List of active coal-fired power stations in Turkey

Last updated

There are 55 plants which generate coal power in Turkey including autoproducers, more than any other European country except Russia. All coal-fired power stations are listed in the Turkish version of this article. [note 1] [note 2]


Coal-fired power stations

Station Operational capacity (MWe) Generation to grid in 2019 (GWh) [note 3] [note 4] Capacity factor in 2019 (%) [note 5] Province and district Construction or operational start year [note 6] Owner Type [7] Coal type RetirementNotesRef

[note 7]

[note 8]


18 Mart Çan a.k.a. Çan320213476 Çanakkale


2003 EÜAŞ SubcriticalLigniteUnknown [a] [11]
Adapazarı Sugar Factory a.k.a. Ada Şeker a.k.a. Sakarya1013Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Sakarya


2014Adapazarı SugarUnknownLigniteUnknown Captive power plant: no output to grid first half 2020 [b] [12]
Afşin Elbistan A 1355189916 Kahramanmaraş


1984–1987 EÜAŞ SubcriticalLigniteUnknown [c] [13]
Afşin Elbistan B 1440277322 Kahramanmaraş


2004–2005 EÜAŞ Subcritical [14] LigniteUnknown [d] [11]
Afyon Sugar Factory Cogeneration a.k.a. Afyon Şeker150Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Afyonkarahisar


2018Doğüş Food and DrinkUnknownUnknownUnknown Captive power plant: no output to grid 2019 or first half 2020 [e]
Albayrak Balıkesir Cogeneration a.k.a. Albayrak TES80
578 Balıkesir


Varaka PaperUnknownImported [15] UnknownAverages 150 tons steam from 27 tons coal per hour [16] [f] [15]
Atlas 1200850281 Hatay


2014 Diler Holding via Atlas Enerji Supercritical ImportedUnknownDiler is on the Global Coal Exit List. [17] [g]
Aynes Cogeneration a.k.a. Aynes Gıda6918 Denizli


2014Aynes FoodUnknownLigniteUnknown [h]
Eti Maden Bandirma power station a.k.a. Bandırma Boron Factory a.k.a. Bandırma Boraks36
5317 Bandırma


2014 ETİ Maden UnknownLigniteUnknown [i]
Bekirli-1 a.k.a. Biga a.k.a. İçdaş Çelik Enerji405316489 Çanakkale


2005 (unit 1), 2009 (units 2–3) İÇDAŞ SubcriticalImportedUnknown [j]
Bekirli-2 a.k.a. Bekirli 1200865882 Çanakkale


2011 (unit 1), 2015 (unit 2) İÇDAŞ Supercritical ImportedUnknown [k]
Beypazarı ETİ Soda Cogeneration a.k.a. ETİ Soda20
9454 Ankara


Unknown Ciner Group via ETİ Soda [15] UnknownLignite [15] Unknown [l]
Bolluk a.k.a.

Alkim Konya

219 Konya

Cihanbeyli [19]

2014Alkim Alkali Chemicals [19] UnknownLignite [19] Unknown [m] [19]
Bolu Göynük a.k.a. Aksa Göynük TES270196483 Bolu


2015Kazancı HoldingSubcritical fluidized bedLigniteUnknownDusts air and ground. [20] Uses 1.8 million tons of lignite with a thermal value of 2,450 kcal/kg per year. [n] [21] [20]
Cenal 1320916779 Çanakkale


2017 Alarko Holding and Cengiz Holding via Cenal ElektrikUltra-SupercriticalImported BituminousUnknownCenal is on the Global Coal Exit List. [22] [o]
Çan-2 330152453 Çanakkale


2018ODAŞ GroupLigniteUnknown [p] [19]
Çankırı Salt Factory Cogeneration


Med-mar Sağlık

2964 Çankırı


2014Med-marUnknownLigniteUnknown [q]

a.k.a. Yeni Çatalağzı

314149454 Zonguldak


1979 (opening:1989)Aydem EnerjiSubcriticalAnthracite [23] Unknown [r] [24]
Çayırhan 620431279 Ankara


1987–2000 Ciner Group SubcriticalLigniteUnknown [s] [11]
Çayırhan Sodium Sulphate Cogeneration a.k.a. Alkim Çayırhan3939 Ankara


2014Alkim Alkali ChemicalsUnknownUnknownUnknown [t]
Çoban Yıldızı power stations a.k.a. Çumra Termik Santrali a.k.a. Çobanyıldızı (Cumra) [25] 373511 Konya


2015Anadolu Birlik Holding via Konya Sugar (in Turkish)UnknownLigniteUnknownAt Çumra Campus [u]
Çoban Yıldızı power stations a.k.a. Çumra [25] 2435Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Konya


2014Anadolu Birlik Holding via Konya Sugar (in Turkish)UnknownLigniteUnknownSupplies both sugar factory and grid. [26] Claimed to be most environment friendly factory in Turkey. [27] [v]
Çolakoğlu a.k.a. Çolakoğlu-2190119172 Kocaeli


2003Çolakoğlu MetalurjiSubcritical Bituminous Unknown [w]
Dazkırı Cogeneration


Alkim Afyon

31672 Afyonkarahisar Dazkırı 2014Alkim Alkali ChemicalsUnknownLigniteUnknown [x]
Göknur20Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Niğde


2014Göknur FoodUnknownUnknownUnknown Captive power plant: no output to grid 2019 or first half 2020 [y]
İsken Sugözü

a.k.a. Sugözu İsken

a.k.a. İskenderun

1320711061 Adana


2003 OYAK SubcriticalHard coal, [28] anthracite [23] Unknown [z]
İzdemir 350248481 İzmir


2014İzdemir Enerji Supercritical Imported [29] Unknown [aa]
Kahramanmaraş Paper Factory1673Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Kahramanmaraş


2014Kahramanmaraş PaperUnknownImportedUnknown [ab]
Kangal 457 [30] 258865 Sivas


1989 (Unit 1) 1990 (Unit 2) 2000 (Unit 3)Anadolu Birlik Holding via Konya Sugar (in Turkish)SubcriticalLigniteUnknownOn the Global Coal Exit List [31] [ac] [11]
Kardemir a.k.a. Karabük7854680 Kütahya


UnknownKardemir A.Ş.UnknownHard coalUnknownMay need update to meet 2020 standards [32] [33] [ad]
Kemerköy 630412875 Muğla


1994 (units 1–2), 1995 (unit 3)Yeniköy Kemerköy ElektrikSubcriticalLigniteUnknown [ae] [11]
Kipaş Paper Factory81Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Kahramanmaraş


2014 Kipaş Holding UnknownImportedUnknown [af]
Küçüker Cogeneration534Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Denizli


2014Küçüker TextilesUnknownLigniteUnknown [ag]
Kütahya Sugar Factory77Unknown as some electricity might have been used by the factory Kütahya


2014Kütahya Sugar factoryUnknownLigniteUnknown [ah]
Orhaneli 210157085 Bursa


1992 Çelikler Holding SubcriticalLigniteUnknown [ai] [11]
Polat a.k.a. Polat-15113230 Kütahya


2013Polatyol Circulating fluidized bed LigniteUnknown [aj]
Seydişehir a.k.a. ETİ Alüminyum143327 Konya


2014 ETİ Aluminium UnknownLigniteUnknown [ak]
Seyitömer 600396875 Kütahya Kütahya 1973–1989 Çelikler Holding SubcriticalLigniteUnknown [al] [11] [13]
Soma Kolin 510252757 Manisa


2019Kolin Group Circulating fluidized bed LigniteUnknownThe environmental impact assessment does not mention greenhouse gas (sera gaz) emissions. [34] [am] [15]

a.k.a. Soma A

440Unknown as some electricity might have been used for other purposes Manisa


1957 [35] EÜAŞ UnknownLigniteUnknownNo output to grid 2019 or first half 2020 [an]
Soma B a.k.a. Soma6605059Unknown as the steam is also used for residential heating Manisa


1981–1992Anadolu Birlik Holding via Konya Sugar (in Turkish)SubcriticalLigniteUnknownOf the six 165 MW units, 2 units are shut down and 4 units operating under temporary license. [36] Steam from the power station is used for residential heating in the winter. [37] [ao]
Şırnak Silopi a.k.a. Silopi405232466 Şırnak


2013 (unit 1), 2015 (units 2–3) Ciner Group Circulating fluidized bed Asphaltite UnknownMay need update to meet 2020 standards [32] [33] Although technically not coal the solid fuel is treated similarly by regulators so is included here. [ap] [11]
Tufanbeyli 450328383 Adana


2016 Sabancı Holding via Enerjisa Circulating fluidized bed LigniteUnknown [aq]
Tunçbilek 365UnknownUnknown Kütahya


1973 Çelikler Holding SubcriticalLigniteUnknownNot listed on "real time generation" query so no generation figure shown [ar] [38]
Yatağan 630376468 Muğla


1984 (units 1–2), 1986 (unit 3)Aydem EnerjiSubcriticalLigniteUnknown [as] [39] [11]
Yeniköy 420299781 Muğla


1986–1987Yeniköy Kemerköy ElektrikSubcriticalLigniteUnknown [at] [11]
ZETES-1160114181 Zonguldak


2010 Eren Holding via Eren Enerji Circulating fluidized bed Bituminous UnknownLicensed as "Çatalağzı Termik" together with other ZETES [au]
ZETES-21230893183 Zonguldak


2010 Eren Holding via Eren Enerji Supercritical Bituminous UnknownLicensed as "Çatalağzı Termik" together with other ZETES [av]
ZETES-31400921275 Zonguldak


2016 Eren Holding via Eren Enerji Supercritical Bituminous UnknownLicensed as "Çatalağzı Termik" together with other ZETES [aw]

See also


  1. There are no unlicensed coal-fired power stations. [1] :30
  2. The table on page iii of the 2022 EMRA report totals 15 + 23 + 14 = 52 coal power licences - but as ZETES 1 2 and 3 have the same licence if counted as separate power stations the total would be 54, but the total in the Turkish version of this article is 55. [1] :iii As of 2024 the Energy Ministry website says there are 69. [2] However TMMOB [3] disagree with a 2024 Turkish Coal Association report there are 54 plants altogether (but they may be counting ZETES as one plant -see pages 29 to 31 of
  3. A graph of a power station's generation over a specified period of time can be seen on the Energy Exchange Istanbul (EXIST) transparency platform "Real-Time Generation" option, with the total above the graph. [4] Recent generation by unit can be seen on the "Final Daily Production Program" option by first entering the company name and then dropping down the list of unit names. [5] Even so some small power stations may not show on the platform if they do not sell to the grid (that is they are just autoproducers).
  4. In 2018 coal-fired power stations gross generation was 113 terawatt hours (TWh), which was 37% of total gross generation. [6] The figures in the table below are net generation.
  5. By routine calculations from the 2 columns to the left as described in Capacity factor#Sample calculations – note that there are 366 days in 2020
  6. Where the construction year is not known, the start of the current EDPK operational license is shown – nevertheless there may have been "pre-licenses" before that.
  7. Public information about a power station (e.g. Cenal) can be displayed from the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority database as follows. Click the bracketed letter link in its cell below (e.g. [n]) and copy the license number (e.g. EÜ/4315-42/02574) into the "Lisans No." box on the query screen. [8] Tick "Ben robot değilim" (I am not a robot) and then press the "Sorgula" (query) button. Ignore the co-ordinates as they are garbage data. A translation of the column headers and drop down selection may be helpful. [9] .
  8. As of 2021 there is no web service for this at so to attempt to list operational coal-fired power stations from the licence database enter: "Lisans Durumu"="Yürülükte" (license status=In force),"Tesis Türü"="Termik" (facility type=Thermal) and "Tesis Durumu"="İşletmede" (facility status=In business). Then tick "Ben robot değilim" (I am not a robot) and "Sorgula" (Query) which should list licensed, operational thermal power stations. [8] Click "Raporla" (Report) to download it. Repeat with "Tesis Durumu"="Kısmi İşletmede" (facility status=Partly in business). Using your spreadsheet software merge the 2 downloads, select "Yakıt Türü"="Kömür" (Fuel=Coal) OR "İthal Kömür" (Imported Coal) OR "Yerli Kömür" (Local Coal) OR "Yerli Asfaltit" (Local Asphaltite). Then sort by "Tesis Adı" (Facility Name). A translation of the column headers and drop down selection may be helpful. When copying the operational capacity into Wikipedia or Wikidata be sure to copy MWe which is the last power column. [9]
  1. EÜ/101-44/020
  2. EÜ/4969-177/2877
  3. EÜ/8263-5/04139
  4. EÜ/101-43/019
  5. EÜ/8140-9/04101
  6. EÜ/6660-5/03613
  7. EÜ/1813-3/1274
  8. EÜ/4969-230/2930
  9. EÜ/4969-196/2896
  10. EÜ/1435-26/1041
  11. EÜ/1160-3/833
  12. EÜ/4969-120/2820
  13. EÜ/4969-2/2702
  14. EÜ/3734-19/2290
  15. EÜ/4315-42/02574
  16. EÜ/6083-2/03428
  17. EÜ/4969-240/2940
  18. EÜ/5358-1/03178
  19. EÜ/5088-4/03041
  20. EÜ/4969-16/2716
  21. EÜ/5603-8/03299
  22. EÜ/4969-46/2746
  23. EÜ/4969-33/2733
  24. EÜ/4969-24/2724
  25. EÜ/4969-153/2853
  26. EÜ/8886-12/04341
  27. EÜ/2116-8/1490
  28. EÜ/4969-202/2902
  29. EÜ/4537/02625
  30. EÜ/4969-204/2904
  31. EÜ/5358-2/03180
  32. EÜ/4969-259/2959
  33. EÜ/4969-211/2911
  34. EÜ/4969-212/2912
  35. EÜ/5642-3/03300
  36. EÜ/1866-11/1342
  37. EÜ/4969-236/2936
  38. EÜ/4447/02616
  39. EÜ/5906-18/03394
  40. EÜ/6604-3/03635
  41. EÜ/5642-1/03298
  42. EÜ/308-3/424
  43. EÜ/298-1/415
  44. EÜ/5642-4/03301
  45. EÜ/5327/03164
  46. EÜ/5358-3/03181
  47. EÜ/369-1/479
  48. EÜ/369-1/479
  49. EÜ/369-1/479

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  1. 1 2 Electricity Market Sector Report 2022 (Report). Energy Market Regulatory Authority.
  2. "Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources - Electricity". Retrieved 27 December 2024.
  3. ERDOĞDU, Seyhan; SAKARYA, Olgun; BAYRAK, Yusuf; ÖZEN, Erdinç; GÖNÜLALAN, A. Uğur; TAMZOK, Nejat; DAMAR, Nedim Bülent; SERDAR, Serpil; DURAK, Murat; YENER, Ali Burak; İLLEEZ, Bülent; ÖZENÇ, Bengisu; ERCAN, Nilgün; İLHAN, Elif Cansu; KATISÖZ, Özlem (2024). Türkiye'nin Enerji Görünümü (PDF) (Report). Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects. pp. 135, 136. ISBN   978-605-01-1645-8. Bugün Türkiye'de yerli kömür kullanan 52 adet elektrik santralı işletmededir. Bunlardan 19 adedinin kurulu kapasitesi 50 MW'ın üzerinde olup diğerleri küçük kapasiteli otoprodüktör santrallardır. 4 adet taşkömürü ve 1 adet asfaltit santralı dışındakilerin tamamı linyite dayalı santrallerdir.[Today, 52 power plants using domestic coal are in operation in Turkey. The installed capacity of 19 of them is over 50 MW and the others are small-capacity autoproducer power plants. All but 4 hard coal and 1 asphaltite power plants are lignite-based power plants.]
  4. Exist real time generation.
  5. Exist daily generation.
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