| ||||
Cardinal | eighty-three | |||
Ordinal | 83rd (eighty-third) | |||
Factorization | prime | |||
Prime | 23rd | |||
Divisors | 1, 83 | |||
Greek numeral | ΠΓ´ | |||
Roman numeral | LXXXIII, lxxxiii | |||
Binary | 10100112 | |||
Ternary | 100023 | |||
Senary | 2156 | |||
Octal | 1238 | |||
Duodecimal | 6B12 | |||
Hexadecimal | 5316 |
83 (eighty-three) is the natural number following 82 and preceding 84.
83 is:
82 (eighty-two) is the natural number following 81 and preceding 83.
89 (eighty-nine) is the natural number following 88 and preceding 90.
79 (seventy-nine) is the natural number following 78 and preceding 80.
91 (ninety-one) is the natural number following 90 and preceding 92.
97 (ninety-seven) is the natural number following 96 and preceding 98. It is a prime number and the only prime in the nineties.
113 is the natural number following 112 and preceding 114.
1000 or one thousand is the natural number following 999 and preceding 1001. In most English-speaking countries, it can be written with or without a comma or sometimes a period separating the thousands digit: 1,000.
300 is the natural number following 299 and preceding 301.
700 is the natural number following 699 and preceding 701.
600 is the natural number following 599 and preceding 601.
800 is the natural number following 799 and preceding 801.
2000 is a natural number following 1999 and preceding 2001.
3000 is the natural number following 2999 and preceding 3001. It is the smallest number requiring thirteen letters in English.
4000 is the natural number following 3999 and preceding 4001. It is a decagonal number.
5000 is the natural number following 4999 and preceding 5001. Five thousand is, at the same time, the largest isogrammic numeral, and the smallest number that contains every one of the five vowels in the English language.
6000 is the natural number following 5999 and preceding 6001.
7000 is the natural number following 6999 and preceding 7001.
173 is the natural number following 172 and preceding 174.
251 is the natural number between 250 and 252. It is also a prime number.
41 (forty-one) is the natural number following 40 and preceding 42.