Kepler-138, also known as KOI-314, is a red dwarf [3] [10] located in the constellation Lyra, 219 light years from Earth. [1] It is located within the field of vision of the Kepler spacecraft, the satellite that NASA's Kepler Mission used to detect planets transiting their stars.
The star hosts three confirmed planets and a likely fourth, including the lowest-mass exoplanet with a measured mass and size discovered to date, Kepler-138b, [11] with a mass comparable to that of Mars. Kepler-138d is remarkable for its low density; initially thought likely to be a gas dwarf, [8] more recent observations as of 2022 show that it, as well as planet c, are likely to be ocean worlds. [12] [13]
Prior to Kepler observation, KOI-314 had the 2MASS catalogue number 2MASS J19213157+4317347. In the Kepler Input Catalog it has the designation of KIC 7603200, and when it was found to have transiting planet candidates it was given the Kepler object of interest number of KOI-314.
Planetary candidates were detected around the star by NASA's Kepler Mission, a mission tasked with discovering planets in transit around their stars. The transit method that Kepler uses involves detecting dips in brightness in stars. These dips in brightness can be interpreted as planets whose orbits pass in front of their stars from the perspective of Earth, although other phenomena can also be responsible which is why the term planetary candidate is used. [14] By timing these dips, gravitational interactions were detected between two of the candidates, [8] allowing for a measurement of their masses and confirmation as real planets given that the masses were significantly below the deuterium burning limits. [15]
Following the acceptance of the discovery paper, the Kepler team provided an additional moniker for the system of "Kepler-138". [16] However, the planets were discovered by scientists outside of the Kepler team who referred to the star as KOI-314, as the Kepler designation had not been assigned yet. [8] [17]
Candidate planets that are associated with stars studied by the Kepler Mission are assigned the designations ".01", ".02", ".03", etc. after the star's name, in the order of discovery. [4] If planet candidates are detected simultaneously, then the ordering follows the order of orbital periods from shortest to longest. [4] Following these rules, the first two candidate planets were detected simultaneously [18] and assigned the names KOI-314.01 and KOI-314.02, with respective orbital periods of 13.8 and 23.1 days. [18] Over a year later, a much smaller planet candidate was detected and assigned the name KOI-314.03, [19] despite being the shortest orbital period planet (period of 10.3 days) found in the system.
Confirmed planets are conventionally assigned the designations b, c, d, etc. after the star's name. [20] The labels are assigned alphabetically in the order of discovery starting from b. [20] Since KOI-314.01 and KOI-314.02 were confirmed as planets simultaneously, the alphabetical names were assigned in order of orbital period by the discoverers, [8] and thus became KOI-314b and KOI-314c respectively. Since no gravitational interactions were detected due to KOI-314.03, this planetary candidate remained unconfirmed as 6 January 2014 and thus kept the same name. [8]
In the following weeks, on 28 February 2014, a new paper validated KOI-314.03 as being a real planet with a false alarm probability of less than 1%. [21] The new paper used different names for the planets, going from KOI-314b to Kepler-138c, KOI-314c to Kepler-138d and KOI-314.03 to Kepler-138b. [21] These designations have been used by subsequent studies, and by databases such as the NASA Exoplanet Archive. [2] This situation is similar to that of some other planetary systems such as Mu Arae, where different designations have been used for the same planets in the literature.
On 16 December 2022, two possible water worlds Kepler-138 c and Kepler-138 d were detected in the Kepler 138 system by the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes.
Kepler-138 is a red dwarf with approximately 54% the mass of and 54% the radius of the Sun. [5] It has a surface temperature of 3726+44
−40 K . [6] In comparison, the Sun has a surface temperature of 5778 K. [22] Kepler-138's apparent magnitude (how bright it appears from Earth's perspective) is 13.04, [2] too dim to be seen with the naked eye.
The three inner known planets of Kepler-138 transit the star; this means that all three planets' orbits appear to cross in front of their star as viewed from the Earth's perspective. Their inclinations relative to Earth's line of sight, or how far above or below the plane of sight they are, vary by less than one degree. This allows direct measurements of the planets' orbital periods and relative diameters (compared to the host star) by monitoring each planet's transit of the star. [8] [21] There is also a likely fourth non-transiting planet, Kepler-138e, detected through transit-timing variations. [5] [12]
Although the innermost planet has a size similar to Mars, Kepler-138c and d both have a radius of about 1.5 Earth radii [5] (revised from earlier estimates of 1.2 Earth radii). [8] [21] Although Kepler-138c and d have similar radii, their masses and densities were initially thought to vary greatly. Of these two, the inner planet was thought to be consistent with a rocky super-Earth, whereas the outer planet's low density implies it may have a substantial proportion of water ice [11] or a significant gas envelope, resembling a miniaturized gas giant (a gas dwarf). [8] The striking differences between these two planets have been hypothesized to be due to photoevaporation. [8] However, more recent observations as of 2022 have found similarly low densities for both planets c and d, suggesting that they are likely to be ocean worlds. [5] [12] The mass of candidate Kepler-138e would be intermediate of Mars and Venus. While a radius could not be estimated for planet e, it is likely smaller than c and d and larger than b, which is consistent with an Earth-like composition. [5]
The three inner planets are too close to their star to be considered within the habitable zone, [17] while the likely planet Kepler-138e orbits near the inner edge of the habitable zone. [5]
Companion (in order from star) | Mass | Semimajor axis (AU) | Orbital period (days) | Eccentricity | Inclination | Radius |
b | 0.07±0.02 M🜨 | 0.0753±0.0006 | 10.3134±0.0003 | 0.020±0.009 | 88.67±0.08 ° | 0.64±0.02 R🜨 |
c | 2.3+0.6 −0.5 M🜨 | 0.0913±0.0007 | 13.78150+0.00007 −0.00009 | 0.017+0.008 −0.007 | 89.02±0.07 ° | 1.51±0.04 R🜨 |
d | 2.1+0.6 −0.7 M🜨 | 0.1288±0.0010 | 23.0923±0.0006 | 0.010±0.005 | 89.04±0.04 ° | 1.51±0.04 R🜨 |
e(unconfirmed) | 0.43+0.21 −0.10 M⊕ | 0.1803±0.0014 | 38.230±0.006 | 0.112+0.018 −0.024 | 88.53±1.0 ° | — |
A Super-Earth is a type of exoplanet with a mass higher than Earth's, but substantially below those of the Solar System's ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, which are 14.5 and 17 times Earth's, respectively. The term "super-Earth" refers only to the mass of the planet, and so does not imply anything about the surface conditions or habitability. The alternative term "gas dwarfs" may be more accurate for those at the higher end of the mass scale, although "mini-Neptunes" is a more common term.
Kepler-80, also known as KOI-500, is a red dwarf star of the spectral type M0V. This stellar classification places Kepler-80 among the very common, cool, class M stars that are still within their main evolutionary stage, known as the main sequence. Kepler-80, like other red dwarf stars, is smaller than the Sun, and it has both radius, mass, temperatures, and luminosity lower than that of our own star. Kepler-80 is found approximately 1,223 light years from the Solar System, in the stellar constellation Cygnus, also known as the Swan.
Kepler-69 is a G-type main-sequence star similar to the Sun in the constellation Cygnus, located about 2,430 ly (750 pc) from Earth. On April 18, 2013 it was announced that the star has two planets. Although initial estimates indicated that the terrestrial planet Kepler-69c might be within the star's habitable zone, further analysis showed that the planet very likely is interior to the habitable zone and is far more analogous to Venus than to Earth and thus completely inhospitable.
Kepler-90, also designated 2MASS J18574403+4918185, is a G-type star located about 2,790 light-years (855 pc) from Earth in the constellation of Draco. It is notable for possessing a planetary system that has the same number of observed planets as the Solar System.
Kepler-61 is a K-type main-sequence star approximately 1,100 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. It is located within the field of vision of the Kepler spacecraft, the satellite that NASA's Kepler Mission used to detect planets that may be transiting their stars. On April 24, 2013 it was announced that the star has an extrasolar planet orbiting in the inner edge of the habitable zone, named Kepler-61b.
Kepler-186 is a main-sequence M1-type dwarf star, located 178.5 parsecs away in the constellation of Cygnus. The star is slightly cooler than the sun, with roughly half its metallicity. It is known to have five planets, including the first Earth-sized world discovered in the habitable zone: Kepler-186f. The star hosts four other planets discovered so far, though they all orbit interior to the habitable zone.
Kepler-438b is a confirmed near-Earth-sized exoplanet. It is likely rocky. It orbits on the inner edge of the habitable zone of a red dwarf, Kepler-438, about 472.9 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. It receives 1.4 times our solar flux. The planet was discovered by NASA's Kepler spacecraft using the transit method, in which the dimming effect that a planet causes as it crosses in front of its star is measured. NASA announced the confirmation of the exoplanet on 6 January 2015.
Kepler-296f is a confirmed super-Earth exoplanet orbiting within the habitable zone of Kepler-296. The planet was discovered by NASA's Kepler spacecraft using the transit method, in which the dimming effect that a planet causes as it crosses in front of its star is measured. NASA announced the discovery of the exoplanet on 26 February 2014.
Kepler-438 is a red dwarf in the constellation Lyra, about 640 light years from Earth. It is notable for its planetary system, which includes Kepler-438b, a possibly Earth-size planet within Kepler-438's habitable zone.
KOI-256 is a double star located in the constellation Cygnus approximately 575 light-years (176 pc) from Earth. While observations by the Kepler spacecraft suggested the system contained a gas giant exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf, later studies determined that KOI-256 was a binary system composed of the red dwarf orbiting a white dwarf.
Kepler-186e is a confirmed exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Kepler-186, approximately 582 light years away from Earth in the constellation of Cygnus. It is near the optimistic habitable zone but probably not in it, possibly making it have a runaway greenhouse effect, like Venus. The exoplanet was found by using the transit method, in which the dimming effect that a planet causes as it crosses in front of its star is measured. Four additional planets orbiting the star were also discovered.
Kepler-419 is an F-type main-sequence star located about 3,400 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. It is located within the field of vision of the Kepler spacecraft, the satellite that NASA's Kepler Mission used to detect planets that may be transiting their stars. In 2012, a potential planetary companion in a very eccentric orbit was detected around this star, but its planetary nature was not confirmed until 12 June 2014, when it was named Kepler-419b. A second planet was announced orbiting further out from the star in the same paper, named Kepler-419c.
Kepler-432 is a binary star system with at least two planets in orbit around the primary companion, located about 2,830 light-years away from Earth.
Kepler-13 or KOI-13 is a stellar triple star system consisting of Kepler-13A, around which an orbiting hot Jupiter exoplanet was discovered with the Kepler spacecraft in 2011, and Kepler-13B a common proper motion companion star which has an additional star orbiting it.
Kepler-160 is a main-sequence star approximately the width of our Galactic arm away in the constellation Lyra, first studied in detail by the Kepler Mission, a NASA-led operation tasked with discovering terrestrial planets. The star, which is very similar to the Sun in mass and radius, has three confirmed planets and one unconfirmed planet orbiting it.
Kepler-167 is a K-type main-sequence star located about 1,119 light-years (343 pc) away from the Solar System in the constellation of Cygnus. The star has about 78% the mass and 75% the radius of the Sun, and a temperature of 4,884 K. It hosts a system of four known exoplanets. There is also a companion red dwarf star at a separation of about 700 AU, with an estimated orbital period of over 15,000 years.