\n*[[Totalitarianism]]\n*''[[Uyoku dantai]]''\n*[[Völkisch nationalism|''Völkisch'' nationalism]]\n*[[Wolf warrior diplomacy]]\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"div col end","href":"./Template:Div_col_end"},"params":{},"i":1}}]}" id="mwB2Q">
The attacks on the 10-second video, which was posted on Snapchat, were the latest example of a wave of ultranationalism that has swept across the kingdom in the three years since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman consolidated his power.
A key part of the Taliban's ideology was based on Pashtun ultra-nationalism
The Republican Party has openly adopted this ideology, the core concept of which is ethnocentric racism and ultranationalism, along with an unquestioning allegiance to the Armenian Church.
Ultranacionalistas do Partido Republicano venceram eleições deste domingo no Chile
candidate of the ultranationalist Power of the People party
A leader of Germany's ultranationalist AfD party in 2017 bemoaned how the country's focus on atoning ...
A married couple have run into trouble for forging the first local pact between Angela Merkel's party and the ultranationalist Alternative for Germany (AfD) in defiance of the chancellor.
a previously little-known ultranationalist group called the Spartans
Smaller parties, such as the ultra-nationalist Greek Solution and leftist MeRA25, headed by Yanis Varoufakis, the former finance minister, were targeting younger Greeks.
the ultranationalist and ultrareligious Niki (Victory)
The heads of the two ultranationalist parties, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich of Religious Zionism
for the first time the Conservative Party of Japan, an ultranationalist force that is openly xenophobic and prone to revisionist rhetoric on the country's history, will enter the Japanese parliament with three seats.
Faber belongs to the Party for Freedom (PVV), the far-right, ultra-nationalist party led by Geert Wilders
De ideologie is ultraconservatief, ultranationalistisch
Hamas combines ultra-nationalism with fundamentalist Islamism.
The ideologies of Fatah and Hamas are completely different. Hamas supports extreme nationalism.
Hamas, a radical nationalist-religious party
radical nationalist factions among both Jews and Palestinians — groups, including Hamas, that opposed all compromise between the two peoples.
Ultranationalist Confederation party candidate Sławomir Mentzen
Some activists from a small ultra-nationalist party, the Confederation of the Polish Crown
the ultranationalist Chega party
As expected, Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski, the leader of far-right party Zavetnici (Oathkeepers), which did not make it into parliament in December's elections, was given a post in the government, leading the Ministry for Demography and Family Care.
Slovak National Party: led by Jan Slota. Extreme nationalist
...Meciar established his 1994 coalition government with the extreme-nacionalist Slovak National Party (SNS), led by Ján Slota, mayor of Zilina...
The Palang Pracharath Party was formed in 2018 as a civil-military and ultra-nationalist party
El ultranacionalista Milei, candidato de La Libertad Avanza
Milei, representante de La Libertad Avanza y conocido por su enfoque ultranacionalista
election of right-wing ultranationalist populist, Jair Bolsonaro
With this "name and shame" tactic, the movement also became a tool to fight against extreme nationalism in China and the government's propaganda efforts to promote those messages.
... ultranationalism of the Chinese public is exclusively attributable to the farreaching propaganda campaigns implemented by the CCP since the early 1990s which serve as constant reminders of the Century of Humiliation.
the rightward shift of Fidesz is noticeable by their growing co-optation of ultranationalist narratives
With its ultranationalist policy, Orban's Fidesz party managed to take over the positions of the far-right Jobbik party
The other major national party of today, the Bharatiya Janata Party, does not quite fit the religious fundamentalist, the ethnicity-based or the fascist/ultra nationalist categories although it shares, to a large degree, elements of all three
Prabowo's coalition consisted of his own ultra nationalist Gerindra
it has maintained connections with anti-EU, ultranationalist radical elements of ... Lega Nord
The shifting dynamics around the new era name (gengō 元号) offers an opportunity to understand how the domestic politics of the LDP's project of ultranationalism is shaping a new Japan and a new form of nationalism.
The overturning of the cab driver's 1998 sentiment in Akamatsu's 2007 piece had its political correlative in the victory of the ultranationalist wing of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) when Abe Shinzō became Japan's prime minister in ...
In Japan, populist and extreme right-wing nationalism has found a home within the political establishment.
... a gradual drift towards more nationalistic attitudes to education and politics in general in contemporary Japanese society may party be explained by the effect of ultranationalist politicians in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
On July 31, a group of ultranationalist LDP Diet men, alarmed by Nakasone's diplomacy of "submission to foreign pressure" on issues like textbook revision and the Yasukuni Shrine problem, formed the "Association of Those Concerned ...
PiS adopted LPR's identity politics both regarding minorities and the ultranationalist interpretation of Polish history and continued its ideological trajectory
In Poland, the ultranationalist Law and Justice Party (PiS) has significantly increased its vote share
Putinism is not consistent as an ideology and political system. Public political attitudes have changed according to the circumstances. From a kind of cautious system to an open society, Putinism has moved significantly in the direction of the authoritarian system. His political party United Russia started as the conservative party of the former communists has moved towards ultranationalist and neo-imperialist ideology (Van Herpen 2013: 7). Van Harpen even qualifies Putinism as an unstable system of a slight variant of fascism-fascism lite. According to him, this system combines elements of proto-fascism, fascism and post-fascism, with a nucleus of ultra-nationalism, militarism and neo-imperialism (Van Herpen 2013: 8).
In particular, Putin's efforts are attributed to the burgeoning growth of Russian ultranationalist sociopolitical organizations, such as United Russia (Yedinaya Rossiya) and Ours (Nashi, or Youth Movement - Ours!).
Chiang Kai-Shek shook off the Soviet supervision and transmuted the Kuomintang into an ultranationalist movement
It emphasized internal discipline, paramilitary organization and ultranationalist ideals
the ultranationalist faction within UMNO
VMRO-DPMNE succeeded in bringing many ultranationalist views into the mainstream
Moreover, the rise of fascism in interwar Europe was an inspirational source for variety of ultranationalist movements and parties that emerged in the Middle East and Africa. Take the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP), founded in 1932 by Antun Sa'adih, who had a specific mission: to lead the Lebanese people to their destiny.
After the defeat in the 1996's presidential election, the ideological difference between the extreme nationalist and the moderate eventually led to the split of the DPP
The extreme nationalist stance of the radical wing of the DPP, which called for Taiwan's independence, also tended to alienate middle-class and business voters.
The ultranationalist Vlaams Blok
Ultra-nationalist parties VMRO and the National Front for the Salvation of Bulgaria, along with populists Volya, have agreed to stand together in Bulgaria's July 11, 2021 parliamentary elections under the name "Bulgarian Patriots", the parties announced on May 20.
Another ultra-nationalist, Eurosceptic, populist party, Grandeur (Velichie)
the ultra-nationalist Ustase of Ante Pavelic
the ultranationalist Coalition for Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia
The fascist-inspired, ultranationalist IKL (the Patriotic People's Movement)
In Germany, the pressures of the depression helped the ultranationalist Nazi Party come to power by 1933
The chief political party of the ultranationalist right was the DNVP
The German Reich Party (conservative ultra-nationalist), which sent five members to the Federal Parliament in 1949
...and far right-wing newspapers such as Alpha Ena, Eleytheros Kosmos, Eleytheri Ora and Stohos (the mouthpiece of ultra-nationalist group Chrysi Avgi).
the ultranationalist Arrow Cross Party
A new ultranationalist, extremist party, the Hungarian Justice and Life Party
the ultranationalist Hindu Mahasabha revivalist movement
the ultranationalist Tehiya Party
Rehavim Zeevi, leader of the Ultranationalist Moledet (Homeland) Party
the ultranationalist Aryeh Eldad's Hatikva party
The ultranationalist Right is represented by little political parties that compose the "orange camp," dedicated to retaining all parts of the "remained Land of Israel" at any cost: Benny Elon's HaIchud Haleumi, Baruch Marzel's Jewish National Front, and Mikael Kleiner's Herut party.
Mussolini later formed the far-right ultra-nationalist Fascist Party
the ultranationalist traditions of the old MSI
.2 All existing political parties "voluntarily" dissolved themselves, replaced by a single authorized political body, the ultranationalist Imperial Rule Assistance Association.
The leader of United Poland, the ultranationalist Zbigniew Ziobro
PiS' junior coalition partner is the ultra-nationalist and anti-EU party United Poland
The União Nacional was initially founded as a "patriotic league," tasked with buttressing support for the military regime. Upon assuming power in 1932, Salazar reengineered the party to his ideological and political image to stand on the twin pillars of ultranationalism and corporativism
Finally, at the extreme right is the reorganized Kilusang Bagong Lipunan (KBL) under Nicanor Yniguez, which remains loyal to Marcos.
The Iron Guard was the ultra-nationalist, anti-Semitic, fascist movement and political party in Romania
King Carol II appointed a government from one of the wings of the ultranationalist movement, namely the National Christian Party led by Octavian Goga
Romania also witnessed cooperation between the ex-Communist PDSR and the ultra-nationalist National Unity Party
the ultranationalist Greater Romania Party
The CDR is an ultranationalist Hutu party
The SLS was an ultranationalist, socially conservative, strongly anticommunist and anti-Semitic (albeit in the rather conventional 'anti-Jewish/Bolshevik' form) Catholic political movement
Assad, like Saddam Hussein of Iraq, is a member of a wing of the Ba'ath Party, an ultra-nationalist, Arab supremacist party that calls for an Arab-led dictatorship
The NP's shift to extreme nationalist positions after the late 1990s was also a reaction to the widespread departure of party moderates and subsequent domination by extremists. In the case of the NP, it appears that defeats no longer have any effect; instead, it operates consistently.
... the rise of Chinese nationalist radicals in the NP after 1997 meant the party continued its move towards more extreme positions even after electoral setbacks (Fell 2006b: 47-67)
... Taiwan Solidarity Union (an ultranationalist pro-independence party created by former president Lee Teng-hui) won ...
Türkeş reorganized the CKMP with an ultranationalist agenda
According to extremist experts, two right-wing groups, the Lads Society and Antipodean Resistance, recently helped form a new Australian extremist outfit, the National Socialist Network, which in turn helped organise the 38 young white men to assemble in the Grampians over the Australia Day weekend.
Blue-Shirt society, an ultranationalist secret society
Several ultra - nationalist groups such as Action française and the veterans' group Croix de Feu
Ultra-nationalist groups and parties like the Bloc identitaire
RSS was itself an ultra-nationalist organization
Prabowo has accepted support from and declared his willingness to work with such organizations as the (notorious) radical Islamic group Front Pembela Islam (Defenders of Islam Front) and the ultra-nationalist Pemuda Pancasila
the notorious "Golden Square", four young ultra-nationalist colonels
An ultra-nationalist Israeli group has published a video accusing the heads of four of Israel's leading human rights organisations of being foreign agents funded by Europe and supporting Palestinians "involved in terrorism". The widely-viewed 68-second video, made by radical Zionist group Im Tirtzu
an ultra-nationalist Jewish group called Lehava has been organising patrols aimed at stopping Jewish Israelis from even talking to Arabs.
Of the movements associated with ultranationalist right-wing notions, the Etzel and the Lehi were the most noteworthy in their use of violence and terrorism
It was the ultranationalist wing of Revisionism, and was articulated by organizations such as Brit Habirionim and Lehi
Abe also rewarded right-wing politicians who are close to him — so-called 'ideological friends' who are being increasingly pushed to the forefront of his administration — such as LDP Executive Acting Secretary-General Koichi Hagiuda who was appointed Education Minister. As a member of the ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi (Japan Conference), which seeks to promote patriotic education, he can be considered 'reliable' as the government's policy leader on national education.
Eto is serving in his first cabinet position and is a member of the ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi organisation, whose aims are to revise the "national consciousness" surrounding the prosecution of Japan's war criminals and to change the nation's pacifist constitution implemented after the war. The group also promotes "patriotic education".
... and foreign policy are rightwing revisionists organized in groups such as the ultranationalist Nippon Kaigi ...
... and many don't speak Korean or have ties to Korea. Even so, ultranationalist groups like Zaitokukai have singled them out and used Japan's very liberal protection of speech to harass, intimidate and silence Zainichi with noisy street protests and attacks online, often anonymously.
The longtime chairman of the ultranationalist group Zaitokukai has announced he will step down and even give up his membership in the group, saying the move will eventually bolster the organization's influence.
Perkasa (an all Malay ultranationalist group) ready to crusade against ungrateful Christians,
a central feature of the PIJ platform combines Islamic fanaticism and extreme nationalism
בהשפעת הענף המצרי הוקם בעזה, בשנת 1981, "הג'האד האסלאמי בפלסטין", המשלב אידיאולוגיה לאומית קיצונית עם התפיסות האסלאמיות: השמדת מדינת ישראל והחלפתה במדינה פלסטינית אסלאמית, שתוקם על כל שטחי פלסטין.
they created the Club of Angry Patriots, an ultranationalist group that live-streamed their criticism of Russia's political and military leadership
The Proud Boys are an ultranationalist organization active in the United States
As much as 10 percent of the white supremacist, ultranationalist Patriot Front, including its leader Thomas Rousseau, are currently facing civil or criminal cases.
Global Times is an ultra-nationalist tabloid established by People's Daily in 1993 to comment on international news.