Taxation in Australia

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Income taxes are the most significant form of taxation in Australia, and collected by the federal government through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Australian GST revenue is collected by the Federal government, and then paid to the states under a distribution formula determined by the Commonwealth Grants Commission.


Australians pay tax for the provision of healthcare, education, defense, roads and railways and for payments to welfare, disaster relief and pensions. [1]


The "classic definition" of a tax used by the High Court derived from Matthews v Chicory Marketing Board (Vic) (1938), where Chief Justice John Latham stated that a tax was "a compulsory exaction of money by a public authority for public purposes, enforceable by law, and is not a payment for services rendered". In a series of judgments under the Mason court – including Air Caledonie International v Commonwealth (1988), Northern Suburbs General Cemetery Reserve Trust v Commonwealth (1993), and Australian Tape Manufacturers Association Ltd v Commonwealth (1993) – the court broadened the Matthews definition to include amounts not payable to public authorities, such as non-government collection agencies. [2]


The total tax revenue as a percentage of Australia's GDP from 1985 to 2013, compared to other OECD nations Tax revenue as a percentage of GDP (1985-2014).png
The total tax revenue as a percentage of Australia's GDP from 1985 to 2013, compared to other OECD nations

When the first Governor, Governor Phillip, arrived in New South Wales in 1788, he had a Royal Instruction that gave him power to impose taxation if the colony needed it.[ citation needed ] The first taxes in Australia were raised to help pay for the completion of Sydney's first jail and provide for the orphans of the colony. Import duties were put on spirits, wine and beer and later on luxury goods.[ citation needed ]

After 1824 the Government of New South Wales raised extra revenue from customs and excise duties. These were the most important sources of revenue for the colony throughout the 19th century. Taxes were raised on spirits, beer, tobacco, cigars and cigarettes. These taxes would vary between each of the Australian colonies, and this state of affairs remained in place after the colonies achieved statehood.

Thomas de la Condamine [3] was appointed as the first Collector of the Internal Revenue on 7 April 1827 with the actual office of the Collector of the Internal Revenue established on 1 May 1827 by Governor Ralph Darling. When de la Condamine's appointment was not confirmed by the Secretary of State for War and the Colonies William Huskisson, the duties fell to James Busby who held the position until December 1835 when the position was filled by William McPhereson. [4] The Collector of the Internal Revenue collected all revenue, such as moneys received from the sale or rental of land except that from customs duties and court fees. The Internal Revenue Office was abolished on 4 January 1837 with its business becoming the responsibility of the Colonial Treasurer. [5]

Colonial governments also raised money from fees on wills and stamp duty, which is a tax imposed on certain kinds of documents. In 1880, the Colony of Tasmania imposed a tax on earnings received from the profits of public companies.[ citation needed ]

Income taxes were introduced in the late 19th century in a few of the colonies before Federation. In 1884, a general tax on income was introduced in South Australia, and in 1895 income tax was introduced in New South Wales at the rate of six pence in the pound, or 2.5%. [6] Federal income tax was first introduced in 1915, in order to help fund Australia's war effort in the First World War. [7] Between 1915 and 1942, income taxes were levied at both the state and federal level. [7]

The Taxation Administration Act 1953 was assented to on 4 March 1953. [8]

In 1972, the government of William McMahon appointed the NSW Supreme Court judge Kenneth Asprey to conduct a full and wide-ranging review of the tax system. Although controversial when completed for the Whitlam Government in 1975, the Asprey report on taxation has acted "as a guide and inspiration to governments and their advisers for the following 25 years." The main recommendations of the report have all been implemented and are today part of Commonwealth taxation in Australia. [9]

On 20 September 1985, Capital gains tax was introduced. The GST replaced the older wholesale sales tax in 2000. In July 2001, the Financial Institutions Duty was abolished. Between 2002 and 2005, Bank Account Debits Tax was abolished.[ citation needed ]

On 1 July 2012 the Federal government introduced a Carbon price, requiring large emitters of carbon dioxide to purchase permits, the government also introduced a Minerals Resource Rent Tax, originally called a resources 'super profits' tax in the Henry Tax Report. [10] The revenue from the carbon pricing regime was used to reduce income tax by increasing the tax-free threshold and increase pensions and welfare payments, as well as introducing compensation for some affected industries. The Carbon Tax and associated Resources Rent tax were repealed in 2014. [11] [12]

The Government has brought back a duty on financial institutions in the form of a 'major bank levy' on the five largest banks in Australia. [13]

Forms of taxes and excises, both Federal and State

Personal income taxes

Income taxes on individuals are imposed at the federal level. This is the most significant source of revenue in Australia. State governments have not imposed income taxes since World War II. Personal income taxes in Australia are imposed on the personal income of each person on a progressive basis, with higher rates applying to higher income levels. Unlike some other countries, personal income tax in Australia is imposed on an individual and not on a family unit.

Individuals are also taxed on their share of any partnership or trust profits to which they are entitled for the financial year. A tax file number is a personal reference number required to pay tax in Australia. TFNs are used for identification and record keeping purposes. [1] A tax return is due once per financial year.

Capital gains tax

Quarterly taxation revenues derived from financial and capital transactions ($millions) since 1972 ABS-5206.0-AustralianNationalAccounts-NationalIncomeExpenditureProduct-TaxesCurrentPrices-TaxesOnFinancialCapitalTransactions-A2302197L.svg
Quarterly taxation revenues derived from financial and capital transactions ($millions) since 1972

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in the context of the Australian taxation system applies to the capital gain made on disposal of any asset, except for specific exemptions. The most significant exemption is the family home. Rollover provisions apply to some disposals, one of the most significant is transfers to beneficiaries on death, so that the CGT is not a quasi death duty.

CGT operates by having net gains treated as taxable income in the tax year an asset is sold or otherwise disposed of. If an asset is held for at least 1 year then any gain is first discounted by 50% for individual taxpayers, or by 3313% for superannuation funds. Net capital losses in a tax year may be carried forward and offset against future capital gains. However, capital losses cannot be offset against income.

Personal use assets and collectables are treated as separate categories and losses on those are quarantined so they can only be applied against gains in the same category, not other gains. This works to stop taxpayers subsidising hobbies from their investment earnings.

Corporate taxes

A company tax is paid by companies and corporations on its net profit, but the company’s loss is carried forward to the next financial year. Unlike personal income taxes which use a progressive scale, company tax is calculated at a flat rate of 30% (25% for small businesses, which are defined below). Corporate tax is paid on the corporation’s profit at the corporate rate and is generally available for distribution, in addition to any retained earnings it may have carried forward, to shareholders as dividends.[ citation needed ]

A tax credit (called a franking credit) is available to resident shareholders who receive the dividends to reflect the tax paid by the corporation (a process known as dividend imputation). A withholding tax applies on unfranked dividends paid to non-resident shareholders. [14]

From 2015/16, designated "small business entities" with an aggregated annual turnover threshold of less than $2 million were eligible for a lower tax rate of 28.5%. Since 1 July 2016, small business entities with aggregated annual turnover of less than $10 million have had a reduced company tax rate of 27.5%. From 2017/18, corporate entities eligible for the lower tax rate have been known as "base rate entities". The small business threshold has remained at $10 million since 2017/18; but the base rate entity threshold (the aggregated annual turnover threshold under which entities will be eligible to pay a lower tax rate) has continued to rise until the base rate entities have an annual turnover of $50 million giving a tax rate of 25% to the entities below this threshold. [15]

Company tax ratePeriodNotes
49%1986–1988The system of company taxation replaced by dividend imputation in 1987
36%1995–2000Accelerated depreciation removed in 1999
34%2000–2001Refundable imputation credits introduced in 2000
27.5% (small business)


2017Businesses with less than A$25 million annual turnover and where 80% or less of their revenue is passive income are taxed at the lower rate [16]

Trustee liability taxes

Where all or part of the net trust income is distributed to either non-residents or minors, the trustee of that trust is assessed on that share on behalf of the beneficiary. In this case, the beneficiaries must declare that share of net trust income on their individual income tax returns, and also claim a credit for the amount of tax the trustee paid on their behalf.

Where the trust accumulates net trust income, the trustee is assessed on that accumulated income at the highest individual marginal rate.

In both cases the trustee will be issued a notice of assessment subsequent to lodging the trust tax return.

Goods and Services taxes

Quarterly sales tax revenues ($millions) since 1972, which were largely replaced by the GST in 2000
Quarterly goods and services tax revenues ($millions) since 2000

A goods and services tax (GST) is a value added tax levied by the federal government at 10% on the supply of most goods and services by entities registered for the tax. The GST was introduced in Australia on 1 July 2000 by the then Howard Liberal government. A number of supplies are GST-free (e.g., many basic foodstuffs, medical and educational services, exports), input-taxed (residential accommodation, financial services, etc.), exempt (Government charges) or outside the scope of GST.

The revenue from this tax is distributed to the States.

State governments do not levy any sales taxes though they do impose stamp duties on a range of transactions.

In summary, the GST rate of 10% is charged on most goods and services consumed in Australia. A business which is registered for GST would include the GST in the sale prices it charges. However, a business can claim a credit for the GST paid on business expenses and other inputs (called a GST credit). The business would pay to the Tax Office the difference between GST charged on sales and GST credits.

Two types of sales are treated differently:

  1. Suppliers of GST-free goods and services will not have to pay GST when they make a sale but they will be entitled to GST credits.
  2. Suppliers of input taxed goods and services do not have to charge GST on sales but they will not be entitled to claim GST credits from their purchases of inputs.

Property taxes

Total quarterly (seasonally adjusted) land tax revenues ($millions) since 1972 ABS-5206.0-AustralianNationalAccounts-NationalIncomeExpenditureProduct-TaxesCurrentPrices-LandTaxes-A2302780W.svg
Total quarterly (seasonally adjusted) land tax revenues ($millions) since 1972

Local governments are typically funded largely by taxes on land value (council rates) on residential, industrial and commercial properties. In addition, some State governments levy tax on land values for investors and primary residences of high value. The State governments also levy stamp duties on transfers of land and other similar transactions.

Fire Service Levies are also commonly applied to domestic house insurance and business insurance contracts. These levies are required under State Government law to assist in funding the fire services in each State.

Departure tax

The Passenger Movement Charge (PMC) is a fee levied by the Australian government on all passengers departing on international flights or maritime transport. [17] The PMC replaced the departure tax in 1995 and was initially described as a charge to partially offset the cost to government of the provision of passenger facilitation at airports, principally customs, immigration and quarantine functions. It is classified by the International Air Transport Association as a departure tax, rather than an airport charge, as its revenue does not directly contribute to passenger processing at airports or sea ports. Since 2017, the PMC has been a flat rate of A$60 per passenger over 12 years of age, with a few limited exemptions.

Excise taxes

Quarterly excise tax revenue ($millions) since 1973 ABS-5206.0-AustralianNationalAccounts-NationalIncomeExpenditureProduct-TaxesCurrentPrices-ExciseTaxes-A2302200R.svg
Quarterly excise tax revenue ($millions) since 1973

The Federal Government imposes excise taxes on goods such as cigarettes, petrol, and alcohol. The rates imposed may change in February and August each year in response to changes in the consumer price index. [18] Australians pay some of the highest tobacco taxes in the world. National tobacco-specific taxes already make up more than 65% of the retail price of a cigarette in Australia. [19] The aim is to reduce the number of daily smokers to below 5% by 2030. [19]

Fuel taxes in Australia

The excise tax on commonly used fuels in Australia from 5 February 2024 [20] are as follows:

  • A$0.496 per litre on Unleaded Petrol fuel (Petrol used in aviation is excised at a different rate)
  • A$0.496 per litre on Diesel fuel
  • A$0.162 per litre on Liquified petroleum gas used as fuel (Autogas or LPG as it is commonly known in Australia)
  • A$0.163 per litre on Ethanol fuel (not including blended fuels)
  • A$0.132 per litre on Biodiesel (not including blended fuels)


  1. Petrol when used for aviation is excised at $0.03556 per litre.
  2. Diesel/Gasoline when blended with ethanol and/or biodiesel are excised at a rate calculated based on the excise of the constituent components. [20] [21]

Luxury Car Tax

Luxury Car Tax is payable by businesses which sell or import luxury cars, where the value of the car is above $80,567 or $91,387 [22] for fuel-efficient cars (defined as a car with a fuel consumption of less than 7L per 100km) [23]

Customs duties

Customs duties are imposed on many imported goods, such as alcohol, tobacco products, perfume, and other items. Some of these goods can be purchased duty-free at duty-free shops.

Payroll taxes

Quarterly payroll tax revenues ($millions) since 1972 ABS-5206.0-AustralianNationalAccounts-NationalIncomeExpenditureProduct-TaxesCurrentPrices-PayrollTaxes-A2302193C.svg
Quarterly payroll tax revenues ($millions) since 1972

Payroll taxes in Australia are levied by state governments on employers based on wages paid by them. Payroll tax rates vary between states. Typically, payroll tax applies to wages above the threshold, which also varies. Groups of companies may be taxed as a single entity where their operations are significantly integrated or related. [24] This has significance in the grouping of payroll amounts in determining whether the threshold had been reached.

Current Payroll Tax Rates and Thresholds [25]

StateAnnual ThresholdTax Rate
New South Wales [26] $750,0005.45%
Queensland [27] $1,100,0004.75%
South Australia$600,0004.95%
Australian Capital Territory$1,750,0006.85%
Victoria [28] $700,0004.85% (metro), 1.2125% (regional)
Western Australia [29] $750,0005.50%
Tasmania [30] $1,010,0236.10%
Northern Territory [31] $1,500,0005.50%

Queensland and the Northern Territory payroll tax rates are effective rates on payrolls above $5.5 million and $5.75 million respectively. All other jurisdictions levy marginal rates. Some companies may be eligible for deductions, concessions and exemptions.

Payroll taxes in Australian Capital Territory

From 1 July 2014: [32]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 6.85%.
  • The annual threshold is $1,850,000.
  • The monthly threshold is $154,166.66.

Payroll taxes in New South Wales

From 1 July 2013: [32]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 5.45%.
  • Medicare payments are up to 12%
  • Pension Fund contribution is 9.5% [33]
  • The annual threshold is $750,000.
  • The monthly threshold is:
    • 28 days = $57,534
    • 30 days = $61,644
    • 31 days = $63,699

Employers, or a group of related businesses, whose total Australian wages exceed the current NSW monthly threshold, are required to pay NSW payroll tax.

Each monthly payment or 'nil' remittance is due seven days after the end of each month or the next business day if the seventh day is a weekend (i.e. August payment is due by 7 September). The annual reconciliation and payment or 'nil' remittance is due by 21 July.

Effective July 2007 – In NSW, payroll tax is levied under the Payroll Tax Act 2007 and administered by the Taxation Administration Act 1996.

Prior to 1 July 2007 – In NSW, payroll tax was levied under the Payroll Tax Act 1971 and administered by the Taxation Administration Act 1996.

Payroll taxes in Northern Territory

From 1 July 2012: [32]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 5.50%.
  • The annual threshold is $1,500,000.
  • The monthly threshold is $125,000.

Payroll taxes in Queensland

Companies or groups of companies that pay $1,100,000 or more a year in Australian wages must pay payroll tax. [34] There are deductions, concessions and exemptions available to those that are eligible.

From 1 July 2012: [32]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 4.75%.
  • The annual threshold is $1,100,000.
  • The monthly threshold is $91,666.

Payroll taxes in South Australia

A Payroll Tax liability arises in South Australia when an employer (or a Group of employers) has a wages bill in excess of $600,000 for services rendered by employees anywhere in Australia if any of those services are rendered or performed in South Australia. [35]

From 1 July 2012: [32]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 4.95%.
  • The annual threshold is $600,000.
  • The monthly threshold is $50,000.

Payroll taxes in Tasmania

From 1 July 2013: [32]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 6.1%.
  • The annual threshold is $1,250,000.
  • The monthly threshold is:
    • 28 days = $95,890
    • 30 days = $102,740
    • 31 days = $106,164

Payroll taxes in Victoria

From 1 July 2021: [36]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 4.85% (1.2125% for regional employers)
  • The annual threshold is $700,000.
  • The monthly threshold is $58,333.

Payroll taxes in Western Australia

Payroll tax is a general purpose tax assessed on the wages paid by an employer in Western Australia. The tax is self-assessed in that the employer calculates the liability and then pays the appropriate amount to the Office of State Revenue, by way of a monthly, quarterly or annual return.

From 1 July 2014: [32]

  • The rate of payroll tax is 5.5%.
  • The annual threshold is $800,000.
  • The monthly threshold is $66,667.

On 8 December 2004 new legislation was passed making it mandatory for an employer that has, or is a member of a group that has, an expected payroll tax liability equal to or greater than $100,000 per annum, to lodge and pay their payroll tax return via Revenue Online (ROL). This amendment to the Payroll Tax Assessment Act 2002 was effective 1 July 2006.

Fringe Benefits Tax

Quarterly Fringe Benefits Tax revenue ($millions) since 1972 ABS-5206.0-AustralianNationalAccounts-NationalIncomeExpenditureProduct-TaxesCurrentPrices-TaxesOnIncome Individuals FringeBenefitTaxes-A2302194F.svg
Quarterly Fringe Benefits Tax revenue ($millions) since 1972

Fringe Benefits Tax is the tax applied by the Australian Taxation Office to most, although not all, fringe benefits, which are generally non-cash benefits. Most fringe benefits are also reported on employee payment summaries for inclusion on personal income tax returns that must be lodged annually.

Inheritance tax

There is no inheritance tax in Australia, with all states in Australia abolishing what was known as death duties in 1979 [37] following the lead of the Queensland Government led by Joh Bjelke-Petersen.

Private pensions (known as superannuation in Australia) may be taxed at up to three points, depending on the circumstances: at the point of contribution to a fund, on investment income and at the time benefits are received. The compulsory nature of Australian Superannuation means that it is sometimes regarded as being similar to social security taxes levied in other nations. This is more frequently the case when comparisons are being made between the tax burden of respective nations.

See also


Tax law:


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A tax is a mandatory financial charge or levy imposed on a taxpayer by a governmental organization to support government spending and public expenditures collectively or to regulate and reduce negative externalities. Tax compliance refers to policy actions and individual behavior aimed at ensuring that taxpayers are paying the right amount of tax at the right time and securing the correct tax allowances and tax relief. The first known taxation occurred in Ancient Egypt around 3000–2800 BC. Taxes consist of direct or indirect taxes and may be paid in money or as labor equivalent.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Taxation in the United States</span> United States tax codes

The United States has separate federal, state, and local governments with taxes imposed at each of these levels. Taxes are levied on income, payroll, property, sales, capital gains, dividends, imports, estates and gifts, as well as various fees. In 2020, taxes collected by federal, state, and local governments amounted to 25.5% of GDP, below the OECD average of 33.5% of GDP.

The Canada Revenue Agency is the revenue service of the Canadian federal government, and most provincial and territorial governments. The CRA collects taxes, administers tax law and policy, and delivers benefit programs and tax credits. Legislation administered by the CRA includes the Income Tax Act, parts of the Excise Tax Act, and parts of laws relating to the Canada Pension Plan, employment insurance (EI), tariffs and duties. The agency also oversees the registration of charities in Canada, and enforces much of the country's tax laws.

Excise tax in the United States is an indirect tax on listed items. Excise taxes can be and are made by federal, state, and local governments and are not uniform throughout the United States. Certain goods, such as gasoline, diesel fuel, alcohol, and tobacco products, are taxed by multiple governments simultaneously. Some excise taxes are collected from the producer or retailer and not paid directly by the consumer, and as such, often remain "hidden" in the price of a product or service rather than being listed separately.

In Canada, taxation is a prerogative shared between the federal government and the various provincial and territorial legislatures.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Taxation in the United Kingdom</span> United Kingdom tax codes

In the United Kingdom, taxation may involve payments to at least three different levels of government: central government, devolved governments and local government. Central government revenues come primarily from income tax, National Insurance contributions, value added tax, corporation tax and fuel duty. Local government revenues come primarily from grants from central government funds, business rates in England, Council Tax and increasingly from fees and charges such as those for on-street parking. In the fiscal year 2023–24, total government revenue was forecast to be £1,139.1 billion, or 40.9 per cent of GDP, with income taxes and National Insurance contributions standing at around £470 billion.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Goods and services tax (Australia)</span> Type of value added tax used in Australia

Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Australia is a value added tax of 10% on most goods and services sales, with some exemptions and concessions. GST is levied on most transactions in the production process, but is in many cases refunded to all parties in the chain of production other than the final consumer.

An ad valorem tax is a tax whose amount is based on the value of a transaction or of a property. It is typically imposed at the time of a transaction, as in the case of a sales tax or value-added tax (VAT). An ad valorem tax may also be imposed annually, as in the case of a real or personal property tax, or in connection with another significant event. In some countries, a stamp duty is imposed as an ad valorem tax.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value-added tax or consumption tax for goods and services consumed in New Zealand.

The constitutional basis of taxation in Australia is predominantly found in sections 51(ii), 90, 53, 55, and 96, of the Constitution of Australia. Their interpretation by the High Court of Australia has been integral to the functioning and evolution of federalism in Australia.

There is no personal income tax in Tasmania.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Taxation in New Zealand</span> Overview of taxation in New Zealand

Taxes in New Zealand are collected at a national level by the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) on behalf of the New Zealand Government. National taxes are levied on personal and business income, and on the supply of goods and services. Capital gains tax applies in limited situations, such as the sale of some rental properties within 10 years of purchase. Some "gains" such as profits on the sale of patent rights are deemed to be income – income tax does apply to property transactions in certain circumstances, particularly speculation. There are currently no land taxes, but local property taxes (rates) are managed and collected by local authorities. Some goods and services carry a specific tax, referred to as an excise or a duty, such as alcohol excise or gaming duty. These are collected by a range of government agencies such as the New Zealand Customs Service. There is no social security (payroll) tax.

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Taxation represents the biggest source of revenues for the Peruvian government. For 2016, the projected amount of taxation revenues was S/.94.6 billion. There are four taxes that make up approximately 90 percent of the taxation revenues:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Excise</span> Goods tax levied at the moment of manufacture rather than sale

An excise, or excise tax, is any duty on manufactured goods that is normally levied at the moment of manufacture for internal consumption rather than at sale. It is therefore a fee that must be paid in order to consume certain products. Excises are often associated with customs duties, which are levied on pre-existing goods when they cross a designated border in a specific direction; customs are levied on goods that become taxable items at the border, while excise is levied on goods that came into existence inland.

The main fuel tax in Australia is an excise tax, to which Goods and Services Tax ("GST") is added. Both taxes are levied by the federal government. In Australia the GST is applied on top of the fuel excise tax. In some cases, businesses may be entitled to exemptions or rebates for fuel excise tax, including tax credits and certain excise-free fuel sources.

Due to the absence of the tax code in Argentina, the tax regulation takes place in accordance with separate laws, which, in turn, are supplemented by provisions of normative acts adopted by the executive authorities. The powers of the executive authority include levying a tax on profits, property and added value throughout the national territory. In Argentina, the tax policy is implemented by the Federal Administration of Public Revenue, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Economy. The Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP) is an independent service, which includes: the General Tax Administration, the General Customs Office and the General Directorate for Social Security. AFIP establishes the relevant legal norms for the calculation, payment and administration of taxes:

Taxation in Norway is levied by the central government, the county municipality and the municipality. In 2012 the total tax revenue was 42.2% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Many direct and indirect taxes exist. The most important taxes – in terms of revenue – are VAT, income tax in the petroleum sector, employers' social security contributions and tax on "ordinary income" for persons. Most direct taxes are collected by the Norwegian Tax Administration and most indirect taxes are collected by the Norwegian Customs and Excise Authorities.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Taxation in South Africa</span>

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The tax system of the Czech Republic is similar in its main features to the systems of developed and especially European countries.


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