Papillary hidradenoma | |
Other names | Hidradenoma papilliferum |
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Micrograph of a papillary hidradenoma with papillary structures; fragmented overlying epidermis is at the top of the image. H&E stain. | |
Specialty | Gynecology, dermatology |
Symptoms | Mass in the genital or other area |
Treatment | Surgical removal |
Prognosis | Excellent |
A papillary hidradenoma, also termed hidradenoma papilliferum or mammary-like gland adenoma of the vulva, [1] is a rare, but nonetheless most common benign tumor that occurs in and between anal and genital regions (i.e. anogenital area) of females. [2] These hidradenomas are sharply circumscribed, nodular tumors that usually develop in women's anogenital area (particularly the vulva [3] ) but uncommonly occur in other sites in women and men. [4] Papillary hidradenomas that develop outside of the anogenital region are termed ecctopic papillary hidradenomas or ectopic hidradenoma papilliferums. [5]
Anogenital papillary hidradenomas are regarded as tumors that form in anogenital mammary–like glands (MLAGs); MLAGs are a type of apocrine gland. [2] [6] MLAGs were once classified as abnormally located breast tissue glands (see accessory breast tissue@ but are now considered to be normal components of the anogenital region. Microscopically, papillary hidradenomas often resemble certain types of breast tumors. [2] Ectopic papillary hidradenomas are thought to be tumors of apocrine glands which have an as yet unclear relationship to MLAGs. [7]
Typically, papillary hidradenomas are solitary, slow-growing, small tumors that may have been present for months to many years before the time of diagnosis. [8] The tumors are usually symptomless but may be intermittently or constantly painful, become ulcerated, and exhibit minor levels of bleeding. [9] The pain resulting from these tumors may be simple tenderness, more or less constant usually mild pain, [4] [9] or, in females, dyspareunia, i.e. pain during and just after sexual intercourse. [4]
Rarely, papillary hidradenomas have progressed to what appear to be 1)in situ malignancies (i.e. malignancies that have neither metastasized nor invaded beyond the layer of tissue where they arose); 2) locally invasive malignancies; [10] [11] or 3) complex tumors intermixed with other malignancies such as extramammary Paget disease, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. [8] Furthermore, benign papillary hidradenoma tumors may be confused clinically with cancerous tumors [12] and recent studies have indicated that other types of tumors have often been mistakenly diagnosed as papillary hidradenomas. [13] Papillary hidradenomas, particularly ectopic papillary hidradenomas, require further study to better define the criteria for their diagnosis. [13]
In a review of 264 women diagnosed with anogenital papillary hidradenomas, patients ranged in age from 25 to 82 years (median: 49 years); in 25 cases where the information was available, the tumors had been present for 2–120 months (median: 12 months) with 13 patients reporting their tumor's presence for less than 1 year before diagnosis. All patients had a solitary tumor in the anogenital area except for one patient who presented with four clustered tumors. Most tumors involved the vulva (71.6%) and areas around the anus (14%) or space between the anus and vulva, i.e. the perineum (3.8%). Their lesions ranged in size from 0.2 to 2 centimeters (cm.) in largest dimension (median: 0.7 cm.). [8] Smaller studies on one or a few females with anogenital papillary hidradenomas found that the tumors commonly presented as asymptomatic, well-confined, skin-colored, red, or bluish nodules [14] in women of Caucasian origin between the ages of 25–66 years. [4] The nodules were solid or cystic; [10] 0.4 to 2.5 cm. in widest dimension; [9] [10] and usually located in the grooves (termed interlabial sulci or interlabial folds) between the labia majora and labia minora, [9] the clitoris, or the region between the vulva and anus (i.e. Frenulum of labia minora). [4] Ectopic papillary hidradenomas in women have been reported to occur on the scalp, eyelid, cheek, forehead, face, ear canal, and back. Nearly 50% of ectopic papillary hidradenoma have been diagnosed in men; these have occurred on the thigh, arm, armpit, face and eyelid. [15] [16] [17] [18] [7] While usually symptomless, patients may complain that the tumor is ulcerated, bleeds, or is painful. [9] This pain may be simple tenderness, more or less constant but usually mild, [4] [9] or, in females with anogenital lesions, dyspareunia. [4] The rare cases of ectopic papillary hidradenoma in the external auditory canal have presented with unilateral conductive hearing loss sometimes associated with ear pain, drainage of ear fluid, or weakness of a facial muscle(s). [18]
Microscopic histopathological analyses of papillary hidradenoma tumors typically reveal a nodule in the dermis, i.e. layer of skin between the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue. The tumor consists of complex patterns of interconnecting tubular and papillary (i.e. thin finger-like or frond-like) structures. [19] These structures are lined with glandular epithelial and myoepithelial cells. The glandular epithelial cells appear to be excessively proliferating in the ducts leading to the epidermis and show oxyphilic changes, (i.e. cytoplasm filled with large mitochondria, glycogen, and ribosomes) while the myoepithelial cells often appear clear cell-like, i.e. have uncolored cytoplasm when stained with hematoxylin and eosin. [1] The histopathology of anogenital and ectopic papillary hidradenomas are similar to each other. [7] [9] [15] [18]
Immunohistochemical analyses of anogenital papillary hidradenoma tumors have detected the expression of both the estrogen and progesterone receptors in 18 and the androgen receptor in 4 of 20 cases. [20] In another study of anogenital papillary hidradenomas, expression of the estrogen receptor was restricted to the tumors' glandular epithelial cells while the tumors' myoepithelial cells expressed tumor protein p63 and alpha-smooth muscle actin protein. [1] Presence of the estrogen and progesterone receptors may underlie the female prevalence of anogenital papillary hidradenomas [13] as well as their development in females only after puberty. The anogenital tumor cells may also express vimentin, various cytokeratin proteins, and in a minority of cases the DNA of human papillomavirus (infection by this virus and the presence of its DNA does not appear involved in the development of papillary hidradenoma). [10] These immunohistochemistry findings have not as yet been reported in atypical papillary hidradenomas.
Several studies have reported the presence in anogenital papillary hidradenoma tumor cells of mutations in one or multiple genes that lead to the production of proteins that directly or indirectly stimulate the PI3K/AKT/mTOR intracellular signaling pathway. The mutated genes include PIK3CA, AKT1, PIK3CA, MAGI1, SYNE1, USP9X, KLNI (also termed CASC5), RNF213, FLCN, PDGFRB, AR (i.e. the androgen receptor gene), BTK, MLL3, KAT6A, BRD3, EP400, TET2, IL6, and IL7R. The PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway promotes the grow (i.e. proliferation) and survival of cells and is abnormally activated in, and appears to contribute to the development and or progression of, a wide range of tumors. [21] While further studies are needed, these findings suggest that the cited mutations lead to stimulation of the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway and thereby promote the development and/or progression of anogenital papillary hidradenoma in the majority of cases. [1] [2] [10] [22] These abnormalities have not yet been reported in ectopic papillary hidradenomas.
The diagnosis of anogenital papillary hidradenoma lesions, while often suggested based on their clinical presentations, must be differentiated from a wide range of other similarly presenting anogenital lesions such as hemorrhoidal disease, anorectal abscesses, virus-related wart-like lesions, sebaceous cysts, mucous cysts, lipomas, neurofibromas, metastatic carcinomas with papillary histopathology, syringocystoadenocarcinoma papilliferum (i.e. malignant syringocystadenoma papilliferum), [4] syringocystadenoma papilliferum, melanomas, eccrine porocarcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, nodular lesions in extramammary Paget disease, [9] dermatofibroma, focal areas of mucinosis, colloid milium, and sebaceous adenomas. [15] This differentiation is made by finding that a lesion has the histopathological features typical of papillary hidradenomas. [9] [23] However, some cases diagnosed as ectopic papillary hidradenomas, particularly those occurring in men, have subsequently been found to be syringocystadenoma papilliferums or trichoepitheliomas. Further studies are required to better define the criteria for ectopic papillary hidradenomas. [13]
The treatment of choice for anogenital and ectopic papillary hidradenomas, regardless of their locations, is similar: resection of the tumor while preserving the surrounding structures. [9] [15] [18] Recurrence of these tumors is rare and usually due to incomplete removal of the primary lesion. As of 2021, there has been no reported recurrence of ectopic papillary hidradenomas. [7] Prognosis after complete surgical removal of anogenital and ectopic papillary hidradenomas is excellent. [15]
Transformations of papillary hidradenomas into malignant forms are extremely rare. Two cases progressed to in situ (malignant cells present in the tumor but have neither metastasized, i.e. spread to distant tissues nor invaded beyond the layer of tissue from where they arose) cancers; two cases appeared to have infiltrated locally but not metastasized; [11] and one case was a rapidly fatal lesion that appeared to be an adenosquamous carcinoma that arose in a papillary hidradenoma. [24] It is not clear that these cases actually represent true progression of papillary hidradenoma into a cancer. [11]
Apocrine is a term used to classify the mode of secretion of exocrine glands. In apocrine secretion, secretory cells accumulate material at their apical ends, and this material then buds off from the cells, forming extracellular vesicles. The secretory cells therefore lose part of their cytoplasm in the process of secretion.
Extramammary Paget's disease (EMPD) is a rare and slow-growing malignancy which occurs within the epithelium and accounts for 6.5% of all Paget's disease. The clinical presentation of this disease is similar to the characteristics of mammary Paget's disease (MPD). However, unlike MPD, which occurs in large lactiferous ducts and then extends into the epidermis, EMPD originates in glandular regions rich in apocrine secretions outside the mammary glands. EMPD incidence is increasing by 3.2% every year, affecting hormonally-targeted tissues such as the vulva and scrotum. In women, 81.3% of EMPD cases are related to the vulva, while for men, 43.2% of the manifestations present at the scrotum.
Vulvar cancer is a cancer of the vulva, the outer portion of the female genitals. It most commonly affects the labia majora. Less often, the labia minora, clitoris, or Bartholin's glands are affected. Symptoms include a lump, itchiness, changes in the skin, or bleeding from the vulva.
Angiofibroma (AGF) is a descriptive term for a wide range of benign skin or mucous membrane lesions in which individuals have:
Syringocystadenoma papilliferum is a rare non-malignant adnexal neoplasm that develops from apocrine or eccrine sweat glands and can be identified histologically by cystic, papillary, and ductal invaginations into the dermis lined by double-layered outer cuboidal and luminal high columnar epithelium and connected to the epidermis.
Poromas are rare, benign, cutaneous adnexal tumors. Cutaneous adnexal tumors are a group of skin tumors consisting of tissues that have differentiated towards one or more of the four primary adnexal structures found in normal skin: hair follicles, sebaceous sweat glands, apocrine sweat glands, and eccrine sweat glands. Poromas are eccrine or apocrine sweat gland tumors derived from the cells in the terminal portion of these glands' ducts. This part of the sweat gland duct is termed the acrosyringium and had led to grouping poromas in the acrospiroma class of skin tumors. Here, poromas are regarded as distinct sweat gland tumors that differ from other sweat gland tumors by their characteristic clinical presentations, microscopic histopathology, and the genetic mutations that their neoplastic cells have recently been found to carry.
Porocarcinoma (PCA) is a rare form of skin cancer that develops in eccrine sweat glands, i.e. the body's widely distributed major type of sweat glands, as opposed to the apocrine sweat glands which are located primarily in the armpits and perineal area. This cancer typically develops in individuals as a single cutaneous tumor in the intraepidermal spiral part of these sweat glands' ducts at or near to where they open on the skin's surface. PCA tumors are classified as one form of the cutaneous adnexal tumors; in a study of 2,205 cases, PCA was the most common (11.8%) form of these tumors.
Spiradenomas (SA) are rare, benign cutaneous adnexal tumors that may progress to become their malignant counterparts, i.e. spiradenocarcinomas (SAC). Cutaneous adnexal tumors are a group of skin tumors consisting of tissues that have differentiated towards one of the four primary adnexal structures found in normal skin: hair follicles, sebaceous sweat glands, apocrine sweat glands, and eccrine sweat glands. SA and SAC tumors were regarded as eccrine gland tumors and termed eccrine spiradenomas and eccrine spiradenocarcinomas, respectively. However, more recent studies have found them to be hair follicle tumors and commonly term them spiradenomas and spiradenocarcinomas, respectively. Further confusing the situation, SA-like and SAC-like tumors are also 1) manifestations of the inherited disorder, CYLD cutaneous syndrome (CCS), and 2) have repeatedly been confused with an entirely different tumor, adenoid cystic carcinomas of the salivary gland. Here, SA and SAC are strictly defined as sporadic hair follicle tumors that do not include the hereditary CCS spiradenomas and heridtary spiradenocarcinoms of CCS or the adenoid cystic carcinomas.
The PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway is an intracellular signaling pathway important in regulating the cell cycle. Therefore, it is directly related to cellular quiescence, proliferation, cancer, and longevity. PI3K activation phosphorylates and activates AKT, localizing it in the plasma membrane. AKT can have a number of downstream effects such as activating CREB, inhibiting p27, localizing FOXO in the cytoplasm, activating PtdIns-3ps, and activating mTOR which can affect transcription of p70 or 4EBP1. There are many known factors that enhance the PI3K/AKT pathway including EGF, shh, IGF-1, insulin, and CaM. Both leptin and insulin recruit PI3K signalling for metabolic regulation. The pathway is antagonized by various factors including PTEN, GSK3B, and HB9.
ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion is the translocation of genetic material between the ETV6 gene located on the short arm of chromosome 12 at position p13.2 and the NTRK3 gene located on the long arm of chromosome 15 at position q25.3 to create the (12;15)(p13;q25) fusion gene, ETV6-NTRK3. This new gene consists of the 5' end of ETV6 fused to the 3' end of NTRK3. ETV6-NTRK3 therefore codes for a chimeric oncoprotein consisting of the helix-loop-helix (HLH) protein dimerization domain of the ETV6 protein fused to the tyrosine kinase domain of the NTRK3 protein. The ETV6 gene codes for the transcription factor protein, ETV6, which suppresses the expression of, and thereby regulates, various genes that in mice are required for normal hematopoiesis as well as the development and maintenance of the vascular network. NTRK3 codes for Tropomyosin receptor kinase C a NT-3 growth factor receptor cell surface protein that when bound to its growth factor ligand, neurotrophin-3, becomes an active tyrosine kinase that phosphorylates tyrosine residues on, and thereby stimulates, signaling proteins that promote the growth, survival, and proliferation of their parent cells. The tyrosine kinase of the ETV6-NTRK3 fusion protein is dysfunctional in that it is continuously active in phosphorylating tyrosine residues on, and thereby continuously stimulating, proteins that promote the growth, survival, and proliferation of their parent cells. In consequence, these cells take on malignant characteristics and are on the pathway of becoming cancerous. Indeed, the ETV6-NTRK3 fusion gene appears to be a critical driver of several types of cancers. It was originally identified in congenital fibrosarcoma and subsequently found in mammary secretory carcinoma, mammary analogue secretory carcinoma of salivary glands, salivary gland–type carcinoma of the thyroid, secretory carcinoma of the skin, congenital fibrosarcoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma, rare cases of acute myelogenous leukemia, ALK-negative Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour, cholangiocarcinoma, and radiation-induced papillary thyroid carcinoma.
A ceruminous adenoma is a benign glandular neoplasm which arises from the ceruminous glands located within the external auditory canal. These glands are found within the outer one third to one half of the external auditory canal, more common along the posterior surface; therefore, the tumor develops within a very specific location.
Noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (NIFTP) is an indolent thyroid tumor that was previously classified as an encapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma, necessitating a new classification as it was recognized that encapsulated tumors without invasion have an indolent behavior, and may be over-treated if classified as a type of cancer.
Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma (MASC), also termed MASCSG, is a salivary gland neoplasm. It is a secretory carcinoma which shares the microscopic pathologic features with other types of secretory carcinomas including mammary secretory carcinoma, secretory carcinoma of the skin, and salivary gland–type carcinoma of the thyroid. MASCSG was first described by Skálová et al. in 2010. The authors of this report found a chromosome translocation in certain salivary gland tumors, i.e. a (12;15)(p13;q25) fusion gene mutation. The other secretory carcinoma types carry this fusion gene.
Vulvar tumors are those neoplasms of the vulva. Vulvar and vaginal neoplasms make up a small percentage (3%) of female genital cancers. They can be benign or malignant. Vulvar neoplasms are divided into cystic or solid lesions and other mixed types. Vulvar cancers are those malignant neoplasms that originate from vulvar epithelium, while vulvar sarcomas develop from non-epithelial cells such as bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue. Epithelial and mesenchymal tissue are the origin of vulvar tumors.
Papillomatosis of the breast (PB) is a rare, benign, epitheliosis-like lesion, i.e. an overgrowth of the cells lining the ducts of glands that resembles a papilla or nipple-like nodule/tumor. PB tumors develop in the apocrine glands of the breast. PB is also termed juvenile papillomatosis because of its frequent occurrence in younger women and Swiss cheese disease because of its microscopic appearance. Rarely, PB has also been diagnosed in very young, adolescent, and adult males.
Mammary secretory carcinoma (MSC), also termed secretory carcinoma of the breast, is a rare form of the breast cancers. MSC usually affects women but in a significant percentage of cases also occurs in men and children. Indeed, McDvitt and Stewart first described MSC in 1966 and termed it juvenile breast carcinoma because an increased number of cases were at that time diagnosed in juvenile females. MSC is the most common form of breast cancer in children, representing 80% of childhood breast cancers, although it accounts for less than 0.15% of all breast cancers.
Secretory carcinoma was once used exclusively as a term for rare, slowly growing breast tumors without reference to their location in the breast. It is now termed mammary secretory carcinoma because secretory carcinoma has sometimes been used to name tumors which develop in non-breast tissues but have the microscopic appearance of, and a critical gene abnormality found in, mammary secretory carcinoma. This genetic abnormality is a balanced genetic translocation that forms a ETV6-NTRK3 fusion gene which appears involved in promoting the development and/or progression of all these tumors. The formerly termed secretory carcinomas include:
Papillary carcinomas of the breast (PCB), also termed malignant papillary carcinomas of the breast, are rare forms of the breast cancers. The World Health Organization (2019) classified papillary neoplasms of the breast into 5 types: intraductal papilloma, papillary ductal carcinoma in situ (PDCIS), encapsulated papillary carcinoma (EPC), solid-papillary carcinoma (SPC), and invasive papillary carcinoma (IPC). The latter four carcinomas are considered here; intraductal papilloma is a benign neoplasm. The World Health Organization regarded solid papillary carcinoma as having two subtypes: in situ and invasive SPC.
Invasive cribriform carcinoma of the breast (ICCB), also termed invasive cribriform carcinoma, is a rare type of breast cancer that accounts for 0.3% to 0.6% of all carcinomas in the breast. It originates in a lactiferous duct as opposed to the lobules that form the alveoli in the breasts' mammary glands. ICCB was first described by Dixon and colleagues in 1983 as a tumor that on microscopic histopathological inspection had a cribriform pattern, i.e. a tissue pattern consisting of numerous "Swiss cheese"-like open spaces and/or sieve-like small holes. The latest edition (2019) of the World Health Organization (2019) termed these lesions invasive cribriform carcinomas indicating that by definition they must have a component that invades out of their ducts of origin into adjacent tissues. In situ ductal cancers that have a cribriform histopathology are regarded as belonging to the group of ductal carcinoma in situ tumors.
Pure apocrine carcinoma of the breast (PACB) is a rare carcinoma derived from the epithelial cells in the lactiferous ducts of the mammary gland. The mammary gland is an apocrine gland. Its lactiferous ducts have two layers of epithelial cells, a luminal layer which faces the duct's lumen and a basal layer which lies beneath the luminal layer. There are at least 4 subtypes of epithelial cells in these ducts: luminal progenitor cells and luminal mature cells which reside in the luminal layer and mammary stem cells and basal cells which reside in the basal layer. Examination of the genes expressed in PACB cancer cells indicate that most of these tumors consist of cells derived from luminal cells but a minority of these tumors consist of cells derived from basal cells.