Armillaria mellea

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Armillaria mellea
Armillaria mellea, Honey Fungus, UK 1.jpg
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Physalacriaceae
Genus: Armillaria
A. mellea
Binomial name
Armillaria mellea
(Vahl) P.Kumm. (1871)
Synonyms [1]
  • Agaricus melleusVahl (1790)
  • Agaricus sulphureus Weinm.
  • Armillaria mellea var. glabra Gillet (1874)
  • Armillaria mellea var. maxima Barla (1887)
  • Armillaria mellea var. minorBarla (1887)
  • Armillaria mellea var. sulphurea(Weinm.) Fr. (1879)
  • Armillariella mellea(Vahl) P.Karst. (1881)
  • Clitocybe mellea(Vahl) Ricken (1915)
  • Lepiota mellea(Vahl) J.E.Lange (1915)
Armillaria mellea
Information icon.svg
Gills icon.png Gills on hymenium
Convex cap icon.svgFlat cap icon.svg Cap is convex or flat
Adnate gills icon2.svgSubdecurrent gills icon2.svg Hymenium is adnate or subdecurrent
Ring stipe icon.svg Stipe has a ring
Transparent spore print icon.svg
Spore print is white
Parasitic fungus.svgEcology is parasitic
Mycomorphbox Choice.pngMycomorphbox Caution.pngEdibility is choice or can cause allergic reactions

Armillaria mellea, commonly known as honey fungus, is an edible basidiomycete fungus in the genus Armillaria . It is a plant pathogen and part of a cryptic species complex of closely related and morphologically similar species. It causes Armillaria root rot in many plant species and produces mushrooms around the base of trees it has infected. The symptoms of infection appear in the crowns of infected trees as discoloured foliage, reduced growth, dieback of the branches and death. The mushrooms are edible but some people may be intolerant to them. This species is capable of producing light via bioluminescence in its mycelium.


Armillaria mellea is widely distributed in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The fruit body or mushroom, commonly known as stump mushroom, stumpie, honey mushroom, pipinky or pinky, grows typically on hardwoods but may be found around and on other living and dead wood or in open areas.


The species was originally named Agaricus melleus by Danish-Norwegian botanist Martin Vahl in 1790; it was transferred to the genus Armillaria in 1871 by Paul Kummer. [1] Numerous subtaxa have been described:

Still-current subtaxa under A. mellea
NameAuthority Year
var. radicata Peck [2] 1891
var. viridiflava Barla [3] 1887
subsp. nipponicaJ.Y.Cha & Igarashi [4] 1995
f. roseaCalonge & M.Seq. [5] 2003

Similar species

Armillaria mellea once included a range of species with similar features that have since been reclassified. The following are reassigned subtaxa, mostly variety-level entries from the 19th century: [6]

Reassigned subtaxa of A. mellea
NameAuthority YearCurrent name
var. minor Barla [3] 1887A. mellea
var. bulbosa Barla [3] 1887
var. camerunensis Henn. [7] 1895
var. exannulata Peck [8] 1893
var. flava Peck [9] 1897
var. glabra Gillet [10] 1874A. mellea
var. javanica Henn. [11] 1900
var. laricina(Bolton) Barla [3] 1887
var. maxima Barla [3] 1887A. mellea
var. obscura Gillet [10] 1874 A. solidipes
var. sulphurea(Weinm.) Fr. [12] 1879A. mellea [13]
var. tabescens(Scop.) Rea & Ramsb. 1917 Desarmillaria tabescens
var. versicolor(With.) W.G.Sm. [14] 1908 A. versicolor Withering 1801


Illustration from James Sowerby's Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms - t. 101.jpg
Illustration from James Sowerby's Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms
Honey fungus rhizomorphs Boot lace rhizomorphs of the Honey Fungus. Armillaria mellea. Lainsahw Woods, East Ayrshire.jpg
Honey fungus rhizomorphs

The basidiocarp of each has a smooth cap 3 to 15 cm (1 to 6 in) in diameter, [15] convex at first but becoming flattened with age often with a central raised umbo, later becoming somewhat dish-shaped. The margins of the cap are often arched at maturity and the surface is sticky when wet. Though typically honey-coloured, this fungus is rather variable in appearance and sometimes has a few dark, hairy scales near the centre somewhat radially arranged. The gills are white at first, sometimes becoming pinkish-yellow or discoloured with age, broad and fairly distant, attached to the stipe at right angles or are slightly decurrent. The stipe is of variable length, up to about 20 cm (8 in) long and 3.5 cm (1+12 in) in diameter. It is fibrillose and of a firm spongy consistency at first but later becomes hollow. It is cylindrical and tapers to a point at its base where it is fused to the stipes of other mushrooms in the clump. It is whitish at the upper end and brownish-yellow below, often with a very dark-coloured base. There is a broad persistent skin-like ring attached to the upper part of the stipe. This has a velvety margin and yellowish fluff underneath and extends outwards as a white partial veil protecting the gills when young. The flesh of the cap is whitish and has a sweetish odour and flavour with a tinge of bitterness. Under the microscope, the spores are approximately elliptical, 7–9 by 6–7  μm, inamyloid with prominent apiculi (short, pointed projections) at the base. The spore print is white. The basidia (spore-producing structures) lack basal clamps. [16] [17]

The main part of the fungus is underground where a mat of mycelial threads may extend for great distances. They are bundled together in rhizomorphs that are black in this species. [17] The fungal body is not bioluminescent but its mycelia are luminous when in active growth. [18]

Hosts, signs, and symptoms

Armillaria mellea typically infects hardwood trees and conifers, [19] this includes orchards, planted forests, vineyards, [20] and a few herbaceous plants. [21] There are few signs, and the ones that do exist are often hard to find. The most prominent sign is honey-coloured mushrooms at the base of the infected plant. [22] Additional signs include white, fan-shaped mycelia and black rhizomorphs with diameters between 1/32nd of an inch and 1/8th of an inch. [21] These usually are not as noticeable because they occur beneath the bark and in the soil, respectively. [21] The symptoms are much more numerous, including slower growth, dieback of branches, yellowing foliage, [22] rotted wood at base and/or roots, external cankers, cracking bark, bleeding stem, leaf wilting, defoliation, and rapid death. [21] Leaf wilting, defoliation, and dieback occur after the destruction of the cambium. [21]

Disease cycle

Armillaria mellea infects both through basidiospore [23] and penetration of host species by rhizomorphs [22] which can grow up to 1 meter (39 in) long per year [24] to find new, living tissue to infect. [23] However, infection of living host tissue through basidiospores is quite rare. [21] Two basidiospores must germinate and fuse to be viable and produce mycelium. [21] In the late summer and autumn, Armillaria mellea produces mushrooms with notched gills, a ring near the cap base, and a white to golden color. [19] They do not always appear, [21] but when they do they can be found on both living and dead trees near the ground. [21] These mushrooms produce and release the sexually created basidiospore which is dispersed by the wind. [21] This is the only spore-bearing phase. The fungus overwinters as either rhizomorphs or vegetative mycelium. [25] Infected wood is weakened through decay in roots and tree base after destruction of the vascular cambium and underlying wood. [21]


Armillaria mellea prefers moist soil and lower soil temperatures [21] but it can also withstand extreme temperatures, such as forest fires, due to the protection of the soil. [19] It is found in many kinds of landscapes, including gardens, parks, vineyards, tree production areas, and natural landscapes. [21]


Armillaria mellea is widespread in northern temperate zones. It has been found in North America, Europe and northern Asia, and It has been introduced to South Africa. The fungus grows parasitically on a large number of broadleaf trees. It fruits in dense clusters at the base of trunks or stumps. [26]


Trees become infected by Armillaria mellea when rhizomorphs growing through the soil encounter uninfected roots. Alternatively, when infected roots come into contact with uninfected ones the fungal mycelium may grow across. The rhizomorphs invade the trunk, growing between the bark and the wood and causing wood decay, growth reduction and mortality. Trees that are already under stress are more likely to be attacked but healthy trees may also be parasitized. The foliage becomes sparse and discoloured, twig growth slows down and branches may die back. When they are attacked, the Douglas-fir, western larch and some other conifers often produce an extra large crop of cones shortly before dying. Coniferous trees also tend to ooze resin from infected areas whereas broad-leaved trees sometimes develop sunken cankers. A growth of fruiting bodies near the base of the trunk confirms the suspicion of Armillaria root rot. [27]

In 1893, the American mycologist Charles Horton Peck reported finding Armillaria fruiting bodies that were "aborted", in a similar way to specimens of Entoloma abortivum . It was not until 1974 that Roy Watling showed that the aborted specimens included cells of both Armillaria mellea and Entoloma abortivum. He thought that the Armillaria was parasitizing the Entoloma, a plausible hypothesis given its pathogenic behaviour. [28] However, a 2001 study by Czederpiltz, Volk and Burdsall showed that the Entoloma was in fact the microparasite. The whitish-grey malformed fruit bodies known as carpophoroids were the result of E. abortivum hyphae penetrating the Armillaria and disrupting its normal development. [29]

The main part of the fungus is underground where a mat of mycelial threads may extend for great distances. The rhizomorphs of A. mellea are initiated from mycelium into multicellular apices of rhizomorphs, which are multicellular vegetative organs that exclude soil from the interior of the rhizomorph tissues. The rhizomorphs spread through far greater distances through the ground than the mycelium. The rhizomorphs are black in this species. [17] The fungal body is not bioluminescent but its mycelia and rhizomorphs are luminous when in active growth. [18] A. mellea producing rhizomorphs is parasitic on woody plants of many species, including especially shrubs, hardwood and evergreen trees. In one example, A. mellea spread by rhizomorphs from an initially infected tree killed 600 trees in a prune orchard in 6 years. Each infected tree was immediately adjacent to an already infected one, the spread by rhizomorphs through the tree roots and soil. (Piper and Fletcher, 1903, Wash. Age. Exp. Sat. But., 59: 1–14); cited in Rhizomorph Development in A. mellea, Ph.D. thesis, by Philip Snider(1957), Farlow Herbarium Library Harvard Univ., 20 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, Mass.


There are fungicides or management practices that will kill Armillariamellea after infection without damaging the infected plant, but these practicies are still being studied. [30] There are practices that can extend the life of the plant and prevent further spreading. The best way to extend the plant life is to improve the host condition through supplemental watering and fertilization. [22] To prevent further spread, regulate irrigation to avoid water stress, keep the root collar dry, control defoliating pathogens, remove stumps, fertilize adequately, avoid physical root damage and soil compaction, and don't plant trees that are especially susceptible to the disease in places where Armillaria mellea has been recorded. [21] There is also some evidence that biological control using the fungus genus Trichoderma may help. Trichoderma is a predator of Armillaria mellea and is often found in woodchips. [21] Therefore, chipping or grinding dead and infected roots will give Trichoderma its preferred habitat and help it proliferate. Solarization will also create an ideal habitat as dry soil and higher soil temperatures are preferable for Trichoderma but poor conditions for Armillaria mellea. [21]


Parboiling honey fungus Famiole sbollentatura.jpg
Parboiling honey fungus

Armillaria mellea mushroom are considered good edibles, though not preferred by some, and the tough stalks are usually excluded. [15] Some individuals have reported "allergic" reactions that result in stomach upsets. Some authors suggest not collecting mushrooms from the wood of various trees, including hemlock, buckeye, eucalyptus, and locust.[ citation needed ] They may have been used medicinally by indigenous peoples as a laxative. [31]

The mushrooms have a taste that has been described as slightly sweet and nutty, with a texture ranging from chewy to crunchy, depending on the method of preparation. Parboiling mushrooms before consuming removes the bitter taste present in some specimens, and may reduce the amount of gastrointestinal irritants. [32] According to one guide, they must be cooked before eating. [33] Drying the mushrooms preserves and intensifies their flavour, although reconstituted mushrooms tend to be tough to eat. [34] The mushrooms can also be pickled and roasted.


Several bioactive compounds have been isolated and identified from the fruit bodies. The triterpenes 3β-hydroxyglutin-5-ene, friedelane-2α,3β-diol, and friedelin were reported in 2011. [35] Indole compounds include tryptamine, L-tryptophan and serotonin. [36]

The fungus produces cytotoxic compounds known as melleolides. Melleolides are made from orsellinic acid and protoilludane sesquiterpene alcohols via esterification. A polyketide synthase gene, termed ArmB, was identified in the genome of the fungus, which was found expressed during melleolide production. The gene shares c. 42% similarity with the orsellinic acid synthase gene (OrsA) in Aspergillus nidulans. Characterization of the gene proved it to catalyze orsillinic acid in vitro. It is a non-reducing iterative type 1 polyketide synthase. Co-incubation of free orsellinic acid with alcohols and ArmB showed cross-coupling activity. Therefore, the enzyme has transesterification activity. Also, there are other auxiliary factors suspected to control substrate specificity. [37] Additionally, halogen modifications have been observed. Overexpression of annotated halogenases (termed ArmH1-5) and characterization of the subsequent enzymes revealed in all five enzymes the chlorination of mellolide F. In vitro reactions of free standing substrates showed that the enzymes do not require auxiliary carrier proteins for substrate delivery. [38]


Armillaria mellea has been reported in almost every state with the continental United States. [39] It is one of the most common causes of death in trees and shrubs in both natural and human cultivated habitats, and cause steady and substantial losses. [39]


Armillaria mellea infects new hosts through rhizomorphs [22] [23] and basidiospores. [40] It is rare for basidiospores to be successful in infecting new hosts and often colonize woody debris instead, [21] but rhizomorphs, however, can grow up to ten feet long in order to find a new host. [23]

See also

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  1. 1 2 "Armillaria mellea (Vahl) P. Kumm., Der Führer in die Pilzkunde: 134, 1871". MycoBank. International Mycological Association. Retrieved 2013-10-19.
  2. Peck CH. (1891). "Report of the Botanist (1890)". Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History. 44: 117–87 (see p. 150).
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 Barla JB. (1887). "Liste des champignons nouvellement observés dans le département des Alpes-Maritimes". Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France (in French). 3 (2): 138–44.
  4. Cha JY, Igarashi T (1995). "A note on Armillaria mellea subsp. nipponica subsp. nov. in Japan". Mycoscience. 36 (2): 143–6. doi:10.1007/BF02268548. S2CID   84793024.
  5. Calonge FD, Menezes de Sequeira M (2003). "Contribución al catálogo de los hongos de Madeira (Portugal)". Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid (in Spanish). 27: 277–308.
  6. Ross-Davis AL, Hanna JW, Kim MS, Klopfenstein NB (2012). "Advances toward DNA-based identification and phylogeny of North American Armillariaspecies using elongation factor-1 alpha gene". Mycoscience. 53 (2): 161–5. doi:10.1007/s10267-011-0148-x. S2CID   83996766.
  7. Hennings P. (1895). "Fungi camerunenses I". Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie (in German). 22: 72–111 (see p. 107).
  8. Peck CH. (1893). "Report of the Botanist (1892)". Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History. 46: 85–149 (see p. 134).
  9. Peck CH. (1896). "Report of the Botanist (1894)". Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History. 48: 103–337 (see p. 265).
  10. 1 2 Gillet CC. (1874). Les Hyménomycètes ou Description de tous les Champignons qui Croissent en France (in French). Vol. 1. Alençon: Ch. Thomas. p. 84.
  11. Hennings P. (1900). "Fungi monsunenses". Monsunia. 1: 1–38.
  12. Karsten PA. (1879). "Rysslands, Finlands och den Skandinaviska halföns Hattsvampar. Förra Delen: Skifsvampar". Bidrag till Kännedom av Finlands Natur och Folk (in German). 32: 22.
  13. Not supported by mycobank, which reports a Agaricus sulphureus Weinm. taxon.
  14. Smith WG. (1908). Synopsis of the British Basidiomycetes: A descriptive catalogue of the drawings and specimens in the department of Botany British Museum. London, UK: The Trustees of the British Museum, London. p.  30.
  15. 1 2 Davis, R. Michael; Sommer, Robert; Menge, John A. (2012). Field Guide to Mushrooms of Western North America. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 134–135. ISBN   978-0-520-95360-4. OCLC   797915861.
  16. Hvass, Else; Hvass, Hans (1961). Mushrooms and Toadstools in Colour. Blandford Press. p. 110. ISBN   9780713701463.
  17. 1 2 3 Kuo, Michael (2004-10-01). "Armillaria mellea: The Honey Mushroom". MushroomExpert.Com. Retrieved 2013-10-18.
  18. 1 2 Desjardin DE, Oliveira AG, Stevani CV (2008). "Fungi bioluminescence revisited". Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 7 (2): 170–82. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1039/b713328f. PMID   18264584. S2CID   10637645.
  19. 1 2 3 "Armillaria | Description, Species, Size, & Facts". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 2020-12-10.
  20. "Armillaria root disease, shoestring root rot". Armillaria root disease, shoestring root rot. Retrieved 2024-04-29.
  21. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 "Armillaria Root Rot Management Guidelines--UC IPM". Retrieved 2020-12-10.
  22. 1 2 3 4 5 "Armillaria Root Disease". Wisconsin Horticulture. Retrieved 2020-12-10.
  23. 1 2 3 4 "2011 Meeting | Clonal and sexual dispersal of Armillaria mellea in an ornamental landscape". Retrieved 2020-12-10.
  24. Redfern, D.B. (December 1973). "Growth and behaviour of Armillaria mellea rhizomorphs in soil". Transactions of the British Mycological Society. 61 (3): 569–IN16. doi:10.1016/S0007-1536(73)80126-3.
  25. "Welcome". Retrieved 2020-12-10.
  26. Roberts P, Evans S (2011). The Book of Fungi. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. p. 63. ISBN   978-0-226-72117-0.
  27. Williams, RE; Shaw, CG; Wargo, PM; Sites, WH (1989-04-01). "Armillaria Root Disease". Forest Insect & Disease Leaflet 78. US Department of Agriculture Forest Service. Retrieved 2013-10-17.
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  39. 1 2 "Armillaria root disease is found throughout temperate and tropical regions of theArmillaria mellea infects new hosts through rhizomorphs and basidiospores. It is rare for basidiospores to be successful in infecting new hosts and often colonize woody debris instead, but rhizomorphs, however, can grow up to ten feet long in order to find a new host". Archived from the original on 2021-03-02. Retrieved 2020-12-10.
  40. "2011 Meeting | Clonal and sexual dispersal of Armillaria mellea in an ornamental landscape". Retrieved 2020-12-10.