2023 Democratic Republic of the Congo general election

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2023 Democratic Republic of the Congo general election
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg
  2018 20 December 2023 (2023-12-20)2028 
Presidential election
Turnout42.65% (Decrease2.svg 4.92pp)
  Felix Tshisekedi in 2021.jpg Moise Katumbi en 2016.tiff
Nominee Félix Tshisekedi Moïse Katumbi
Party UDPS Ensemble
Alliance USN Congo ya Makasi
Popular vote13,058,9623,256,572

2023 Democratic Republic of the Congo presidential election by province.svg
2023 Democratic Republic of the Congo presidential election by territory.svg

President before election

Félix Tshisekedi

Elected President

Félix Tshisekedi

Legislative election

484 of the 500 seat National Assembly
251 seats needed for a majority
Prime Minister beforePrime Minister after
Jean-Michel Sama Lukonde, premier ministre de la RDC (cropped).png Sama Lukonde
Judith Suminwa
TULUKA 2023 (profile).jpg

General elections were held in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 20 December 2023. Combined elections were held for the President, 484 of the 500 members of the National Assembly, 700 of the 716 elected members of the 26 provincial assemblies, and for the first time under the new constitution, 951 members of a scaled down number of commune (municipal) councils. On election day, the Congolese government extended voting to 21 December for polling stations that had not opened on 20 December. [1] [2] Agence France-Presse reported that some polling stations would open as late as 24 December. [3]


These elections were the first of the 4th election cycle under the 2006 constitution. Six more elections are scheduled to follow in 2024, five of which are indirect.

Elections were not organized in the territories of Kwamouth, Masisi, and Rutshuru due to ongoing armed conflict

Incumbent President Félix Tshisekedi was provisionally declared the winner on 31 December by the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), winning about 73% of the vote. [4]


2018 electoral fraud

President Félix Tshisekedi's election in 2018 was extremely controversial, with most independent observers, including the Catholic Church, believing that opposition candidate Martin Fayulu had actually won in a landslide. They believe that outgoing President Joseph Kabila, realising chosen successor candidate couldn't credibly win, struck a deal with Tshisekedi to make him president while Kabila governed jointly with him. [5]

According to Jacques Mukena, Senior Governance Researcher at Ebuteli Institute, the election will most likely not be completely free and fair, but believes Tshisekedi and the CENI are aware of the fact that they would be under closer scrutiny than in 2018 because more local and international observers would be watching. Additionally, candidates such as Delly Sesanga have already declared that they would believe the Catholic Church's opinion of who won the elections, not CENI's. [5]

According to the Crisis Group, there is a fear of a wider political crisis if losing candidates or their backers do not accept the presidential results. Any crisis, while not inevitable, could worsen the already dire situation in the east. [6]

On 20 November, Fayulu advocated for transparent and impartial elections, he insisted that the Congolese "must no longer accept someone stealing their victory." [7]


Map of the M23 offensive with Goma on the north shore of Lake Kivu at the bottom M23offensive.png
Map of the M23 offensive with Goma on the north shore of Lake Kivu at the bottom

The Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered from almost constant conflict in the east for the past 30 years. More recently, violence surged in the region after a new rebellion by the M23 group, supported by Rwanda, caused much of the North Kivu province to be occupied by rebels. This upsurge in violence comes as MONUSCO is expected to begin its "accelerated" withdrawal, as requested by Tshisekedi, after an almost 25-year presence in the country. [8] [9]

Due to this, two territories of the province will not be able to vote normally, but if Goma were to fall as it did in 2012, the whole process would be compromised. [8]

With the possibility of over a million voters being disenfranchised from instability, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has proposed sending a regional intervention force into eastern DRC to try to stabilise the area. The SADC Mission in the DRC was first proposed in May and was meant to go in by September but has been postponed, with its most recent summit concerning finance. [5]

According to the Institute for Security Studies, it's hard to imagine the mission could go in and suppress all of eastern DRC's many armed rebel groups in time to enfranchise those voters. [5]


Selected dates from the electoral calendar: [10] [11]

Electoral system

Presidential election

The president is elected by plurality voting in one round. [12] For the first time, some Congolese living abroad were able to vote in the presidential election. These were those living in Belgium, Canada, France, South Africa, and the United States.

National Assembly, provincial assembly, and commune council elections

Electoral districts and seat allocation

Except for the four National Assembly districts of Kinshasa, all electoral districts are simply administrative subdivisions of the country; the four exceptions are themselves groupings of administrative divisions of Kinshasa.

Contested electoral districts of the 2023 general election [13]
Forthe Districts areTotal
in Provincesin KinshasaDistrictsSeatsCandidates [14]
National Assembly territories a and cities Kinshasa I-IVb179 (64)c484c.25,000
26 Provincial assemblies communes 199 (37)700c.32,000
113 Commune councils communes d113 (0)951c.49,000
Notes: a) Postponed in the territories of Kwamouth, Masisi, and Rutshuru due to armed conflict. b) Kinshasa I: Lukunga, II: Funa, III: Mont-Amba, IV: Tshangu. c) Total single member districts in parentheses. d) Only the communes of Kinshasa and the 25 provincial capitals.

At the start of every five year election cycle voter registration takes place. The results for each province, including Kinshasa, are first used to proportionally distribute the 500 National Assembly seats and the 780 total seats of the provincial assemblies to the provinces. This determines the size of the provincial delegation in the National Assembly and the size of each provincial assembly. The second phase proportionally allocates provincial seats to each assembly district—in the case of the provincial assemblies, up to 10% of seats are reserved for the co-option of traditional leaders and are not allocated to an assembly district.

For the 2023 election, voter registration could not be carried out in some areas of the territories of Kwamouth, Masisi, and Rutshuru due to armed conflict. To deal with this, it was decided to postpone the elections in these territories, to reserve the same number of seats for these districts as they had in 2018, and to proportionally distribute the remaining seats to the other districts. The result was that only 484 National Assembly seats and 700 provincial assembly seats were to be contested.

Lumumbaville elected its first National Assembly deputy and its first deputy to the Provincial Assembly of Sankuru. This was the only new legislative district of the 2024-2028 legislature. [15]

In the case of a commune council election, the commune is the single multi-member electoral district with the number of members determined by the number of registered voters in the commune according to a fixed table.

Getting on the ballot

Each candidate for these elections are part of a three-person ticket which includes candidates for first and second substitute. It is not unusual for a candidate to run for both a national and provincial assembly seat in which case they can keep but one and a substitute takes the other.

A new rule requires participating political parties and alliances to contest at least 60% of the seats up for renewal in an election. So for example, each party/alliance had to register at least 290 candidates to participate in the National Assembly election. [16]

Election method

The method by which members are elected are different in districts having more than one seat, the most common case, from those that end up with only one seat. [17]

In multiple-member districts, members are elected by open list proportional representation, with seats assigned using the largest remainder method. Candidates who win more than half the vote in their district are automatically assigned a seat. [18] Otherwise, a party or independent candidate must meet an election threshold to qualify for seat assignment. [17] The election thresholds for the National Assembly, a provincial assembly, or a commune council are 1% of the vote nationally, 3% provincially, and 10% in the commune, respectively. [19]

In single member districts, members are elected using first-past-the-post voting. [17]


The 26 official presidential candidates were: [20]

Active up to election day

Withdrew in favor of another candidate

Opinion polls

Opinion polling is rare in the Democratic Republic of the Congo due to poor roads and lack of electricity. Nevertheless, a survey conducted by GeoPoll Socio-Political Barometer in the second quarter of 2023 found that voters expressed significant discontent with the governance under Tshisekedi, assigning him a satisfaction rating of 49.7%. Despite this, the survey also suggested that Tshisekedi would secure a second term thanks in part to perceived improvements, such as his free education initiative, and partly due to a divided opposition. [5] [25]

An earlier 2022 poll by the same group found unemployment and insecurity to be the most cited dysfunctional areas, closely followed by the state of the country's roads and rising prices. On the other hand, free education was found to be the most favorable policy. [26]


Pre-election violence

While the lead-up to the election was generally calm, several violent incidents were reported. On 14 July 2023, Chérubin Okende Senga, spokesperson for ENSEMBLE and former transport minister, was fatally shot in Kinshasa. The murder, described by Katumbi as a "political assassination," led to legal action by Senga's relatives in Brussels, accusing the head of the DRC's military intelligence of involvement. [27] [28] Later in the year, a Katumbi rally in Moanda was broken up by live rounds, injuring several people. The provincial government blamed Katumbi's guards, stating that they fired warning shots after the crowd grew rowdy. Katumbi blamed the police. [29]

Violent clashes between supporters of different parties were also observed across various provinces, with candidates facing death threats on the campaign trail. On November 4, suspected UDPS activists attacked the convoy of Martin Fayulu in Tshikapa, Kasai province. On November 7, UDPS supporters clashed with ENSEMBLE supporters at a rally in Kasumbalesa, followed by ransacking of the local UDPS headquarters by Ensemble supporters. On November 28, a truck belonging to the campaign team of Maniema Governor Afani Idrissa Mangala ran over and killed Dido Kakisingi, leader of ENSEMBLE's Maniema youth league, in Kindu. Before the incident, UDPS supporters had attempted to block Katumbi's convoy and threw stones at Kakisingi. [30] At least 19 deaths, including two candidates, have been attributed to election-related violence. [31]

Election preparations

The CENI was reportedly woefully underprepared for the election. Due to the state of the country's roads compared to its size and the lack of funding, the CENI was forced to resort to doing almost everything via plane. As transporting by air is costly, the CENI had to get Egypt to send two C-130 Hercules planes to help deliver ballot papers at the last moment. Additionally, the CENI begged the UN to use its aircraft. [32]

Election day

On election day voting offices were scheduled to open at 6 AM, but delays were observed nationwide, resulting in the formation of exceptionally long lines. Various logistical issues further compounded the situation, including the late arrival of materials, malfunctioning voting machines, failed batteries intended to sustain their operation, and instances of lost ballot papers. This prolonged waiting period reportedly led to frustration among poorly informed and/or impatient individuals, resulting in attacks on poll workers and polling stations. Additionally, 11,000 voting stations didn't even vote at all or were not counted. [32]

According to Schadrack Mukad, an adjunct executive national secretary of the Civil Society Organization for Peace in Congo, which deployed 75,000 observers during the vote, "there were cases of machines that were seized by certain candidates and others by certain agents of the CENI outside voting places.” He expressed concern about the involvement of certain politico-administrative authorities and electoral candidates, who he says diverted CENI agents away from polling stations for a significant duration. Mukad attributed these violations to members affiliated with Tshisekedi's coalition. [32]

Controversially, the election necessitated an extension into a second day, a move which was declared illegal by local observers and civil society, and parts of the country were still casting ballots five days after election day. [33]

The CENI recognised cases of fraud, vandalism and intimidation, as well as the use of illegal voting machines. [33]


According to Nicolas Niarchos, in his piece for The New York Review of Books, the CENI's polling station data, "although impressive in detail", showed "strange" results. In the Fayulu stronghold of Kinshasa, for example, only 1,756,303 votes were counted–just ten percent of the capital's population. [32]

Tafi Mhaka, in an opinion piece for Aljazeera, described the elections as "shambolic," calling for the Southern African Development Community to uphold electoral standards in every single member country. [34]

Alternatively, Albert Kasanda, in his piece for The Conversation, partially attributes the opposition's failure to unite behind a single candidate and their campaign strategies, compared to Tshisekedi, who had the backing of major political figures which provided him a broad territorial network and a foothold in various regions of the country. [35]



Félix Tshisekedi Union for Democracy and Social Progress 13,058,96273.47
Moïse Katumbi Together for the Republic 3,256,57218.32
Martin Fayulu Commitment to Citizenship and Development875,3364.92
Adolphe Muzito New Momentum200,8001.13
Soborabo Radjabho TebabhoCongolese United for Change70,0990.39
Denis Mukwege Independent39,6390.22
Aggrey Ngalasi KurisiniIndependent37,2010.21
Constant Mutamba  [ fr ]Revolutionary Progressive Dynamic36,1970.20
Jean-Claude Baende Independent25,5840.14
Delly Sesanga Flight17,7850.10
Loli Nkema Liloo BokonziIndependent17,0460.10
Patrice Majondo MwambaIndependent15,7930.09
Marie-Josée Ifoku Independent15,2660.09
Matata Ponyo Mapon Leadership and Governance for Development14,1810.08
André Masalu AneduIndependent13,9740.08
Floribert AnzuluniIndependent13,7070.08
Noël Tshiani Independent9,2760.05
Seth Kikuni Independent8,6210.05
Justin Mudekereza BisimwaIndependent7,5730.04
Joëlle Bile Batali  [ fr ]Independent6,9110.04
Franck Diongo  [ fr ]Progressive Lumumbist Movement6,7800.04
Tony Bolamba  [ fr ]Independent6,3070.04
Rex Kazadi KandaIndependent5,7570.03
Georges Buse FalayIndependent5,2880.03
Enoch NgilaIndependent5,1560.03
Théodore Ngoy Independent4,1320.02
Valid votes17,773,94399.85
Invalid/blank votes26,2520.15
Total votes17,800,195100.00
Registered voters/turnout41,738,62842.65
Source: CENI [36] as amended by the Constitutional Court [37]

National Assembly

Although the provisional results of the legislative elections were due on 3 January 2024, they were postponed for 10 days due to the fraud and irregularities denounced by CENI. [38]

According to the provisional results, 44 parties and/or political groupings have reached the representativeness threshold and should therefore have seats in the National Assembly. [39] The Independent National Electoral Commission has published the names of 477 of the 500 deputies, pending the results from constituencies where unrest and violence were recorded. This includes 177 constituencies, as the results of Masimanimba in Kwilu and Yakoma in Nord-Ubangi were annulled for fraud, and in the territories of Masisi and Rutshuru in North Kivu and Kwamouth in Maï-Ndombe, elections were not held due to the activism of armed groups. [39] [40] [41]

After CENI invalidated 82 candidates, the ruling UDPS/Tshisekedi party won the most seats, giving President Félix Tshisekedi a comfortable parliamentary majority.

Matata Ponyo Mapon, Constant Mutamba, Jean-Claude Baende and Adophe Muzito, who also stood in the presidential election, were elected in Kindu, Lubao, Mbandaka and Kikwit respectively, while a large number of the president's allies, including the two presidents of the houses of parliament: Christophe Mboso and Bahati Lukuebo, Prime Minister Sama Lukonde, and the candidate deputy prime ministers Vital Kamerhe, Jean-Pierre Lihau and Christophe Lutundula, won their seats once again. [42] [43]

Provisional Results
Democratic Republic of the Congo National Assembly 2023.svg
Party AbbreviationVotes%Seats+/–
Union for Democracy and Social Progress 1,664,0499.2669+37
Allied ActionsUnion for the Congolese Nation 903,9285.0335+19
Alliance of Democratic Forces of Congo890,7534.9635–6
Agissons and Buildings 752,5594.1926
Allied ActionsAll for the Development of Congo 692,4913.8521
Alliance of actors attached to the people 649,2263.6121
Alliance bloc 50 546,0793.0420
Movement for the Liberation of the Congo 471,3752.6219–3
Together for the Republic 497,0092.7618New
Alliance for the Advent of a Prosperous and Greater Congo 532,0662.9616
Alternative Action of Actors for the Love of Congo 392,1402.1816
Alliance 2024 443,8592.4715
It's up to us to build the Congo 379,1352.1113
Congo Allied Action for the Convention 390,1612.1710
Coalition of Democrats 431,0282.409
Actions of the Allies of the Convention for the Republic and Democracy 320,3701.789
Alliance of Progressive Congolese and Allies 260,3921.459
Alliance for Democratic Alternation and Allies 336,8131.878
Action for National Unity 239,9691.338
Audible Actions for Good Governance 191,0561.068
Alliance for Values 330,8131.847
Alliance for the Triple and Allies 305,7281.707
Allied Action for the Rise of the Congo 284,2051.587
Alliance of Nationalists 277,4601.547
Actions of Convention AlliesUnified Lumumbist Party 215,8771.207–10
Alliance for the Solidarity Movement for Change 291,2261.626
Alliances of Unified and Allied Tshisekedists 287,9961.606
Avançons-MS 202,7501.135+4
Another Vision of Congo and Allies 187,3581.045
Alliance and Action for the Rule of Law 258,2551.444
Political and Social Forces Allied to the UDPS 206,7211.154
Christian Alternative for Congo 190,6061.064
Alliance 2025 232,6481.293
Alternative Vital Kamerhe 2018 200,8991.123
New Momentum 179,8701.003
Dynamique Progressive Revolutionnaire 179,8341.003
Alliance of Political Parties Allied to the Movement for the Liberation of the Congo 179,9291.002
Alliance for the Reform of the Republic 179,8771.002
Action for the Federative Cause 179,8471.002
Alliance for the Growth and Democracy of Congo 221,8691.231
Alliance for Development Actions in Congo 191,0531.061
Leadership and Governance for Development 75,9440.421
Alliance of Elites in the Service of the People and Allies 179,9531.000
Allied Action for the Love of the Republic/Convention for the Republic 179,8511.000
Other parties and independents1,591,4708.850 
Annulled districts7+7
Valid votes17,976,55195.55
Invalid votes748,0793.98
Blank votes88,8390.47
Total votes18,813,469100.00
Source: CENI [44] [45]

Provincial assemblies

Combined Provisional Results
Party AbbreviationVotes%Seats+/–
AFDC-A  [ fr ]66-2
A/A-UNC 48
2A/TDC 39
AB 34
MLC 296
ANB 26
4AC 21
A/B50 18
A24 17
ACP-A 14
AAD-A 10
AAeC 10
A3A 8
A25 7
AV 7
AA/C 7
A/VK2018 6
AN 6
A2R 6
A1 5
AE 2
Other parties and
Valid votes17,960,91099.53
Invalid/blank votes84,4380.47
Total votes18,045,348100.00
Registered voters/turnout41,738,62843.23
Source: CENI [46] [47] [48]
Party composition of each provincial assembly (provisional)
ProvinceElected seats
Haut-Uele 18A/A-UNCA1A24UDPS/T.2A/TDCA/VK2018A/B50
Source: CENI [46] [47]


On 6 January 2024, Katumbi released a statement disputing the results of the election on the grounds of "massive fraud and treachery" and calling for the resignation of Denis Kadima, the head of the Independent National Electoral Commission. Two days later, his party stated that he had been placed under house arrest, with a spokesman reporting the presence of "heavily armed soldiers traveling in armoured vehicles surrounding his house". [49] The security forces were subsequently ordered to withdraw by the provincial governor Jacques Kyabula Katwe. [50]

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  4. "DR Congo election: President Felix Tshisekedi declared landslide winner". BBC. 31 December 2023. Archived from the original on 31 December 2023. Retrieved 31 December 2023.
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Further reading