List of largest cities in Brazil by state

Last updated


North Region

StateCityPopulationPopulation yearNotesRef
Acre Cruzeiro do Sul 89,0722021 [1]
Rio Branco 413,4182021Capital [1]
Amapá Macapá 512,0002023Capital [2]
Santana 119,6102018 [3]
Amazonas Coari 85,9102020 [4]
Itacoatiara 104,0462021 [5]
Manacapuru 99,6132021 [5]
Manaus 2,255,9032021Capital [5]
Parintins 116,4392021 [5]
Tefé 59,2502021 [5]
Pará Abaetetuba 160,4392021 [5]
Altamira 117,3202021 [5]
Ananindeua 540,4102021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Belém [5]
Barcarena 129,3332021 [5]
Belém 1,506,4202021Capital [5]
Bragança 130,1222021 [5]
Breves 104,2802021 [5]
Cametá 140,8142021 [5]
Castanhal 205,6672021 [5]
Itaituba 101,5412021 [5]
Marabá 287,6642021 [5]
Marituba 135,8122021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Belém [5]
Paragominas 115,8382021 [5]
Parauapebas 218,7872021 [5]
Redenção 86,3262021 [5]
Santarém 308,3392021 [5]
São Félix do Xingu 135,7322021 [5]
Tailândia 111,5542021 [5]
Tucuruí 116,6052021 [5]
Rondônia Ariquemes 111,1482021 [5]
Cacoal 86,4162021 [5]
Ji-Paraná 131,0262021 [5]
Porto Velho 548,9522021Capital [5]
Vilhena 104,5172021 [5]
Roraima Boa Vista 436,5912021Capital [5]
Tocantins Araguaína 186,2452021 [5]
Gurupi 88,4282021 [5]
Palmas 313,3492021Capital [5]

Northeast Region

StateCityPopulationPopulation yearNotesRef
Alagoas Arapiraca 234,3092021 [5]
Maceió 1,031,5972021Capital [5]
Palmeira dos Índios 73,4522021 [5]
Penedo 64,0052021 [5]
União dos Palmares 65,9632021 [5]
Bahia Alagoinhas 153,0232021 [5]
Barreiras 158,4322021 [5]
Camaçari 309,2082021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador [5]
Eunápolis 115,3602021 [5]
Feira de Santana 624,1072021 [5]
Ilhéus 157,6392021 [5]
Itabuna 214,1232021 [5]
Jacobina 80,7492021 [5]
Jequié 156,2772021 [5]
Juazeiro 219,5442021 [5]
Lauro de Freitas 204,6692021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador [5]
Luís Eduardo Magalhães 92,6712021 [5]
Paulo Afonso 152,5292021 [5]
Porto Seguro 140,2522006 [5]
Salvador 2,900,3192021Capital [5]
Santo Antônio de Jesus 103,2042021 [5]
Simões Filho 137,1172021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador [5]
Teixeira de Freitas 164,2902021 [5]
Valença 97,8732021 [5]
Vitória da Conquista 343,6432021 [5]
Ceará Aquiraz 81,5812021 [5]
Canindé 77,4842021 [5]
Caucaia 368,9182021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza [5]
Crateús 75,2412021 [5]
Crato 113,9132021 [5]
Fortaleza 2,703,3912021Capital [5]
Iguatu 103,6332021 [5]
Itapipoca 131,6872021 [5]
Juazeiro do Norte 278,2642021 [5]
Maracanaú 230,9862021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza [5]
Maranguape 131,6772021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza [5]
Pacatuba 85,6472021 [5]
Quixadá 88,8992021 [5]
Quixeramobim 82,4552021 [5]
Russas 79,5502021 [5]
Sobral 212,4372021 [5]
Tianguá 77,1112021 [5]
Maranhão Açailândia 113,7832021 [5]
Bacabal 105,0942021 [5]
Balsas 96,9512021 [5]
Barra do Corda 88,8952021 [5]
Buriticupu 73,5952021 [5]
Caxias 166,1592021 [5]
Codó 123,3682021 [5]
Imperatriz 259,9802021 [5]
Paço do Lumiar 125,2652021 [5]
Pinheiro 84,1602021 [5]
Santa Inês 89,9272021 [5]
Santa Luzia 73,1052021 [5]
São José de Ribamar 180,3452021Part of the Metropolitan Region of São Luís [5]
São Luís 1,115,9322021Capital [5]
Timon 171,3172021 [5]
Paraíba Bayeux 97,5192021Part of the Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa [5]
Campina Grande 413,8302021 [5]
João Pessoa 825,7962021Capital [5]
Patos 108,7662021 [5]
Santa Rita 138,0932021Part of the Metropolitan Region of João Pessoa [5]
Pernambuco Abreu e Lima 100,6982021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Araripina 85,3012021 [5]
Belo Jardim 76,9302021 [5]
Cabo de Santo Agostinho 210,7962021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Camaragibe 159,9452021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Carpina 85,1312021 [5]
Caruaru 369,3432021 [5]
Garanhuns 141,3472021 [5]
Goiana 80,3452021 [5]
Gravatá 85,3092021 [5]
Igarassu 119,6902032Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Ipojuca 99,1012021 [5]
Jaboatão dos Guararapes 711,3302021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Olinda 393,7342021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Paulista 336,9192021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Petrolina 359,3722021 [5]
Recife 1,661,0172021Capital [5]
Santa Cruz do Capibaribe 111,8122021 [5]
São Lourenço da Mata 114,9102021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Recife [5]
Vitória de Santo Antão 140,3892021 [5]
Piauí Parnaíba 153,8632021 [5]
Picos 78,6272021 [5]
Teresina 871,1262021Capital [5]
Rio Grande do Norte Ceará-Mirim 74,2682021 [5]
Macaíba 82,8282021 [5]
Mossoró 303,7922021 [5]
Natal 896,7082021 [5]
Parnamirim 272,4902021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Natal [5]
São Gonçalo do Amarante 104,9192021Part of the Metropolitan Region of Natal [5]
Sergipe Aracaju 672,6142021Capital [5]
Itabaiana 96,8392021 [5]
Lagarto 106,0152021 [5]
Nossa Senhora do Socorro 187,7332021 [5]
São Cristóvão 92,09020211234567890 [5]

Center-West Region

StateCityPopulationPopulation yearNotesRef
Distrito Federal Brasília 3,094,3252021National capital [5]
Goiás Águas Lindas de Goiás 222,8502021 [5]
Anápolis 396,5262021 [5]
Aparecida de Goiânia 601,8442021 [5]
Caldas Novas 95,1832021 [5]
Catalão 113,0912021 [5]
Formosa 125,7052021 [5]
Goiânia 1,555,6262021Capital [5]
Itumbiara 106,8452021 [5]
Jataí 103,2212021 [5]
Luziânia 214,6452021 [5]
Novo Gama 119,6492021 [5]
Planaltina 91,3452021 [5]
Rio Verde 247,2592021 [5]
Santo Antônio do Descoberto 76,8712021 [5]
Senador Canedo 121,4472021 [5]
Trindade 132,0062021 [5]
Valparaíso de Goiás 175,7202021 [5]
Mato Grosso Cáceres 95,3392021 [5]
Cuiabá 623,6142021Capital [5]
Lucas do Rio Verde 69,6712021 [5]
Rondonópolis 239,6132021 [5]
Sinop 148,9602021 [5]
Sorriso 94,9412021 [5]
Tangará da Serra 107,6312021 [5]
Várzea Grande 290,3832021 [5]
Mato Grosso do Sul Aquidauana 48,1842021 [5]
Campo Grande 916,0012021Capital [5]
Corumbá 112,6692021 [5]
Dourados 227,9902021 [5]
Maracaju 48,9442021 [5]
Naviraí 56,4842021 [5]
Nova Andradina 56,0572021 [5]
Ponta Porã 95,3202021 [5]
Sidrolândia 60,7922021 [5]
Três Lagoas 125,1372021 [5]

Southeast Region

StateCityPopulationPopulation yearNotesRef
Espírito Santo Aracruz 104,9422021 [5]
Cachoeiro de Itapemirim 212,1722021 [5]
Cariacica 386,4952021 [5]
Colatina 124,2832021 [5]
Guarapari 128,5042021 [5]
Linhares 179,7552021 [5]
São Mateus 134,6292021 [5]
Serra 536,7652021 [5]
Vila Velha 508,6552021State's largest [5]
Vitória 369,5342021Capital [5]
Minas Gerais Alfenas 80,9732021 [5]
Araguari 118,3612021 [5]
Araxá 108,4032021 [5]
Barbacena 139,0612021 [5]
Belo Horizonte 2,530,7012021Capital [5]
Betim 450,0242021 [5]
Caratinga 93,1242021 [5]
Conselheiro Lafaiete 130,5842021 [5]
Coronel Fabriciano 110,7092021 [5]
Contagem 673,8492021 [5]
Curvelo 81,0852021 [5]
Divinópolis 242,5052021 [5]
Governador Valadares 282,1642021 [5]
Ibirité 184,0302021 [5]
Ipatinga 267,3332021 [5]
Itabira 121,7172021 [5]
Itajubá 97,7822021 [5]
Itaúna 94,4552021 [5]
Ituiutaba 105,8182021 [5]
Juiz de Fora 577,5322021 [5]
Lavras 105,7562021 [5]
Manhuaçu 92,0742021 [5]
Montes Claros 417,4782021 [5]
Muriaé 109,9972021 [5]
Nova Lima 97,3782021 [5]
Nova Serrana 108,2412021 [5]
Paracatu 94,5392021 [5]
Pará de Minas 95,6162021 [5]
Passos 115,9702021 [5]
Patos de Minas 154,6412021 [5]
Patrocínio 92,1162021 [5]
Poços de Caldas 169,8382021 [5]
Pouso Alegre 154,2932021 [5]
Ribeirão das Neves 341,4152021 [5]
Sabará 137,8772021 [5]
Santa Luzia 221,7052021 [5]
São João del-Rei 90,8972021 [5]
Sete Lagoas 243,9502021 [5]
Teófilo Otoni 141,2692021 [5]
Timóteo 91,2682021 [5]
Ubá 117,9952021 [5]
Uberaba 340,2772021 [5]
Uberlândia 706,5972021 [5]
Varginha 137,6082021 [5]
Vespasiano 131,8492021 [5]
Rio de Janeiro Angra dos Reis 210,1712021 [5]
Araruama 136,1092021 [5]
Barra do Piraí 101,1392021 [5]
Barra Mansa 185,2372021 [5]
Belford Roxo 515,2392021 [5]
Cabo Frio 234,0772021 [5]
Campos dos Goytacazes 514,6432021 [5]
Duque de Caxias 929,4492021 [5]
Itaboraí 244,4162021 [5]
Itaguaí 136,5472021 [5]
Itaperuna 104,3542021 [5]
Japeri 106,2962021 [5]
Macaé 266,1362021 [5]
Magé 247,7412021 [5]
Maricá 167,6682021 [5]
Mesquita 177,0162021 [5]
Nilópolis 162,8932021 [5]
Niterói 516,9812021 [5]
Nova Friburgo 191,6642021 [5]
Nova Iguaçu 825,3882021 [5]
Petrópolis 307,1442021 [5]
Queimados 152,3112021 [5]
Resende 133,2442021 [5]
Rio das Ostras 159,5292021 [5]
Rio de Janeiro 6,775,5612021Capital [5]
São Gonçalo 1,098,3572021 [5]
São João de Meriti 473,3852021 [5]
São Pedro da Aldeia 107,5562021 [5]
Teresópolis 185,8202021 [5]
Volta Redonda 274,9252021 [5]
São Paulo Americana 244,3702021 [5]
Araçatuba 199,2102021 [5]
Araraquara 240,5422021 [5]
Araras 136,7392021 [5]
Assis 105,7682021 [5]
Atibaia 145,3782021 [5]
Barretos 123,5462021 [5]
Barueri 279,7042021 [5]
Bauru 381,7062021 [5]
Birigui 126,0942021 [5]
Botucatu 149,7182021 [5]
Bragança Paulista 172,3462021 [5]
Caieiras 104,0442021 [5]
Campinas 1,223,2372021 [5]
Caraguatatuba 125,1942021 [5]
Carapicuíba 405,3752021 [5]
Catanduva 123,1142021 [5]
Cotia 257,8822021 [5]
Cubatão 132,5212021 [5]
Diadema 429,5502021 [5]
Embu das Artes 279,2642021 [5]
Ferraz de Vasconcelos 198,6612021 [5]
Franca 358,5392021 [5]
Francisco Morato 179,3722021 [5]
Franco da Rocha 158,4382021 [5]
Guaratinguetá 123,1922021 [5]
Guarujá 324,9772021 [5]
Guarulhos 1,404,6942021 [5]
Hortolândia 237,5702021 [5]
Indaiatuba 260,6902021 [5]
Itanhaém 104,3512021 [5]
Itapecerica da Serra 179,5742021 [5]
Itapetininga 167,1062021 [5]
Itapevi 244,1312021 [5]
Itaquaquecetuba 379,0822021 [5]
Itatiba 124,2542021 [5]
Itu 177,1502021 [5]
Jacareí 237,1192021 [5]
Jandira 127,7342021 [5]
Jaú 153,4632021 [5]
Jundiaí 436,9352021 [5]
Leme 105,2732021 [5]
Limeira 310,7832021 [5]
Mairiporã 103,6452021 [5]
Marília 242,2492021 [5]
Mauá 481,7252021 [5]
Mogi das Cruzes 455,5872021 [5]
Mogi Guaçu 154,1462021 [5]
Osasco 701,4282021 [5]
Ourinhos 115,1392021 [5]
Paulínia 114,5082021 [5]
Pindamonhangaba 171,8852021 [5]
Piracicaba 410,2752021 [5]
Poá 119,2212021 [5]
Praia Grande 336,4542021 [5]
Presidente Prudente 231,9532021 [5]
Ribeirão Pires 125,2382021 [5]
Ribeirão Preto 720,1162021 [5]
Rio Claro 209,5482021 [5]
Salto 120,7792021 [5]
Santa Bárbara d'Oeste 195,2782021 [5]
Santana de Parnaíba 145,0732021 [5]
Santo André 723,8892021 [5]
Santos 443,9912021 [5]
São Bernardo do Campo 849,8742021 [5]
São Caetano do Sul 162,7632021 [5]
São Carlos 256,9152021 [5]
São José do Rio Preto 469,1732021 [5]
São José dos Campos 737,3102021 [5]
São Paulo 12,396,3722021Capital [5]
São Vicente 370,8392021 [5]
Sertãozinho 128,4322021 [5]
Sorocaba 695,3282021 [5]
Sumaré 289,8752021 [5]
Suzano 303,3972021 [5]
Taboão da Serra 297,5282021 [5]
Tatuí 124,1342021 [5]
Taubaté 320,8202021 [5]
Valinhos 133,1692021 [5]
Várzea Paulista 124,2692021 [5]
Votorantim 124,4682021 [5]

South Region

StateCityPopulationPopulation yearNotesRef
Paraná Almirante Tamandaré 121,4202021 [5]
Apucarana 137,4382021 [5]
Arapongas 126,5452021 [5]
Araucária 148,5222021 [5]
Cambé 108,1262021 [5]
Campo Largo 135,6782021 [5]
Cascavel 336,0732021 [5]
Colombo 249,2772021 [5]
Curitiba 1,963,7262021Capital [5]
Fazenda Rio Grande 103,7502021 [5]
Foz do Iguaçu 257,9712021 [5]
Guarapuava 183,7552021 [5]
Londrina 580,8702021 [5]
Maringá 436,4722021 [5]
Paranaguá 157,3782021 [5]
Pinhais 134,7882021 [5]
Piraquara 116,8522021 [5]
Ponta Grossa 358,8382021 [5]
São José dos Pinhais 334,6202021 [5]
Toledo 144,6012021 [5]
Umuarama 113,4162021 [5]
Santa Catarina Balneário Camboriú 149,2272021 [5]
Blumenau 366,4182021 [5]
Brusque 140,5972021 [5]
Chapecó 227,5872021 [5]
Criciúma 219,3932021 [5]
Florianópolis 516,5242021Capital [5]
Itajaí 226,6172021 [5]
Jaraguá do Sul 184,5792021 [5]
Joinville 604,7082021State's largest [5]
Lages 157,1582021 [5]
Palhoça 178,6792021 [5]
São José 253,7052021 [5]
Tubarão 107,1432021 [5]
Rio Grande do Sul Alvorada 212,3522021 [5]
Bagé 121,5182021 [5]
Bento Gonçalves 123,0902021 [5]
Cachoeirinha 132,1442021 [5]
Canoas 349,7282021 [5]
Caxias do Sul 523,7162021 [5]
Erechim 107,3682021 [5]
Gravataí 285,5642021 [5]
Novo Hamburgo 247,3032021 [5]
Passo Fundo 206,1032021 [5]
Pelotas 343,8262021 [5]
Porto Alegre 1,492,5302021Capital [5]
Rio Grande 212,8812021 [5]
Santa Cruz do Sul 132,2712021 [5]
Santa Maria 285,1592021 [5]
São Leopoldo 240,3782021 [5]
Sapucaia do Sul 142,5082021 [5]
Uruguaiana 126,7662021 [5]
Viamão 257,3302021 [5]

See also

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Below are two tables which report the average adult human height by country or geographical region. With regard to the first table, original studies and sources should be consulted for details on methodology and the exact populations measured, surveyed, or considered. With regard to the second table, these estimated figures for said countries and territories in 2019 and the declared sources may conflict with the findings of the first table.

Milton's titi monkey is a species of titi monkey, a type of New World monkey, from southern Amazon rainforest, Brazil. It was named after the Brazilian primatologist Milton Thiago de Mello. Milton's titi was discovered in 2011 by Julio César Dalponte, and recognized as a new species in 2014.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">COVID-19 pandemic</span> Pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2

The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is a global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The novel virus was first identified in an outbreak in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, and spread to other areas of Asia and then worldwide in early 2020. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) on 30 January 2020. The WHO ended its PHEIC declaration on 5 May 2023. As of 20 February 2024, the pandemic has caused 774,493,392 cases and 7,026,534 confirmed deaths, ranking it fifth in the list of the deadliest epidemics and pandemics in history.


  1. 1 2 Ribeiro Alves, Mário; Cassiano Keppeler, Erlei (2022). "Severe acute respiratory syndrome and COVID-19 under the hierarchy of the urban network of municipalities in the state of Acre, western Brazilian Amazon region, 2020-2021: a cross-sectional study". São Paulo Medical Journal. 140 (5): 672. doi:10.1590/1516-3180.2021.0711.R1.20122021. PMC   9514868 . PMID   35920533.
  2. "Macapa, Brazil Metro Area Population 1950-2023". Retrieved 2023-10-13.
  3. "Brazil Population: Residents: North: Amapá: Santana". CEIC Data. Retrieved 2023-10-13.
  4. Menezes de Mata, Mayline; Anael Neves, José; Tavares de Medeiros, Maria Angélica (2022). "Hunger and its associated factors in the western Brazilian Amazon: a population-based study". Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. 41 (36): 3. doi: 10.1186/s41043-022-00319-5 . PMC   9383661 . PMID   35978447.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 "Estimativas da População Residente no Brasil e Unidades da Federação com Data de Referência em 1º de Julho de 2021" (PDF). Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. 2021. pp. 2, 4–9, 11–15, 19–101, 104–108, 110–118. Retrieved 2023-10-13.