Legislative Council of the Isle of Man

Last updated

Legislative Council

Yn Choonceil Slattyssagh
Laurence Skelly
since 20 July 2021
Legislative Council of the Isle of Man as of Apr 2020.svg
Political groups
  •   Independent (8)
  •   Ex officio (3)
Indirect election by the House of Keys
Meeting place
The Wedding Cake - geograph.org.uk - 566474.jpg
Chamber of the Legislative Council, Legislative Buildings, Douglas

The Legislative Council (Manx : Yn Choonceil Slattyssagh) is the upper chamber of Tynwald, the legislature of the Isle of Man. The abbreviation "LegCo" is often used. [1]


It consists of eleven members (MLCs):

Historically, most or all elected MLCs were former MHKs, but this practice has now much reduced or ceased.

Formerly, the Lieutenant Governor presided over the Legislative Council and over Tynwald Court (a joint session of the Council and the House of Keys). Now, however, the President of Tynwald, who is chosen by the whole Tynwald for a five-year term, is the ex officio President of the Legislative Council, and presides over both the Legislative Council and Tynwald Court, except that the Lieutenant Governor presides once a year on Tynwald Day.

Furthermore, the Church of England Bishop of Sodor and Man and the Attorney General have seats on the Legislative Council. The Bishop is a voting member, the Attorney General is a non-voting member, and the President has the casting vote.

The Council does not usually originate legislation [ citation needed ]; most of the time, it reviews draft legislation originating in the House of Keys. However, it is possible for legislation to originate in the Council: a recent example is the Equality Act 2017. [2] [3]

Method of election

The MLCs are elected by the members of the House of Keys for a term of five years. Four MLCs retire at a time, and four new MLCs are then elected. An MLC must be at least 21 years old and resident in the Isle of Man. Historically the election procedure has been cumbersome, and on some occasions in recent years the election has required many ballots, stretching over a period of weeks or even months. However the Standing Orders of the House of Keys regarding the election of MLCs were amended on 4 April 2017, and a relevant Guidance Note was issued by the Speaker of the House of Keys in June 2017. In 2018, only one ballot was required, although some felt that that was at the cost of allowing members to vote for an excessive number of candidates (one member voted for 13 candidates out of 15 and another for 11). [4] [5]

A motion was proposed in the Keys on 28 January 2020, shortly before the 2020 MLC election, which would have prevented MHKs voting for more candidates than there are places to be filled, but this was rejected.

In 2020, again only one ballot was required, and members voted for an average of about 4 candidates each. In 2023, again only one ballot was required, and members voted for an average of about 5 candidates each.

2016 Review of the Functioning of Tynwald

For many years there has been considerable debate about the functioning of Tynwald, and specifically about the composition, method of election, and functions of the Legislative Council. In the past, a number of reforms were made in the composition of the Legislative Council, which are set out below. In 2016 Lord Lisvane was asked to carry out a review of the functioning of Tynwald. [6] Among his recommendations were:

However there has been little action to implement these recommendations.

1990 reform and current composition

The Lieutenant Governor was removed as Presiding Officer of Tynwald and replaced by a member of Tynwald elected by the Members of the High Court of Tynwald as President of Tynwald. (Currently only MHKs are electors.) The President of Tynwald is also a member of the Legislative Council and presides at its sittings. The members are thus:

The non-ex officio members are elected by the House of Keys for terms which end at the end of February immediately before the fifth anniversary of their election.

Current membership

Laurence Skelly President of Tynwald2021–2026 Steve Rodan
Tricia Hillas Bishop of Sodor and ManSince 2024 Peter Eagles
Walter WannenburghAttorney-GeneralSince 2022 John Quinn
Tanya August-Phillips [a] Elected members2018–2028
Paul Craine2021–2028
Diane Kelsey
Peter Greenhill 2020–2025
Bill Henderson
Rob Mercer
Kerry Sharpe
Dawn Kinnish2023–2028
  1. Elected under the name of Tanya Humbles.

Membership of the council since 1990

YearReason for changePreviousCandidates
14 March 2023Scheduled electionTanya August-Phillips
Paul Craine
Diane Kelsey
Marlene Maska
Tanya August-Phillips (elected)
Paul Craine (elected)
Diane Kelsey (elected)
Dawn Kinnish (elected)
Marie Birtles
Brian Brumby
Gary Clueit
Kirrie Anne Jenkins
Conor Keenan
David Prictor
Peter Reid
January 2022Death of John Quinn
23 November 2021Election of two MLCs as MHKsJane Poole-Wilson
Kate Lord-Brennan
Paul Craine (elected)
Diane Kelsey (elected)
Bill Shimmins
Corelli Bentham
Craig Brown
MaryBeth Coll
Conor Keenan
In 2021 Steve Rodan reached the end of his term as President and was replaced by Laurence Skelly.
12 March 2020Scheduled electionDavid Cretney
Tim Crookall
Bill Henderson
Kerry Sharpe
Peter Greenhill (elected)
Bill Henderson (elected)
Robert Mercer (elected)
Kerry Sharpe (elected)
Danielle Bell
Michelle Haywood
Haafizah Hoosen
Carole Lillywhite
Zahed Miah
12 March 2018Scheduled election, and casual vacancy by resignation [7]
  • Michael Coleman
  • Geoff Corkish
  • Jane Poole-Wilson
  • Juan Turner
  • Tanya Humbles (now Tanya August-Phillips)(elected)
  • Marlene Hendy (now Marlene Maska)(elected)
  • Kate Lord-Brennan (elected)
  • Jane Poole-Wilson (elected)
  • David Anderson (resigned, term ending Feb 2020)
  • Kerry Sharpe (elected)
  • Kevin Cartledge
  • Shirley Ellen Corlett
  • Andrea Chambers
  • Richard Furner
  • Andrew Hardy
  • Juan Kelly
  • Dawn Joughin
  • Alistair Ramsay
  • John Skinner
  • Christine Wheeler
2017Casual vacancy by resignationTony Wild
  • Jane Poole-Wilson (elected)
  • Paul Beckett
  • Alan Wright
2015Scheduled election
  • Phil Braidwood
  • Dudley Butt
  • Alan Crowe
  • Alex Downie
  • David Anderson (elected)
  • David Cretney (elected)
  • Tim Crookall (elected)
  • Bill Henderson (elected)
  • Paul Beckett
  • Phil Braidwood
  • Christopher Kinley
  • Thomas Moyle
  • Adrian Tinkler
Note: As on other occasions, the 2015 elections took place over several sessions and many ballots.
These candidates did not all take part in all the ballots.
For the same reason it would not be useful to give the number of votes cast for each candidate.
2013Scheduled election
  • Linda Bowers-Kasch
  • Peter Hill
  • Nigel Malpass
2011Casual vacancy by elevation to President of Tynwald Clare Christian
  • Tony Wild, 16 votes (elected)
  • Brian Rae, 5 votes
2011Casual vacancy by resignation Noel Cringle
2011Appointment of Attorney General, following resignation John Corlett QC Stephen Harding QC
2010Scheduled election
  • Phil Braidwood (elected)
  • Dudley Butt (elected)
  • Alan Crowe (elected)
  • Alex Downie (elected)
2008Scheduled election
2008Appointment of Bishop of Sodor and Man Graeme Paul Knowles Robert Paterson
2007Casual vacancies by resignation
2005Scheduled election
  • Dominic Delaney
  • Howard Parkin
2003Scheduled election, and casual vacancy by resignation
2003Appointment of Bishop of Sodor and Man, following resignation Noël Jones Graeme Knowles
2002Casual vacancy by death Norman Radcliffe
2000Scheduled election
  • Dominic Delaney (elected)
  • Edgar Mann (elected)
  • Norman Radcliffe (elected)
  • George Waft (elected)
2000Casual vacancy by resignation of the President of Tynwald Charles Kerruish
1998Appointment of Attorney General, following promotion to First Deemster Mike Kerruish QC John Corlett QC
1998Scheduled election
1995Scheduled election
  • Arnold Callin
  • Edward Clifford Irving
  • Norman Radcliffe
  • George Waft
  • Dominic Delaney (elected)
  • Edgar Mann (elected)
  • Norman Radcliffe (elected)
  • George Waft (elected)
  • Other nominations unknown
1994Casual vacancy by deathW K Quirk
  • George Waft (elected)
  • Other nominations unknown
1993Scheduled election
  • Brian Barton, 15 votes (elected)
  • Clare Christian, 17 votes (elected)
  • Edmund Lowey, 14 votes (elected)
  • Arthur Luft, 16 votes (elected)
1990Scheduled election
  • Mr Callin
  • Mr Irving
  • Mr Quirk
  • Mr Radcliffe
  • Arnold Callin (elected)
  • Edward Clifford Irving (elected)
  • Norman Radcliffe (elected)
  • W K Quirk (elected)
  • John Callister Clucas
  • Dominic Delaney
  • A C Duggan
  • David Moore

Past membership

Robert Paterson Bishop of Sodor and Man2008–2016 Graeme Paul Knowles
Stephen Harding QC Attorney General2011–2013 John Corlett
Alan Crowe Elected member1998–2002Brian Barton
Elected member2007–2015Leonard Singer
Dudley Butt Elected member2005–2015Dominic Delaney
Alex Downie Elected member2005–2015Ray Kniveton
Phil Braidwood Elected member2010–2015George Waft
Tony Wild Elected member2011–2017Clare Christian
David Callister Elected member2008–2013Pam Crowe
Edmund Lowey Elected member1982–2013 George Swales
Leonard Singer Elected member2003–2006Alan Crowe
Arthur Christian Luft Attorney General1972–1974Lay
Elected member1988–1998Ian Anderson
John William Corrin Attorney General1974–1980Arthur Luft
Thomas William Cain QC Attorney General1980–1993Jack Corrin
Michael Kerruish QC Attorney General1993–1998William Cain
John Corlett QC Attorney General1998–2011Michael Kerruish
Graeme Knowles Bishop of Sodor and Man2003–2008Noël Jones
Donald Gelling Elected member2002–2007Norman Radcliffe
Clifford Irving Elected member1987–1995Matty Ward
Noel Cringle President of Tynwald2000–2011Sir Charles Kerruish
Sir Charles Kerruish President of Tynwald1990–2000Ian Anderson
Ian Anderson Elected member1982–1988 Geoff Crellin
President of the Legislative Council1988–1990Jack Nivison
Elected member1990–1993New position, 8th elected member
Jack Nivison Elected member1962–1980 Alfred Teare
President of the Legislative Council1980–1988New position
The Venerable J. Kewley Archdeacon 1912–1919Un­known
Cyril Hughes-Games Vicar General 1906–1919Un­known
Joseph Qualtrough Elected member1919–1933New position
Joseph Cunningham Elected member1919–1924New position
R C Cain Elected member1919–1924[ clarification needed ]Joseph Cunningham
John Robert Kerruish Elected member1919–1924New position
William Southward Elected member1919–1943New position
George Drinkwater Appointee of Lieutenant Governor1919–1920New position
Richard Barton Quirk Appointee of Lieutenant Governor1919–1942New position
Sir John Bolton Appointed member1962–1970John Crellin
Elected member1971–1979 Henry Nicholls
G C Gale Elected member1964–1966Ewan Farrant
Ffinlo Corkill Elected member1966–1974G C Gale
Major Geoffrey Crellin Elected member1975–1982New position
Norman Crowe OBE JPElected member1970–1978Cecil McFee
Captain John Crellin OBE MC JPAppointed member1943–1962Daniel Teare
Betty Hanson Elected member1982–1988Alfred Simcocks MBE
Robert Kerruish Elected member1970–1985Un­known
Victor Kneale Elected member1974–1981Hubert Radcliffe
Roy MacDonald Elected member1978–1985Norman Crowe
Cecil McFee Un­known1962–1971Un­known
Alec Moore Elected member1979–1985William E Quayle
Henry Nicholls Elected member1958–1970Joseph Callister
William E Quayle Elected member1970–1978New position
Willy Quirk Elected member1987–1993Dr Edgar Mann
Norman Radcliffe Elected member1985–2002Roy MacDonald
Percy Radcliffe Elected member1980–1985Sir John Bolton
Alfred Simcocks MBEElected member1974–1982Ffinlo Corkhill
George Swales Elected member1982–1982Victor Kneale
Matthew Ward Elected member1985–1987Alec Moore
Arthur Attwell Bishop of Sodor and Man1983–1988Vernon Nicholls
Noël Jones Bishop of Sodor and Man1989–2003Arthur Attwell
Vernon Nicholls Bishop of Sodor and Man1973–1983Un­known
George Moore First Deemster1969–1974Un­known
Sir Ralph Stevenson GCMG CP JP Appointed member1955–1970Un­known
William Watson Christian Un­known1848–1867Un­known
The Rev. William ChristianUn­known1883–1887Un­known
William Quirk Un­known1887–1893Un­known
William AndersonReceiver General1894–1909Un­known
John Cowell Receiver General1909–1919William Anderson
John Goldie-Taubman Appointed member1921–1924George Drinkwater
Edward Callister Elected member1921–1931John Robert Kerruish
John Clucas Appointed member1924–1928John Goldie-Taubman
Frank Dagleish Elected member1931–1946Edward Callister
Charles Gill Elected member1934–1954Arthur Crookall
Arthur Crookall Elected member1934–1935Joseph Qualtrough
Joseph Callister Elected member1946–1958Un­known
Ewan Farrant Elected member1954–1964Un­known
Hubert Radcliffe Un­known1963–1974Un­known

Historical composition


The original function of the Legislative Council was executive (i.e. giving advice to the Lieutenant Governor — or Lords of Mann prior to Revestment) and its membership was entirely appointed, as follows:

Historically the "Comptroller" (a position sometimes held together with another office such as that of Receiver-General) and an "Archdeacon's Official" were also members. Before the Reformation the Council included other prelates, such as the Abbot of Rushen.

The first seven were Crown appointments and the last two appointments by the Bishop. Reforms were slowly made to reduce the number of judicial and religious appointments and these members were slowly replaced by indirectly elected members.

1917 reform

In 1917, the Judicature (Amendment) Act introduced by the Legislative Council removed Clerk of the Rolls from the composition of the Council. It then consisted of the following members:

1919 reform

In 1919, The Archdeacon; the Vicar General; and the Receiver General were removed as ex officio members of the Council by the Isle of Man Constitution Amendment Act 1919. The members were thus:

1961 reform

Increased the number of elected members from four to five.

1965 reform

The Second Deemster lost his seat in the Council. The members were thus:

1969 reform

The Isle of Man Constitution Act 1969 removed the two appointed members of the Legislative Council. The members were thus: [9]

1971 reform

The Isle of Man Constitution Act 1971 removed the Attorney-General's vote, and he no longer counted towards a quorum.

1975 reform

The First Deemster lost his seat in the Council, by virtue of the Isle of Man Constitution (Amendment) Act 1975. The members were thus:

1980 reform

The Lieutenant Governor was removed as Presiding Officer and replaced by an indirectly elected President of the Legislative Council. The Governor still presided at joint sittings of Tynwald. The members were thus:


  1. "'Sunset Clauses' back in LegCo".
  2. "Tynwald - Parliament of the Isle of Man - 2016-2021".
  3. "Tynwald - Parliament of the Isle of Man - Chapter 7 - Making Legislation".
  4. "Speaker denies voting system lacks principle".
  5. "Chief Minister: MLC elections". YouTube .
  6. Review of the Functioning of Tynwald, Isle of Man Government, 19 July 2016
  7. "12 March 2018 House of Keys Hansard" (pdf). Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) . 14. Vol. 134. Isle of Man: House of Keys. 12 March 2018. pp. 699–708.
  8. "Tynwald - Parliament of the Isle of Man - Legislative Council up to 1919". Archived from the original on 11 June 2020. Retrieved 28 November 2019.
  9. "REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL" (PDF). www.tynwald.org.im. 3 June 1969. Retrieved 29 August 2024.

54°09′03″N4°28′56″W / 54.15083°N 4.48222°W / 54.15083; -4.48222