143 (number)

Last updated
142 143 144
Cardinal one hundred forty-three
Ordinal 143rd
(one hundred forty-third)
Factorization 11 × 13
Divisors 1, 11, 13, 143
Greek numeral ΡΜΓ´
Roman numeral CXLIII
Binary 100011112
Ternary 120223
Senary 3556
Octal 2178
Duodecimal BB12
Hexadecimal 8F16

143 (one hundred [and] forty-three) is the natural number following 142 and preceding 144. It is one less than a gross.


In mathematics

143 is:


Every positive integer is the sum of at most 143 seventh powers (see Waring's problem).

In the military

In transportation

In media

In other fields

143 is also:

See also

Related Research Articles

23 (twenty-three) is the natural number following 22 and preceding 24.

73 (seventy-three) is the natural number following 72 and preceding 74. In English, it is the smallest natural number with twelve letters in its spelled out name.

127 is the natural number following 126 and preceding 128. It is also a prime number.

153 is the natural number following 152 and preceding 154.

137 is the natural number following 136 and preceding 138.

169 is the natural number following 168 and preceding 170.

145 is the natural number following 144 and preceding 146.

129 is the natural number following 128 and preceding 130.

131 is the natural number following 130 and preceding 132.

133 is the natural number following 132 and preceding 134.

167 is the natural number following 166 and preceding 168.

157 is the number following 156 and preceding 158.

152 is the natural number following 151 and preceding 153.

136 is the natural number following 135 and preceding 137.

141 is the natural number following 140 and preceding 142.

154 is the natural number following 153 and preceding 155.

158 is the natural number following 157 and preceding 159.

159 is a natural number following 158 and preceding 160.

161 is the natural number following 160 and preceding 162.

182 is the natural number following 181 and preceding 183.


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