List of GP2 Series drivers

Last updated

This list of GP2 Series drivers includes drivers who have made at least one race start in the GP2 Series. This list does not include drivers who have only appeared in the sister GP2 Asia Series (see List of GP2 Asia Series drivers). This list is accurate up to and including the last round of the 2016 season (Abu Dhabi). It does not include data from the non-championship races held in 2011. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


By name

~Driver competed in the last Formula One race
^Driver has competed in Formula One but not the last race
Laps [6]
Daniel Abt Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 20132014 0421 [a] 00038
Filipe Albuquerque Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 2007 0400000
Mikhail Aleshin Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 2007, 2011 012 (10)00003
Juan Cruz Álvarez Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 2005 02300004.5
Zoël Amberg Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 2015 010 (6)00000
Michael Ammermüller Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 20062007 027013026
Vladimir Arabadzhiev Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 2010 01600000
Philo Paz Armand Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 2016 02200000
Can Artam Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 2005 02300002
Marko Asmer Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 2008 014 (13)00000
Christian Bakkerud Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 20072008 023 (19)00000
Emil Bernstorff Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2016 0200000
Nathanaël Berthon Flag of France.svg  France 20122015 0880145125
Jules Bianchi ^Flag of France.svg  France 20102011 038 (37)5 [b] 1101105
René Binder Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 20122016 074 (73)000016
Sam Bird Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20102011, 2013 060 (59)6 [c] 61410274
Gianmaria Bruni ^Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20052006 0424 [d] 34268
Sébastien Buemi ^Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 20072008 031 (30)025356
Yelmer Buurman Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 2008 01000105
James Calado Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20122013 0466 [e] 4141317
Sergio Campana Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20132014 0600000
Sergio Canamasas Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 20122016 092 (91)002376
Adam Carroll Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20052008, 2011 0723 [f] 5142129
Kevin Ceccon Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2011, 2013 020 (19)001028
Johnny Cecotto Jr. Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 20092016 0120 (118)5 [g] 4101306
Karun Chandhok ^Flag of India.svg  India 20072009 061 (60)2 [h] 25257
Max Chilton ^Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20102012 0623 [i] 241176
Dani Clos Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 20092013 072 (71)3 [j] 191110
Stefano Coletti Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco 2009, 20112014 088 (86)2 [k] 7158343
Mike Conway Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20062008 0432 [l] 12239
Fabrizio Crestani Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2010, 20122013 024 (23)00021
Conor Daly Flag of the United States.svg  United States 20132014 02000004
Jérôme d'Ambrosio ^Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 20082010 0583 [m] 17071
Daniël de Jong Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 20122016 092 (91)1 [n] 00112
Louis Delétraz Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 2016 0200000
Lucas di Grassi ^Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20062009 0752 [o] 5216211
Tom Dillmann Flag of France.svg  France 20122014 044 (43)5 [p] 142139
Tio Ellinas Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 2014 0800017
Marcus Ericsson ^Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 20102013 0842 [q] 3131281
Jimmy Eriksson Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 2016 018000010
Mitch Evans Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 20132016 088 (86)2 [r] 5188455
Fairuz Fauzy Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 20052006, 2011 06200005
Luca Filippi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20062012 0111 (110)5 [s] 6177200
Robin Frijns Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 2013 012012047
Borja García Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 2005, 2007 0431 [t] 02045.5
Pierre Gasly ~Flag of France.svg  France 20142016 1 (2016)508 [u] 4133329
Sean Gelael Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 20152016 032001024
Luca Ghiotto Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2016 0220143111
Vittorio Ghirelli Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2013 01000001
Kevin Giovesi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20132014 01000000
Antonio Giovinazzi ^Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2016 0223 [v] 582211
Timo Glock ^Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 20062007 1 (2007)42 (40)4 [w] 7155146
Tristan Gommendy Flag of France.svg  France 2006 0900006
Rodolfo González Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 20092012 0641 [x] 00010
Romain Grosjean ^Flag of France.svg  France 20082011 1 (2011)585 [y] 92110210
Victor Guerin Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 2012 018 (17)00010
Esteban Gutiérrez ^Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 20112012 042 (41)1 [z] 485191
Lewis Hamilton ~Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2006 1 (2006)211 [aa] 5147114
Ben Hanley Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2008 0800001
Brendon Hartley ^Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 20102012 01200006
Rio Haryanto ^Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 20122015 0902 [ab] 370226
Michael Herck Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 20082011 072 (70)1 [ac] 01113
Sergio Hernández Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 20052007 04500004
Kohei Hirate Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 2007 02100109
Nico Hülkenberg ~Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 2009 1 (2009)203 [ad] 5105100
Carlos Iaconelli Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 2008 014 (13)00000
Takuya Izawa Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 2014 022001026
James Jakes Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2010 0200000
Neel Jani Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 20052006 0271 [ae] 22048
Axcil Jefferies Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe 2014 0200000
Nabil Jeffri Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 2016 02200002
Sérgio Jimenez Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 2007 0500004
Henri Karjalainen Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 2007 0200000
Jordan King Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20152016 0445 [af] 260182
Marvin Kirchhöfer Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 2016 020001021
Kamui Kobayashi ^Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 20082009 0403 [ag] 12223
Heikki Kovalainen ^Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 2005 0232 [ah] 5121105
Josef Král Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 20102012 0443 [ai] 13045
Jon Lancaster Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20122015 036023279
Nicolas Lapierre Flag of France.svg  France 20052007 061 (58)3 [aj] 26476
Nicholas Latifi ^Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 20142016 032001023
Mathias Lauda Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 2005 02300003
Julián Leal Flag of Italy.svg  Italy
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia
20112015 01022 [ak] 045177
Fabio Leimer Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 20102013 1 (2013)84 (83)4 [al] 5163376
Federico Leo Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2010 0200000
José María López Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 20052006 0442 [am] 16166
Alex Lynn Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20152016 0445 [an] 593234
Ma Qinghua Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 2013 02 (1)00000
Pastor Maldonado ^Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 20072010 1 (2010)73 (72)4 [ao] 10187208
Gustav Malja Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 20152016 0281 [ap] 02054
Raffaele Marciello Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20142016 0663 [aq] 1142343
Jann Mardenborough Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2015 0200000
Artem Markelov Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 20142016 0660133151
Marcos Martínez Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 2007 010 (8)00005
Nobuharu Matsushita Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 20152016 0422 [ar] 255160.5
Nigel Melker Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 2012 024 (23)000025
Kevin Mirocha Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 2011 014 (12)00000
Giorgio Mondini Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 2005 01000000
Ferdinando Monfardini Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20052006 042 (39)2 [as] 00011
Edoardo Mortara Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2009 0201 [at] 11219
Kazuki Nakajima ^Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 2007 0211 [au] 06344
Felipe Nasr ^Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20122014 0683 [av] 4202473
Norman Nato Flag of France.svg  France 20152016 0442 [aw] 253156
Alexandre Negrão Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20052007 065 (64)3 [ax] 01125
André Negrão Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20142015 042000036
Patric Niederhauser Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 2015 0200000
Markus Niemelä Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 2007 0700000
Paolo Nocera Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2008 0200000
Diego Nunes Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20082009 040001111
Fabio Onidi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2012 0241 [ay] 00113
Jolyon Palmer ^Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20112014 1 (2014)86 (84)5 [az] 7186473
Nelson Panciatici Flag of France.svg  France 2009 01600000
Giorgio Pantano ^Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20052008 1 (2008)78 (77)6 [ba] 9235228
Álvaro Parente Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 20082011 0561 [bb] 29185
Miloš Pavlović Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 2008 06 (3)00000
Franck Perera Flag of France.svg  France 2006, 2009 028 (26)00108
Sergio Pérez ~Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 20092010 0402 [bc] 59793
Vitaly Petrov ^Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 20062009 0692 [bd] 4111135
Arthur Pic Flag of France.svg  France 20142016 0622 [be] 161220
Charles Pic ^Flag of France.svg  France 20102011 038 (37)5 [bf] 37180
Clivio Piccione Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco 20052006 0442 [bg] 13132
Nelson Piquet Jr. ^Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20052006 044 (43)6 [bh] 5134148
Edoardo Piscopo Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2010 0200002
Antônio Pizzonia ^Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 2007 0500001
Olivier Pla Flag of France.svg  France 20052007 036 (35)2 [bi] 22120
Félix Porteiro Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 2006 0211 [bj] 0005
Alexandre Prémat Flag of France.svg  France 20052006 0441 [bk] 3155133
Marcello Puglisi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2008 0200000
Adrian Quaife-Hobbs Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20132014 0401 [bl] 14186
Gianmarco Raimondo Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 2013 0400000
Luiz Razia Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20092012 0803 [bm] 5151277
Facu Regalia Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 2014 0800000
Giacomo Ricci Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20082010 026 (25)1 [bn] 12016
Stéphane Richelmi Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco 20112014 0706 [bo] 142201
Davide Rigon Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 2009, 2011 0201 [bp] 0003
Ricardo Risatti Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 2007 061 [bq] 0001
Roldán Rodríguez Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 20072009 0611 [br] 04153
Nico Rosberg ^Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 2005 1 (2005)235 [bs] 5125120
Jake Rosenzweig Flag of the United States.svg  United States 20122013 02600000
Alexander Rossi ^Flag of the United States.svg  United States 20132015 0544 [bt] 4112285.5
Oliver Rowland Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20152016 0300041110
Kimiya Sato Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 2014 02000002
Bruno Senna ^Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20072008 0413 [bu] 39198
Giancarlo Serenelli Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 2012 01800000
Ryan Sharp Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2005 01300012
Sergey Sirotkin ^Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 20152016 0444 [bv] 3132298
Marco Sørensen Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 20142015 0221 [bw] 11047
Andy Soucek Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 20072008 0391 [bx] 03129
Scott Speed ^Flag of the United States.svg  United States 2005 0231 [by] 05567.5
Richie Stanaway Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 2015 018022160
Marlon Stöckinger Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 2015 02200020
Dean Stoneman Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2015 0600001
Jason Tahincioğlu Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 20062007 042 (40)00000
Ricardo Teixeira Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 2009, 20122013 046 (44)00000
Simon Trummer Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 20122015 072001250
Ho-Pin Tung Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 20072008, 2010 057 (56)1 [bz] 01011
Oliver Turvey Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 20102011 0223 [ca] 04147
Alberto Valerio Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 20082010 054 (53)3 [cb] 11120
Adrián Vallés Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 2006, 2008 039001312
Davide Valsecchi Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 20082012 1 (2012)98 (96)4 [cc] 7174331
Meindert van Buuren Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 2015 02 (1)00000
Giedo van der Garde ^Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 20092012 0826 [cd] 5183282
Stoffel Vandoorne ^Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 20142015 1 (2015)448 [ce] 11268570.5
Pål Varhaug Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 2011, 2013 02200000
Christian Vietoris Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 20102011 032 (31)2 [cf] 36164
Toni Vilander Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 2005 0400000
Javier Villa Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 20062009 0814 [cg] 38077
Ernesto Viso Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 20052007 047 (46)3 [ch] 26263
Robert Vișoiu Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 2015 018000120
Sakon Yamamoto ^Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 20072008 02100003
Nick Yelloly Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 2015 0121 [ci] 00119
Hiroki Yoshimoto Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 20052006 044 (43)4 [cj] 02126
Adrian Zaugg Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 2007, 2010 039 (38)001019
Andreas Zuber Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 20062009 0803 [ck] 211595

By racing license

ChampionsChampionshipsFirst driver(s)Last driver(s)
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina 400 Juan Cruz Álvarez, José María López
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Facu Regalia
(2014 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 200 Mathias Lauda
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
René Binder
(2016 Hockenheimring GP2 Series round)
Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium 21
Jérôme d'Ambrosio
(2008 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Stoffel Vandoorne
(2015 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil 1300 Alexandre Negrão, Nelson Piquet Jr.
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
André Negrão
(2015 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria 100 Vladimir Arabadzhiev
(2010 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Vladimir Arabadzhiev
(2010 Spa-Francorchamps GP2 Series round)
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada 200 Gianmarco Raimondo
(2013 Marina Bay GP2 Series round)
Nicholas Latifi
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China 200 Ho-Pin Tung
(2007 Bahrain GP2 Series round)
Ma Qinghua
(2013 Sepang GP2 Series round)
Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia 100 Julián Leal [cl]
(2013 Sepang GP2 Series round)
Julián Leal
(2015 Monza GP2 Series round)
Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 100 Tio Ellinas
(2014 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Tio Ellinas
(2014 Sochi GP2 Series round)
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 100 Josef Král
(2010 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Josef Král
(2012 Spa-Francorchamps GP2 Series round)
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 200 Christian Bakkerud
(2007 Bahrain GP2 Series round)
Marco Sørensen
(2015 Red Bull Ring GP2 Series round)
Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 100 Marko Asmer
(2008 Magny-Cours GP2 Series round)
Marko Asmer
(2008 Monza GP2 Series round)
Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 400 Heikki Kovalainen
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Markus Niemelä
(2007 Valencia GP2 Series round)
Flag of France.svg  France 142
(Grosjean, Gasly)
(2011, 2016)
Nicolas Lapierre, Oliver Pla, Alexandre Prémat
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Pierre Gasly, Norman Nato
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 83
(Rosberg, Glock, Hülkenberg)
(2005, 2007, 2009)
Nico Rosberg
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Marvin Kirchhöfer
(2016 Sepang GP2 Series round)
Flag of India.svg  India 100 Karun Chandhok
(2007 Bahrain GP2 Series round)
Karun Chandhok
(2009 Algarve GP2 Series round)
Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia 300 Rio Haryanto
(2012 Sepang GP2 Series round)
Sean Gelael, Philo Paz Armand
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy 222
(Pantano, Valsecchi)
(2008, 2012)
Gianmaria Bruni, Ferdinando Monfardini, Giorgio Pantano
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Raffaele Marciello, Luca Ghiotto, Antonio Giovinazzi
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan 800 Hiroki Yoshimoto
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Nobuharu Matsushita
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia 200 Fairuz Fauzy
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Nabil Jeffri
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico 200 Sergio Pérez
(2009 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Esteban Gutiérrez
(2012 Marina Bay GP2 Series round)
Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco 300 Clivio Piccione
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Stefano Coletti, Stéphane Richelmi
(2014 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands 600 Yelmer Buurman
(2008 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Daniël de Jong
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand 300 Brendon Hartley
(2010 Monza GP2 Series round)
Mitch Evans
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 100 Pål Varhaug
(2011 Istanbul Park GP2 Series round)
Pål Varhaug
(2013 Bahrain GP2 Series round)
Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines 100 Marlon Stöckinger
(2015 Bahrain GP2 Series round)
Marlon Stöckinger
(2015 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 300 Filipe Albuquerque
(2007 Silverstone GP2 Series round)
Ricardo Teixeira
(2013 Spa-Francorchamps GP2 Series round)
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 200 Michael Herck
(2008 Magny-Cours GP2 Series round)
Robert Vișoiu
(2015 Sochi GP2 Series round)
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 400 Vitaly Petrov
(2006 Hockenheimring GP2 Series round)
Artem Markelov, Sergey Sirotkin
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 100 Miloš Pavlović
(2008 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Miloš Pavlović
(2008 Monaco GP2 Series round)
Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa 100 Adrian Zaugg
(2007 Bahrain GP2 Series round)
Adrian Zaugg
(2010 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 1000 Borja García, Sergio Hernández
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Sergio Canamasas
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 300 Marcus Ericsson
(2010 Catalunya GP2 Series round)
Gustav Malja
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland 81
Neel Jani
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Louis Delétraz
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 200 Can Artam
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Jason Tahincioğlu
(2007 Valencia GP2 Series round)
Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates 100 Andreas Zuber
(2006 Valencia GP2 Series round)
Andreas Zuber
(2009 Algarve GP2 Series round)
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom 202
(Hamilton, Palmer)
(2006, 2014)
Adam Carroll, Ryan Sharp
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Emil Bernstorff, Jordan King, Alex Lynn, Oliver Rowland
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of the United States.svg  United States 400 Scott Speed
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Alexander Rossi
(2015 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela 51
Ernesto Viso
(2005 Imola GP2 Series round)
Johnny Cecotto Jr.
(2016 Yas Marina GP2 Series round)
Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe 100 Axcil Jefferies
(2014 Bahrain GP2 Series round)
Axcil Jefferies
(2014 Bahrain GP2 Series round)

See also


  1. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000000E-QINU`"'
  2. 4 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000010-QINU`"'
  3. 4 poles achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000012-QINU`"'
  4. 3 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000014-QINU`"'
  5. 2 poles achieved during qualifying, and 4 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000016-QINU`"'
  6. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000018-QINU`"'
  7. 3 poles achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001A-QINU`"'
  8. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001C-QINU`"'
  9. 2 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001E-QINU`"'
  10. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000020-QINU`"'
  11. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000022-QINU`"'
  12. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000024-QINU`"'
  13. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000026-QINU`"'
  14. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000028-QINU`"'
  15. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000002A-QINU`"'
  16. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 4 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000002C-QINU`"'
  17. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000002E-QINU`"'
  18. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000030-QINU`"'
  19. 3 poles achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000032-QINU`"'
  20. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000034-QINU`"'
  21. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000036-QINU`"'
  22. 2 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000038-QINU`"'
  23. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000003A-QINU`"'
  24. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000003C-QINU`"'
  25. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000003E-QINU`"'
  26. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000040-QINU`"'
  27. Pole achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000042-QINU`"'
  28. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000044-QINU`"'
  29. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000046-QINU`"'
  30. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000048-QINU`"'
  31. Pole achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000004A-QINU`"'
  32. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000004C-QINU`"'
  33. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000004E-QINU`"'
  34. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000050-QINU`"'
  35. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000052-QINU`"'
  36. 2 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000054-QINU`"'
  37. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000056-QINU`"'
  38. 2 poles achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000058-QINU`"'
  39. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000005A-QINU`"'
  40. 2 poles achieved during qualifying, and 3 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000005C-QINU`"'
  41. 3 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000005E-QINU`"'
  42. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000060-QINU`"'
  43. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000062-QINU`"'
  44. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000064-QINU`"'
  45. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000066-QINU`"'
  46. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000068-QINU`"'
  47. Pole achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000006A-QINU`"'
  48. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000006C-QINU`"'
  49. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000006E-QINU`"'
  50. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000070-QINU`"'
  51. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000072-QINU`"'
  52. 4 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000074-QINU`"'
  53. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000076-QINU`"'
  54. Pole achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000078-QINU`"'
  55. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000007A-QINU`"'
  56. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000007C-QINU`"'
  57. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000007E-QINU`"'
  58. 4 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000080-QINU`"'
  59. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000082-QINU`"'
  60. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000084-QINU`"'
  61. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000086-QINU`"'
  62. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000088-QINU`"'
  63. Pole achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000008A-QINU`"'
  64. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000008C-QINU`"'
  65. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000008E-QINU`"'
  66. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000090-QINU`"'
  67. 4 poles achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000092-QINU`"'
  68. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000094-QINU`"'
  69. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000096-QINU`"'
  70. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000098-QINU`"'
  71. 4 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000009A-QINU`"'
  72. 2 poles achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000009C-QINU`"'
  73. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000009E-QINU`"'
  74. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000A0-QINU`"'
  75. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000A2-QINU`"'
  76. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000A4-QINU`"'
  77. Pole achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000A6-QINU`"'
  78. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000A8-QINU`"'
  79. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000AA-QINU`"'
  80. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000AC-QINU`"'
  81. 3 poles achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000AE-QINU`"'
  82. 3 poles achieved during qualifying, and 3 poles as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000B0-QINU`"'
  83. All poles achieved during qualifying.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000B2-QINU`"'
  84. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 1 pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000B4-QINU`"'
  85. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000B6-QINU`"'
  86. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000B8-QINU`"'
  87. Pole scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000BA-QINU`"'
  88. All poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000BC-QINU`"'
  89. 1 pole achieved during qualifying, and 2 poles scored as a result of the reverse grid in the sprint race.'"`UNIQ--ref-000000BE-QINU`"'
  90. Leal previously competed under the Italian flag.


  1. van Put, Sam (23 April 2015). "The drivers of GP2's first ten seasons: Part one". Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  2. van Put, Sam (30 April 2015). "The drivers of GP2's first ten seasons: Part two". Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  3. van Put, Sam (5 May 2015). "The drivers of GP2's first ten seasons: Part three". Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  4. van Put, Sam (14 May 2015). "The drivers of GP2's first ten seasons: Part four". Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  5. van Put, Sam (20 May 2015). "The drivers of GP2's first ten seasons: Part five". Retrieved 18 April 2017.
  6. "Fastest lap records". Motorsport Stats. Retrieved 25 July 2020.