Research in Computational Molecular Biology

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Research in Computational Molecular Biology
Location(s) Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States (2024)
Years active27
Previous eventRECOMB 2024
Next eventRECOMB 2025
Organised by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts University

Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB) is an annual academic conference on the subjects of bioinformatics and computational biology. The conference has been held every year since 1997 and is a major international conference in computational biology, alongside the ISMB and ECCB conferences. [1] The conference is affiliated with the International Society for Computational Biology. Since the first conference, authors of accepted proceedings papers have been invited to submit a revised version to a special issue of the Journal of Computational Biology . [2]


RECOMB was established in 1997 by Sorin Istrail, Pavel Pevzner and Michael Waterman. The first conference was held at the Sandia National Laboratories in Santa Fe, New Mexico. [3]

A series of RECOMB Satellite meetings was established by Pavel Pevzner in 2001. These meetings cover specialist aspects of bioinformatics, including massively parallel sequencing, comparative genomics, regulatory genomics and bioinformatics education. [4]

As of RECOMB 2010, the conference has included a highlights track, modelled on the success of a similar track at the ISMB conference. The highlights track contains presentations for computational biology papers published in the previous 18 months. [3] [5]

In 2014 RECOMB and PLOS Computational Biology coordinated to let authors submit papers in parallel to both conference and journal. Papers not selected for publication in PLOS Computational Biology were published in edited form in the Journal of Computational Biology as usual. [3] [6]

As of 2016 the conference started a partnership with Cell Systems. Each year, a subset of work accepted at RECOMB is also considered for publication in a special issue of Cell Systems devoted to RECOMB. Other RECOMB papers are invited for a short synopsis (Cell Systems Calls) in the same issue.

RECOMB steering committee is chaired by Bonnie Berger.

List of conferences

Conference [3] LocationHosting institution
RECOMB 1997 Santa Fe, United States Sandia National Laboratories
RECOMB 1998 New York City, United States Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
RECOMB 1999 [7] Lyon, France INRIA
RECOMB 2000 [8] Tokyo, Japan University of Tokyo
RECOMB 2001 [9] Montreal, Canada Université de Montréal
RECOMB 2002 Washington, D.C., United States Celera Corporation
RECOMB 2003 Berlin, Germany Federal Ministry of Education and Research
RECOMB 2004 San Diego, United States University of California, San Diego
RECOMB 2005 [10] Cambridge, United States Broad Institute
RECOMB 2006 Venice, Italy University of Padua
RECOMB 2007 [11] San Francisco, United States California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3)
RECOMB 2008 [12] Singapore National University of Singapore
RECOMB 2009 [13] Tucson, United States University of Arizona
RECOMB 2010 [14] Lisbon, Portugal Instituto Superior Técnico
RECOMB 2011 [15] Vancouver, Canada Simon Fraser University
RECOMB 2012 [16] Barcelona, Spain Centre for Genomic Regulation
RECOMB 2013 [17] Beijing, China Tsinghua University
RECOMB 2014 [18] Pittsburgh, United States Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh
RECOMB 2015 [19] Warsaw, Poland University of Warsaw
RECOMB 2016 [20] Santa Monica, United States University of California, Los Angeles
RECOMB 2017 [21] Hong Kong, China The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong
RECOMB 2018 [22] Paris, France Ecole Polytechnique (Sorbonne University, Jussieu campus)
RECOMB 2019 [23] Washington, D.C., United States The George Washington University
RECOMB 2020 [24] Padua, Italy University of Padova
RECOMB 2022 [25] La Jolla, United States University of California, San Diego
RECOMB 2023 [26] Istanbul, Turkey Bilkent University
RECOMB 2024 [27] Boston, United States Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts University

See also

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  1. Moreau, Y; Heringa, J (Sep 15, 2010). "Yves Moreau and Jaap Heringa, on behalf of the ECCB10 organizing and steering committees". Bioinformatics. 26 (18): i412–3. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq482. PMC   2935438 . PMID   20823300.
  2. "Partnerships". Archived from the original on 9 August 2014. Retrieved 8 August 2014.
  3. 1 2 3 4 Sharan, Roded, ed. (2014). Research in Computational Molecular Biology 18th Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2014, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 2-5, 2014, Proceedings. Cham: Springer International Publishing. ISBN   978-3-319-05269-4.
  4. "RECOMB - Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology - History - RECOMB Satellite Workshops" . Retrieved 9 August 2014.
  5. "RECOMB 2010 - Highlights Track". Archived from the original on 23 March 2011. Retrieved 11 August 2014.
  6. "The Pick of RECOMB 2014 - PLOS Biologue". PLOS. 2014-03-27. Retrieved 11 August 2014.
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  11. "RECOMB 2007 - International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology" . Retrieved 8 August 2014.
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  23. "RECOMB 2019 - May 05-08".
  24. "RECOMB 2020 - May 10-13".
  25. "RECOMB 2022 - May 22-25".
  26. "RECOMB 2023 - April 16-19".
  27. "RECOMB 2024 - April 16-19".