Homonymous hemianopsia | |
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Paris as seen with left homonymous hemianopsia | |
Specialty | Ophthalmology ![]() |
Symptoms | Clumsiness, decreased night visions, difficulty of straight line walking, distorted sight, doubled vision, frequent turning of the head away from the side where it’s present, lack of awareness where it’s presented, visual hallucinations |
Causes | Brain bleed, brain inflammation, brain tumor, dementia, epilepsy, lymphoma, other kinds of brain injuries, and stroke |
Diagnostic method | Magnetic resonance imaging |
Hemianopsia , or hemianopia, is a visual field loss on the left or right side of the vertical midline. It can affect one eye but usually affects both eyes.
Homonymous hemianopsia (or homonymous hemianopia) is hemianopic visual field loss on the same side of both eyes. Homonymous hemianopsia occurs because the right half of the brain has visual pathways for the left hemifield of both eyes, and the left half of the brain has visual pathways for the right hemifield of both eyes. When one of these pathways is damaged, the corresponding visual field is lost.
Mobility can be difficult for people with homonymous hemianopsia. "Patients frequently complain of bumping into obstacles on the side of the field loss, thereby bruising their arms and legs." [1]
People with homonymous hemianopsia often experience discomfort in crowds. "A patient with this condition may be unaware of what he or she cannot see and frequently bumps into walls, trips over objects or walks into people on the side where the visual field is missing." [2]
A related phenomenon is hemispatial neglect, the possible neglect of the right or left. The patient is not conscious of its existence. The right side of the face is not shaven, make up is applied to one side of the face only and only half of a plate of food is eaten. [3] This, however, is not necessarily due to a sensory abnormality, and is therefore distinct from hemianopsia. [4]
Homonymous hemianopsia can be congenital, but is usually caused by brain injury such as from stroke, trauma, [5] tumors, infection, or following surgery.
Vascular and neoplastic (malignant or benign tumours) lesions from the optic tract, to visual cortex can cause a contralateral homonymous hemianopsia. Injury to the right side of the brain will affect the left visual fields of each eye. The more posterior the cerebral lesion, the more symmetric (congruous) the homonymous hemianopsia will be. For example, a person who has a lesion of the right optic tract will no longer see objects on his left side. Similarly, a person who has a stroke to the right occipital lobe will have the same visual field defect, usually more congruent between the two eyes, and there may be macular sparing. A stroke on the right side of the brain (especially parietal lobe), in addition to producing a homonymous hemianopsia, may also lead to the syndrome of hemispatial neglect.
Transient homonymous hemianopsia does not necessarily mean stroke. For instance, it can constitute the aura phase of migraine. Concomitant presence of a moving scintillating scotoma is suggestive of migraine, [6] but has been seen in cerebral cancer as well. [7] Computed tomography (CT scan) or MRI can be used to investigate if stroke, tumor, structural lesion, or demyelination is the cause of homonymous hemianopsia. [6]
Homonymous hemianopsia secondary to posterior cerebral artery occlusion – may result in syndromes of memory impairment, opposite visual field loss (homonymous hemianopsia), and sometimes hemisensory deficits. The PCA supplies the occipital lobe and the medial portion of the temporal lobe.
Infarction of occipital cortex typically causes macular sparing hemianopias due to dual blood supply from both posterior cerebral artery and middle cerebral artery.
Occlusion of the calcarine artery that results in infarction of the superior part of the occipital lobe causes a lower peripheral visual field defect.
Posterior cerebral artery penetrating branch occlusion may result in infarction of the posterior capsule, causing hemisensory loss, and (if low enough) a transient hemianopia may also occur.
Prisms or "field expanders" that bend light have been prescribed for decades in patients with hemianopsia. Higher power Fresnel ("stick-on") prisms are commonly employed because they are thin and lightweight, and can be cut and placed in different positions on a spectacle lens.
Peripheral prism spectacles expand the visual field of patients with hemifield visual defects and have the potential to improve visual function and mobility. [8] Prism spectacles incorporate higher power prisms, with variable shapes and designs. The Gottlieb button prism, and the Peli superior and inferior horizontal bands are some proprietary examples of prism glasses. These high power prisms "create" artificial peripheral vision into the non-blind field for obstacle avoidance and motion detection.
Certain counterbalancing brain lesions have also been shown to improve visual deficits in a phenomenon known as the Sprague effect.
Homonymous hemianopsia can be broken down as follows:
Homonymous hemianopsia is also called homonymous hemianopia.
The parietal lobe is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain of mammals. The parietal lobe is positioned above the temporal lobe and behind the frontal lobe and central sulcus.
The occipital lobe is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain of mammals. The name derives from its position at the back of the head, from the Latin ob, 'behind', and caput, 'head'.
In neuroanatomy, the optic radiation are axons from the neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus to the primary visual cortex. The optic radiation receives blood through deep branches of the middle cerebral artery and posterior cerebral artery.
The visual field is "that portion of space in which objects are visible at the same moment during steady fixation of the gaze in one direction"; in ophthalmology and neurology the emphasis is mostly on the structure inside the visual field and it is then considered “the field of functional capacity obtained and recorded by means of perimetry”.
In neuroanatomy, the optic tract is a part of the visual system in the brain. It is a continuation of the optic nerve that relays information from the optic chiasm to the ipsilateral lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), pretectal nuclei, and superior colliculus.
Bitemporal hemianopsia is the medical description of a type of partial blindness where vision is missing in the outer half of both the right and left visual field. It is usually associated with lesions of the optic chiasm, the area where the optic nerves from the right and left eyes cross near the pituitary gland.
The middle cerebral artery (MCA) is one of the three major paired cerebral arteries that supply blood to the cerebrum. The MCA arises from the internal carotid artery and continues into the lateral sulcus where it then branches and projects to many parts of the lateral cerebral cortex. It also supplies blood to the anterior temporal lobes and the insular cortices.
The posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is one of a pair of cerebral arteries that supply oxygenated blood to the occipital lobe, part of the back of the human brain. The two arteries originate from the distal end of the basilar artery, where it bifurcates into the left and right posterior cerebral arteries. These anastomose with the middle cerebral arteries and internal carotid arteries via the posterior communicating arteries.
Hemianopsia, or hemianopia, is a loss of vision or blindness (anopsia) in half the visual field, usually on one side of the vertical midline. The most common causes of this damage are stroke, brain tumor, and trauma.
Macular sparing is visual field loss that preserves vision in the center of the visual field, otherwise known as the macula. It appears in people with damage to one hemisphere of their visual cortex, and occurs simultaneously with bilateral homonymous hemianopia or homonymous quadrantanopia. The exact mechanism behind this phenomenon is still uncertain. The opposing effect, where vision in half of the center of the visual field is lost, is known as macular splitting.
Cerebral achromatopsia is a type of color blindness caused by damage to the cerebral cortex of the brain, rather than abnormalities in the cells of the eye's retina. It is often confused with congenital achromatopsia but underlying physiological deficits of the disorders are completely distinct. A similar, but distinct, deficit called color agnosia exists in which a person has intact color perception but has deficits in color recognition, such as knowing which color they are looking at.
Hermann Wilbrand was a German ophthalmologist born in Giessen. Wilbrand's father and grandfather were also physicians.
Quadrantanopia,quadrantanopsia, refers to an anopia affecting a quarter of the visual field.
Posterior cerebral artery syndrome is a condition whereby the blood supply from the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is restricted, leading to a reduction of the function of the portions of the brain supplied by that vessel: the occipital lobe, the inferomedial temporal lobe, a large portion of the thalamus, and the upper brainstem and midbrain.
Middle cerebral artery syndrome is a condition whereby the blood supply from the middle cerebral artery (MCA) is restricted, leading to a reduction of the function of the portions of the brain supplied by that vessel: the lateral aspects of frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, the corona radiata, globus pallidus, caudate and putamen. The MCA is the most common site for the occurrence of ischemic stroke.
Total anterior circulation infarct (TACI) is a type of cerebral infarction affecting the entire anterior circulation supplying one side of the brain. The anterior circulation is the part that is supplied by the internal carotid artery, as opposed to the posterior circulation, supplied by the vertebral arteries.
Amorphosynthesis, also called a hemi-sensory deficit, is a neuropsychological condition in which a patient experiences unilateral inattention to sensory input. This phenomenon is frequently associated with damage to the right cerebral hemisphere resulting in severe sensory deficits that are observed on the contralesional (left) side of the body. A right-sided deficit is less commonly observed and the effects are reported to be temporary and minor. Evidence suggests that the right cerebral hemisphere has a dominant role in attention and awareness to somatic sensations through ipsilateral and contralateral stimulation. In contrast, the left cerebral hemisphere is activated only by contralateral stimuli. Thus, the left and right cerebral hemispheres exhibit redundant processing to the right-side of the body and a lesion to the left cerebral hemisphere can be compensated by the ipsiversive processes of the right cerebral hemisphere. For this reason, right-sided amorphosynthesis is less often observed and is generally associated with bilateral lesions.
Prism adaptation is a sensory-motor adaptation that occurs after the visual field has been artificially shifted laterally or vertically. It was first introduced by Hermann von Helmholtz in late 19th-century Germany as supportive evidence for his perceptual learning theory. Since its discovery, prism adaptation has been suggested to improve spatial deficits in patients with unilateral neglect.
Cerebral diplopia or polyopia describes seeing two or more images arranged in ordered rows, columns, or diagonals after fixation on a stimulus. The polyopic images occur monocular bilaterally and binocularly, differentiating it from ocular diplopia or polyopia. The number of duplicated images can range from one to hundreds. Some patients report difficulty in distinguishing the replicated images from the real images, while others report that the false images differ in size, intensity, or color. Cerebral polyopia is sometimes confused with palinopsia, in which multiple images appear while watching an object. However, in cerebral polyopia, the duplicated images are of a stationary object which are perceived even after the object is removed from the visual field. Movement of the original object causes all of the duplicated images to move, or the polyopic images disappear during motion. In palinoptic polyopia, movement causes each polyopic image to leave an image in its wake, creating hundreds of persistent images (entomopia).
The visual pathway consists of structures that carry visual information from the retina to the brain. Lesions in that pathway cause a variety of visual field defects. In the visual system of human eye, the visual information processed by retinal photoreceptor cells travel in the following way:
Retina→Optic nerve→Optic chiasma →Optic tract→Lateral geniculate body→Optic radiation→Primary visual cortex