List of newspapers in Norway

Last updated

The number of national daily newspapers in Norway was 96 in 1950, whereas it was 83 in 1965. [1] A total of 191 newspapers was published in 1969. [2] There were 221 newspapers in the country in 1996. [3] The number of the newspaper was 233 in the country in 1999. [4] The Institute for Information and Media Science at the University of Bergen listed 296 newspapers in 2003. There were 297 titles in 2012. [2]



Norwegian newspapers fall into several categories:


Following is a sample of newspapers published in Norway.

NewspaperCategoryFrequency [5] Circulation (2022) [6] Owner (in 2014) [5] Notes
Adresseavisen regionaldaily75,584Adresseavisen ASA
Aftenposten nationaldaily252,448Aftenposten AS
Agder regionaltwice a week6,669Avisen Agder AS
Agderposten regionaldaily19,633AS Agderposten
Akers Avis regional8,713
Akershus Amtstidende regionaldaily8,138Akershus Amtstidende AS
Ullern Avis/Akersposten regional1,051
Altaposten regional5,091
Alvdal midt i væla regional2,314
Andøyposten regionaltwice a week1,752Andøyposten AS
Arbeidets Rett regional7,322
Arendals Tidende regional1,195
Askøyværingen regionaltwice a week4,917Askøyværingen AS
Aura Avis regional3,019
Aust Agder Blad regional3,693
Avisa Hemnes regional1,434
Avisa Lofoten regional1,217
Avisa Nordland regionaldaily21,820Avisa Nordland AS
Avisa Oslo regional8,533
Ávvir regional1,422
Bergens Tidende regionaldaily89,533Bergens Tidende AS
Bergensavisen regionaldaily27,815Bergensavisen AS
Birkenes-Avisa regional1,108
Bladet regional7,779
Bladet Vesterålen regionaldaily7,577Bladet Vesterålen AS
Brønnøysunds avis regionaldaily4,180Brønnøysunds Avis AS
Budstikka regionaldaily22,762Asker og Bærums Budstikke ASA
Bygdanytt regional4,593
Bygdebladet regional2,298
Bygdabladet Randaberg og Rennesøy regional3,481
Bygdeposten regional6,744
Bø Blad regional2,806
Bømlo-Nytt regional3,810
Dag og Tid national13,758 Nynorsk
Dagbladet nationaldaily110,092AS Dagbladettabloid
Dagen nationaldaily15,611Dagbladet Dagen ASconservative Christian
Dagens Næringsliv nationaldaily94,094Dagens Næringsliv ASbusiness
Dagens Perspektiv regional4,121
Dagsavisen nationaldaily20,787 Stiftelsen Dagsavisen social democratic
Dalane Tidende regionaltwice a week6,775Dalane Tidende og Egersunds Avis AS
Drammens Tidende regionaldaily27,373Drammens Tidende og Buskeruds Blad AS
Drangedalsposten regional1,723
Driva regionaltwice a week3,790Driva-Trykk AS
Dølen regional4,469
Eidsvoll Ullensaker Blad regional7,255
Eikerbladet regional2,235
Enebakk Avis regionalweekly2,525Enebakk Avis AS
Fanaposten regionaltwice a week3,591Fanaposten AS
Finansavisen national30,870
Finnmark Dagblad regionaldaily7,727Finnmark Dagblad AS
Finnmarken regionaldaily6,411Dagbladet Finnmarken AS
Finnmarksposten regional1,565
Firda regionaldaily11,298Avishuset Firda AS
Firda Tidend regionaltwice a week2,996Avisdrift Gloppen A/S
Firdaposten regionaltwice a week4,837Firdaposten AS
Fiskeribladet national7,286fisheries
Fjell-Ljom regional2,602
Fjordabladet regionaltwice a week3,172Fjordabladet AS
Fjordenes Tidende regionaltwice a week4,635Fjordenes Tidende AS
Fjordingen regionaltwice a week3,902Fjordingen AS
Fjuken regionalweekly3,805Skjåk Mediautvikling AS
FlatangerNytt regional1,067
Fosna-Folket regional7,829
Framtid i nord regionaltwice a week3,861Mediaselskapet Nord-Norge Samkjøringen AS
Fredriksstad Blad regionaldaily23,058Fredriksstad Blad AS
Fremover regionaldaily7,542Fremover AS
Friheten nationalweekly Norges Kommunistiske Parti communist
Frolendingen regional1,382
Frostingen regional1,931
Fædrelandsvennen regionaldaily37,261Fædrelandsvennen AS regional1,267
Gjesdalbuen regionalweekly3,487
Glåmdalen regionaldailyGlåmdalen AS
Grannar regional3,462
Grenda regional2,814
Grimstad Adressetidende regional6,193
Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen regional22,685
Hadeland regional7,115
Halden Arbeiderblad regional8,252social democratic
Hallingdølen regional10,755
Hamar Arbeiderblad regional20,027social democratic
Hammerfestingen regional1,156
Hardanger Folkeblad regional5,303
Harstad Tidende regional8,893
Haugesunds Avis regional21,187
Helgelands Blad regional4,137
Helgelendingen regional6,658
Hitra-Frøya regional4,981
Hordaland regional8,380
Hordaland Folkeblad regional4,951
iHarstad regional3,179
ILevanger regional2,338
Inderøyningen regional2,010
Indre Akershus Blad regional6,740
Innherred regional8,576
iTromsø regional8,590
Jarlsberg Avis regional4,031
Jærbladet regional12,971
Kanalen regional2,203
Karmøynytt regional1,611
Klassekampen nationaldaily33,265Klassekampen ASsocialist
Klæbuposten regional608
Koordinatoren online only
Kragerø Blad Vestmar regional5,317
Kronstadposten regional1,938
Kulingen regional2,107
Kvinnheringen regional4,105
Kyst og Fjord regional2,396
Laagendalsposten regional9,159
Lierposten regional3,497
Lillesands-Posten regional4,364
Lindesnes regional6,110
Lister regional6,042
Lofotposten regional7,010
Lofot-Tidende regional3,385
Lokalavisa Nordsalten regional2,183
Lokalavisa Trysil Engerdal regional2,227
Lyngdals Avis regional1,632
Marsteinen regional1,979
Meråkerposten regional1,468
Midsundingen regional1,010
Mitt Kongsvinger regional1,824
Morgenbladet national31,994conservative
Moss Avis regional14,236
Møre regional3,045
Møre-Nytt regionaltwice a week5,060Møre-Nytt AS
Namdalsavisa regional11,181
Nationen national17,275agriculture
Nettavisen online only19,187 online only9,387
Norddalen regional2,468
Nordhordland regional5,062
Nordlys regional25,736
Haramsnytt regional1,981
Nordre Aker Budstikke regional2,091
Nordstrands Blad regional7,331
Norge Idag national10,902conservative Christian
Ny Tid nationalsocialist
Nye Troms regionaltwice a week3,480Nye Troms AS
Nyss regional3,955
Oppland Arbeiderblad regionaldaily20,442Oppland arbeiderblad ASsocial democratic
Os og Fusaposten regional5,969 online onlymusic
Porsgrunns Dagblad regionaldaily5,441
Porten [ who? ]regional1,664
Rakkestad Avis regional2,410
Rana Blad regionaldaily8,914AS Rana Blad
Randaberg24 regional885
Raumnes regional5,823
Ringerikes Blad regional11,318
Ringsaker Blad regional8,358
Rjukan Arbeiderblad regional2,468
Romerikes Blad regionaldaily33,148
Romsdals Budstikke regionaldaily17,127
Ryfylke regional2,216
Røyken og Hurums Avis regional5,713
Ságat regional3,138
Sagene Avis regional784
Saltenposten regionaltwice a week3,806
Samningen regional1,396
Samoyiki online onlyonline, Bengali
Sande Avis regional2,498
Sandefjords Blad regionaldaily12,896
Sandnesposten regional9,574
Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad regionaldaily12,759Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad ASsocial democratic
Selbyggen regional2,762
Setesdølen regional3,751
Smaalenenes Avis regional12,050
Snåsningen regional1,418
Sogn Avis regionaldaily9,613Sogningen/Sogns Avis AS
Solabladet regional4,175
SolungAvisa regional1,959
Stangeavisa regional2,837
Stavanger Aftenblad regionaldaily63,973Stavanger Aftenblad ASA
Steinkjer24 regional1,926
Steinkjer-Avisa regional4,730
Stjørdals-Nytt regional1,614
Stord24 regional1,148
Storfjordnytt regional1,287
Strandbuen regionaltwice a week5,185Strandbuen AS
Strilen regional5,519
Sulaposten regional1,858
Suldalsposten regional2,608
Sunnhordland regionaldaily7,032Bladet Sunnhordland AS
Sunnmørsposten regionaldaily27,025Sunnmørsposten AS
Svalbardposten regionalweekly1,919Stiftelsen Svalbardposten
Svelviksposten regional1,912
Sydvesten regional978
Synste Møre regional1,998
Sør-Trøndelag regional7,555
Sør-Varanger Avis regional2,440
Søvesten regional687
Telemarksavisa regionaldaily23,700Telemarksavisa AS
Telen regional4,300
Tidens Krav regionaldaily12,385Tidens Krav AS
Totens Blad regional1,681
TradeWinds internationalmaritime business
Troms Folkeblad regionaldailyTroms Folkeblad AS
Trønder-Avisa regionaldaily19,912
Trønderbladet regional5,479
Tvedestrandsposten regional5,415
Tysnes regional2,087
Tysvær Bygdeblad regionalweekly2,155
Tønsbergs Blad regionaldaily22,957Edda Vestfold AS
Upstream international
Vaksdalposten regional2,233
Valdres regional9,449
Varden regionaldaily17,199Varden AS
Varingen regional5,586
Vennesla Tidende regional4,072
Vestavind regional1,589
Vestby Avis regional3,355
Vesterålen Online regional5,913
Vesteraalens Avis regionaltwice a week1,420Vesterålens Avis AS
Vestlandsnytt regional4,628
Vestnesavisa regional1,399
VestNytt regionaltwice a week7,312Vestnytt AS
Vest-Telemark Blad regionaltwice a week5,731Vest-Telemark Blad AS
VG nationaldaily308,469Verdens Gang AStabloid
Vigga regional2,292
Vikebladet Vestposten regional4,576
Våganavisa regional1,462
Vårt Land nationaldaily21,823Avisen Vårt Land ASChristian
VårtOslo regional2,289
Ytre Sogn Avis regional2,397
Ytringen Avis regional2,397
Østkantavisa regionalweekly1,194Nordstrands Blad AS
Østhavet regional1,212
Østlandets Blad regional10,084
Østlands-Posten regional12,215
Østlendingen regional15,477
Øy-Blikk regional1,131
Øyene regional3,504
Øyposten regional1,383
Åndalsnes Avis regional3,438
Ås Avis regional2,282
Åsane Tidende regional1,367

Online editions

The Institute for Journalism provides a directory of online newspapers.


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  1. Pippa Norris (Fall 2000). "Chapter 4 The Decline of Newspapers?". A Virtuous Circle: Political Communications in Post-Industrial Societies (PDF). New York: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  2. 1 2 "Production grants for news and current affairs media" (PDF). Ministry of Culture. 20 June 2013. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 January 2015. Retrieved 21 January 2015.
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  4. "Norway". Press Reference. Retrieved 7 March 2015.
  5. 1 2 Willings 2015
  6. "Opplagstall norske aviser". Medienorge. Archived from the original on 2023-11-22. Retrieved 2024-02-10.