List of children of presidents of the United States

Last updated
Theodore Roosevelt and Edith Carow Roosevelt with their children. Children from left to right: Quentin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Archibald Roosevelt, Alice Longworth, Kermit Roosevelt, and Ethel Roosevelt Derby. Theodore Roosevelt and family, 1903.jpg
Theodore Roosevelt and Edith Carow Roosevelt with their children. Children from left to right: Quentin Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., Archibald Roosevelt, Alice Longworth, Kermit Roosevelt, and Ethel Roosevelt Derby.

The following people are children of U.S. presidents, including biological children, confirmed and alleged extramarital children, adopted or abducted children, stepchildren, and legal wards. Status of paternity investigation/confirmation is included with entries for alleged extramarital children. All full names (including full married names) are given. Currently there are 33 confirmed, known living presidential children, the oldest Lynda Bird Johnson Robb, the youngest Barron Trump. Two presidential children, John Quincy Adams and George W. Bush, have become president in their own right. John Scott Harrison is the only person to be both a child of a U.S. president and a parent of another U.S. president, being a son of William Henry Harrison and the father of Benjamin Harrison. Five presidents fathered no (known, biological) children: George Washington, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, and James Buchanan. Wives of two of these presidents, Martha Washington, and Dolley Madison, had children from previous marriages; Rachel Jackson had no biological children from either of her marriages. [1] At least six presidents have had alleged or confirmed extramarital children. [2] Several presidents, including Thomas Jefferson, John Tyler, William Henry Harrison, and Andrew Johnson, have alleged or confirmed extramarital children with enslaved women or girls who could not legally consent or reject sexual intercourse with their enslavers because they had no legal personhood and no recourse of any kind. [3] [4] Andrew Jackson shipped three Indigenous or mixed-race babies home to the Hermitage from the Creek War. [5] These children have been variously described as adopted or as spoils of war. [6]


Presidential children have been studied individually and as a class. As individuals they are more often notable in their own right than most individuals: They disproportionately circulate among political and social leaders and the wealthier classes, and they are more likely to be scrutinized as part of celebrity culture. Additionally, as individuals they frequently have significant influence on other family members. For instance, a child may have had a significant influence on the child's parent: acting as a sounding board, or having behavioral issues that affected the parent's beliefs or performance. A number of presidential sons and wards have served their fathers as Secretary to the President of the United States. [7] Due to a combination of nepotism, generational wealth, and the spoils system, children of Presidents have often received benefit from being born into an American political family, either by dint of government appointments or other advantage in running for office. [8]

As a class, the children of presidents have also occasioned significant study. Study has generally followed two paths: The issue of what access and inclusion within the circles of power does to individuals' lives, aspirations, and outcomes; [9] and the issue of their influence on society and politics. [10]

18th century

George and Martha Washington

No biological children together. Martha Washington had four children with Daniel Parke Custis. The two oldest (who died before her marriage to George Washington) are:
  1. Daniel Parke Custis (November 19, 1751 – February 19, 1754)
  2. Frances Parke Custis (April 12, 1753 – April 1, 1757)
Portrait of John Parke Custis by Charles Willson Peale, ca. 1774.jpg John Parke Custis
Nickname: Jacky
November 27, 1754 – November 5, 1781 Eleanor Calvert Stepson; father was Daniel Parke Custis

Father of:

Martha Parke Custis.jpg Martha Parke Custis
Nickname: Patsy
1756 – June 19, 1773no spouseStepdaughter; father was Daniel Parke Custis

Alleged illegitimate children of George Washington

Thomas Posey Portrait.jpg Thomas Posey July 9, 1750 – March 19, 1818Martha Mathews
Mary Alexander Thornton
Posey's parentage is unclear. According to rumors, Posey was born out of wedlock to the widow of George Harrison and was adopted by her second husband John Posey; that he was the illegitimate child of John Posey and another woman; or that he might have been the natural son of seventeen-year-old George Washington and an unnamed "Low Land Beauty" who was raised by the Poseys. [11] [12]
A drawing of West Ford around 60 years old by journalist-artist Benson Lossing at the Mount Vernon Plantation in 1859 from the Harper's New Monthly Magazine.jpg West Ford c.1784 July 20, 1863Caretaker at Mount Vernon; descendants assert Washington was his father, see West Ford § Washington fatherhood controversy

John and Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams Smith by Mather Brown, 1785.jpg Abigail Adams
Nickname: Nabby or Amelia
July 14, 1765 – August 15, 1813 William Stephens Smith Mother of:
  • William Steuben Smith (1787–1850)
  • John Adams Smith (1788–1854)
  • Thomas Hollis Smith (1790–1791)
  • Caroline Amelia Smith (1795–1852)
John Q. Adams.jpg John Quincy Adams
6th president (1825–1829)
July 11, 1767 – February 23, 1848 Louisa Catherine Johnson 6th president of the United States, see below at John Quincy and Louisa Adams
Susanna Adams
Nickname: Suky
December 28, 1768 – February 4, 1770no spousedied of an unknown illness
Charles Adams.jpg Charles Adams May 29, 1770 – November 30, 1800Sarah SmithFather of:
  • Susanna Boylston Adams (1796–1884)
  • Abigail Louisa Smith Adams (1798–1836)
Thomas Boylston Adams (1772-1832) Charles Knight (cropped).jpg Thomas Boylston Adams September 15, 1772 – March 13, 1832Ann HarrodFather of:
  • Abigail Smith Adams (1806–1845)
  • Thomas Boylston Adams (1809–1837)
  • Elizabeth Coombs Adams (1809–1903)
  • Frances Foster Adams (1811–1812)
  • Isaac Hull Adams (1813–1900)
  • John Quincy Adams (1815–1854)
  • Joseph Harrod Adams (1817–1853)
Elizabeth AdamsJuly 11, 1777no spousestillborn

19th century

Thomas and Martha Jefferson

Martha Jefferson Randolph portrait.jpg Martha Jefferson
Nickname: Patsy
September 27, 1772 – October 10, 1836 Thomas Mann Randolph Jr.

Mother of:

Jane Randolph JeffersonApril 3, 1774 – September 1775 [13] no spousedied of unknown causes
unnamed son [14] May 28 – June 14, 1777died in infancy
Mary Jefferson
Nickname: Polly or Maria
August 1, 1778 – April 17, 1804 John Wayles Eppes Mother of:
  • Baby Girl Eppes (1799–1800)
Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson (I)November 30, 1780 – April 15, 1781no spousedied of an unspecified illness [15]
Lucy Elizabeth Jefferson (II)May 8, 1782 – ca. October 13, 1784 [16] died of whooping cough [16]
Martha Jefferson also had one son with her first husband Bathurst Skelton, who died before her marriage to Jefferson: John Skelton (November 7, 1767 – June 10, 1771)

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings (enslaved concubine)

Children with Sally Hemings; see Jefferson DNA data
Harriet Hemings (I)October 5, 1795 – December 7, 1797no spousedied of unknown causes
Beverly Hemings April 1, 1798 – after 1822a white woman in Marylandone daughter, unknown name
Unnamed Daughter Hemingsca. December 7, 1799 – ca. 1800no spousedied in early childhood
Harriet Hemings (II)May 22, 1801 – after 1822unknownunknown
Madison Hemings January 18, 1805 – November 26, 1877Mary Hughes McCoyFather of:
  • Unnamed Son Hemings (dates unknown)
  • Sarah Hemings (1835-1884)
  • Thomas Eston Hemings (1839-1865)
  • Harriet Hemings (1842-1926)
  • Mary Ann Hemings (1843-1921)
  • William Beverly Hemings (1847-1910)
  • James Madison Hemings (1849-1922)
  • Julia Ann Hemings (1851-1867)
  • Ellen Wayles Hemings (1856-1940)
Eston Hemings May 21, 1808 – January 3, 1856Julia Ann IsaacsFather of:
  • John Wayles Jefferson (1835–1892)
  • Anna Wayles Jefferson (1837-1866)
  • Beverly Frederick Jefferson (1839-1908)
Thomas Woodson, the father of Lewis Woodson and Sarah Jane Woodson, was also claimed to be a child of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings. However, DNA testing of the male Jefferson line and the male Woodson line showed no link.

James and Dolley Madison

No children together, but raised the older of Dolley's two sons from her first marriage to John Todd.

JohnPayneTodd.png John Payne Todd
Nickname: Payne
February 29, 1792 – January 16, 1852no spouseraised by James Madison; father was John Todd Jr.
William Temple ToddJuly 4 – October 14, 1793Died of yellow fever, along with his father, in the 1793 Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic [17]

James and Elizabeth Monroe

Eliza Kortright Monroe Hay.jpg Elizabeth Kortright Monroe
Nickname: Eliza
December 1786 – January 27, 1840 [18] [19] George Hay Mother of Hortensia Monroe Hay (1809-1834)
James Spence MonroeMay 1799 – September 28, 1800 [20] [a] no spousedied after "several days sickness". [20]
Maria Hester Monroe Gouverneur.jpg Maria Hester Monroe April 8, 1802 – June 20, 1850 Samuel Laurence Gouverneur Mother of:
  • Hester Gouverneur (1821-1821)
  • James Monroe Gouverneur (1822–1885)
  • Elizabeth Kortright Gouverneur (1824–1868)
  • Samuel Laurence Gouverneur, Jr. (1826–1880)

John Quincy and Louisa Adams

George Washington Adams.jpg George Washington Adams April 12, 1801 – April 30, 1829none [b] Jumped off of a boat and drowned
John Adams II.jpg John Adams II July 4, 1803 – October 23, 1834Mary Catherine HellenFather of:
  • Mary Louisa (December 2, 1828 – July 16, 1859)
  • Georgiana Frances (September 10, 1830 – November 20, 1839)
unnamed son [22] June 22, 1806no spousestillborn
C. F. Adams - Warren. LCCN2013651550 (cropped).jpg Charles Francis Adams August 18, 1807 – November 21, 1886Abigail Brown Brooks

Served as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom (1861–1868)
Father of:

Louisa Catherine AdamsAugust 12, 1811 – September 15, 1812no spousedied in St. Petersburg, Russia from an unknown illness while her father was serving as Minister to Russia [23] [24]

Andrew and Rachel Jackson

No biological children together, informally "adopted" four. [25] Andrew and Rachel also served as guardians to at least eight other children, and there were a total of 37 individuals who could be considered wards of Andrew Jackson. According to researcher Rachel Meredith, "Andrew Jr. was the only ward that he and Rachel considered to be a child of theirs." [26] Andrew Jackson Jr. is the only person listed as a descendant of Andrew and Rachel in family trees included in volume one of The Papers of Andrew Jackson and in Robert V. Remini's biographies. [27] [28]
Andrew Jackson, Jr., adopted son of Andrew Jackson (color).jpg Andrew Jackson Jr. December 4, 1808 April 17, 1865 Sarah Yorke Biological child of Rachel's brother Severn Donelson; adopted in infancy; father of five:
  • Rachel Jackson Lawrence (1832–1923)
  • Andrew Jackson III (1834–1906)
  • Samuel Jackson (1837–1863)
  • Thomas Jefferson Jackson (1841–1841)
  • Robert Armstrong Jackson (1843–1843)
Theodore c.1813 before March 1814 Muscogee, possibly taken prisoner at Littafuchee, sent to live at the Hermitage as a companion for Andrew Jackson Jr.
Charley fl.February–April 1814Indigenous or mixed-race orphan, tribal affiliation unknown; Charley was given to Jackson, perhaps as a tribute, and he was sent to live at the Hermitage as a companion to Andrew Jackson Donelson
Lyncoya Jackson with his dead mother.png Lyncoya Jackson c.1811 July 1, 1828No spouse, no children Muscogee survivor of the Battle of Tallushatchee; died of tuberculosis at the age of sixteen
John Samuel Donelsonbefore 1805–1817No spouse, no childrenOrphaned nephews of Rachel, sons of Samuel Donelson who died in 1804
Andrew J. Donelson portrait.jpg Andrew Jackson Donelson August 25, 1799 – June 26, 1871 Emily Tennessee Donelson
Elizabeth Martin Randolph
Portrait of Daniel Smith Donelson by George Dury (cropped).jpg Daniel Smith Donelson June 23, 1801 – April 17, 1863Margaret Donelson
John Hutchings Jr. (1851-1841) from Hermitage (Tennessee) collection.jpg Andrew Jackson Hutchings 1812–1841Mary CoffeeOrphaned grandnephew of Rachel
Caroline Swanwick Butler1789–1864Robert G. BellOrphaned children of family friend Edward Butler [29]
Eliza Eleanor ButlerApril 20, 1791 – November 4, 1850John Donelson IV (1787–1840) [c]
Col. Edward George Washington Butler.jpg Edward George Washington Butler February 22, 1800 – September 5, 1888Frances Parke Lewis [d]
Anthony Wayne Butler1803 September 1824Unmarried, no issue

Martin and Hannah Van Buren

Abraham Van Buren.jpg Abraham Van Buren II November 1807 – March 15, 1873 Angelica Singleton 4 children
John Van Buren.jpg John Van Buren February 18, 1810 – October 13, 1866Elizabeth VanderpoelFather of:
  • Anna Van Buren (1842–1923)
Martin Van Buren Jr.
Nickname: Matt
December 20, 1812 – March 19, 1855No spouse and no childrendied of tuberculosis
Winfield Scott Van Buren1814died in infancy
Smith Thompson Van BurenJanuary 16, 1817 – December 10, 1876Ellen King James
Henrietta Eckford Irving
7 children between 2 wives
unnamed daughter [32] 1818 or about 1807no spousestillborn

William Henry and Anna Harrison

Elizabeth Bassett Harrison
Nickname: Betsy
September 29, 1796 – September 27, 1846John Cleves Short1 child
John Cleves Symmes HarrisonOctober 28, 1798 – October 30, 1830Clarissa Pike [e] 6 children
Lucy Singleton HarrisonSeptember 1800 – April 7, 1826 [33] David K. Este [34] 4 children
William Henry Harrison Jr.September 3, 1802 – February 6, 1838 [33] Jane Findlay Irwin 3 children
JSHarrison.jpg John Scott Harrison October 4, 1804 – May 25, 1878Lucretia Knapp Johnson3 children
Elizabeth Ramsey IrwinMother of 10, including 23rd president (1889–1893) Benjamin Harrison (1833–1901)
Benjamin Harrison1806 – June 9, 1840 [33] Louisa Smith Bonner2 children
Mary Raney3 children
Mary Symmes HarrisonJanuary 22, 1809 – November 16, 1842 [35] John Henry Fitzhugh Thornton6 children [36]
Carter Bassett HarrisonOctober 26, 1811 – August 12, 1839Mary Anne Sutherland1 child
Anna Tuthill HarrisonOctober 28, 1813 – July 5, 1845 [35] William Henry Harrison Taylor [f] 7 children
James Findlay Harrison1814–1817 [35] no spousedied of unknown causes

William Henry Harrison and Dilsia (enslaved concubine)

Paternity unconfirmed as of 2024.
Blank.png Dilsia Harrison1809–before 1900unknownDaughter conceived by one of his slaves. [37]
Four others, given names unknown (Harrison)
Marie Harrison 1840–1875no spouseHad 4 children with Augustus C. Ware (1830–1872). Grandmother of Walter Francis White, head of the NAACP.

John and Letitia Tyler

Mary TylerApril 15, 1815 – June 17, 1847Henry Lightfoot Jones2 children
RobertTyler.jpg Robert Tyler September 9, 1816 – December 3, 1877 Elizabeth Priscilla Cooper 8 children
Photo of John Tyler Jr.jpg John Tyler Jr. April 27, 1819 – January 26, 1896Martha Rochelle3 children
Letitia Tyler Semple, daughter of President John Tyler LCCN2014648346.jpg Letitia Christian Tyler
Nickname: Letty
May 11, 1821 – December 28, 1907James Allen Sempleno children
Elizabeth Tyler
Nickname: Lizzie
July 11, 1823 – June 1, 1850William Nevison Waller5 children
Anne Contesse Tyler [38] April 5 – July 1825no spousedied in infancy
Alice TylerMarch 23, 1827 – June 8, 1854Henry Mandeville Denison1 daughter [39]
Tazewell TylerDecember 6, 1830 – January 8, 1874Nannie Bridges1 daughter

John Tyler and multiple unidentified enslaved concubines

Paternity unconfirmed as of 2024. Abolitionist Joshua Leavitt reported the information about John Tyler and Charles Tyler. The claim that Tyler had fathered multiple children with slaves was largely ignored by 19th-century historians. In addition to the Dunjees, the Brown family of Charles City County claims descent from Tyler by an enslaved concubine. Biographer Edward P. Crapol states that Tyler's white descendants are skeptical of claims by the Browns. However, per Crapol, in light of the resolution of the Hemings–Jefferson controversy in favor of Hemings descendants, "claims that John Tyler fathered children by his slaves must be taken seriously and examined thoroughly." [40]
Charles Tylerb. c.1810–1820? (est.)Per Leavitt, escaped to Canada through Poughkeepsie, eventually moved to England as a servant of Governor-General John Lambton, 1st Earl of Durham [40]
John Tylerb. c.1815–1830? (est.)Per Leavitt by way of a Baptist minister, John Tyler the younger had been sold out of Williamsburg to a new owner in Richmond; he claimed that he was one of several children Tyler fathered with his mother but "I reckon they are all sold before now." [40]
Dunjee2.jpg John William Dunjee 1833–1903Lydia Ann TaylorAllegedly the son of John Tyler [41]
Father of:

John and Julia Tyler

DavidGardinerTyler.jpg David Gardiner Tyler
Nickname: Gardie
July 12, 1846 – September 5, 1927Mary Morris Jones5 children
John Alexander Tyler
Nickname: Alex
April 7, 1848 – September 1, 1883Sarah Griswold Gardiner2 children
Julia Gardiner TylerDecember 25, 1849 – May 8, 1871William H. SpencerJulia Tyler Spencer Cheever (1871–1955, born via coffin birth)
Lachlan TylerDecember 2, 1851 – January 26, 1902Georgia Webb Powellno children
Lyon Tyler.jpg Lyon Gardiner Tyler August 24, 1853 – February 12, 1935Anne Baker TuckerFather of:
  • Julia Gardiner Tyler (1881–1965)
  • Elizabeth Gilmour Tyler (1885–1976)
  • John Tyler (1889–1969)
Sue RuffinFather of:

Harrison is still alive as of December 3, 2020, [42] making John Tyler the earliest president with still-living grandchildren.

Robert Fitzwalter TylerMarch 12, 1856 – December 30, 1927Fannie Glennat least 3 children
Margaret Pearl TylerJune 20, 1860 – June 30, 1947William Munford Ellis8 children

James and Sarah Polk

The Polks remain the only presidential couple to never have children (biologically, adopted, or from previous marriage).
MarshalPolk (2).jpg Marshall Tate Polk Jr.May 15, 1831 – February 29, 1884Evalina McNeal BillsGuardianship/Legal ward, nephew, son of brother Marshall Tate Polk
SarahFall.png Sarah Polk Fall April 1, 1847 – July 22, 1924George William FallLegal ward, shortly after the death of the president his widow unofficially adopted a great niece

Zachary and Margaret Taylor

Ann Mackall TaylorApril 9, 1811 – December 2, 1875Dr. Robert Crooke Wood Mother of 4, including John Taylor Wood (1830–1904)
Sarah Knox Taylor.jpg Sarah Knox Taylor
Nickname: Knoxie
March 6, 1814 – September 15, 1835 [43] Jefferson F. Davis died from malaria as a newlywed
Octavia Pannel Taylor [44] [g] August 16, 1816 – September 3, 1820 [43] no spousedied from malaria [h]
Margaret Smith TaylorJuly 17, 1819 – October 1820died from malaria [i]
Mary Elizabeth Bliss Taylor.jpg Mary Elizabeth Taylor
Nickname: Betty
April 20, 1824 – July 25, 1909 William Wallace Smith Bliss Betty Bliss served as President Taylor's White House hostess, as the First Lady was an invalid.
Philip Pendleton Dandridge
Richard Taylor.jpg Richard Taylor
Nickname: Dick
January 27, 1826 – April 17, 1879 [43] Louise Marie Myrthe BringierFather of Richard, Zachary, Louise, Elizabeth, and Myrthe.

Millard and Abigail Fillmore

Millard Powers Fillmore (Son of President Millard Fillmore).jpg Millard Powers Fillmore
Nickname: Powers
April 25, 1828 – November 15, 1889No spouse and no childrenLast living descendant of President Fillmore. [47]
Mary Abigail Powers (Daughter of President Millard Fillmore).jpg Mary Abigail Fillmore
Nickname: Abby
March 27, 1832 – July 26, 1854Served as Unofficial Acting First Lady during her mother's illness. Died of cholera.
Fillmore's second wife was Caroline Fillmore but they had no children.

Franklin and Jane Pierce

Franklin Pierce Jr.February 2–5, 1836no spousedied from complications to his birth
Frank Robert PierceAugust 27, 1839 – November 14, 1843died of typhus fever after contracting it along with his brother
First ladies-pierce.jpg Benjamin Pierce
Nickname: Benny
April 13, 1841 – January 6, 1853died in a train accident in front of his parents, weeks before his father was inaugurated

James Buchanan

Buchanan never married or had children; he served as legal guardian of two nieces.
Mary Elizabeth Speer Lane1826–1855George Washington BakerAdopted daughter;
niece (daughter of sister Jane Buchanan and Elliot Tole Lane)
Harriet Lane-cropped.jpg Harriet Rebecca Lane May 9, 1830 – July 3, 1903Henry Elliott JohnstonAdopted daughter;
niece (daughter of sister Jane Buchanan and Elliot Tole Lane);
served as Acting First Lady

Mother of:

  • James Buchanan Johnston (1866–1881)
  • Henry Elliott Johnston (1870–1882)

Abraham and Mary Lincoln

Robert Todd Lincoln, Brady-Handy bw photo portrait, ca1870-1880-Edit1.jpg Robert Todd Lincoln August 1, 1843 – July 26, 1926 Mary Eunice Harlan Served as Secretary of War under the administrations of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur.

Father of:

Eddielincoln (cropped).jpg Edward Baker Lincoln
Nickname: Eddie
March 10, 1846 – February 1, 1850no spousedied of "chronic consumption"
Willie Lincoln.jpg William Wallace Lincoln
Nickname: Willie
December 21, 1850 – February 20, 1862died from typhoid fever
Tad Lincoln in uniform.jpg Thomas Lincoln III
Nickname: Tad
April 4, 1853 – July 15, 1871The cause of Tad Lincoln's death has been reported as possibly any one of the following:

Andrew and Eliza Johnson

Martha Johnson Patterson.jpg Martha Johnson October 25, 1828 July 10, 1901 David Trotter Patterson Martha Johnson Patterson § Descendants:
  • Andrew Johnson Patterson (1857–1932)
  • Mary Belle Patterson Landstreet (1859–1891) [52]
Charles Johnson 1830 to 1863 Q75766067 01.jpg Charles Johnson February 19, 1830 April 4, 1863No spouse and no children
Mary Johnson Stover Brown May 8, 1832 - April 19, 1883.jpg Mary Johnson May 8, 1832 – April 19, 1883 Daniel Stover Mary Johnson Stover § Descendants
  • Eliza Johnson "Lillie" Stover Maloney (1855–1892)
  • Sarah Drake Stover Bachman (1857–1886)
  • Andrew Johnson Stover (1860–1923)
William R. Brown
Robert Johnson February 22, 1834 - April 22, 1869 01.jpg Robert Johnson February 22, 1834 April 22, 1869No spouse and no children
Andrew Johnson Jr. Frank Johnson August 5, 1852 - March 12, 1879.jpg Andrew Johnson Jr.
Nickname: Frank
August 5, 1852 March 12, 1879Bessie May RumboughNo children

Andrew and Dolly Johnson (enslaved concubine)

Andrew Johnson was most likely the father of Liz, Florence, and William Andrew by Dolly Johnson; paternity not confirmed as of 2024.
Blank.png Elizabeth Johnson Forby March 1846 October 3, 1905George ForbyMother of nine children (Elizabeth Johnson Forby § Descendants)
Florence Johnson and Andrew Johnson Stover 1860s.jpg Florence Johnson Smith May 1850 September 5, 1920Henry SmithMother of four children (Florence Johnson Smith § Descendants)
Unknown (Johnson)Per USNPS, there may have been a third-born child who died young. [53]
William Andrew Johnson - Knoxville, Tennessee, United States - 1936-11-14.jpg William Andrew Johnson February 8, 1858 May 16, 1943No spouse and no childrenAndrew Johnson's son Robert Johnson is listed as father on William Andrew Johnson's death certificate. [j] [56] [57]

Ulysses and Julia Grant

Frederick Dent Grant.jpg Frederick Dent Grant May 30, 1850 – April 12, 1912 Ida Marie Honoré Father of:
Ulysses S Grant Jr (cropped).jpg Ulysses S. Grant Jr.
Nickname: Buck
July 22, 1852 – September 25, 1929Frances Josephine "Fannie" ChaffeeFather of 5:
  • Miriam Grant (1881-1940)
  • Chaffee Grant (1883-1940)
  • Julia Dent Grant (1885-1964)
  • Fannie Grant (1889-1924)
  • Ulysses Simpson Grant IV (1893–1977)
America Rosa Workman WillNo children
Mrs. Algernon Sartoris (Nellie Grant) LCCN2017893285 (cropped).jpg Ellen Wrenshall Grant
Nickname: Nellie
July 4, 1855 – August 30, 1922Algernon Charles Frederick SartorisMother of:
  • Grant Grenville Edward Sartoris (1875–1876)
  • Algernon Edward Sartoris (1877–1928)
  • Vivien May Sartoris (1879–1933)
  • Rosemary Alice Sartoris (1880–1914)
Frank Hatch JonesNo children
Jesse Root Grant (cropped).jpg Jesse Root Grant II February 6, 1858 – June 8, 1934Elizabeth Mary ChapmanFather of:
Lillian Burns WilkinsNo children

Rutherford and Lucy Hayes

BirchardHayes.jpg Birchard Austin HayesNovember 4, 1853 – January 24, 1926Mary Nancy ShermanFather of:
  • Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1887-1888)
  • Sherman Otis Hayes (1889-1949)
  • Webb Cook Hayes II (1890-1957)
  • Walter Sherman Hayes (1893-1976)
  • Scott Russell Hayes (1894-1968)
Webb Hayes2.jpg James Webb Cook Hayes
Nickname: Webb
March 20, 1856 – July 26, 1934Mary Otis Brinkerhoff MillerNo children
Rutherford Platt Hayes.jpg Rutherford Platt Hayes June 24, 1858 – July 31, 1927Lucy Hayes PlattFather of;
  • Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1896-1902)
  • William Platt Hayes (1897-1976)
  • Birchard Platt Hayes (1902-1958)
Joseph Thompson Hayes
Nickname: Jody
December 21, 1861 – June 24, 1863no spousedied of dysentery
George Crook HayesSeptember 29, 1864 – May 4, 1866died of scarlet fever
Frances Hayes
Nickname: Fanny
September 2, 1867 – March 18, 1950Harry Eaton Smith1 child;
  • Dalton Smith Hayes (1898-1950)
Scott Russell Hayes.jpg Scott Russell HayesFebruary 8, 1871 – May 6, 1923Maude AndersonNo children
Manning Force HayesAugust 1, 1873 – August 28, 1874 [58] no spousedied in infancy, as a result of dysentery [59]

James and Lucretia Garfield

Eliza Arabella Garfield
Nickname: Trot
July 3, 1860 – December 3, 1863no spousedied of diphtheria [60]
Harry Augustus Garfield.png Harry Augustus Garfield
Nickname: Hal
October 11, 1863 – December 12, 1942Belle Hartford MasonFather of 4 children:
  • James Garfield (1889-1976)
  • Mason Garfield (1892-1945)
  • Lucretia Garfield (1894-1968)
  • Stanton Garfield (1895-1979)
JRGarfield.jpg James Rudolph Garfield October 17, 1865 – March 24, 1950 Helen Newell He was Secretary of the Interior during Theodore Roosevelt's administration.
Father of:
  • John Newell Garfield (1892–1931)
  • James Abram Garfield (1894-1969)
  • Newell Garfield (1895–1975)
  • Rudolph Hills Garfield (1899–1946)
Mollie Garfield LCCN2014645165 (cropped).jpg Mary Garfield
Nickname: Mollie
January 16, 1867 – December 30, 1947 Joseph Stanley-Brown Mother of: [61]
  • Rudolph Stanley-Brown (1889–1944)
  • Ruth Stanley-Brown (1892–1981)
  • Margaret "Peggy" Stanley-Brown (1895–1958)
Irvin McDowell Garfield.jpg Irvin McDowell GarfieldAugust 3, 1870 – July 18, 1951Susan EmmonsFather of 3:
  • Eleanor Garfield (1908-2002)
  • Jane Garfield (1910-2004)
  • Irvin McDowell Garfield Jr. (1913-1985)
Garfield, Abram 1919 - DPLA - 269a32aa1f8b90e462e687b27bf25dcc.jpg Abram Garfield November 21, 1872 – October 16, 1958Sarah Granger WilliamsFather of:
  • Edward Williams Garfield (1899-1979)
  • Mary Louise Garfield (1903-1991)
Helen Grannis MatthewsNo children
Edward GarfieldDecember 25, 1874 – October 25, 1876no spousedied of whooping cough

Chester and Ellen Arthur

William Lewis ArthurDecember 10, 1860 – July 7, 1863no spousedied of convulsions
Chester Alan Arthur, Jr.jpg Chester Alan Arthur II
Nickname: Alan
July 25, 1864 – July 18, 1937Myra TownsendFather of:
Rowena Graves
Nellie Herndon Arthur (Mrs. Charles Pinkerton).jpg Ellen Hansbrough Herndon Arthur
Nickname: Nell
November 21, 1871 – September 6, 1915Charles PinkertonNo children

Grover Cleveland and Maria Halpin

Dr. James E. King The Buffalo News, March 10, 1947, Page 5.jpg Dr. James E. King Jr.
Birth name: Oscar Folsom Cleveland
September 15, 1874 March 9, 1947Rose A. Kleinschmidt Weber (divorced); no childrenIllegitimate son of Cleveland with Maria Halpin; adopted as a baby by the doctor who supervised the asylum where Halpin was confined during pregnancy.

Grover and Frances Cleveland

Baby Ruth Cleveland-restored.jpg Ruth Cleveland
Nickname: Baby Ruth
October 3, 1891 – January 7, 1904no spousedied of diphtheria
Esther Cleveland (LOC).jpg Esther Cleveland September 9, 1893 – June 25, 1980William Sydney Bence BosanquetFirst presidential child to be born in the White House.
Mother of:
  • Marion Frances Daniel, née Bosanquet (1919–2016)
  • Philippa Foot, née Bosanquet (1920–2010)
Marion Cleveland 1914 (cropped).jpg Marion ClevelandJuly 7, 1895 – March 10, 1977William Stanley DellMother of Frances Folsom Dell (1920–2005) [62]
John Harlan Amen Mother of Grover Cleveland Amen (1932–1997)
Richard F. Cleveland.jpg Richard Folsom Cleveland
Nickname: Dick
October 28, 1897 – January 10, 1974Ellen Douglas GailorFather of:
  • Ann Mary Cleveland (1925–2015)
  • Thomas Grover Cleveland (1927–2020)
  • Charlotte Gailor Cleveland (1930–2007)
Jessie Maxwell BlackFather of:
  • Frances Black Cleveland (born 1946)
  • George Maxwell Cleveland (born 1952)
  • Margaret Folsom Cleveland (1956–2021)
Francis Cleveland July 18, 1903 – November 8, 1995Alice ErdmanFather of Marion C. Cleveland (1925–2014)

Benjamin and Caroline Harrison

Russell Harrison (cropped).jpg Russell Benjamin Harrison August 12, 1854 – December 13, 1936May Angeline SaundersBorn Russell Farnum Lord Harrison

Father of:

Mary Harrison McKee by George Gardner Rockwood - Original.jpg Mary Scott Harrison
Nickname: Mamie
April 3, 1858 – October 28, 1930James Robert McKeeServed as acting First Lady

Mother of:

  • Benjamin Harrison McKee (1887–1958)
  • Mary Lodge McKee Reisinger (1888–1967)
unnamed daughterJune 13, 1861no spousestillborn

Benjamin and Mary Harrison

Miss Elizabeth Harrison, daughter of Benjamin Harrison.jpg Elizabeth Harrison Walker February 21, 1897 – December 25, 1955James Blaine WalkerMother of:
  • Benjamin Harrison Walker (1921 - 1995)
  • Jane Harrison Walker Garfield (1929 - 2020)

William and Ida McKinley

Katherine McKinley.jpg Katherine McKinley
Nickname: Katie
December 25, 1871 – June 25, 1875No spousedied of typhoid fever
Ida McKinleyApril 1 – August 22, 1873No spousedied in infancy

20th century

Theodore and Alice Roosevelt

LONGWORTH, NICHOLAS, MRS. LCCN2016857348.jpg Alice Lee Roosevelt
Nickname: Lee
February 12, 1884 – February 20, 1980 Nicholas Longworth Mother of Paulina Longworth (1925–1957), [63] with William Borah

Theodore and Edith Roosevelt

Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt.jpg Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
Nickname: Ted
September 13, 1887 – July 12, 1944 Eleanor Butler Alexander Governor General of the Philippines and Governor of Puerto Rico.
Father of:
Kermit Roosevelt 1926.jpg Kermit Roosevelt October 10, 1889 – June 4, 1943Belle Wyatt Willard [63] Father of:
Ethel Roosevelt cph.3c34884.jpg Ethel Carow Roosevelt August 13, 1891 – December 10, 1977Richard DerbyMother of:
Archibald Roosevelt WW-II LtCol.jpg Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt
Nickname: Archie
April 10, 1894 – October 13, 1979Grace LockwoodFather of:
Lt. Quentin Roosevelt, 95th Aero Squadron.jpg Quentin Roosevelt
Nickname: Quentyquee or Quinikins
November 19, 1897 – July 14, 1918No spouse and no childrendied in combat in World War I

William and Helen Taft

RobertATaft83rdCongress.png Robert Alphonso Taft September 8, 1889 – July 31, 1953Martha Wheaton BowersUS senator (1939–1953) and Majority Leader (1953)
Father of:
Helen Taft Manning (cropped).jpg Helen Herron Taft
Nickname: Helene
August 1, 1891 – February 21, 1987Frederick Johnson ManningMother of:
  • Helen Taft Manning (1921–2013)
  • Caroline Manning (1925–2020)
Chas. P. Taft., son of Wm. Howard, (10-24-25) LCCN2016841215 (cropped).jpg Charles Phelps Taft II
Nickname: Charlie
September 20, 1897 – June 24, 1983Eleanor Kellogg ChaseMayor of Cincinnati, Ohio
Father of:
  • Eleanor Kellogg Taft (1918–2004)
  • Sylvia Howard Taft (1920–2008)
  • Seth Chase Taft (1922–2013)
  • Lucia Chase Taft (1924–1955)
  • Cynthia Herron Taft (1928–2013)
  • Rosalyn Rawson Taft (1930–1941)
  • Peter Rawson Taft III (b. 1936)

Woodrow and Ellen Wilson

Margaret Woodrow Wilson 1912.jpg Margaret Woodrow Wilson
Nickname: Nistha
April 16, 1886 – February 12, 1944no spouseServed as acting First Lady for a brief period
Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre 1913.jpg Jessie Woodrow Wilson August 28, 1887 – January 15, 1933 Francis Bowes Sayre Sr. Mother of:
Eleanor Randolph Wilson by Harris & Ewing, cropped (LOC hec.17173).jpg Eleanor Randolph Wilson October 16, 1889 – April 5, 1967 William Gibbs McAdoo Mother of:
  • Ellen Wilson McAdoo (1915–1946)
  • Mary Faith McAdoo (1920–1988)
Wilson's second wife Edith Wilson, with her first husband Norman Galt, had one son, who died in infancy before her marriage to Wilson.

Warren G. and Florence Harding

Blank.png Marshall Eugene DeWolfe
Nickname: Pete
September 22, 1880 – January 1, 1915Esther Naomi NeelyStepson from Florence's first marriage, to Henry Athenton DeWolfe.
Father of:
  • Eugenia DeWolfe (1911–1978)
  • George Warren DeWolfe (1914–1968)

Warren G. Harding and Nan Britton

Blank.png Elizabeth Ann Britton
Nickname: Emma or Ann
October 22, 1919 – November 17, 2005Henry Edward BlaesingIllegitimate daughter of Warren G. Harding, proven by DNA testing in 2015. [64] Mother of:
  • Thomas Jay Blaesing (born 1947)
  • James Edward Blaesing (born 1950)
  • Philip Alan Blaesing (born 1954)

Calvin and Grace Coolidge

COOLIDGE, JOHN. MAJOR LCCN2016860933 (cropped).jpg John Coolidge September 7, 1906 – May 31, 2000Florence TrumbullFather of:
  • Cynthia Coolidge Jeter (1933–1989)
  • Lydia Coolidge Sayles (1939–2001)
Calvin Coolidge Jr. (cropped).tif Calvin Coolidge Jr. April 13, 1908 – July 7, 1924no spousedied of blood poisoning

Herbert and Lou Hoover

Herbert Hoover Jr.jpg Herbert Charles Hoover August 4, 1903 – July 9, 1969Margaret Ava WatsonServed as Under Secretary of State (October 4, 1954 – February 5, 1957) in the Eisenhower Administration.

Variously named as "Herbert Hoover, Jr.," [65] "Herbert Charles Hoover," [66] and "Herbert Clark Hoover." [67]

Father of:

  • Margaret Ann Hoover (1926–2011)
  • Herbert "Pete" Hoover III (1927–2010)
  • Joan Leslie Hoover (1930–2002)
Allan Hoover November 1930.jpg Allan Henry Hoover July 17, 1907 – November 4, 1993Margaret CoberlyFather of:
  • Allan Henry Hoover Jr. (1938–2013)
  • Andrew Hoover (b. 1940)
  • Lou Henry Hoover (1943–2012)

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

Anna Roosevelt LCCN2016889869 (cropped).jpg Anna Eleanor Roosevelt May 3, 1906 – December 1, 1975 Curtis Bean Dall Mother of:
Clarence John Boettiger Mother of John Roosevelt Boettiger (b. 1939) [63]
James Addison HalstedNo children with James Halsted
James Roosevelt-Harris & Ewing.jpg James Roosevelt
Nickname: Jimmy
December 23, 1907 – August 13, 1991 Betsey Maria Cushing [63] Father of:
Romelle Theresa SchneiderFather of:
  • James Roosevelt Jr. (born 1945)
  • Michael Anthony Roosevelt (born 1946)
  • Anna Eleanor "Anne" Roosevelt (born 1948) [63]
Gladys Irene OwensFather of Hall Delano Roosevelt (born 1959)
Mary Lena WinskillFather of Rebecca Mary Roosevelt (born 1971)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. (I)March 18, 1909 – November 8, 1909no spousedied as an infant
Lt Col Elliott Roosevelt (cropped).jpg Elliott Roosevelt September 23, 1910 – October 27, 1990Elizabeth Browning DonnerFather of William Donner Roosevelt (1932–2003) [63]
Ruth Josephine GooginsFather of:
  • Ruth "Lindsley" Chandler Roosevelt (1934–2018) [63]
  • Elliott "Tony" Roosevelt Jr. (b. 1936) [63]
  • David Boynton Roosevelt (1942–2022) [68]
Faye Margaret Emerson No children with Faye Emerson
Minnewa BellNo children with Minnewa Bell
Patricia Peabody WhiteheadFather of Livingston Delano Roosevelt (born March 16, 1962; died March 21, 1962). Adopted four stepchildren from Patricia Peabody Roosevelt's first marriage.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. (US Congressman from New York).jpg Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. (II)August 17, 1914 – August 17, 1988 Ethel du Pont Father of:
Suzanne PerrinFather of:
  • Nancy Suzanne Roosevelt (b. 1952) [63]
  • Laura Delano Roosevelt (b. 1959) [63]
Felicia Schiff WarburgNo children with Felicia Warburg Roosevelt
Patricia Luisa OakesFather of John Alexander Roosevelt (b. 1977) [63]
Linda McKay StevensonNo children with Linda Stevenson Roosevelt
John Roosevelt LCCN2016872989 (cropped).jpg John Aspinwall Roosevelt II March 13, 1916 – April 27, 1981Anne Lindsay ClarkFather of:
  • Haven Clark Roosevelt (b. 1940) [63]
  • Anne Sturgis "Nina" Roosevelt (b. 1942) [63]
  • Sara Delano "Sally" Roosevelt (1946–1960) [63]
  • Joan Lindsay Roosevelt (1952–1997) [63]
Irene Elder BoydNo children with Irene Boyd Roosevelt

Harry and Bess Truman

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotePlace of birth
Margaret Truman 1951.jpg Mary Margaret Truman February 17, 1924 – January 29, 2008 Elbert Clifton Daniel Jr. Mother of:
  • Clifton Truman Daniel (b. 1957)
  • William Wallace Daniel (1959–2000)
  • Harrison Gates Daniel (b. 1963)
  • Thomas Washington Daniel (b. 1966)
Independence, Missouri

Dwight and Mamie Eisenhower

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Doudeisenhower.jpg Doud Dwight Eisenhower
Nickname: Icky
September 24, 1917 – January 2, 1921no spousedied of scarlet fever San Antonio, Texas
John Eisenhower on USS Eisenhower.jpeg John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower August 3, 1922 – December 21, 2013Barbara Jean Thompson United States Ambassador to Belgium (1969–1971)

Father of:

Denver, Colorado
Joanne ThompsonNo children

John and Jacqueline Kennedy

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Pierre tombale de Arabella Bouvier Kennedy 01.jpg Arabella KennedyAugust 23, 1956no spousestillborn daughter
Caroline Kennedy US State Dept photo.jpg Caroline Bouvier Kennedy born November 27, 1957 Edwin Arthur Schlossberg United States Ambassador to Japan (2013–2017) and United States Ambassador to Australia (2022–2024)

Mother of:

Manhattan, New York
John Kennedy Jr 1999.jpg John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr.
Nickname: John-John
November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999 Carolyn Jeanne Bessette No children
Killed in a plane crash
Washington, D.C.
Gravestone for Patrick Bouvier Kennedy in Arlington National Cemetery.jpg Patrick Bouvier Kennedy August 7–9, 1963no spouseDied after a premature birthOtis Air Force Base, Massachusetts

Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Lynda Bird Johnson Robb.jpg Lynda Bird Johnson [69] born March 19, 1944 Charles Spittal Robb [69] Currently the oldest living presidential child

Mother of:

  • Lucinda Desha Robb (b. 1968) [69]
  • Catherine Lewis Robb (b. 1970) [69]
  • Jennifer Wickliffe Robb (b. 1978) [69]
Washington, D.C.
Luci-baines-johnson.jpg Lucy Baines Johnson [69]
Nickname: Luci
born July 2, 1947Patrick John NugentMother of:
  • Patrick Lyndon Nugent (b. 1967)
  • Nicole Marie Nugent (b. 1970)
  • Rebekah Johnson Nugent (b. 1974)
  • Claudia Taylor Nugent (b. 1976)
Ian Johnstone TurpinOne stepson: Stuart Leonard Turpin (b. 1978)

Richard and Pat Nixon

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Nixon Contact Sheet WHPO-D1055 (cropped1).jpg Patricia Nixon
Nickname: Tricia
born February 21, 1946 Edward Ridley Finch Cox Mother of Christopher Nixon Cox (b. 1979)Whittier, California
Julie Nixon Eisenhower (cropped).jpg Julie Nixon born July 5, 1948 Dwight David Eisenhower II
son of John Eisenhower and grandson of President Dwight Eisenhower
Mother of: Washington, D.C.

Gerald and Betty Ford

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Michael Gerald Ford at a ceremony where a model of the USS Gerald R Ford (CVN-78) was unveiled at the Pentagon - 20070116.jpg Michael Gerald Ford born March 14, 1950Gayle Ann BrumbaughFather of:
  • Sarah Joyce Ford (b. 1979)
  • Rebekah Elizabeth Ford (b. 1982)
  • Hannah Gayle Ford (b. 1985)
East Grand Rapids, Michigan
John "Jack" Gardner Ford at a ceremony where a model of the USS Gerald R Ford (CVN-78) was unveiled at the Pentagon - 20070116.jpg John Gardner Ford
Nickname: Jack
born March 16, 1952Juliann FelandoFather of:
  • Christian Gerald Ford (b. 1997)
  • Jonathan August Ford (b. 1999)
Steven Meigs Ford at a ceremony where a model of the USS Gerald R Ford (CVN-78) was unveiled at the Pentagon - 20070116.jpg Steven Meigs Ford born May 19, 1956No spouseNo children
Susan Ford Bales LBJ Library (cropped).jpg Susan Elizabeth Ford born July 6, 1957Charles VanceMother of:
  • Tyne Mary Vance (b. 1980)
  • Heather Elizabeth Vance (b. 1983)
Washington, D.C.
Vaden BalesNo children with Vaden Bales

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
John William Carter
Nickname: Jack
born July 3, 1947Juliet “Judy” LangfordFather of: Portsmouth, Virginia
Elizabeth BrasfieldTwo stepchildren: John Chuldenko and Sarah Chuldenko Reynolds
Chip Carter - NARA - 174023.jpg James Earl Carter III
Nickname: Chip, Jim III, and Jimmy Jr.
born April 12, 1950Caron GriffinFather of:
  • James Earl Carter IV (b. 1977) [70]
Honolulu, Hawaii
Ginger HodgesFather of:
  • Margaret Alicia Carter (b. 1987) [70]
Becky PayneOne stepson: Casey Payne Gallagher (born 1985)
Donnel Jeffrey Carter
Nickname: Jeff
born August 18, 1952Annette Jene Davis (1952–2021)Father of:
  • Joshua Jeffrey Carter (b. 1984) [70]
  • Jeremy Davis Carter (1987–2015)
  • James Carlton Carter (b. 1991) [70]
New London, Connecticut
AMB Kwan hosts Amy Carter (cropped).jpg Amy Lynn Carter born October 19, 1967James Gregory WentzelMother of Hugo James Wentzel (b. 1999) [70] Plains, Georgia
John Joseph "Jay" KellyMother of Errol Carter Kelly

Ronald Reagan and Jane Wyman

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Maureen Reagan 1995.jpg Maureen Elizabeth Reagan January 4, 1941 – August 8, 2001John FilipponeNo children Los Angeles, California
David Sills No children
Dennis C. RevellMother of Margaret "Rita" Mirembe Revell (adopted)
Michael Reagan by Gage Skidmore.jpg Michael Edward Reagan (adopted)

Nickname: Mike

born March 18, 1945Pamela Gail PutnamNo children
Colleen SternsFather of:
  • Cameron Michael Reagan (b. 1978)
  • Ashley Marie Reagan (b. 1983)
Christine ReaganJune 26, 1947 – June 27, 1947no spouseDied shortly after birth

Ronald and Nancy Reagan

ChildLifetimeSpousePlace of birth
Patti Davis 1983.jpg Patricia Ann Davis
Nickname: Patti
born October 21, 1952 Paul Grilley

No children

Los Angeles, California
Ron Reagan (cropped).jpg Ronald Prescott Reagan
Nickname: Ron
born May 20, 1958Doria Palmieri

No children

Federica Basangi

No children

George H. W. and Barbara Bush

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
George-W-Bush.jpeg George Walker Bush
43rd president (2001–2009)
born July 6, 1946 Laura Lane Welch 46th governor of Texas (1995–2000) and 43rd president of the United States

see below at George W. and Laura Bush

New Haven, Connecticut
Robin Bush in June 1953.jpg Pauline Robinson Bush
Nickname: Robin
December 20, 1949 – October 11, 1953no spousedied of leukemia Compton, California
Jeb Bush (45866471945) (3).jpg John Ellis Bush
Nickname: Jeb
born February 11, 1953 Columba Garnica Gallo 43rd governor of Florida (1999–2007)

Father of:

Midland, Texas
Neil Bush (5817515972).jpg Neil Mallon Bush born January 22, 1955 Sharon Smith Father of:
Maria Manass AndrewsThree stepchildren from Maria A. Bush's first marriage:
  • Elizabeth Dwen "Lizzie" Andrews (born 1991)
  • Robert "Pace" Andrews II (born 1994)
  • Thomas Alexander "Alex" Andrews (born 2001)
Marvinbush.jpg Marvin Pierce Bush born October 22, 1956Margaret Conway MolsterFather of:
  • Marshall Lloyd Bush (b. 1986) (adopted)
  • Charles Walker Bush (b. 1989) (adopted)
Doro bush koch 2006.jpg Dorothy Walker Bush
Nickname: Doro
born August 18, 1959William LeBlondMother of:
  • Samuel Bush "Sam" LeBlond (b. 1984)
  • Nancy Ellis "Ellie" LeBlond (b. 1986)
Harris County, Texas
Robert P. Koch Mother of:
  • Robert David Koch (b. 1993)
  • Georgia Grace "Gigi" Koch (b. 1996)

Bill and Hillary Clinton

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Chelsea Clinton DNC July 2016 (cropped).jpg Chelsea Victoria Clinton born February 27, 1980 Marc Mezvinsky Mother of:
  • Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky (b. 2014)
  • Aidan Clinton Mezvinsky (b. 2016)
  • Jasper Clinton Mezvinsky (b. 2019)
Little Rock, Arkansas

21st century

George W. and Laura Bush

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Barbara Bush, Philanthropy Summit 2016 (cropped).jpg Barbara Pierce Bush born November 25, 1981Craig Louis CoyneMother of:
  • Cora Georgia Coyne (b. 2021)
  • Edward Finn Coyne (b. 2024)
Dallas, Texas
Jenna Bush Hager 2017 2.jpg Jenna Welch Bush Henry Chase HagerMother of:
  • Margaret Laura "Mila" Hager (b. 2013)
  • Poppy Louise Hager (b. 2015)
  • Henry "Hal" Harold Hager (b. 2019)

Barack and Michelle Obama

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Malia Obama (cropped).jpg Malia Ann Obamaborn July 4, 1998UnmarriedChicago, Illinois
Sasha Obama in the Rose Garden of the White House (cropped).jpg Natasha Marian Obama
Nickname: Sasha
born June 10, 2001

Donald and Ivana Trump

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
DJT Jr cropped shadowing fix.jpg Donald John Trump Jr.
Nickname: Don Jr.
born December 31, 1977 Vanessa Kay Haydon
Trustee of The Trump Organization along with Eric.

Father of:

  • Kai Madison Trump (b. 2007)
  • Donald John Trump III (b. 2009)
  • Tristan Milos Trump (b. 2011)
  • Spencer Frederick Trump (b. 2012)
  • Chloe Sophia Trump (b. 2014)
Manhattan, New York
Ivanka Trump official portrait (cropped).jpg Ivana Marie Trump
Nickname: Ivanka
born October 30, 1981 Jared Corey Kushner Senior Advisor to the President (2017–2021)

Mother of:

  • Arabella Rose Kushner (b. 2011)
  • Joseph Frederick Kushner (b. 2013)
  • Theodore James Kushner (b. 2016)
Eric Trump by Gage Skidmore.jpg Eric Frederick Trump born January 6, 1984 Lara Lea Yunaska Trustee of The Trump Organization along with Don Jr.

Father of:

  • Eric Luke Trump (b. 2017)
  • Carolina Dorothy Trump (b. 2019)

Donald Trump and Marla Maples

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Tiffany Trump RNC 2016 cropped.jpg Tiffany Ariana Trump born October 13, 1993Michael BoulosNo childrenWest Palm Beach, Florida

Donald and Melania Trump

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Barron Trump at the South Lawn.jpg Barron William Trump born March 20, 2006UnmarriedYoungest living child of any president. [71] Manhattan, New York

Joe and Neilia Hunter Biden

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
BeauBiden-DOJ2013 (cropped).jpg Joseph Robinette Biden III
Nickname: Beau
February 3, 1969 – May 30, 2015 Hallie Olivere

Attorney General of Delaware (2007–2015)

Father of:

  • Natalie Naomi Biden (b. 2004)
  • Robert Hunter Biden II (b. 2006)
Wilmington, Delaware
Hunter Biden September 30, 2014.jpg Robert Hunter Biden
Nickname: Hunter
born February 4, 1970 Kathleen Buhle

Father of:

  • Naomi King Biden (b. 1993)
  • Finnegan James Biden (b. 2000)
  • Roberta Mabel "Maisy" Biden (b. 2001)
Lunden Roberts

Father of:

  • Navy Joan Roberts (b. 2018) [72]
Melissa Cohen

Father of:

  • Joseph Robinette "Beau" Biden IV (b. 2020)
Naomi Christina Biden
Nickname: Amy
November 8, 1971 – December 18, 1972no spouseDied in a car accident with her mother

Joe and Jill Biden

ChildLifetimeSpouseNotesPlace of birth
Ashley Biden in 2016.png Ashley Blazer Biden born June 8, 1981 Howard David Krein No childrenWilmington, Delaware

Living presidential children

As of March 2025, 33 presidential children are living. In order of their ages, they are:

  Current first child

Lynda Bird Johnson Robb March 19, 1944 (age 81) Lyndon B. Johnson
Michael Reagan March 18, 1945 (age 80) Ronald Reagan
Tricia Nixon Cox February 21, 1946 (age 79) Richard Nixon
George W. Bush July 6, 1946 (age 78) George H. W. Bush
Luci Baines Johnson July 2, 1947 (age 77) Lyndon B. Johnson
Jack Carter July 3, 1947 (age 77) Jimmy Carter
Julie Nixon Eisenhower July 5, 1948 (age 76) Richard Nixon
Michael Gerald Ford March 14, 1950 (age 75) Gerald Ford
James Earl Carter IIIApril 12, 1950 (age 74) Jimmy Carter
John Gardner Ford March 16, 1952 (age 73) Gerald Ford
Jeff CarterAugust 18, 1952 (age 72) Jimmy Carter
Patti Davis October 21, 1952 (age 72) Ronald Reagan
Jeb Bush February 11, 1953 (age 72) George H. W. Bush
Neil Bush January 22, 1955 (age 70)
Steven Ford May 19, 1956 (age 68) Gerald Ford
Marvin Bush October 22, 1956 (age 68) George H. W. Bush
Susan Ford Bales July 6, 1957 (age 67) Gerald Ford
Caroline Kennedy November 27, 1957 (age 67) John F. Kennedy
Ron Reagan May 20, 1958 (age 66) Ronald Reagan
Dorothy Bush Koch August 18, 1959 (age 65) George H. W. Bush
Amy Carter October 19, 1967 (age 57) Jimmy Carter
Hunter Biden February 4, 1970 (age 55) Joe Biden
Donald Trump Jr. December 31, 1977 (age 47) Donald Trump
Chelsea Clinton February 27, 1980 (age 45) Bill Clinton
Ashley Biden June 8, 1981 (age 43) Joe Biden
Ivanka Trump October 30, 1981 (age 43) Donald Trump
Barbara Pierce Bush November 25, 1981 (age 43) George W. Bush
Jenna Bush Hager
Eric Trump January 6, 1984 (age 41) Donald Trump
Tiffany Trump October 13, 1993 (age 31)
Malia Obama July 4, 1998 (age 26) Barack Obama
Sasha Obama June 10, 2001 (age 23)
Barron TrumpMarch 20, 2006 (age 18) Donald Trump

The most recent presidential child to die was Beau Biden, the eldest son of Joe Biden, who died on May 30, 2015, at the age of 46, before his father became president. The most recent presidential child to die who lived during their father's presidency was John Eisenhower, the only surviving son of Dwight D. Eisenhower, who died on December 21, 2013, at the age of 91. He was also the father-in-law of Julie Nixon Eisenhower, another presidential child.

See also


  1. James Monroe wrote that his only son died on September 28, 1800. The date of September 28, 1801 that is said to appear on the James Spence Monroe gravestone in the St. John's Episcopal Church (Richmond, Virginia) churchyard is not contemporaneous to the child's death, the location of the actual grave remains unknown. [21]
  2. He had a mistress, Eliza Dolph, who had a child, but it is unclear who the baby's father was.
  3. John Donelson IV was a nephew of Rachel Donelson Jackson, son of John Donelson and Mary Purnell. [30]
  4. Frances Parke Lewis was the step great-granddaughter of George Washington [31]
  5. Clarissa Pike was the daughter of Zebulon Pike, who discovered Pike's Peak
  6. William Henry Harrison Taylor was Anna Tuthill Harrison's cousin
  7. Some sources spell this name as Octavia Pannill Taylor. [45]
  8. Octavia's illness was described by her father as "bilious fever." [46]
  9. Margaret's illness was described by her father as "bilious fever." [46]
  10. Though Andrew Johnson's son Robert was listed on William Andrew Johnson's death certificate as being William Andrew's father, many historians theorize that Andrew Johnson was the actual father of William Andrew Johnson. [54] [55]


  1. Sheynkin, Yefim; Melquist, Jonathan; Gioia, Kevin; Schulsinger, David (April 2011). "CHILDLESS WHITE HOUSE: INFERTILE AMERICAN PRESIDENTS". Journal of Urology. 185 (4S). doi:10.1016/j.juro.2011.02.1078. ISSN   0022-5347.
  2. Phillips, Amber (August 13, 2015). "Warren Harding and 5 other presidents who have faced 'love child' questions". The Washington Post. ISSN   0190-8286 . Retrieved March 19, 2025.
  3. "The Illegitimate Children of American Presidents". The Daily Beast. August 13, 2015. Retrieved March 19, 2025.
  4. Fling, Sarah. "The Formerly Enslaved Households of President Andrew Johnson". WHHA (en-US). Retrieved March 19, 2025.
  5. Peterson, Dawn (2017). "5. Adoption in Andrew Jackson's Empire". Indians in the Family: Adoption and the Politics of Antebellum Expansion. Harvard University Press. doi:10.4159/9780674978720. ISBN   978-0-674-97872-0.
  6. Onion, Rebecca (April 29, 2016). "Andrew Jackson's Adopted Indian Son". Slate. ISSN   1091-2339 . Retrieved March 19, 2025.
  7. Bomboy, Scot (November 21, 2016). "Presidential nepotism debate goes back to the Founders' time - Constitution Center". National Constitution Center – Retrieved March 19, 2025.
  8. Good, Cassandra A. (October 12, 2023). "Political Nepo Babies Root Back to America's Founding". TIME. Retrieved March 19, 2025.
  9. See, e.g., Angelo, First Families.
  10. See, e.g., Zwicker, "America's Royalty", Presidential Studies Quarterly.
  11. "Founders Online: To George Washington from Thomas Posey, 20 November 1791".
  12. Posey, John Thornton (December 27, 1990). "Governor Thomas Posey: The Son of George Washington?". Indiana Magazine of History. 86 (1): 28–49. JSTOR   27791352.
  13. "Thomas Jefferson's Family". Jefferson Quotes & Family Letters (Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series). Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc. Retrieved February 3, 2018.
  14. Quinn, Sandra L.; Kanter, Sanford (1995). America's Royalty: All the Presidents' Children. Greenwood Publishing. p. 19. ISBN   9780313295355.
  15. Quinn, Sandra L.; Kanter, Sanford (1995). America's Royalty: All the Presidents' Children. Greenwood Publishing. p. 21. ISBN   9780313295355.
  16. 1 2 "Lucy Jefferson (1782 – 1784)". Thomas Jefferson Foundation . Retrieved January 14, 2018.
  17. "Dolley Madison". Biography. April 23, 2021.
  18. Letter, April 10, 1788, James Monroe (Richmond, Virginia) to Thomas Jefferson (Paris)The Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.: "...I think I mention'd to you in my last Mrs. M[onroe] had made us happy by giving us a daughter who is now 16 months old an[d] begins to talk..."
  19. February 3, 1840, The Observer (London, England), page 1: "BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS...DIED... [January] 27th, at her residence in the Champs Elysees, Paris, Mrs. Elizabeth K. M. Hay, relict of the late George Hay, Esq., of Virginia, and daughter of the late James Monroe, Esq., formerly President of the United States of America."
  20. 1 2 Monroe, James. "James Spence Monroe". The Papers of James Monroe. University of Mary Washington . Retrieved February 2, 2018. An unhappy event has occurr'd which has overwhelmed us with grief. At ten last night our beloved babe departed this life after several days sickness
  21. Stuart, Leibiger, ed. (2012). A Companion to James Madison and James Monroe. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN   9781118281437.
  22. Roberts, Cokie (2008). Ladies of Liberty: The Women Who Shaped Our Nation . Harper Collins. ISBN   9780060782344.
  23. "Louisa Catherine Adams: A Father Reflects on the Death of his Infant Daughter". Massachusetts Historical Society . Retrieved February 2, 2018. ...had been unwell for weeks. She experienced extreme discomfort due to teething (in his diary, JQA stated she was cutting seven teeth at the same time), had dysentery, and was feverish.
  24. "First Lady Biography: Louisa Adams". National First Ladies' Library. Archived from the original on May 9, 2012. Retrieved February 2, 2018.
  25. "Jackson's Children". Andrew Jackson's Hermitage. Retrieved December 14, 2024.
  26. Meredith, Rachel (March 31, 2013). 'THERE WAS SOMEBODY ALWAYS DYING AND LEAVING JACKSON AS GUARDIAN': THE WARDS OF ANDREW JACKSON (Thesis). Middle Tennessee State University.
  27. Remini, Robert V. (1977). Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empire, 1767–1821 . New York: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc. pp. xxii. ISBN   0-8018-5912-3.
  28. Jackson, Andrew (January 1, 1980). "The Papers of Andrew Jackson: Volume I, 1770–1803". The Papers of Andrew Jackson: 415.
  29. "Children – Andrew Jackson's Adopted Family". The Hermitage. Retrieved February 22, 2018.
  30. "Notable Southern families v.2". HathiTrust. p. 90. Retrieved October 13, 2024.
  31. Plater, David D. (2015). The Butlers of Iberville Parish, Louisiana: Dunboyne Plantation in the 1800s. LSU Press. pp. 20–21. ISBN   9780807161296.
  32. Archived October 9, 2018, at the Wayback Machine ,
  33. 1 2 3 Wead, Doug (2004). All the Presidents' Children: Triumph and Tragedy in the Lives of America's First Families . Simon and Schuster. p.  338. ISBN   9780743446310.
  34. Quinn, Sandra L.; Kanter, Sanford (1995). America's Royalty: All the Presidents' Children. Greenwood Publishing. p. 338. ISBN   9780743446334.
  35. 1 2 3 Wead, Doug (2004). All the Presidents' Children: Triumph and Tragedy in the Lives of America's First Families . Simon and Schuster. p.  339. ISBN   9780743446310.
  36. Family Search (subscription required)
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  39. "Marriage record of daughter listing Alice as mother". FamilySearch .
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  41. Forever Free: Abraham Lincoln's Journey to Emancipation at
  42. "A nation at a crossroads gets a new beginning".
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  44. Wead, Doug (2004). All the Presidents' Children: Triumph and Tragedy in the Lives of America's First Families . Simon and Schuster. p.  342. ISBN   9780743446310.
  45. Bauer, K. Jack (1993). Zachary Taylor: Soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest. LSU Press. p. 30. ISBN   9780807118511.
  46. 1 2 Bauer (August 1993). Zachary Taylor: Soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwes. LSU Press. p. 38. ISBN   9780807118511.
  47. "Millard Powers Fillmore Dead". The New York Times. November 16, 1889.
  48. Davenport, Don (2001). In Lincoln's Footsteps: A Historical Guide to the Lincoln Sites in Illinois. Big Earth Publishing. p. 210. ISBN   9781931599054.
  49. Emerson, Jason. Giant in the Shadows: The Life of Robert T. Lincoln. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2012, P. 478.
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  56. "William A. Johnson, 16 May 1943; Death, Knox, Tennessee, United States", Tennessee Deaths, 1914–1966, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville via FamilySearch
  57. Gould, Lewis L. (February 4, 2014). American First Ladies: Their Lives and Their Legacy. Routledge. ISBN   9781135311483.
  58. "Manning Force Hayes". Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & Museums. Retrieved November 29, 2022.
  59. Wead, Doug (2004). All the Presidents' Children: Triumph and Tragedy in the Lives of America's First Families . Simon and Schuster. p.  348. ISBN   9780743446310.
  60. "Mary "Mollie" Garfield (U.S. National Park Service)".
  61. "Join Ancestry®". .
  62. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "Roosevelt Genealogy". Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. Archived from the original on May 29, 2014. Retrieved August 13, 2016.
  63. "DNA Is Said to Solve a Mystery of Warren Harding's Love Life". The New York Times. August 13, 2015.
  64. Cameron Hawley, "The Honored Name I Bear?", Life, October 11, 1954
  65. "Hoover Genealogy – Herbert Hoover National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)".
  66. "Herbert Clark Hoover (1903 – 1969)". Office of the Historian, Bureau of Public Affairs, United States Department of State. Retrieved August 25, 2010.
  67. "David Boynton Roosevelt (1942-2022)" . Retrieved December 12, 2023.
  68. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Doug Wead (2003). All the Presidents' All the Presidents' Children: Triumph and Tragedy in the Lives of America's Families. Simon & Schuster. p. 359. ISBN   978-0743446310.
  69. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "The Carter Family". March 24, 2016. Retrieved December 12, 2023.
  70. Haberman, Maggie (November 20, 2016). "Melania and Barron Trump Won't Immediately Move to White House". The New York Times . Retrieved November 21, 2016.
  71. Bostock, Bill (September 21, 2019). "A mother who claims Hunter Biden fathered her child went public with a DNA test because he stopped paying child support, lawyers say". Business Insider. Archived from the original on August 30, 2022. Retrieved September 26, 2022.

Further reading