121 (number)

Last updated
120 121 122
Cardinal one hundred twenty-one
Ordinal 121st
(one hundred twenty-first)
Factorization 112
Divisors 1, 11, 121
Greek numeral ΡΚΑ´
Roman numeral CXXI, cxxi
Binary 11110012
Ternary 111113
Senary 3216
Octal 1718
Duodecimal A112
Hexadecimal 7916

121 (one hundred [and] twenty-one) is the natural number following 120 and preceding 122.

In mathematics

One hundred [and] twenty-one is

A Chinese checkers board has 121 holes. Chinese checkers start positions.svg
A Chinese checkers board has 121 holes.


  1. Ribenboim, Paulo (1994). Catalan's conjecture : are 8 and 9 the only consecutive powers?. Boston: Academic Press. ISBN   0-12-587170-8. OCLC   29671943.
  2. Wells, D., The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Numbers , London: Penguin Group. (1987): 136