Italian local elections, 1994

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The 1994 Italian local elections were held on 12 and 26 June, on 20 November and 4 December. [1] It was the first time where citizens could vote both for the mayor and the city council.


The elections were won by the Democratic Party of the Left, led by Achille Occhetto and his centre-left to left-wing alliance. But the elections were also characterized by a strong aftermath of Forza Italia, the new centre-right party founded by media magnate Silvio Berlusconi

Democratic Party of the Left Italian political party

The Democratic Party of the Left was a democratic-socialist and social-democratic political party in Italy. Founded in February 1991 as the post-communist evolution of the Italian Communist Party, the party was the largest in the Alliance of Progressives and The Olive Tree coalitions. In February 1998, the party merged with minor parties to form Democrats of the Left.

Achille Occhetto Italian politician

Achille Occhetto, is an Italian political figure. He served as the last secretary-general of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) between 1988 and 1991, and the first leader of the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), the parliamentary socialist successor of the PCI, from 1991 to 1994.

Forza Italia former Italian political party

Forza Italia was a centre-right political party in Italy with liberal-conservative, Christian-democratic, liberal, social-democratic and populist tendencies. Its leader was Silvio Berlusconi, four times Prime Minister of Italy.

Overall results

Democratic Party of the Left (PDS) Achille Occhetto 18
Forza Italia (FI) Silvio Berlusconi 5
National Alliance (AN) Gianfranco Fini 3
Italian People's Party (PPI) Mino Martinazzoli 2
Lega Nord (LN) Umberto Bossi 1

Mayoral results

CitiesIncumbent mayor Party Elected mayor Party
Asti Giorgio Galvagno PSI Alberto Bianchino PDS
Como Renzo Pigni PSI Alberto Botta FI
Rovigo Luigi Frezzato PDS Fabio Baratella PDS
Verona Enzo Erminero DC Michela Sironi Mariotti FI
Savona Sergio Tortarolo PDS Francesco Gervasio FI
Parma Mara Colla PSI Stefano Lavagetto PDS
Piacenza Filippo Grandi PLI Giacomo Vaciago PDS
Lucca Arturo Pacini DC Giulio Lazzerini PPI
Pistoia Lido Scarpetti PDS Lido Scarpetti PDS
Rieti Paolo Bigliocchi PSI Antonio Cicchetti AN
L'Aquila Vincenzo Grimaldi Ind. Carmine Centi PDS
Matera Francesco Saverio Acito DC Mario Manfredi PDS
Catanzaro Antonio Bevacqua PRI Benito Gualtieri PPI
Vibo Valentia Bruno Panuccio DC Giuseppe Iannello PDS
Cagliari Gaetano Giua Marassi DC Mariano Delogu AN
Oristano Pietro Arca DC Mariano Scarpa PDS
Gorizia Erminio Tuzzi DC Gaetano Valenti FI
Enna Vincenzo Vigiano DC Antonio Alvano FI
Messina Salvatore Francesco Leonardi DC Francesco Providenti PPI
Ragusa Giorgio Massari DC Giorgio Chessari PDS
Syracuse Vincenzo Di Raimondo DC Marco Fatuzzo PPI
Trapani Mario Buscaino PDS Mario Buscaino PDS
Brescia Paolo Corsini PDS Mino Martinazzoli PPI
Sondrio Flaminio Benetti DC Alcide Molteni PDS
Treviso Gianfranco Gagliardi DC Giancarlo Gentilini LN
Massa Luigi Della Pina DC Roberto Pucci PDS
Pisa Sergio Cortopassi PSI Piero Floriani PDS
Pescara Mario Collevecchio PDS Carlo Pace AN
Brindisi Francesco Paolo Arina DC Michele Errico PDS

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