Retired equipment of the Danish Army

Last updated

Equipment used by the Home Guard

This list includes the phased-out equipment used exclusively by the Home Guard.



PEO M203A2 Grenade Launcher.png Flag of the United States.svg  United States Grenade Launcher 40×46 mm Used by Home Guard units, fits on M95/96 rifles. [1]

Can only fire low velocity 40 mm

Can use multiple grenade types:


Less Lethal:

Let Støttevåben M/04
Danish LSV M04.jpg Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada Light support weapon 5.56×45mm NATO Used by Home Guard units [4] Issued with:

Got the informal nickname of Lorte Spasser Våben ("Shitty retard weapon") because it "was a weapon designed to do everything but couldn't do anything". [5]

SR-25 pic02.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Designated marksman rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Used by SSR (Home Guard Special Operations Unit) [6]
Heckler & Koch HK417 Sniper Rifle of PASKAL.JPG Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Designated marksman rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Transferred to the Home Guard after the phase-out in the army and now in use [7]


CBRN Maske M/93
(S10 NBC Respirator)
S10mask.png Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom CBRN-Mask Phased out CBRN-Mask

Still around in the Home Guard

Tactical and communication equipment

PRR M/07 "Bowman"
(Personal Role Radio)
H4855 Personal Role Radio.jpg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom UHF Radio Was used by HBU Conscripts but has been phased out by the Sepura STP9000 Tetra. Still used by some Home Guard units

Equipment in storage

This list include recently retired equipment still in storage.



NameImageOriginTypeCalibreNoteRetirement from active use
M/49 Neuhausen
(SIG Combibloc Group
SIG P210 1sr series IMG 3086.jpg Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Pistol 9×19mm NATO After its replacement by the P320, around 20.000 still remain in storage until a disposal method can be found. The guns can not be destroyed due to the financial loss and can not be sold due to their HMAK/FMI government stamp and the fear they may end up in OPFOR hands on the second hand market [8] 2019
Pistol M/??
(Heckler & Koch
First-year H&K USP 9mm (32415150000) modified.png Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Pistol 9×19mm NATO Was used by Protection teams, Frømandskorpset and Jægerkorpset [9]

Replaced by SIG Sauer P320 X-Carry and SIG SauerP365 [10] [11]

Same situation as the Neuhausen: in storage until disposal method is found.

Pistol M/??
Glock17.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Pistol 9×19mm NATO Used by Frømandskorpset [11] [12]

Replaced by SIG Sauer P320 X-Carry and SIG SauerP365 [10] [11]

Same situation as the Neuhausen in storage until disposal method is found.


Sub-machine guns

NameImageOriginTypeCalibreNoteRetirement from active use
Kpist m 45B Jvm21378 (double).jpg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden


Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark


Sub-Machine gun 9×19mm NATO Phased out in favor of telescopic M/75s and later M/96s. Still around at bases for exercise OPFORs [13]

Was manufactured as a copy of the M/45 in Denmark under a license from Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori

Later replaced by the MP5 until the concept of the sub-machine gun was completely dropped in 2010 by the Danish defense, in favor of compact carbines. [14]

(Note: MP5 is not on this list, as the remaining stock was transferred to Rigspolitiet )


Carbines and assault rifles

NameImageOriginTypeCalibreNoteRetirement from active use
Gevær M/75
(Heckler & Koch
Heckler & Koch G3 Kunststoffschaft Display noBG.png Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Battle rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Phased out, but there are still 15.000 in storage for the total defense to a level where it was questioned in Folketinget [15] [16] 1995

Light machine guns

NameImageOriginTypeCalibreNoteRetirement from active use
HK 21 LMG Left and Right noBG.png Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Light machine gun 5.56×45mm NATO Used by Jægerkorpset at the start of the Afghanistan war as the M/62 was too heavy [17]

Replaced by the FN Minimi [See LMGs] and current status is unknown

Let Maskingevær M/62
BWEHR Maschinengewehr MG3.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO The infantry variant has been phased out with the Home Guard acquisition of the M60 [18]

Many informal names like Nazisaven ("The Nazi saw"), [19] Hitlersaven ("The Hitler saw"), [20] or Jødesaven ("The Jew saw") [21]


Marksman rifles

NameImageOriginTypeCalibreNoteRetirement from active use
Skarpskyttergevær 7,62x51
(Heckler & Koch
MSG 90 rifle 2014 noBG.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Designated marksman rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Retired in 2007 in favour of the HK417. Status unknown [22] [23] 2007

Man-portable air-defense system

NameImageOriginTypeCalibreNoteRetirement from active use
FIM-92 (JASDF) noBG.png Flag of the United States.svg  United States MANPAD 70 mm Infrared homing missile Have been in cold storage for years; some were donated to Latvia in 2018 and in 2020 the Danish army was debating their reintroduction [24] 2010-2014


NameImageOriginTypeCalibreQuantityNotesRetirement from active use
Let Mortér M/06
60mm morter Danish.JPG Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Mortar 60mm100+Made by Expal

Phased out due to defects making it inaccurate and causing catastrophic failures [25]


Personal equipment


NameImageOriginTypeCamoNotesRetirement from active use
Hjelm M/96
(SPECTRA helmet)
M96 helmet Denmark 004.png Flag of the United States.svg  United States Ballistic Helmet M84camo.jpeg



The former standard helmet that was in service from 1996 to 2024 [26]

Phased out for M/20 Operationel and M/20 Basic Massive stores left on bases currently


Load-carrying equipment and personal protection equipment

NameImageOriginTypeProtection levelCamoNotesRetirement from active use
Fragmentationsvest M/2000
Fragmentationsvest (THM-37962).jpg Unknown Fragmentation Vest Fragmentation protection M84camo.jpeg


Limited use [27] 2012
Kamp Vest M/05
Kampvest M-05.jpg Unknown Load carrying system N/A M84camo.jpeg Limited use2012



NameImageOriginTypeQuantityCalibreNotesRetirement from active use
Mastiff 3 Protected Patrol Vehicle in Afghanistan MOD 45155371.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Infantry mobility vehicle 9Used for EOD [28] Unknown moved to retired as status is unknown
Swissint-GSANF-DURO-IIIP-6x6-front-right.jpg Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Multi-purpose military transport vehicles 29N/A Armored ambulance. Bought in 2006. [29] Unknown if the ambulance model of the Piranha V is a replacement as the army no longer states it as materiel on their material page. [30] Unknown moved to retired as status is unknown
AM General
HMMWV Jülkat
Julkat.png Flag of the United States.svg  United States Reconnaissance vehicle 22Danish modification made by Composhield A/SUsed for: Unknown moved to retired as status is unknown
Jydske Dragonregiment (8108900735).jpg Flag of the United States (23px).png  United States Armoured personnel carrier UnknownReplaced by Piranha V

54 APC models have been donated to Ukraine, [31] exact number left is unknown.

Few remain on bases and are used for MBU training and Open House events at bases [32] [ better source needed ]

M 41 DK-1 Walker Bulldog Light Tank in Aalborg Forsvars- og Garnisonsmuseum, pic2.JPG Flag of the United States.svg  United States Light tank 53 (originally)

Unknown (current)

Light tank gifted by the Americans in 1962 [33]

A few kept around as display pieces at bases and for Åben Hede [34]

Stevnsfortet (14935252259).jpg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Main battle tank 216 (originally) [35]

Unknown (current)

Custom Danish model, introduced in 1953 and upgraded in the 1980s [35]

A few kept around as display pieces at bases and for Åben Hede [36]

Replaced by the Leopard 1

Jydske Dragonregiment (8108834857).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Main battle tank 230 (originally) [37]

Unknown (current)

Introduced in 1973 and upgraded to the A5 DKstandard in the 1990s [37]

Replaced by the Leopard 2 A few kept around as display pieces at bases and for Åben Hede [36] including the white UN Leopard 1 that took part in Operation Bøllebank [38]

Base chassis still serves as the Wisent 1 and Bieber 100 models have been renovated and donated to Ukraine [39]



NameImageOriginTypeCalibreQuantityNotesRetirement from active use
M109 Howitzer Danish.JPG Flag of the United States.svg  United States Tracked Self-propelled howitzer 155 mm 76(originally) [40] Unknown (current)Retired in 2020 [40] as the Caesar 8×8 was supposed to have entered service that year. [41]

76 were purchased originally but most were scrapped or cannibalised through the 2010s [40] A few kept around as display pieces at bases and for Åben Hede [36]


Test equipment


Makarov (28034065).jpeg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Pistol 9×18mm Makarov Held by UMAK(UddannelsesMAterielKontoret -Training material office) for weapon identification training purposes
Tokarev TT33 (6825679152).jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Pistol 7.62×25mm Tokarev Held by UMAK(UddannelsesMAterielKontoret -Training material office) for weapon identification training purposes

Carbines and assault rifles

Ak74l.png Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Assault rifle 5.45×39mm Used as a test weapon by Hærens kampskole to test equipment for Afghanistan and Iraq

Held by UMAK(UddannelsesMAterielKontoret -Training material office) for weapon identification training purposes Used by the army for weapon familiarisation to help train foreign militaries such as the ANA, the Iraqi Armed Forces and the Cameroon Armed Forces [42]

AKM automatkarbin Ryssland - 7,62x39mm - Armemuseum rightside noBG.png Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Assault rifle 7.62×39mm Used as a test weapon by Hærens kampskole to test equipment for Afghanistan and Iraq [43] Held by UMAK(UddannelsesMAterielKontoret -Training material office) for weapon identification training purposes

Used by the army for weapon familiarisation to help train foreign militaries such as the ANA, the Iraqi Armed Forces and the Cameroon Armed Forces [42]

Marksman rifles

SVD Dragunov.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Designated marksman rifle 7.62×54mmR Used as a test weapon by Hærens kampskole to test equipment for Afghanistan and Iraq [43]


PK machine gun.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union General-purpose machine gun 7.62×54mmR Used as a test weapon by Hærens kampskole to test equipment for Afghanistan

Used by the army for weapon familiarisation to help train the ANA and the Iraqi Armed Forces [44]

Anti-materiel rifle

Vidhwansak.jpg Flag of India.svg  India Anti-materiel rifle 14.5×114mm Used as a test weapon by Hærens kampskole to test equipment [43]

Anti-tank weapons

RPG-7 detached.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Rocket-propelled grenade Ammunition in stock unknownUsed as a test weapon by Hærens kampskole to test equipment for Afghanistan

Used by the army for weapon familiarisation to help train the ANA and the Iraqi Armed Forces

Around 8000, alongside some further 29.000 rockets were donated to Ukraine [45]

See also


  1. "HVK 1.FAL Infanterideling". Retrieved 2023-05-14.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "HRN 111-001" (PDF). 20 March 2016. Retrieved 22 July 2023. Military manual for the M/95 family (M/95, M/96, LSV/04 and M/10) and both models of the M203 that is counted as an attachment Page D35-D44 specifically shows 40mm grenade types used for the Diemaco M203 and the LMT M203 and describes the difference. Page A - 29 shows weapon modifications
  3. Lomholt Wismann, Ida Marie (2022-04-22). "Russerne beskyldes for at bruge "dræberpile" i Ukraine - Danmark har gjort det samme - TV 2". (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-06-21.
  4. "LSV M/04 - et let støttevåben". National Museum of Denmark (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-04-24.
  5. Pjevs, Kaptajn (2018-10-27). "Da Nazisaven sang på Jorden". Feltspaden (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-19.
  6. "Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår til samarbejdspartnere og venner af SSR. Året 2020 har været et anderledes år på grund af Covid-19, men har alligevel givet mulighed for gennemførelse af operativt nødvendige aktiviteter så som SSR Optagelseskursus, Skydelejr, Patruljeøvelsen Grøn Baret for landets patruljer og støtte til Forsvaret, samt indflytning på hhv. Flyvestation Skalstrup (ØST) og Flyvestation Tirstrup (VEST)". Retrieved 2023-08-04.
  7. "Specialstøtte til Forsvaret i 60 år". Retrieved 2023-08-04.
  8. Rasmussen, Peter Ernstved (2019-09-11). "OLFI - Hvad skal der ske med Forsvarets 20.000 udfasede 9 mm Neuhausen-pistoler?". (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-16.
  9. (May 2007). "Nye protection teams på vej" [New protection teams on the way](PDF). Forsvaret (in Danish). pp. 26–27. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-12-20. Retrieved 2010-12-11.
  10. 1 2 "HRN 101-320 9 mm Pistol P320 og P365" (PDF). Forsvaret. 2023-03-27.
  11. 1 2 3 "Forsvarets nye pistol Sig P320",, retrieved 2023-05-18
  12. Olling, Jakob. "Kæmpe millionindsprøjtning vækker glæde i Frømandskorpset". TV2 ØST (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-19.
  13. Rasmussen, Peter Ernstved (24 June 2019). "OLFI - Hård straf til soldat på Bornholm for opbevaring af skarpladt maskinpistol". (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-14.
  14. Haislund, Jacob (2020-10-02). "Historisk genstand: For 10 år siden valgte Forsvaret at droppe maskinpistolen, som politiet stadig har i arsenalet". Jyllands-Posten (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-14.
  15. "FOU, Alm.del - 2022-23". Folketinget (Danish Parliament). 2023-02-22.
  16. Brøndum, Christian (2008-11-09). "Bare det ikke regner, når katastrofen indtræffer". (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-20.
  17. "H&K 23 E - let maskingevær : Jægerkorpsets håndvåben". Retrieved 2023-08-04.
  18. "Uddannelse på let maskingevær skudt i gang". Retrieved 2023-08-23.
  19. Pjevs, Kaptajn (2018-10-27). "Da Nazisaven sang på Jorden". Feltspaden (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-19.
  20. Brøndum, Christian (2014-03-07). "Forsvarets farvel til »Hitler-saven«". (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-19.
  21. "Jødesav". Slangster (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-19.
  22. "MSG 90 - Jægerkorpsets finskytte-rifel". Retrieved 2023-08-04.
  23. "Specialstøtte til Forsvaret i 60 år". Retrieved 2023-08-04.
  24. Korsager Nielsen, Mads (2022-02-24). "Letland hjælper Ukraine med danske Stinger-missiler". DR (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-05-13.
  25. Lagerstorf, Nicklas Erik (2020-06-18). "Følsom Philip May: - De var ligeglade med vores liv". SE og HØR (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-04-22.
  26. "De danske soldaters hjelme". Nationalmuseet (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-07-21.
  27. Brohave, Rasmus, Hvad kan jeg blive? Forsvaret , retrieved 2023-04-26
  28. "Årsberetning Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse 2019" (PDF). Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization. 2019. p. 20.
  29. "Forsvaret køber 29 ambulancer til internationale opgaver". BeredskabsInfo (in Danish). 2006-11-29. Retrieved 2023-06-06.
  30. "Hærens materiel".
  31. "Denmark Reporting For Duty: Danish Military Support To Ukraine". Oryx. Retrieved 2023-08-27.
  32. "Åben Hus GHR 2023". Retrieved 2023-08-27.
  33. "M41". Armor Museum of Denmark (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-10-07.
  34. M41 DK-1 Light Tank Leichter Panzer Hærens Åben Hede 2022 , retrieved 2023-10-07
  35. 1 2 "Centurion". Armor Museum of Denmark (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-10-07.
  36. 1 2 3 Åben hede 2023 , retrieved 2023-10-07
  37. 1 2 "Leopard 1". Armor Museum of Denmark (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-10-07.
  38. Danish Leopard 1a5DK UN version at the Åben Hede event in the Oksbøl ekcercise area. (Danmark) 2022. , retrieved 2023-10-07
  39. "Danmark indgår samarbejde om Leopard 1 kampvogne til Ukraine". Forsvarsministeriet (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-10-07.
  40. 1 2 3 "Det Sidste Skud Kom Før Vi Vintede Det!". Retrieved 2023-08-27.
  41. "Caesar 8X8 155 mm Haubits". Forsvaret (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-08-27.
  42. 1 2 Elabdi, Florian; Rothstein, Oscar (2022-06-15). "Frømandskorpset trænede borgerkrigstropper, de vidste blev indsat mod egen befolkning - Danwatch" (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-07-22.
  43. 1 2 3 Soldater skød på ambulance for en god sag , retrieved 2023-07-22
  44. "OIR – Danske soldater uddanner 20.000 irakiske kolleger". Forsvaret. 28 October 2020.
  45. "Millitære donationer og støtte for knap 5 mia. kr. til Ukraine" (PDF). Forsvarsministeriet (in Danish). Retrieved 2023-08-14.