Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133

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Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133 NMCB 133
NMCB 133 insignia
Active17 September 1943 – 1946
12 August 1966 – present
CountryUnited States
Branch USN
HomeportConstruction Battalion Center Gulfport
Nickname(s)"Fighting Kangaroos"
Motto(s)"We Build We Fight Can Do"
Engagements Operation Stalemate II
Iwo Jima
Vietnam War
Operation Provide Comfort
Gulf War
Operation Joint Endeavor
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Iraqi Freedom
CDR Christopher Archer

Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133 (NMCB 133) is a United States Navy Construction Battalion, otherwise known as a Seabee battalion, homeported at the Naval Construction Battalion Center (Gulfport, Mississippi). The unit was formed during WWII as the 133rd Naval Construction Battalion. It saw action and was decommissioned shortly after the war ended. The unit was reactivated as Mobile Construction Battalion 133 for the Vietnam War and remains an active unit today.



WWII – Iwo Jima: 133 Naval Construction Battalion

4th Marine Division 4THMARDIV.svg
4th Marine Division
133 Divers preparing to enter water to place pre-cast concrete in a seaplane ramp in Oahu, Hawaii 133 Divers setting pre-cast concrete in a seaplane ramp on Oahu.jpg
133 Divers preparing to enter water to place pre-cast concrete in a seaplane ramp in Oahu, Hawaii
CB 133's Peleliu pontoon detail was the first group to be in combat. They had one pontoon assembly that had to be extracted from a heavily mined area under fire CB 133 Peleliu pontoon detail.jpg
CB 133's Peleliu pontoon detail was the first group to be in combat. They had one pontoon assembly that had to be extracted from a heavily mined area under fire
Blue lines indicate anticipated USMC advance with O-1 (Objective day#1) Iwo Jima - Landing Plan.jpg
Blue lines indicate anticipated USMC advance with O-1 (Objective day#1)
LSM 206 loaded with A Co 133's Shore Party equipment & 3 D8s at approx. 0935 were landed on Red Beach 2 instead of yellow 1 LSM 206 A Co's D8's yellow beach 1.jpg
LSM 206 loaded with A Co 133's Shore Party equipment & 3 D8s at approx. 0935 were landed on Red Beach 2 instead of yellow 1
23rd Marine Regiment USMC - 23rd Marine Regiment.png
23rd Marine Regiment
LSM 202 landed B Co 133's Shore Party equipment and D8s. Shore Party on left. Iwo Jima beach.jpg
LSM 202 landed B Co 133's Shore Party equipment and D8s. Shore Party on left.
133 Plaque from the estate of Lt Col Joseph J. McCarthy in zinc. 133 Plaque.jpg
133 Plaque from the estate of Lt Col Joseph J. McCarthy in zinc.
LSM 202, B Co 133 evacuating wounded USN 80-G-304855.jpg
LSM 202, B Co 133 evacuating wounded
Seabee Shore Party of the 23rd Marines unload LST 247 on yellow beach Yellow beach Iwo Jima.jpg
Seabee Shore Party of the 23rd Marines unload LST 247 on yellow beach
Seabee D8 & Shore Party. note: the flag (center) indicating beach color. Seabee D8 and Shore Party.jpg
Seabee D8 & Shore Party. note: the flag (center) indicating beach color.
133 was able to move out of foxholes and into its camp on D+42 with Mount Suribachi to the south. 133rd Camp with mount Suribachi in background.jpg
133 was able to move out of foxholes and into its camp on D+42 with Mount Suribachi to the south.

The unit's history began on 17 September 1943 at Camp Peary, Virginia, where it was commissioned as the 133rd Naval Construction Battalion (NCB). After 7 months of training at Davisville, Gulfport and Port Hueneme the battalion's first overseas assignment was NAS Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii (May–October 1944). While there, the battalion's demolitions men were tasked with scuttling the USS Baltimore (C-3) 15 miles offshore. The battalion created a concrete pre-cast yard that became the sole supplier of pre-cast for all the battalions and was one of the busiest places on the island. In July the battalion sent a small pontoon detachment to take part in the Battle of Peleliu. Some of the men came under heavy mortar fire evacuating U.S. Army troops at one point. On 15 October 1944 word was received that the battalion was going to be attached to the 4th Marine Division. [1] On 30 October the assignment came for Operation Detachment at Iwo Jima. D-day was planned for 19 February 1945. When 133 was attached to the 4th it was filling a billet that had been vacated when the 121st CB was released by the Marine Corps. The 121st CB had been transferred to the Marine Corps and re-designated as the 3rd Battalion of the 20th Marine Regiment. After the assault of Tinian the 20th Marines were inactivated. Then both the 1st battalion (4th Engineers) and 2nd battalion (4th Pioneers) were placed under Divisional control. Third battalion 3/20 or the 121st, was returned to the Navy creating the vacancy 133 was posted to. Before joining the 4th at Camp Maui, the 133rd was put through the Army's Pacific Jungle Combat Training Center (CTC) at Punaluu and Kahana Valleys on the North Shore of Oahu, TH. [2] It was a unit level training center to supplement Army Ranger and Army Combat training Schools. [3] Camp Maui was located nearby at Haiku-Pauwela. The 133rd was the first unit to complete the course without a casualty, according to their cruise book.

Once assigned to the division the battalion had each company "tasked" to a different element of the 23rd Marines for shore party training. The battalion's (sp) assignment was to provide the beach support required by the forward lines of the 23rd, 24th, and 25th Marines. The division shipped out for Island "X" on 31 December with V Amphibious Corps (VAC) as T.U. 56.2.2 of Baker Landing Group. Baker group was commanded by Major General C.B. Cates(USMC) 4th Marine Division. [4] When they were a few days out the men learned they were heading to a place they had never heard of called Iwo Jima. The assault for Iwo was based upon Tinian where the 2nd and 4th Marine Divisions assault had been "reinforced" by Marine Engineering Regiments with the 18th and 121st CBs as 3rd battalions of the 18th and 20th Marines. On D+3 the Jap airfield was secured and the Seabees had it operational in a few hours.(the Iwo Jima landing map is notated that the Marine Corps planned to have control of Iwo Jima in 3 days also) For Iwo, the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions were "reinforced" by the 133rd and 31st CBs. Marine Corps landing maps indicate that for O-1 (objective Day 1) Motoyama Airfield No. 1 would be secured with the 133rd tasked to get it operational. [5] However, D+5 the assignment was given to the 31st CB due to the losses 133 had suffered. The next day the 62nd CB from V Corps, landed with the 3rd Marine Division and was designated the lead Battalion for Airfield No. 1. The 31st was assigned Airfield No. 2 and the 133rd was given Airfield No. 3. In just seven days the heavy equipment of the 3 combined battalions had Airfield No. 1 operational.

The 133rd CB and the 4th Marine Pioneer Battalion were the primary units of the "Assault" shore parties for the 23rd and 25th Regimental Combat Teams (RCT) on the 4th Marine Division's yellow and blue beaches. [6] The 4th Marine Division's single Pioneer Battalion was assigned to the 25th RCT. USMC tactical operations required another Pioneer battalion for the 23rd RCT's Assault. The 121st CB had been tasked as such at Roi-Namur, Siapan, and Tinian so giving that task to the 133rd was simply standard 4th Marine Division operations. [7] [8] Tasking Seabees for USMC shore party at Iwo was a fortuitous decision for the Corps. The CBs brought organic elements the Marines did not have, specifically, bulldozers with winches and D8s 132–148 Hp compared to the Marine Corp's TD 18s 72–80 Hp. Afterwards, the after action reports recommended all USMC bulldozers be equipped with winches as they had none. The history is, that "on the beach at Iwo, bulldozers proved to be worth their weights in Gold" [9] and the CBs had the biggest and the best the Navy could provide. [10] The entire 1st Battalion 24th Marines (1/24) replacement draft that was attached to the 133rd.

The Landing Force Shore Party Commander was OIC of the 8th Marine Field Depot. [11] The 8th Field Depot assigned a squad to liaison with each shore party by beach color. Each shore party had Marine JASCO (Joint Assault Communications Co) men attached as well as personnel from the 442nd U.S. Army Port Company.

Hq Co was posted to the 23rd Marines support group and was the Hq for yellow beaches 1 and 2. [12] They came ashore at 1445 from the APA 196 – USS Logan. The company had two 30 man infantry security sections plus two 30 cal. machine guns on the beach defense parameter until their ratings were needed. The medics had one Dr. MIA another Dr., the Dentist and six corpsmen were made casualties by a single shell. Even so, 133's corpsman established an evacuation station on blue 1. [6] Also with Hq Co. was a 32-man team from the 8th Marine Depot Company to manage the depots on yellow beaches.

A Co was the major component of the shore party posted to 1st Battalion 23rd Marines or 1/23 which was the left "Assault" battalion for yellow beach. D-day they landed a 0935 on yellow beach 1 from APA 158 – USS Newberry [6] [15] [16] [17] and LSM 206. A Co 4th Pioneers was split in two to share their combat experience/knowledge and was attached to A Co 133. [18] One of A Co's security sections (30 men) landed in 4 LCVPs with one 7-man gun crew and 37mm Gun M3 in each craft. [19] One LCVP took a direct hit killing the entire gun crew. 133's gun crews were immediately tasked with supporting the assault. A Co's other security section landed on the heels of the first wave and were the first Seabees to set foot on Iwo Jima. The battalion cruise book states the security section was sent to the front line until their skills were needed on the beach. The USN beach party from the USS Newberry served A Co. [20] Also with A Co was a 32-man beach team from the 8th Marine Depot Company as well as A Co. 24th Marines replacement draft (1/24).

B Co was the major component of the shore party posted to 2nd Battalion 23rd Marines or 2/23 which was the right "Assault" battalion for yellow beach. [6] They also landed at 0935, but on blue 2 from the APA 207 – USS Mifflin and LSM-202. [20] [17] That beach had a Homophone "Blew to" Hell beach. Mortar fire was so heavy they could not move to yellow 2, but were ordered to because, the situation became critical for the 4th Pioneers that had made it to y2. A Co. 4th Pioneers was split in two to share their combat experience/knowledge and was attached to B Co 133. [18] On D+1 LSM-202 landed 3 D8s and a crane for B Co. B Co's security sections landed the same as A Co and also went forward until needed. The USN beach party from the USS Mifflin was assigned to serve with B Co. [21] Also with B Co was a 32-man beach team from the 8th Marine Depot Company as well as B Co 24th Marines replacement draft. On D+1 the acting Shore Party commander on beach yellow 2 was wounded and command transferred to B Co. Commander 133.

C Co was posted to the 3rd Battalion 23rd Marines shore Parties moved to black beach (which was created from the right half of beach red 2 and the left half of yellow 1). [6] A 43-man beach party from the USS Lowndes served with C Co as did C Co. 24th Marines replacement draft. [20] [23]

D Co was posted to the 4th Pioneer Battalion's reserve. The 25th Marines lists them as the shore party reserve. [25] The 4th Marine Div. Operations Report has them on APA 190 the USS Pickens. The 25th had just 2 LSMs assigned to the Shore Party so D Co's equipment would have been on LSTs. They landed at 1600 on beach blue 2. The record says some were "tactically disposed" without identifying them as the security section and the balance were told to dig in. [26] Of the assault beaches blue was the worst. It was overlooked by an adjacent quarry whose walls were honeycombed with tunnels. The pre-assault bombardment had left them intact costing the 25th Marines and D Co. many casualties.

The Unit Histories of both the 4th and 5th Marine Divisions state that the conditions on the beach for the (Red Patch) Shore Parties and the (yellow patch) USN Beach Parties were worse than the front lines. D-day all personnel were initially employed to aid the evacuation of casualties. From D-day until D+5 the men were on duty 24 hrs a day. To get sleep men would go up to the front lines where it was safer. D+5 to D+8 work was 4 hrs on 4 hrs off. From D+8 to D+14 work was 4 hrs on 8 hrs off. On D+14 it changed to straight 8 hr shifts. The corpsman, security sections, equipment operators and truck drivers were on call at all times, from the beginning to the end of the assault. [27] On D+18 (9 March) 133's Companies were relieved by the Army Garrison Shore Party. The battalion reorganized and returned to the Navy.

The battle for Iwo Jima took 26 days. In that time 133 suffered 328 casualties, with 3 officers and 39 enlisted KIA and 2 MIA. [28] It was the price paid for being ordered into USMC fatigues and landing battalion strength in an assault tasked as a USMC Pioneer Battalion. [29] Their losses were the most any Seabee unit has ever suffered. The battalion was awarded the Navy Unit Commendation the same as the other 3 shore party battalions: 4th Marine Pioneers, 5th Marine Pioneers and 31st CB. However, the unit is not listed as tasked in the NUC Section of the Iwo Jima awards. [30] It should read as the 23rd Marines described in their Ops report: "133rd CB (less Companies A, B, C,and D)". This is how the 4th and 5th Pioneer Battalions were listed. Had A, B, C and D Companies been listed the same, they also would appear in the PUC section for being assigned to their respective "assault" battalions 1/23, 2/23, 3/23 and 2/25. [31] exactly as the Pioneer Companies were for their PUC's. The 4th Marine Division did not follow protocol and put the entire Battalion up for the PUC. The 4th Marine Division's 1st Endorsement letter dated 17 September 1945 has the entire Battalion listed for the PUC. All four shore party battalions were designated "support" so the battalion was automatically rejected. It was the individual companies that were tasked as "assault". In October the 1st Endorsement Letter was changed by the recommendation that the battalion be dropped from the PUC while A, B, C Companies were then listed in the "assault troops" column for PUCs. [32]

The USMC ground commanders felt every man that set foot on the island during the assault should get a Presidential Unit Citation or PUC. The USMC awards people said that would diminish the status of the PUC, but after a year had not completed the unit awards. At which point Marine Commandant Gen. Vandergrift went to Navy Secretary Forrestal with the idea that the PUC be given to units designated "assault" units and the NUC to those designated "support" prior to the landing. Forrestal agreed, but he had to remove the words "and all those attached to or serving with" from the PUC to make it work. [30] The PUC was created by Executive Order 9050. [33] [34] It takes another Executive Order to change an existing Executive Order and there is no authorization in the record for removing the words changing award protocol. Fox Annex to the 4th Marine Division's Operations Report, of April 1945, shows 133's Companies individually tasked to "assault" infantry battalions. The removal of the line "and all those attached to or serving with" from the PUC document cost A, B. C. and D companies each that award. H Company was not attached to an assault battalion, but rather a regiment. 133 Hq was entitled to the same award the 23rd Regiment received, for being "attached to and serving with" the Regiment despite the "support" designation.

In addition to 328 Purple Hearts, 133's men received 10 Bronze Stars and 29 Marine Corps Commendations. [35] Before that happened the battalion crushed over 100,000 tons of volcanic rock, moved over 1 million cubic yards of volcanic soil, laid 5,800 feet of sewer line, installed 4,000 feet of electrical conduit and poured 725 cubic yards of concrete. [36] 133 graded the site and built the entrances for both the 3rd Marine Division and the 4th Marine Division at the cemetery on Iwo.

On Iwo Jima 133 had 281 equipment operators working 2 ten hour shifts. [37] Besides being tasked with construction of airfield No.3 the battalion set up a hotmix asphalt plant. [37] 133 equipment operators laid the longest runway in the Pacific, 1.86 miles long x 200'. [37] By VJ-day they had laid the equivalent of 55 miles of 2 lane highway. [37]

USN WWII phonetic alphabet used to identify individual Companies: A = Able, B = Baker, C = Charlie, D = Dog [38]

USMC commendatory Iwo Jima observations

On 28 September 1945 the 9th Construction Brigade informed 8, 31, and 133 NCBs that they were detached from the 41st Construction Regiment on Iwo Jima and would act independently until reassigned. [44] In October some of 133's men went with the 31st CB to Sasebo, Japan for the occupation reconstruction (and were discharged at Bremerton Naval Yard, in Washington state January 1946). In late November 1945 the 133rd was moved to Guam. On 1 December, it took over the work orders of the decommissioned 25th CB. The same fate awaited the 133rd later that month on the 27th [45] due to the reduced need for the existing Naval Construction force.

Disney Insignia and unit nickname

The 133rd that landed on Iwo Jima had an insignia drawn by Hank Porter at the Walt Disney Studios Insignia Department. Porter was Disney's top insignia designer. [46] Carpenter Second class Jack E. Dorn – 3rd platoon D Co. [2] sent a request to the Disney Studios on 9 December 1944 from Camp Maui, TH. The Studios received it on 26 December and sent the completed design in June 1945. The battalion received Porter's drawing on Iwo Jima. [47] That insignia was of a Seabee walking, carrying a hammer and monkey wrench while chewing his oats. It takes up an entire page in the battalion's cruise book. [48] "Rain-Makers" was the moniker the battalion used as it was felt it rained everywhere they went. "Rained-how it Rained" is the description used in one 4th Marine Division narrative of Camp Maui living conditions. [49] On Iwo Jima it rained on D+2. [50] The battalion used "Rain-Makers" as the cover title of the unit cruise-book, published in 1946. [48]

Vietnam, MCB 133

Ghost Battalion colors at Quang Tri. The Seabees had 11,000 graves to move in order to construct that airfield. Ghost Battalion1484148954706.jpg
Ghost Battalion colors at Quang Tri. The Seabees had 11,000 graves to move in order to construct that airfield.
SN Heyser: NMCB 133's first Purple Heart of 1968 deployment: note the cover 1968 1st Purple Heart of deployment.png
SN Heyser: NMCB 133's first Purple Heart of 1968 deployment: note the cover

The battalion was reactivated 12 August 1966 in Gulfport, Mississippi, as a Mobile Construction Battalion. [51] It seems the battalion did not have a copy of the unit History from WWII with the Disney insignia and there was a belief that the battalion's first deployment was supposed to have been Australia. This belief produced the Kangaroo insignia and the slogan "Kangaroo Can Do".(most CBs created a new insignia when they were recommissioned) After completion of training in Gulfport and Camp Lejeune they deployed to Đà Nẵng East, Vietnam. The battalion was awarded its second Navy Unit Commendation for that tour. The second deployment to Nam took them to Phu Bai Combat Base. This time they had a huge project laying 10,000 sheets on matting at that airfield. During this deployment an urgent airfield was needed at Quảng Trị. The project was designated "top secret", site "X", and to be completed in under 45 days. MCBs 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 74, 121, and 133 all sent detachments of men and equipment to get the job done. [52] Those detachments dubbed themselves the Ghost Battalion and chose the Jolly Roger for the battalion's colors. [53] The Ghost Battalion was relieved by NMCB 10 and disbanded 1 November 1967. A "High Priority" in 1968 was roadwork on Route 1, the length of Vietnam. In addition to NMCB 133, CBs 1, 4, 7, 8, 11, 53, 58, 62, 71, 74,and 138 all worked concurrently on it. In 1969 the third deployment was to Camp Wilkinson, at Gia Le, 6 miles southeast of Hue. A large project that time was the repair of the 286-foot center span of the main highway bridge damaged during the Tet Offensive. The battalion, along with NMCB 128, provided material support to NMCBs 1 and 11 while they repaired the bridge at Bau Phu on Route 1. [54] At Phu Bai Combat Base MCB 1 had a crew assisting 133 laying asphalt there.

In 1970 the battalion did a tour where the sun never set on it. It deployed to Okinawa with detachments to: Guam, Biên Hòa Air Base, Vietnam, Azores and the Aleutians. This was followed by a deployment of firsts. They were the first Atlantic fleet Battalion to serve as the alert Battalion for the Pacific Fleet. From Okinawa they had detachments to Iwakuni, Japan, Oahu, Hawaii, Biên Hòa, Vietnam and Subic Bay, P.I. 1970 was the transitional year for Seabee involvement in Vietnam. From then on their deployed strength was drawn down and 133 did not deploy there again.

During the 1973 Okinawa Deployment, the battalion lost two Officers in an ambush in the Philippines to unknown assailants. Commanding Officer Cdr. L.R. Dobler and Lt. Jefferies PI OIC. Also killed was Capt. T. Mitchell Commander 30th NCR (Naval Construction Regiment). [59] Also during that deployment Camp Shields was hit by Category II Typhoon Iris.


In March 1991 the battalion deployed to Spain. On 1 April it was ordered to send its AirDet to Zakho, Iraq. Three weeks later orders came to recall all detachments. The battalion had been tasked as a component of Operation Provide Comfort and was to move forward to link up with the AirDet. This took the battalion to Zakho assigned to the Army's 18th Engineer Brigade. When 133 mounted out of Rota its equipment was sent by sea to Iskenderum, Turkey. From there it was convoyed 400 miles to Zakho. [60] NMCB 133's base was established in a walled compound called Camp Sommers along with the headquarters of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and the 18th Engineer Brigade. [61] Operation Provide Comfort had two Joint Task Forces with JTF Bravo headed by the 24th MEU. Due to the amount of work they were tasked with, the battalion went to 12-hour days. It was an emergency service relief effort that originally was thought would take 3 months. However, due to the large number of Kurds returning home from the refugee-displaced person camps, 133 was able leave after 8 weeks.


December 1995 into 1996, in support of the Implementation Force (IFOR) code named Operation Joint Endeavour an Air Det Heavy of 170 men deployed to the Sava River crossing at Zupanja, Croatia. There they constructed the first and very urgently needed displaced persons tent camp of the Implementation Force. Renovation of the NATO Commander's facilities in Sarajevo was one project. Detail Juliet Echo was assigned the construction of camps for the US Army's 16th Corps Support Group in Croatia and the 1st Armored Division's ready 1st Combat Team in Bosnia.

1997 Korean Air Lines flight 801 crashed in the jungles of Guam and 133 helped get ground access to the site. [62]

In March 1998 the battalion sent a Det of 217 men back to Bosnia to build SEAHuts and do bridge repair work. [63]


133 rebuilds Sarabadi Bridge in 2003 near Hillah, Iraq U.S. Navy Seabees attached to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 133 rebuild the Sarabadi Bridge.jpg
133 rebuilds Sarabadi Bridge in 2003 near Hillah, Iraq

On 28 November 2001 the first members of NMCB 133 arrived at Camp Rhino, Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. [64]

During this deployment it was decided to make Camp X-Ray operational again and 133 sent the battalion's detail at Roosevelt Roads to Guantanamo Bay to make it happen. [65]

January and February 2003 saw the battalion deployed in support of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force operationally assigned to the 1st MEF Engineer Group. [66] In Southern Iraq the battalion created a POW facility for 14,000, provided defense for 2 bridges and maintenance to the main supply routes as part of Task Force Charlie. Task Force Charlie was made up of NMCB-4, NMCB-74, NMCB-133, CBMU-303 and SU-2 and had a base in Kuwait, Camp Moreell. The men also assembled the largest pontoon bridge since WWII, at Zubadiyah, North of Al Kut, on the Tigris. Another bridge they worked on was the Sarabadi, near Hillah, where they used a Mabey-Johnson Bridge to repair the existing damaged one. The battalion lost a man to a non-combat explosion there from unexploded ordnance. In addition, the battalion completed 60 major Civil Action Projects in Kuwait and Iraq. [63] The unit was active in both Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Det Gitmo 2007 building a temporary ferry pier on the Leeward side Pier construction, Guantanamo Bay.jpg
Det Gitmo 2007 building a temporary ferry pier on the Leeward side
NMCB 133 Supports C-130 Aircraft Repair in Rota 2014 for Fleet Logistics Sqd. 62 1498194-1024x741.jpg
NMCB 133 Supports C-130 Aircraft Repair in Rota 2014 for Fleet Logistics Sqd. 62
LSMs 145 and 206 D-day with 133's Shore Party Equipment for C Co. & A Co. Iwo Jima, LSMs 145 and 206.jpg
LSMs 145 and 206 D-day with 133's Shore Party Equipment for C Co. & A Co.
yellow beach 1, LSM 206 and 23rd Marines Shore Party A Co 133rd NCB. Crane is loading one LVT for run to the front while 2 more wait. Yellow beach 1.jpg
yellow beach 1, LSM 206 and 23rd Marines Shore Party A Co 133rd NCB. Crane is loading one LVT for run to the front while 2 more wait.
CINCPAC 5398, official USN press release: Hq Co. security section gun crew. Two of 133's ships cooks on the defense parameter of yellow beach. 133 CB Hq Security platoon machine gun crew on yellow beach.jpg
CINCPAC 5398, official USN press release: Hq Co. security section gun crew. Two of 133's ships cooks on the defense parameter of yellow beach.
4th Marine Corps Iwo Jima Cemetery Entrance with built by 133 NCB plaque on right column 4th Marine Corps Iwo Jima Cemetery Entrance.jpg
4th Marine Corps Iwo Jima Cemetery Entrance with built by 133 NCB plaque on right column
3rd Marine Corps Iwo Jima Cemetery Entrance with built by 133 NCB plaque on right column 3rd Marine Corps Iwo Jima Cemetery Entrance.jpg
3rd Marine Corps Iwo Jima Cemetery Entrance with built by 133 NCB plaque on right column

On 29 August 2005 Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast. Within a day, the Seabees from NMCBs 1, 7, and 133 NCB were tasked to Joint Task Force Katrina. [66] They were joined by NMCBs 18 and 40 plus ACB 2 and CBMUs 202 and 303. During the mission 133 and the other Seabees provided extensive humanitarian aid to the Gulf coast including the homes of their own. [66] "The battalion had 118 who either lost their home entirely or had them damaged beyond repair. That November saw the battalion deployed to numerous sites across Southwest Asia with dets to Guam and Whidbey Island. In Iraq, NMCB 133 supported Marines, Special Operations Forces and Iraqi Security Forces.

The battalion's 2007 deployment went to four continents. The battalion worked in support of Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) building schools in remote villages and making potable water available to the people. [66] A detail assigned to "New Horizons" built schools in rural Belize. NMCB 133 also had a presence in São Tomé, working with Underwater Construction Team ONE (UCT 1) in the reconstruction the Coast Guard only boat launch. [66]

The next two deployments were to Iraq and Okinawa. "NMCB 133's Seabees built the foundation for new buildings on White Beach Naval Facility in Okinawa and restored running water to a village in Malaysia that been without this basic life necessity for over three years. New age power from a wind turbine and solar panel were used to provide power to the pump. [66] At the end of that PACOM tour, the 133 returned to Gulfport, MS for a 15-month homeport and training cycle. [66]

In March 2010, the battalion deployed over 600 Seabees to Afghanistan in support of the 30,000 troop surge. NMCB 133 created a camp on Kandahar Airfield (KAF), Afghanistan for their main-body site. The location was an undeveloped gravel bed when they arrived. Within a month, a fully operational Seabee camp was built and with the Army a power generating supply was set up. [66] The list of tasks completed by the Seabees of 133 includes:

In October 2010, NMCB 133 received the Atlantic Fleet Best of Type Battle "E" award for its work during the CENTCOM deployment. [66]

In March 2011, the battalion deployed to Camp Shields, Okinawa. Projects there included the renovation of the galley facility, a concrete storage building at White Beach Naval Facility, installation of concrete drainage ditches, and general camp improvements to Camp Shields. [66]

In September 2012, NMCB 133 returned to Afghanistan as the last battalion to deploy to there. During that deployment, the battalion twice broke the NCFs longest convoy record. [66]

A bulldozer and a construction crew arrived in Liberia from Djibouti late September 2014. The mission was site preparation near Monrovia Airport for a dozen or medical facilities to be built by the U.S. military's Operation United Assistance to deal with the Ebola crisis in West Africa. [67] [68]

In August 2017, the wreck of the USS Baltimore was located by the Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL) south of Oahu.

Unit awards

NMCB 133 has received several unit citations and commendations. Members who participated in actions that merited the award are authorized to wear the medal or ribbon associated with the award on their uniform. Awards and decorations of the United States Armed Forces have different categories, i.e. Service, Campaign, Unit, and Personal. Unit Citations are distinct from the other decorations. The following unit awards are 133's: [69] [70] [71]

Campaign and service awards

Streamer VS.PNG Bronze-service-star-3d.svg Bronze-service-star-3d.svg Bronze-service-star-3d.svg Bronze-service-star-3d.svg Vietnam Service

NMCB 133's Battle Streamer for Vietnam has four bronze stars: the streamer alone counts as the first award. MCB 133 made 3 tours of Vietnam. The conflict was divided into 18 award periods and the battalion qualifies for five.

133's Seabee Teams

List of commanding officers

Commanding officerPeriodDeployed to:Detachments
Commander Raymond P. MurphySep 1943 – Sep 1945Hawaii, Iwo JimaA Co to 1st Bn 23rd Marines.,B Co. to 2nd Bn 23rd Marines., C 3rd Bn 23rd Marines., D Co to 4th Pioneer Bn 25th Marines(assigned to 2nd Bn 25th Marines)
Lt. Cdr. Clarence W. PalmerSep 45 – Oct 1945Iwo Jima
Lt. George R. ImbodenOct 45 – Nov 1945Iwo Jimadet Sasebo with 31st NCB
Lt. Thomas P. CookeNov 45 – Dec 1945Iwo Jima
Cdr. Edward H. Marsh, IIAug 66 – Jul 19681967 Vietnam [56]
Cdr. Frank H. Lewis, Jr.Jul 68 – Nov 19691968 VietnamSeabee Teams 13301 Tan An and 13302 Phuoc Le [56]
" – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -"" – - – - – - – - – - -"1969 VietnamSeabee Team 13303 My Loi, Hue, Thuy Phuoc, Seabee Team 13304 Moen Island [56]
Cdr. J. J. Gawarkiewiez, IIINov 69 – Mar 19711970 Guam Vietnam, Azores, Aleutians, Seabee Team 13305 Chau Phu, Long Thanh, Seabee Team 13306 Rach Gia, Seabee Team 13307 Phu Vinh, Seabee Team 13308 Ben Tre [56]
Cdr. William C. ConnerMar 71 – Aug19731973 SpainDiego Garcia, Germany, Italy, Crete, Sicily, Greece, Sardinia, Kusaie Island(Seabee Team 13310) [56]
Cdr. Leland R. DoblerAug 73 – Apr19741974 OkinawaSubic Bay, Sasebo, Iwakuni, Taiwan, Misawa, Palau(Seabee Team 13311) [56]
Lt. Cdr. Bruce L. McCallApr 74 – Jun19741974 Okinawa" – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - " [56]
Cdr. Richard A. LoweryJun 74 – Jul19761975 Puerto RicoGitmo, Bermuda, St. Thomas U.S.Virgin Islands, Vieques Island, Yap Island(Seabee Team 13312) [56]
" – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -"" – - – - – - – - – - – "1976 Diego Garcia [56]
Cdr. Gene DavisJul 76 – Jul 19781977 SpainSicily, Greece, Crete [56]
Cdr. George D. FrauncesJul 78 – Oct 19791978 Puerto RicoGitmo, Eleuthera, Antiqua, Keflavik, Diego Garcia, Vieques Island, Yap Island (Seabee Team 13313) [56]
" – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - "" – - – - – - – - – - -"1979 Diego Garcia [56]
Capt. Herbert H. Lewis, Jr.Oct 79 – Jul 19811981 GuamDiego Garcia, Midway, Palau, Yokosuka Japan. Seabee Team 13314 [56]
Capt. Dorwin C. BlackJul 81 – Jun 19831982 Spain Sigonella, Nea Makri Greece, Souda bay, Crete, Holy Loch, Scotland [56]
Capt. A. A. KannegiesserJun 83 – Aug 19851983 Puerto Rico Guantanamo Bay, Vieques Island, Bermuda, Andros Island, Yap [56]
Capt. Richard E. BrownAug 85 – Jun 19871986 Puerto RicoGuantanamo Bay, Andros Island, Bahamas, Vieques Island, Panama Canal Zone [56]
Cdr. Bruce St. PeterJun 87 – Aug 19891987 Okinawa Adak, Yokusuka, Iwakuni, Yap Island [56]
" – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - ""- – - – - – - – - – - -"1989 SpainBermuda, Edzell and Holy Loch Scotland, Camp David, Cartagana, Spain [56]
Cdr. Donald B. HutchinsAug 89 – Sep 19911990 GuamMidway, Palau, Philippines, Diego Garcia, Tinian, American Samoa [56]
" – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – -""- – - – - – - – - – - -"1991 Iraq/Turkey [56]
Cdr. Douglas F. ElznicSep 91 – Jun 19931991 SpainSigonella, Souada Bay Crete, Edzell & Holy Loch Scotland, Camp David, Moron Spain, Ghana, Senegal [56]
Cdr. Richard J. McAfeeJun 93 – Apr 19951994 GuamDiego Garcia, Chinhar, Korea, Ban Chan Khrem, Thailand, El Salvador, San Diego CA, Palau-Cat team [56]
Cdr. Gary A. EngleApr 95 – Jun 19971995 Spain Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Africa, Crete, Sicily, Italy, Great Britain, Camp David [56]
Cdr. Paul BoscoJun 97 – Jun 19991997 GuamSan Diego CA, Lemoore CA, Fallon NV, Bangor WA, Kenya, Palau-CAT team, Palau & Kosrae-Tiger team [56]
"- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – ""- – - – - – - – - – - -"1998 SpainSicily, Crete, St. Mawgan England, Camp David, Bosnia-Herzegovina [56]
Cdr. Katherine L. Gregory Jun 99 – Jul 20012000 SpainSicily, Crete, London, Camp David, Moldova, Tunisia [56]
Cdr. Douglas G. MortonJul '01 – Jun 20032001 GuamDiego Garcia, Bahrain,Carat, Hawaii, Fallon NV, (Lemoore, El Centro, Camp Pendleton, San Diego CA),Bangor WA, Palau-Cat team
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -""- - - - - - - - - - -"2001 AfghanistanGitmo
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -""- - - - - - - - - - - "2003 SWA IraqKuwait, Zubaydiyah,Dominican Republic, Andros Island, Gitmo
Cdr. Jeffery T. BorowyJun '03 – May 20052003 SWA IraqKuwait
Cdr. Allan M. StratmanMay '05 – May 20072005 IraqGuam, Whidby Island
Cdr. Paul J. OdenthalMay '07 – Jun 20092007 Kuwait, 2008 OkinawaIraq, Djibouti, GTMO, Spain. Guam, Singapore, Chinhae, Yokosuka, Sasebo, Philippines, San Clemente Island, Palau-Cat team
Cdr. Chris M. KurganJun '09 – May 20112010 Afghanistan Kandahar, Tarnak, Beland, Dand, Walakan, Jelawur, FOBs Shindand, Wilson, Walton & Wolverine
Cdr. Nick D. YamodisMay '11 – Jun 20132011 Okinawa
" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"" - - - - - - - - - - -"2012 Afghanistan [80] Liberia,Niger,Djibouti
Cdr. Jeffrey S. PowellJun '13 – Jun 20152014 Spain Romania, Bahrain, Djibouti, Niger, Chad, Guam, Palau, Micronesia, Kwajalein
Cdr. Miguel DieguezJun '15 – Jun 20172015 SpainMarshall Islands, Micronesia, Cameroon, Niger, Kwajalein, Guam
Cdr. Luke GreeneJun '17 -2017 SpainBahrain, Djibouti, Guam, Kwajalein, Palau- CAT 133–27, Vietnam
Cdr. Frank Carrol
Cdr. James W. Segalla
Cdr. Archer


See also

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  1. 133 NCB File Folder, Seabee Archives, Seabee Museum, Port Hueneme, CA. 93043
  2. 1 2 Rainmakers Log, Commander R.P. Murphy, Leo Hart Co. Rochester, N.Y. 1945, p. 96
  3. Pacific Jungle Combat Training Center, Army Corps of Engineers, January 2016, Pacific Jungle FUDS Fact Sheet-010616.pdf
  4. The Amphibians Came to Conquer, The Story of Admiral Richmond Kelly Turner, Chapter XXIII, Iwo Jima, Death at its Best, by George C. Dryer, Vice Admiral, USN (ret), 1969, U.S. GPO, Washington D.C., Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 71-603853
  5. History of the U.S. Marine Corps in WWII Vol IV- Western Pacific Operations, George W. Garand & Truman R. Strobridge, Historical Branch, G3- Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1971. pp. 594–595
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Appendix 1, Annex DOG 4th Marine Division Operations Report, April 1945, National Archives, College Park, MD 20742, pp. 1–37 open pdf -Part_6 and pdf -Part_7 for Appendix 1 Annex Dog
  7. 1 2 Crowel, Philip A. (3 May 1944). "CHAPTER VII Supporting Arms and Operations: Battle of the Philippine Sea". HyperWar: US Army in WWII: Campaign In the Marianas. p. 125 via The Public's Library and Digital Archive.
  8. Iwo Jima Seabees Stay Unsung. Lt. Cdr. Peter S. Marra, U.S. Naval Institute: NAVAL HISTORY, February 1997 pp. 22–25.
  9. Closing In: Marines in the Seizure of Iwo Jima, Col. Joseph H. Alexander, History and Museums Division, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, Washington DC, 1994 p. 22
  10. Rainmakers Log, Cdr. R.P. Murphy, Leo Hart Co. Rochester N.Y. 1946, p. 121
  11. CLOSING IN: Marines in the Seizure of Iwo Jima, Marines in World War II Commemorative Series by Colonel Joseph H. Alexander U.S. Marine Corps (Ret), Diane Publishing Co, June 1994 ISBN   0788135325 ISBN   9780788135323
  12. Annex FOX 4th Marine Division's Operations Report, April 1945, National Archives, College Park, MD 20742. (Hq Co. Reflects Battalion's correct status for Award Period Protocol-see support group) pp. 3–4
  13. Naked Warriors, Lt. Commander Francis Douglas Fane, USNR, St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Ave, NY, NY, 10010, 1996, p. 174
  14. U.S.NSWA Archives, Underwater Demolition Teams Histories, UDT 14
  15. Our WWII History, chapt.7, Approach and Capture of Iwo-Jima, C Co. 1st Battalion 23rd Marines Official website C Co. 1st Battalion 23rd Marines Official website
  16. Amphibious Ships (gators)
  17. 1 2 Fox Annex 4th Marine Div. Op Report, RCT 23 Operation Report, Section V, Comments and Recommendations, p.67/248
  18. 1 2 Annex FOX 4th Marine Div. Op Report for the 23rd RCT on Iwo Jima p. 3
  19. From Omaha to Okinawa: The Story of the Seabees, William Bradford Huie, E.P. Dutton, New York 1945 p. 43
  20. 1 2 3 Annex FOX 4th Marine Div. Op Report for the 23rd RCT on Iwo Jima p. 11
  21. Local veteran remembers, Iwo Jima, KXii News Channel 12, KXii News Channel 12, Iwo Jima Vet
  22. Iwo Jima, From Omaha to Okinawa, Blue Jacket Books, William Bradford Huie, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 1945, p. 38
  23. USS Lowndes
  24. Iwo Jima, From Omaha to Okinawa, Blue Jacket books, William Bradford Huie, Naval Institute Press, 1945, p. 42
  25. Annex HOW to the 4th Marine Div. Op Report for the 25th RCT on Iwo Jima, open pdf -Part 1 for section I pp. 1, 12 Archived 16 February 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  26. Appendix 1 Annex Dog to the 4th Marine Division's Operations Report April 1945
  27. 133 CB File Folder, Seabee Archives, Seabee Museum, Port Hueneme, CA 93034
  28. Iwo Jima Seabees Stay Unsung. Lt. Cdr. Peter S., Marra, U.S. Naval Institute: NAVAL HISTORY, February 1997 pp. 22–25
  29. Iwo Jima, Richard F. Newcomb, Henry Holt & Co,1965 NY,NY,. p. 112–128
  30. 1 2 The United States Marines on Iwo Jima- The Battle and the Flag Raisings, Bernard C. Nalty & Danny J. Crawford, History & Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. 1995. (133's Award protocol error is on- p. 26) (see correct listing 4th and 5th Pioneers same page)
  31. FOX Annex 4th Marine Division Operations Report, April 1945. p. 6 of 248, line 12 from top of page
  32. 1st Endorsement Letter, Commanding General, 4th Marine Division, Ser 18367, 15 September 1945, Iwo Jima award file, Marine Corps History Division, Historical Reference Branch, 3078 Upshur Avenue, Quantico, Virginia
  33. Executive Order 9050, Wikisource
  34. Part 2: Presidential Unit Citation, Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual [Rev. 1953], Naval History and Heritage Command, July 2019
  35. Rainmakers Log, Commander R.P.Murphy, Leo Hart Co. Rochester, N.Y. 1946 p. 112
  36. Rainmakers Log, Commander R.P. Murphy, Leo Hart Co. Rochester, N.Y. 1945, pp. 161-181
  37. 1 2 3 4 Iwo Jima, CEC Bulletin, Vol. 2, April 1948 No. 17, BuDocks, Dept of the Navy, Washington DC 25, pp. 108-13
  38. Phonetic Alphabet. U.S. Naval Historical Center, % Chief of Information U.S. Navy, 1200 Navy Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20350
  39. United States Pacific Fleet Organization 1 May 1945, Naval History and Heritage Command, Published: Mon Jan 04 09:13:30 EST 2021
  40. 1 2 USN press release, 4/12/1945, John B. GRIFFIN S1c, CB Overseas Correspondent, 8th Naval Construction Regiment, Seabee Museum, Port Hueneme, Ca.9
  41. Col. Shelton Scales and 133rd NCB, Fighting Seabees of Iwo Jima on "War Stories" YouTube with Lt. Col. Oliver North Col. Shelton Scales and 133rd NCB": Fighting Seabees of Iwo Jima on "War Stories" YouTube with Lt. Col. Oliver North
  42. NCB 133 PUC Recommendation, Col. Shelton Scales, Board for Correction of the Naval Record, 720 Kennon St. SE. suite 309, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374
  43. NCB 133 PUC RECOMMENDATION, Lt. General Snowden, Board for Correction of the Naval Record, 720 Kennon St. SE. suite 309, Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374
  44. 8th NCB File Folder. Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme,CA 93043
  45. Seabee Museum Archives file for the 133rd NCB
  46. Hank Porter: Disney's Go To Artist for Insignia Designs during WWII, Bossert Behind the Scenes, Cartoon Research website, David A. Bossert, March 11, 2019
  47. Disney Studio Archives, Burbank, CA 91521
  48. 1 2 Rainmakers Log, Commander R.P. Murphy, Leo Hart Co, Rochester, N.Y. 1946 p. 6
  49. Living Conditions at Camp Maui, War Paint: A Pictorial History of the 4th Marine Division at War in the Pacific Volume II Saipan, Theo Servetas, Jul 2015, ISBN   9781311996794
  50. Suribachi, Closing In, Marines in World War II Commemorative Series, Colonel Joseph H. Alexander U.S. Marine Corps (Ret), Marine Corps History and Museums Division, Building 58, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C., 1994
  51. This Week in Seabee History, 12 August 1966, Seabee Magazine On-line
  52. Southeast Asia, Building the Bases, Richard Tregaskis, U.S.Government Print Office, 1975, pp. 355-62
  53. Naval History and Heritage Command, U.S. Navy Seabee Museum, The Ghost Battalion
  54. NHHC, Seabee Museum website, MCB 11 cruise-book, 1969, p. 68
  55. MCB121 Tank, Legiontown U.S.A., American Legion online magazine, 4 December 2018
  56. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 DEPLOYMENT COMPLETION REPORTS
  57. Hurricane Camille & the Navy Seabees in 1969 – Full Documentary, Documentary Tube, 1971
  58. NHHC: U.S. Navy Seabee Museum: NMCB 133 Cruisebooks 1967–1977
  59. Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme CA 93043, NMCB 133./
  60. NMCB 133 Historical Information Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme,CA 93043, NMCB 133 Historical Information
  61. Humanitarian Operations in Northern Iraq, 1991-With Marines in Operation Provide Comfort, LCol Ronald J. Brown, History and Museums Division, Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C. p. 69
  62. The Citizen's Guide to the U.S.Navy, Thomas J. Cutler, Naval Institute Press,291 Wood Road, Annapolis, MD, 2012
  63. 1 2 Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme, CA 93043, NMCB 133 Historical Information NMCB 133 Historical Information
  64. This week in Seabee History by Dr. Frank A. Blazich Jr., Historian, Naval History and Heritage Command, Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme, Ca.
  65. 133 Unit History, NCF Official website, Commander, Naval Construction Group TWO, 5101 Marvin Shields Blvd, Gulfport, MS 39501
  66. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Official website
  67. U.S. Troops Battling Ebola Get Off to Slow Start in Africa, Drew Hinshaw, Betsy McKay, The Wall Street Journal, =28 September 2014
  68. United States Africa Command website; 24 Sept 2014
  69. US Navy Awards, Chief of Naval Operations, 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20350 NAVY HAS MADE ADDRESS NON-PUBLIC
  70. Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual, Department of the Navy, NAVPERS 15,790 (Rev. 1953)
  71. List of Award Abbreviations, Chief of Naval Operations, 2000 Navy Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 20350 Archived 31 January 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  72. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U.S. Navy OP-09819- dated 04/19/77
  73. 1 2 3 4 5 6 OPNAV NOTICE 1650
  74. DOD Approved JUMAs 31/12/2012 p. 5
  75. |NMCB133 Veterans webpage
  76. Battle "E" Peltier Perry Awards, Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme, CA 93043 Archived 11 June 2017 at the Wayback Machine
  77. Seabee onLine Magazine Archived 3 March 2017 at the Wayback Machine , 1322 Peterson Ave., S.E., Bldg. 33, Suite 1000, Washington Navy Yard, D.C. 20374
  78. Naval Personnel Command, 5301-5319 Awards. 5319 #2
  79. Dept. of the Navy, SECNAVINST 1650.1H pp. 1–9
  80. Seabee Magazine, Change of Command, 15 July 2013
  81. Okinawa: Victory in the Pacific, Major Chas. S. Nichols Jr, USMC Historical Section, United States Marine Corps, Quantico, VA, Appendix IV
  82. 71st U.S Naval Construction Battalion, Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme, CA p. 14
  83. Peleliu Shore Party Group
  84. World War II Database
  85. Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme, CA. 93043. 17th Special; NCB p. 29
  86. 53rd Naval Construction Battalion, Seabee Museum Archives, Port Hueneme, CA 93043. pp. 14, 106