Flora of Madhya Pradesh

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View of mixed forests at Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh Amarkantak3.jpg
View of mixed forests at Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh
View of mixed forests around Hinglajgarh in Madhya Pradesh Hinglajgarh Forest.jpg
View of mixed forests around Hinglajgarh in Madhya Pradesh

The flora of Madhya Pradesh province in India, is very rich and diverse. Central, eastern and southern parts of the state are forested, whereas northern and western parts are deficient in forest. Variability in climatic and edaphic conditions brings about significant difference in the forest types and flora of the state. There are four important forest types: tropical moist, tropical dry, tropical thorn, and subtropical broadleaved hill forests. Based on composition, there are three important forest formations namely teak forest, sal forest and miscellaneous Forests. Bamboo bearing areas are widely distributed in the state. Following is the list of trees and plants found in Madhya Pradesh:


Large trees

S. No.Botanical nameLocal name (Devanagari)FamilyPhoto
1. Acacia arabica , Willd.Babul (बबूल) Leguminosae Babool (Acacia nilotica) flowers at Hodal W IMG 1163.jpg
2. Acacia catechu , Willd.Khair (खैर) Leguminosae Acacia catechu - Kohler-s Medizinal-Pflanzen-003.jpg
3. Acacia ferruginea , Dc.Safed Khair (सफ़ेद खैर) Leguminosae
4. Acacia leucophloea , Willd.Reunja (रेउन्जा) Leguminosae Acacia leucophloea flowering in Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad, AP W IMG 9224.jpg
5. Adina cordifolia , Hook. f.Haldu (हल्दू) Rubiaceae Haldina cordifolia (Haldu) in Ananthagiri forest, AP W IMG 9367.jpg
6. Aegle marmelos , Correa.Bel (बेल) Rutaceae Bael (Aegle marmelos) fruit at Narendrapur W IMG 4099.jpg
7. Ailanthus excelsa , Roxb.Maharukh (महारुख) Simarubaceae
8. Albizzia lebbek , Benth.Kala-siris (काला-सिरिस) Leguminosae Starr 080531-4752 Albizia lebbeck.jpg
9. Albizzia odoratissima , Benth.Chichwa (चिचवा) Leguminosae
10. Albizzia procera , Benth.Safed-siris (सफ़ेद-सिरिस) Leguminosae
11. Anogeissus latifolia , Wall.Dhaora (धावड़ा) Combretaceae Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb ex DC) Wall ex Gill.jpg
12. Anogeissus pendula , Edgew,Kardhai (करधई) Combretaceae
13. Azadirachta indica , A. Juss.Neem (नीम) Meliaceae Neem (Azadirachta indica) in Hyderabad W IMG 6976.jpg
14. Bassia latifolia , Roxb.Mahua (महुआ) Sapotaceae Mahua.jpg
15. Bombax malabaricum , DC.Semal (सेमल) Malvaceae Cotton tree at Tsing Yi Island.jpg
16. Boswellia serrata , Roxb.Salai (सलई) Burseraceae Boswellia serrata (Salai) in Kinnarsani WS, AP W2 IMG 5840.jpg
17. Bridelia retusa , Spreng.Kasai (कसई) Euphorbiaceae
18. Butea monosperma , (Lam.) Taub.Palas (पलास) Leguminosae STS 001 Butea monosperma.jpg
19. Careya arborea , Roxb.Kumbhi (कुंभी) Myrtaceae Careya arborea.jpg
20. Cedrela toona , Roxb.Toon (तून) Meliaceae Starr 020803-0078 Toona ciliata.jpg
21. Chloroxylon swietenia , D.C.Bhirra (भिर्रा) Meliaceae Chloroxylon swietenia W IMG 1326.jpg
22. Cleistanthus collinus , Benth.Garari (गरारी) Euphorbiaceae
Garari at fruiting Medicinal Plant Cleistanthus collinus.jpg
Garari at fruiting
23. Cordia myxa , Linn.Lasora (लसोडा) Boraginaceae Cordia myxa MS 1790.jpg
24. Dalbergia latifolia , Roxb.Shisham (शीशम) Leguminosae Dalbe latif 081228-4857 F ckoep.jpg
25. Dalbergia paniculata , Roxb.Dhobin (धोबिन) Leguminosae
26. Dalbergia sissoo , Roxb.Sissoo (सिस्सू) Leguminosae Dalbergia sissoo.jpg
27. Dillenia pentagyna , Roxb.Kalla (कल्ला) Dilleniaceae
28. Diospyros melanoxylon , Roxb.Tendu (तेंदू) Ebenaceae Diospyros melanoxylon Tendu.jpg
29. Diospyros montana , Roxb.Bistendu (बिसतेंदु) Ebenaceae
30. Diospyros cordifolia , Roxb.Bhaktendu (भाकतेंदू) Ebenaceae
31. Erythrina suberosa , Roxb.Pangra (पांगरा) Leguminosae
32. Eugenia jambolana , Lamk.Jamun (जामुन) Myrtaceae Kalo jaam.JPG
33. Feronia elephantum , Correa.Kaith (कैथ) Rutaceae Limonia acidissima syn Limonia elephantum or Fernonia limonia (wood-apple) in Talakona forest, AP W IMG 8333.jpg
34. Ficus bengalensis , Linn.Bar (बड) Moraceae Ficus-Benghalensis-Coral-Gables.JPG
35. Ficus glomerata , Roxb.Gular (गुलर) Moraceae Ficus racemosa fructescence.jpg
36. Ficus infectoria , Roxb.Pakar (पाकर) Moraceae
37. Ficus religiosa , Linn.Pipal (पीपल) Moraceae Pipal tree.JPG
38. Garuga pinnata , Roxb.Kekad (केकड़) Burseraceae
39. Gmelina arborea , Roxb.Gamari (गमारी) Verbenaceae Gamhar.jpg
40. Grewia tiliaefolia , VahI.Dhaman (धामन) Tiliaceae
41. Hardwickia binata , Roxb.Anjan (अंजन) Leguminosae
42. Holoptelea integrifolia , Planch.Chirol (चिरोल) Ulmaceae
43. Hymenodictyon excelsum , Wall.Bhonrsal (भोंरसाल) Rubiaceae Hymenodictyon orixense W IMG 2869.jpg
44. Kydia calycina , Roxb.Pula (पूला) Malvaceae
45. Lagerstroemia parviflora , Roxb.Seja (सेजा) Lythraceae
46. Mangifera indica , Linn.Am (आम) Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica. Tropical Brazil.JPG
47. Miliusa velutina , Hook. f. &(डोमसाल) Annonaceae
48. Odina wodier , Roxb.Jhingan (झिंगन) Anacardiaceae
49. Ougeinia dalbcrgioides , Benth.Tinsa (तिनसा) Leguminosae
50. Phyllanthus emblica , Linn.Aonla ( आंवला) Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus officinalis.jpg
51. Pongamia . Venl.Karanj (करंज) Leguminosae
52. Prosopis cineraria , Linn.Chenkur (चेंकुर) Leguminosae Khejri.jpg
53. Prosopis juliflora , DC,Khejra (खेजड़ा) Leguminosae Vilaiti Keekar (Prosopis juliflora) W IMG 6935.jpg
54. Pterocarpus marsupium , Roxb.Bijasal (बीजासाल) Leguminosae Pterocarpus marsupium - Kohler-s Medizinal-Pflanzen-252.jpg
55. Saccopetalum tomentosum , H F. & Thoms.Kari (कारी) Annonaceae
56. Santalum album , Linn.Chandan (चन्दन) Santalaceae
57. Sapilldus laurifolius , VahI.Ritha (रीठा) Sapindaceae
58. Schleichera trijuga , WiIld.Kusum (कुसुम) Sapindaceae
59. Schrebera swietenioides , Roxb.Mokha (मोखा) Oleaceae
60. Shorea robusta , Gaertn.Sal (साल) Dipterocarpaceae Sal (Shorea robusta)- new leaves with flower buds at Jayanti, Duars W Picture 120.jpg
61. Soymida febrifuga , A. Juss.Rohan (रोहण) Meliaceae
62. Spondias mangifera , Willd.Amra (आमरा) Anacardiaceae Starr 071024-0339 Spondias mombin.jpg
63. Stephegyne parvifolia , Korth.Kaim (कैम) Rubiaceae Mitragyna parvifolia-08.JPG
64. Sterculia urens , Roxb.Kulu (कुलू) Sterculiaceae
65. Stereospermum chelenoides , DCPadari (पाडरी) Bignoniaceae
66. Stereospermum suaveolens , DC.Padar (पाडर) Bignoniaceae
67. Stereospermum xylocarpum , Benth Wight.Son-Padar (सोन-पाडर) Bignoniaceae
68. Tamarindus indica , Linn.Imli (इमली) Leguminosae Tamarindus indica pods.JPG
69. Tectona grandis , Linn.Sagon (सागोन) Verbenaceae Flower, fruit & leaves (Tectona Grandis) I IMG 8818.jpg
70. Terminalia arjuna , Bedd.Arjun (अर्जुन) Combretaceae Fruit I IMG 9577.jpg
71. Terminalia belerica , Roxb.Bahera (बहेड़ा) Combretaceae Terminalia bellirica.jpg
72. Terminalia chebula , Retz.Harra (हर्रा) Combretaceae
73. Terminalia tomentosa , W&A.Saj (साज) Combretaceae

Small trees

S. No.Botanical nameLocal name (devanagari)FamilyPhoto
74. Balanites roxburghii, Plan.Hingot (हिंगोट) Zygophyuaceae Balanites roxburghii1.JPG
75. Bauhinia malabarica, Roxb.Amta (आमटा) Leguminosae
76. Bauhinia purpurea, Linn.Keolar (केवलार) Leguminosae Purple camel's foot (2).JPG
77. Bauhinia racemosa, Lamk.Asta (आष्टा) Leguminosae Bauhinia racemosa (Jhinjheri) flowers & fruits W IMG 7477.jpg
78. Bauhinia retusa, Roxb.Sehra (सेहरा) Leguminosae
79. Bauhinia variegata, Linn.Kachnar (कचनार) Leguminosae Bauhinia variegata flower.jpg
80. Buchanania cochinchinensis, Roxh.Achar (अचार) Anacardiaceae
81. Casearia graveolens, Dalz.Gilchi (गिलची) Samydaceae
82. Casearia tomentosa, Roxh.Tondri (टोंडरी) Samydaceae
83. Cassia fistula, Linn.Amaltas (अमलतास) Leguminosae Konnamaram.JPG
84. Cochlospermum gossypium, DC.Galgal (गलगल) Bixaceae
85. Crateava religiosa, Forst.Barna (बरना) Capparidaceae
86. Dichrostachys cinerea, W. & A.Velati (वेलाटी) Leguminosae
87. Dolichandrone falkata, Seem.Medhsingh (मेढ़सिंघ) Bignoniaceae
88. Elaeodendron glancnnl. Pers.Jamrasi (जमरासी) Celastraceae
89. Ehretia laevis, Roxb.Datranga (दतरंगा) Boraginaceae
90. Euphorbia nivulia, Ham.Sehund (सेहुंड) Euphorbiaceae
91. Euphorbia tiruculli, Linn.Niwarang (निवरंग) Euphorbiaceae
92. Flacourtia indica, (Burm.f.) Merr.Kakai (ककई) Salicaceae Flacourtia indica fruit in Hyderabad W IMG 7482.jpg
93. Gardenia latifolia, Ait.Papra (पापडा) Rubiaceae
94. Gardenia lucida, Ruxb.Dikamali (डिकामाली) Rubiaceae
95. Gardenia turgida, Roxb.Phetra (फेटरा) Rubiaceae
96. Ixora parviflora, Vahl.Lokhandi (लोखंडी) Rubiaceae
97. Limonia acidissima, Linn.Bilsena (बिलसेना) Rutaceae
98. Litsaea sebifera, Pers.Maidalakri (मैदालकड़ी) Lauraceae
99. Mallotus philippinensis, Muell.Roli (रोली) Euphorbiaceae
100. Mimusops hexandra, (Roxb.),Khirni (खिरनी) Sapotaceae
101. Morinda tinctoria, Roxb.Aal (आल) Rubiaceae
102. Murraya exotica, Linn.Madhukamini (मधुकामिनी) Rutaceae
103. Murraya koenigii, Spreg.Mithinim (मीठीनीम) Rutaceae Curry Trees.jpg
104. Randia dumetorum, Lamk.Mainphal (मैनफल) Rubiaceae
105. Randia uliginosa, DC.Katul (काटुल) Rubiaceae
105A. Salvadora oleoides, Dcne.Pilu (पिलू) Salvadoraceae Khabbar (Salvadora oleoides), Hodal (Faridabad, Haryana) I IMG 1194.jpg
106. Semecarpus anacardium, Linn.Bhilma (भिलमा) Anacardiaceae Semecarpus anacardium.jpg
107. Streblus asper. Linn.Majni (मजनी) Moraceae Streblus asper leaves.jpg
108. Strychnos potatorum, Linn.Nirmali (निर्मली) Loganiaceae
109. Vitex peduncularis, Wall.Morpai (मोरपाई) Verbenaceae
110. Wendlandia exserta, DC.Tilwan (तिलवन) Rubiaceae Wendlandia exserta.jpg
111. Wrightia tinctoria, R. Br.Dudhi (दुधी) Apocynaceae Wrightia tinctoria fruit in Hyderabad W IMG 7509.jpg
112. Wrightia tomentosa, R & S.Kalidudhi (कालीदुधी) Apocynaceae
113. Ziziphus jujuba, Lamk.Ber (बेर) Rhamnaceae
114. Ziziphus xylopyra. Willd.Ghont (घोंट) Rhamnaceae

Shrubs and undershrubs

S. No.Botanical nameLocal name (devanagari)FamilyPhoto
115. Achyranthes aspera, L.Apamarg (अपामार्ग) Amarantaceae
116. Adhatoda vasica, Neer.Adusa (अडूसा) Acanthaceae Justicia adhatoda 1.jpg
117. Alangium salviifolium, Thwaites.Akol (अकोल) Cornaceae
118. Anona squamosa, L.Sitaphal (सीताफल) Annonaceae
119. Antidesma diandrum, Roth.Khatua (खटुआ) Euphorbiaceae
120. Antidesma ghaesembilla, Gaertn.Jondharli (जोंधरली) Euphorbiaceae
121. Argemone mexicana, L.Siarkanta (सियारकाँटा) Berberidaceae Argemone mexicana flower 2.jpg
122. Calotropis gigantea, R.Br.Aak (आक) Asclepiadaceae Calotropis gigantea 002.jpg
123. Capparis aphylla, Roth. Karil (करील) Capparidaceae Kair.jpg
124. Capparis horrida, L.Ulatkanta (उलटकाँटा) Capparidaceae
125. Carissa spinarum, A.DC. Karonda (करोंदा) Apocynaceae Carissa ovata fruit.jpg
126. Cassia auriculata, L.Tarwar (तरवर) Leguminosae Ranawara or Avaram- Senna auriculata at Sindhrot near Vadodara, Gujrat Pix 044.jpg
127. Cassia tora, L. Panwar (पंवार) Leguminosae
128. Clerodendron infortunatum, Gaertn.Bhant (भांट) Verbenaceae
128A. Clerodendron phlomidis, L.Inni (इन्नी) Verbenaceae
129. Colebrookea oppositifolia, Smith.Kalabansa (कालाबांसा) Labiatae
130. Desmodium pulchellum, Benth.Chipti (चिपटी) Leguminosae
131. Dodonoea visocosa, L.Kharenta (खरेंटा) Sapindaceae
132 Embelia tsjeriam-cottam, (Roem. & Schult.) A.DC.Baibirang (बायबिरंग) Myrsinaceae
133. Eriolaena hookariana, Wight & Arn.Bhoti (भोटी) Sterculiaceae
134. Eugenia heyneana. Wall.Kath Jamun (कठजामुन) Myrtaceae
135. Euphorbia neriifolia, L.Thuar (थूअर) Euphorbiaceae
136. Gymnosporia montana, (Roth) Benth.Baikal (बेकल) Celastraceae
137. Grewia hirsuta, Vahl.Gursakri (गुड़सकरी) Tiliaceae Starr 980529-4195 Grewia occidentalis.jpg
138. Helicteres isora, L.Marorphali (मरोड़फली) Sterculiaceae
139. Holarrhena antidysenterica, Wall.Kurchi (कुरची) Apocynaceae Flower-01-KayEss-1.jpeg
140. Hygrophila spinosa, T.A.Talmakhana (तालमखाना) Acanthaceae Hygrophila schulli (Kolshinda) in Narshapur, AP W3 IMG 0926.jpg
141. Indigofera pulchella, Roxb.Neel (नील) Leguminosae
142. Lantana camara, L.Raimunia (रायमुनिया) Verbenaceae Lantana camara flowers (Mindanao, Philippines).jpg
143. Leea macrophylla, Roxb.Hathikand (हाथीकंद) Vitaceae
144. Nyctanthes arbortristis, L.Harsingar (हारसिंगार) Verbenaceae Flower & flower buds I IMG 2257.jpg
145. Opuntia dillenii, Hair.Nagphani (नागफनी) Cactaceae
146. Petalidium barlerioides, Nees.Indrajata (इन्द्रजटा) Acanthaceae
147. Pogostemon plectranthoides, Desf.Kora (कोरा) Labiatae
148. Salix tetrasperma, Roxb.Bainsa (बैंसा) Salicaceae Indian Willow.jpg
149. Strobilanthes callosus, Nees.Maruadona (मरुआदोना) Acanthaceae Strobilanthes callosus.jpg
150. Tamarix dioica, Roxb.Jhau (झाऊ) Tamaricaceae
151. Tribulus terrestris, L.Gokhuru (गोखरू) Zygophyllaceae Starr 030612-0063 Tribulus terrestris.jpg
152. Waltheria indica, L.Halduli (हलदुली) Sterculiaceae Starr 060305-6544 Waltheria indica.jpg
153. Woodfordia floribunda, Salist.Dhawai (धवई) Lythraceae
154. Ziziphus rugosa, Lamk.Churna (चूरना) Rhamnaceae
155. Ziziphus rotundifolia, Lamk.Jharberi (झरबेरी) Rhamnaceae


S. No.Botanical nameLocal nameFamily
156. Abrus precatorius, Linn.Gunja (गुंजा) Leguminosae
157. Acacia caesia, W. & A.Gurar (गुरार) Leguminosae
158. Acacia pennata, Willd.Raoni (रोनी) Leguminosae
159. Bauhinia vahlii, W. & A.Mahul (माहुल) Leguminosae
160. Butea superba, Roxb.Palasbel (पलासबेल) Leguminosae
161. Caesalpinia bonducella, Flem.Sagargoti (सागरगोटी) Leguminosae
162. Calycopteris floribunda, Lamk.Kukaranj (कुकरांज) Combretaceae
163. Celastrus paniculata, Willd.Malkangni (मालकांगनी) Celastraceae
164. Combretum decandrum, Roxb.Pivarbel (पिवरबेल) Combretaceae
165. Combretum ovalifolium, Roxb.Hathisandan (हाथीसान्दन) Combretaceae
166. Cryptolepis buchanani, R. & S.Nagbel (नागबेल) Asclepiadaceae
167. Cuscuta reflexa, Roxb.Amarbel (अमरबेल) Convolvulaceae
168. Derris scandens, Benth.Tupbel (तुपबेल) Leguminosae
169. Dioscorea dremona, Roxb.Baichandi (बैचांदी) Dioscoreaceae
170. Gloriosa superba, Linn.Agnishikha (अग्निशिखा) Liliaceae
171. Gymnema sylvestre, R. Br.Gudmar (गुडमार) Asclepiadaceae
172. Ichnocarpus frutescens, Br.Dhimarbel (ढीमर बेल) Apocynaceae
173. Marsdenia tenacissima, W. &A.Chikti (चिकटी) Asclepiadaceae
174. MIillettia auriculata, Baker.Gauj (गौज) Leguminosae.
175. Mucuna pruriens, DC.Kewanch (केवांच) Leguminosae
176. Smilax macrophylla, Roxb.Ramdaton (रामदतोन) Liliaceae
177. Spatholobus roxburghii, Benth.Nasbel (नसबेल) Leguminosae
178. Tinospora cordifolia, Miers.Giloy (गिलोय) Menispermaceae
179. Vallaris heyner, Spreng.Dudhbel (दूधबेल) Apocynaceae
180. Ventilago calyculata, Tul.Keoti (केवटी) Rhamnaceae
181. Ziziphus oenoplia, Mill.Makor (मकोर) Rhamnaceae


S. No.Botanical nameLocal name (devanagari)Family
182. Apluda varia, HackPhuli (फुली) Gramineae
183. Chionachne koenigii, Thw.Karpia (कर्पिया) Gramineae
184. Chrysopgon montanus, TrinChikua (चिकुआ) Gramineae
185. Coix gigantea, Kon.Garru (गर्रू) Gramineae
186. Cymbopogon martini, Wats.Rusa (रूसा) Gramineae
187. Cynodon dactylon, Pers.Doob (दूब) Gramineae
188. Desmostachya bipinnata, Stapf.Kush (कुश) Gramineae
189. Dichanthuium annulatum, Stapf.Marwel (मारवेल) Gramineae
190. Echinochloa colona, Link.Sama (समा) Gramineae
191. Eragrostis tenella, Link.Bhurbhusi (भुरभुसी) Gramineae
192. Eulaliopsis binata, C. E. Hubb.Sabai (सबई) Gramineae
193. Heteropogon contortus, Beauv.Kusul (कुसल) Gramineae
194. Imperata cylindrica, P. Beauv.Chhir (छीर) Gramineae
195. Ischaemum pilosum, Hack.Kunda (कुंदा) Gramineae
196. Pennisetum hohenackeri, Hochst.Moya (मोया) Gramineae
197. Phragmites karka, Trin.Nal (नाल) Gramineae
198. Saccharum spontaneum, Linn.Kans (कांस) Gramineae
199. Sehima sulcatum, A. Camus.Paonia (पोनिया) Gramineae
200. Themeda quadrivalvis, O. Kuntz.Gunher (गुन्हेर) Gramineae
201. Thysanolaena maxima, O. Kuntz.Phulbuhari (फूलबुहारी) Gramineae
202. Tripidium bengalense, Retz.Munj (मुंज) Gramineae
203. Vetiveria zizaniodes, Nash.Khus (खस) Gramineae

Other plants

S. No.Botanical nameLocal name (devanagari )Family
204. Bambusa arundinacea, Willd.Kanta bans (कांटाबांस) Gramineae
205. Borassus flabellifer, L.Tad (ताड़) Palmae
206. Dendrocalamus strictus, Nees.Bans (बांस) Gramineae
207. Loranthus longiflorus, Desr.Bandha (बंधा) Loranthaceae
208. Phoenix sylvestris. Roxb. Khajur (खजूर) Palmae

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The Narmada River, previously also known as Narbada or anglicised as Nerbudda, is the 5th longest river in India and overall the longest west-flowing river in the country. It is also the largest flowing river in the state of Madhya Pradesh. This river flows through the states of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat in India. It is also known as the "Lifeline of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat" due to its huge contribution to the two states in many ways. The Narmada River rises from the Amarkantak Plateau in Anuppur district in Madhya Pradesh. It forms the traditional boundary between North and South India and flows westwards for 1,312 km (815.2 mi) before draining through the Gulf of Khambhat into the Arabian Sea, 30 km (18.6 mi) west of Bharuch city of Gujarat.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Satpura Range</span> Hill range in central India

The Satpura Range is a range of hills in central India. The range rises in eastern Gujarat running east through the border of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh and ends in Chhattisgarh. The range parallels the Vindhya Range to the north, and these two east–west ranges divide Indian Subcontinent into the Indo-Gangetic plain of northern India and the Deccan Plateau of the south. The Narmada River originates from north-eastern end of Satpura in Amarkantak, and runs in the depression between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges, draining the northern slope of the Satpura range, running west towards the Arabian Sea. The Tapti River originates in the eastern-central part of Satpura, crossing the range in the center and running west at the range's southern slopes before meeting the Arabian Sea at Surat, draining the central and southern slopes of the range. Multai, the place of Tapi river origin is located about 465 kilometer far, south-westerly to Amarkantak, separated across by the hill range. The Godavari River and its tributaries drain the Deccan plateau, which lies south of the range, and the Mahanadi River drains the easternmost portion of the range. The Godavari and Mahanadi rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal. At its eastern end, the Satpura range meets the hills of the Chotanagpur Plateau. The Satpura Range is a horst mountain and is flanked by Narmada Graben in the north and much smaller but parallel Tapi Graben in the south.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve</span> Biosphere reserve in India, designated in 2009

The Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve is a non-use conservation area and biosphere reserve in the Satpura Range of Madhya Pradesh state in Central India.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chambal River</span> River in India

The Chambal River is a tributary of the Yamuna River in Central and Northern India, and thus forms part of the drainage system of the Ganges. The river flows north-northeast through Madhya Pradesh, running for a time through Rajasthan, then forming the boundary between Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh before turning southeast to join the Yamuna in Uttar Pradesh state.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kanha Tiger Reserve</span> National park in Madhya Pradesh, India

Kanha Tiger Reserve, also known as Kanha–Kisli National Park, is one of the tiger reserves of India and the largest national park of the state of Madhya Pradesh. The present-day Kanha area is divided into two protected areas, Hallon and Banjar, of 250 and 300 km2, respectively. Kanha National Park was created on 1 June 1955 and was designated tiger reserve in 1973. Today, it encompasses an area of 940 km2 (360 sq mi) in the two districts Mandla and Balaghat.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amarkantak</span> Hill station in Madhya Pradesh, India

Amarkantak is a pilgrim town and a Nagar Panchayat in Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh, India. The Amarkantak region is a unique natural heritage area and is the meeting point of the Vindhya and the Satpura Ranges, with the Maikal Hills being the fulcrum. This is where the Narmada River, the Son River and Johilla River originate.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Flora of India</span> Plants native to India

The flora of India is one of the richest in the world due to the wide range of climate, topology and habitat in the country. There are estimated to be over 18,000 species of flowering plants in India, which constitute some 6-7 percent of the total plant species in the world. India is home to more than 50,000 species of plants, including a variety of endemics. The use of plants as a source of medicines has been an integral part of life in India from the earliest times. There are more than 3000 Indian plant species officially documented as possessing into eight main floristic regions : Western Himalayas, Eastern Himalayas, Assam, Indus plain, Ganges plain, the Deccan, Malabar and the Andaman Islands.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eastern Highlands moist deciduous forests</span> Ecoregion of India

The Eastern Highlands moist deciduous forests, presently known as East Deccan moist deciduous forests, is a tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests ecoregion in east-central India. The ecoregion covers an area of 341,100 square kilometers (131,700 sq mi), extending across portions of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, and Telangana states.

Sanjay National Park is a national park in Manendragarh-Chirmiri-Bharatpur district of Chhattisgarh and Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, India. It covers an area of 2,300 km2 (890 sq mi) and is a part of the Sanjay-Dubri Tiger Reserve. It is located in the Narmada Valley dry deciduous forests ecoregion.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Geography of Uttar Pradesh</span>

Uttar Pradesh is India's fourth largest state by land area, and most populous state, located in the north-central part of the country. It spreads over a large area, and the plains of the state are quite distinctly different from the high mountains in the north. The climate of this state can also vary widely - primarily due to it being far from the moderating effect of the sea and the occasional cold air arising due to western disturbances.it has been seen that in uttar pradesh there is very hot climate wright now

<i>Madhuca longifolia</i> Species of tree

Madhuca longifolia is an Indian tropical tree found largely in the central, southern, north Indian plains and forests, Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. It is commonly known as madhūka, madkam, mahuwa, Butter Tree, mahua, mahwa, mohulo, Iluppai, Mee or vippa chettu. It is a fast-growing tree that grows to approximately 20 meters in height, possesses evergreen or semi-evergreen foliage, and belongs to the family Sapotaceae. It is adaptable to arid environments, being a prominent tree in tropical mixed deciduous forests in India in the states of Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Gujarat, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Pench Tiger Reserve</span> Tiger Reserve in Central India

Pench Tiger Reserve or Pench National Park is one of the premier tiger reserves of India and the first one to straddle across two states - Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The reference to Pench is mostly to the tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Flora and fauna of Madhya Pradesh</span>

Madhya Pradesh, often called the Heart of India, is a state in central India. Its capital is Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh was originally the largest state in India until November 1, 2000 when the state of Chhattisgarh was carved out. It borders the states Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra,Gujarat and Rajasthan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Forestry in India</span> Environmental resource – India

Forestry in India is a significant rural industry and a major environmental resource. India is one of the ten most forest-rich countries of the world. Together, India and 9 other countries account for 67 percent of the total forest area of the world. India's forest cover grew at 0.20% annually over 1990–2000, and has grown at the rate of 0.7% per year over 2000–2010, after decades where forest degradation was a matter of serious concern.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Economy of Madhya Pradesh</span>

The Economy of Madhya Pradesh refers to the economic growth with respect to the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It grew 12% in GDP for the year of 2011–12, for which it received an award from the President Pranab Mukherjee in January 2013 for improving its tourism, medical and infrastructural growth. The economy of Madhya Pradesh is significantly agrarian which is reflecting rapid strides towards industrial and service sectors as well. The Indore, Bhopal and Jabalpur districts are the top 3 districts in terms of highest output generation in the state's economy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ratapani Tiger Reserve</span> Tiger reserve in India

The Ratapani Tiger Reserve, located in the Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh, in Vindhya Range in central India, is one of the finest teak forests in the state and is less than 50 kilometres (31 mi) away from the capital Bhopal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Conservation in India</span>

Conservation in India can be traced to the time of Ashoka, tracing to the Ashoka Pillar Edicts as one of the earliest conservation efforts in the world. Conservation generally refers to the act of carefully and efficiently using natural resources. Conservation efforts begun in India before 5 AD, as efforts are made to have a forest administration. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change is the ministry responsible for implementation of environmental and forestry program in India, which include the management of national parks, conservation of flora and fauna of India, and pollution controls.

<i>Clematis gouriana</i> Species of flowering plant in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae

Clematis gouriana, or Indian Traveller's Joy, is a liana found in Asia which belongs to the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). It was described by Roxb. ex DC. and published in Regni Vegetabilis Systema Naturale 1: 138-139, in 1818.
