157 (number)

Last updated
156 157 158
Cardinal one hundred fifty-seven
Ordinal 157th
(one hundred fifty-seventh)
Factorization prime
Prime 37th
Divisors 1, 157
Greek numeral ΡΝΖ´
Roman numeral CLVII
Binary 100111012
Ternary 122113
Senary 4216
Octal 2358
Duodecimal 11112
Hexadecimal 9D16

157 (one hundred [and] fifty-seven) is the number following 156 and preceding 158.


In mathematics

157 is:

In base 10, 1572 is 24649, and 1582 is 24964, which uses the same digits. Numbers having this property are listed in OEIS:  A072841 . The previous entry is 13, and the next entry after 157 is 913.

The simplest right angle triangle with rational sides that has area 157 has the longest side with a denominator of 45 digits.

In the military

In music

In sports

In transportation

In other fields

157 is also:

See also

Related Research Articles

127 is the natural number following 126 and preceding 128. It is also a prime number.

137 is the natural number following 136 and preceding 138.

169 is the natural number following 168 and preceding 170.

128 is the natural number following 127 and preceding 129.

155 is the natural number following 154 and preceding 156.

129 is the natural number following 128 and preceding 130.

131 is the natural number following 130 and preceding 132.

133 is the natural number following 132 and preceding 134.

167 is the natural number following 166 and preceding 168.

152 is the natural number following 151 and preceding 153.

173 is the natural number following 172 and preceding 174.

141 is the natural number following 140 and preceding 142.

139 is the natural number following 138 and preceding 140.

154 is the natural number following 153 and preceding 155.

156 is the natural number, following 155 and preceding 157.

158 is the natural number following 157 and preceding 159.

159 is a natural number following 158 and preceding 160.

165 is the natural number following 164 and preceding 166.

161 is the natural number following 160 and preceding 162.

166 is the natural number following 165 and preceding 167.


  1. "FLW Incorporated | Specialists in Physical Measurement, Testing, Calibration & Control".
  2. "Summary of Statement No. 157". Archived from the original on 2010-05-23. Retrieved 2008-12-19.
  3. "Visa Application Forms". Archived from the original on 2010-05-23. Retrieved 2017-06-24.