List of Nazi doctors

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Doctors' trial, Nuremberg, 1946-1947 Doctors' trial, Nuremberg, 1946-1947.jpg
Doctors' trial, Nuremberg, 1946–1947

The following is a list of notable medical doctors in Nazi Germany. This list is primarily split up into those who performed euthanasia through the Aktion T4 campaign, to those who primarily performed experiments on Holocaust victims. While a majority consists of members of the Nazi Party, others who could not become members contributed in notable ways. After the war, the German Medical Association blamed Nazi atrocities on a small group of 350 criminal doctors. [1] [2] [3] During the Doctors' trial, the defense argued that there was no international law to distinguish between legal and illegal human experimentation, [4] which led to the creation of the Nuremberg Code (1947). Some doctors attempted to change names to escape capture and trial, such as Werner Heyde [5] and Robert Ley, [6] Other doctors, such as Walter Schreiber, were covertly moved to the United States during "Operation Paperclip" in 1951.



When the Nazi government came to power, they purged Germany of its 6,000 to 7,000 Jewish doctors. [7] Non-Jewish physicians were early recruits to the Nazi Party, due both to social and economic circumstances and to widespread eugenic and Social Darwinist ideas in early-20th-century medicine. [8] By 1942, more than half of all German physicians had become Nazi Party members. [9] [10] [11] In comparison, only about 10% of the general population became Nazi Party members by 1945. [12] In addition, over 7% of German doctors became members of the Nazi SS, compared to less than 1% of the general population. [13] While most of these doctors were physicians, some held doctorates (PhDs) in biology, anthropology, or related fields. Doctors who were working for the state, and not for their patients, using a Mendelian type of logic chart, saw extermination of their patients as the correct solution to the problem of mental illness and the genetically defective. [14] [15] [16] [17] "The participation in the ‘betrayal of Hippocrates’ had a broad basis within the German medical profession. Without the doctors' active help, the Holocaust could not have happened," wrote E Ernst in the International Journal of Epidemiology. [18] Killing and experimentation [19] became medical procedures as they were performed by licensed doctors. A doctor was present at all the mass killings for legal reasons. [20]


Erich Bauer March 26, 1900February 4, 1980T4-personnel
Ernst Baumhard  [ de ]March 3, 1911June 24, 1943 T4-Gutachter [21]
August Becker August 17, 1900December 31, 1967T4-Chemist
Oskar Begusch  [ de ]January 21, 1897January 11, 1944T4-Gutachter [22] [ page needed ]
Friedrich Berner  [ de ]November 12, 1904March 2, 1945T4-Gassing doctor [23]
Hans Bertha  [ de ]April 14, 1901January 3, 1964T4-Gutachter [24]
Kurt Borm  [ de ]August 25, 19092001T4-Gassing doctor [25]
Viktor Brack November 9, 1904June 2, 1948T4-Organizer [26]
Heinrich Bunke  [ de ]July 24, 1914September 16, 2001T4-Gassing doctor
Werner Catel June 27, 1894April 30, 1981T4-Gutachter (Children)
Fritz Cropp  [ de ]October 25, 1887April 6, 1984T4-Organizer
Max de Crinis May 29, 1889May 2, 1945T4-Gutachter
Irmfried Eberl September 8, 1910February 16, 1948T4-Director
Klaus Endruweit  [ de ]December 6, 1913September 3, 1994T4-personnel
Valentin Faltlhauser  [ de ]November 28, 1876January 8, 1961T4-Gutachter
Emil Gelny  [ de ]March 28, 1890March 28, 1961T4-Gassing doctor [27] [28]
Hans Bodo Gorgaß  [ de ]June 19, 1909October 10, 1993T4-Gassing doctor
Ernst-Robert Grawitz June 8, 1899April 24, 1945T4-personnel
Heinrich Gross November 14, 1915December 15, 2005T4-personnel
Ernst Hefter  [ de ]January 11, 1906April 11, 1947T4-Gutachter
Hans Heinze October 18, 1895February 4, 1983T4-Gutachter (Children)
Günther Hennecke  [ de ]August 11, 1912November 21, 1943T4-personnel
Werner Heyde (Fritz Sawade)April 25, 1902February 13, 1964 T4-Obergutachter
Ernst Illing April 6, 1904November 30, 1946T4-Child euthanasia
Erwin Jekelius  [ de ]June 5, 1905May 8, 1952T4-Gutachter
Alfons Klein  [ de ]June 8, 1909March 14, 1946T4-Director
Herbert Linden  [ de ]September 14, 1899April 27, 1945T4-Obergutachter
Rudolf Lonauer  [ de ]January 9, 1907May 5, 1945T4-Gutachter
Friedrich Mauz May 1, 1900July 7, 1979T4-Gutachter
Friedrich Mennecke  [ de ]October 6, 1904January 28, 1947T4-Gutachter
Paul (Hermann) Nitsche November 25, 1876March 25, 1948T4-Obergutachter
Friedrich Panse December 31, 1899December 6, 1973T4-Gutachter
Hermann Pfannmüller  [ de ]June 8, 1886April 10, 1961T4-Gutachter
Kurt Pohlisch  [ de ]March 28, 1893February 6, 1955T4-Gutachter
Georg Renno  [ de ]January 13, 1907October 4, 1997T4-Gutachter
Carl-Heinz Rodenberg November 19, 19041995T4-Gutachter
Curt Schmalenbach  [ de ]February 24, 1910June 15, 1944T4-Gutachter
Carl Schneider December 19, 1891December 11, 1946T4-Gutachter
Aquilin Ullrich  [ de ]March 14, 1914May 30, 2001T4-personnel
Werner Villinger October 9, 1887August 8, 1961T4-Gutachter
Adolf Wahlmann  [ de ]December 10, 1876November 1, 1956T4-Chief doctor
Erich Wasicky May 27, 1911May 28, 1947T4-Gassing doctor
Ernst Wentzler  [ de ]September 3, 1891August 9, 1973T4-Gutachter (Children)
Albert Widmann June 8, 1912December 24, 1986T4-personnel (Children)
Gerhard Wischer  [ de ]February 1, 1903November 4, 1950T4-Gutachter
Waldemar Wolter  [ de ]May 19, 1908May 28, 1947Euthanasia
Ewald Wortmann  [ de ]April 17, 1911September 15, 1985Euthanasia

Human experimentation

DoctorBirthDeathType(s)Sentence [a] Reference(s)
Karl Babor August 23, 1918January 18, 1964InjectionsNone (suicide)
Heinz Baumkötter February 7, 1912April 21, 2001Un­known25 years
Hermann Becker-Freyseng July 18, 1910August 27, 1961High-altitude experiments20 years [29]
Wilhelm Beiglböck October 10, 1905November 22, 1963Sea water experiments15 years [30]
Otto Bickenbach March 11, 1901November 26, 1971Poison gas experimentsLife [31]
Kurt Blome January 31, 1894October 10, 1969 Multiple Acquitted [b]
Karl Brandt January 8, 1904June 2, 1948InjectionsExecuted
Carl Clauberg September 28, 1898August 9, 1957Sterilization experiments25 years
Leonardo Conti August 24, 1900October 6, 1945Un­knownNone (suicide) [33]
Hans Delmotte December 15, 1917January 31, 1945InjectionsNone (suicide)
Erwin (Oskar) Ding-Schuler September 19, 1912August 11, 1945InjectionsNone (suicide)
Hans Eisele March 13, 1913May 3, 1967Surgical experimentsDeath
Friedrich Entress December 8, 1914May 28, 1947InjectionsExecuted [34]
Hans Eppinger January 5, 1879September 25, 1946Sea water experimentsNone (suicide)
Fritz Fischer October 5, 19122003 [c] Surgical experimentsLife
Karl (Franz) Gebhardt November 23, 1897June 2, 1948Injections & surgical ex.Executed
Karl (August) Genzken June 8, 1885October 10, 1957InjectionsLife
Kurt Gutzeit  [ de ]June 2, 1893October 28, 1957None directly [d] None
Eugen Haagen  [ fr ]June 17, 1898August 3, 1972Injections20 years
Julius Hallervorden October 21, 1882May 29, 1965Post-mortem brain researchNone
Siegfried Handloser March 25, 1885July 3, 1954None directly [e] None
Aribert (Ferdinand) Heim June 28, 1914August 10, 1992InjectionsEscaped
Fritz Hintermayer  [ de ]October 28, 1911May 29, 1946InjectionsExecuted
Erich Hippke March 7, 1888June 10, 1969None directly [f] None
Ernst Holzlöhner February 23, 1899June 14, 1945Freezing experimentsNone (suicide)
Waldemar Hoven February 10, 1903June 2, 1948InjectionsExecuted
Emil Kaschub April 3, 1919May 4, 1977InjectionsNone [g] [27] [28]
Hans Wilhelm König May 13, 19121991 [c] InjectionsEscaped
Eduard Krebsbach August 8, 1894May 28, 1947InjectionsExecuted
Johann (Paul) Kremer December 26, 1883January 8, 1965Starvation experimentsDeath
Josef Mengele March 16, 1911February 7, 1979 Multiple Escaped
Joachim Mrugowsky August 15, 1905June 2, 1948InjectionsExecuted
Heinrich Mückter June 14, 1912May 22, 1987Un­knownEscaped
Herta Oberheuser May 15, 1911January 24, 1978Sulfonamide experiments20 years
Helmut Poppendick January 6, 1902January 11, 1994None directly [h] 10 years
Sigmund Rascher February 12, 1909April 26, 1945 Multiple None [i]
Hans (Conrad Julius) Reiter February 26, 1881November 25, 1969None directly [j] Minimal
Heinrich Rindfleisch  [ de ]March 3, 1916January 14, 1969Un­knownNone
Hans-Wolfgang Romberg  [ de ]May 15, 1911September 6, 1981High-altitude experimentsAcquitted
Gerhard Rose November 30, 1896January 13, 1992InjectionsLife
Rolf Rosenthal  [ de ]January 22, 1911May 3, 1947Injections & surgical ex.Executed
Paul Rostock January 18, 1892June 17, 1956None directly [k] Acquitted
Helmut Rühl  [ de ]January 14, 1918Un­knownPoison gas experimentsDeath (IA)
Siegfried Ruff February 19, 1907April 22, 1989High-altitude experimentsAcquitted
Konrad Schäfer January 7, 19111951 [c] Un­knownAcquitted
Gerhard Schiedlausky  [ de ]January 14, 1906May 3, 1947Injections & surgical ex.Executed
Klaus Schilling July 5, 1871May 28, 1946 Malaria experimentsExecuted
Oskar Schröder  [ de ]February 6, 1891January 26, 1959Sea water experimentsLife
Horst Schumann May 1, 1906May 5, 1983 X-ray sterilization ex.None
Heinrich Schütz  [ de ]April 12, 1906November 12, 1986Biochemical experiments10 years
Walter Sonntag May 13, 1907September 17, 1948InjectionsExecuted
Percival Treite  [ de ]September 10, 1911April 8, 1947Un­knownNone (suicide)
Alfred Trzebinski August 29, 1902October 8, 1946InjectionsExecuted
Carl (Peter) Værnet April 28, 1893November 25, 1965InjectionsEscaped
Helmuth Vetter March 21, 1910February 2, 1949InjectionsExecuted
Bruno (Nikolaus Maria) Weber May 21, 1915September 23, 1956InjectionsNone
Georg August Weltz  [ de ]March 16, 1889August 22, 1963High-altitude experimentsAcquitted
Wilhelm Witteler  [ de ]April 20, 1909May 13, 1993None directly [l] Death
Eduard Wirths September 4, 1909September 20, 1945None directly [m] None (suicide)



DoctorBirthDeathShort summary
Kurt Albrecht December 31, 1894May 7, 1945Albrecht was a professor at the University of Berlin, and Karl-Ferdinands-Universität in Prague.
Eugen Fischer July 5, 1874July 9, 1967Fischer developed the physiological specifications such as skull dimensions which were apparently used to determine racial origins and he also developed the so-called Fischer–Saller scale for hair colour. He and the members of his team experimented on Gypsies and African-Germans, drawing their blood and measuring their skulls (see Craniometry) to attempt to scientifically validate his theories.
Wilhelm Frick March 12, 1877October 16, 1946He achieved a doctorate of law and began working for the police in 1903. Later became a politician of the Nazi Party, joining September 1, 1925. He was a contributing creator and writer of the Nuremberg Laws . He was tried and executed after the war. [35]
Rudolf Hippius June 9, 1905October 23, 1945Hippius is best known for his work in "racial psychology" carried out under the auspices of the Nazi regime, and specifically his study of the "suitability" of people of mixed German and Slavonic descent.
Alfred Ploetz August 22, 1860March 20, 1940Ploetz was a eugenicist known for coining the term racial hygiene (Rassenhygiene), a form of eugenics, and for promoting the concept in Germany.
Robert Ritter May 14, 1901April 15, 1951Ritter was appointed head of the Racial Hygiene and Demographic Biology Research Unit of Nazi Germany's Criminal Police. He was the "architect of the experiments, the Roma and Sinti were subjected to." His pseudo-scientific "research" in classifying these populations of Germany aided the Nazi government in their systematic persecution toward a goal of "racial purity".
Ernst Rüdin April 19, 1874October 22, 1952While Rüdin has been credited as a pioneer of psychiatric inheritance studies, he also argued for, designed, justified and funded the mass sterilization and clinical killing of adults and children. [36]
Wilhelm Stuckart 16 November 190215 November 1953He achieved a doctorate of law in 1930. He worked as a lawyer for the Nazi Party and helped to create and write the Nuremberg Laws.
Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer July 16, 1896August 8, 1969Verschuer was a Nazi-affiliated eugenicist with an interest in racial hygiene. He was an advocate of compulsory sterilization programs in the first half of the 20th century. [37] [38]

Camp doctors

DoctorBirthDeathShort summary
Martin Hellinger [39] July 17, 1904August 13, 1988Hellinger was a member of the Nazi party, who primarily dealt with removing dental gold from those killed at Ravensbrück. During his trial he claimed that he believed the deceased were legally executed. On February 3, 1947 he was initially sentenced to 15 years in prison, which was later reduced to time served on May 20, 1954. He re-established his dental practice afterwards until his death.
Wilhelm Jobst October 27, 1912May 28, 1947Jobst was a physician accused of giving injections to terminally ill prisoners in his capacity as camp doctor in Ebensee from 1944 to 1945. He was sentenced to death by hanging on May 13, 1946 and was executed in the following year.
Bruno Kitt [40] August 9, 1906October 8, 1946Bruno Kitt was a camp doctor at Auschwitz and Neuengamme after being drafted into the Waffen-SS in March 1942. He was found guilty of participating in the murder and mistreatment of prisoners at the Neuengamme concentration camp, and was sentenced to death by hanging on May 3, 1946.
Fritz Klein November 24, 1888December 13, 1945From December 15, 1943, to January 1945, Klein worked at Auschwitz, Birkenau, Neuengamme, and finally Bergen-Belsen as a camp doctor. During his trial, Anita Lasker testified that Klein took part in selections for the gas chamber. [41] Klein was found guilty and was executed by hanging on December 13, 1945. [42]
Franz Lucas September 15, 1911December 7, 1994Franz Lucas worked at Theresienstadt, Mauthausen, Stutthof, and Ravensbrück from mid-December 1943 to late summer 1944. After fleeing west from the Battle of Berlin he was later arrested, and stood trial in Frankfurt. Lucas was found guilty of selecting at least one thousand people in at least four separate selections, and was sentenced on August 20, 1965 to a total of three years and three months imprisonment. After his release, Lucas worked in his own private practice until his death on December 7, 1994.
Hans Münch May 14, 1911January 27, 2001Hans was also known as The Good Man of Auschwitz, and worked there as an SS physician from 1943 to 1945 in German occupied Poland. He was acquitted of war crimes at a 1947 trial in Kraków. While Münch made several public remarks later in his life that appeared to support Nazi ideology, it was determined by courts that he was suffering from Alzheimer's. He died in 2001 at the age of 90.
Ernst (Heinrich) Schmidt March 27, 1912November 28, 2000Throughout the war, Schmidt was a camp physician at Buchenwald, Majdanek, Gross-Rosen, Dachau, Boelke Kaserne subcamp, and Bergen-Belsen. After the war Schmidt testified as a witness in the Belsen Trial on October 25, 1945. Although Schmidt himself was tried in 1947 and 1975 for complicity in war crimes, he was twice acquitted. He later lived in Uetze and died in 2000 in Celle.
Heinz Thilo October 8, 1911May 13, 1945Thilo initially worked as a gynaecologist for the Lebensborn organization. He later was assigned to the Auschwitz concentration camp in July 1942 where he was one of the physicians commonly performing the "selections" for gassing. [43] [44] Thilo also participated in the liquidation of the Theresienstadt family camp on July 10–11, 1944, and was transferred to Gross-Rosen where he later served as camp physician until February 1945. [43] After being arrested post-war, Thilo committed suicide in prison. [45]
Adolf Winkelmann March 26, 1887February 1, 1947Winkelmann worked as a medical officer in Częstochowa until December 1, 1944 having reached a peak rank of Hauptsturmführer. After brief assignments at the Groß-Rosen and Sachsenhausen concentration camps, he was later transferred to the Ravensbrück concentration camp at the end of February 1945. After the war, Winkelmann was charged with war crimes but died of a heart attack on February 1, 1947 during trial proceedings.


DoctorBirthDeathKnown for [n]
Otto Ambros May 19, 1901July 23, 1990Chemist and slave labor
Hans Ehlich July 1, 1901March 30, 1991 RSHA physician
Willi Enke  [ de ] [46] March 6, 1895December 24, 1974 Pneumoencephalography
Carl (Karl) Krauch April 7, 1887February 3, 1968Chemist and slave labor
Theodor (Gilbert) Morell July 22, 1886May 26, 1948 Adolf Hitler's physician
Walter (Paul Emil) Schreiber March 21, 1893September 5, 1970Physician and witness
Erich Traub June 27, 1906May 18, 1985Lab chief - bioweapons
Gerhard Wagner August 18, 1888March 25, 1939 Compulsory sterilization
Friedrich Wegener April 7, 1907July 9, 1990 Autopsies on Jewish concentration camp inmates

Non Nazis

While the following people were never members of the Nazi Party, their names are included here as they are known to have contributed or are mentioned in a notable way.

DoctorBirthDeathShort summary
Hans Asperger February 18, 1906October 21, 1980Asperger's alleged Nazi involvement has been hotly debated as his knowledge and involvement remains unknown.
Alfred Erich Hoche August 1, 1865May 16, 1943While never a party member, Hoche is known for his writings about eugenics and euthanasia.
Yusuf (Bey Murad) Ibrahim May 27, 1877February 3, 1953Ibrahim was associated with Action T4 to an unknown extent. He could not become a member of the Nazi Party due to his half Arabic background
Adolf Pokorny July 25, 1895Un­knownPokorny's entry into the NSDAP in 1939 failed because of Lilly Pokorná's (his ex-wife) Jewish origins.
Gustav Wilhelm Schübbe March 31, 1910April 12, 1976While Schübbe was a witness during the Nuremberg trials, he also self admitted to killing thousands of people. He was never a party member himself, and charges against him were later dropped.
Hubertus Strughold June 15, 1898September 25, 1986While Strughold never joined the Nazi Party, his association permanently tarnished his legacy.
Marianne Türk  [ de ]May 31, 1914January 11, 2003Türk was involved with Child euthanasia. During her interrogation at the Vienna People's Court on October 16, 1945, the doctor stated that she was neither interested in politics nor belonged to a political organization. She was given a 10 year sentence for being dependent on her superior.

See also




  1. These are initial sentences, many of which were later commuted.
  2. American intervention possibly saved Blome from the gallows in exchange for information about biological warfare, nerve gas, and providing advice on to the American chemical and biological weapons programs. [32]
  3. 1 2 3 Exact date unknown
  4. Gutzeit was involved in the coordination of pseudo-medical infection tests with hepatitis.
  5. Handloser held the newly established position of Chief of Wehrmacht Medical Services in the Wehrmacht High Command (OKW). This made him primarily responsible for the entire medical service of the Wehrmacht and consequently also for all medical crimes that were committed within the framework of the Wehrmacht medical service, particularly against prisoners of war.
  6. Hippke was arrested, but later was released after it was found he was only the source behind the idea for deadly "freezing experiments" on humans.
  7. Kaschub died before charges could be brought up against him.
  8. The courts found that Poppendick was aware of almost all the experiments that had been carried out on prisoners in various concentration camps, but saw no criminal liability. He was ultimately sentenced to 10 years for being a member of the SS.
  9. Rascher never stood trial, he was executed under direct orders from Heinrich Himmler for deception
  10. Reiter was a "quality control" officer who helped design and implement a process where internees were inoculated with an experimental typhus vaccine. He later assisted the Allies with his knowledge of germ warfare.
  11. Rostock was charged with complicity in several series of human experiments on concentration camp prisoners due to his high position.
  12. Witteler was involved in the selection of prisoners who were deliberately infected during Claus Schilling 's malaria experiments.
  13. Wirths was involved in ordering medical experimentation, particularly in gynecological and typhus-related experimental tests.
  14. This only covers what the person did or allegedly did under the Nazi regime.


  1. Kolb, Stephan; Weindling, Paul; Roelcke, Volker; Seithe, Horst (2012). "Apologising for Nazi medicine: A constructive starting point". The Lancet. 380 (9843): 722–723. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61396-8. PMC   4365922 . PMID   22928190.
  2. Strous, Rael D. (2006). "Nazi Euthanasia of the Mentally Ill at Hadamar". American Journal of Psychiatry. 163 (1): 27. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.163.1.27. PMID   16390885.
  3. Müller-Hill, Benno (April 28, 1988). Murderous science. Oxford University Press. ISBN   9780192615558.
  4. "As Other Editors See it : The Nazi Doctors" Schenectady Gazette. November 27, 1946
  5. Schneider, Frank (2011). "Psychiatry under National Socialism: Remembrance and Responsibility". European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 261: 111–118. doi: 10.1007/s00406-011-0243-1 . PMID   21959914.
  6. "Robert Ley is in hands of yankees" Lawrence Daily Journal World. May 17, 1945
  7. "Germany looks for way out of war". The Southeast Missourian. September 17, 1938.
  8. Haque, Omar S.; De Freitas, Julian; Viani, Ivana; Niederschulte, Bradley; Bursztajn, Harold J. (September 1, 2012). "Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?". International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. Forensic Psychiatry: Expertise, Treatment and Public Policy. 35 (5): 473–479. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2012.09.022. ISSN   0160-2527. PMID   23040706.
  9. Hayse, Michael R. (2003). Recasting West German Elites: Higher Civil Servants, Business Leaders, and Physicians in Hesse between Nazism and Democracy, 1945-1955. Oxford: Berghahn Books. ISBN   978-1-57181-271-1.
  10. The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code : Human Rights in Human Experimentation. Oxford University Press. May 7, 1992. p. 19. ISBN   9780199772261.
  11. Leary, Warren E. (November 10, 1992). "Exhibition Examines Scientists' Complicity in Nazi-Era Atrocities". The New York Times.
  12. McNab, Chris (2011). Hitler's Masterplan: The Essential Facts and Figures for Hitler's Third Reich. London: Amber Books Ltd. pp. 22–23. ISBN   978-1907446962.
  13. Colaianni, Alessandra (2012). "A long shadow: Nazi doctors, moral vulnerability and contemporary medical culture". Journal of Medical Ethics. 38 (7): 435–438. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2011-100372 . PMID   22556311.
  14. Strous, Rael D. (2007). "Psychiatry during the Nazi era: Ethical lessons for the modern professional". Annals of General Psychiatry. 6: 8. doi: 10.1186/1744-859X-6-8 . PMC   1828151 . PMID   17326822.
  15. authors Akua F. Abu and Zhanrui Kuang (April 15, 2011). "Exhibit Depicts Nazi Science".
  16. "...carried out only by physicians." Book "Human Subjects Research after the Holocaust" authors Sheldon Rubenfeld, Susan Benedict. Year 2014. Page 10.
  17. Torrey, E. F.; Yolken, R. H. (2009). "Psychiatric Genocide: Nazi Attempts to Eradicate Schizophrenia". Schizophrenia Bulletin. 36 (1): 26–32. doi:10.1093/schbul/sbp097. PMC   2800142 . PMID   19759092.
  18. Ernst, E. (2001). "Commentary: The Third Reich—German physicians between resistance and participation". International Journal of Epidemiology. 30 (1): 37–42. doi: 10.1093/ije/30.1.37 . hdl: 11858/00-001M-0000-002B-0D8B-C . PMID   11171848.
  19. "Nazi Sterilization Experiments" Author Genevieve Payzer. 2017
  20. "History Vs. Apologetics: The Holocaust, the Third Reich, and the Catholic Church" Author David Cymet. Page 262. Told by Dr Hans Wilhelm Münch in 1981.
  21. Roelcke, Volker; Lepicard, Etienne; Topp, Sascha (2014). Silence, Scapegoats, Self-reflection: The Shadow of Nazi Medical Crimes on Medicine and Bioethics. V&R unipress GmbH. p. 109. ISBN   9783847103653.
  22. Wolfgang Freidl (2001). Medizin und Nationalsozialismus in der Steiermark. StudienVerlag. ISBN   3-70651565-2.
  23. Expert list. Heidelberg documents. p. 228.{{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  24. "Vienna buries last remains of victims of Nazi medical mistreatment" National Post. May 9, 2012.
  25. Expert list. Heidelberg documents. pp. 228–229.{{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help)
  26. Cesarani, David (2016). Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews, 1933–1945. St. Martin’s Press. p. 282. ISBN   978-1-25000-083-5.
  27. 1 2 Gazdag G, Ungvari GS, Czech H (2017). "Mass killing under the guise of ECT: the darkest chapter in the history of biological psychiatry". Hist Psychiatry. 28 (4): 482–488. doi:10.1177/0957154X17724037. PMID   28829187. S2CID   9732068.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  28. 1 2 "Abusive Medical Practices on “Euthanasia” Victims in Austria during and after World War II" Author Herwig Czech. Page 112. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-05702-6_9
  29. Maura Phillips Mackowski, Testing the Limits: Aviation Medicine and the Origins of Manned Space Flight, Texas A&M University Press, 2006, p. 64
  30. Alexander Mitscherlich / Fred Mielke: Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit – Dokumente des Nürnberger Ärzteprozesses, Lamberg und Schneider, Heidelberg 1949, ISBN   3-596-22003-3.
  31. Otto Bickenbach's Human Experiments with Chemical Warfare Agents at the Concentration Camp Natzweiler in the Context of the SS-Ahnenerbe and the Reichsforschungsrat
  32. Erhard Geissler, "Die Rolle deutscher Biowaffenexperten in der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg," in Oehler-Klein & Roelcke,Vergangenheitspolitik in der universitaeren Medizin nach 1945 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2007), p. 101.
  33. "The Murder of Unproductive Persons"
  34. The Dachau Trials:Mauthausen-Gusen Cases
  35. "Deutsche Biographie: Frick, Wilhelm".
  36. Joseph, J.; Wetzel, N. A. (2013). "Ernst Rüdin: Hitler's Racial Hygiene Mastermind". Journal of the History of Biology. 46 (1): 1–30. doi:10.1007/s10739-012-9344-6. PMID   23180223. S2CID   207150510.
  37. Nicholas Wade, "IQ and Heredity: Suspicion of Fraud Beclouds Classic Experiment", Science November 26, 1976: 916–919.
  38. D. D. Dorfman, "The Cyril Burt Question: New Findings", Science September 29, 1978: Vol. 201 no. 4362 pp. 1177–1186
  39. "Nazi War Crimes Trials:Ravensbrück Trial"
  40. Nazi War Crimes Trials
  41. Law reports of trials of war criminals, selected and prepared by the United Nations War Crimes Commission. – Volume II, The Belsen Trial (PDF). London: United Nations War Crimes Commission. 1947. p. 21f.
  42. Calgary Herald. Page One (December 14, 1945). "11 Belson Camp Chiefs Hanged". Calgary Herald. Page One.
  43. 1 2 "Auschwitz Perpetrators" . Retrieved December 2, 2012.
  44. "The Prisoners' Fate in Auschwitz-Birkenau". DEGOB. Archived from the original on March 5, 2013. Retrieved December 2, 2012.
  45. "Les SS servant à Auschwitz et leur devenir" (in French). BS Encyclopédie. Retrieved December 2, 2012.
  46. [The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution By Henry Friedlander pg 92]