The manosphere is a varied collection of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting masculinity, misogyny, and opposition to feminism. [1] Communities within the manosphere include men's rights activists (MRAs), [2] incels (involuntary celibates), [3] Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), [4] pick-up artists (PUA), [5] and fathers' rights groups. [6] While the specifics of each group's beliefs sometimes conflict, they are generally united in the belief that society is biased against men due to the influence of feminism, and that feminists promote misandry, or hatred of men. [7] Acceptance of these ideas is described as "taking the red pill", a metaphor borrowed from the film The Matrix . [8]
The manosphere overlaps with the far-right and alt-right communities. [9] It has also been associated with online harassment and has been implicated in radicalizing men into misogynist beliefs and the glorification of violence against women. [10] Some sources have associated manosphere-based radicalization with mass shootings motivated by misogyny. [11] The manosphere received significant media coverage following the 2014 Isla Vista killings in California, the 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon, and the 2018 Toronto van attack, as well as the online harassment campaign against women in the video game industry known as GamerGate. [12]
The roots of the manosphere lie in the men's liberation movement of the 1970s and 80s, [13] which began as a critique of the limiting nature of traditional male gender roles. [14] However, in the 1970s the nascent men's rights movement began to attribute men's problems to feminism and female empowerment. [14] Media scholar Debbie Ging posits that the growth of the World Wide Web has enabled the spread of "virulent" anti-feminism, misogyny, and associated violent rhetoric. [14]
The term "manosphere", a play on the word "blogosphere", is believed to have first appeared on Blogspot in 2009. [15] It was subsequently popularized by Ian Ironwood, a pornography marketer who collected a variety of blogs and forums in book form as The Manosphere: A New Hope For Masculinity. [16] The term entered the popular lexicon when news media began to use it in stories about men who had committed acts of misogynist violence, sexual assault, and online harassment. [17]
Journalist Emma A. Jane identifies the late 2000s–early 2010s as a "tipping point" when manosphere communities moved from the fringes of the Internet towards the mainstream. She hypothesizes this was related to the advent of Web 2.0 and the rise of social media, in combination with ongoing systemic misogyny within a patriarchal culture. Jane writes that the manosphere was well established by the time of the GamerGate controversy in 2014, and misogynistic language such as graphic rape threats against women had entered mainstream discourse, being deployed by men not necessarily identified with any specific manosphere group. [18]
Following Donald Trump's victory in the 2024 United States presidential election, The Associated Press reported that an "emboldened" manopshere used Trump's win "to justify and amplify misogynistic derision and threats online" and that it was no longer an online-only phenomenon. It highlighted the phrase "Your body, my choice" being used against women coined by Nick Fuentes, along with the phrases "Get back in the kitchen" and "Repeal the 19th" receiving millions of views on X. It also reported that the phrases had moved offline, "with boys chanting it in middle schools or men directing it at women on college campuses", and highlighted a man holding a sign that read "Women Are Property" at Texas State University. [19]
The manosphere is a varied group of online communities [20] that includes men's-rights activists (MRAs), [2] incels (involuntary celibates), [3] Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), [4] pick-up artists (PUAs), [5] and fathers' rights groups. [6] Some groups within the manosphere have adversarial relationships with one another. [21] Ging writes that subgroups such as MRAs and PUAs "exaggerate their differences in displays of infight posturing, in spite of the fact that their philosophies are almost identical". [22]
While the specifics of each group's beliefs sometimes conflict, the general ideology of manosphere groups centers on the promotion of masculinity, antifeminism, and misogyny. [23] In particular, feminists are portrayed as ignoring male victims of sexual assault and encouraging false rape accusations against men. [24] Journalist Caitlin Dewey argues that the main tenets of the manosphere can be reduced to (1) the corruption of modern society by feminism, in violation of inherent sex differences between men and women; and (2) the ability of men to save society or achieve sexual prowess by adopting a hyper-masculine role and forcing women to submit to them. [25] Criminologist Lisa Sugiura writes that disparate groups within the manosphere are "united by the central belief that feminine values, propelled by feminism, dominate society and promote a 'misandrist' ideology that needs to be overthrown". [16]
The manosphere has its own distinct jargon. [26] The idea of misandry (hatred of or prejudice against men) is commonly invoked, both as an equivalent to misogyny and a way to deny the existence of institutionalized sexism. [27] However, Sugiura writes that "there is little evidence to show that misandry is an issue affecting men's lives". [28] Both male and female homicide victims are more likely to have been killed by a man, rather than by a woman. Although feminism is described within the manosphere as a misandrist movement, there are no significant feminist groups dedicated to espousing hatred of men or encouraging female violence against men. [28]
A central tenet of the manosphere is the concept of the red pill , a metaphor borrowed from the film The Matrix . It concerns awakening men to the supposed reality that society is dominated by feminism and biased against men. [29] Manospherians believe that feminists and political correctness obscure this reality, and that men are victims who must fight to protect themselves. [30] Accepting the manosphere's ideology is equated with "taking the red pill" (sometimes abbreviated TRP), and those who do not are seen as "blue pilled" or as having "taken the blue pill". [31] Such terminology originated on the antifeminist subreddit /r/TheRedPill and was later taken up by men's rights and MGTOW sites. [32] Donna Zuckerberg writes, "The Red Pill represents a new phase in online misogyny. Its members not only mock and belittle women; they also believe that in our society, men are oppressed by women." [33]
Men are commonly divided into "alpha" and "beta" males [34] within an evolutionary-psychology framework, where "alphas" are seen as sexually dominant and attractive to women, who are hardwired to want sex with alphas but will pair with "beta" males for financial benefits. Among MRAs and PUAs this argument is known as "alpha fux beta bux". [35]
The manosphere overlaps with white-supremacist and far-right ideologies, [16] including the neoreactionary, white-nationalist alt-right movement. [9] Zuckerberg writes that many alt-right members are either pick-up artists or MGTOW, and "the policing of white female sexuality is a major concern" of the alt-right. [36] The severity of the antifeminism espoused within these communities varies, with some espousing fairly mild sexism and others glorifying extreme misogyny. [37] Racism and xenophobia are also common among groups in the manosphere, and perceived threats against Western civilization are a popular topic. [38] Tracie Farrell of Open University and colleagues write that in addition to the "angry white men" associated with the alt-right, the manosphere also contains "men of colour, struggling with systemic racism that extends to beauty ideals and status". [39]
The manosphere has been associated with online harassment, radicalizing men into misogynist beliefs and the glorification of violence against women. [10] Some sources have associated manosphere-based radicalization with mass shootings motivated by misogyny. [11] Robin Mamié of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and colleagues associate radicalization into far-right ideologies via the manosphere with the idea of the alt-right pipeline. [40]
The manosphere comprises various websites, blogs, and online forums. [26] Noted sites include /r/TheRedPill, Return of Kings , and A Voice for Men , as well as (the now-defunct) PUAHate and SlutHate. [41]
Reddit has been a popular gathering place for manosphere supporters, and several forums on the site are geared toward its ideas. [42] However, in the late 2010s and 2020s Reddit began to take steps to discourage more extreme manosphere subreddits. Some were banned, such as /r/incels (banned in 2017), its successor /r/braincels (banned in 2018), and /r/MGTOW (banned in August 2021 [43] ); other subreddits such as /r/TheRedPill have been "quarantined", meaning that a warning is displayed to users about the content of the subreddit and users must sign in before they're allowed to enter. [44] As a result, some of these communities have found new homes on websites that are more welcoming of extreme content, such as Gab. [45]
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The manosphere has received significant coverage in the media from its association with high-profile violent attacks including the 2014 Isla Vista killings in California, the 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting in Oregon, and the 2018 Toronto van attack, as well as phenomena such as the sustained online abuse towards female members of the video game community that came to be known as GamerGate. [46] Following the Isla Vista shooting, the killer Elliot Rodger was found to have been an active participant on the PUAHate manosphere forum. [47] Following the attack, Dewey wrote that, while the manosphere was not to blame for Rodger's attack, "Rodger's misogynistic rhetoric seems undeniably influenced by the manosphere". [48] The sociologist Michael Kimmel argued "it would be facile to argue the manosphere ... urged [Rodger] to do this. I think those places are kind of a solace ... They provide a kind of locker room, a place where guys can gripe about all the bad things that are being done to them by women". [49]
Arthur Goldwag described the manosphere in the Spring 2012 edition of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report as an "underworld of misogynists, woman-haters whose fury goes well beyond criticism of the family court system, domestic violence laws, and false rape accusations... [who are] devoted to attacking virtually all women (or, at least, Westernized ones)." [50] He added a caveat later that year, saying, "It should be mentioned that the SPLC did not label MRAs as members of a hate movement; nor did our article claim that the grievances they air on their websites – false rape accusations, ruinous divorce settlements and the like – are all without merit. But we did call out specific examples of misogyny and the threat, overt or implicit, of violence." [51] In 2018, the SPLC added male supremacy as a category they track on their list of hate groups. [52] The British anti-extremism group Hope not Hate included the manosphere in its 2019 State of Hate report. [37]
Misogyny is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy. Misogyny has been widely practised for thousands of years. It is reflected in art, literature, human societal structure, historical events, mythology, philosophy, and religion worldwide.
Misandry is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys.
The men's rights movement (MRM) is a branch of the men's movement. The MRM in particular consists of a variety of groups and individuals known as men's rights activists (MRAs) who focus on social issues, such as specific government services, which adversely impact, or in some cases, structurally discriminate against, men and boys. Common topics discussed within the men's rights movement include family law, such as child custody, alimony and marital property distribution; reproduction; suicide; domestic violence against men; false accusations of rape; circumcision; education; conscription; social safety nets; and health policies. The men's rights movement branched off from the men's liberation movement in the early 1970s, with both groups comprising a part of the larger men's movement.
The fathers' rights movement is a social movement whose members are primarily interested in issues related to family law, including child custody and child support, that affect fathers and their children. Many of its members are fathers who desire to share the parenting of their children equally with their children's mothers—either after divorce or marital separation. The movement includes men as well as women, often the second wives of divorced fathers or other family members of men who have had some engagement with family law. Most Fathers' rights advocates argue for formal gender equality.
Antifeminism, also spelled anti-feminism, is opposition to feminism. In the late 19th century and early 20th century, antifeminists opposed particular policy proposals for women's rights, such as the right to vote, educational opportunities, property rights, and access to birth control. In the mid and late 20th century, antifeminists often opposed the abortion-rights movement.
Jack Richard Peterson is an American filmmaker, media personality, and former, self-proclaimed representative of an incel community named
Daryush Valizadeh, also known as Roosh Valizadeh, Roosh V and Roosh Vorek, is a former alt-right American blogger and pickup artist. Valizadeh wrote on his personal blog and also owned the Return of Kings website, Roosh V Forum, where he published articles by himself and others on related subjects. Valizadeh has self-published more than a dozen dating and travel guides, most of which discuss picking up and having relations with women in specific countries. His advice, his videos and his writings have received widespread criticism, including accusations of misogyny, antisemitism, homophobia, and having ties to the alt-right.
On the social news site Reddit, some communities are devoted to explicit, violent, propagandist, or hateful material. These subreddits have been the topic of controversy, at times receiving significant media coverage. Journalists, attorneys, media researchers, and others have commented that such communities shape and promote biased views of international politics, the veracity of medical evidence, misogynistic rhetoric, and other disruptive concepts.
A Voice for Men, also known as AVfM, AVFM, or AV4M, is a United States–based for-profit limited liability company and online publication founded in 2009 by Paul Elam. It is the largest and most influential site of the men's rights movement. Its editorial position is strongly antifeminist; it frequently accuses feminists of being misandrist.
The slang term Chad has historically been applied in different contexts. It originated in the UK, where it was used to describe a particular humorous ad-hoc cartoon. Later, it was employed in Chicago as a derogatory description for young, upper-class, urban males. In modern internet slang, the term generally refers to an "alpha" or simply a sexually successful male.
Megalia was a feminist movement on the South Korean Internet. It is most well known for the "mirroring" strategy that participants (Megalians) used to defamiliarize misogynist ideas. Megalians mirrored the style of misogynist content but reversed gender roles, intending to provoke laughter or outrage.
The concept of toxic masculinity is used in academic and media discussions to refer to those aspects of hegemonic masculinity that are socially destructive, such as misogyny, homophobia, and violent domination. These traits are considered "toxic" due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. Socialization of boys sometimes also normalizes violence, such as in the saying "boys will be boys" about bullying and aggression.
Alpha male and beta male are pseudoscientific terms for men derived from the designations of alpha and beta animals in ethology. They may also be used with other genders, such as women, or additionally use other letters of the Greek alphabet. The popularization of these terms to describe humans has been widely criticized by scientists.
Incel is a term associated with a mostly online subculture of people, who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, and who may blame, objectify and denigrate women and girls as a result. Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian student, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999, and the term rose to prominence in the 2010s in the aftermath of the misogynistic terrorist acts of Elliot Rodger and Alek Minassian.
Donna Zuckerberg is an American classicist and author. She is author of the book Not All Dead White Men (2018), about the appropriation of classics by misogynist groups on the Internet. She was editor-in-chief of Eidolon, a classics journal, until its closure in 2020. She is a sister of Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Men Going Their Own Way is an anti-feminist, misogynistic, mostly online community that espouses male separatism from what they see as a gynocentric society that has been corrupted by feminism. MGTOW specifically advocate for men to avoid marriage and committed romantic relationships with women. The community is a part of the manosphere, a collection of anti-feminist websites and online communities that also includes the men's rights movement, incels, and pickup artists.
Misogynist terrorism is terrorism that is motivated by the desire to punish women. It is an extreme form of misogyny—the policing of women's compliance to patriarchal gender expectations. Misogynist terrorism uses mass indiscriminate violence in an attempt to avenge nonconformity with those expectations or to reinforce the perceived superiority of men.
Jack Donovan is an American far-right writer and activist. A self-described masculinist, Donovan was an influential figure in the alt-right until he disavowed the movement in 2017. He has at various times advocated male supremacy, white nationalism, fascism, and the political disenfranchisement of women. He led a chapter of the Wolves of Vinland, a Norse neopagan organization and SPLC-designated hate group, from 2014 to 2018.
Simp is an internet slang term describing someone who shows excessive sympathy and attention toward another person, typically to someone who does not reciprocate the same feelings, in pursuit of affection or a sexual relationship. This behavior, known as simping, is carried out toward a variety of targets, including celebrities, politicians, e-girls, and e-boys. The term had sporadic usage until gaining traction on social media in 2019.
Men Who Hate Women: From Incels to Pickup Artists: The Truth about Extreme Misogyny and How it Affects Us All is a 2020 nonfiction book written by Laura Bates.
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