Black beret

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Field Marshal Montgomery wearing his black beret General Sir Bernard Montgomery in England, 1943 TR1037 (cropped).jpg
Field Marshal Montgomery wearing his black beret

The black beret is a colour of beret, a type of headgear. It is commonly worn by paramilitaries and militaries around the world, particularly armored forces such as the British Army's Royal Tank Regiment (RTR), the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps (RCAC), and Royal Australian Armoured Corps (RAAC) and the Indian Army Armoured Corps and Indian Border Security Force. Notable non-armored military units to wear the black beret include the non-military police and non-special forces elements of the Irish Defence Forces, MOD Guard Service, Russian Naval Infantry (and formerly Soviet) and Russian OMON units, the United States Air Force (USAF) Tactical Air Control Party (TACP), Philippine National Police-Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) members, and the Royal Canadian Navy ("navy blue"). It was also worn by the United Kingdom's Royal Observer Corps (ROC) with their Royal Air Force (RAF) uniform, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA).


Black berets are also worn by navies. In some navies, the naval color called black is officially "very dark blue". The Dutch Navy and Marines wear dark navy blue berets; a silver anchor for the Navy and a gold or dark brown (field duty) anchor on a red background for the Marines. The Portuguese Marines and San Marco Regiment, the Marines of the Italian Navy also wear a dark blue beret. The Royal Norwegian Air Force also use a dark blue beret. Finnish Marine Infantry wear a dark blue beret with the Navy insignia.(Finnish Coastal Jaegers - marine commandos - part of the same Nylands Brigade, wear the green beret).

Perhaps the most famous Commonwealth wearer of the black beret was Field Marshal Montgomery who wore a Royal Tank Regiment (RTR) beret complete with cap badge, presented to him by the regiment, to which he added his own general's (later field marshal's) rank insignia.


The usage of black berets by militaries dates to World War I. During the war, the French Army's Chasseurs Alpins wore large black berets as a forage cap. In 1918, near the end of the war, British Army officers Hugh Elles and J. F. C. Fuller decided to outfit members of the Royal Tank Corps with black berets as the colour was least likely to show oil stains. The decision was approved by King George V on 5 March 1924, and black berets were used exclusively within the British Armed Forces as the headdress of the Royal Tank Corps during the interwar period and World War II. When uniforms were issued to the Royal Observer Corps (ROC), there was a surplus of Royal Armoured Corps black berets which were given to the ROC.[ citation needed ]

Usage by country

Non-state actors

Che Guevara wearing his iconic black beret Che Guevara - Guerrillero Heroico by Alberto Korda.jpg
Che Guevara wearing his iconic black beret

One of the most famous photographs of Che Guevara taken by Alberto Korda was of him wearing a black beret with a gold star. Fidel Castro also wore a black beret during the revolution against the Batista government of Cuba. [1] In the 1960s several activist groups adopted the beret.


The Argentine Navy's Batallón de Infantería de Marina 5 (5th Marine Battalion), of Falklands War Mount Tumbledown fame (1982), wears a black beret. This was introduced by (then) Commander Manuel Tomé around 1977, and the beret was awarded on completion of a Cold Weather and Mountain Warfare Course. Today, all units of the Southern Marine Force of the Argentine Marine Corps wear black berets with unit badges.


In the Australian Army, All RAAC Units (Royal Australian Armoured Corps), wear the black beret.


In the Austrian Bundesheer all armored units (Armored Battalions, Mechanized Infantry Battalions, Artillery Battalions and Mechanized Headquarter Battalions), wear the black beret.


Unit of underwater offence of Azerbaijani Navy with black beret Ilham Aliyev attended event organized on the occasion of Victory Day in Shusha 22.jpg
Unit of underwater offence of Azerbaijani Navy with black beret

In the Azerbaijani Armed Forces armored units of underwater offence of Azerbaijani Navy wear the black beret.


In the Bangladesh Army, all units of the Armoured, Cavalry and Lancer Corps wear black berets.the Rapid Action Battalion of Bangladesh Police also uses black beret.


In the Belgian Army, the black beret is worn by cavalry and engineer units.


The Brazilian armour and mechanized troops also wear the black beret, as well as the special forces unit of the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro, Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE).

In the Brazilian auxiliary military forces of the Polícia Militar (Military Police), specially in Minas Gerais state, officers sometimes wears black berets as official parts of patrol gear.


In the Canadian Armed Forces, black berets are worn by Royal Canadian Armoured Corps soldiers and by all sailors (except military police and special operations sailors).


In the Chilean Army, the black beret is worn by the paras and the special forces.


In the Croatian Army black berets are worn by military police units, 1st Mechanized Battalion and the Cadet Battalion.


Special unit of the police. [5]


In the Cypriot National Guard, the black beret is exclusively given to soldiers of the Armoured Forces and to Officers of the same branch after graduating from the Greek Armoured Forces officers' school. The school is considered the toughest academy of the Greek Army, bar special forces, and therefore the black beret is considered an honour for the bearer.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Army, military policemen wear black berets.


In the Danish Army, the black beret was originally used by all combat regiments, but now it is worn by the Jutland Dragoons, Guard Hussars, Royal Life Guard, Army Combat and Fire Support Center, Garnisonskommandant Vordingborg and 1st Danish Artillery Battalion. [6]


Since 2013 the professional soldiers of the Estonian Navy wear the black berets. [7]


Only members of the Armored Brigade wear black berets.


In the German Army, an oversized black beret was introduced during the National Socialist era for tank crews, to be worn over the crash helmet; however this was dropped in favour of a black garrison cap during World War II. Today the black beret (of conventional size) is worn by the Armoured Corps and the Armoured Reconnaissance Corps.


In the Greek Army, black berets are worn by the Panzer (Armored Vehicles) branch, tracing back to the tradition of the original cavalry units.


In the Indian Army, all Cavalry and Armoured Corps, National Security Guards & Border Security Force wear black berets.


In the Indonesian Army, black beret is worn by the members of Cavalry Corps (except cavalry battalions under Kostrad strategic reserve command which wearing dark green beret universal to all of its soldiers).

In the Indonesian Navy, members of the Submarine Corps wear black berets.


In the pre-2003 Iraqi Army, the black beret was the most commonly worn headgear and continues to be worn by both army and police personnel of the post-2003 Iraqi Army.


In the Irish Army the majority of the members of the Permanent Defence Forces, specifically the infantry, wear black berets except for certain combat support units such as MPs, Cavalry etc.


In the Israel Defense Forces, soldiers serving in the Armor Corps wear black berets.


In the Italian Army most units wear a black beret. Exceptions are: Paratroopers, Alpini, Army Aviation Corps (AVES), Lagunari and Bersaglieri.


The black beret is worn by all soldiers in the Luxembourg Army.


The black beret is worn by Juozas Vitkus Engineer battalion soldiers in the Lithuanian Armed Forces.


In the Malaysian Army, the members of the Royal Armor Corps wear the black berets.


In the Namibian Army, the black beret is worn by members from Artillery Brigade, Engineer Regiment, Signal Regiment, Logistic Support Battalion, Air Defence Brigade, the Namibian Air Force and Namibian Navy also wear the black beret


In the Nigerian Air Force , the black beret is worn by Nigerian airforce regiment and Navy personnel


In the Dutch Army, the black beret is worn by cavalry battalions.

New Zealand

In the New Zealand Police, members of the Armed Offenders Squad wore the black beret.


The Norwegian Army Panserbataljonen (armoured) and other cavalry units wear black berets.


In the Philippine Army, the members of the 1st Scout Ranger Regiment, Presidential Security Group and Tank Officers from the Philippine Army Light Armor Division

In the Philippine Air Force, members of the Special Operations Wing wears black berets.

In the Philippine National Police, members of the Special Action Force wears black berets.

In the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, members of the Traffic Enforcers wears black berets.


In the Pakistan Army, the Armoured Corps wears black berets as well as special forces.


In the Polish Armed Forces, the black berets are worn by armored units of Polish Army, and by Polish Navy.


In the Portuguese Army, the black beret is worn by the cavalry branch, including the armoured troops and the military police. The black beret is also worn by several Portuguese civil forces, like the Bomb disposal unit of the Public Security Police, the Prison Guard Corps and the Civil Defense.


Both the Russian Naval Infantry and OMON special police wears the black beret with its dress and field uniforms, when not wearing helmets.


Members of the Serbian military police wear black berets.


The black beret is worn by the Armour formation of the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF).


Traditionally in the Spanish Armed Forces black berets were used to denote paratroopers units. The custom originating in the Spanish Air Force, although it is now used also by other non-paratroopers units in the Army and the Air Force.

In the Spanish Army, the black beret is worn by the Mechanized Brigades and the Parachutist Brigade BRIPAC.

In the Spanish Air Force, the black beret is worn by the paratroopers units, the Air Deployment Support Squads EADA and SEADA, as well as by Air Force Police Units. The special operations unit EZAPAC used to wear the black beret until 1997 that was change to a Green Beret, to denote their Special Forces specialization.


Major General Omar Haji Masalle, an Armoured battalion commander wearing his black beret Col Xaaji Masalle.png
Major General Omar Haji Masalle, an Armoured battalion commander wearing his black beret

In the Somali Army, members of the Armoured Battalions and the Army's rear wear a black beret, inherited from British military tradition.

In the Somali Navy, the black beret is the standard issue headgear.

South Africa

In the South African Army, members of the South African Armour Corps, the South African Intelligence Corps, Defence Intelligence Division and the Technical Service Corps wear the black beret, each with their respective corps badge.

Members of the South African Navy Maritime Reaction Squadron also wear the black beret.

South Korea

In the South Korean army, black berets are worn by South Korean army special operations forces.

Sri Lanka

In the Sri Lankan Army, the Armoured Corps, Mechanized Infantry and the Special Forces wear black berets.

In the Sri Lankan Navy, the black beret is worn by the Members of the elite Special Boat Squadron.


In the Swedish Army, all armour and mechanized units wear black berets.


In the Swiss Army, black berets are worn by Tank Branch, Pioneers, Rescue Troops, Communication and Command Troops, high command, Tank Grenadiers, Chaplains, armed forces legal service and other troops.


In the Turkish Land Forces, the black berets are worn by armor personnel.

United Kingdom

An officer from the MOD Guard Service's Dog Section patrolling Mgs-dog-section-lakenheath.jpg
An officer from the MOD Guard Service's Dog Section patrolling

In the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence the Ministry of Defence Guard Service don a very dark blue beret.

United States

In the United States military, the beret was unofficially worn by a variety of special operations units during and following World War II. In the spring of 1951, the 10th and 11th Ranger Companies wore black berets during their training at Camp Carson, Colorado, before their deployment to Japan.

U.S. Air Force

Air Force TACP officer wearing black beret (2019) Capt Daniel Hall-Commander-at activation ceremony-2019.jpg
Air Force TACP officer wearing black beret (2019)

In 1979, the black beret was authorized for wear by enlisted personnel in the Tactical Air Control Party (TACP). In 1984, two airmen from Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina submitted the current flash and badge design. It was approved for all TACP airmen in 1985. [8] TACP specialists (AFSC 1C4X1) are currently the only United States Air Force specialty allowed to wear the coveted black beret as part of their daily duty uniform wear. [9]

U.S. Army

US Army Ranger School graduating class 11-71.png
A US Army Ranger School Class commander wearing black beret with his Ranger Tab and rank insignia, 1971 [10]
Former US Army 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment black beret-circa 1970s.jpg
A U.S. Army NCO with the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment wearing black beret with Armored Cavalry Oval, DUI, and rank insignia, c. 1970s [11]
Historical US Army Medical Officer female service dress beret.png
A US Army Medical Corps officer wearing black female beret with Officer Cap Device, c. 1975 [12]
Former US Army 1st Cavalry Division soldier wearing TRICAP black beret-1976.png
An infantryman with 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Brigade, 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry wearing black beret, 1976 [13]
Former US Army Armor School cadre wearing black beret-1976.jpg
An armor officer with the US Army Armor School wearing black beret with Armor School Instructor Flash and rank insignia, 1976 [11]
A soldier from 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment wearing black beret with Department of the Army Beret Flash and his regiment's DUI, c.2001

In 1973, permission was granted to local commanders to encourage distinctive, morale-enhancing uniform items and the black beret was adopted by armor and armored cavalry units in the United States.

A black beret was authorized for wear by female soldiers in 1975. [14]

On January 30, 1975, it was officially assigned as part of the newly created battalions of United States Army Rangers who had worn it unofficially during the Vietnam War.

In 1979, the U.S. Army Chief of Staff ruled that the black beret was restricted to just ranger and airborne units (the latter receiving their distinctive maroon berets on November 28, 1980). However, since June 14, 2001, the black beret is worn by all United States Army troops unless the soldier is approved to wear a different distinctive beret. The Rangers now wear tan berets, alluding to the buckskins worn by Rogers' Rangers during the French and Indian War.

The black beret is worn as part of the Army Service Uniform (ASU), the U.S. Army's dress uniform. It also became the official garrison headgear to be worn with the Battle Dress Uniform (BDUs) in 2001, and from 2005 the Army Combat Uniform (ACU). The change was implemented by General Eric Shinseki, Army Chief of Staff at the time, who stated that it was about promoting "...our values as an institution." [15] From the beginning, the beret was unpopular with soldiers because the headgear required two hands to put it on, provided no shade from the sun (unlike the patrol cap), had to be shaved and shaped upon acquisition and, as black wool, was hot and uncomfortable in warm weather. When worn improperly, the beret prompted several nicknames for the resulting look, such as "the Cyclops", "the Pirate", or "the Princess." [16]

Despite years of negative feedback, the beret remained part of the ACU until 2011, when incoming Sergeant Major of the Army Raymond F. Chandler made it his first order of business to address the wishes "thousands of soldiers" who wanted the army to end the wear of the beret with the ACU, and the army subsequently did just that. [17] [18] [19] The black beret remained the headgear for the ASU, but was replaced as the default headgear with the ACU patrol cap. [20]

U.S. Navy

428-GX-USN 1142474 (26370944616).jpg
CNO and COMRIVPATFOR wearing black berets with the River Patrol Force TF-116 patch (1969)
Historical US Navy Female Black Beret.png
U.S. sailor wearing female-only black beret (d/c 2016)

During the Vietnam War U.S. Navy personnel assigned to patrol boats and members of Inshore Undersea Warfare Group 1, WESTPAC Division wore the South Vietnamese navy black beret with badge. Unlike the U.S. Navy SEAL teams, the beret was authorized for wear In Country only. Unit tradition had the back ribbon cut into two pennants after first contact with the enemy with the ends of the pennant notched in a "V" to signify he had made an enemy "kill". [21]

Until October 2016, a black beret was authorized to be worn in the U.S. Navy, [22] [23] albeit solely by female sailors of all pay-grades. [24] Female commissioned officers wore the U.S. Navy officer crest on the beret above the left eyebrow, female petty officers and seamen wore the combination cover's device, and female chief petty officers wore their rate insignia instead. The female black beret's usage was discontinued along with the officer's tiara by the navy in 2016 as part of a naval effort to reduce the number of uniform items, make them appear more unisex, and also due to a lack of widespread use. [25]


A Ukrainian naval infantryman armed with a Dragunov sniper rifle takes part in Exercise Northern Light '03 on the west coast of Scotland in 2003. Ukrainian Navy 1st Company Marine.jpg
A Ukrainian naval infantryman armed with a Dragunov sniper rifle takes part in Exercise Northern Light '03 on the west coast of Scotland in 2003.

The Ukrainian Marines formerly wore, and were known as the "Black Berets" until 2018. [26] [27]


In the Venezuelan Army, black berets are of general use except for Paratroopers, Special Forces, Counter-insurgency troops and soldiers stationed inside the Ministry of Defence and Army headquarters.

See also

Military berets by color

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uniforms of the British Army</span> Military dress

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maroon beret</span> International symbol of airborne forces

The maroon beret in a military configuration has been an international symbol of airborne forces since the Second World War. It was first officially introduced by the British Army in 1942, at the direction of Major-General Frederick "Boy" Browning, commander of the British 1st Airborne Division. It was first worn by the Parachute Regiment in action in North Africa during November 1942.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tan beret</span> Military Headdress

The tan beret, also known as a beige beret, has been adopted as official headgear by several special operations forces as a symbol of their unique capabilities.

The red beret is a military beret worn by many artillery, military police, paramilitary, commando, and police forces and should not be confused with the maroon beret worn by airborne troops all around the world.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">United States military beret flash</span>

In the United States (US) military, a beret flash is a shield-shaped embroidered cloth that is typically 2.25 in (5.72 cm) tall and 1.875 in (4.76 cm) wide with a semi–circular base that is attached to a stiffener backing of a military beret. These flashes—a British English word for a colorful cloth patch attached to military headgear—are worn over the left eye with the excess cloth of the beret shaped, folded, and pulled over the right ear giving it a distinctive appearance.

The uniforms of the United States Army distinguish soldiers from other service members. U.S. Army uniform designs have historically been influenced by British and French military traditions, as well as contemporary U.S. civilian fashion trends. The two primary uniforms of the modern U.S. Army are the Army Combat Uniform, used in operational environments, and the Army Green Service Uniform, worn during everyday professional wear and during formal and ceremonial occasions that do not warrant the wear of the more formal blue service uniform.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Military beret</span> Berets as part of a military uniform

Troops began wearing berets as a part of the headgear of military uniforms in some European countries during the 19th century; since the mid-20th century, they have become a component of the uniforms of many armed forces throughout the world. Military berets are usually pushed to the right to free the shoulder that bears the rifle on most soldiers, but the armies of some countries, mostly within Europe, South America, and Asia, have influenced the push to the left.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Berets of the United States Army</span> Traditional headgear of the U.S. Army

The United States Army has used military berets as headgear with various uniforms beginning in World War II. Since June 14, 2001, a black beret is worn by all U.S. Army troops unless the soldier is approved to wear a different distinctive beret. A maroon beret has been adopted as official headdress by the Airborne forces, a tan beret by the 75th Ranger Regiment, a brown beret by the Security Force Assistance Brigades, and a green beret by the Special Forces.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Squadron (army)</span> Cavalry unit size designation

A squadron was historically a cavalry subunit, a company- or battalion-sized military formation. The term is still used to refer to modern cavalry units, and is also used by other arms and services. In some countries, including Italy, the name of the battalion-level cavalry unit translates as "Squadron Group".

This article describes the use of the beret as part of the uniform of various organizations. The use of the beret as military headgear is covered in a dedicated article, Military beret.

The uniforms of the Australian Army have changed significantly over the past century, although the accoutrements worn over this period have remained relatively similar. The forces of the Australian colonies and the early forces of the Commonwealth post-Federation in 1901 closely followed the uniforms of the British Army. Since then it has continued to be influenced by British but also US styles, as well as including some distinctly Australian designs, reflecting local conditions and trends.


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