Law of the Republic of Ireland

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The law now in force in Ireland dates back in excess of 800 years Statutes at large ireland.jpg
The law now in force in Ireland dates back in excess of 800 years

The law of Ireland consists of constitutional, statutory, and common law. The highest law in the State is the Constitution of Ireland, from which all other law derives its authority. The Republic has a common-law legal system with a written constitution that provides for a parliamentary democracy based on the British parliamentary system, [1] albeit with a popularly elected president, a separation of powers, a developed system of constitutional rights and judicial review of primary legislation. [2]


History of Irish law

The sources of law in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland reflect Irish history and the various parliaments whose law affected the island of Ireland down through the ages.

The Brehon Laws

The Brehon Laws were a relatively sophisticated early Irish legal system, the practice of which was only finally wiped out during the Cromwellian conquest of Ireland. The Brehon laws were a civil legal system only – there was no criminal law. Acts that would today be considered criminal were then dealt with in a similar manner to tort law today. A perpetrator would have to compensate the victim, rather than having a punishment, such as imprisonment, imposed upon him or her.

Parliament of Ireland

The Parliament of Ireland made laws for the Kingdom of Ireland between from 1297 until the end of 1800.

Parliament of the United Kingdom

After the kingdoms of Ireland and Great Britain were united in 1800, the Parliament of the United Kingdom made laws for Ireland. This continued in the south until 1922.

The first and second Dáil

The first (1919-21) and second Dáil (1921-22) sat in opposition to British rule in Ireland. The laws passed by the first and second Dáil had no official legal effect.

Constitutional law

The Irish Constitution was enacted by a popular plebiscite held on 1 July 1937, and came into force on 29 December of the same year. [3] The Constitution is the cornerstone of the Irish legal system and is held to be the source of power exercised by the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. The Irish Supreme Court and High Court exercise judicial review over all legislation and may strike down laws if they are inconsistent with the constitution. [4]

The Constitution can be amended only by referendum. A proposal to amend the Constitution is introduced into Dáil Éireann (the lower house of parliament) as a bill and if passed by the Dáil, and passed or deemed to have been passed by the Senate (the upper house), is put to the people. Only Irish citizens resident in the state may vote. There is no threshold for such referendums and a simple majority of voters is sufficient for a proposal to be passed. Once passed by the people, the President signs the referendum bill into law. As of November 2011, there have been 33 such referendums: 23 of which were approved by the people and 10 of which were rejected. The constitution was also amended twice during an initial transitional period of three years following the election of the first President of Ireland when amendments could be made without recourse to the people.

Statute law

Modern-day statute law is made by the bicameral National Parliament — more commonly known by its Irish name, the Oireachtas. Acts of the Oireachtas are split into sequentially numbered sections and may be cited by using a short title which gives the act a title roughly based on its subject matter and the year in which it was enacted. While the Oireachtas is bicameral, the upper house, the Senate (or Seanad), has little power which at most allows the Senate to delay rather than veto legislation, something that has only happened twice since 1937. [5]

Article 50 of the Constitution of Ireland carried over all laws that had been in force in the Irish Free State prior to its coming into force on 29 December 1937, insofar as these laws were not repugnant to the new constitution. [6] A similar function had been fulfilled by Article 73 of the Constitution of the Irish Free State, which carried overall legislation that had in force in Southern Ireland, insofar as these laws were not repugnant to the Constitution of the Irish Free State. [7] As a result, while the Irish state has been in existence for a century, the statute book stretches back in excess of 800 years. By virtue of the Statute Law Revision Act 2007, the oldest Act currently in force in Ireland is the Fairs Act 1204. The statute law of Ireland includes law passed by the following: [8]

Secondary legislation

Notwithstanding the declaration in the 1937 constitution that the Oireachtas is to be "the sole and exclusive" legislature, it has long been held that it is permissible for the Oireachtas to delegate its law-making power(s) to other bodies as long as such delegated legislation does not exceed the "principles and policies" set out in the relevant authorising statute. [9]

All instances of delegated legislation in Ireland are known as statutory instruments, [10] although only a small subset of these are numbered as statutory instruments and published by the Stationery Office. [11] This latter subset is composed of statutory instruments which are required to be laid before the Oireachtas or which are of general application.

In addition, a body of charters, statutory rules and orders and other secondary legislation made prior to the independence of the Irish Free State in 1922 continues to be in force currently in Ireland, insofar as such legislation has not been revoked or otherwise ceased to be in force.

Common law

The Supreme Court of Ireland sits in the Four Courts building in Dublin. Fourcourtsquays.JPG
The Supreme Court of Ireland sits in the Four Courts building in Dublin.

Ireland was the subject of the first extension of England's common law legal system outside England. [12] While in England the creation of the common law was largely the result of the assimilation of existing customary law, in Ireland the common law was imported from England supplanting the customary law of the Irish. [13] This, however, was a gradual process which went hand-in-hand with English (and later, British) influence in Ireland.

As with any common-law system, the Irish courts are bound by the doctrine of stare decisis to apply clear precedents set by higher courts and courts of co-ordinate jurisdiction. The main exception to this rule is that the Supreme Court has declared itself not to be bound by its own previous decisions. [14]

While the doctrine clearly means that the present High Court is bound by decisions of the present Supreme Court, [15] it is not altogether clear whether the decisions of courts which previously performed the function of courts of last final appeal in Ireland – such as the British House of Lords – bind the present High Court. In Irish Shell v. Elm Motors, Mr Justice McCarthy doubted that decisions of pre-independence courts bound the courts of the state, stating that "[i]n no sense are our Courts a continuation of, or successors to, the British courts." However, the other two judges on the panel hearing the case declined to express an opinion on the matter as it had not been argued at the hearing of the appeal. [16]

Post-independence judgments of the British courts, and all judgments of the American and Commonwealth courts, as well as some judgments of courts in Northern Ireland, are of persuasive value only and do not bind the courts of Ireland.

European Union law

The European Communities Act 1972, as amended, provides that treaties of the European Union are part of Irish law, along with directly effective measures adopted under those treaties. It also provides that government ministers may adopt statutory instruments to implement European Union law and that as an exception to the general rule such statutory instruments have effect as if they were primary legislation.

International law

Ireland is a dualist state and treaties are not part of Irish domestic law unless incorporated by the Oireachtas. [17] An exception to this rule might well be the provision in the constitution which says that "Ireland accepts the generally recognised principles of international law as its rule of conduct in its relations with other States." However, while this provision has been held to assimilate the doctrine of sovereign immunity into domestic law, [18] the Supreme Court has held that the provision is not capable of conferring rights on individuals. [19]

The dualist approach in international law contained in the Irish Constitution allows the state to sign and ratify treaties without incorporating them into domestic law. Thus, while Ireland was one of the first states in Europe to ratify the European Convention on Human Rights, [20] it was one of the last to incorporate the Convention into domestic law. [21] And when done it was not directly incorporated into Irish law but given indirect, sub-constitutional, interpretative incorporation. [22]

In Crotty v. An Taoiseach , the Irish Supreme Court asserted a power to review the constitutionality of treaties signed by the state, such that the government could be prevented from signing international agreements which would be contrary to the constitution. This ruling has resulted in ad hoc amendments to the constitution to permit the state to ratify treaties that might otherwise have been contrary to the constitution.

See also

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Article 2 and Article 3 of the Constitution of Ireland were adopted with the Constitution of Ireland as a whole on 29 December 1937, but revised completely by means of the Nineteenth Amendment which became effective 2 December 1999. As amended, they grant the right to be "part of the Irish Nation" to all those people born on the island of Ireland; the articles also express a desire for the peaceful political unification of the island subject to the consent of the people of Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland. Before 1999, Articles 2 and 3 made the claim that the whole island formed one "national territory".

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Supreme Court of Ireland</span> Highest court in Ireland

The Supreme Court of Ireland is the highest judicial authority in Ireland. It is a court of final appeal and exercises, in conjunction with the Court of Appeal and the High Court, judicial review over Acts of the Oireachtas. The Supreme Court also has appellate jurisdiction to ensure compliance with the Constitution of Ireland by governmental bodies and private citizens. It sits in the Four Courts in Dublin.

The Twenty-third Amendment of the Constitution Act 2001 of the Constitution of Ireland is an amendment that permitted the state to become a party to the International Criminal Court (ICC). It was approved by referendum on 7 June 2001 and signed into law on the 27 March 2002. The referendum was held on the same day as referendums on the prohibition of the death penalty, which was also approved, and on the ratification of the Nice Treaty, which was rejected.

Amendments to the Constitution of Ireland are only possible by way of referendum. A proposal to amend the Constitution of Ireland must be initiated as a bill in Dáil Éireann, be passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas (parliament), then submitted to a referendum, and finally signed into law by the president of Ireland. Since the constitution entered into force on 29 December 1937, there have been 32 amendments to the constitution.

In Ireland, direct elections by universal suffrage are used for the President, the ceremonial head of state; for Dáil Éireann, the house of representatives of the Oireachtas or parliament; for the European Parliament; and for local government. All elections use proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote (PR-STV) in constituencies returning three or more members, except that the presidential election and by-elections use the single-winner analogue of STV, elsewhere called instant-runoff voting or the alternative vote. Members of Seanad Éireann, the second house of the Oireachtas, are partly nominated, partly indirectly elected, and partly elected by graduates of particular universities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Oireachtas (Irish Free State)</span> Legislature of the Irish Free State

The Oireachtas of the Irish Free State was the legislature of the Irish Free State from 1922 until 1937. It was established by the 1922 Constitution of Ireland which was based from the Anglo-Irish Treaty. It was the first independent Irish Parliament officially recognised outside Ireland since the historic Parliament of Ireland which was abolished with the Acts of Union 1800.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Irish head of state from 1922 to 1949</span> Changing status of the Irish head of state for internal and external purposes from 1922 to 1949

The state known today as Ireland is the successor state to the Irish Free State, which existed from December 1922 to December 1937. At its foundation, the Irish Free State was, in accordance with its constitution and the terms of the Anglo-Irish Treaty, governed as a constitutional monarchy, in personal union with the monarchy of the United Kingdom and other members of what was then called the British Commonwealth. The monarch as head of state was represented in the Irish Free State by his Governor-General, who performed most of the monarch's duties based on the advice of elected Irish officials.

The Constitution Act 1936 was an amendment to the Constitution of the Irish Free State that removed all reference to the King, to the office of Governor-General, and almost completely eliminated the King's constitutional role in the state. Under the Act most of the functions previously performed by the King and his Governor-General were transferred to various other organs of the Irish government. The only role retained by the King was as representative of the state in foreign affairs. The amendment passed through the Oireachtas at the same time as the External Relations Act, becoming law on 11 December 1936. Its long title was:

An Act to effect certain amendments of the Constitution in relation to the executive authority and power and in relation to the performance of certain executive functions.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Adoption of the Constitution of Ireland</span> Plebiscite approving the Constitution of Ireland

The current Constitution of Ireland came into effect on 29 December 1937, repealing and replacing the Constitution of the Irish Free State, having been approved in a national plebiscite on 1 July 1937 with the support of 56.5% of voters in the then Irish Free State. The Constitution was closely associated with Éamon de Valera, the President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State at the time of its approval.

In law, coming into force or entry into force is the process by which legislation, regulations, treaties and other legal instruments come to have legal force and effect. The term is closely related to the date of this transition. The point at which such instrument comes into effect may be set out in the instrument itself, or after the lapse of a certain period, or upon the happening of a certain event, such as a proclamation or an objective event, such as the birth, marriage, reaching a particular age or death of a certain person. On rare occasions, the effective date of a law may be backdated to a date before the enactment.

The European Communities Act 1972 is an act of the Irish parliament, the Oireachtas, that incorporates the treaties and law of the European Union into the domestic law of Ireland. The Act did not just incorporate the law of the European Communities which existed at the time of its enactment, but incorporates legislative acts of the Community enacted subsequently. The Act also provides that government ministers may adopt statutory instruments (SIs) to implement EU law, and that those SIs are to have effect as if they were acts of parliament.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emergency Powers Act 1939</span> Irish legislation

The Emergency Powers Act 1939 (EPA) was an Act of the Oireachtas enacted on 3 September 1939, after an official state of emergency had been declared on 2 September 1939 in response to the outbreak of World War II. The Act empowered the government to:

make provisions for securing the public safety and the preservation of the state in time of war and, in particular, to make provision for the maintenance of public order and for the provision and control of supplies and services essential to the life of the community, and to provide for divers and other matters connected with the matters aforesaid.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dáil Éireann</span> House of representatives of the Oireachtas (Irish parliament)

Dáil Éireann is the lower house and principal chamber of the Oireachtas, which also includes the president of Ireland and a senate called Seanad Éireann. It consists of 174 members, each known as a Teachta Dála. TDs represent 43 constituencies and are directly elected for terms not exceeding five years, on the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote (PR-STV). Its powers are similar to those of lower houses under many other bicameral parliamentary systems and it is by far the dominant branch of the Oireachtas. Subject to the limits imposed by the Constitution of Ireland, it has power to pass any law it wishes, and to nominate and remove the Taoiseach. Since 1922, it has met in Leinster House in Dublin.


  1. Penniman, Howard Rae; Farrell, Brian (1987). Ireland at the polls, 1981, 1982, and 1987: a study of four general elections. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. p. 219. ISBN   0822307863. Archived from the original on 25 September 2021. Retrieved 29 January 2010. The Irish adopted the British parliamentary system at time when...
  2. Coakley, John; Gallagher, Michael, eds. (2005). Politics in the Republic of Ireland (4th ed.). Oxon: Routledge. p. 84.
  3. Heuston, Robert F. (1977). "Personal Rights under the Irish Constitution". U. Brit. Colum. L. Rev. 11: 294. Archived from the original on 10 June 2015. Retrieved 19 February 2011.
  4. McCutcheon (2008, p. 649)
  5. Hogan, Gerard; Whyte, Gerry (2003). JM Kelly: The Irish Constitution (4th ed.). Bloomsbury. p. 396. ISBN   9781845923662.
  6. McCutcheon (2008, p. 57)
  7. McCutcheon (2008, p. 49)
  8. McCutcheon (2008, p. 522)
  9. Cityview Press v An Chomhairle Oiliúna [1980] IR 381: "In the view of this Court, the test is whether that which is challenged as an unauthorised delegation of parliamentary power is more than a mere giving effect to principles and policies which are contained in the statute itself."
  10. See section 1 of the Statutory Instruments Act, 1947 Archived 19 January 2012 at the Wayback Machine which defines a "statutory instrument" as any "order, regulation, rule, scheme or bye-law made in exercise of a power conferred by statute."
  11. These being the ones to which—in the language of the Statutory Instruments Act—the Act "primarily applies".
  12. Baker, John (2003). The Oxford History of the Laws of England, Volume VI: 1483-1558. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 108. ISBN   978-0-19-825817-9.
  13. Hand, Geoffrey Joseph (1967). English law in Ireland, 1290–1324 . Dublin: Cambridge University Press. p.  1.
  14. Attorney General v Ryan's Car Hire Ltd. [1965] IR 642.
  15. Director of Public Prosecutions (Walsh) v Cash [2007] IEHC 108.
  16. Irish Shell v. Elm Motors [1984] IR 200.
  17. de Londras, Fiona (2010). Sellers, Mortimer (ed.). Dualism, Domestic Courts, and the Rule of International Law. Springer Sciences+Business Media B.V. p. 224. ISBN   978-90-481-3748-0.{{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  18. See: Canada v. Employment Appeals Tribunal [1992] 2 IR 485.
  19. See: In Re Ó Laighléis [1960] IR 93 and Kavanagh v. Governor of Mountjoy Prison [2002] 3 IR 123.
  20. It was in fact the fifth to do so on 25 February 1953 Archived 22 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine .
  21. "European Convention on Human Rights Act 2003". Irish Human Rights Commission. Archived from the original on 21 July 2011. Retrieved 27 February 2011.
  22. O'Connell, Donncha; Cummiskey, Siobhan; Meeneghan, Emer; O'Connell, Paul (2006). ECHR Act 2003: A Preliminary Assessment of Impact (PDF). Dublin: Dublin Solicitors Bar Association and Law Society of Ireland. p. 10. ISBN   978-0-902027-37-4. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 April 2012. Retrieved 27 February 2011.

Further reading

