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In chemistry, molecular oxohalides (oxyhalides) are a group of chemical compounds in which both oxygen and halogen atoms are attached to another chemical element A in a single molecule. They have the general formula AOmXn, where X is a halogen. Known oxohalides have fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), and/or iodine (I) in their molecules. The element A may be a main group element, a transition element, a rare earth element or an actinide. The term oxohalide, or oxyhalide, may also refer to minerals and other crystalline substances with the same overall chemical formula, but having an ionic structure.



Chromyl chloride liquid and vapour Chromyl chloride.jpg
Chromyl chloride liquid and vapour

Oxohalides can be seen as compounds intermediate between oxides and halides. There are three general methods of synthesis: [1]

In addition, various oxohalides can be made by halogen exchange reactions and this reaction can also lead to the formation of mixed oxohalides such as POFCl2 and CrO2FCl.


In relation to the oxide or halide, for a given oxidation state of an element A, if two halogen atoms replace one oxygen atom, or vice versa, the overall charge on the molecule is unchanged and the coordination number of the central atom decreases by one. For example, both phosphorus oxychloride (POCl3) and phosphorus pentachloride, (PCl5) are neutral covalent compounds of phosphorus in the +5 oxidation state. If an oxygen atom is simply replaced by a halogen atom the charge increases by +1, but the coordination number is unchanged. This is illustrated by the reaction of a mixture of a chromate or dichromate salt and potassium chloride with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Cr2O2−7 + 4 Cl + 6 H+ → 2 CrO2Cl2 + 3 H2O

The chromyl chloride produced has no electrical charge and is a volatile covalent molecule that can be distilled out of the reaction mixture. [2]

Oxohalides of elements in high oxidation states are strong oxidizing agents, with oxidizing power similar to the corresponding oxide or halide. Most oxohalides are easily hydrolyzed. For example, chromyl chloride is hydrolyzed to chromate in the reverse of the synthetic reaction, above. The driving force for this reaction is the formation of A-O bonds which are stronger than A-Cl bonds. This gives a favourable enthalpy contribution to the Gibbs free energy change for the reaction [3]

Many oxohalides can act as Lewis acids. This is particularly so with oxohalides of coordination number 3 or 4 which, in accepting one or more electron pairs from a Lewis base, become 5- or 6-coordinate. Oxohalide anions such as [VOCl4]2− can be seen as acid-base complexes of the oxohalide (VOCl2) with more halide ions acting as Lewis bases. Another example is VOCl2 which forms the trigonal bipyramidal complex VOCl2(N(CH3)3)2 with the base trimethylamine. [4]

The vibrational spectra of many oxohalides have been assigned in detail. They give useful information on relative bond strengths. For example, in CrO2F2, the Cr–O stretching vibrations are at 1006 cm−1 and 1016 cm−1 and the Cr–F stretching vibrations are at 727 cm−1 and 789 cm−1. The difference is much too large to be due to the different masses of O and F atoms. Rather, it shows that the Cr–O bond is much stronger than the Cr–F bond. M–O bonds are generally considered to be double bonds and this is backed up by measurements of M–O bond lengths. It implies that the elements A and O are chemically bound together by a σ bond and a π bond. [5]

Oxohalides of elements in high oxidation states are intensely coloured owing to ligand to metal charge transfer (LMCT) transitions. [6]

Boron teflate.
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Fluorine Boron-teflate-3D-balls.png
Boron teflate.

Main group elements

Sulfuryl fluoride Sulfuryl-fluoride-2D-dimensions.png
Sulfuryl fluoride
F5AOAF5 (A = S, Se, Te) Chalcooxyfluoride.png
F5AOAF5 (A = S, Se, Te)

Carbon group

Carbon forms oxohalides COX2, X = F, Br, and the very toxic phosgene (X = Cl), which is produced industrially by a carbon-catalyzed reaction of carbon monoxide with chlorine. It is a useful reagent in organic chemistry for the formation of carbonyl compounds. [7] For example:

COCl2 + 2 ROH → CO(OR)2 + 2 HCl

Silicon tetrafluoride reacts with water to yield poorly-characterized oxyfluoride polymers, but slow and careful reaction at -196 °C yields the oxyfluoride hexafluorodisiloxane as well. [8]


Nitrogen forms two series of oxohalides with nitrogen in oxidation states 3, NOX, X = F, Cl, Br and 5, NO2X, X = F, Cl. They are made by halogenation of nitrogen oxides. Note that NO2F is isoelectronic with the nitrate ion, NO3. Only oxohalides of phosphorus(V) are known. [9]


Sulfur forms oxohalides [10] in oxidation state +4, such as thionyl chloride, SOCl2 and oxidation state +6, such as sulfuryl fluoride (SO2F2), sulfuryl chloride (SO2Cl2), and thionyl tetrafluoride (SOF4). All are easily hydrolyzed. Indeed, thionyl chloride can be used as a dehydration agent as the water molecules are converted into gaseous products, leaving behind the anhydrous solid chloride. [11]

MgCl2·6H2O + 6 SOCl2 → MgCl2 + 6 SO2 + 12 HCl

Selenium and tellurium form similar compounds and also the oxo-bridged species F5AOAF5 (A = S, Se, Te). They are non-linear with the A-O-A angle of 142.5, 142.4 and 145.5° for S, Se and Te, respectively. [12] The tellurium anion F5TeO, known as teflate, is a large and rather stable anion, useful for forming stable salts with large cations. [11]


The halogens form various oxofluorides with formulae XO2F (chloryl fluoride), XO3F (perchloryl fluoride) and XOF3 with X = Cl, Br and I. IO2F3 and IOF5 are also known. [13]

Noble gases

Xenon forms xenon oxytetrafluoride (XeOF4), xenon dioxydifluoride (XeO2F2) and xenon oxydifluoride (XeOF2).

Transition metals and actinides

Crystal structure of
Oxygen Ti(ClO4)4.png
Crystal structure of Ti(ClO4)4.

A selection of known oxohalides of transition metals is shown below, and more detailed lists are available in the literature. [15] X indicates various halides, most often F and Cl.

Oxidation stateoxohalides
3VOCl, VOBr, [16] FeOCl
4[TiOCl4]2−, Cl3TiOTiCl3, VOCl2 , [VOCl4]2−
5VOX3, VO2F , [CrOF4], [CrOF5]2−, MnOCl3, TcOCl3, VOF3 , VOCl3 , NbOCl3
6 CrO2Cl2 , [CrO3Cl], CrOF4 , ReOX4, ReO2F2, OsOF4, CrO2F2 , MoOF4 , MoOCl4 , MoO2Cl2 , MoO2F2 , WO2Cl2 , WO2F2, WOF4 , WOCl4
7 MnO3F , ReOF5, ReO2F3 , ReO3F , ReO3Cl , OsOF5
8OsO2F4, OsO3F2
Structure of
[Ta2OCl10]. Ru, Os form similar complexes. Ta2OCl10 2-.svg
Structure of [Ta2OCl10]. Ru, Os form similar complexes.
[AgOTeF5-(C6H5CH3)2]2 molecule. (Hydrogen atoms not shown.)
Carbon (C)
Fluorine (F)
Oxygen (O)
Tellurium (Te)
Silver (Ag) Agteflate.png
[AgOTeF5-(C6H5CH3)2]2 molecule. (Hydrogen atoms not shown.)
  Carbon (C)
  Fluorine (F)
  Oxygen (O)
  Tellurium (Te)
  Silver (Ag)

High oxidation states of the metal are dictated by the fact that oxygen is a strong oxidizing agent, as is fluorine. Bromine and iodine are relatively weak oxidizing agents, so fewer oxobromides and oxoiodides are known. Structures for compounds with d0 configuration are predicted by VSEPR theory. Thus, CrO2Cl2 is tetrahedral, OsO3F2 is trigonal bipyramidal, XeOF4 is square pyramidal and OsOF5 is octahedral. [18] The d1 complex ReOCl4 is square pyramidal.

The compounds [Ta2OX10]2− and [M2OCl10]4− (M = W, Ru, Os) have two MX5 groups joined by a bridging oxygen atom. [19] Each metal has an octahedral environment. The unusual linear M−O−M structure can be rationalized in terms of molecular orbital theory, indicating the presence of dπ — pπ bonding between the metal and oxygen atoms. [20] Oxygen bridges are present in more complex configurations like M(cp)2(OTeF5)2 (M = Ti, Zr, Hf, Mo or W; cp = cyclopentadienyl, η5-C5H5) [21] or [AgOTeF5-(C6H5CH3)2]2. [17]

In the actinide series, uranyl compounds such as uranyl chloride (UO2Cl2) and [UO2Cl4]2− are well known and contain the linear UO2 moiety. Similar species exist for neptunium and plutonium.

Minerals and ionic compounds

Crystal structure of bismoclite. Colours: red - O, green - Cl, grey - Bi. MatlockiteStructure.png
Crystal structure of bismoclite. Colours: red – O, green – Cl, grey – Bi.

Bismuth oxochloride (BiOCl, bismoclite) is a rare example of a mineral oxohalide. The crystal structure has a tetragonal symmetry and can be thought of as consisting of layers of Cl, Bi3+ and O2− ions, in the order Cl-Bi-O-Bi-Cl-Cl-Bi-O-Bi-Cl. This layered, graphite-like structure results in a relatively low hardness of bismoclite (Mohs 2–2.5) and most other oxohalide minerals. [22] Those other minerals include terlinguaite Hg2OCl, formed by the weathering of mercury-containing minerals. [23] Mendipite, Pb3O2Cl2, formed from an original deposit of lead sulfide in a number of stages is another example of a secondary oxohalide mineral.

The elements iron, antimony, bismuth and lanthanum form oxochlorides of general formula MOCl. MOBr and MOI are also known for Sb and Bi. Many of their crystal structures have been determined. [24]

See also

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Bromine compounds are compounds containing the element bromine (Br). These compounds usually form the -1, +1, +3 and +5 oxidation states. Bromine is intermediate in reactivity between chlorine and iodine, and is one of the most reactive elements. Bond energies to bromine tend to be lower than those to chlorine but higher than those to iodine, and bromine is a weaker oxidising agent than chlorine but a stronger one than iodine. This can be seen from the standard electrode potentials of the X2/X couples (F, +2.866 V; Cl, +1.395 V; Br, +1.087 V; I, +0.615 V; At, approximately +0.3 V). Bromination often leads to higher oxidation states than iodination but lower or equal oxidation states to chlorination. Bromine tends to react with compounds including M–M, M–H, or M–C bonds to form M–Br bonds.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chromium compounds</span> Chemical compounds containing chromium

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Fluorine forms a great variety of chemical compounds, within which it always adopts an oxidation state of −1. With other atoms, fluorine forms either polar covalent bonds or ionic bonds. Most frequently, covalent bonds involving fluorine atoms are single bonds, although at least two examples of a higher order bond exist. Fluoride may act as a bridging ligand between two metals in some complex molecules. Molecules containing fluorine may also exhibit hydrogen bonding. Fluorine's chemistry includes inorganic compounds formed with hydrogen, metals, nonmetals, and even noble gases; as well as a diverse set of organic compounds. For many elements the highest known oxidation state can be achieved in a fluoride. For some elements this is achieved exclusively in a fluoride, for others exclusively in an oxide; and for still others the highest oxidation states of oxides and fluorides are always equal.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thorium compounds</span> Chemical compounds

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Carbon oxohalides are a group of chemical compounds that contain only carbon, oxygen and halogen atoms: fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. They include carbonyl halides, COX2, and oxalyl halides, C2X2O2, where X = F, Cl, Br or I. The halogen atoms X do not have to be identical; they differ in mixed oxohalides. Most combinations of halogens exist but carbonyl iodide, COI2, is unknown. The carbon–oxygen bond length in carbonyl halides (1.13–1.17 Å) is shorter than in other carbonyl compounds such as aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, esters and amides. They are reactive reagents for halogenation, acylation and dehydration reactions.

Gallium compounds are compounds containing the element gallium. These compounds are found primarily in the +3 oxidation state. The +1 oxidation state is also found in some compounds, although it is less common than it is for gallium's heavier congeners indium and thallium. For example, the very stable GaCl2 contains both gallium(I) and gallium(III) and can be formulated as GaIGaIIICl4; in contrast, the monochloride is unstable above 0 °C, disproportionating into elemental gallium and gallium(III) chloride. Compounds containing Ga–Ga bonds are true gallium(II) compounds, such as GaS (which can be formulated as Ga24+(S2−)2) and the dioxan complex Ga2Cl4(C4H8O2)2. There are also compounds of gallium with negative oxidation states, ranging from -5 to -1, most of these compounds being magnesium gallides (MgxGay).


  1. Synthesis of individual compounds can be found in Housecroft & Sharpe and Greenwood & Earnshaw in sections relating to the specific element, A
  2. Sisler, H. H. "Chromyl Chloride" Inorganic Synthesis McGraw-Hill: New York, 1946; Vol. 2, pp. 205–207.
  3. Greenwood & Earnshaw, p. 1023
  4. Greenwood & Earnshaw, p. 996.
  5. K. Nakamoto Infrared and Raman spectra of inorganic and coordination compounds, 5th. edition, Part A, Wiley, 1997 ISBN   0-471-19406-9, Tables II-4c, II-6g, II-6h, II-7b, II-8c
  6. Shriver & Atkins, Figure 13.8, p. 447
  7. Shriver & Atkins, p. 358
  8. Margrave, J. L.; Sharp, K. G.; Wilson, P. W. (9 September 1969). "Silicon-Fluorine Chemistry IX: The Reactions of Silicon Difluoride and Silicon Tetrafluoride with Water and Some Reactions of Tetrafluorodisiloxane". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 92 (6) (published 25 March 1970). doi:10.1021/ja00709a015.
  9. Housecroft & Sharpe, pp. 329–330
  10. Housecroft & Sharpe, pp. 365–367
  11. 1 2 Shriver & Atkins, p. 397
  12. Oberhammer, Heinz; Seppelt, Konrad (1978). "Molecular Structure of F5SOSF5, F5SeOSeF5, and F5TeOTeF5: d-Orbital Participation in Bonds between Main Group Elements". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 17 (1): 69–70. doi:10.1002/anie.197800691.
  13. Housecroft & Sharpe, p. 395
  14. Fourati, Mohieddine; Chaabouni, Moncef; Belin, Claude Henri; Charbonnel, Monique; Pascal, Jean Louis; Potier, Jacqueline (1986). "A strongly chelating bidentate CLO4. New synthesis route and crystal structure determination of Ti(CLO4)". Inorg. Chem. 25 (9): 1386–1390. doi:10.1021/ic00229a019.
  15. Greenwood & Earnshaw, Chapters 22–25, section halides and oxohalides
  16. Greenwood & Earnshaw p. 993.
  17. 1 2 Strauss, Steven H.; Noirot, Mark D.; Anderson, Oren P. (1985). "Preparation and characterization of silver(I) teflate complexes: bridging OTeF5 groups in the solid state and in solution". Inorg. Chem. 24 (25): 4307–4311. doi:10.1021/ic00219a022.
  18. Housectroft & Sharpe, Chapters 21 and 22 illustrate many structures, including M-O and M-Cl bond lengths.
  19. Dewan, John. C.; Edwards, Anthony J.; Calves, Jean Y.; Guerchais, Jacques E. (1997). "Fluoride crystal structures. Part 28. Bis(tetraethylammonium)μ-oxo-bis[pentafluorotantalate(V)]". J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. (10): 978–980. doi:10.1039/DT9770000978.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link). The structure is illustrated in Housectroft & Sharpe, Figure 22.5.
  20. Housectroft & Sharpe, Figure 22.15.
  21. Crossman, Martin C.; Hope, Eric G.; Saunders, Graham C. (1996). "Cyclopentadienyl metal teflate (OTeF5) complexes". J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. (4): 509–511. doi:10.1039/DT9960000509.
  22. Anthony, John W.; Bideaux, Richard A.; Bladh, Kenneth W.; Nichols, Monte C. (eds.). "Bismoclite". Handbook of Mineralogy (PDF). Vol. III (Halides, Hydroxides, Oxides). Chantilly, VA: Mineralogical Society of America. ISBN   0-9622097-2-4 . Retrieved December 5, 2011.
  23. Hillebrand, W. F.; W. T. Schaller (1907). "Art. XXVI. The Mercury Minerals from Terlingua, Texas: Kleinite, Terlinguaite, Eglestonite, Montroydite, Calomel, Mercury". The American Journal of Science. s4-24 (139): 259–274. doi:10.2475/ajs.s4-24.141.259 . Retrieved 2009-05-21.
  24. Wells, pp. 390–392
