2018 Malacca state election

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2018 Malacca state election
Flag of Malacca.svg
 2013 Malacca state election9 May 20182021 Malacca state election 
 Malaysian State Assembly Representatives (2013–2018)#Malacca
Malaysian State Assembly Representatives (2018–)#Malacca 

All 28 seats of the Malacca State Legislative Assembly
15 seats needed for a majority
 Majority partyMinority partyThird party
  Adly Zahari.jpg IdrisHaron.jpg GS
Leader Adly Zahari Idris Haron Kamarudin Sidek
Alliance Pakatan Harapan Barisan Nasional Gagasan Sejahtera
Leader since30 August 20172013Unknown
Leader's seat Bukit Katil Sungai Udang Duyong
(lost seat)
Last election6 seats, 31.18%
(Pakatan Rakyat)
21 seats, 53.31%1 seat, 14.98%
(Pakatan Rakyat)
Seats before3211
Seats won15130
Seat changeIncrease2.svg12Decrease2.svg8Decrease2.svg1
Popular vote211,153156,31844,537
SwingIncrease2.svg19.9 ppDecrease2.svg15.5 ppDecrease2.svg4.2%

Chief Minister before election

Idris Haron
Barisan Nasional

Elected Chief Minister

Adly Zahari
Pakatan Harapan

The 14th Malacca election was held on 9 May 2018 to elect the State Assemblymen of the 14th Malacca State Legislative Assembly, the legislature of the Malaysian state of Malacca. [1] The Malacca State Legislative Assembly dissolved on 7 April 2018 by the Head of State (Yang di-Pertua Negeri of Malacca) on the advice of the Head of Government (Chief Minister of Malacca). [2]


The election was conducted by the Malaysian Election Commission (EC) and used the first-past-the-post system. Electoral candidates were nominated on 28 April. On 9 May, between 8.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Malaysian time (UTC+8), polling was held in all 28 state constituencies throughout Malacca; each constituency elects a single State Assemblyman to the state legislature. The election was held concurrently with the 2018 Malaysian general election.

In a historic result, Barisan Nasional (BN), the ruling coalition in Malacca, was ousted from power by Pakatan Harapan (PH). Since the first Malacca state election in 1955, BN or its predecessor Alliance had never lost the state election. PH won 15 seats in the election, gaining a simple majority, while BN won 13. Adly Zahari from PH's component party AMANAH was sworn in as new Chief Minister on 11 May 2018. [3]


The upcoming state election will be the 14th state election in the State of Malacca since the independence of Malaya (now Malaysia) in 1957.

A state election must be held within sixty days after the dissolution. Accordingly, the Election Commission set 28 April as the nomination day and 9 May as the polling day. [1]

Political parties

Barisan Nasional (BN), the ruling coalition in Malacca, has been in power since its formation and led by Chief Minister Idris Haron.

BN was challenged by two opposition coalitions, the Pakatan Harapan (PH) and the Gagasan Sejahtera (GS). The PH and GS coalitions were led by Adly Zahari and Kamarudin Sidek respectively. [4]

Barisan Nasional (BN) Parti Keadilan Rakyat logo.svg Pakatan Harapan (PH) Gagasan Sejahtera (GS)

Electoral candidates

No.Parliamentary ConstituencyNo.State constituencyIncumbent State AssemblymanPolitical parties

Barisan Nasional

Parti Keadilan Rakyat logo.svg

Pakatan Harapan [5] [6]

PAS logo.svg

Gagasan Sejahtera [7]

Other parties/Ind [8]
Candidate NamePartyCandidate NamePartyCandidate NamePartyCandidate NameParty
P134 Masjid Tanah N01 Kuala Linggi Ismail Othman (BN) Ismail Othman UMNOHasmorni TambyPKRAzmi SambulPAS
N02 Tanjung Bidara Md Rawi Mahmud (BN) Md Rawi Mahmud Halim BachikImran Abdul Rahman
N03 Ayer Limau Amiruddin Yusop (BN) Amiruddin Yusop Ruslin HasanBERSATUJamarudin Ahmad
N04 Lendu Sulaiman Md Ali (BN) Sulaiman Md Ali Riduan Affandi Abu BakarArshad Mohamad Som
N05 Taboh Naning Latipah Omar (BN) Latipah Omar Zairi SubohAMANAHAsri Shaik Abdul Aziz
P135 Alor Gajah N06 Rembia Norpipah Abdol (BN)Norpipah Abdol Muhammad Jailani Khamis PKRMohammad Rashidi Abd Radzak
N07 Gadek M.S Mahadevan Sanacy (BN)P. PanirchelvamMIC Saminathan Ganesan DAPEmransyah Ismail
N08 Machap Jaya (previously Machap) Lai Meng Chong (BN) Koh Nai Kwong MCA Ginie Lim Siew Lin PKRWan Zahidi Wan Ismail
N09 Durian Tunggal Ab Wahab Ab Latip (BN)Ab Wahab Ab LatipUMNO Mohd Sofi Abdul Wahab AMANAHMohsin Ibrahim
N10 Asahan Abdul Ghafar Atan (BN) Abdul Ghafar Atan Zamzuri AriffinBERSATUAzlan Maddin
P136 Tangga Batu N11 Sungai Udang Idris Haron (BN) Idris Haron Mohd Lokman Abdul GaniPKR
N12 Pantai Kundor Ab Rahaman Ab Karim (BN)Nor Azman HassanJuhari OsmanAMANAHAbdul Halim MaidinPAS
N13 Paya Rumput Sazali Muhd Din (BN)Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah Md Rafiq Naizamohideen BERSATURafie Ahmad
N14 Kelebang Lim Ban Hong (BN)Lim Ban HongMCAGue TeckPKRMohd Shafiq Ismail
P137 Hang Tuah Jaya N15 Pengkalan Batu (previously Bachang)Lim Jack Wong (IND)Chua Lian ChyeGERAKAN Norhizam Hassan Baktee DAPRamli Dalip
N16 Ayer Keroh Khoo Poay Tiong (PH)Chua Kheng HwaMCA Kerk Chee Yee Sepri Rahman
N17 Bukit Katil (previously Bukit Baru)Md Khalid Kassim (GS)Yunus HitamUMNO Adli Zahari AMANAHMuhamat Puhat Bedol
N18 Ayer Molek Md. Yunos Husin (BN) Rahmad Mariman Farhan IbrahimPKRJantan AbdullahKamarolzaman JidiIND
P138 Kota Melaka N19 Kesidang Chin Choong Seong (IND)Ng Choon KoonMCASeah Shoo ChinDAP
Goh Leong San¹
N20 Kota Laksamana Lai Keun Ban (PH)Melvia Chua Kew Wei Low Chee Leong Sim Tong Him¹
N21 Duyong Goh Leong San (IND)Lee Kiat LeeDamian Yeo Shen LiKamarudin SedikPASLim Jack Wong¹
N22 Bandar Hilir Tey Kok Kiew (PH)Lee Chong Meng Tey Kok Kiew
Chin Choong Seong¹
N23 Telok Mas Latiff Tamby Chik (BN)Abdul Razak Abdul RahmanUMNO Noor Effandi Ahmad BERSATURosazli Md YasinPAS
P139 Jasin N24 Bemban Ng Choon Koon (BN)Koh Chin HanMCA Wong Fort Pin DAPSuhaimi Harun
N25 Rim Ghazale Muhamad (BN) Ghazale Muhamad UMNO Shamsul Iskandar Md. Akin PKRKintan Man
N26 Serkam Zaidi Attan (BN) Zaidi Attan Nor Khairi YusofAMANAHAhmad Bilal Rahudin
N27 Merlimau Roslan Ahmad (BN) Roslan Ahmad Yuhaizad AbdullahAbd Malek Yusof
N28 Sungai Rambai Hasan Abd Rahman (BN) Hasan Abd Rahman Azalina Abdul RahmanBERSATUZakariya Kasnin

Note:1Four Independent candidates who had quit DAP Malacca to form 'Justice League' informal Independent bloc and contested using the key symbol. [9]

Election pendulum

The 14th General Election witnessed 15 governmental seats and 13 non-governmental seats filled the Malacca State Legislative Assembly. The government side has 4 safe seats and 1 fairly safe seat, while the non-government side has just 2 fairly safe seats.

2018 Malacca state election
GadekSaminathan GanesanDAP42.47
Telok MasNoor Effandi AhmadBERSATU44.57
BembanDr. Wong Fort PinDAP45.40
KelebangGue TeckPKR45.58
Durian TunggalMohd. Sofi Abdul WahabAMANAH47.16
DuyongDamian Yeo Shen LiDAP49.66
Pengkalan BatuNorhizam Hassan BakteeDAP51.47
Bukit KatilAdly ZahariAMANAH52.14
RembiaMuhammad Jailani KhamisPKR52.37
Machap JayaGinie Lim Siew LinPKR52.66
Fairly safe
Paya RumputMohd. Rafiq NaizamohideenBERSATU56.30
Ayer KerohKerk Chee YeeDAP65.31
KesidangSeah Shoo ChinDAP72.64
Kota LaksamanaLow Chee LeongDAP81.68
Bandar HilirTey Kok KiewDAP83.05
MerlimauRoslan AhmadUMNO45.38
Pantai KundorNor Azman HassanUMNO45.42
Ayer MolekRahmad MarimanUMNO45.56
AsahanAbdul Ghafar AtanUMNO45.80
RimGhazale MuhamadUMNO46.80
LenduSulaiman Md. AliUMNO46.87
Taboh NaningLatipah OmarUMNO47.36
SerkamZaidi AttanUMNO47.46
Sungai RambaiHasan Abd. RahmanUMNO51.33
Ayer LimauAmiruddin YusopUMNO51.60
Kuala LinggiIsmail OthmanUMNO52.34
Fairly safe
Sungai UdangIr. Idris HaronUMNO56.22
Tanjung BidaraMd. Rawi MahmudUMNO58.15


Party or allianceVotes%Seats+/–
Pakatan Harapan Democratic Action Party 99,63724.128+2
People's Justice Party 50,86112.313+3
National Trust Party 32,8537.952+2
Malaysian United Indigenous Party 27,8026.732+2
Barisan Nasional United Malays National Organisation 111,12926.9013–4
Malaysian Chinese Association 34,6338.380–3
Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia 6,4711.5700
Malaysian Indian Congress 4,0850.990–1
Gagasan Sejahtera Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party 44,53710.780–1
Valid votes413,15698.81
Invalid/blank votes4,9561.19
Total votes418,112100.00
Registered voters/turnout494,66284.52
Source: Malaysiakini Live, [10] UNDI, [11] Free Malaysia Today [12]

By parliamentary constituency

Pakatan Harapan won 4 of 6 parliamentary constituency.

No.ConstituencyBarisan NasionalGagasan SejahteraPakatan HarapanMember of Parliament
P134 Masjid Tanah 54.75%14.88%30.37% Mas Ermieyati Samsudin
P135 Alor Gajah 40.91%11.41%47.68%
Koh Nai Kwong (13th Parliament)
Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof (14th Parliament)
P136 Tangga Batu 44.33%8.36%47.31%Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah (13th Parliament)
Rusnah Aluai (14th Parliament)
P137 Hang Tuah Jaya 34.61%13.21%52.08% Shamsul Iskandar Md. Akin
P138 Kota Melaka 24.75%5.77%68.47% Sim Tong Him (13th Parliament)
Khoo Poay Tiong (14th Parliament)
P139 Jasin 44.88%16.28%38.84% Ahmad Hamzah

Seats that changed allegiance

No.SeatPrevious Party (2013)Current Party (2018)
N06 Flag of Malacca.svg Rembia Barisan Nasional (UMNO) Pakatan Harapan (PKR)
N07 Flag of Malacca.svg Gadek Barisan Nasional (MIC) Pakatan Harapan (DAP)
N08 Flag of Malacca.svg Machap Jaya Barisan Nasional (MCA) Pakatan Harapan (PKR)
N09 Flag of Malacca.svg Durian Tunggal Barisan Nasional (UMNO) Pakatan Harapan (AMANAH)
N13 Flag of Malacca.svg Paya Rumput Barisan Nasional (UMNO) Pakatan Harapan (BERSATU)
N14 Flag of Malacca.svg Kelebang Barisan Nasional (MCA) Pakatan Harapan (PKR)
N17 Flag of Malacca.svg Bukit Katil Gagasan Sejahtera (PAS) Pakatan Harapan (AMANAH)
N23 Flag of Malacca.svg Telok Mas Barisan Nasional (UMNO) Pakatan Harapan (BERSATU)
N24 Flag of Malacca.svg Bemban Barisan Nasional (MCA) Pakatan Harapan (DAP)


The state government led by Adly only lasts 22 months, when in the wake of 2020 Malaysian political crisis and defection of several MLA resulted in his resignation and a new state government under BN's Sulaiman Md Ali in March 2020. That government, in turn only lasted another 19 months before another constitutional crisis resulted in a snap election called by Sulaiman in October 2021.

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  11. "Undi.info Live". live.undi.info. Retrieved 9 May 2018.
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