit bushes and forests. They are seen at night. An Egbere is said to be short, own a small mat, and cry all the time. According to legend, anyone who takes the mat from it will become rich. [19] [20]
In the mythology of the Igbo people from southeast Nigeria, Ogbanje are evil spirits that are disguised as children, spirits who cause misfortune and grief. [21] It was believed that within a certain amount of time from birth (usually before puberty), the ọgbanje would deliberately die and then be reborn into the next child of the family before then repeating the cycle, causing much grief. The evil spirits are said to have stones called Iyi-uwa, which they bury somewhere secret. The Iyi-uwa serves as a talisman for the ọgbanje to return to the human world and to find its targeted family; destroying the Iyi-uwa cuts the connection of the ogbanje and frees the family from the torment. [22] [23]
In northern Nigeria, among the Kanuri people of the Borno Emirate in the Lake Chad region, beliefs of a form of werehyenas referred to as bultungin which translates into "I change myself into a hyena" exist. [24] It was once traditionally believed that one or two of the villages in the region was populated entirely by werehyenas, [25] such as Kabultiloa. [26]
Mami Wata are spirits or creatures that dwell in rivers and oceans. They are often described as mermaid-like figures, with a woman's upper body (often nude) and the hindquarters of a fish or serpent. In other tales, Mami Wata is fully human in appearance; though never human. The existence and spiritual importance of Mami Wata is deeply rooted in the ancient tradition and mythology of the coastal southern Nigeria. Mami Wata often carries expensive baubles such as combs, mirrors, and watches. Large snakes frequently accompany them, wrapping themselves around them and laying their heads between their breasts. Other times, a Mami Wata may try to pass as completely human, wandering through busy markets or patronising bars. She may also manifest in a number of other forms, including as a man. [27] [28] [29]
Hausa mythology stems from the indigenous Bori religion in Hausa land. Dodo is a mythical monster or bogey most times believed to Inhabit baobab and tamarind trees. He is described as a giant and has very long hair, and a tail. He is capable of swallowing full humans and animals. [30] Zankallala, is a tiny creature resembling a mouse, he carries a snake in his hand as a walking-stick, he wears a pair of scorpions as spurs, and a swarm of bees as a hat. He rides upon the jerboa, and flocks of birds attend him, to sing his praises, and to worry those with whom he fights. The zankallala is a folk hero who helps people attacked by Dodo. [30]
In Efik mythology, Bush Soul is an integral component. It is commonly believed that a person's soul has affinity to animals. [31] [32] [33] It was believed that every individual had a soul in an animal, could transfer their consciousness to the body of the animal and materialise as the animal. [31] [32] [33] Children were taught never to kill a wall gecko (Efik : Ukpọñ Eyen). [32] Whatever occurred to the animal-affinity also occurred to the human. [31] There is a hierarchy of animals, the leopard being the highest followed by wild dogs, crocodiles, boa constrictors and other snakes as well as wall geckos [32] Animals and some species of fish were regarded as potential affinities, but never plants, insects or rocks. [31] The choice of the animal was made before birth and was influenced by Eka Abasi (The Mother God). [32] A person's personality and behavioural characteristics were considered to be determined by the animal soul. [32] A very slow person possessed the python as his animal-affinity while a filthy person had a pig affinity, A strong, healthy individual possessed either a crocodile or spitting cobra and the affinity of one who had many white discolorations on the skin was thought to be a species of lizard called owuri; such people had the ability to draw money to themselves at night when the lizard howled. If an Individual craved oil palm fruits he possessed either a monkey affinity or that of a fish called ɔfɔt. A very powerful Individual has the animal affinity of a chimpanzee. [34]
Tortoises (Yoruba: Ijapa, Igbo: Mbeku) are also part of Nigerian mythology, as they are considered to be tricksters and feature heavily in folklore of southern Nigeria while the hare (Hausa: Zomo) and Spider (Hausa: Gizzo) features heavily in northern Nigeria. [35] [36] [37]
In the mythology of the Wolof people and Lebou people, Yumboes are supernatural beings who closely resemble European fairies. They are also called Bakhna Rakhna, which literally means good people. They are completely of a pearly-white colour. They are sometimes said to have silver hair. They stand about two feet tall.
The Yumboes live beneath the Paps hills and come out to dance in the moonlight. They feast on large tables, waited on by servants who are invisible except for their hands and feet. Yumboes eat corn, which they steal from the humans and fish. They invite both natives and foreigners to their feast. [38] [39]
The mythology of the Ewé, Fon, Aja, Gun, Kotafon, and Mina often features supernatural beings who influence everyday life. These mawu (small gods) are considered messengers who communicate with the great Mawu. Some of these supernatural spirits are the incarnation of ancestors. One of the supernatural spirits is mamiwater with papywater; these spirits control the sea in the right side (justice before Mawugan). [40] Another supernatural spirit in south Togo is Sakpata, the spirit of the land. [41]
The Indigenous peoples of the Americas comprise numerous different cultures. Each has its own mythologies, many of which share certain themes across cultural boundaries. In North American mythologies, common themes include a close relation to nature and animals as well as belief in a Great Spirit that is conceived of in various ways. As anthropologists note, their great creation myths and sacred oral tradition in whole are comparable to the Christian Bible and scriptures of other major religions.
The Nommo or Nummo are primordial ancestral spirits in Dogon religion and cosmogony venerated by the Dogon people of Mali. The word Nommos is derived from a Dogon word meaning "to make one drink." Nommos are usually described as amphibious, hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures. Folk art depictions of Nommos show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. Nommos are also referred to as "Masters of the Water", "the Monitors", and "the Teachers". Nommo can be a proper name of an individual or can refer to the group of spirits as a whole. For purposes of this article, "Nommo" refers to a specific individual and "Nommos" is used to reference the group of beings.
The cosmic egg, world egg or mundane egg is a mythological motif found in the cosmogonies of many cultures and civilizations, including in Proto-Indo-European mythology. Typically, there is an egg which, upon "hatching", either gives rise to the universe itself or gives rise to a primordial being who, in turn, creates the universe. The egg is sometimes lain on the primordial waters of the Earth. Typically, the upper half of the egg, or its outer shell, becomes the heaven (firmament) and the lower half, or the inner yolk, becomes the Earth. The motif likely stems from simple elements of an egg, including its ability to offer nourishment and give rise to new life, as is reflected by the Latin proverb omne vivum ex ovo.
Mami Wata, Mammy Water, or similar is a mermaid, water spirit, and/or goddess in the folklore of parts of Western Africa, Eastern Africa, and Southern Africa. Historically, scholars trace her origins to early encounters between Europeans and West Africans in the 15th century, where Mami Wata developed from depictions of European mermaids. Mami Wata subsequently joined native pantheons of deities and spirits in parts of Africa.
Duppy is a word of African origin commonly used in various Caribbean Islands, including The Bahamas, Barbados and Jamaica, meaning ghost or spirit. The word is sometimes spelled duffy.
Brazilian mythology is a rich and diverse part of Brazilian folklore with cultural elements, comprising folk tales, traditions, characters, and beliefs. The category is representative of Brazil’s greater culture, being a melting pot of Iberic traditions brought by the Portuguese settlers, African traditions brought by Africans during the colonial slave trade, and the traditions and stories of indigenous groups that have occupied Brazil for centuries.
Abiku is a Yoruba word that can be translated as "predestined to death" and refers to the spirit of a child who dies young. It is from (abi) "that which was born" and (iku) "death".
Colombian folklore are beliefs, customs and cultural traditions in Colombia.
Mythic humanoids are legendary, folkloric, or mythological creatures that are part human, or that resemble humans through appearance or character. Each culture has different mythical creatures that come from many different origins, and many of these creatures are humanoids. They are often able to talk and in many stories they guide the hero on their journey.
According to classical sources, the ancient Celts were animists. They honoured the forces of nature, saw the world as inhabited by many spirits, and saw the Divine manifesting in aspects of the natural world.
In mythology and the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a character in a story who exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge and uses it to play tricks or otherwise disobey normal rules and defy conventional behavior.
A water spirit is a kind of supernatural being found in the folklore of many cultures:
A hogon is a spiritual leader in a Dogon village who plays an important role in Dogon religion.
The Lebe or Lewe is a Dogon religious, secret institution and primordial ancestor, who arose from a serpent. According to Dogon cosmogony, Lebe is the reincarnation of the first Dogon ancestor who, resurrected in the form of a snake, guided the Dogons from the Mandé to the cliff of Bandiagara where they are found today.
The Nommo Awards are literary awards presented by The African Speculative Fiction Society. The awards recognize works of speculative fiction by Africans, defined as "science fiction, fantasy, stories of magic and traditional belief, alternative histories, horror and strange stuff that might not fit in anywhere else."
Skin of the Sea is a 2021 young adult fantasy novel by Nigerian Welsh writer Natasha Bowen. Bowen's debut novel follows Simi, a mami wata who travels across sea and land in search of the Supreme Creator after breaking a law that threatens the existence of all mami wata.