This is a list of notable Jewish American journalists. For other Jewish Americans, see Lists of Jewish Americans.
I'm Jewish, the girls go to a Jewish preschool. One of my favorite joys is sharing Shabbat with them on Friday nights. The girls light the candles and we sing the blessings together. My wife is not Jewish but is the world's best mom and has totally embraced these traditions and I look forward to the girls being Bat Mitzvah'd one day.
Just two days after Yom Kippur, it was Jew lefty vs. Jew lefty. I was a Jew lefty, too!
He is the former editor of the leading journal of the American Jewish liberal political class, a grandson of Holocaust refugees, and the son of South African Jews who left for the United States rather than raise their children under apartheid
he is married to Carlyle Group principal Michael David Gershenson, and both are based in Washington D.C. The couple are recent converts to the Jewish faith, having joined the Washington Hebrew Congregation sometime in November 2009
I am White. I am Jewish. I am an immigrant. I am a Russian American.
As an American Jew, I was taught to go all gooey-eyed at the thought of Israel ...
On the contrary, as commentator Michael Brooks put it, "My Jewish values teach me to oppose apartheid."
I should disclose my bias as an Israeli-born Jew, whose European grandparents and great-grandparents were among the few in their families to survive Nazi genocide because they were Zionists in what was then known as Palestine.
As a Jew, I can unhesitatingly declare that the world would be a better place if it contained more believing Christians.
I remember having tzedakah every week at Hebrew school. That was part of what we were expected to do with our allowance; we had to make room for tzedakah. My parents were always givers. I don't know if it was because they were Jewish, or if it was just who they were. When you are raised by givers, you become a giver
The best were the two Tajik cooks who adopted me, made me sit in their warm kitchen, gave me their bed and served me endless cups of hot green tea all through the night as I worked. I snuck them apricots for the 5 a.m. meal as everyone filed in to take dishes of rice in a din of clanking pots and clattering plates. How incredibly surreal—an American (Jewish!) female the pampered pet of the Taliban during the death throes of their regime.
He and his wife Robin are members of Congregation Beth El in South Orange, and their twin daughters attend Golda Och Academy in West Orange.
It's not so much that one has to have chutzpah to talk back to one's doctor, or question him, says the Jewish broadcaster, as it is "having the bravery to speak up."
I didn't crack open the Talmud until after my bar mitzvah, but my father suggested that we study together.
He recounted growing up Jewish in Orange County, Calif., his beginnings in print media and the current role of contemporary journalists.
"Abe Rosenthal, Max Frankel, Joe Lelyveld, Jill Abramson — that's four Jewish executive editors" [the top editorial post] in the three decades he was on staff, Berger said, listing the names rapidly and with emotion in his voice.
And also, I also fell in love with a Jewish woman, and wanted my children to be raised Jewish, and didn't want to be different from them.
NPR's On the Media—a brilliant weekly radio show that expertly covers journalism and the arts from the perspective of how they're produced, circulated, and consumed—is hosted by two Jews, Bob Garfield and Brooke Gladstone...
I wanted to dismiss Goldberg's good fortune as just the luck of the Irish, except Bernie Goldberg is Jewish.
Another liberal Jewish commentator for The New York Times, Linda Greenhouse, likened the situation of illegal immigrants in Arizona to that of the Jews of Nazi-occupied Denmark.
...special for the Orthodox-born-and-raised Haberman
"To be the Times guy in Israel is one of the hardest jobs in journalism, I would argue," Mr. Haberman, who was raised as an Orthodox Jew, added.
Clyde Haberman, who attended a New York yeshiva through eighth grade and later served as Jerusalem bureau chief for several years
She recalls her family's newfound openness in America about being Jewish. "In Russia, you had to hide it. I was told that my grandfather had to sneak matzah. It was like buying it on the black market. We secretly celebrated [Passover] inside our homes. Both sets of my grandparents spoke Yiddish."
Our third Jewish guest is Eliana Johnson, National Review's Washington editor, who tells us what the mood is like in her Washington, D.C. office, why certain Senate races are more important than the presidential election, and why she's not voting at the top of the ticket (and minute 48:50 in interview)
I guess I should give you a little family history. We are Jews.
When I was converting to Judaism, my rabbi strongly recommended that I buy some cookbooks. It seems part of learning to be Jewish was learning to cook Jewish foods.
In a recent chat with The Journal, King spoke effusively about growing up Jewish in Brooklyn.
Over 5000 years of history, we Jews have demonstrated a remarkable talent for survival...
It's rare when a prominent TV journalist casually divulges bits about his or her Jewish background. But I guess Rick Klein, 37, the political director of ABC News
...any more than I believe he was anti-Semitic because he once made tasteless cracks about my being Jewish.
I'm a Jewish chick from New York
He's the son of an Israeli, grandson of Holocaust survivors. He went to a Jewish Day School.
Like many other morbid kids with Jewish ancestry, I was drawn to Holocaust reading from the moment I entered adolescence, seeking out the death and torture and deprivation and evil.
I would say I'm an agnostic. I was raised Jewish, but now am pretty secular.
But as a Jew, I find Putin's attempt to implicate my people to be disgusting, offensive and obviously false.
A "mazel tov" to MAX WEINBERG, 65 (most famous as Bruce Springsteen's drummer). On April 16, his daughter, ALI WEINBERG, 30ish, wed Bloomberg View/CNN political analyst JOSH ROGIN, 35ish. The bride is a digital journalist for ABC News. Perhaps because Ali's mother isn't Jewish, a rabbi didn't preside—but the couple married under a chuppah and the traditional Jewish wedding blessings, etc. were said by the officiant.
Richard Roth.
I am a Jew. Three dozen of my relatives died in the Holocaust. My father, before he fled the Nazis, was an active member of Zionist youth organizations.
I don't look anything like Courtney Thorne-Smith; she's blonde and good-looking," says Seder, who's Jewish and has dark curly hair.
I have never encountered any hostility toward me as a Jew, though I have occasionally encountered some serious misperceptions about Jewish people.
wo of New York Magazine's Jewish staffers, Jonathan Chait and Jesse Singal, decided to discuss the question.
I grew up in a household where my parents disagreed on pretty much everything and it makes it hard for you to be a real ideologue or to sort of -- you know, or to see the opposing side. To see these two sides is irreconcilable enemies. She's a Democrat and he's also fairly Christian. She's Jewish.
I wonder whether Johnson knew that Jacob Soboroff is of Jewish heritage
I am! A Christmas loving Jew! We did Chanukah last night and we will again tonight and the night after...
Stahl grew up in Swampscott, Mass. with a younger brother. Their father is a wealthy Jewish food company executive, their mother an unproduced screenwriter.
Q: What's Jewish about you?
A: My name, my face.... I've gotten so much Jewier since moving to L.A. This is the Jewiest place compared to New York.
And Gloria became a professional liberal. That's easy for a Jewish girl from Cleveland whose father was a junk dealer and who went to Smith College. (1958)
Stewart, who is Jewish and whose husband was raised Catholic, said she first became aware of Christian nationalism when her daughter's public school in Santa Barbara, California, hosted a Good News Club, which encouraged elementary-grade children to try to convert peers to their evangelical faith.
"I can't be anything else but a tall Jewish girl from Tribeca," she said.
Is the family Jewish? We're Jewish in culture, but not really observant.
Well, I'm really not observant -- my mother converted to Judaism before I was born, and my father was born Jewish but not religious. I was brought up in Jewish culture, but never had a bar mitzvah
Wilder, who is Jewish, has said she was the victim of a "smear campaign"...
Meet Gideon Yago, the 25-year-old Jew from New York, who was sent to cover America's war in Iraq for MTV
He was asked by Mr. Novak to comment on an article by an American Jew, Robert Zelnick, which had been published in The Washington Post...
As Zirin becomes evermore recognizable, he joins a rich tradition of Jewish sportswriters and commentators that includes Howard Cosell, Tony Kornheiser and Al Michaels. When I asked him about his Judaism, he told me that, more than anything, his sense of being Jewish is "a commitment to questioning what I'm told is true."