260 (number)

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260 (two hundred [and] sixty) is the natural number following 259 and preceding 261.

259 260 261
Cardinal two hundred sixty
Ordinal 260th
(two hundred sixtieth)
Factorization 22 × 5 × 13
Greek numeral ΣΞ´
Roman numeral CCLX
Binary 1000001002
Ternary 1001223
Senary 11126
Octal 4048
Duodecimal 19812
Hexadecimal 10416

It is also the magic constant of the n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 8, the size of an actual chess board.

260 is also the magic constant of the Franklin magic square devised by Benjamin Franklin.


The minor diagonal gives 260, and in addition a number of combinations of two half diagonals of four numbers from a corner to the center give 260.

There are 260 days in the Mayan sacred calendar Tzolkin.

260 may also refer to the years AD 260 and 260 BC.

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