Barber's pole

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A software rendering of a spinning barber pole Barber-pole-01.gif
A software rendering of a spinning barber pole
Barber pole, c. 1938, North Carolina Museum of History Barberspole.jpg
Barber pole, c. 1938, North Carolina Museum of History
Barber shop in Torquay, Devon, England, with red and white pole Sweeney Todds.jpg
Barber shop in Torquay, Devon, England, with red and white pole

A barber's pole is a type of sign used by barbers to signify the place or shop where they perform their craft. The trade sign is, by a tradition dating back to the Middle Ages, a staff or pole with a helix of colored stripes (often red and white in many countries, but usually red, white and blue in Canada, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, and the United States). The pole may be stationary or may rotate, often with the aid of an electric motor. [1] [2]


A "barber's pole" with a helical stripe is a familiar sight, and is used as a secondary metaphor to describe objects in many other contexts. For example, if the shaft or tower of a lighthouse has been painted with a helical stripe as a daymark, the lighthouse could be described as having been painted in "barber's pole" colors.

These barbers poles are still made in the UK by Aaron Kent. Hairdresseing and barbering has been in are family for four generations from the early 1900'S and have been making barber's poles since about 1970'S. [3]

Origin in barbering and surgery

Antique red and blue striped pole in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States BarberPole.jpg
Antique red and blue striped pole in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, United States

Barber's poles have a storied, slightly macabre history; during the Middle Ages, barbers performed surgery on customers, as well as tooth extractions. The original pole had a brassen wash basin at the top (representing the vessel in which leeches were kept) and bottom (representing the basin that received the blood). The pole itself represents the staff that the patient gripped during the procedure to encourage blood flow, [4] and the twined pole motif is likely related to the Caduceus, the staff of the Greek god of speed and commerce Hermes, evidenced for example by early physician van Helmont's description of himself as "Francis Mercurius Van Helmont, A Philosopher by that one in whom are all things, A Wandering Hermite. [5]

At the Council of Tours in 1163, the Roman Catholic clergy was banned from the practice of surgery. [6] From then, physicians were clearly separated from the surgeons and barbers. Later, the role of the barbers was defined by the College de Saint-Côme et Saint-Damien, established by Jean Pitard in Paris circa 1210, [7] as academic surgeons of the long robe and barber surgeons of the short robe.

In Renaissance-era Amsterdam, the surgeons used the colored stripes to indicate that they were prepared to bleed their patients (red), set bones or pull teeth (white), or give a shave if nothing more urgent was needed (blue). [8]

After the formation of the United Barber Surgeon's Company in England, a statute required the barber to use a red and white pole and the surgeon to use a red pole. In the Kingdom of France, surgeons used a red pole with a basin attached to identify their offices. Blue often appears on poles in the United States, possibly as a homage to its national colors. Another, more fanciful interpretation of these barber pole colors is that red represents arterial blood, blue is symbolic of venous blood, and white depicts the bandage. [9]

Prior to 1950, there were four manufacturers of barber poles in the United States. In 1950, William Marvy of St. Paul, Minnesota, started manufacturing barber poles. Marvy made his 50,000th barber pole in 1967, and, by 2010, over 82,000 had been produced. [10] The William Marvy Company is now the sole manufacturer of barber poles in North America, and sells only 500 per year (compared to 5,100 in the 1960s). [11] In recent years, the sale of spinning barber poles has dropped considerably, since few barber shops are opening, and many jurisdictions prohibit moving signs. Koken of St. Louis, Missouri, manufactured barber equipment such as chairs and assorted poles in the 19th century.

As early as 1905, use of the poles was reported to be "diminishing" in the United States. [12]

In Forest Grove, Oregon, the "World's Tallest Barber Shop Pole" measures 72 feet (22 m). [13]

The consistent use of this symbol for advertising can be seen as analogous to an apothecary's show globe, a tobacconist's cigar store Indian and a pawn broker's three gold balls.[ citation needed ]

Use in barbering

Possibly as early as the later Roman Empire, and certainly continuing through the Renaissance into Industrialization (maybe even until the 1700s in some places),[ where? ] a "barber-surgeon" also performed tooth extraction, cupping, leeching, bloodletting, enemas, amputations, etc. However, today's barber poles represent little more than being a barbershop that cuts hair and does shaves. [14] Barber poles have actually become a topic of controversy in the hairstyling business.

In some American states, such as Michigan in March 2012, legislation has emerged proposing that barber poles should only be permitted outside barbershops, but not traditional beauty salons. Barbers and cosmetologists have engaged in several legal battles claiming the right to use the barber pole symbol to indicate to potential customers that the business offers haircutting services. Barbers claim that they are entitled to exclusive rights to use the barber pole because of the tradition tied to the craft, whereas cosmetologists think that they are equally capable of cutting men's hair (though many cosmetologists are not permitted to use razors, depending on their state's laws). [15]

Use in prostitution

In South Korea, barber's poles are used both for actual barbershops and for brothels. [16] Brothels disguised as barbershops, referred to as 이발소 (ibalso) or 미용실 (miyongsil), are more likely to use two poles next to each other, often spinning in opposite directions, though the use of a single pole for the same reason is also quite common. [17] Actual barbershops, or 미용실 (miyongsil), are more likely to be hair salons; to avoid confusion, they will usually use a pole that shows a picture of a woman with flowing hair on it with the words hair salon written on the pole.

Visual illusion

A spinning barber's pole in front of a barber shop in Tokyo, Japan (video)

A spinning barber pole creates a visual illusion, in which the stripes appear to be traveling up or down the length of the pole, [18] rather than around it. [19]

Other uses of the term

Visual similarity

Referential naming

Animal husbandry

Haemonchus contortus , or "barber's pole worm", is the parasitic nematode responsible for anemia, bottle jaw, and death of infected sheep [25] and goats, mainly during summer months in warm, humid climates. [26] [27] Humans may become infected by the worms. [28]


Stenopus hispidus is a shrimp-like popcorn kernel decapod crustacean sometimes called the "barber pole shrimp". See also Stenopodidea.


In the insect world, there is the barber pole grasshopper, Dactylotum bicolor . [29] It is also known as the "painted grasshopper" and is said to be the "most beautiful" grasshopper. [30]


Because of its bright bands and colors, the redbanded rockfish Sebastes babcocki is referred to as "barber pole". Other pseudonyms include bandit, convict, canary, Hollywood, and Spanish flag. [31]


The old-fashioned American stick candy is sometimes also referred to as "barber pole candy" due to its colorful, swirled appearance. (See also candy cane.) "Candy stripe" is a generic description of the candy cane color scheme. Among many other names, the candy has been called Polkagris. [32]

Computer science

In user interface design, a barber pole-like pattern is used in progress bars when the wait time is indefinite. It is intended to be used like a throbber to tell the user that processing is continuing, although it is not known when the processing will complete.

Barber pole is also sometimes used to describe a text pattern where a line of text is rolled left or right one character on the line below. The CHARGEN service generates a form of this pattern. It is used to test RAM, hard disks and printers. A similar pattern is also used in secure erasure of media. [ citation needed ]


Barber-pole-like antennas on a model of the GLONASS-K satellite used for GLONASS, the Russian alternative to GPS CeBit 2011 - Glosnass-K Satellite Model 11.jpg
Barber-pole-like antennas on a model of the GLONASS-K satellite used for GLONASS, the Russian alternative to GPS

The strength and direction of magnetic fields and electric currents can be measured using a "magnetoresistive barber-pole sensor" (also called a "hermetic proximity sensor"), and its performance can be depicted using a mathematical formula. [33] Such a sensor interleaves a series of permanent magnet strips with a series of magnetoresistive strips. The "conductive barberpole strips are canted across the sensor and connect one magnetoresistive strip, over a permanent magnet strip, to another magnetoresistive strip." This is said to provide a "uniform magnetic field throughout the sensor" thereby enhancing its resistance to external magnetic fields. [34] The technology is used in wireless sensor networks which "have gathered a lot of attention as an important research domain" and were "deployed in many applications, e.g., navigation, military, ambient intelligence, medical, and industrial tasks. Context-based processing and services, in particular location-context, are of key interest ..." [35] (See Music (acoustic illusion), infra.)

Aviation and space flight

Primary Flight Display (PFD) with the ASI in the form of "Airspeed Tape" with barber pole, including ASI and Machmeter for a jet aircraft. ASI Jet.png
Primary Flight Display (PFD) with the ASI in the form of "Airspeed Tape" with barber pole, including ASI and Machmeter for a jet aircraft.

The term on the barber pole or keep it on the barber pole is pilot jargon that refers to flying an aircraft at the maximum safe velocity. The airspeed Indicator on aircraft capable of flying at altitude features a red/white striped needle resembling a barber pole. This needle displays the VMO (Maximum Operating Velocity) or—at altitude—the MMO (Mach Limit Maximum Operating Speed) of the aircraft. [36] This needle also indicates the maximum operating Mach number above the VMO/MMO changeover level. As the aircraft increases in altitude and the air decreases in density and temperature, the speed of sound also decreases. Close to the speed of sound, an aircraft becomes susceptible to buffeting caused by shock waves produced by flying at transonic speeds. Thus, as the speed of sound decreases, so the maximum safe operating speed of the aircraft is reduced. The "barber pole" needle moves to indicate this speed. Flying "on the barber pole" therefore means to be flying the aircraft as fast as is safe to do so in the current conditions. [37]

Barberpole is a phrase used to describe the striped output of indicators used during the Apollo and Shuttle programs. Typically an indicator was positioned below a switch. When the switch was activated and the activation indeed performed, the resulted activation was talked back via a separated electrical line to the barberpole indicator to show a grey and white striped pattern, thus verifying the action to the astronaut. Such switches with barberpole indicators were called talkback switches. Various indicators in the Apollo Command Modules indicated barberpole when the corresponding system was inactive. Astronaut Jim Lovell can also be found describing system indications as "barber poled" in the transcript of radio transmissions during the Apollo 13 accident. [38]

The phrase barberpole continues to be found in many subsystem descriptions in the Space Shuttle News Reference Manual, [39] as well as the NASA/KSC Acronym List. [40]

During World War I and World War II, the pattern has also been used as an insignia for aircraft identification. [41] Spad XIIIs of the 94th Aero Squadron USAS in early 1919 used variations on barber pole patterns, including: "Barber Pole" of Lieutenant Dudley "Red" Outcault; S.16546 "Flag Bus" of Captain Reed Chambers; and "Rising Sun" of Lieutenant John Jeffers. [42]


Used in flyfishing, Au Sable River guide Earl Madsen's "Madsen's Barber pole" is a traditional Michigan fly in the form of a "Stonefly" imitation "with grizzly hackle tip wings tied in a downwing fashion". [43] Photo of Madsen's Barber Pole Fly, parachute form.


The phrase barber pole is derisive jargon in craps, and refers to the commingling of "gaming cheques of different denominations". Wagers that combine different denominations are "supposed to be stacked with the highest denomination at the bottom". [44] [45]


  • The Screaming Eagles 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Command Parachute Demonstration Team, which operates out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky, executes a "barber pole maneuver" (also known as "the Baton Pass") during demonstrations. [46] [ unreliable source? ] Two jumpers leave the aircraft and fly their bodies together to link while in free fall. "Once together they will then exchange a wooden baton ... [and] maneuver their bodies ... to create the illusion of a giant barber pole in the sky." [46]
  • Alternatively, a "Four Man Star" can "Hook Up" and then the formation rotates to the right, creating a "Barber Pole" effect with use of trailing smoke. [47]
  • Another parachuting use of the term describes having a mess of lines tangled "behind your head and you have to cut away your main chute and pull your reserve." [48]



Red or rubric posts were sometimes used by booksellers in England prior to 1800. William Roberts reports in The Book Hunter in London that certain 18th-century bookshops in the Little Britain district of London sported such poles:

A few years before Nichols published [in 1816] his Literary Anecdotes, two booksellers used to sport their rubric posts close to each other here in Little Britain, and these rubric posts were once as much the type of a bookseller's shop as the pole is of a barber's ... Sewell, Cornhill, and Kecket and De Hondt, Strand, were among the last to use these curious trade signs. [53]

Border and lane markers

Canadian Naval group

The famous Barber Pole Group was originally a group of 120 Flower-class corvettes built in Canada during World War II, and charged primarily with protecting freighter convoys. The original group was Escort Group C-3. This group of ships, with its red and white barber pole stripes painted on the funnel, is still represented in the current Royal Canadian Navy: all Atlantic fleet ships wear this insignia. HMCS Sackville is the last remaining Flower-class corvette. [54] [55] [56]

Daymarks as a navigational aid

White Shoal Light White Shoal Lighthouse.JPG
White Shoal Light


Ottawa Senators Bruce Stuart in 1909-10 jersey Bruce Stuart.jpg
Ottawa Senators Bruce Stuart in 1909–10 jersey


The "Barberpole Cat" group, a/k/a "Polecats"—perhaps a portmanteau of "barber's pole" and "catalogue"—is an essential repertoire of 12 songs that every barber shop quartet should know. [66] The Barberpole Cat Program [67] was created many years ago and features popular Barbershop songs arranged and voiced so all singers can learn and participate. For decades these have been the standard arrangements where singers can meet at conventions and sing together having never met before.

The songs in this collection are:

The Polecats have had a version 2.0 with additional songs added.

Music (acoustic illusion)

See also Buchla 200 series Electric Music Box and Buchla 200e.


Barbasol cans use a barber pole motif. [73] [74] [75] The can's motif is a registered trademark of Barbasol. [76] [upper-alpha 2]

See also


  1. Used to keep the end of a rope from fraying and said to resemble a barber's pole. Though highly decorative, and historically one of the most common knots, on a modern yacht it is almost unused and unknown. [22]
  2. "Barbasol Co. v. Jacobs. No. 8969" (full text). 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, 160 F.2d 336. 1947. Retrieved 15 December 2010. As the court noted: 'Plaintiff's shaving cream product is identified by the word trade mark "Barbasol" and by the distinctive package design trade mark hereinafter referred to. Said product is displayed and offered for sale in two types of cartons. One of said cartons is of rectangular shape, the length of which is about 3½ times its width and the depth is a little less than the width. In addition to the word "Barbasol" being provided thereon, the carton has a striped border of blue, white and red diagonal stripes surrounding a rectangular panel or field in blue color. The shaving cream disposed in this type of carton is packed in an elongated soft metal tube, which is received and housed within said carton. The other type of carton is approximately square and it also has the word trade mark "Barbasol" provided thereon, and the entire carton is provided with diagonal colored stripes of red, white and blue, said stripes forming a border for a blue field, on which appears the word "Barbasol" and other printed matter. The shaving cream is disposed in a glass jar of octangular cross section and upon which the word "Barbasol" appears. The jar is white and is disposed within the square carton.'


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  59. "Save our Lights" license plate
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  67. Barberpole Cat Program
  68. Cycleback, David Rudd. "The Sonic Barber Pole: Shepard's Scale". Retrieved 14 November 2010.
  69. Budde, Christian. "Barberpole Flanger". KVR Audio Plugin Resources. Retrieved 14 November 2010.
  70. Simonton, John (February 1983). "Shepard Function (Barberpole) CV Generator". Polyphony . Retrieved 14 November 2010.
  71. Irwin, Michael. "Frequency shifters add an exotic dimension to the world of modular synthesis signal processing". Frequency Shifter electronic design. Archived from the original on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 20 November 2010.
  72. "Barberpole phaser". Ampage Tube Amps /Music Electronics Forum. Archived from the original on 11 August 2011. Retrieved 14 November 2010.
  73. "Barbasol Taps Gary Hall Jr. as First-Ever "Real Man"; Campaign Designed to ." Business Wire. Dublin, Ohio. 26 April 2005. Retrieved 24 November 2010.
  74. "Barbasol-American-Original" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 July 2011. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  75. "Barbasol Shave Cream: An American Original" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 15 July 2011. Retrieved 1 December 2010.
  76. "The Barbasol Company vs. Jacobs". 35 T.M. Rep. 135. 7th CCA. 28 February 1947. Retrieved 15 December 2010.

Further reading

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In British maritime law and custom, an ensign is the identifying flag flown to designate a British ship, either military or civilian. Such flags display the United Kingdom Union Flag in the canton, with either a red, white or blue field, dependent on whether the vessel is civilian, naval, or in a special category. These are known as the red, white, and blue ensigns respectively.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Worshipful Company of Barbers</span> Professional guild of the City of London

The Worshipful Company of Barbers is one of the livery companies of the City of London, and ranks 17th in precedence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Barbershop music</span> Type of vocal harmony

Barbershop vocal harmony is a style of a cappella close harmony, or unaccompanied vocal music, characterized by consonant four-part chords for every melody note in a primarily homorhythmic texture. Each of the four parts has its own role: generally, the lead sings the melody, the tenor harmonizes above the melody, the bass sings the lowest harmonizing notes, and the baritone completes the chord, usually below the lead. The melody is not usually sung by the tenor or baritone, except for an infrequent note or two to avoid awkward voice leading, in tags or codas, or when some appropriate embellishment can be created. One characteristic feature of barbershop harmony is the use of what is known as "snakes" and "swipes". This is when a chord is altered by a change in one or more non-melodic voices. Occasional passages may be sung by fewer than four voice parts.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lockheed WP-3D Orion</span> NOAA hurricane hunter aircraft

The Lockheed WP-3D Orion is a highly modified P-3 Orion used by the Aircraft Operations Center division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The aircraft are operated by officers of the NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps. Only two of these aircraft exist, each incorporating numerous features for the role of collecting weather information. During the Atlantic hurricane season, the WP-3Ds are deployed for duty as hurricane hunters. The aircraft also support research on other topics, such as Arctic ice coverage, air chemistry studies, and ocean water temperature and current analysis.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">White Ensign</span> Flags used in Royal Navy vessels

The White Ensign, at one time called the St George's Ensign because of the simultaneous existence of a crossless version of the flag, is an ensign worn on British Royal Navy ships and shore establishments. It consists of a red St George's Cross on a white field, identical to the flag of England except with the Union Flag in the upper canton.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cape Hatteras Lighthouse</span> Lighthouse in North Carolina, United States

Cape Hatteras Light is a lighthouse located on Hatteras Island in the Outer Banks in the town of Buxton, North Carolina and is part of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. It is the tallest lighthouse in the U.S. from base to tip at 210 feet. The lighthouse's semi-unique pattern makes it easy to recognize and famous. It is often ranked high on lists of most beautiful, and famous lighthouses in the US.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Seersucker</span> Textured cotton fabric

Seersucker, hickory stripe or railroad stripe is a thin, puckered, usually cotton fabric, commonly but not necessarily striped or chequered, used to make clothing for hot weather. The word originates from the Persian words شیر shîr and شکر shakar, literally meaning "milk and sugar", from the gritty texture ("sugar") on the otherwise smooth ("milk") cloth. Seersucker is woven in such a way that some threads bunch together, giving the fabric a wrinkled or puckered appearance. This effect is often achieved during weaving by feeding the warp threads for the puckered bands at a greater rate than the warp threads of the smooth stripes. The unevenness causes the fabric to be mostly held away from the skin rather than being plastered on it when wet with sweat, facilitating heat dissipation and air circulation. It also means that ironing is not necessary.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Throttle position sensor</span> Sensor device

A throttle position sensor (TPS) is a sensor used to monitor the throttle body valve position for the ECU of an engine. The sensor is usually located on the butterfly spindle/shaft, so that it can directly monitor the position of the throttle. More advanced forms of the sensor are also used. For example, an extra "closed throttle position sensor" (CTPS) may be employed to indicate that the throttle is completely closed. Some engine control units (ECUs) also control the throttle position by electronic throttle control (ETC) or "drive by wire" systems, and if that is done, the position sensor is used in a feedback loop to enable that control.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Frankenstrat</span> Electric guitar created by Eddie Van Halen

The Frankenstrat, also known as "Frankie", is a guitar created by Eddie Van Halen. Its name is a portmanteau of Frankenstein, the fictional doctor who created a monster by combining body parts of the recently deceased, and the Stratocaster, a model of electric guitar made by Fender.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Barberpole illusion</span>

The barberpole illusion is a visual illusion that reveals biases in the processing of visual motion in the human brain. This visual illusion occurs when a diagonally striped pole is rotated around its vertical axis (horizontally), it appears as though the stripes are moving in the direction of its vertical axis rather than around it.

<i>Candy Stripers</i> (film) 1978 American film

Candy Stripers is a 1978 pornographic film by director Bob Chinn and starring Nancy Hoffman and Sharon Thorpe. The film is a comedy about the sexual encounters hospital volunteers have with hospital patients and staff. The title comes from the term candy striper, which is an American term for hospital volunteers, who traditionally wore a red-and-white striped uniform which resembled stick candy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Stick candy</span> Long, cylindrical hard candy

Stick candy is a long, cylindrical variety of hard candy, usually four to seven inches in length and 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter, but in some extraordinary cases up to 14 inches in length and two inches in diameter. Like candy canes, they usually have at least two different colors swirled together in a spiral pattern, resembling a barber's pole.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Burnham-on-Sea Low Lighthouse</span> Lighthouse

The Low Lighthouse is one of three historic lighthouses in Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, England, and the only one of the three which is still active. It is a Grade II listed building and stands on the foreshore. First lit in 1832, the Low Lighthouse operated in conjunction with the (onshore) High Lighthouse for 137 years. Then, in 1969 the Low Lighthouse was deactivated; but later, in 1993, the Low Lighthouse was re-established and the High Lighthouse was instead decommissioned).

<i>Korsaranthus</i> Species of sea anemone

Korsaranthus is a genus of sea anemones in the family Actiniidae. It is monotypic, being represented by the single species Korsaranthus natalensis, commonly known as the spinnaker anemone or the candy-striped anemone.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Stripe (pattern)</span> Long and narrow band of color, often in alternating sets.

A stripe is a line or band that differs in color or tone from an adjacent area. Stripes are a group of such lines in a repeating pattern of similar regions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Christopher H. Bajorek</span> Data storage engineer, inventor, technology leader (b. 1943, d. -)

Christopher Henry Bajorek is a data storage engineer noted for his leadership in developing and implementing magnetoresistive sensors into magnetic stripe readers, tape drives and hard disk drives.