Spring Pond | |
Location | Essex County, Massachusetts |
Coordinates | 42°29′45″N70°56′49″W / 42.49583°N 70.94694°W |
Basin countries | United States |
Settlements | Lynn, Peabody and Salem, Massachusetts |
Spring Pond, United States, (formerly known as "Mineral Spring", "Mineral Pond" and the "little lake of Lynnmere") [1] abuts the three cities of Lynn, Peabody (formerly Danvers) and Salem. In the center of these townships "is a beautiful pond". [2] It is a secluded lake known by residents of the three cities and visitors who come to enjoy the camps, trails and natural environment of the woods. "It is in fact one of the most picturesque and romantic lakelets in Massachusetts". [3] Stretching from Spring Pond to Marlborough Road in Salem, the pond and woods form a microcosm of beauty. On the edge of Spring Pond was once the Fay Farm, an English manor estate in New England. The mansion of Fay Farm was a well-known hotel in 1810, when the springs of these areas were believed to possess medicinal qualities. People visited the springs near Spring Pond to restore health, and worship the goddess Hygeia (Greek : health) and drink from the rusty iron-rich water trickling from the foot of a bank. Later, some traveled there solely for fun and frolic. The hotel was then converted into a private residence. The waters of Spring Pond are conveyed by springs from an aquifer lying below Spring Pond (and its surrounding area) through Peabody, Lynn and Salem. [4] Spring Pond is listed as one of the "Massachusetts Great Ponds". [5] [6]
In 1669 (and again in 1793), colonial divisions between townships were drawn using the spring at Spring Pond as the benchmark to create the city boundaries; Spring Pond supplied water to Danvers (now Peabody), Lynn and Salem. In 1669, the spring was used to establish the boundary between Lynn and Salem; in 1793 (when Salem divided, forming another township) the borders were redefined based on the spring. The stone benchmark remains in the water of Spring Pond, engraved with the initials of each township: L (for Lynn), P (for Peabody) and S (for Salem). [7] In 1793 Spring Pond was divided among three towns: Peabody (once Danvers), Salem and Lynn (once Saugus). The spring was the boundary of the colonial division line of the townships. The dividing line left valuable, arable land on one side of the town boundary and separated the Mansion House and buildings in Lynn. [7]
"Lo", a Native American, was killed around 1676 by John Flint, a soldier in the war against King Philip by the Wampanoags, near the pond (at the present border of Lynn and Salem). Legend says that he was the first (and only) Native American killed in the area; his body and bones nourished the shrubs and trees near Spring Pond. [7]
Before 1704, early settlement of the area included Jacob and Elizabeth (John Clifford) Allen of Salem (and their daughter Elizabeth) as recorded landowners near what was then known as Lynn Mineral Spring Pond. [8]
During the Third Plantation of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (in about 1704) John Casper Richter Von Crowninshield (Johannes Kaspar Richter Von Kronenscheldt, as first spelled), a German physician, settled on the hillsides near Spring Pond on land purchased from Elizabeth Allen (partly in Salem and partly in Lynn). [8] [9] Among Crowninshield's descendants were George Crowninshield, who founded the Crowninshield & Sons shipping business and whose family built Crowninshield’s Wharf in Salem. Benjamin Williams Crowninshield served as United States Secretary of the Navy, Representative in Congress, member of the Massachusetts State Senate and House of Representatives, and became one of the first directors of the Merchant's Bank of Salem; he founded East India Trade of Salem, and the USS Crowninshield naval destroyer was named in his honor. [10] [11] George Crowninshield Jr. built and sailed the yacht Cleopatra’s Barge. Louise E. du Pont Crowninshield, wife of Francis Boardman Crowninshield, was one of America's first historical preservationists and a founding member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. [8] [9]
In 1810 the Twin Springs Hotel (later known as the Mineral Spring Hotel, part of the Crowninshield estate and the Fay Estate Mansion of Lynn) was built near the spring, whose water was rich in iron and believed to possess medicinal qualities. Patients traveled great distances to drink the water and, for a time, to worship the goddess Hygeia to restore their health. This "classical worship" damaged the hotel's reputation, and it was later converted into the private summer residence of Richard Sullivan Fay. [9] [12] From 1847–1865 Fay (an Anglo-American farmer, merchant and manufacturer) lived on a 500-acre (2.0 km2) estate on the hillsides surrounding Spring Pond partly in Lynn (the present Fay Estate), partly in present-day Salem (the present Camp Lion and WalMart, extending to Danvers Road), [8] [9] growing in his arboretum (which was open to the public) a variety of rare and exotic trees and shrubs imported from other parts of the world; many arrived here first in the United States, among them the American tulip tree. Some descendants of Fay's trees and shrubs continue to grow near Spring Pond, although most of the rare trees were cut by a lumber company in 1910. [13] In 1862, Fay commissioned an army at his own expense. Officers and members of the 38th Regiment of Massachusetts named the company the "Fay Light Guard". It was attached to the 39th Massachusetts Regiment and fought at Port Hudson, Cane River, Mansion Plains, Winchester, Fisher’s Hill and Cedar Creek.
The Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers (vol. 3) reported that "In 1851 a 12 in (30 cm) main 1,600 ft (490 m) in length was constructed to bring water by gravity from Spring Pond in Peabody, one of the present sources of supply of that town. This pond is about 40 ft (12 m) above the central portion of Salem". [14]
The Lynn Mineral Spring is a place of agreeable resort at all seasons of the year. It is a highly picturesque and romantic spot, by the side of an extensive pond, or lake, surrounded by hills and wild woodlands. The first white man who selected this delightful retreat for his residence, was Caspar Van Crawninshield, Esq., a gentleman from Germany, ancestor of the respectable family, of Crowninshields, of Boston. He built a cottage here about the year 1690, and several of the old apple-trees, planted by him, are still standing in the garden. A neat and commodious hotel is open here for the accommodation of boarders and visitors, kept by Mr. Otis King. [15]
— Alonzo Lewis, Lynn's first historian, Register of the Lynn Historical Society, vols. 15–16
I never witnessed any growth that awakened my admiration more. Not withstanding the injuries sustained by fires, and other wanton encroachments, the whole region about the beautiful sheet of water long known as Spring Pond, whose waters supply the city of Salem with elixer of life, is made beautiful by their verdure. [16]
— Samuel W. Cole, historian, writer and educator, The New England Farmer
In the middle of township is a beautiful pond, named Spring Pond. [17]
— Anonymous, Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society for 1799
The situation is delightful. The little lake, which has received the pretty name of Lynnmere, nestles so cosily and smiles so brightly between the thickly wooded hills that it might also be imagined there had been a compact that is should be shielded from the wild winds that would agitate its bosom, in return for the refreshing exhalations it might send up to renovate the drooping foliage. Upon the western bank, which rises gracefully to a considerable height, was erected, in 1810, the edifice long known as Lynn Mineral Spring Hotel. It was a favorite summer resort; and no inland retreat could be more charming. [18]
— Anonymous, Lynn Historical Society Register, vols. 16–18
The trees were assisted to grow by Mr. Fay in accordance with the divine law, Washington Irving would have said as he did of his transatlantic friend...“He who plants an oak, looks forward to future ages, and plants for prosperity. Nothing can be less selfish than this. He cannot expect to sit in its shade, nor enjoy its shelter; but he exults in the idea that the acorn which he has buried in the earth grow up into a lofty pile, and shall keep on flourishing and increasing and benefiting mankind, long after he shall have ceased to tread his paternal fields. [19]
— Anonymous, Lynn Historical Society Register, vols. 15–16
Parentator or Remarkables of Dr. Increase Mather , by Cotton Mather, was published in 1724. [22] In his book, Cotton Mather shares excerpts from the diary of his father, Increase Mather, concerning the latter's recovery from illness due to the healing waters of Mineral Spring Pond (as it was then known). Some excerpts follow:
In the Spring of 1670, he returned unto his Beloved Pulpit: And made his first Sermon on those words: PSal XCIV.12. Blessed is the Man thou Chastenest, O Lord, and teachest out of thy Law. But being still under feeble circumstances, and having a strong impression on his mind, that the drinking of the mineral waters might be of use to him, he took a lodging at Lyn, where he might repair every morning, to a spring there, which was then famous through the country. I will transcribe a passage of two from his diary, which he wrote in the time of his being there.
One is this: "At the Waters, retiring myself under the Trees, I poured out my Soul before the Lord, and then met with Him. I did humbly and believingly (through the Lord's Grace towards me) betake myself unto God, and unto Jesus Christ, for the Healing of my Bodily Distempers. I Believed, Because, though Sin had brought these Distempers on me, yet God had accepted the Sacrifice, which Christ has offered for my Sin. Because also God had formerly heard my Prayers. And because Christ has Redeemed my Body as well as my Soul. Christ intends to bestow Eternal Glory on My Body as well as on my Soul: And therefore He will not deny unto me so small a matter as Bodily Health, which is nothing in comparison of Eternal Glory. Finally, Because I desire Health for the Lord's Sake, and not for my own; even that I may do Service for Him. After Prayer, I went away Inwardly Rejoicing, because I have prevailed! I have Prevailed for Mercy!"
Another is this. "At the Waters. There again the Lord enabled me with Tears, and Perswasion of a Gracious Answer to pour out my Desires before Him for both Bodily and Spiritual Healing to be vouchsafed unto me My dear God in Jesus Christ, will certainly accept of some Service from me: Blessed be His Glorius name forever and ever: Amen! Amen!" It was not long before the Lost Jewel was restored onto me. Nevertheless, in the way to it, he met with many grievous Pangs of Overwhelming Melancholy: of which he also says, "I found the Prayer of Faith to be the best Remedy against it".
But of this also, I will from his diary, only note a couple of passages.
One is this; "As I was returning home from Lyn, at the end of the Town, a poor Godly Woman (whose name is Mansfield) desired those that Rode with me to go forward, for she must needs speak with me. When I stop'd, O Syr, (said she, with much affection, and many Tears) I am troubled at my condition. I am afraid, that I grieve the Good Spirit of God, by not being so cheerful as I ought to be. I am Dejected, and my Soul is Disquieted; And when I meet with afflictions, I lay them too much to Heart; and I doubt, & herein offend, so Gracious a Father, as God has been unto me; a God who has done much for me, and sometimes manifested Himself unto me. I was astonished to hear her speak, and see her come thus to me for some Relief in such Temptation. I concluded that this poor Woman (who little thought so herself) was a Messenger sent from God unto me; For she spoke to my very condition, as if He that knows all things had put Words into her Mouth. Oh! Let the Great Physician of Souls (said I then) Look upon me, and let Him Heal me, and give me Power of Grace to be more than a Conqueror over my Special Infirmities".
— Cotton Mather, Parentator or Remarkables of Dr. Increase Mather
Essex County is a county in the northeastern part of the U.S. state of Massachusetts. At the 2020 census, the total population was 809,829, making it the third-most populous county in the state, and the seventy-eighth-most populous in the country. It is part of the Greater Boston area. The largest city in Essex County is Lynn. The county was named after the English county of Essex. It has two traditional county seats: Salem and Lawrence. Prior to the dissolution of the county government in 1999, Salem had jurisdiction over the Southern Essex District, and Lawrence had jurisdiction over the Northern Essex District, but currently these cities do not function as seats of government. However, the county and the districts remain as administrative regions recognized by various governmental agencies, which gathered vital statistics or disposed of judicial case loads under these geographic subdivisions, and are required to keep the records based on them. The county has been designated the Essex National Heritage Area by the National Park Service.
Peabody is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 54,481 at the time of the 2020 United States Census. Peabody is located in the North Shore region of Massachusetts, and is known for its rich industrial history.
Salem is a historic coastal city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States, located on the North Shore of Greater Boston. Continuous settlement by Europeans began in 1626 with English colonists. Salem was one of the most significant seaports trading commodities in early American history. Prior to the dissolution of county governments in Massachusetts in 1999, it served as one of two county seats for Essex County, alongside Lawrence.
Increase Mather was a New England Puritan clergyman in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and president of Harvard College for twenty years (1681–1701). He was influential in the administration of the colony during a time that coincided with the notorious Salem witch trials.
Benjamin Williams Crowninshield served as the United States Secretary of the Navy between 1815 and 1818, during the administrations of Presidents James Madison and James Monroe.
William Crowninshield Endicott was an American politician and Secretary of War in the first administration of President Grover Cleveland (1885–1889).
The Crowninshield family is an American family that was historically prominent in seafaring, political and military leadership, and the literary world. The founder of the American family emigrated from what is now Germany in the 17th century. The family is one of several known collectively as Boston Brahmins, a reference to old wealthy New England families of British Protestant origin that became influential in the development of American institutions and culture.
The Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem, Massachusetts, US, is a successor to the East India Marine Society, established in 1799. It combines the collections of the former Peabody Museum of Salem and the Essex Institute. PEM is one of the oldest continuously operating museums in the United States and holds one of the major collections of Asian art in the United States. Its total holdings include about 1.3 million pieces, as well as twenty-two historic buildings.
Mary Webster was a resident of colonial New England who was accused of witchcraft and was the target of an attempted lynching by friends of the accuser.
Nathaniel Silsbee was a ship master, merchant and American politician from Salem, Massachusetts.
Benjamin Pickman Jr. was a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts.
The Peabody Museum of Salem (1915–1992), formerly the Peabody Academy of Science (1865–1915), was a museum and antiquarian society based in Salem, Massachusetts. The academy was organized in part as a successor to the East India Marine Society, which had become moribund but held a large collection of maritime materials in a museum collection at the East India Marine Hall, built in 1825 on Essex Street. The Peabody Museum was merged with the Essex Institute to form the Peabody Essex Museum in 1992. The East India Marine Hall, now embedded within the latter's modern structure, was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1965 in recognition of this heritage, which represents the nation's oldest continuously-operating museum collection.
The East India Marine Society of Salem, Massachusetts, United States, was "composed of persons who have actually navigated the seas beyond the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn, as masters or supercargoes of vessels belonging to Salem." It functioned as a charitable and educational organization, and maintained a library and museum. It flourished especially in the 1800s–1830s, a heyday of foreign trade.
The Essex Institute Historic District is a historic district at 134-132, 128, 126 Essex Street and 13 Washington Square West in Salem, Massachusetts. It consists of a compact group of properties associated with the Essex Institute, founded in 1848 and merged in 1992 into the Peabody Essex Museum. Listed by increasing street number, they are: the Crowninshield-Bentley House, the Gardner-Pingree House, the John Tucker Daland House, and the Phillips Library. The John Ward House, which fronts on Brown Street but shares the 132 Essex Street address, is another National Historic Landmark within the district. The Andrew Safford House at 13 Washington Square West, built in 1819, was said to be the most expensive home in New England at the time.
Dudley Leavitt Pickman (1779–1846) was an American merchant who built one of the great trading firms in Salem, Massachusetts, during the seaport's ascendancy as a trading power in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Pickman was a partner in the firm Devereux, Pickman & Silsbee and a state senator. Among the wealthiest Salem merchants of his day, Pickman used his own clipper ships to trade with the Far East in an array of goods ranging from indigo and coffee to pepper and spices, and was one of the state's earliest financiers, backing everything from cotton and woolen mills to railroads to water-generated power plants. Pickman also helped found what is today's Peabody Essex Museum.
Nathaniel Silsbee Jr. was a Massachusetts businessman and politician who served as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, and twice as the Mayor of Salem, Massachusetts, and was for many years the treasurer of Harvard.
The Essex Institute (1848–1992) in Salem, Massachusetts, was "a literary, historical and scientific society." It maintained a museum, library, historic houses; arranged educational programs; and issued numerous scholarly publications. In 1992 the institute merged with the Peabody Museum of Salem to form the Peabody Essex Museum.
Cleopatra's Barge was the first oceangoing yacht built in the United States. It was built in 1816 at Salem, MA by shipbuilder Retire Becket for owner George Crowninshield Jr. Crowninshield died in 1817 after a single pleasure voyage to the Mediterranean; his brother Richard bought it, used it for two coastal trading voyages, and then sold it to Boston China traders Bryant & Sturgis and Capt. John Suter in early 1820. Suter sailed it to Hawai'i and sold it to Hawaiian monarch Kamehameha II for slightly more than a million pounds of sandalwood. Liholiho used it as his private yacht, renaming it Haʻaheo o Hawaiʻi in 1822 after a rebuild. Under an all-Hawaiian crew, Ha'aheo wrecked in Hanalei Bay, Kaua'i, Hawai'i in April 1824.
Harmony Grove Cemetery is a rural cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts. It was established in 1840 and is located at 30 Grove Street. The cemetery is approximately 35 acres in size and was designed by Francis Peabody and Alexander Wadsworth.
This is a timeline of the history of the city of Salem, Massachusetts, United States.
It is in fact one of the most picturesque and romantic lakelets in Massachusetts..
The Lynn Mineral Spring is a place of agreeable resort at all seasons of the year..
I never witnessed any growth that awakened my admiration more. Notwithstanding the injuries sustained by fires, and other wanton encroachments, the whole region about the beautiful sheet of water long known as Spring Pond, whose waters supply the city of Salem with elixer of life, is made beautiful by their verdure.
spring pond .
spring pond.