List of moths of Metropolitan France (P–Z)

Last updated

This is a list of moths of families starting from P to Z that are found in Metropolitan France (including Corsica). It also acts as an index to the species articles and forms part of the full List of Lepidoptera of Metropolitan France.


Family Peleopodidae

Family Plutellidae

Family Praydidae

Family Prodoxidae

Family Psychidae

Family Pterolonchidae

Family Pterophoridae

Family Pyralidae

Family Roeslerstammiidae

Family Saturniidae

Family Schreckensteiniidae

Family Scythrididae

Family Sesiidae

Family Sphingidae

Family Stathmopodidae

Family Thyrididae

Family Tineidae

Family Tischeriidae

Family Tortricidae

Family Urodidae

Family Yponomeutidae

Family Ypsolophidae

Family Zygaenidae
