Chorionic hematoma

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Chorionic hematoma
Other namesChorionic hemorrhage, chorionic bleed
Ultrasound showing a subchorionic hemorrhage [1]

Chorionic hematoma is the pooling of blood (hematoma) between the chorion, a membrane surrounding the embryo, and the uterine wall. [2] It occurs in about 3.1% of all pregnancies, [2] it is the most common sonographic abnormality and the most common cause of first trimester bleeding. [3]


Cause and diagnosis

Chorion, amnion and gestational (yolk) sac Gray24.png
Chorion, amnion and gestational (yolk) sac

Chorionic hematomas can be caused by the separation of the chorion from the endometrium (inner membrane of the uterus). Hematomas are classified by their location between tissue layers: [4]

Most patients with a small subchorionic hematoma are asymptomatic. [5] Symptoms include vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, premature labor and threatened miscarriage. [6]

Ultrasonography is the preferred method of diagnosis. [7] A chorionic hematoma appears on ultrasound as a hypoechoic crescent adjacent to the gestational sac. The hematoma is considered small if it is under 20% of the size of the sac and large if it is over 50%. [2]

Prognosis and treatment

The presence of subchorionic bleeding around the gestational sac does not have a significant association with miscarriage overall. [8] [9] However, the case of intrauterine hematoma observed before 9 weeks of gestational age has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage. [10] In one study women who complied with instructions for bed rest for the duration of bleeding had a lower rate of miscarriage and a higher rate of term pregnancy than non-compliant women. The study had several limitations; results were severely confounded by inherent differences between compliant and non-compliant women. [11]

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  1. Accreta – chorionic villi attached to the myometrium, rather than being restricted within the decidua basalis.
  2. Increta – chorionic villi invaded into the myometrium.
  3. Percreta – chorionic villi invaded through the perimetrium.
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The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to obstetrics:

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Early pregnancy bleeding refers to vaginal bleeding before 14 weeks of gestational age. If the bleeding is significant, hemorrhagic shock may occur. Concern for shock is increased in those who have loss of consciousness, chest pain, shortness of breath, or shoulder pain.

The anomaly scan, also sometimes called the anatomy scan, 20-week ultrasound, or level 2 ultrasound, evaluates anatomic structures of the fetus, placenta, and maternal pelvic organs. This scan is an important and common component of routine prenatal care. The function of the ultrasound is to measure the fetus so that growth abnormalities can be recognized quickly later in pregnancy, to assess for congenital malformations and multiple pregnancies, and to plan method of delivery.


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