List of administrative divisions of Yunnan

Last updated

Yunnan Province
Capital: Kunming
Prefecture-level divisions
Prefectural cities 8
Autonomous prefectures 8
County level divisions
County cities 17
Counties 66
Autonomous counties 29
Districts 17
Township level divisions
Towns 683
Ethnic townships 140
Subdistricts 175
Villages level divisions
Communities 2,421
Administrative villages 11,902
Source: Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2018 [1] :3–9

Yunnan , a province of the People's Republic of China, is made up of the following administrative divisions .

Administrative divisions

All of these administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at political divisions of China.

Prefecture levelCounty Level
Name Chinese Hanyu Pinyin Division code [2]
Kunming city
Kūnmíng Shì
(5301 / KMG)
Wuhua District 五华区Wǔhuá Qū530102WHA
Panlong District 盘龙区Pánlóng Qū530103PLQ
Guandu District 官渡区Guāndù Qū530111GDU
Xishan District 西山区Xīshān Qū530112XSN
Dongchuan District 东川区Dōngchuān Qū530113DCU
Chenggong District 呈贡区Chénggòng Qū530114CGG
Jinning District 晋宁区Jìnníng Qū530115JNE
Fumin County 富民县Fùmín Xiàn530124FMN
Yiliang County 宜良县Yíliáng Xiàn530125YIL
Shilin County [lower-alpha 1] 石林县Shílín Xiàn530126SLY
Songming County 嵩明县Sōngmíng Xiàn530127SMI
Luquan County [lower-alpha 2] 禄劝县Lùquàn Xiàn530128LUC
Xundian County [lower-alpha 3] 寻甸县Xúndiàn Xiàn530129XDN
Anning city安宁市Ānníng Shì530181ANG
Qujing city
Qǔjìng Shì
(5303 / QJS)
Qilin District 麒麟区Qílín Qū530302QLQ
Zhanyi District 沾益区Zhānyì Qū530303ZYB
Malong District 马龙区Mǎlóng Qū530304
Luliang County 陆良县Lùliáng Xiàn530322LLX
Shizong County 师宗县Shīzōng Xiàn530323SZD
Luoping County 罗平县Luópíng Xiàn530324LPX
Fuyuan County 富源县Fùyuán Xiàn530325FYD
Huize County 会泽县Huìzé Xiàn530326HUZ
Xuanwei city宣威市Xuānwēi Shì530381XWS
Yuxi city
Yùxī Shì
(5304 / YXS)
Hongta District 红塔区Hóngtǎ Qū530402HTA
Jiangchuan District 江川区Jiāngchuān Qū530403JCY
Tonghai County 通海县Tōnghǎi Xiàn530423THI
Huaning County 华宁县Huáníng Xiàn530424HND
Yimen County 易门县Yìmén Xiàn530425YMD
Eshan County [lower-alpha 4] 峨山县Éshān Xiàn530426ESN
Xinping County [lower-alpha 5] 新平县Xīnpíng Xiàn530427XNP
Yuanjiang County [lower-alpha 6] 元江县Yuánjiāng Xiàn530428YJA
Chengjiang city澄江市Chéngjiāng shì530481
Baoshan city
Bǎoshān Shì
(5305 / BOS)
Longyang District 隆阳区Lóngyáng Qū530502LGU
Shidian County 施甸县Shīdiàn Xiàn530521SDD
Longling County 龙陵县Lónglíng Xiàn530523LGL
Changning County 昌宁县Chāngníng Xiàn530524CND
Tengchong city腾冲市Téngchōng Shì530581TCT
Zhaotong city
Zhāotōng Shì
(5306 / ZTS)
Zhaoyang District 昭阳区Zhāoyáng Qū530602ZGQ
Ludian County 鲁甸县Lǔdiàn Xiàn530621LDX
Qiaojia County 巧家县Qiǎojiā Xiàn530622QJA
Yanjin County 盐津县Yánjīn Xiàn530623YJD
Daguan County 大关县Dàguān Xiàn530624DGN
Yongshan County 永善县Yǒngshàn Xiàn530625YSB
Suijiang County 绥江县Suíjiāng Xiàn530626SUJ
Zhenxiong County 镇雄县Zhènxióng Xiàn530627ZEX
Yiliang County 彝良县Yíliáng Xiàn530628YLG
Weixin County 威信县Wēixìn Xiàn530629WIX
Shuifu city水富市Shuǐfù Shì530681
Lijiang city
Lìjiāng Shì
(5307 / LJH)
Gucheng District 古城区Gǔchéng Qū530702GUQ
Yulong County [lower-alpha 7] 玉龙县Yùlóng Xiàn530721YLZ
Yongsheng County 永胜县Yǒngshèng Xiàn530722YOS
Huaping County 华坪县Huápíng Xiàn530723HAP
Ninglang County [lower-alpha 8] 宁蒗县Nínglàng Xiàn530724NLG
Pu'er city
Pǔ'ěr Shì
(5308 / PRS)
Simao District 思茅区Sīmáo Qū530802SYM
Ning'er County [lower-alpha 9] 宁洱县Níng'ěr Xiàn530821NER
Mojiang County [lower-alpha 10] 墨江县Mòjiāng Xiàn530822MJG
Jingdong County [lower-alpha 11] 景东县Jǐngdōng Xiàn530823JDD
Jinggu County [lower-alpha 12] 景谷县Jǐnggǔ Xiàn530824JGD
Zhenyuan County [lower-alpha 13] 镇沅县Zhènyuán Xiàn530825ZYY
Jiangcheng County [lower-alpha 14] 江城县Jiāngchéng Xiàn530826JCE
Menglian County [lower-alpha 15] 孟连县Mènglián Xiàn530827MLN
Lancang County [lower-alpha 16] 澜沧县Láncāng Xiàn530828LCA
Ximeng County [lower-alpha 17] 西盟县Xīméng Xiàn530829XMG
Lincang city
Líncāng Shì
(5309 / LIH)
Linxiang District 临翔区Línxiáng Qū530902LXU
Fengqing County 凤庆县Fèngqìng Xiàn530921FQX
Yunxian County [lower-alpha 18] 云县Yúnxiàn530922YXP
Yongde County 永德县Yǒngdé Xiàn530923YDX
Zhenkang County 镇康县Zhènkāng Xiàn530924ZKG
Shuangjiang County [lower-alpha 19] 双江县Shuāngjiāng Xiàn530925SGJ
Gengma County [lower-alpha 20] 耿马县Gěngmǎ Xiàn530926GMA
Cangyuan County [lower-alpha 21] 沧源县Cāngyuán Xiàn530927CYN
Chuxiong Prefecture [lower-alpha 22]
Chǔxióng Zhōu
(5323 / CXD)
Chuxiong City楚雄市Chǔxióng Shì532301CXS
Lufeng City 禄丰市Lùfēng Shì532302LFS
Shuangbai County 双柏县Shuāngbǎi Xiàn532322SBA
Mouding County 牟定县Móudìng Xiàn532323MDI
Nanhua County 南华县Nánhuá Xiàn532324NHA
Yao'an County 姚安县Yáo'ān Xiàn532325YOA
Dayao County 大姚县Dàyáo Xiàn532326DYO
Yongren County 永仁县Yǒngrén Xiàn532327YRN
Yuanmou County 元谋县Yuánmóu Xiàn532328YMO
Wuding County 武定县Wǔdìng Xiàn532329WDX
Honghe Prefecture [lower-alpha 23]
Hónghé Zhōu
(5325 / HHZ)
Gejiu city个旧市Gèjiù Shì532501GJU
Kaiyuan city开远市Kāiyuǎn Shì532502KYD
Mengzi city蒙自市Měngzì Xiàn532503MEZ
Mile city弥勒市Mílè Shì532504MLY
Pingbian County [lower-alpha 24] 屏边县Píngbiān Xiàn532523PBN
Jianshui County 建水县Jiànshuǐ Xiàn532524JSD
Shiping County 石屏县Shípíng Xiàn532525SPG
Luxi County 泸西县Lúxī Xiàn532527LXD
Yuanyang County 元阳县Yuányáng Xiàn532528YYD
Honghe County 红河县Hónghé Xiàn532529HHX
Jinping County [lower-alpha 25] 金平县Jīnpíng Xiàn532530JNP
Lüchun County 绿春县Lǜchūn Xiàn532531LCX
Hekou County [lower-alpha 26] 河口县Hékǒu Xiàn532532HKM
Wenshan Prefecture [lower-alpha 27]
Wénshān Zhōu
(5326 / WSZ)
Wenshan city文山市Wénshān Xiàn532601WSB
Yanshan County 砚山县Yànshān Xiàn532622YSD
Xichou County 西畴县Xīchóu Xiàn532623XIC
Malipo County 麻栗坡县Málìpō Xiàn532624MLP
Maguan County 马关县Mǎguān Xiàn532625MGN
Qiubei County 丘北县Qiūběi Xiàn532626QBE
Guangnan County 广南县Guǎngnán Xiàn532627GGN
Funing County 富宁县Fùníng Xiàn532628FND
Xishuangbanna Prefecture [lower-alpha 28]
Xīshuāngbǎnnà Zhōu
(5328 / XSB)
Jinghong city景洪市Jǐnghóng Shì532801JHG
Menghai County 勐海县Měnghǎi Xiàn532822MHI
Mengla County 勐腊县Měnglà Xiàn532823MLA
Dali Prefecture [lower-alpha 29]
Dàlǐ Zhōu
(5329 / DLZ)
Dali city大理市Dàlǐ Shì532901DLS
Yangbi County [lower-alpha 30] 漾濞县Yàngbì Xiàn532922YGB
Xiangyun County 祥云县Xiángyún Xiàn532923XYD
Binchuan County 宾川县Bīnchuān Xiàn532924BCD
Midu County 弥渡县Mídù Xiàn532925MDU
Nanjian County [lower-alpha 31] 南涧县Nánjiàn Xiàn532926NNJ
Weishan County [lower-alpha 32] 巍山县Wēishān Xiàn532927WSY
Yongping County 永平县Yǒngpíng Xiàn532928YPX
Yunlong County 云龙县Yúnlóng Xiàn532929YLO
Eryuan County 洱源县Ěryuán Xiàn532930EYN
Jianchuan County 剑川县Jiànchuān Xiàn532931JIC
Heqing County 鹤庆县Hèqìng Xiàn532932HQG
Dehong Prefecture [lower-alpha 33]
Déhóng Zhōu
(5331 / DHG)
Ruili city瑞丽市Ruìlì Shì533102RUI
Mangshi city [lower-alpha 18] 芒市Mángshì533103MAB
Lianghe County 梁河县Liánghé Xiàn533122LHD
Yingjiang County 盈江县Yíngjiāng Xiàn533123YGL
Longchuan County 陇川县Lǒngchuān Xiàn533124LCN
Nujiang Prefecture [lower-alpha 34]
Nùjiāng Zhōu
(5333 / NUJ)
Lushui city泸水市Lúshuǐ Shì533302LMS
Fugong County 福贡县Fúgòng Xiàn533323FGO
Gongshan County [lower-alpha 35] 贡山县Gòngshān Xiàn533324GSN
Lanping County [lower-alpha 36] 兰坪县Lánpíng Xiàn533325LPG
Dêqên (Diqing) Prefecture [lower-alpha 37]
Díqìng Zhōu
(5334 / DEZ)
Xianggelila city香格里拉市Xiānggélǐlā Shì533401SEL
Deqin County 德钦县Déqīn Xiàn533422DQN
Weixi County [lower-alpha 38] 维西县Wéixī Xiàn533423WXI
  1. Conventional name: Shilin Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :石林彝族自治县; pinyin :Shílín Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  2. Conventional name: Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County; Chinese :禄劝彝族苗族自治县; pinyin :Lùquàn Yízú Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn
  3. Conventional name: Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :寻甸回族彝族自治县; pinyin :Xúndiàn Huízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  4. Conventional name: Eshan Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :峨山彝族自治县; pinyin :Éshān Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  5. Conventional name: Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese :新平彝族傣族自治县; pinyin :Xīnpíng Yízú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
  6. Conventional name: Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese :元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县; pinyin :Yuánjiāng Hānízú Yízú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
  7. Conventional name: Yulong Naxi Autonomous County; Chinese :玉龙纳西族自治县; pinyin :Yùlóng Nàxīzú Zìzhìxiàn
  8. Conventional name: Ninglang Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :宁蒗彝族自治县; pinyin :Nínglàng Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  9. Conventional name: Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县; pinyin :Níng'ěr Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  10. Conventional name: Mojiang Hani Autonomous County; Chinese :墨江哈尼族自治县; pinyin :Mòjiāng Hānízú Zìzhìxiàn
  11. Conventional name: Jingdong Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :景东彝族自治县; pinyin :Jǐngdōng Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  12. Conventional name: Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :景谷傣族彝族自治县; pinyin :Jǐnggǔ Dǎizú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  13. Conventional name: Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County; Chinese :镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县; pinyin :Zhènyuán Yízú Hānízú Lāhùzú Zìzhìxiàn
  14. Conventional name: Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :江城哈尼族彝族自治县; pinyin :Jiāngchéng Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  15. Conventional name: Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County; Chinese :孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县; pinyin :Mènglián Dǎizú Lāhùzú Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
  16. Conventional name: Lancang Lahu Autonomous County; Chinese :澜沧拉祜族自治县; pinyin :Láncāng Lāhùzú Zìzhìxiàn
  17. Conventional name: Ximeng Va Autonomous County; Chinese :西盟佤族自治县; pinyin :Xīméng Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
  18. 1 2 Official name registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
  19. Conventional name: Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese :双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县; pinyin :Shuāngjiāng Lāhùzú Wǎzú Bùlǎngzú ǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
  20. Conventional name: Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County; Chinese :耿马傣族佤族自治县; pinyin :Gěngmǎ Dǎizú Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
  21. Conventional name: Cangyuan Va Autonomous County; Chinese :沧源佤族自治县; pinyin :Cāngyuán Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
  22. Conventional name: Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :楚雄彝族自治州; pinyin :Chǔxióng Yízú Zìzhìzhōu
  23. Conventional name: Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :红河哈尼族彝族自治州; pinyin :Hónghé Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìzhōu
  24. Conventional name: Pingbian Miao Autonomous County; Chinese :屏边苗族自治县; pinyin :Píngbiān Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn
  25. Conventional name: Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese :金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县; pinyin :Jīnpíng Miáozú Yáozú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
  26. Conventional name: Hekou Yao Autonomous County; Chinese :河口瑶族自治县; pinyin :Hékǒu Yáozú Zìzhìxiàn
  27. Conventional name: Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :文山壮族苗族自治州; pinyin :Wénshān Zhuàngzú Miáozú Zìzhìzhōu
  28. Conventional name: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :西双版纳傣族自治州; pinyin :Xīshuāngbǎnnà Dǎizú Zìzhìzhōu
  29. Conventional name: Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :大理白族自治州; pinyin :Dàlǐ Báizú Zìzhìzhōu
  30. Conventional name: Yangbi Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :漾濞彝族自治县; pinyin :Yàngbì Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  31. Conventional name: Nanjian Yi Autonomous County; Chinese :南涧彝族自治县; pinyin :Nánjiàn Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
  32. Conventional name: Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County; Chinese :巍山彝族回族自治县; pinyin :Wēishān Yízú Huízú Zìzhìxiàn
  33. Conventional name: Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :德宏傣族景颇族自治州; pinyin :Déhóng Dǎizú Jǐngpōzú Zìzhìzhōu
  34. Conventional name: Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :怒江傈僳族自治州; pinyin :Nùjiāng Lìsùzú Zìzhìzhōu
  35. Conventional name: Gongshan Derung and Nu Autonomous County; Chinese :贡山独龙族怒族自治县; pinyin :Gòngshān Dúlóngzú Nùzú Zìzhìxiàn
  36. Conventional name: Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County; Chinese :兰坪白族普米族自治县; pinyin :Lánpíng Báizú Pǔmǐzú Zìzhìxiàn
  37. Conventional name: Dêqên Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese :迪庆藏族自治州; pinyin :Díqìng Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu
  38. Conventional name: Weixi Lisu Autonomous County; Chinese :维西傈僳族自治县; pinyin :Wéixī Lìsùzú Zìzhìxiàn

Recent changes in administrative divisions

DateBeforeAfterNoteReference [3] [4]
1981-01-18parts of Zhaotong CountyZhaotong (PC-City)established
1981-05-09parts of Pu'er CountySimao Countyestablished
1981-08-14Shuifu (CC-District)Shuifu Countyreorganized
parts of Yanjin Countymerged into
parts of Suijiang Countymerged into
1981-11-18Kaiyuan CountyKaiyuan (PC-City)reorganized
1983-01-18all Province-controlled city (P-City) → Prefecture-level city (PL-City)Civil Affairs Announcement
all Prefecture-controlled city/town (PC-City/Town) → County-level city/town (CL-City/Town)
1983-09-09parts of Qujing PrefectureKunming (PL-City)transferred
↳ Yiliang County↳ Yiliang Countytransferred
↳ Songming County↳ Songming Countytransferred
↳ Lunan County (Aut.)↳ Lunan County (Aut.)transferred
parts of Chuxiong Prefecture (Aut.)Kunming (PL-City)transferred
↳ Luquan County↳ Luquan Countytransferred
Zhaotong CountyZhaotong (CL-City)merged into
Qujing CountyQujing (CL-City)reorganized
Zhanyi Countymerged into
Yuxi CountyYuxi (CL-City)reorganized
Baoshan CountyBaoshan (CL-City)reorganized
Dali CountyDali (CL-City)reorganized
Xiaguan (CL-City)merged into
1985-01-31Wanding (CL-Town)Wanding (CL-City)reorganized
1985-06-11Shuangjiang CountyShuangjiang County (Aut.)reorganized
Weixi CountyWeixi County (Aut.)reorganized
Jingdong CountyJingdong County (Aut.)reorganized
Jinggu CountyJinggu County (Aut.)reorganized
Pu'er CountyPu'er County (Aut.)reorganized
Yangbi CountyYangbi County (Aut.)reorganized
Luquan CountyLuquan County (Aut.)reorganized
Jinping CountyJinping County (Aut.)reorganized
1986-09-24Bijiang CountyLushui Countydisestablished & merged into
Fugong Countydisestablished & merged into
1987-11-27Lanping CountyLanping County (aut.)reorganized
1990-02-03Zhenyuan CountyZhenyuan County (Aut.)reorganized
1992-06-26Ruili CountyRuili (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1992]69
1993-03-25Simao CountySimao (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1993]61
1993-12-22Jinghong CountyJinghong (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1993]256
1994-02-18Xuanwei CountyXuanwei (CL-City)reorganized
1995-10-13Anning CountyAnning (CL-City)reorganized
1996-10-28Luxi CountyLuxi (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1996]80
1997-05-06Qujing PrefectureQujing (PL-City)reorganizedState Council [1997]32
Qujing (CL-City)Qilin Districtdisestablished & established
Zhanyi Countydisestablished & established
1997-12-13Yuxi PrefectureYuxi (PL-City)reorganizedState Council [1997]108
Yuxi (CL-City)Hongta Districtdisestablished & established
1998-10-08Lunan County (Aut.)Shilin County (Aut.)renamed
1998-12-06Dongchuan (PL-City)Kunming (PL-City)disestablished & merged into
↳ Dongchuan Districtreorganized & transferred
parts of Qujing (CL-City)Kunming (PL-City)transferred
↳ Xundian County (Aut.)↳ Xundian County (Aut.)transferred
1999-01-02Wanding (CL-City)Ruili (CL-City)merged intoState Council [1999]1
2000-12-30Baoshan PrefectureBaoshan (PL-City)reorganized
Baoshan (CL-City)Longyang Districtreorganized
2001-01-30Zhaotong PrefectureZhaotong (PL-City)reorganizedState Council [2001]6
Zhaotong (CL-City)Zhaoyang Districtreorganized
2001-12-17Zhongdian CountyXianggelila CountyrenamedCivil Affairs [2001]348
2002-12-26Lijiang PrefectureLijiang (PL-City)reorganizedState Council [2002]122
Lijiang (CL-City)Gucheng Districtreorganized
Lijiang County (Aut.)Yulong County (Aut.)renamed
2003-10-30Simao PrefectureSimao (PL-City)reorganizedState Council [2003]113
Simao (CL-City)Cuiyun Districtreorganized
2003-10-30Lincang PrefectureLincang (PL-City)reorganizedState Council [2003]136
Lincang (CL-City)Linxiang Districtreorganized
2007-01-21Simao (PL-City)Pu'er (PL-City)renamedState Council [2007]8
Cuiyun DistrictSimao Districtrenamed
Pu'er County (Aut.)Ning'er County (Aut.)renamed
2010-07-20Luxi (CL-City)Mangshi (CL-City)renamedState Council [2010]166
2010-09-10Mengzi CountyMengzi (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2010]219
2010-12-02Wenshan CountyWenshan (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2010]295
2011-05-20Chenggong CountyChenggong DistrictreorganizedState Council [2011]58
2013-01-24Mile CountyMile (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2013]29
2014-12-16Xianggelila CountyXianggelila (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2014]375
2015-08-01Tengchong CountyTengchong (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2015]248
2015-12-03Jiangchuan CountyJiangchuan DistrictreorganizedState Council [2015]208
2016-03-20Zhanyi CountyZhanyi DistrictreorganizedState Council [2016]54
2016-06-16Lushui CountyLushui (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2016]176
2016-11-24Jinning CountyJinning DistrictreorganizedState Council [2016]187
2018-02-09Malong CountyMalong DistrictreorganizedState Council [2018]24
2018-07-02Shuifu CountyShuifu (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2018]108
2019-11-20Chengjiang CountyChengjiang (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [2019]124

Population composition


Prefecture 2010 2000
Kunming 6,432,2125,781,294
Qujing 5,855,0555,466,100
Yuxi 2,303,5112,073,005
Baoshan 2,506,4912,348,315
Zhaotong 5,213,5334,592,388
Lijiang 1,244,7691,126,646
Pu'er 2,542,8982,395,248
Lincang 2,429,5052,228,785
Dehong 1,211,4401,071,300
Nujiang 534,337491,824
Dêqên (Diqing) 400,182353,518
Dali 3,456,0003,297,000
Chuxiong 2,684,1742,542,465
Honghe 4,501,0004,130,500
Wenshan 3,517,9413,268,553
Xishuangbanna 1,133,515993,397


NamePrefecture 2010
Wuhua Kunming855,521
Panlong Kunming809,881
Guandu Kunming853,371
Xishan Kunming753,813
Dongchuan Kunming271,917
Chenggong Kunming310,843
Jinning Kunming283,784
Fumin Kunming145,554
Yiliang Kunming419,400
Songming Kunming287,095
Shilin Kunming246,220
Luquan Kunming396,404
Xundian Kunming457,068
Anning Kunming341,341
Qilin Qujing740,747
Malong Qujing184,989
Luliang Qujing622,397
Shizong Qujing392,361
Luoping Qujing549,680
Fuyuan Qujing722,640
Huize Qujing908,292
Zhanyi Qujing431,058
Xuanwei Qujing1,302,891
Hongta Yuxi495,129
Jiangchuan Yuxi280,889
Chengjiang Yuxi169,366
Tonghai Yuxi300,800
Huaning Yuxi214,650
Yimen Yuxi177,110
Eshan Yuxi162,831
Xinping Yuxi285,344
Yuanjiang Yuxi217,392
Longyang Baoshan935,618
Shidian Baoshan305,223
Tengchong Baoshan644,765
Longling Baoshan277,319
Changning Baoshan343,566
Zhaoyang Zhaotong787,845
Ludian Zhaotong390,654
Qiaojia Zhaotong516,349
Yanjin Zhaotong369,881
Daguan Zhaotong263,225
Yongshan Zhaotong394,267
Suijiang Zhaotong153,091
Zhenxiong Zhaotong1,328,375
Yiliang Zhaotong521,838
Weixin Zhaotong385,865
Shuifu Zhaotong102,143
Gucheng Lijiang211,151
Yulong Lijiang214,697
Yongsheng Lijiang392,024
Huaping Lijiang168,028
Ninglang Lijiang258,869
Simao Pu'er296,500
Ning'er Pu'er185,700
Mojiang Pu'er360,500
Jingdong Pu'er359,500
Jinggu Pu'er291,700
Zhenyuan Pu'er208,600
Jiangcheng Pu'er121,500
Menglian Pu'er135,500
Lancang Pu'er491,900
Ximeng Pu'er91,300
Linxiang Lincang323,708
Fengqing Lincang458,330
Yun(xian) Lincang449,460
Yongde Lincang369,702
Zhenkang Lincang176,356
Shuangjiang Lincang176,549
Gengma Lincang296,302
Cangyuan Lincang179,098
Chuxiong Chuxiong588,620
Shuangbai Chuxiong159,867
Mouding Chuxiong208,726
Nanhua Chuxiong236,138
Yao'an Chuxiong197,676
Dayao Chuxiong273,315
Yongren Chuxiong109,304
Yuanmou Chuxiong215,795
Wuding Chuxiong271,963
Lufeng Chuxiong422,770
Mengzi Honghe417,200
Gejiu Honghe459,800
Kaiyuan Honghe322,700
Mile Honghe539,700
Shiping Honghe299,100
Jianshui Honghe531,500
Luxi(xian) Honghe400,700
Yuanyang Honghe396,800
Honghe Honghe296,500
Lüchun Honghe222,200
Pingbian Honghe154,000
Jinping Honghe356,200
Hekou Honghe104,600
Wenshan Wenshan481,504
Yanshan Wenshan463,264
Xichou Wenshan255,286
Malipo Wenshan277,960
Maguan Wenshan367,507
Qiubei Wenshan477,441
Guangnan Wenshan787,449
Funing Wenshan407,530
Jinghong Xishuangbanna519,935
Menghai Xishuangbanna331,850
Mengla Xishuangbanna281,730
Dali Dali652,000
Xiangyun Dali456,000
Binchuan Dali349,000
Midu Dali313,000
Yongping Dali175,000
Yunlong Dali200,000
Eryuan Dali268,000
Jianchuan Dali170,000
Heqing Dali255,000
Yangbi Dali102,000
Nanjian Dali212,000
Weishan Dali304,000
Ruili Dehong180,627
Luxi(shi) → Mangshi Dehong389,891
Lianghe Dehong154,175
Yingjiang Dehong305,167
Longchuan Dehong181,580
Lushui Nujiang184,835
Fugong Nujiang98,616
Gongshan Nujiang37,894
Lanping Nujiang212,992
Xianggelila Dêqên172,988
Diqin Dêqên66,589
Weixi toDêqên160,605

List of autonomous subdivisions by ethnic group

Major Autonomous areas within Yunnan. (excluding Hui) Ethnic minorities areas in Yunnan.png
Major Autonomous areas within Yunnan. (excluding Hui)

There are 29 autonomous counties and 8 autonomous prefectures assigned to 18 different ethnic minorities in Yunnan.

Yi (15 counties, 2 prefectures)
Hui (2 counties)
Miao (3 counties, 1 prefecture)
Yao (2 counties)
Zhuang (1 prefecture)
Dai (6 counties, 2 prefectures)
Lahu (4 counties)
Hani (5 counties, 1 prefecture)
Wa (5 counties)
Bulang (1 county)
Jingpo (1 prefecture)
Bai (1 county, 1 prefecture)
Lisu (1 county, 1 prefecture)
Naxi (1 county)
Pumi (1 county)
Dulong (1 county)
Nu (1 county)
Tibetan (1 prefecture)

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