List of military equipment of the Czech Army

Last updated

This is a list of military equipment of the Czech Republic currently in service and in storage. This includes weapons and equipment of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, with the Army of the Czech Republic and its service branches, namely the Czech Land Forces and Czech Air Force, at their core.


Small arms

Active firearms

List of firearms: [1]

NamePhotoCountry of originTypeCaliberNotes
CZ 75 SP-01 Phantom CZ 75 Phantom.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Semi-automatic pistol 9×19mm Parabellum Standard issue pistol since 2012.

Replacement of the pistol decided in 2020 for the CZ P-10 C/F. Withdrawal to be completed by 2025, and to be put in reserve. [2]

  • 5,570 initially ordered (2011)
  • 5,500 additional ordered in 2016 [3]
CZ P-10 C/F CZ P-10 C cal. 9x19.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Semi-automatic pistol 9×19mm Parabellum Selected in 2020 as new standard-issue pistol.

20,000 standard pistols ordered, 1,000 additional will be made to receive a sound suppressor.. [4]

Glock 17 GLOCK 17 Gen 4 Pistol MOD 45160305.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Semi-automatic pistol 9×19mm Parabellum In use by the 601st Special Forces Group and paratroopers. [5] [6]
Submachine guns
CZ Škorpion EVO 3 CZ SCORPION EVO 3 A1.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Submachine gun / PDW 9×19mm Parabellum In service with Prague Castle Guard and in other specialist roles. [7] [8]

100 CZ SCORPION EVO 3 A1 ordered in 2020 [9]

Heckler & Koch MP5 MP5 SD6

Heckler Koch MP5.jpg


MP5K Submachine Gun (7414624602) noBG.png

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Submachine gun / PDW 9×19mm Parabellum In use by the 601st Special Forces Group [10]
  • MP5 SD6 PDW
  • MP5K PDW
Heckler & Koch MP7 A2 HK MP7 Bundeswehr noBG.png Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Submachine gun / PDW 4.6×30mm HK In use by the Military Police [11]
Winchester Model 1300 M1200 Shotgun (7414627784).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Pump action shotgun 12 gauge Winchester Model 1300 used in small numbers. [12]
Benelli M3 Benelli M3 Super 90.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Pump action shotgun 12 gauge In use by the 601st Special Forces Group and paratroopers. [5]
CZ 805 BREN 2 CZ BREN 2.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Assault rifle 5.56×45mm NATO Standard issue rifle since 2016.

In 2015, a new variant of the CZ BREN was unveiled, the Czech Army decided to continue to replace the vz. 58 with this new variant.

  • 2,600 BREN 2 ordered with some accessories by Meopta: [13] [14] [15] [3]
    • 2,600 ZD-Dot red dot
    • 1,600 DV-Mag3 3x magnifiers
    • 1,450 NV-Mag3 night vision sights
    • 500 DBAL-A2 laser pointer
    • under barrel grenade launchers (mentioned in the "grenades" section of the table)

In April 2020, the Army decided to replace all the CZ BREN with the BREN 2 variant. [8] [9]

  • > 16,000 BREN 2 ordered in 2020
CZ 805 BREN CZ 805 BREN A1 5,56 x 45 NATO.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Assault rifle and carbine 5.56×45mm NATO Standard issue rifle since 2011 (replacement of the vz. 58).

Replacement of the rifle decided in 2020, to be replaced by the CZ 805 BREN 2 by 2025 and to be put in reserve. [8] In February 2010, it won the tender for: [16]

  • 6,687 CZ 805A1 assault rifles
  • 1,250 CZ 805A2 carbines
Daniel Defense M4A1 and MK18 M4A1-CQBR.png


Flag of the United States.svg  United States Carbine 5.56×45mm NATO In use by the 601st Special Forces Group. [10] [17]

350 M4A1 and MK18 ordered in 2018 to replace the Bushmaster M4A3.

Heckler & Koch HK417 Combater G27 noBG.png Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Battle rifle 7.62×51mm NATO In use by the 601st Special Forces Group. [10]
Vz. 52/57 VZ 52 Rifle.JPG Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Ceremonial rifle 7.62×39mm Ceremonial rifle, used by Prague Castle Guard.
Precision rifles
CZ BREN 2 PPS CZ BREN 2 BR.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Designated marksman rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Standard issue DMR since 2021.

Selected in 2020 to replace the SVD-1
and SVDN-3 as standard-issue designated marksman rifle. [18] [9] [19]

Sako TRG-22 Sako TRG folding stock + Zeiss 3-12x56 SSG P.JPG Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Bolt-action, sniper rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Standard issue sniper.

In use by some mechanized units and units of the Military Police. [20]

CZ 750 CZ 750 Sniper Rifles.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Bolt-action, sniper rifle 7.62×51mm NATO In use by Castle Guard [21]
Accuracy International AWM L115A3 sniper rifle.jpg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Bolt-action, sniper rifle .300 Winchester Magnum In use by the 601st Special Forces Group [10]
Desert Tech HTI HTI-Right-Profile.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Bolt-action bullpup sniper and anti-materiel rifle .375 Cheyenne Tactical
12.7×99mm NATO
In use by the special forces [22]
CheyTac Intervention CheyTacIntervention.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Sniper rifle .408 Cheyenne Tactical In use by the 601st Special Forces Group. [10]
Barrett M82 M82A1 afmil.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Bolt-action anti-materiel rifle 12.7×99mm NATO In use by the 601st Special Forces Group. [10] [23]
ZVI Falcon Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Bolt-action bullpup anti-materiel rifle 12.7×99mm NATO In use by the 601st Special Forces Group [10]
Dismounted machine guns
FN Minimi FN MINIMI Standard Right.jpg Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Light machine gun 5.56×45mm NATO 12 ordered in 2020 [24] [25]
M249 PEO M249 Para ACOG.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Light machine gun 5.56×45mm NATO In use by the 601st Special Forces Group [26] [27]

(American variant of the Minimi)

FN Minimi Czech Republic soldiers provide security in the village of Baraki Barak.jpg Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO Standard issue general purpose machine gun

Replacement of UK vz. 59.

  • 2010, order < 200 MG
  • 2012, order 47 [28]
  • 2020 order 937 [24] (949 Minimi in total, 12 in 5.56 NATO calibre)
Mk 48 Mk 48 PEO Soldier.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO In use by the 601st Special Forces Group, introduced in 2006 [27] [29]

(American variant of the Minimi)

M60 E4 M60 Medium Machine Gun (7414626098).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO In use by the 601st Special Forces Group introduced in 2006. [10]
M240 machine gun PEO M240B Profile.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO Coaxial machine gun on RCWS-30 turret of the Pandur II (KBVP variant) [30] [31]
Mounted machine guns
Rheinmetall MG 3 FLW100-MG3-Dingo-Front.JPG Flag of Germany.svg  Germany General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO Coaxial machine gun for the Leopard 2A4. [32]

Remote control weapon station KMW Type 1530 equipped with MG 3, used on Dingo 2. [33]

FN MAG ZSRD Pz.jpg Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO Remote controlled weapon station ZSRD 07 equipped with MAG machine gun, used on Iveco LMV (LOV 50B). [31] [34]
M134 Minigun

Mi-171S sliding door - Minigun.jpg

Flag of the United States.svg  United States Rotary machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO Door gunner's machinegun. Used on Mi-171Š helicopters. [35]
PK Mi-171S sliding door - PKM and Fast Rope.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union General-purpose machine gun 7.62×54mmR Door gunner's machinegun. Used on Mi-171Š helicopters. [36]
M2 Browning M2 Browning, Musee de l'Armee.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Heavy machine gun 12.7×99mm NATO Remote controlled weapon station Protector M151A2 used on LOV Iveco. [37] [38]
NSV Exercise NOBLE JUMP 150616-7625-EM-NLD-4646 (18884198011).jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Heavy machine gun 12.7×108mm Mounted machine gun. Used on T-72M4CZ, Land Rover Defender 130 Kajman and SPM-85 PRAM-S. [39] [40] [41]
DShK A Czech soldier waits for a convoy during Saber Junction 2014 at the Hohenfels Training Area in Hohenfels, Germany, Sept 140902-A-ZG808-062.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Heavy machine gun 12.7×108mm Mounted machine gun. Used on DANA howitzer.and Land Rover Defender 130 Kajman [42] [37]
Grenades and grenade launchers
SplHGr 85 Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Hand grenade, fragmentation (defensive)Standard issue hand grenade.

Chosen in 2018 as replacement for previous types. [43] [44]

CZ produces grenades under licence provided by Rheinmetall [45]

OffHGr 85 Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Hand grenade, high explosive (offensive)Standard issue hand grenade.

Chosen in 2018 as replacement for previous types. [43] [44]

CZ produces grenades under licence provided by Rheinmetall [45]

CZ 805G1 CZ 805 G1 - IDET 2017.JPG Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Under barrel grenade launcher 40×46 mm LV Standard issue under barrel grenade launcher [46]

Equipped with the CZ 805 BREN and BREN 2

  • 397 ordered in February 2010 [16]
  • 800 ordered in January 2016
  • 1,600 ordered in 2020 [9] [8] [47]
M203 Czech ISAF (6).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Under barrel grenade launcher 40×46 mm LV Used by the special forces with the M4
AGS-17 AGS-17 at Tank Biathlon 2014 01.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Grenade launcher 30×29mm Mounted on the Land Rover Defender 130 Kajman, used by the special forces. [41]

Only for war use, too unreliable to train with. [48]

Anti tank weapons
RPG-75 RPG 75.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Disposable recoilless rifle 68 mmStandard issue RPG


RPG-7V RPG-7V1 grenade launcher - RaceofHeroes-part2-22.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Rocket-propelled grenade Standard issue RPG
  • 13.000 grenades ordered in 2021. [50]
  • 100.000 grenades ordered in 2023. [51]

PG-7VM (anti-armor, 300mm RHA) [52]
TB-7VM (thermobaric) [52]
OFG-7V (anti-personnel high fragmentation) [52]
PG-7VM PRACTICE-T (training) [52]
Carl Gustav M3 M3E1.jpg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Recoilless rifle 84 mmUsed by special forces, paratroopers and mechanized infantry. [53] [54]

Ammunition used: HEAT 751, HEAT 551, TP 552, HEDP 502, HE 441, SMOKE 469, ILLUM 545, TPT 141 a 553 B [46]

Spike-LR Euro-Spike MR Lippujuhlan paiva 2014 4.JPG Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Anti-tank guided missile 500 missiles ordered to be used with the KBVP IFVs. [55]

18 LÚV-PTŘS (Enok AB, G461) airborne vehicle ordered in 2023 will be equipped with Spike missiles [56]

FGM-148 Javelin FGM-148 Javelin (5160721562).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Anti-tank guided missile In use by the 601st Special Forces Group. [10] First acquisition in 2004, for 3 launchers and several missiles.

Additional order in 2015 in limited numbers [57]

9K11 Maljutka HJ-73 in Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-tank guided missile Unclear whether any remaining in view of donations to Ukraine.
9M113 Konkurs Airborne troops of Russia & SOF of Belarus 01.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-tank guided missile Unclear whether any remaining in view of donations to Ukraine.
Land mines
SentryFlag of Finland.svg  Finland

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Anti-tank mines 10,000Ordered in December 2024. [58]
  Standard issue in infantry units (in bold)

Indirect fire

Rocket artillery
MV-3 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Rocket artillery 122 mm16122mm multiple launch rocket propelled mine thrower intended for remote establishment of anti-tank mine fields (up to 3 km away). [59] [60]
152 mm SpGH DANA 131121-A-KH850-004 (11045794563).jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Self-propelled howitzer 152 mm53 (?)48 active in two artillery battalions. Probably total of 53 remaining after 13 units were sent to Ukraine during the first year of the war. [61] [62]
CAESAR Artillerisystemet Caesar 8X8 155 mm Haubits ved Danish Air Show.jpg Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Self-propelled howitzer 155mm 0+62On 14 December 2022, the Czech MoD signed an amendment to the contract with NEXTER Systems for the delivery of the CAESAR SPH. [63] The army will thus receive an additional 10 Caesar SPH for CZK 1.77 billion. [64] In total, the MoD will pay CZK 10.3 billion for 62 Caesar howitzers. [63] The Czech Army will receive the howitzers on a 8x8 Tatra chassis and with a Tatra armoured cab. [64] Overall, the Czech configuration should resemble the Danish one. [65] The MoD has already ordered CZK 10.17 billion worth of ammunition for the howitzers from the Czech company STV Group. [63]
SPM-85 PRAM-S 120 mm samohybny minomet PRAM (2).jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Self-propelled mortar 120 mm8
M1982 PRAM-L 120mm 120mm minomet vz. 82.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Towed mortar 120 mm85
Expal 81-MK2-KM Expal MX2 KM 81 mm mortar - Morser 19 Swiss Army (2) (cropped).png Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Mortar 81mm23
ANTOS Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Mortar 60 mm22?8 delivered in 2011 and at least 14 delivered in 2023. [66]
Reconnaissance and command artillery
PzPK Sněžka PzPK Snezka.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Reconnaissance and surveillance vehicle8Some PzPK Sněžka was modernized to PzPK Sněžka-M. [67] [68]
LOS BAHNA 2018 - 389.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Light reconnaissance and surveillance system10Some LOS was modernized to LOS-M. [69] [70]
ARTHUR ARTHUR (radar) Danish.jpg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Counter-battery radar 3


Equipment numbers updated on ongoing basis.

Armoured vehicles

Main battle tanks
Leopard 2A8 Leopard 2 A7, Eurosatory 2010.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Main battle tank
Training version
Recovery version
Engineering version
Bridge layer
0 (+77)Deliveries planned for 2027–2029. [71] [72] [73] [74] [75]
Leopard 2A4 Leopard 2A4.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany Main battle tank 42 [76] [77] Refurbished ex-German and ex-Swiss tanks donated by the German government in view of previous Czech donations of heavy hardware to Ukraine. 14 in 2023, 14 in 2024. [78] [79]
14 more purchased by the Czech Government in 2024. [71]
T-72M4CZ T-72M4CZ 000.JPG Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Main battle tank 27Produced between 2003 and 2006, deep refurbishment underway (2022 - 2025). [80]
Company commander's MBT3Company commander's MBT has extensive command and control equipment and lower ammunition load on board.
T-72M1 Bahna 3.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Main battle tank  ?In reserve. Unclear whether any remaining in view of donations to Ukraine (89 before donations started). [81]
Infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers
CV90 MkIV CV90 CZ - IDET 2017.JPG Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic


Infantry fighting vehicle


(141 ordered)

Ordered in May 2023 to replace BVP-2 and BVP-1. [73] [82] [83] [84] [85]

IFV with 30mm cannon.

Company commander's IFV0

(31 ordered)

Reconnaissance 0

(18 ordered)

Artillery observation vehicle 0

(12 ordered)

Armoured engineering vehicle 0

(13 ordered)

Armoured recovery vehicle 0

(12 ordered)

Armored ambulance 0

(12 ordered)

Pandur II KBV-PZLOK.JPG Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic


Infantry fighting vehicle

723+7 crew. Armament: RCWS 30 (30mm Mk44 Bushmaster II & M240 machine gun & Spike LR).
Company commander's IFV115+1 crew. Armament: RCWS 30.
Reconnaissance with radar85 crew. Armament: RCWS 30. Integrated reconnaissance equipment. Squire Radar.
Reconnaissance 85 crew. Armament: RCWS 30. Integrated reconnaissance equipment.
Military communications 144 crew. Armament: FN Minimi 7,62 NATO. Extensive communications equipment.
Command and control 54 crew. Armament: FN Minimi 7,62 NATO. Extensive communications equipment.
Armoured engineering vehicle 43+6 crew. Armament: RCWS 12,7 Mini Samson (Browning M2HB-QCB).
Armored ambulance 43 crew. No armament.
BVP-2 BVP-2 military parade Prague.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Infantry fighting vehicle  ?To be replaced by CV90, unknown number remaining after over 200 IFVs donated to Ukraine. [86]
BVP-1 BVP-1 RAF museum.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Infantry fighting vehicle  ?In reserve. Unclear whether any remaining in view of donations to Ukraine. [86]
Armoured vehicles
Iveco LMV Iveco LMV-05.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Light Armoured Combat Vehicle72
2+3 crew. Armament: M151A2 Protector RWS with Browning M2HB-QCB.
1+4 crew. Armament: ZSRD 07 RCWS with FN MAG.
2+2 crew. Command vehicle. Armament: M151A2 Protector RWS with Browning M2HB-QCB. Extensive communications equipment.
2 crew. CBRN defense & CBRN reconnaissance. Armament: ZSRD 07 RCWS with FN MAG. Extensive CBRN defense equipment.
Armored ambulance
Various other versions (e.g. electronic warfare, artillery reconnaissance, etc.) [87]
Enok 4.8 Bundeswehr LAPV Enok.png Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Light Armoured Combat Vehicle5In service with 601st Special Forces Group. [88]
BRDM-2 Lesany, vojenske muzeum, transporter BRDM-2 rch.JPG Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Armoured car ?Gradually being replaced by modern vehicles. Unknown number from 39 remaining.
Dingo 2 KMW Dingo 1447.JPG Flag of Germany.svg  Germany MRAP infantry mobility vehicle21In service with 25th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment.
Nexter Titus Titus - IDET 2017.jpg Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

Command and control IMV
Artillery command IMV
Military communications IMV
4 crew. Armament: FN Minimi 7,62 NATO. Extensive communications equipment.
5 crew. Armament: FN Minimi 7,62 NATO.
4 crew. Armament: FN Minimi 7,62 NATO. Extensive communications equipment. [89]
Tatra T815-7 (Force) BAHNA 2018 - 316.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Heavy off-road truck~700Many variants, both basic as well as with specialist superstructures. Axle variations from 4x4 up to 10x10. Various armour levels, unarmored include add-on armour kits.
STARKOM Starkom.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Armoured electronic warfare vehicle intended for near-frontline operation [90] 88x8 Tatra T815-7 fully armored truck. [91]

Military engineering vehicles

Büffel Bergepanzer Bueffel.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Armored recovery vehicle1+1To be delivered 2024. [92]
VT-72M4 CZ VT-72M4 CZ 006.JPG Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Armored recovery vehicle3Recovery tank variant based on T-72M4CZ.
SPOT-55 [93] Spot.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Tracked fire-fighting vehicle  ?
BOŽENA 5 [94] Bozena 5.jpg Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia Mine clearing vehicle3
KN-251 [95] Kn-251.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Wheeled loader  ?
Kalmar RT240 [96] Two U.S. Navy rough terrain container handlers move supplies off an Improved Navy Lighterage System, not shown, during a maritime prepositioning force training scenario June 13, 2013, in Coronado, Calif., as 130613-N-OP638-046.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Container handler1+2
MT-55A MT-55 Militartag - Uffenheim - 2015 .jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Armoured vehicle-launched bridge 6
AM 50 [97] AM-50-2010Plzen.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Bridge Layer  ?
PTS-10 [98] 11 PTS 1.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Tracked amphibious transport24

Unarmoured vehicles

Utility vehicles
Toyota Hilux 869 zahajeni lazenske sezony v Teplicich IMG 1039.JPG Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Light off-road vehicle 1,5001,500 to be delivered in 2021–2024. [99]
Land Rover Defender 110 TDi Land Rover 110 ST Iafeto (2).jpg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Light off-road vehicle 661In the process of formal decommissioning from service, replaced by Toyota Hilux. [100]
Land Rover Defender 130 Kajman Land Rover 130 Military A4 Kajman-11.jpg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Light off-road vehicle 79Used by paratroopers, to be replaced.
Emergency vehicles
Iveco MUV LZTOP  [ fr ] Iveco MUV LZTOP.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

ambulance19 [101] [102] [103] [104]
Logistics vehicles
Praga V3S BAHNA 2018 - 095.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Military medium truck ?Mostly replaced, few remaining in service with specialist superstructures (e.g. field kitchen, field repair shop). [105]
Scania R590 Scania R590.jpg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Heavy on-road logistics truck12 [106]
Scania R660 Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Semi-truck4 [107]
Tatra T 810 (Tactic) Tatra T-810 Czech Army 01.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Medium off-road truck600The first 558 were delivered in 08/09. [108] Others went in the following years in different variants. [109] [110] [111] [112] [113]
Tatra T815 BAHNA 2018 - 434 crop.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Military heavy truck2,700+- [114] 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10 versions. [115]
Tatra 6×6 and 8×8Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Medium and heavy off-road truck0

(870 ordered)

Planned for delivery from 2025 to 2031. [116]
Volvo VTN3R Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Dump truck60 [117]

Air defence systems

Air defence systems
2K12 Kub-M2 2K12 KUB (rockets 2).jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Surface-to-air missile 2 batteriesWill be replaced by SPYDER. 2 batteries delivered as aid for Ukraine. [118] [119]
SPYDER LR Rafael SPYDER SAM System.JPG Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Surface-to-air missile 1+3 batteriesOrdered in 2021 to replace the KUB system, with deliveries in 2024–2026. [120] [121] [122]

Each batteries composed of:

RBS 70 RBS-70 - Army of the Czech Republic.JPG Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Man-portable air-defense system 32Launchers:
  • 16 RBS 70
  • 16 RBS 70NG


  • 231 delivered between 2014 and 2022 [123]
  • 135 RBS-70 Mk3 ordered in 2023 [123]
Air surveillance
EL/M-2084 MMR/MADR ELTA ELM-2084 MMR.JPG Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Mobile 3D multi-mission radar8 [124] Passed army tests on 21 April 2023
ReVisor ReVISOR (radar).jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Short-range radar6ReVisor is a surveillance radar designed especially for very short-range ground-based air defence (VSHORAD). [125]
Věra VERA-NG IDET 2017.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Passive radar 52x VERA-S/M, [126] 1x VERA-NG. [127] 2 more VERA-NG on order. [128] [129]
BORAPFlag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Passive radar
Air command
RACCOS RACCOS.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Automated command and control fire distribution system.6 [130]


MO-634 [131] BAHNA 2018 - 464.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Motor towing boat  ?
MO-2000 Veronika [132] MO-2000 Veronika.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Motor towing boat  ?can replace 2 MO-634 boats handling PMS
RUSB [133] RUSB boat.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Boat  ?
Pegas 4M [134] PEGAS 4M.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Hovercraft  ?Primarily used for SAR by rescue teams. [135]

Unmanned aerial vehicles

Elbit Skylark I-LE Skylark 1 close up.jpg Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Fixed-wing UAV

Unmanned aerial vehicle


Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

2Purchased in 2009. [136] [137]
RQ-11B Raven Raven UAV flying.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Fixed-wing UAV

Unmanned aerial vehicle


Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

RQ-12 Wasp AE Wasp III aircraft.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Fixed-wing UAV

Unmanned aerial vehicle


Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

Insitu ScanEagle ScanEagle UAV catapult launcher 2005-04-16.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Fixed-wing UAV

Unmanned aerial vehicle


Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

RQ-20 Puma U S Marine Corps RQ-20 Puma 4-M-DE476-005 JPEG.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Fixed-wing UAV

Unmanned aerial vehicle


Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

5One system RQ-20A Puma was purchased in 2018. Four systems Puma 3 AE were purchased in 2022. [138]


Fixed wing aircraft

Combat aircraft
F-35 Lightning II F-35A flight (cropped).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Multirole fighter 0+24The aircraft are to replace the 14 Saab JAS 39 Gripens. [139]
Saab JAS 39 Gripen Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Lightweight single-engine multirole fighter 1412x JAS 39C (single-seat)
2x JAS 39D (two-seat)
Leased from Sweden. Main armament: Autocannon: Mauser BK-27. Air-to-air: AIM-120 AMRAAM, AIM-9 Sidewinder. Air-to-surface: AGM-65 Maverick. Anti-ship: RBS 15F. [140]
Aero L-159 ALCA L-159 ALCA Czech Air Force.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Light attack aircraft 2416x L-159A (single-seat; refurbishment & upgrade 2020-2022 [141] )
5x L-159T1+ (two-seat; refurbishment & upgrade 2016-2019 [142] )
3x L-159T2 (two-seat; manufactured 2018-2020 [143] )
Main armament: Autocannon: Plamen 20mm. Air-to-air: AIM-9 Sidewinder. Air-to-surface: AGM-65 Maverick, Mark 82 (incl. BSU49B, GBU-12 laser-guided), Mark 83 (incl. GBU-16 laser guided), CRV7 rocket pods [144]
Transport aircraft
Embraer C-390 Millennium FAB2857 Embraer KC-390 Millenium Brazilian Air Force.jpg Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Tactical Airlifter0+2To be delivered in 2025. [145]
EADS CASA C-295M CASA C-295 (Czech Air Force) (15094753595).jpg Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Medium transport aircraft64xC-295M
Let L-410 Turbolet Let L-410FG Turbolet, Czech Republic - Air Force AN1543524.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Light transport and photographic mapping64xL-410UVP/UVP-E
VIP transport
Airbus A319CJW Airbus A319-115X CJ, Czech Republic - Air Force AN1604680.jpg Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

VIP transport2
Trainer aircraft
Aero L-39 Albatros Nykodym DSC02945A (15215424352).jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Jet trainer5To be replaced by Aero L-39 Skyfox in 2023–2024. [146]
Aero L-39 Skyfox L-39NG 0475.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Jet trainer and light combat aircraft.2+2Ordered in 2022. [146]
Zlin Z 142CAF Zlin Z-142C AF, Czech Republic - Air Force AN1648762.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Basic trainer7Will be replaced by 2 Zlin Z-143 LSi Exclusive variant machines and 6 Z-242 L Exclusive variant aircraft
Eurostar EV97 24-7324 Evektor-Aerotechnik EV-97 SportStar Max (6931052501).jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Basic trainer1


Attack helicopter
AH-1Z Viper AH-1Z Viper (USMC) Pendleton 107.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Attack helicopter 4+6Another 6 helicopters of the H-1 system will be delivered in 2027-28

Main armament: Rotary cannon: M197 electric cannon. Air-to-surface: AGM-114 Hellfire, APKWS, Hydra 70, JTAC for L-159 ALCA capability. Air-to-air: AIM-9 Sidewinder. [147]

Transport/Utility helicopter
UH-1Y Venom UH-1Y Venom Okinawa.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Utility helicopter 8+2Another 2 helicopters of the H-1 system will be delivered in 2027-28

Main armament: 2 external stations for 70 mm (2.75 in) Hydra 70 or APKWS II [148] rockets

Door gunners (pintle mounts): .50 in (12.7 mm) GAU-21 machine gun (left side) & 7.62×51 mm NATO GAU-17/A or M240D machine gun (right side)

Mil Mi-171Sh Mi-17 CZ 9887 LKCV.jpg Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Utility helicopter15Manufactured between 2004 - 2006 (as repayment of old Soviet Union debt). Upgraded to NATO standard in 2009 (5), 2013 (remaining). [149] Gradual deep refurbishment, upgrade in 2020–2026. [150]
Main armament: Two door gunners with 2x mounted Minigun M134D & 2x PKM (external pods used only for additional fuel tanks) [151]
Mil Mi-17 Mil Mi-17, Czech Republic - Air Force AN2087553.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Transport helicopter
Passenger transport helicopter
Deep modernization in 2017–2020. [152] Two rebuilt and modified for passenger transport in 2023 as a partial replacement of previous VIP Mil Mi-8. [153]
Mil Mi-8 CIAF 2015 Mi-8 0835 2.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union VIP Transport helicopter2End of service expected in 2025. [154]
PZL W-3 Sokół PZL Swidnik W3A vr.jpg Flag of Poland.svg  Poland SAR helicopter
Transport helicopter
Received from Poland in exchange for 10 Mikoyan MiG-29 in 1995. [155] [156]
Trainer helicopters
Enstrom 480B Enstrom 480B-G CLV 0460.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Trainer helicopter6
Mil Mi-17 Mil Mi-17, Czech Republic - Air Force AN2087553.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Trainer helicopter5

Other equipment

OM-90 OM-90.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Air purifying respirator UnknownThe OM-90 is a Czech gas mask designed in 1990, it is currently still in service. The threads are 40mmx3.6mm.[ citation needed ]
UGV-Pz [157] Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Unmanned ground reconnaissance vehicleUnknown

Proposed and in negotiation purchases

These are vehicles, which could in theory enter service with the Czech Army in the future.

120mm Self Propelled Mortar Patria NEMO 120 mm.jpg Flag of Finland.svg  Finland

Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic

120 mm remote-controlled mortar74Expected to be ordered 2031–2035, with current contenders being Rak, Amos and Nemo. These three mortars would be adapted to fit on the Pandur chassis. [158] [159] [75]
Military engineering vehicle Dutch Bushmaster with remote turret 2008.jpg Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Route clearance version
Explosive Ordnance Disposal version
Combat engineering version
50Planned ordering of up to 82 MRAPs for the Czech Army has been established in the KVAČR 2035, the most likely candidate is the Australian Bushmaster MRAP however, Czech MOD may choose the TITUS instead because of the established home production and due to the fact of it already being present within the Czech Army. [160]
Embraer Phenom 300 Embraer Phenom 300 at Christmas Island Airport.jpg Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil VIP Transport2Negotiated together with purchase of C-390. Delivery expected in 2025–26. [161]
CH-47 CH-47 Chinook helicopter flyby.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Heavy lift helicopter6The Czech Government has defined the need to replace the Mi-17. It has been established that the Czech Republic is expecting to begin the acquisition process for 6 heavy-lift helicopters. While the specific type is not known, it is predicted that it will be the Chinook. Currently the order is expected in 2030–2035. [162] [75]
AH-1Z Viper AH-1Z Viper (USMC) Pendleton 107.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Attack helicopter +12Slovakia was offered 12 heavily discounted AH-1Z Viper helicopters by the US Government. [163] However, after elections, new Slovak Government stated that they might forgo on the offer. [164] Czech Army stated interest in taking over this order in case Slovakia declines to accept the helicopters. [165]
UH-1Y UH-1Y Venom Okinawa.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Utility helicopter +6Possibility of ordering 6 transport helis has been established in KVACR 2035. These will most likely be UH-1Y Venoms. [162] Other potential options include the NH90 and the AW101, though very unlikely.

Reserve equipment

Reserve firearms

NamePhotoCountry of originTypeCaliberNotes
CZ 75 SP-01 Phantom CZ 75 Phantom.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Semi-automatic pistol 9×19mm Parabellum Standard issue pistol since 2012, their replacement decided in 2020.

Progressive withdrawal to be completed by 2025, and being added to the reserve. [2]

Submachine guns
Škorpion vz. 61 Skorpion PICT0105.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Submachine gun / PDW .32 ACP Formerly used as side-arm of heavy equipment operators (tank crews, pilots, etc.).
Assault rifles, battle rifles and carbines
CZ 805 BREN Cz805.png Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Assault rifle 5.56×45mm NATO Standard issue rifle since 2012, their replacement decided in 2020.

Progressive withdrawal to be completed by 2025, and being added to the reserve. [166]

Bushmaster M4A3

(XM15-E2S M4A3)

Bushmaster M4A3 (cropped).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Carbine 5.56×45mm NATO Previously wider use with paratroopers and special forces, those are now in reserve. [167]
Samopal vz. 58 Sa 58-JH01.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Assault rifle Stored as reserve. 1959 - 2011 standard service rifle.
Machine guns
UK vz. 59 UK vz.59.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia General-purpose machine gun.Reserve only. 1960–2021 standard-issue machine gun.
Sniper rifles


SVD Dragunov.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Designated marksman rifleReserve only. Standard issue DSM 1980s - 2022. [168]
Grenades and grenade launchers
URG-86 hand grenade.jpg
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Hand grenade Reserve only, replaced by SplHGr 85 and OffHGr 85
F-1 F1 grenade travmatik com 01 by-sa.jpg Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Hand grenade Reserve only replaced by UGR-86
CIS 40 GL Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore Under barrel grenade launcher. 40×46 mm LV In the reserve, used under the Samopal vz. 58 assault rifle.

It was in use by the 601st Special Forces Group. [10]

See also



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