This is a list of forest research institutes around the world, by continent and country. It includes research institutions with a primary focus on forest science, forestry, forest management, and related fields.
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The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a non-profit scientific research organization that conducts research on the use and management of forests with a focus on tropical forests in developing countries. CIFOR, which merged with World Agroforestry on Jan. 1, 2019, is the forestry and agroforestry research center of CGIAR, a network of 15 research centers around the world that focus on agricultural research for sustainable development, working closely with governments and other partners to help develop evidence-based solutions to problems related to sustainable agriculture and natural resource management.
Forestry laws govern activities in designated forest lands, most commonly with respect to forest management and timber harvesting. Forestry laws generally adopt management policies for public forest resources, such as multiple use and sustained yield. Forest management is split between private and public management, with public forests being sovereign property of the State. Forestry laws are now considered an international affair.
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, abbreviated BMEL, is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its primary headquarters are located in Bonn with a secondary office in Berlin. From 1949 to 2001 it was known as the Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forests. Through an organizational order by the German Chancellor on 22 January 2001, it became the Federal Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture after the Consumer protection function was transferred from the Federal Ministry for Health. The name Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection was adopted on 22 November 2005 simply to alphabetize its functional parts in the German language. Due to the political restructurings of the 18th German Bundestag in December 2013 the division "Consumer Protection" was transferred to the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
Jerome Klaas Vanclay is an Australian academic. He is currently a Professor for Sustainable Forestry at Southern Cross University (SCU), and a coordinator in IUFRO.
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists, headquartered in Austria. In 2019, IUFRO counted 630 Member Organizations worldwide.
WSL may refer to:
Ulf Hohmann is a German ethologist, whose studies about the raccoon have played a significant role in the understanding of its social behavior and its distribution in Germany.
The International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA) is an international network of students in forestry-related sciences. It is a globally organized and locally operated student organisation connecting forest and related science students to peers, forest-related organisations, and policy platforms. The IFSA has 130 member associations in over 50 countries. IFSA is a non-political, non-profit, and non-religious organisation that is entirely run by students.
Waldwissen is an international, multilingual information and communication Website for a wide range of forestry topics.
Helge Breloer née Martin was a German jurist, tree-appraisal expert, and author of nonfiction books.
The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is a solution-orientated research organisation specialising in on forests, landscapes, biodiversity, natural hazards, snow and ice in a changing world. As a federal research institute and part of the ETH Domain, WSL is committed to excellence in research and implementation.
Rudolf Ferdinand Theodor Aderhold was a German mycologist and pomologist.
Georg Friedrich Backhaus is a German agricultural scientist specializing in horticulture and phytomedicine. Since 2008 he has been president of the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) with headquarters in Quedlinburg.
Hauberg is a type of communal forest management that is typical of the Siegerland and adjacent parts of the Lahn-Dill Uplands and the Westerwald in central Germany. Its aim is to manage the forest in order to produce tanbark and charcoal for the regionally important iron ore industry as well as firewood. In addition to forestry uses, the area also has agricultural uses, such as the growing of rye and buckwheat, typical of shifting cultivation, in the year after the timber harvest, as well as subsequent communal grazing (commons).
Carl or Karl von Tubeuf FLS HFRSE was a German forestry scientist, mycologist and plant pathologist. He introduced both the term biological control and the use of a biological control to manage a plant disease. He published one of the first books on plant diseases In addition to foundational work in plant pathology, he published broadly on other topics including forest botany, dendrology, mycology, and zoology. He discovered new species of gall mites of conifers.
Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold Pfeil was a German forester.
A private forest is a forest that is not owned by municipal authorities, church authorities or the state. It can refer to woodland owned by a natural or juridical person or a partnership.It is the forest which is planted, nurtured or conserved in any private land.
Saint Petersburg State Forestry University (Russian: Санкт-Петербургский государственный лесотехнический университет им. С. М. Кирова is a higher education institution in Saint Petersburg, Russia, founded in 1803 by an edict of Emperor Alexander I.
Ewald Schnug is a German agricultural scientist, university lecturer and researcher specializing in plant nutrition and soil science.