Jennifer Brunner

Last updated

Compared to the last presidential election [in 2004], this state has gone from intensive care to walking on crutches. By November [2008], we'll be walking normally like everyone else.

— Jennifer Brunner [150] (March 2008)

She has also moved to shield social security information and other private information from public view for millions of online records and coordinated with the Ohio General Assembly to prevent the filing of private information. [1]

Brunner worked with Ohio's 88 county boards of elections and thousands of poll workers to ensure record voter turnout in the March presidential primaries. [1] [151] Despite the record turnout, the primary was marred by paper ballot shortages, bomb threats, ice storms and power failures. [150] In addition, flooding forced the relocation of some polling places in southeastern Ohio. [152] 21 precincts in the Cleveland metropolitan area were held open for an extra 90 minutes due to paper ballot shortages. [144] Brunner claimed that in Clermont and Summit Counties ballots ran out because of the number of Republicans who voted in the Democratic primary and that only Democratic ballots ran out. [144]

Brunner has spoken out against election officials taking voting machines home with them in the days before an election. Such actions could allow hacking even though it makes transport and delivery to the eventual polling place simpler. [153] Some elections officials say they feel the system is better if elections officials keep an eye on machines the days before the elections. Brunner says poll workers have sometimes cast ballots on machines in their homes. She issued the following directive on the matter: "We want Ohio's voters and the rest of the nation to see that we have prepared a transparent process of transporting voting equipment, ballots and supplies. That begins with security practices at boards of elections and polling places, documented chain of custody, and now procedures to make secure voting machine delivery." [153] She has ordered bipartisan transport teams and proscribed storage conditions such as humidity. The federal government will subsidize the cost of her mandate. [153]

2008 general election

Same-day voter registration

Brunner speaks in Denver during the 2008 Democratic National Convention. (2008-08-26) Jennifer Brunner at DNC 20080826.jpg
Brunner speaks in Denver during the 2008 Democratic National Convention. (2008-08-26)

In 2008 Ohio experienced an unintended consequence of a new statute that resulted in a brief period of overlap voting, when absentee voting has started and before the close of voter registration. This period ran from September 30 until October 6, due to the newly instituted early voting policy. [143] On August 13, 2008, Brunner ordered county election board officials to establish procedures to enable voters who register to be immediately issued an absentee ballot. [154] Because a voter could show up with only a cell phone bill, give any four digits and claim they were the last four digits of his or her Social Security Number, and then immediately vote and have such ballots put into the same pool as other votes with no procedure for more rigorous scrutiny of their validity, the Republican Party opposed the same day voting plan and fought it in several Ohio Courts. [155] Ohio Republican Party officials and Republican voters argued in separate lawsuits that Ohio law requires voters to be registered for 30 days before they cast an absentee ballot. [156] On September 29, 2008 (a day after lower state and federal courts overruled GOP objections to same-day registration and voting or GOP requests for mandated ballot segregation and verification) the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in Cincinnati, Ohio rejected Republican efforts to stop the plan. [155] United States district court judge James Gwin in Cleveland, Ohio also ruled against the Republicans and issued a restraining order to enforce Brunner's plan. In Columbus, Ohio, U.S. District Judge George Smith declined to rule on another statewide challenge, deferring to the state Supreme Court's decision. The rulings, which opened a window to register and vote on the same day until the absentee ballot deadline on October 6, 2008, was upheld by the Ohio Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision in which two Republican jurists who were on the November 2008 ballot recused themselves and were replaced by one Republican and one Democrat by Chief Justice Thomas Moyer. The normal roster of Ohio Supreme Court jurists is all Republican and the lone Democrat replacement, William H. Wolff Jr., cast the tie-breaking vote. [156] [157] The dissenters noted that Ohio's Constitution requires that a person register to vote 30 days in before voting. [158] Brunner ordered segregation of same-day-registration ballots and verification of them before counting them on Election Day, November 4, 2008. [155] In related proceedings on September 30, 2008, Judge Smith of The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio in Columbus had granted an Ohio Republican Party request for a restraining order that would mandate election observers during early voting. [159] [157] Brunner prevailed in the appellate court which ruled that the district court "abused its discretion" in granting the restraining order. [159]

The same-day registration ballots are subject to the standard Ohio notification card protocol whereby a postcard is sent to the newly registered address to assist in determining the validity of the address. A card that comes back marked return to sender is questioned and marked on the voter rolls. [143] Additionally, the boards of elections submit new voter registrations into a database in the office of the Ohio Secretary of State. The information is matched with driver's licenses on an Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles database and failing a match there it is sent to the Social Security Administration to pursue a match. [143]

Help America Vote Act (HAVA)

Ohio (along with Colorado, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada and North Carolina) is one of six states expected to be heavily affected by compliance with the 2002 Help America Vote Act, [160] which mandates that states corroborate voter registration applications with government databases. [161] Due to the disproportionate voter registration by Democrats it is anticipated that much of the confusion at the polling places will be for challenges to newly registered Democrats who have been delisted from the ranks of registered voters. [160]

It appears that Ohio is using social security information to verify new voter registration, even though "[u]nder federal law, election officials are supposed to use the Social Security database to check a registration application only as a last resort, if no record of the applicant is found [within the state's own] databases," according to a New York Times article. [160] Michael J. Astrue, commissioner of the Social Security Administration, alerted the United States Department of Justice and sent letters to six states including Ohio to ensure compliance with federal law. Brunner has stated that the filing of paperwork by Republican officials may be an attempt to establish grounds for contesting ballots on Election Day. The paperwork requires use of provisional ballots by persons with discrepant registrations. [160] On October 9, 2008, the Republicans also were granted an order against Brunner by Judge Smith requiring that Brunner must perform voter registration verification according to the Help America Vote Act. Matching new registrants' information against Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles or the Social Security Administration databases is one of the requirements. Challenges to mismatched registrations, which force the use of provisional ballots, must be filed twenty days prior to the election. [143] Legal expert Greta Van Susteren viewed the ruling as a significant breaking news story and interviewed Brunner on her show On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren the day it was made. Van Susteren interpreted the ruling as a statement that Brunner has not been taking sufficient steps to prevent voter fraud. [162] Democracy Now! also interviewed Brunner on that day, but they did so before the final verdict. [143]

Between January 1, 2008, and mid-October 2008, over 666,000 Ohioans registered to vote either for the first time or with updated voter information, and over 200,000 of them provided driver's licenses or Social Security numbers that do not match government records. Over 20% of these voters are from Cuyahoga County, which is heavily Democratic. [163] Also, many of the newly registered voters were the result of voter registration drives to register voters for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for the March 4, 2008 Ohio Democratic primary. [164] The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, in a 9-6 decision, ruled against Brunner on October 14, 2008, in deciding that extra steps must be taken to authenticate these registrants and Jeffrey Sutton's majority opinion suggested that these misregistered voters cast provisional ballots. Historically, 20% of provisional ballots have been thrown out. As a result of the ruling, Brunner's Office of the Ohio Secretary of State must provide each county with a list of registrants with mismatching information and provide direction on a proper course of action. There are federal laws barring purging voters from the election rolls within 90 days of an election. This issue is considered to be a partisan one with Republicans favoring greater scrutiny, and the justices voted almost along party lines based on the United States President that appointed them. [163]

On October 17, 2008, in Brunner v. Ohio Republican Party, 07A332, the United States Supreme Court overturned the 6th Circuit Decision requiring Brunner to provide lists of improperly registered voters to each county election board. [164] The ruling means that Brunner can instruct the 88 county boards of elections to ignore public record requests by the Ohio Republican Party made to challenge registrants with information mismatched between their registration and their driver's license or social security number. [165] The Republican Party claimed that the ruling was based on a technicality rather than the merits of the arguments. Bennett said that "The justices did not disagree with our argument that Jennifer Brunner has failed to comply with federal election law. They merely said we don't have a right to bring a private challenge against her under this particular provision." [166] The McCain-Palin campaign said "...the United States Supreme Court does not address violations of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) by Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner. Rather, the Court ruled that Congress had likely not authorized private individuals or political parties to bring suit under the section of HAVA requiring voter registration verification through data-matching." [167] Since the ruling did not directly address the issues that the Republicans wanted determined, they filed a similar case in the Ohio Supreme Court. [161] However, they withdrew the case. [168]

Other issues

One month before the 2008 United States election, 5% of Ohio mortgages were either severely delinquent or in foreclosure. [169] There were 67,658 foreclosure actions in the first half of 2008. [169] [170] An editorial in The New York Times purported that Republicans may try to use foreclosure lists to block voters. Brunner warned all election boards that involvement in a foreclosure is not, by itself, sufficient basis for challenging enfranchisement. [169]

On entering office, Brunner took immediate action against Republican county elections officials, including Robert T. Bennett, Ohio Republican Party Chairman. At the time, while writing for The Cincinnati Enquirer , columnist Peter Bronson described Brunner as "the most partisan state official in Ohio". [171] More recently, she has been accused of partisanship by her former Secretary of State opponent in the 2008 general election. He claims that she set policy in order to throw out absentee ballots likely to be cast for the John McCain-Sarah Palin ticket. [171] The Ohio State Supreme Court supported the Republican argument. [172] Other sources claim that ACORN advises and influences Brunner. [173] [174]

The 2008 general election was expected to be marred by Diebold electronic voting machines that had malfunctioned on vote transfers from the local precinct machines to the county election board headquarters. Brunner is suing Diebold for other types of vote-dropping malfunctions. [175] Fifty-three of eighty-eight counties used the problematic touch screen electronic voting machines. [143] The machines had also mysteriously crashed and their printers had jammed in the 2007 elections. [147] Brunner feels that electronic machines should be avoided until they achieve the same security standards as the computer equipment in the banking and communications industries. [145] She issued a report that both Premier Election Solutions (a Diebold subsidiary) and Hart and Election Systems & Software produce electronic voting systems with severe security flaws. [176]

Brunner has made several specific efforts to alleviate some of the past voting difficulties. 2008 was the first Ohio election that permits absentee voting as a matter of preference without any justification for need. [143] This resulted in a record number of absentee ballots. [143] Additionally, voting machine redistribution has been closely studied with the hope of alleviating long waits in problem areas. [143] Redistribution is based on past turnout, new registrations, any recent purges under the National Voter Registration Act, and the number of ballot issues in the district. [143] Each precinct has been supplied with sufficient paper ballots to accommodate 25% number of voters who voted in the previous presidential election. [143]

Brunner has noted that only incarcerated convicted felons become ineligible to vote in Ohio. Thus, persons incarcerated for misdemeanors and persons detained in prisons awaiting new trials can vote directly from prison. [143]

In fall of 2008, Brunner was challenged in a pair of cases involving the Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless. In September, in Project Vote (on behalf of Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless) v. Madison County Board of Elections, No. 1:08-cv-02266 (N.D. Ohio), Judge Garvin enjoined the Madison County Board of Elections from adhering to its September 5 announcement that it would disregard Secretary Brunner's directives to issue an absentee ballot to anyone who has not already been registered for 30 days. The Board had threatened an action that the judge determined would violate Section 202 of the Voting Rights Act causing irreparable injury to registered voters who will be unable to receive absentee ballots. [177] On October 27, 2008, in the case The Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless v. Brunner, Case No. C206- 896, U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus ruled that in concert with Ohio Revised Code § 3503.02(I) which states: "If a person does not have a fixed place of habitation, but has a shelter or other location at which the person has been a consistent or regular inhabitant and to which the person has the intention of returning, that shelter or other location shall be deemed the person's residence for the purpose of registering to vote." The order mandated that Brunner as Secretary of State "instruct the County Boards of Elections that provisional ballots may not be rejected for failing to list a building address on the provisional ballot envelope if the voter resides at a location that does not have an address." [178] This ruling states that all Ohio counties must allow homeless voters use non-building locations such as park benches as their addresses. [179] At the same time, the court ruled that poll worker error is not a valid reason to reject a provisional ballot. [180] Time said that these rulings brought uniformity in handling provisional ballots to the counties that did not previously exist. [181]

On October 20, 2008, Brunner had to temporarily shut down the Ohio Secretary of State website after it was hacked. The offense was placed under the jurisdiction of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. At the time of the announcement Ohio Governor Ted Strickland noted that Brunner has been the subject of threats and Brunner noted that her office has been assaulted with threats and actual delivery of abuse. [182]

In November 2008, Brunner became involved in a legal battle against two Steve Stivers supporters that relates to the validity of a 1000 provisional ballots in the race for Ohio's 15th congressional district that at the time of recounting had a 149-vote margin and 27,000 absentee ballots to be counted. [183] [184] The case was consolidated with other cases in the United States District Court upon Brunner's request. [185] On December 5, 2008, Stivers' supporters won a ruling in the Ohio Supreme Court that the 1,000 provisional ballots that lacked signatures or had names and signatures in the wrong places be thrown out. [186]

2010 campaign for U.S. Senate

Brunner's term as Ohio Secretary of State ended in 2011 and she was up for re-election in 2010 along with other Ohio statewide offices. In January, rumors that were eventually confirmed began circulating that second term Republican United States Senator George Voinovich would not run for re-election in 2010. Brunner's name was mentioned as a potential Democratic candidate for the seat. [187] [188] [189] On January 23, 2009, Brunner and Ohio Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher met to discuss the possibility that either of them would run, but did not confirm any decision or leanings to the media. [190]

On February 17, 2009, Brunner announced that she would be a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2010. [191] She ran against Fisher for the Democratic nomination. [192] In September 2009, DSCC Chairman Bob Menendez, who supported Fisher and had been trying to clear the field for him, [193] stated he would actively work against any underfunded candidate, in which Brunner eventually responded "I'm not scared of you" at a fundraiser in Washington D.C. in December of that year. [193] [194] By February 2010, she had significantly less cash on hand than Fisher or likely general election opponent Rob Portman (who would eventually win the seat), but claimed, "I only need enough money to win," adding, "And frankly, in this economic environment, it's rather obscene when people start crowing about how many millions they have on hand." [195] Polling in late 2009 and January 2010 showed Brunner to be more competitive than Fisher in a general election matchup against Portman, while Fisher and Brunner were deadlocked in Democratic primary polling. [196] Her budget-spirited campaign employed "Rosie the Riveter" imagery and the use of an old school bus called "The Courage Express" to travel across the state. [197] During the campaign Fisher faced accusations of being afraid of Fox News and being too staged and not genuine. [197] The final Quinnipiac Poll released at the end of April showed Brunner leading Fisher among men 38-24% and defeating Portman 40-36%. [198] [199]

Brunner lost to Fisher in the May 4, 2010 party primary, 55% to 45%. [200]

2014 campaign for Ohio Tenth District Court of Appeals

Brunner was certified as the sole Democratic candidate running for the Ohio Tenth District Court of Appeals seat occupied by incumbent judge Amy O'Grady, who was appointed to the seat by Governor John Kasich in 2013. [201] The 2014 judicial elections are notable for the number of judges on the ballot, with The Columbus Dispatch stating that it was the first time 12 contested judicial seats would appear on the ballot in Franklin County, Ohio. [202] She was the only Democratic nominee for the appellate seat, running against incumbent judge Amy O'Grady. [202] [203] Brunner defeated O'Grady and was elected to a two-year term as Franklin County appeals judge unexpired term in the General Election. [204]

2020 Campaign for Ohio Supreme Court

Results by county:
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French--60-70% 2020 Ohio Supreme Court Election Seat 5.svg
Results by county:
Map Legend
  •   Brunner—60–70%
  •   Brunner—50–60%
  •   French—50–60%
  •   French—60–70%

In August 2019, Brunner announced her candidacy to be a justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio, challenging incumbent Judith L. French. [205] On November 3, 2020, she went on to win the general election with 55% of the vote. [206]

2022 Campaign for Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court

On June 8, 2021, Brunner announced her candidacy for Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court in the November 8, 2022, general election. [207] In a virtual news conference on September 13, 2021, Brunner released a campaign platform that includes support for a statewide criminal sentencing database, a proposal for a permanent Commission on Fairness and Equality in Ohio’s Courts and Legal System, expansion of specialized dockets like drug courts, and what the Cleveland Plain Dealer called "good-government reforms." [208] At the general election held on November 8, 2022, she was defeated by her Republican opponent, fellow associate justice Sharon Kennedy, in a landslide, winning less than 44% of the vote. [209]

International work

Brunner worked with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) of the US Department of State as a consultant on campaign finance, elections, and ballot issues in the Republic of Serbia during 2012. Brunner also served as an adviser to Serbian misdemeanor court judges on outreach strategies to rebuild the public's confidence in elections systems. [210] The project, named Judicial Reform and Government Accountability, also aims to enable the Serbian government to better detect and prevent corruption in the government. [211] She has been engaged to serve as an adviser through USAID four times, with a trip to Serbia in 2013 assisting the Serbian Minister of Justice with judicial reform. [212]

Brunner also served as an international election observer in Egypt for the 2014 Egyptian constitutional referendum. [213]


Brunner is a resident of Columbus, Ohio. She and her husband, Rick, have been married since 1978 and have three adult children. [1] They have also been foster parents to three children. [214] Brunner is an alumna of Whetstone High School in the Clintonville neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. [215] Brunner served on the Ohio Student Loan Commission, a nine-member group that guarantees loans for college students, for a term that ended in 1992. [216] Republican Governor John Kasich appointed her to a Democratic seat the Ohio Cultural Facilities Commission in 2011, which was legislated out of existence in 2013. [217] In October 2012, Kasich also appointed her to the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist Board. [218] Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman appointed Brunner to the Central Ohio Transit Authority Board in 2013. [219]

In March 2008, Brunner was given the Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum. She earned the award for challenging the reliability of electronic voting in order to protect the right to vote in Ohio. The award was announced on March 18, 2008. [220] She received the award May 12, 2008. [221] Brunner assumed office in 2007 and ordered paper ballots be provided to any voter who requested one in the March 2008 primary and called for the replacement of all the state's electronic voting systems by the November 2008 presidential election. [222] Her overhaul of the Ohio voting system was considered costly and reckless by some, [223] but after the election was deemed successful by other observers. [224]

General election results

Jennifer Brunner
20080310 Jennifer Brunner.jpg
Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court
Assumed office
January 2, 2021
OfficeYearVotes for Brunner % Republican Votes %Non-PartisanVotes %Non-PartisanVotes %
Judge of the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas [8] [104] 2000147,48750.94John Bender141,56749.06
2002109,71351.8Michael J. Holbrook102,05048.2
Ohio Secretary of State [137] 20062,104,11455.03Greg Hartmann1,546,45440.45John A. Eastman94,7062.48Timothy J. Kettler78,0802.04
Ohio's Tenth District Court of Appeals [225] 2014124,70153.07Amy O'Grady110,29346.93
Ohio Supreme Court 20202,695,07255.34Jennifer French2,174,82044.66


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Party political offices
Preceded by Democratic nominee for Ohio Secretary of State
Succeeded by
Political offices
Preceded by Secretary of State of Ohio
Succeeded by
Legal offices
Preceded by Associate Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court