English numerals

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Arabic numerals set in Source Sans Hindu-Arabic numerals.svg
Arabic numerals set in Source Sans

English number words include numerals and various words derived from them, as well as a large number of words borrowed from other languages.


Cardinal numbers

Cardinal numbers refer to the size of a group. In English, these words are numerals.

0 zero (nought) 10 ten   
1 one 11 eleven   
2 two 12 twelve (a dozen)20 twenty
3 three 13 thirteen (a baker's dozen)30 thirty
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty
5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty
6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty
7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy
8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety

If a number is in the range 21 to 99, and the second digit is not zero, the number is typically written as two words separated by a hyphen.

21 twenty-one
25 twenty-five
32 thirty-two
58 fifty-eight
64 sixty-four
79 seventy-nine
83 eighty-three
99 ninety-nine

In English, the hundreds are perfectly regular, except that the word hundred remains in its singular form regardless of the number preceding it.

100 one hundred
200 two hundred
900 nine hundred

So too are the thousands, with the number of thousands followed by the word "thousand". The number one thousand may be written 1 000 or 1000 or 1,000; larger numbers are written for example 10 000 or 10,000 for ease of reading. European languages that use the comma as a decimal separator may correspondingly use the period as a thousands separator. As a result, some style guides[ example needed ] recommend avoidance of the comma (,) as either separator and the use of the period (.) only as a decimal point. Thus one-half would be written 0.5 in decimal, base ten notation, and fifty thousand as 50 000, and not 50.000 nor 50,000 nor 50000.

1,000 one thousand
2,000 two thousand
10,000 ten thousand or (rarely used) a myriad, which usually means an indefinitely large number.
11,000eleven thousand
20,000twenty thousand
21,000twenty-one thousand
30,000thirty thousand
85,000eighty-five thousand
100,000 one hundred thousand or one lakh (1,00,000) (Indian English)
999,000nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand (inclusively British English, Irish English, Australian English, and New Zealand English)
nine hundred ninety-nine thousand (American English)
1,000,000 one million
10,000,000ten million or one crore (1,00,00,000) (Indian English)

In American usage, four-digit numbers are often named using multiples of "hundred" and combined with tens and ones: "eleven hundred three", "twelve hundred twenty-five", "forty-seven hundred forty-two", or "ninety-nine hundred ninety-nine". In British usage, this style is common for multiples of 100 between 1,000 and 2,000 (e.g. 1,500 as "fifteen hundred") but not for higher numbers.

Americans may pronounce four-digit numbers with non-zero tens and ones as pairs of two-digit numbers without saying "hundred" and inserting "oh" for zero tens: "twenty-six fifty-nine" or "forty-one oh five". This usage probably evolved from the distinctive usage for years; "nineteen-eighty-one", or from four-digit numbers used in the American telephone numbering system which were originally two letters followed by a number followed by a four-digit number, later by a three-digit number followed by the four-digit number. It is avoided for numbers less than 2500 if the context may mean confusion with time of day: "ten ten" or "twelve oh four".

Intermediate numbers are read differently depending on their use. Their typical naming occurs when the numbers are used for counting. Another way is for when they are used as labels. The second column method is used much more often in American English than British English. The third column is used in British English but rarely in American English (although the use of the second and third columns is not necessarily directly interchangeable between the two regional variants). In other words, British English and American English can seemingly agree, but it depends on a specific situation (in this example, bus numbers).[ citation needed ]

Common British vernacularCommon American vernacularCommon British vernacular
"How many marbles do you have?""What is your house number?""Which bus goes to the High Street?"
101"A hundred and one.""One-oh-one."
Here, "oh" is used for the digit zero.
109"A hundred and nine.""One-oh-nine.""One-oh-nine."
110"A hundred and ten.""One-ten.""One-one-oh."
117"A hundred and seventeen.""One-seventeen.""One-one-seven."
120"A hundred and twenty.""One-twenty.""One-two-oh", "One-two-zero."
152"A hundred and fifty-two.""One-fifty-two.""One-five-two."
208"Two hundred and eight.""Two-oh-eight.""Two-oh-eight."
394"Three hundred and ninety-four.""Three-ninety-four.""Three-ninety-four." or "Three-nine-four."

Note: When a cheque (or check) is written, the number 100 is always written "one hundred". It is never "a hundred".

In American English, many students are taught[ example needed ][ citation needed ] not to use the word and anywhere in the whole part of a number, so it is not used before the tens and ones. It is instead used as a verbal delimiter when dealing with compound numbers. Thus, instead of "three hundred and seventy-three", "three hundred seventy-three" would be said. Despite this rule, some Americans use the and in reading numbers containing tens and ones as an alternative.

Very large numbers

For numbers above a million, there are three main systems used to form numbers in English. (For the use of prefixes such as kilo- for a thousand, mega- for a million, milli- for a thousandth, etc. see SI units.) These are:

Many people have no direct experience of manipulating numbers this large, and many non-American readers may interpret billion as 1012 (even if they are young enough to have been taught otherwise at school); moreover, usage of the "long" billion is standard in some non-English-speaking countries. For these reasons, defining the word may be advisable when writing for the public.

Number notationPower
Short scaleLong scaleIndian
(or South Asian) English
1,000,000106one million one millionten lakh
1,000,000,000109one billion
a thousand million
one milliard
a thousand million
one hundred crore
(one arab )
1,000,000,000,0001012one trillion
a thousand billion
one billion
a million million
one lakh crore
(ten kharab )
1,000,000,000,000,0001015one quadrillion
a thousand trillion
one billiard
a thousand billion
ten crore crore
(one padm )
1,000,000,000,000,000,0001018one quintillion
a thousand quadrillion
one trillion
a million billion
ten thousand crore crore
(ten shankh )
1,000,000,000,000,000,000,0001021one sextillion
a thousand quintillion
one trilliard
a thousand trillion
one crore crore crore

The numbers past one trillion in the short scale, in ascending powers of 1000, are as follows: quadrillion, quintillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, decillion, undecillion, duodecillion, tredecillion, quattuordecillion, quindecillion, sexdecillion, septendecillion, octodecillion, novemdecillion and vigintillion (which is 10 to the 63rd power, or a one followed by 63 zeros). The highest number in this series listed in modern dictionaries is centillion, which is 10 to the 303rd power. [1] The interim powers of one thousand between vigintillion and centillion do not have standardized names, nor do any higher powers, but there are many ad hoc extensions in use. The highest number listed in Robert Munafo's table of such unofficial names [2] is milli-millillion, which was coined as a name for 10 to the 3,000,003rd power.

The googolplex was often cited as the largest named number in English. If a googol is ten to the one hundredth power, then a googolplex is one followed by a googol of zeros (that is, ten to the power of a googol). [3] There is the coinage, of very little use, of ten to the googolplex power, of the word googolplexplex.

The terms arab, kharab, padm and shankh are more commonly found in old books on Indian mathematics.

Here are some approximate composite large numbers in American English:

1,200,0001.2 million one point two million
3,000,0003 millionthree million
250,000,000250 milliontwo hundred fifty million
6,400,000,0006.4 billionsix point four billion
23,380,000,00023.38 billiontwenty-three point three eight billion

Often, large numbers are written with (preferably non-breaking) half-spaces or thin spaces separating the thousands (and, sometimes, with normal spaces or apostrophes) instead of commas to ensure that confusion is not caused in countries where a decimal comma is used. Thus, a million is often written 1 000 000. In some areas, a point (. or ·) may also be used as a thousands separator, but then the decimal separator must be a comma (,). In English the point (.) is used as the decimal separator, and the comma (,) as the thousands separator.

Special names

Some numbers have special names in addition to their regular names, most depending on context.

Combinations of numbers in most sports scores are read as in the following examples:

Naming conventions of Tennis scores (and related sports) are different from other sports.

The centuries of Italian culture have names in English borrowed from Italian:

When reading numbers in a sequence, such as a telephone or serial number, British people will usually use the terms double followed by the repeated number. Hence 007 is double oh seven. Exceptions are the emergency telephone number 999, which is always nine nine nine and the apocalyptic "Number of the Beast", which is always six six six. In the US, 911 (the US emergency telephone number) is usually read nine one one, while 9/11 (in reference to the September 11, 2001, attacks) is usually read nine eleven.

Multiplicative adverbs and adjectives

A few numbers have specialised multiplicative numbers (adverbs), also called adverbial numbers, which express how many times some event happens:

one timeonce
two timestwice
three timesthrice
(largely obsolete)

Compare these specialist multiplicative numbers to express how many times some thing exists (adjectives):

×6sextuple, hextuplesixfoldsextuplicate, hextuplicate
×7septuple, heptuplesevenfoldseptuplicate, heptuplicate

English also has some multipliers and distributive numbers, such as singly.

Negative numbers

The name of a negative number is the name of the corresponding positive number preceded by "minus" or (American English) "negative". Thus −5.2 is "minus five point two" or "negative five point two". For temperatures, North Americans colloquially say "below"—short for "below zero"—so a temperature of −5° is "five below" (in contrast, for example, to "two above" for 2°). This is occasionally used for emphasis when referring to several temperatures or ranges both positive and negative. This is particularly common in Canada where the use of Celsius in weather forecasting means that temperatures can regularly drift above and below zero at certain times of year.

Ordinal numbers

Ordinal numbers refer to a position (also called index or rank) in a sequence. Common ordinals include:

0thzeroth or (rarely) noughth (see below)10thtenth  

Zeroth only has a meaning when counting starts with zero, which happens in a mathematical or computer science context. Ordinal numbers predate the invention of zero and positional notation.

Ordinal numbers such as 21st, 33rd, etc., are formed by combining a cardinal ten with an ordinal unit.


Higher ordinals are not often written in words, unless they are round numbers (thousandth, millionth, billionth). They are written with digits and letters as described below. Some rules should be borne in mind.

If the units digit is:01234–9
This is written after the numberthstndrdth

These ordinal abbreviations are actually hybrid contractions of a numeral and a word. 1st is "1" + "st" from "first". Similarly, "nd" is used for "second" and "rd" for "third". In the legal field and in some older publications, the ordinal abbreviation for "second" and "third" is simply "d".

NB: "D" still often denotes "second" and "third" in the numeric designations of units in the US armed forces, for example, 533d Squadron, and in legal citations for the second and third series of case reporters.


There are a number of ways to read years. The following table offers a list of valid pronunciations and alternate pronunciations for any given year of the Gregorian calendar and Julian calendar.

YearMost common pronunciation methodAlternative methods
1 BC(The year) One BC (The year) One BCE [note 1]
1The year One(The year) One CE [note 2]
AD One [note 3]
235Two thirty-fiveTwo-three-five
Two hundred (and) thirty-five
911Nine elevenNine-one-one
Nine hundred (and) eleven
999Nine ninety-nineNine-nine-nine
Nine hundred (and) ninety-nine
1000One thousandTen hundred
1004One thousand (and) fourTen oh-four
1010Ten tenOne thousand (and) ten
1050Ten fiftyOne thousand (and) fifty
1225Twelve twenty-fiveOne-two-two-five
One thousand, two hundred (and) twenty-five
1900Nineteen hundredOne thousand, nine hundred
Nineteen aught
1901Nineteen oh-oneNineteen hundred (and) one
One thousand, nine hundred (and) one
Nineteen aught one
1919Nineteen nineteenNineteen hundred (and) nineteen
One thousand, nine hundred (and) nineteen
1999Nineteen ninety-nineNineteen hundred (and) ninety-nine
One thousand, nine hundred (and) ninety-nine
2000Two thousandTwenty hundred
Two triple-oh
2001Two thousand (and) oneTwenty oh-one
Twenty hundred (and) one
Two double-oh-one
Two oh-oh-one
2009Two thousand (and) nineTwenty oh-nine
Twenty hundred (and) nine
Two double-oh-nine
Two oh-oh-nine
2010Twenty ten [7] Twenty hundred (and) ten
Two thousand (and) ten
  1. Before the Common era.
  2. of the Common era.
  3. Anno Domini One ("In the year One of our Lord") is sometimes written 1 AD.

Twelve thirty-four would be the norm on both sides of the Atlantic for the year 1234. The years 2000 to 2009 are most often read as two thousand, two thousand (and) one and the like by both British and American speakers. For years after 2009, twenty eleven, twenty fourteen, etc. are more common, even in years earlier than 2009 BC/BCE. Likewise, the years after 1009 (until 1099) are also read in the same manner (e.g. 1015 is either ten fifteen or, rarely, one thousand fifteen). Some Britons read years within the 1000s to 9000s BC/BCE in the American manner, that is, 1234 BC is read as twelve (hundred and) thirty-four BC, while 2400 BC can be read as either two thousand four hundred or twenty four hundred BC.

Collective numbers

Collective numbers are numbers that refer to a group of a specific size. Words like "pair" and "dozen" are common in English, though most are formally derived from Greek and Latin numerals, as follows:

Group SizeLatin-derivedColloquial
2dyad, duadpair
7heptad, hebdomad
8octad, ogdoad
9nonad, ennead
10decad, decade
12dodecad, duodecadedozen

Fractions and decimals

Numbers used to denote the denominator of a fraction are known linguistically as "partitive numerals". In spoken English, ordinal numerals and partitive numerals are identical with a few exceptions. Thus "fifth" can mean the element between fourth and sixth, or the fraction created by dividing the unit into five pieces. When used as a partitive numeral, these forms can be pluralized: one seventh, two sevenths. The sole exceptions to this rule are division by one, two, and sometimes four: "first" and "second" cannot be used for a fraction with a denominator of one or two. Instead, "whole" and "half" (plural "halves") are used. For a fraction with a denominator of four, either "fourth" or "quarter" may be used.

Here are some common English fractions, or partitive numerals: [8]

one one-hundredth
two one-hundredths
three one-hundredths
one two-hundredth
two two-hundredths
three two-hundredths
or 0.1one-tenth
or 0.2two-tenths or one-fifth
one-quarter or one-fourth
or 0.3three-tenths
or 0.4four-tenths or two-fifths
or 0.6six-tenths or three-fifths
or 0.7seven-tenths
three-quarters or three-fourths
or 0.8eight-tenths or four-fifths
or 0.9nine-tenths

Alternatively, and for greater numbers, one may say for 12 "one over two", for 58 "five over eight", and so on. This "over" form is also widely used in mathematics.

Fractions together with an integer are read as follows:

A space is placed to mark the boundary between the whole number and the fraction part unless superscripts and subscripts are used; for example:

Numbers with a decimal point may be read as a cardinal number, then "and", then another cardinal number followed by an indication of the significance of the second cardinal number (mainly U.S.); or as a cardinal number, followed by "point", and then by the digits of the fractional part. The indication of significance takes the form of the denominator of the fraction indicating division by the smallest power of ten larger than the second cardinal. This is modified when the first cardinal is zero, in which case neither the zero nor the "and" is pronounced, but the zero is optional in the "point" form of the fraction.

Some American and Canadian schools teach students to pronounce decimaly written fractions (for example, .5) as though they were longhand fractions (five tenths), such as thirteen and seven tenths for 13.7. This formality is often dropped in common speech and is steadily disappearing in instruction in mathematics and science as well as in international American schools. In the U.K., and among most North Americans, 13.7 would be read thirteen point seven.

For example:

In English the decimal point was originally printed in the center of the line (0·002), but with the advent of the typewriter it was placed at the bottom of the line, so that a single key could be used as a full stop/period and as a decimal point. In many non-English languages a full-stop/period at the bottom of the line is used as a thousands separator with a comma being used as the decimal point.

Whether or not digits or words are used

With few exceptions, most grammatical texts rule that the numbers zero to nine inclusive should be "written out" instead of "1" and "2", one would write "one" and "two". [9]

Example: "I have two apples." (Preferred)
Example: "I have 2 apples."

After "nine", one can head straight back into the 10, 11, 12, etc., although some write out the numbers until "twelve".

Example: "I have 28 grapes." (Preferred)
Example: "I have twenty-eight grapes."

Another common usage is to write out any number that can be expressed as one or two words, and use figures otherwise.

"There are six million dogs." (Preferred)
"There are 6,000,000 dogs."
"That is one hundred and twenty-five oranges." (British English)
"That is one hundred twenty-five oranges." (US-American English)
"That is 125 oranges." (Preferred)

Numbers at the beginning of a sentence should also be written out, or the sentence rephrased.

The above rules are not always followed. In literature, larger numbers might be spelled out. On the other hand, digits might be more commonly used in technical or financial articles, where many figures are discussed. In particular, the two different forms should not be used for figures that serve the same purpose; for example, it is inelegant to write, "Between day twelve and day 15 of the study, the population doubled."

Empty numbers

"Out of the Mud" flyer "Out of the Mud" flyer.jpg
"Out of the Mud" flyer

Colloquial English's small vocabulary of empty or indefinite numbers can be employed when there is uncertainty as to the precise number to use, but it is desirable to define a general range: specifically, the terms "umpteen", "umpty", and "zillion". These are derived etymologically from the range affixes:

The prefix "ump-" is added to the first two suffixes to produce the empty numbers "umpteen" and "umpty": derived from the onomatopoeic sound on the telegraph key used by Morse operators. [10] A noticeable absence of an empty number is in the hundreds range.

Usage of empty numbers:

See also Placeholder name.

See also

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Chinese numerals are words and characters used to denote numbers in written Chinese.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Decimal</span> Number in base-10 numeral system

The decimal numeral system is the standard system for denoting integer and non-integer numbers. It is the extension to non-integer numbers of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. The way of denoting numbers in the decimal system is often referred to as decimal notation.

The duodecimal system, also known as base twelve or dozenal, is a positional numeral system using twelve as its base. In duodecimal, the number twelve is denoted "10", meaning 1 twelve and 0 units; in the decimal system, this number is instead written as "12" meaning 1 ten and 2 units, and the string "10" means ten. In duodecimal, "100" means twelve squared, "1000" means twelve cubed, and "0.1" means a twelfth.

The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The system was adapted from that of the Greek numerals sometime between 200 and 78 BCE, the latter being the date of the earliest archeological evidence.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Numeral system</span> Notation for expressing numbers

A numeral system is a writing system for expressing numbers; that is, a mathematical notation for representing numbers of a given set, using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner.

In linguistics, a numeral in the broadest sense is a word or phrase that describes a numerical quantity. Some theories of grammar use the word "numeral" to refer to cardinal numbers that act as a determiner that specify the quantity of a noun, for example the "two" in "two hats". Some theories of grammar do not include determiners as a part of speech and consider "two" in this example to be an adjective. Some theories consider "numeral" to be a synonym for "number" and assign all numbers to a part of speech called "numerals". Numerals in the broad sense can also be analyzed as a noun, as a pronoun, or for a small number of words as an adverb.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Number</span> Used to count, measure, and label

A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label. The most basic examples are the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth. Numbers can be represented in language with number words. More universally, individual numbers can be represented by symbols, called numerals; for example, "5" is a numeral that represents the number five. As only a relatively small number of symbols can be memorized, basic numerals are commonly organized in a numeral system, which is an organized way to represent any number. The most common numeral system is the Hindu–Arabic numeral system, which allows for the representation of any non-negative integer using a combination of ten fundamental numeric symbols, called digits. In addition to their use in counting and measuring, numerals are often used for labels, for ordering, and for codes. In common usage, a numeral is not clearly distinguished from the number that it represents.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Roman numerals</span> Numbers in the Roman numeral system

Roman numerals are a numeral system that originated in ancient Rome and remained the usual way of writing numbers throughout Europe well into the Late Middle Ages. Numbers are written with combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet, each with a fixed integer value. The modern style uses only these seven:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Decimal separator</span> Numerical symbol

A decimal separator is a symbol that separates the integer part from the fractional part of a number written in decimal form. Different countries officially designate different symbols for use as the separator. The choice of symbol also affects the choice of symbol for the thousands separator used in digit grouping.

The Japanese numerals are numerals that are used in Japanese. In writing, they are the same as the Chinese numerals, and large numbers follow the Chinese style of grouping by 10,000. Two pronunciations are used: the Sino-Japanese (on'yomi) readings of the Chinese characters and the Japanese yamato kotoba.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vigesimal</span> Base-20 numeral system

A vigesimal or base-20 (base-score) numeral system is based on twenty. Vigesimal is derived from the Latin adjective vicesimus, meaning 'twentieth'.

A numerical digit or numeral is a single symbol used alone, or in combinations, to represent numbers in positional notation, such as the common base 10. The name "digit" originates from the Latin digiti meaning fingers.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Positional notation</span> Method for representing or encoding numbers

Positional notation, also known as place-value notation, positional numeral system, or simply place value, usually denotes the extension to any base of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. More generally, a positional system is a numeral system in which the contribution of a digit to the value of a number is the value of the digit multiplied by a factor determined by the position of the digit. In early numeral systems, such as Roman numerals, a digit has only one value: I means one, X means ten and C a hundred. In modern positional systems, such as the decimal system, the position of the digit means that its value must be multiplied by some value: in 555, the three identical symbols represent five hundreds, five tens, and five units, respectively, due to their different positions in the digit string.

Indefinite and fictitious numbers are words, phrases and quantities used to describe an indefinite size, used for comic effect, for exaggeration, as placeholder names, or when precision is unnecessary or undesirable. Other descriptions of this concept include: "non-numerical vague quantifier" and "indefinite hyperbolic numerals".

Depending on context some large numbers have names that allow for describing large quantities in a textual form; not mathematical. For very large values, the text is generally shorter than a decimal numeric representation although longer than scientific notation.

The Indian numbering system is used in Indian English and the Indian subcontinent to express large numbers. Commonly used quantities include lakh and crore – written as 1,00,000 and 1,00,00,000 in some locales. For example: 150,000 rupees is "1.5 lakh rupees" which can be written as "1,50,000 rupees", and 30,000,000 rupees is referred to as "3 crore rupees" which is can be written as "3,00,00,000 rupees".

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Power of 10</span> Ten raised to an integer power

In mathematics, a power of 10 is any of the integer powers of the number ten; in other words, ten multiplied by itself a certain number of times. By definition, the number one is a power of ten. The first few non-negative powers of ten are:

Romanian numbers are the system of number names used in Romanian to express counts, quantities, ranks in ordered sets, fractions, multiplication, and other information related to numbers.

A numeral is a character that denotes a number. The decimal number digits 0–9 are used widely in various writing systems throughout the world, however the graphemes representing the decimal digits differ widely. Therefore Unicode includes 22 different sets of graphemes for the decimal digits, and also various decimal points, thousands separators, negative signs, etc. Unicode also includes several non-decimal numerals such as Aegean numerals, Roman numerals, counting rod numerals, Mayan numerals, Cuneiform numerals and ancient Greek numerals. There is also a large number of typographical variations of the Western Arabic numerals provided for specialized mathematical use and for compatibility with earlier character sets, such as ² or ②, and composite characters such as ½.

Burmese numerals are a set of numerals traditionally used in the Burmese language, although Arabic numerals are also used. Burmese numerals follow the Hindu–Arabic numeral system commonly used in the rest of the world.


  1. Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, 1993, Merriam-Webster
  2. "Large Numbers at MROB".
  3. "Home - Yahoo Answers".
  4. "Hat trick, n.". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 26 December 2014.
  5. "Shock, n.2". Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 26 December 2014.
  6. "the definition of ton".
  7. "How Do You Say 2010?". NPR.org.
  8. "What is a partitive numeral?".
  9. Gary Blake and Robert W. Bly, The Elements of Technical Writing, pg. 22. New York: Macmillan Publishers, 1993. ISBN   0020130856
  10. The Chambers English Dictionary [12th edition] p.1693