Natural resources consumption tax

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The natural resource consumption tax is a kind of tax which is aimed to help ensure long run sustainability by increasing awareness of natural resource consumption.


International water

The popular conception of international waters is that there is no owner of them, so anyone can take advantage of them. Some propose that instead international waters are to be seen as owned by all the people of the planet. Hence, any particular person exploiting the natural resources of international waters should be taxed by the United Nations, any proxy of it, or some other international agency.

Sovereignty territory

At present, property laws govern this issue. Natural resources are bound to the land and offshore natural resources are deemed to be owned by the state. Generally speaking, there is no tax on the consumption of natural resources. It might be difficult to implement such a tax.

Stumpage System

The stumpage fee can also be deemed as a kind of natural resources consumption tax.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Natural resource</span> Resources that exist without actions of humankind.

Natural resources are resources that are drawn from nature and used with few modifications. This includes the sources of valued characteristics such as commercial and industrial use, aesthetic value, scientific interest, and cultural value. On Earth, it includes sunlight, atmosphere, water, land, all minerals along with all vegetation, and wildlife.

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refers to all the materials available in our environment which are technologically accessible, economically feasible and culturally sustainable and help us to satisfy our needs and wants. Resources can broadly be classified upon their availability — they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. They can also be classified as actual and potential on the basis of the level of development and use, on the basis of origin they can be classified as biotic and abiotic, and on the basis of their distribution, as ubiquitous and localised. An item becomes a resource with time and developing technology. The benefits of resource utilization may include increased wealth, proper functioning of a system, or enhanced well-being. From a human perspective, a natural resource is anything obtained from the environment to satisfy human needs and wants. From a broader biological or ecological perspective, a resource satisfies the needs of a living organism.

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