List of taxes

Last updated

This page, a companion page to tax, lists different taxes by economic design. For different taxes by country, see Tax rates around the world.


Taxes generally fall into the following broad categories:

Income tax

Payroll tax

Property taxes

Most property taxes charge for both the value of the land and the value of any buildings or other improvements on the land.

Consumption taxes

A general tax refers to a tax that applies to all or most goods and services and where all are taxed at the same rate. An excise tax refers to a tax on a single item, which may be different from the tax levied on other items.

General taxes

Excise taxes



  • Adet-i ağnam was an annual tax on sheep and goats levied by the Ottoman Empire. Unlike most Ottoman taxes, this tax went to the national treasury, rather than regional treasuries. It was largely collected through tax farming.
  • Resm-i arusane, known as the bride tax, was a tax on marriage levied by the Ottoman Empire.
  • Rav akçesi, a tax levied on rabbis by the Ottoman Empire
  • Salt tax is a tax on salt. Salt taxes have been the least popular taxes in history. Salt taxes in France, India and Russia were significant contributors to revolutions or uprisings in those countries.


  • Automated Payment Transaction tax is a proposed single tax system where all tax revenue would be collected by a small percentage of all transactions.
  • Bank taxes, propose to improve financial stability.
  • Currency transaction tax is a tax on currency conversions.
    • Spahn tax is a proposed currency transaction tax that attempts to tax speculators while not taxing more necessary currency conversions.
    • Tobin tax is a proposed tax on spot conversions between currencies.
  • Robin Hood tax is a campaign to enact a package of financial transaction taxes.
  • Natural resources consumption tax is a proposed tax on natural resources, including in ungoverned areas such as oceans.



Taxes promoting marriage and reproduction

A number of taxes have targeted the promotion of marriage and childbearing. They include:

Fees and tolls

Effective taxes

Other taxes

Taxation practices


See also