List of sculptures of presidents of the United States

Last updated

This is a list of statues and busts of presidents of the United States. Note that some images are excluded due to copyright. To date, there are 17 presidents with sculptures, statues, or physical monuments outside the United States: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. [1]


George Washington

John Adams

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Statue of John Adams in Quincy, Massachusetts.jpg John Adams Quincy, Massachusetts 2018Sergey Eylanbekov
John Adams Bilbao, Spain 2011Lourdes Umerez
John Adams Rapid City, South Dakota

6th Street & Main Street

John Lopez
BustJohn Adams.jpg Bust of John Adams Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1890 Daniel Chester French [2]

Thomas Jefferson

James Madison

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Life sized James Madison statue in Bluestone area.jpg James Madison Harrisonburg, Virginia

James Madison University

2002Unknown [3]
James Madison in front of ISAT.JPG James Madison Harrisonburg, Virginia

James Madison University

2008Unknown [3]
James Madison by Walker Hancock LOC03189v.jpg Statue of James Madison Washington, D.C.

James Madison Memorial Building

1976 Walker Hancock
James and Dolley Madison Statue at Montpelier - panoramio.jpg James and Dolley Madison Orange, Virginia 2009Michael C. Quinn [4]

James Monroe

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Tucker Hall, W&M old campus, statue of James Monroe.jpg James Monroe Williamsburg, Virginia

College of William & Mary

2015Gordon Kray [5]
JamesMonroeStatue.jpg James Monroe Charlottesville, Virginia

Highland/James Monroe House

1890s Attilio Piccirilli [6]

John Quincy Adams

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Abigail and John Quincy Adams [7]
John Quincy Adams7th Street & Main StreetJohn Lopez [8]

Andrew Jackson

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Flickr - USCapitol - Andrew Jackson Statue.jpg Andrew Jackson Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

1928 Belle Kinney Scholz and Leopold Scholz
Andrew Jackson Rapid City, South Dakota

Mt. Rushmore Road & Main Street

James Michael Maher
Andrew Jackson statue closeup.JPG Equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson Washington, D.C.

Lafayette Square

1852 Clark Mills
Jackson Square New Orleans.JPG Equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson New Orleans, Louisiana

Jackson Square

1856 Clark Mills
Andrew Jackson Statue Nashville.jpg Equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson Nashville, Tennessee

Tennessee State Capitol

1880 Clark Mills
Andrew Jackson statue County Courthouse KC Missouri.jpg Equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson Kansas City, Missouri

Jackson County Courthouse

1934 Charles Keck
Andrew Jackson statue in front of Jacksonville Landing.JPG Equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson Jacksonville, Florida

Jacksonville Landing

1987 Clark Mills
Raleigh - North Carolina State Capitol - 20220616094254.jpg Presidents North Carolina Gave the Nation Raleigh, North Carolina

North Carolina State Capitol

1948 Charles Keck [9]

Martin Van Buren

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Martin Van Buren Rapid City, South Dakota

Mt. Rushmore Road & Main Street

Edward Hlavka
Statue of Martin Van Buren (cropped).jpg Statue of Martin Van Buren Kinderhook, New York 2007Edward Hlavka [10]
BustMartinVanBuren.jpg Bust of Martin Van Buren Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1894 Ulric Stonewall Jackson Dunbar [11]

William Henry Harrison

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Cincinnati-harrison-statue.jpg Equestrian statue of William Henry Harrison Cincinnati, Ohio

Piatt Park

1899John H. Mahoney
Pediment Depiction of William Henry Harrison Lafayette, Indiana

Tippecanoe County Courthouse

Relief of William Henry Harrison Corydon, Indiana

Blaine H. Wiseman Visitor Center

2001Larry Beisler
Statue of William Henry Harrison at the Indianapolis Sailor and Soldier Monument, Indianapolis, Indiana.jpg Statue of William Henry Harrison Indianapolis, Indiana

Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument

1888John H. Mahoney
Statue of William Henry Harrison Vincennes, Indiana

Vincennes University

1972Harold "Dugan" Elgar
Ten O'Clock Line Monument Gosport, Indiana 1957Frederick L. Hollis
William Henry Harrison Statue Tippecanoe Battlefield Monument.JPG Tippecanoe Battlefield Monument Battle Ground, Indiana

Tippecanoe Battlefield Park

1811John H. Mahoney

John Tyler

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
John Tyler Rapid City, South Dakota

Mt. Rushmore Road & St. Joseph Street

Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby [12]
John Tyler's grave.JPG John Tyler Grave Richmond, Virginia

Hollywood Cemetery

BustJohnTyler.jpg Bust of John Tyler Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1898William C. McCaulsen [13]

James K. Polk

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
James Knox Polk Columbia, Tennessee

Polk Memorial Gardens

James Knox Polk Statue.JPG James Knox Polk Raleigh, North Carolina

North Carolina State Capitol

1948 Charles Keck [14]
Raleigh - North Carolina State Capitol - 20220616094254.jpg Presidents North Carolina Gave the Nation Raleigh, North Carolina

North Carolina State Capitol

1948 Charles Keck [9]

Zachary Taylor

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Zachary Taylor Green Bay, Wisconsin

Leicht Park

Zachary Taylor Rapid City, South Dakota

9th Street & St. Joseph Street

Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby [16]
Zachary Taylor monument in the Zachary Taylor National Cemetery - panoramio.jpg Zachary Taylor Gravesite Louisville, Kentucky

Zachary Taylor National Cemetery

Millard Fillmore

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Millard Fillmore Rapid City, South Dakota

9th Street & St. Joseph Street

James Van Nuys [17]
DSCN4470 buffalofillmorestatue e.jpg Millard Fillmore Buffalo, New York

Buffalo City Hall

1930 Bryant Baker [18]
Millard Fillmore bust.jpg Bust of Millard Fillmore Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1895 Robert Cushing [19]

Franklin Pierce

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Franklin Pierce Rapid City, South Dakota

9th Street & Main Street

James Van Nuys [20]
Franklin Pierce statue, Concord NH.jpg Franklin Pierce Concord, New Hampshire

New Hampshire State House

1914Augustus Lukeman

James Buchanan

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
James Buchanan Rapid City, South Dakota

9th Street & Main Street

James Michael Maher [21]
James Buchanan Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Buchanan Park

MERIDIAN HILL PARK DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.jpg James Buchanan Memorial Washington, D.C.

Meridian Hill Park

1930 Hans Schuler [20]

Abraham Lincoln

Andrew Johnson

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Andrew-johnson-statue-greeneville1.jpg Andrew Johnson Greeneville, Tennessee

Andrew Johnson National Historic Site

1995Jim Gray
Andrew Johnson Rapid City, South Dakota

6th Street & St. Joseph Street

James Van Nuys
Andrew Johnson bust.jpg Bust of Andrew Johnson Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1900William C. McCauslen [23]
Raleigh - North Carolina State Capitol - 20220616094254.jpg Presidents North Carolina Gave the Nation Raleigh, North Carolina

North Carolina State Capitol

1948 Charles Keck [9]

Ulysses S. Grant

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
US Grant French 1.JPG Equestrian statue of Ulysses S. Grant Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Fairmount Park

1899 Daniel Chester French and Edward Clark Potter
Monument to Grant.JPG Ulysses S. Grant Memorial Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

1902-24 Henry Shrady
Statue of Ulysses S. Grant St. Louis, Missouri 1888 Robert Bringhurst [24]
Ulysses S. Grant Statue West Point, New York

United States Military Academy



These are My Jewels, Ohio Statehouse.JPG These Are My Jewels Columbus, Ohio 1894 Levi Scofield
Ulysses S. Grant Monument 4-1-22.jpg Ulysses S. Grant Monument Chicago, Illinois 1891 Louis Rebisso

Rutherford B. Hayes

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Rutherford B. Hayes Rapid City, South Dakota

4th Street & St. Joseph Street

Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby [26]
These are My Jewels, Ohio Statehouse.JPG These Are My Jewels Columbus, Ohio 1894 Levi Scofield

James A. Garfield

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
James A. Garfield Monument (general view) - Washington, DC.jpg James A. Garfield Monument Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

1887 John Quincy Adams Ward
Piatt-Park-5.jpg James A. Garfield Cincinnati, Ohio

Piatt Park

Charles Henry Niehaus
Garfield NSHC.jpg James A. Garfield Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

Charles Henry Niehaus
These are My Jewels, Ohio Statehouse.JPG These Are My Jewels Columbus, Ohio 1894 Levi Scofield

Chester A. Arthur

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Chester Arthur Rapid City, South Dakota

5th Street & Main Street

John Lopez [27]
Chester Arthur Schenectady, New York

Union College

Chester A. Arthur statue by Bissell jeh.jpg Statue of Chester A. Arthur New York City, New York 1899 George Edwin Bissell
Chester A. Arthur bust.jpg Bust of Chester A. Arthur Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1891 Augustus Saint-Gaudens [28]
Chester A. Arthur Bust Smithsonian.jpg Chester Arthur Bust Washington, D.C.

Smithsonian American Art Museum

1883 Lot Flannery [29]

Grover Cleveland

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Grover Cleveland Rapid City, South Dakota

4th Street & St. Joseph Street

James Michael Maher [30]
DSCN4468 buffaloclevelandstatue e.jpg Grover Cleveland Buffalo, New York

Buffalo City Hall

1932 Bryant Baker
GroverClevelandStatue.JPG Grover Cleveland Buffalo, New York

Grover Cleveland High School


Benjamin Harrison

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Benjamin Harrison by Charles Henry Niehaus (1908) SOS! Control IAS 76007326.jpg Benjamin Harrison Indianapolis, Indiana 1908 Charles Henry Niehaus
Benjamin Harrison Rapid City, South Dakota

4th Street & Main Street

John Lopez [31]

William McKinley

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
William McKinley Rapid City, South Dakota Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby [32]
Arcata McKinley Statue.jpg Statue of William McKinley Canton, Ohio 1905 Haig Patigian
20160316 37 William McKinley statue, McKinley Park (30502144840).jpg Statue of William McKinley Chicago 1905 Charles Mulligan
MCK003.jpg McKinley National Memorial Statue Canton, Ohio

McKinley National Memorial

1907 Harold Van Buren Magonigle
William McKinley Memorial , Niles, OH (15229739714).jpg National McKinley Birthplace Memorial Statue Niles, Ohio

National McKinley Birthplace Memorial

1915 J. Massey Rhind
McKinley Memorial Ohio Statehouse.JPG William McKinley Monument Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Statehouse

1903-06 Hermon Atkins MacNeil and Carol Brooks MacNeil

Theodore Roosevelt

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Theodore Roosevelt is featured on the "Presidents Walk," Rapid City, South Dakota LCCN2010630599.tif Theodore Roosevelt Rapid City, South Dakota

9th Street & Main Street

John Lopez [33]
TeddyRoosevelt.JPG Theodore Roosevelt Island Statue Washington, D.C.

Theodore Roosevelt Island

1967 Paul Manship
Theodore Roosevelt statue on Park Blocks, Portland - cropped.jpg Theodore Roosevelt, Rough Rider Portland, Oregon

South Park Blocks

1922 Alexander Phimister Proctor
Equestrian statue of Theodore Roosevelt.jpg Equestrian Statue of Theodore Roosevelt New York City, New York

American Museum of Natural History

1939 James Earle Fraser
Theodore Roosevelt bust.jpg Theodore Roosevelt Bust Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1910 James Earle Fraser [34]
Massachusetts State House Theodore Roosevelt bust By Borglum.jpg Bust of Theodore Roosevelt Boston, Massachusetts 1919 Gutzon Borglum [35]

William Howard Taft

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
William Howard Taft Rapid City, South Dakota

Mt. Rushmore Road & Main Street

Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby [36]
William Howard Taft Cincinnati, Ohio 1992Michael D. Bigger [37]

Woodrow Wilson

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Woodrow Wilson Rapid City, South Dakota

9th Street & St. Joseph Street

James Michael Maher [38]
Wilsonuv pomnik Opletalova Praha 5876.JPG Woodrow Wilson Monument Prague, Czech Republic

Praha hlavní nádraží

Statue of Woodrow Wilson Austin, Texas

University of Texas at Austin

1933 Pompeo Coppini

Warren G. Harding

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Warren G. Harding Rapid City, South Dakota

9th Street & St. Joseph Street

John Lopez [39]
Statu of US and canada relationship.jpg Harding Vancouver, Canada

Stanley Park

Calvin Coolidge

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Calvin Coolidge Rapid City, South Dakota

5th Street & Main Street

John Lopez [40]
Plymouth, Vermont

Coolidge Homestead

Calvin Coolidge bust.jpg Calvin Coolidge Bust Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1927 Moses A. Wainer Dykaar [42]

Herbert Hoover

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Herbert Hoover Rapid City, South Dakota

5th Street & Main Street

James Michael Maher [43]

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Harry S. Truman Rapid City, South Dakota

Mt. Rushmore Road & St. Joseph Street

James Michael Maher
Harry S. Truman statue -Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA-18Jan2009.jpg Harry S. Truman Independence, Missouri

Jackson County Courthouse

Harry s truman.jpg Harry S. Truman Bust Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1947 Charles Keck [44]
20220930 051121 TH-US-Capitol-Harry-Truman-Statue-Rotunda.jpg Harry S. Truman Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

2022Tom Corbin [45]

Dwight D. Eisenhower

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Statue of Dwight D Eisenhower (United States capitol).webp Dwight D. Eisenhower Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

2003 Jim Brothers
Dwight D. Eisenhower Topeka, Kansas

Kansas State Capitol

Statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower at the Denison, Texas, birthplace of the former U.S. General and President, a Texas State Historic Site LCCN2015631175.tif Dwight D. Eisenhower Denison, Texas

Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site

Eisenhower Memorial Washington DC Facing South.jpg Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial

Three statues: one as a boy, one as general, and one as president

Washington, D.C. 2020Sergey Eylanbekov
US Embassy in London 5022840585.jpg Dwight D. Eisenhower Statue London, England

Grosvenor Square

1989Robert Lee Dean
Statue of General Eisenhower in Eisenhower Avenue traffic circle, Alexandria, VA 02.jpg Eisenhower Statue Alexandria, Virginia

Eisenhower Avenue Traffic Circle

Eisenhower Statue - West Point.jpg Eisenhower Monument West Point, New York

United States Military Academy

1983Robert L. Dean Jr.
Eisenhower Veteran's Monument Denison, Texas
Statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower.JPG Statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower Abilene, Kansas

Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library

John F. Kennedy

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
John F. Kennedy San Juan, Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Capitol

John F. Kennedy Statue in Pittston, Pennsylvania.jpg John F. Kennedy Pittston, Pennsylvania
John F. Kennedy statue outside the Capitol, Boston, Massachusetts LCCN2011630418.tif Statue of John F. Kennedy Boston, Massachusetts 1988Isabel McIlvan
Bust Of John F Kennedy-Park Crescent.jpg John F. Kennedy Memorial London, England

International Students House, London

1965 Jacques Lipchitz
John F. Kennedy museum in Hyannis.JPG John F. Kennedy Memorial Hyannis, Massachusetts

Ocean Street

John F. Kennedy Memorial, Holyoke, Massachusetts.jpg John F. Kennedy Memorial and Bust Holyoke, Massachusetts

Holy Cross Church

J. F. Kennedy Memorial Long Beach, New York

Kennedy Plaza

Bust of Kennedy Newark, New Jersey

Military Park

1965 Jacques Lipchitz
Nashua city hall.jpg Bust of John F. Kennedy Nashua, New Hampshire


1965Evangelos Frudakis [46]
JFK Memorial in Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn.JPG Bust of President Kennedy New York City, New York

Grand Army Plaza

Bust of President John F. Kennedy Boston, Massachusetts

John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

Felix de Weldon
Kennedy Bust Performing Arts.jpg The John F. Kennedy Bust Washington, D.C.

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

1971 Robert Berks
John F. Kennedy Statue New Ross, County Wexford, Ireland 2008Ann Meldon Hugh
Statue of President John F. Kennedy Bruff, County Limerick, Ireland 2019Sean Connolly
President John F. Kennedy Washington, D.C.

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

2021 StudioEIS

Lyndon B. Johnson

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
A statue of President Lyndon B. Johnson on the Texas State Parks' portion of the LBJ Ranch near Stonewall in the Texas Hill Country LCCN2014633794.tif Lyndon B. Johnson Stonewall, Texas

Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park

Lyndon B. Johnson Killeen, Texas

Central Texas College

Lyndon B. Johnson Rapid City, South Dakota

7th Street & Main Street

James Michael Maher [47]
Lyndon Baines Johnson San Marcos, Texas

Texas State University

Comparing LBJ to Harry Reid (cropped).jpg Lyndon B. Johnson Bust Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1966 Jimilu Mason [48]
Lyndon B. Johnson Houston, Texas

Little Tranquility Park

1995 Chas Fagan [49]

Richard Nixon

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Richard Nixon statue.JPG Richard Nixon Wakefield, New Zealand [50]
Richard Nixon Rapid City, South Dakota

5th Street & St. Joseph Street

Edward E. Hlavka
Richard Nixon bust.jpg Richard M. Nixon Bust Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1966Gualberto Rocchi [51]

Gerald Ford

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Gerald Ford Rapid City, South Dakota

7th Street & St. Joseph Street

James Michael Maher [52]
Flickr - USCapitol - Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Statue.jpg Gerald R. Ford Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

2011J. Brett Grill
Gerald R. Ford Albion, Michigan

Albion College

Fordbust.jpg Gerald R. Ford Bust Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1985 Walker Kirtland Hancock [53]

Jimmy Carter

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Giant sized smiling peanut, looking north - Smiling Peanut, South Side of Highway 49, Plains, Sumter County, GA HABS GA,131-PLAIN.V,2-1 (CT).tif Jimmy Carter Peanut Statue Plains, Georgia 1976 [54]
Jimmy Carter Rapid City, South Dakota

6th Street & St. Joseph Street

John Lopez [55]
Statue of Jimmy Carter Atlanta, Georgia

Georgia State Capitol

1994 Frederick Hart [56]

Ronald Reagan

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Flickr - USCapitol - Ronald Wilson Reagan Statue.jpg Ronald Reagan Washington, D.C.

United States Capitol

2009 Chas Fagan
Ronald Reagan Arlington, Virginia

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport

2011 Chas Fagan [57]
Ronald Reagan Rapid City, South Dakota

6th Street & St. Joseph Street

James Michael Maher [58]
Ronald Reagan Statue, Grosvenor Square.jpg Ronald Reagan London, England

Grosvenor Square

2011 Chas Fagan [59]
Ronald Reagan statue by Chas Fagan on the roof of US Embassy in Berlin.jpg Ronald Reagan Berlin, Germany

Embassy of the United States, Berlin

2019 Chas Fagan
Reagan Covington, Louisiana

N. New Hampshire Street & E. Lockwood Street

Reagan Monument Miami-014.jpg President Reagan Mounument Miami, Florida

Tropical Park

2018Carlos Enrique Prado
President and Mrs. Reagan Simi Valley, California

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum

Chas Fagan [60]
Ronald Reagan Southern Park, Sofia, Bulgaria 2017 [61]
Szabadsag Square, statue of Ronald Reagan.jpg Ronald Reagan Budapest, Hungary 2011 [62]

George H. W. Bush

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
George Bush Sr. Rapid City, South Dakota

6th Street & Main Street

Edward E. Hvlaka [63]
George H.W. Bush Hampton, Virginia

Hampton University

George Bush Bust - Flickr - The Central Intelligence Agency.jpg George H.W. Bush Langley, Virginia

CIA Headquarters

George H. W. Bush Bust Washington, D.C.

United States Senate chamber

1990 Walker Kirtland Hancock [64]
SesquicentennialPark GeorgeHWBushStatue.jpg George H. W. Bush Monument Houston, Texas Chas Fagan
George H. W. Bush Airport Monument Houston, Texas

George Bush Intercontinental Airport

1990David Dickes [65]
Fathers of Unity Berlin, Germany

Axel Springer High Rise (Berlin)

2010Serge Mangin [66]
George H.W. Bush Budapest, Hungary

Liberty Square

2020 [67]
George Bush Jr. & Sr. Dallas, Texas

George W. Bush Presidential Center

2013 Chas Fagan [57]
Skulptur George H. W. Bush Chas Fagan Bush-Plaza US-Konsulat Clayallee 170 Berlin-Dahlem 04.jpg George H. W. Bush Berlin, Germany

Embassy of the United States, Berlin

2023 [68] [69]

Bill Clinton

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Bill Clinton Rapid City, South Dakota

7th Street & St. Joseph Street

Lee Leuning and Sherri Treeby [70]
Bill Clinton Monument.jpg Bill Clinton Pristina, Kosovo

Bill Clinton Boulevard

2009 [71]
Bill Clinton Statue in Ballybunion.JPG President Bill Clinton Ballybunion, Ireland [72]

George W. Bush

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Fushe-Kruje, Kruje, Albania 2019 04 - George W. Bush statue.jpg George W. Bush Fushë-Krujë, Albania 2011 [73]
George W. Bush Hamilton, Ohio

Hamilton High School

George Bush Jr. & Sr. Dallas, Texas

George W. Bush Presidential Center

2013 Chas Fagan [57]
George W. Bush Rapid City, South Dakota

St. Joseph Street & 5th Street

2010James Michael Maher [74]

Barack Obama

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Obama in State Elementary School Menteng 01 (cropped).jpg Barack Obama State Elementary School Menteng 01

Menteng, Jakarta

2010 [75]
Barack Obama San Juan, Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Capitol

2012 [76]
Barack Obama Rapid City, South Dakota

4th Street & St. Joseph Street

2019James Van Nuys [77]
Barack Obama Hampton, Virginia

Hampton University

2019Jon Hair [78]
Bronze sculpture of Barack and Michelle Obama at Barack Obama Plaza - 2.jpg Barack and Michelle Obama Moneygall, Ireland

Barack Obama Plaza

2018Mark Rhodes [79]
Saraswati Embassy of Indonesia, Washington, D.C. 2013 [80]
Barack Obama Rapid City, South Dakota

Trinity Eco Prayer Park

2019James Van Nuys [81] [82]

Donald Trump

ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Donald Trump (currently being sculpted) Rapid City, South Dakota TBDJim Maher [83] [84]


ImageStatue nameLocationDateSculptorSource
Donald Trump Sela pri Kamniku, Slovenia 2019Tomaz Schlegl [85]
Dump Trump Trafalgar Square 2019 Don Lessem [86]
The Emperor Has No Balls Cleveland, Los Angeles, New York City, San Francisco, and Seattle 2016 Indecline [87]
Trump Buddha China 2021Hong Jinshi [88]
God Emperor Trump Italy 2019Fabrizio Galli [89]
In Honor of a Lifetime of Sexual Assault Portland, Oregon; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania2024anonymous

Joe Biden

There are currently no sculptures or statues of Joe Biden.

See also

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Chas Fagan is an American artist and sculptor. He is known for painting oil portraits of all 45 U.S. Presidents, on commission from C-SPAN and the White House Historical Association. He also painted the official canonization image of Mother Teresa on commission from the Knights of Columbus, basing his work on a photograph by Michael Collopy. His other works include portraits, landscapes and still life, along with sculptures related to American historical figures. His work was featured in the American Presidents: Life Portraits exhibition in 1999, and in other venues.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Patrick Pizzella</span> American government official (born 1954)

Patrick Pizzella is a former American government official who served as the 36th United States Deputy Secretary of Labor from April 17, 2018 to January 20, 2021. He was formerly a member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority appointed by President Barack Obama. He held positions in several agencies during four prior Administrations. In 2019, after the resignation of Alexander Acosta, Pizzella served as the acting United States Secretary of Labor for more than 2 months. He currently serves as the elected Mayor of the village of Pinehurst, North Carolina.


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