List of equipment of the Russian Ground Forces

Last updated

Estimated list of the equipment of the Russian Ground Forces in service as of 2024. Due to ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, quantities of operational equipment are highly uncertain and details of reactivated equipment and observed losses included in the Details. Also note that this list does not include information on Ukrainian equipment captured by Russian forces during the invasion. Equipment used by the First Donetsk Army Corps and Second Guards Lugansk-Severodonetsk Army Corps are listed separately.


Small arms

Makarov PM Pistolet Makarova.png 9×18mm Makarov Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Semi-automatic pistol Still used in substantial numbers by the Russian Armed Forces. [1]
PB PB pistol.jpg 9×18mm Makarov Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Suppressed semi-automatic pistolUsed by special forces. [2]
Stechkin APS Stechkin-APS.jpg 9×18mm Makarov Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Machine pistol Issued to vehicle crews and pilots in Chechnya. [3]
PSS silent pistol Pistolet samozariadnyi spetsial'nyi, 6P28 PSS Vul - OSN Satrun 01.jpg 7.62×42mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Semi-automatic pistolUsed by special forces. [3]
Makarov PMM Pistolet PMM - OSN Saturn 03.jpg 9×18mm Makarov Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Semi-automatic pistol12 round magazine. Issued in limited numbers. [4]
MP-443 Grach 9-mm pistolet Iarygina PIa - 70-letiiu pobedy v Stalingradskoi bitve na territorii FGUP "TsNIITOChMASh" 01.jpg 9x19 Parabellum Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Semi-automatic pistolService pistol adopted in 2003 to replace the aging Makarov PM for frontline units. [5]
GSh-18 GSh-18 pistol at Celebration of 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad in TSNIITOCHMASH.jpg 9x19 Parabellum Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Semi-automatic pistolService pistol adopted to replace the aging Makarov PM. [6]
SR-1 Vektor Pistolet SR1M - Moskovskogo OMONa 02.jpg 9×21mm Gyurza Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Semi-automatic pistolUsed by Spetsnaz units. [5]
SR-2 Udav Pistolet Udav.jpg 9×21mm Gyurza Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Semi-automatic pistolPossible replacement to the aging Makarov PM. [5]
Submachine Guns
PP-19 Vityaz Pistolet-pulemet PP-19-01 Vitiaz'-SN - OSN Satrun 01.jpg 9×19mm Parabellum Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Submachine gun Used by Spetsnaz units. [7]
PP-2000 PP-2000 with detached magazine.jpg 9×19mm Parabellum Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Submachine gun Delivered in November 2023. [8]
KS-23 KS-23M-16.jpg 23×75mmRFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Pump-action combat shotgun Used by Spetsnaz units. [9]
Saiga-12 Saiga 12K 030.jpg 12-gauge Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Semi-automatic combat shotgunUsed by Spetsnaz units. [9]
Bolt action rifles
Mosin–Nagant M1891/30 Mosin-Nagant M1891.png 7.62×54mmR Flag of Russia.svg  Russian Empire
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Bolt-action rifle Seen in use by conscripts during the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. [10]
AKS-74U AKS74U (noBG).jpg 5.45×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Carbine [11] :24
SR-3 Vikhr Oboronexpo2014part4-26.jpg 9×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Carbine Used by special forces. [12] [13]
Assault rifles
AEK-971 AEK 971 noBG.png 5.45×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Assault rifleLimited use, KORD variant is adopted as part of the Ratnik program. [14]
AK-74 Ak74l noBG.png 5.45×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Assault rifleLimited use. [11] :24
AKS-74 AKS-74.png 5.45×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Assault rifleLimited use. [11] :24
AN-94 AN-94 assault rifle at Engineering Technologies 2012.jpg 5.45×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Assault rifleLimited used by Spetsnaz units. [7] [15]
AKM AKM automatkarbin - 7,62x39mm.jpg 7.62×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Assault rifle Limited use with Russian naval infantry, armoured, and special forces. [11] :24
AKMS AKMS - 7,62x39mm - Armemuseum.jpg 7.62×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Assault rifleLimited use with Russian naval infantry, armoured, and special forces. Seen in use with PBS-1 suppressors. [11] :24
AS Val AS Val (541-03).jpg 9×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Suppressed assault rifleLimited use by special forces. [16]
AK-74M Servicerifle-ak-74.png 5.45×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Assault rifleStandard issue rifle. [16]
AK-74M UUK AK-74M UNIVERSAL.UPGRADE.KIT.jpg 5.45×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Assault rifleUpgrade kit for the AK-74M, consisting of a new safety, dust cover and furniture featuring improved ergonomics and rails. [17]
AK-12 AK-12.png 5.45×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Assault rifleUsed by elite forces under the Ratnik program. [14]
AK-103 Ak103 m.jpg 7.62×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Assault rifle [7]
AK-15 AK-15 Assault Rifle Army-2022 2022-08-20 2385.jpg 7.62×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Assault rifleDeveloped under the Ratnik program, it's expected to replace the AK-103. [18]
Machine guns
RPK-74M RPK-74M (1).jpg 5.45×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Light machine gun Standard issue light machine gun. [11] :24
PKM PK machine gun.jpg 7.62×54mmR Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union General-purpose machine gun Standard issue GPMG. [11] :24 To be replaced with the PKP Pecheneg. [19]
PKP Pecheneg PKP Pecheneg machine gun - RaceofHeroes-part2-19.jpg 7.62×54mmR Flag of Russia.svg  Russia General-purpose machine gunReplacing the PKM. [19] It supplements the PKMs in service during the Russo-Ukrainian War. [11] :24
DShK FieldTraining2017-03.jpg 12.7×108mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Heavy machine gun Still used in the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. [20]
NSV NSV machine gun-04.jpg 12.7×108mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Heavy machine gunStandard service heavy machine gun. Being replaced by the Kord. [21]
Kord 12,7-mm pulemet Kord - Interpolitekh-2011 01.jpg 12.7×108mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Heavy machine gunEntered service in 1998, it currently supplements the NSVs in service. [21]
Sniper rifles and designated marksman rifles
VSS Vintorez Vss vintorez 01.jpeg 9×39mm Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Semi-automatic suppressed designated marksman rifleUsed by special forces. [16] Selected as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [14]
Dragunov SVD 7.62×54mmR Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Semi-automatic designated marksman rifle Main service designated marksman rifle. [16] [22] The modernized SVDM is also used. [23]
SV-98 SV-98 Sniping competition for The Armourers Day 12.jpg 7.62×54mmR Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Bolt-action sniper rifle [24]
Orsis T-5000 ORSIS T-5000 .308Win Sniping competition for The Armourers Day 03.jpg

.338 Lapua Magnum

Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Bolt-action sniper rifleReplacing the Dragunov SVD in the sniping role. [22]
BeSpokeGun Raptor Tactical .338 LM.338 Lapua MagnumFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Sniper rifleCustomary-made in small batches. [25]
Lobaev Sniper Rifle [26] OVL-3-rifle-02.jpg .338 Lapua MagnumFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Bolt-action sniper rifleThe new batches of DXL-5, manufactured for the Russian army, are made under the Russian cartridge 12.7×108mm. [27]
ASVK ASVK at Celebration of 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad in TSNIITOCHMASH 01.jpg 12.7×108mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Anti-materiel rifle Used by special forces. [16] The modernized ASVK-M Kord-M is being adopted by the Russian army. [23]
OSV-96 OSV-96 12,7-mm snaiperskaia vintovka - MAKS-2009 01.jpg 12.7×108mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Anti-materiel rifleUsed by Spetsnaz units. [28]
Recoilless rifle
SPG-9 SPG-9M rus.jpeg 73 mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Recoilless rifle [29]
Grenade launchers
GP-25/30/34 [11] :22 GP-25 at Tula State Museum of Weapons.jpg 40mm VOG-25Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Underslug grenade launcher Can be fitted to AKM, AK-74, AN-94, and AK-100 series rifles. [30]
GM-94 Grenade-launcher-GM-94.jpg 43×30mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Multi-shot grenade launcher Used by special forces. [11] :26
RG-6/6G30 RG-6 Interpolitex-2011.jpg 40mm VOG-25Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Multi-shot grenade launcher [31]
AGS-17 30-mm avtomaticheskii granatomet AGS-17 Plamia.jpg 30×29mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Automatic grenade launcher [11] :26
AGS-30 AGS-30 maks2009.jpg 30×29mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Automatic grenade launcher [11] :26
AGS-40 Balkan AGS-40 grenade launcher - Oboronexpo2014part4-46.jpg 40mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Automatic grenade launcherRecommended to enter service in 2021, after the completion of operational tests and evaluation which began in 2018. [32]
Rocket propelled grenade launchers
RPG-18 RPG-18-cutaway.JPG 64 mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Rocket-propelled grenadeSingle-shot disposable launcher. [11] :26
RPG-22 RPG-22 at exhibition <<Presence>>.png 72.5mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Rocket propelled grenadeSingle-shot disposable launcher. [11] :26
RPG-26 Grenade launchers RPG-26.jpg 72.5mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Rocket propelled grenadeSingle-shot disposable launcher. [11] :26
RPG-27 Tula State Museum of Weapons (79-58) (cropped) RPG-27.jpg 105mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Rocket propelled grenadeSingle-shot disposable launcher. [33]
RPG-29 RPG-29 USGov.JPG 105mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Reusable rocket propelled grenade [34]
RPG-28 [35] RPG-28 grenade launcher at Interpolitex-2016 01.jpg 125 mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Rocket propelled grenadeSingle-shot disposable launcher.
RPG-32 105mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Reusable rocket-propelled grenade [33]
MRO-A Tactical exercises of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops units at Shikhani training ground (410-38).jpg 72.5mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Thermobaric rocket propelled grenade [11] :48,85
9M111M Fagot-M [29] POLK 9K111 Fagot.jpg 120mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Wire-guided anti-tank missile Designated AT-4C "Spigot C" by NATO.
9M113M Konkurs-M Airborne troops of Russia & SOF of Belarus 01.jpg 135mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Wire-guided anti-tank missileDesignated AT-5B "Spandrel B" by NATO. [36]
9K115 Metis 9P151.jpg 94mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Wire-guided anti-tank missileDesignated AT-7 "Saxhorn" by NATO. [29]
9М131 Metis-M/9М131M Metis-M1 [29] Metis-M1 (3).jpg 130mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Wire-guided anti-tank missileDesignated AT-13 "Saxhorn-2" by NATO.
9M133 Kornet 9M133 Kornet.JPG 152mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Beam-riding anti-tank guided missileDesignated AT-14 "Spriggan" by NATO. [29]
9K34 Strela-3 SA-14 missile and launch tube.jpg 75mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Man-portable air-defense systemDesignated SA-14 "Gremlin" by NATO. [29]
9K38 Igla SA-18 misil y lanzador.jpg 72mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Man-portable air-defense systemDesignated SA-18 "Grouse" by NATO. [29]
9K38 Igla-S IGLA-S MANPADS at IDELF-2008.jpg 72mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Man-portable air-defense systemDesignated SA-24 "Grinch" by NATO. [29]
9K333 Verba MAKS2015part7-48.jpg 72mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Man-portable air-defense systemDesignated SA-29 "Gizmo" by NATO. [29] Equipped with an automated fire control system. [37] [38]
Hand grenades
F1 F1 grenade travmatik com 01 by-sa.jpg 55 mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Hand grenade

Some were used as booby-traps in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. [39]

Rgd 5 hand grenade.jpeg
56 mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Hand grenadeSome were used as booby-traps in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. [39]
RGN RGN offensive hand grenade Navy.jpg 60mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Hand grenade4 meter kill radius, 3.8 second fuse, will detonate on impact after being armed for 1.8 seconds. [40] Some were used as booby-traps in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. [39]
RGO RGO defensive grenade Navy.jpg 60mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Hand grenade 6 meter kill radius, 3.8 second fuse, will detonate on impact after being armed for 1.8 seconds. [40]
RDG-2 RDG-2B.png Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Smoke grenade
RDG-U Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Smoke grenade Accepted for supply in September 2023. [41]
RKG-3 RKG-3 hand grenade Navy.jpg 362 mmFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-tank grenade 15–20 m Effective firing range
MON-50 [11] Non armed mon50 anti-personnel clustermine.jpg Tripwire/CommandFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-personnel mine Propels ~485/540 steel projectiles to a kill radius of 50 meters.
MON-90 [11] Tyumen higher military command School of engineering 07.jpg Tripwire/CommandFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-personnel minePropels ~2000 steel projectiles to a kill radius of 90 meters.
MON-100 [11] MON-100 2 (ORDATA).jpg Tripwire/CommandFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-personnel minePropels ~400 steel projectiles to a kill radius of 100 meters.
MON-200 [39] Tripwire/CommandFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-personnel mineA larger and more powerful version of the MON-100.
OZM [11] OZM 3, 4 und 72.jpg Tripwire/Command/PressureFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-personnel mine~500g TNT, fragmentation mine.
POMZ Tripwire/Command/PressureFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-personnel mine~75g TNT, fragmentation mine.
PMN [39] PMN (rechts) und PMN 2.jpeg PressureFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-personnel mine~240g TNT, anti-personnel blast mine.
TM-46 TM-46 AP-mine.JPEG PressureFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-tank mine 5.7 kg TNT.
TM-57 TM-57 held with tilt fuze.jpg PressureFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-tank mine6.3 kg TNT.
TM-62 [11] Winz7.jpg PressureFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Anti-tank mine7.5 kg TNT.
TM-83 [39] TM-83 - Na poligone inzhenernykh voisk v podmoskovnom Nikolo-Uriupino pokazali boevuiu rabotu Uran-6 i Uran-14 01.jpg Seismic sensor/Optical sensorFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Anti-tank mine~13 kg TNT.
TM-89 Magnetic sensorFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Anti-tank mine~10 kg TNT.


2B14 Podnos
2B14 Podnos at "Engineering Technologies 2010" forum.jpg
82 mm medium mortar 800+ [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
2S12 Sani
2S12 Sani (heavy mortar system).jpg
120 mm heavy mortar675 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 500 in storage. [42]
2B9 Vasilek [43]
2B9 Vasilek mortar-4058.JPG
82 mm gun-mortar  ?Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 16 July 2024 at least 18 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2B16 Nona-K
2B16 gun-howitzer-mortar 3.jpg
120 mm gun-mortar75 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 16 July 2024, at least 13 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2S23 Nona-SVK
120 mm self-propelled gun-mortar 24 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 16 July 2024, at least 65 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2S34 Chosta
2S34 Chosta.JPG
120 mm self-propelled gun-mortar40 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 16 July 2024, at least 4 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2S40 Floks 2S40 Flox.jpg 120 mm self-propelled gun-mortarSome [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
2S4 Tyulpan
240mm self-propelled mortar39 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 160 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 50 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Field artillery
2A29 MT-12 Rapira
100 mm anti-tank gun 500 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 800 T-12/M-12 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 32 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2A18 D-30
122- mm gaubitsa D-30 (1).jpg
122 mm howitzer200 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 1,000+ in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 103 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
M-30 122mm howitzer M1938 (M-30) in Perm.jpg 122 mm howitzer50 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 1,000+ in storage. [42]
M-46 Lutsk.jpg
130 mm howitzer50 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 300 in storage. [42]
Park of Victory (Staraya Russa) 02.jpg
152 mm howitzer20+ [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 500 in storage. [42]
Artileriis'ki pidrozdili VMS ZS Ukrayini vikonali boiovi stril'bi.jpg
152 mm gun-howitzer50 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 700 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 36 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2A36 Giatsint-B
152-mm pushka Giatsint-B (5).jpg
152 mm howitzer 150 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 350 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 47 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2A65 Msta-B
2A65 Msta-B.JPG
152 mm howitzer150 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 100 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 120 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Self-propelled artillery
2S1 Gvozdika
6742 - Moscow - Poklonnaya Hill - Tank.JPG
122 mm Self-propelled howitzer 400 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 1,000 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 134 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2S3 Akatsiya
2C3 Uraltransmash.jpg
152 mm self-propelled howitzer600 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 500+ in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 166 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2S5 Giatsint-S
Self-propelled gun 2S5 "Giatsint-S" with 152-mm gun 2A37..JPG
152 mm self-propelled howitzer100 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 300 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 67 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2S19 Msta
152 mm self-propelled howitzer450 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
2S19/2S19M1 Msta-S and 2S19M2/2S33 Msta-SM variants used. 50 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 205 2S19M1 and 47 2S19M2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
2S35 Koalitsiya-SV
152 mm self-propelled howitzer≈8 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia State tests were completed on October 20, 2023, which allows to launch its mass production. [45]
2S43 Malva
2S43 Malva.jpg
152 mm self-propelled howitzer20 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
2S7 Pion
2S7 Pion self-propelled gun in Polish service.jpg
203 mm self-propelled howitzer125 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
75 moderinzed to the 2S7M Malka variant. 50+ in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 25 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Rocket artillery
BM-21 Grad
Russian BM-21 Grad in Saint Petersburg.JPG
122 mm multiple rocket launcher 650 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 700 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 228 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9A53-G Tornado-G
Combat vehicle 2B17-1 from 9K51M Tornado-G MLRS - TankBiathlon14part2-47.jpg
122 mm multiple rocket launcher200 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 6 July 2024, at least 19 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BM-27 Uragan
9K57 Uragan 2.jpg
220 mm multiple rocket launcher175 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 550 in storage. [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 85 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
TOS-1A Solntsepyok
220 mm thermobaric multiple rocket launcher36 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
TOS-1 Buratino developed in the 1980s for the Soviet Army. Improved TOS-1A variant entered service in 2001–2003. [46] As of 16 July 2024, at least 28 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
TOS-2 Tosochka
TOS-2 on Ural-63706 Army-2022 2022-08-20 2300.jpg
220 mm thermobaric multiple rocket launcherSome [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
TOS-3 Drakon TOS-3 Dragon.png 220 mm thermobaric multiple rocket launcherSome [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Undergoing trials. [42]
BM-30 Smerch
9K58 Smerch 3.jpg
300 mm multiple rocket launcher100 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 16 July 2024, at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9K515 Tornado S Tornado-S - Army 2024-08-14 44.jpg 300 mm multiple rocket launcher20 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Uragan-1M - Trenirovka kursantov Mikhailovskoi voennoi artilleriiskoi akademii 02.jpg
Universal 220 mm-300 mm multiple rocket launcher6 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Built to replace BM-27 Uragan and BM-30 Smerch.
Anti-aircraft artillery
ZU-23-2 Zu-23 30 M1-3 - InnovationDay2013part1-40.jpg 23 mm towed anti-aircraft gun? [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
AZP S-60 Zagan 57 mm armata plot S 60.jpg 57 mm towed anti-aircraft gun? [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
ZSU-23-4 Shilka
ZSU-23-4 Shilka 01.jpg
23 mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun 100 [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union All kept in storage. [47] As of 16 July 2024, at least 8 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Surface-to-air missiles
9K35M3 Strela-10M3/MN
Strela 10.jpg
Short range300 [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Designated SA-13 "Gopher" by NATO. [47] As of 16 July 2024, at least 46 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9K22 Tunguska
VDay Parade Rehearsal Moscow03.jpg
190 [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Designated SA-19 "Grison" by NATO. 50 in storage. [47] As of 16 July 2024, at least 14 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9K33 Osa
9K33 Osa of the Russian Army.jpg
100 [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Designated SA-8 "Gecko" by NATO. 150 in storage. [47] As of 16 July 2024, at least 24 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Tor missile system
TOR-2M (27102989757).jpg
129+ [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Designated SA-15 "Gauntlet" by NATO. M1/M2/M2U/M2DT variants used. [47] As of 16 July 2024, at least 58 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Buk missile system
Buk-MB3K missile loading machine (6).jpg
Medium range310 [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
100 in storage. [47] As of 16 July 2024, at least 79 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Almaz Antey S-300/S-300V4
9A83ME TEL - Antey-2500 SAM 02.jpg
Long range? [47] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Designated SA-12A/B "Gladiator/Giant" by NATO. [47] As of 16 July 2024, at least 11 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Tactical ballistic missile systems
Fath 360 IRGC Ground New Equipment 2021 (73).jpg Short-range tactical ballistic missile ? [42] Flag of Iran.svg  Iran
Diagram of KN-23.svg
Short-range tactical ballistic missileAt least 50 missiles [48] Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea [42]
OTR-21 Tochka
Tochka-U rep parad Yekat.jpg
Short-range tactical ballistic missile50 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union In 2022, it was estimated that Russia still had 200 missiles in service, even though they were largely replaced by the Iskander. [49]
9K720 Iskander-M
Short-range tactical ballistic missile162 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Some 9M728 and 9M729 Iskander-K cruise missiles are also used. [42]


Tanks (There are up to 2,900 tanks in storage in addition to the numbers below) [42]
T-54 BAHNA 2018 - 189.jpg Main battle tank 70 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Withdrawn from storage in the beginning of March 2023. [50] T-54-3s, T-54Bs, T-54Ms, T-55As and T-55A Mod. 1981s were seen in videos on trains. [51] At least one was converted into a remote-controlled VBIED and destroyed. [52] As of 16 July 2024, at least 11 (2 T-54-3M, 1 T-54B, 3 T-55A and 5 unknown variants) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
T-62 Verkhnyaya Pyshma Tank Museum 2011 187.jpg Main battle tank600 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
T-62, T-62M and T-62MV withdrawn from storage and participating in ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. [53] [54] As of 16 July 2024, at least 164 (3 T-62 Obr. 1967, 2 T-62 Obr. 1972, 95 T-62M, 15 T-62M Obr. 2022, 27 T-62MV, 9 T-62MV Obr. 2022 and 13 of unknown variant) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
T-64 2019-05-09. Den' Pobedy v Donetske N 146.jpg Main battle tank50 [42] As of 16 July 2024, at least 94 (3 T-64A, 88 T-64BV and 2 T-64BVK) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
T-72 2021 Moscow Victory Day Parade 022.jpg Main battle tank700 (T-72A/AV/B/BA) [42]
470 (T-72B3/B3M) [42]
Unknown number brought back from storage because of the losses during the Russian invasion of Ukraine and upgraded/rebuild. [55] As of 16 July 2024, at least 1,515 (4 T-72 Ural, 44 T-72A, 21 T-72AV, 349 T-72B, 106 T-72B Obr. 1989, 106 T-72B Obr. 2022., 32 T-72BA, 369 T-72B3, 3 T-72B3 Obr. 2014, 276 T-72B3 Obr. 2016, 56 T-72B3 Obr. 2022 and 153 unknown variants) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
T-80 T-80BVM.jpg Main battle tank200 (T-80BV/U) [42]
270 (T-80BVM) [42]
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Unknown number of tanks brought back from storage because of the losses during the Russian invasion of Ukraine and upgraded/rebuilt. [55] As of 16 July 2024, at least 940 (4 T-80B, 584 T-80BV, 4 T-80BVK, 36 T-80BV Obr. 2022, 98 T-80U, 2 T-80UK, 7 T-80UE-1, the only T-80UM2, 125 T-80BVM, 24 T-80BVM Obr. 2022 and 21 unknown variants) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
T-90 T-90M.jpg Main battle tank370 [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia T-90M variant used. Some T-90A/S are also used. [42]

As of 16 July 2024, at least 151 (40 T-90A, 1 T-90AK, 10 T-90S and 100 T-90M) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]

Infantry fighting vehicles (There are up to 3,000 BMP-1/2s in storage in addition to the numbers below) [42]
BMP-1 467th Guards District Training Center (414-06).jpg Infantry fighting vehicle 750 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union BMP-1 and BMP-1AM variants used. [42] As of 17 July 2024, at least 854 (780 BMP-1(P), 49 BMP-1AM, 22 BMP-1 675sb3KDZ and 3 BMP-1U Shkval) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. An additional 198 losses in the list that are either BMP-1 or BMP-2, but for which a definitive classification as either cannot be made. [44]
BMP-2 Army2016demo-007.jpg Infantry fighting vehicle550 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union BMP-2 and BMP-2M variants used. [42] As of 17 July 2024, at least 1,522 (1,325 BMP-2(K), 17 BMP-2D, 37 BMP-2M, 136 BMP-2 675-sb3KDZ and 7 BMP-2M 675-sb3KDZ) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. An additional 198 losses in the list that are either BMP-1 or BMP-2, but for which a definitive classification as either cannot be made. [44]
BMP-3 Army2016demo-011.jpg Infantry fighting vehicle650 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
BMP-3 and BMP-3M variants used. [42] As of 17 July 2024, at least 505 (350 BMP-3, 37 BMP-3 Obr. 2020, 111 BMP-3 688A-sb6-2KP and 1 BMP-3 4S24 NKD) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BMPT Terminator Tank support combat vehicle "Terminator".jpg Tank support combat vehicle8+ [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 3 have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Tank destroyers
9P149 Shturm-S/SM 9P149.jpg Mobile anti-tank guided missile system  ? [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Based on the MT-LB chassis. As of 10 May 2024 at least 37 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9P157-2 Khrizantema-S/SP Khrizantema 1.jpg Mobile anti-tank guided missile system ? [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on the BMP-3 chassis. [56] [57]
9P163M-1 Kornet-T Kornet-T in 1000th Training Center of Rocket and Artillery Troops 01.jpg Mobile anti-tank guided missile system ? [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on the BMP-3 chassis. As of 10 May 2024 at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9P163-3 Kornet-D VDayRehearsal05052016-05.jpg Mobile anti-tank guided missile system ? [42] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on the GAZ-2975 chassis. [58]
M-2010 ATGM M-2010 Chunma-D.webp Mobile anti-tank guided missile system ? [42] Flag of North Korea.svg  North Korea
BRDM-2 BRDM-2 in Korolyov Moscow Oblast.jpg Armoured scout car Some [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 100 BRDM-2/-2A, and 500 other variants kept in storage. [42] As of 10 May 2024 at least 11 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BRM-1K TB2015ExhibitionP2-33.jpg Command vehicle200 [42] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Personnel carriers
MT-LB RWS2017-37.jpg Armoured personnel carrier Active: 2,500

Reserve: 1,000 [59]

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union At least 50 modernized MT-LB VM1K. [60] As of 10 May 2024 at least 1,057 (772 MT-LB, 203 MT-LBVM and MT-LBVMK, 54 MT-LBs with guns, 14 MT-LBu and 14 MT-LBM 6MB) have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BTR-50 BTR-50 Museum of National Military History (Russia).jpg Armoured personnel carrierFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Unknown number returned to service in 2023 to support the Russian invasion of Ukraine [61] As of 10 May 2024 at least 5 have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine [44]
BTR-60 BTR-60PB DA-ST-89-06597.jpg Armoured personnel carrierActive: 800 [59] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024, at least 1 BTR-60PB has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [44]
BTR-70 BTR70 002.jpg Armoured personnel carrier200 [59] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024 at least 14 (6 BTR-70 and 8 BTR-70M) have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BTR-80 Bronetransport 80.jpg Armoured personnel carrier1,200 [59] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
As of 10 May 2024, at least 985 (204 BTR-80, 622 BTR-82A(M), 104 BTR-82AT and 55 unknown BTR-80/BTR-82A) have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BTR-90 BTR-90 (2).jpg Armoured personnel carrier12 [62] or 80 [63] –139 [64] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Seen in use in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. [65] As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine [44]
SBA-60K2 Bulat Russia Arms Expo 2013 (531-46).jpg Armoured personnel carrier15–30 [66] [67] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Another 50 vehicles on order. [68]
KAMAZ-5350-379 KamAZ-5350-379.jpg Armoured personnel carrierUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is equipped with the MM-501 armoured module. [69]
BMO-T Heavy flamethrower personnel carrier BMO-T (1).jpg Heavy flamethrower personnel carrierUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [70] [71] [44] As of 10 May 2024 at least 4 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Ural Typhoon Ural-63099 armored vehicle-2012-04.jpg Mine-resistant ambush-protected truck 237 [72] [73] [74] [75] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Part of the Typhoon program.[ citation needed ]
Kamaz Typhoon KamAZ-63968 Typhoon - Engineering technologies 2012 (1).jpg Mine-resistant ambush-protected truckFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 28 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Logistics and utility
Z-STS Z-STS KamAZ-5350 Army-2022 2022-08-20 2668.jpg Infantry mobility vehicle More than 150Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [76] As of 10 May 2024 at least 16 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
AMN-590951 Spartak (VPK-Ural) 2023 Moscow Victory Day Parade 38.jpg Infantry mobility vehicle Several hundreds (reportedly) [77] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
GAZ-2975 Tigr Alabino22042016-06.jpg Infantry mobility vehicle 2,000 [78] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Organic 4x4 LUV of the Russian Armed Forces. [79] Tigr-M variant entered service in the first half of 2013. [80] As of 10 May 2024 at least 15 Gaz Tigr and 165 Gaz Tigr-M's have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Asteis Infantry mobility vehicle UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Entered service in May 2024. [81]
Iveco LMV Iveco LMV Lynx photo004.jpg Infantry mobility vehicle418 [82] [83] Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Production halted. [83] As of 10 May 2024, at least 34 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Linza Army-2018-50.jpg Combat Ambulance UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Deliveries started in 2020. [84] As of 10 May 2024, at least 13 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [44]
UAZ-452 ParkPatriot2015part4-14.jpg Light utility vehicle UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024 at least 113 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
UAZ-469 ParkPatriot2015part4-12.jpg Light utility vehicleUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024, at least 37 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
UAZ-3132 Brown UAZ-3132.jpg Light utility vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [ citation needed ]
UAZ-3163 Patriot Army2016-408.jpg Light utility vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Partial replacement of UAZ-469. [85] As of 10 May 2024, at least 6 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Desertcross 1000-3 Utility terrain vehicle 2,100 purchased [86] Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  People's Republic of China 85-horsepower ATV lacking weapons and armor, nicknamed ″golf carts″ by Forbes. [86]
E-scooter [87] [88] Bolt Electric Scooter (Warsaw) in 2020.03.jpg Motorized scooter UnknownElectric scooters are one of the typically civilian vehicles used by Russian soldiers in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, where they are used for transport on the front. Electrek speculated that the continued loss of armored vehicles may have played a role in Russia adopting such vehicles for its military. [89]
Dirt bike [90] [91] Are Apollo Dirt Bikes Good%3F.png Motorcycle UnknownFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  People's Republic of China
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus
Began being issued to Russian front-line soldiers in spring 2024 to help mitigate growing shortages of armored vehicles. [92] [93]
Haval H9 Haval H9 China 2015-04-08.jpg Sport utility vehicle UnknownFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  People's Republic of China Locally produced. It has won the tender to become the main SUV of the Army and it is being massively supplied. [94]
ASMP LuidorSpecial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is based on a GAZelle vehicle. [95]
KamAZ-43501 Kamaz P9190209.JPG Light cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Ural 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division (395-52).jpg Light cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024, at least 170 Ural-43206, 30 Ural Federal, 4 Ural-5323, 15 Ural-63704-0010 Tornado-U and 1 Ural-542301 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
GAZ-33097 27th Independent Sevastopol Guards Motor Rifle Brigade (182-3).jpg Light cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
GAZ-3308 Interpolitex2016part2-11.jpg Light cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Ural-4320 Ural-4320 - ETIF-2010 (1).jpg Medium cargo truck8000+Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024, at least 923 trucks and 178 tankers have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
KamAZ-5350 Interpolitex 2011 (402-25).jpg Medium cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 947 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
KamAZ-65115 Army2016-343.jpg Medium cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
ZIL-4334 ParkPatriot2015part4-20.jpg Medium cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
KamAZ-6350 Mustang KamAZ-6350 truck, 2011.jpg Heavy cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 19 December 2023 at least 16 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Ural-5323 Ural-5323.jpg Heavy cargo truckUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
KamAZ-65225 KamAZ military tank transporter.jpg Heavy tractor unit UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
PTS PTS-2 - RaceofHeroes-part2-35.jpg Amphibious tracked transport carrierUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union PTS-4 variant passed tests in 2011. [96] As of 10 May 2024 at least 16 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
DT30 Vityaz DT-30P1 Vityaz 1.jpg Articulated tracked transport vehicle UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union [97] [98]
GAZ-3351 Los' Interpolitex 2013 (534-32).jpg Articulated tracked transport vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
GAZ-3344 GAZ-3344.jpg Articulated tracked transport vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [99] [100]
Plastun-SN "Plastun" snow-swamp vehicles during the "Armiya 2022" exhibition (front view).jpg All-terrain tracked vehiclesUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [101]
Military engineering
BREM-1M [ citation needed ]
BREM-1 - ETIF-2010 (1).jpg Armoured recovery vehicle UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
As of 10 May 2024 at least 63 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BREM-L "Beglianka" BREM-L - TankBiathlon14part2-15.jpg Armoured recovery vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
BREM-K BREM-K - TankBiathlon14part2-04.jpg Wheeled armoured recovery vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 4 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [44]
REM-KL TB2015ExhibitionP3-19.jpg Wheeled armoured recovery vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [102] Based on an all-terrain vehicle URAL-532362. [103] As of 10 May 2024 at least 9 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
REM-KS on BAZ-6910 chassis (1).jpg
Repair and recovery vehicle UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Based On a BAZ-6910 Chassis. [104]
IRM "Zhuk" Army2016demo-103.jpg Engineer reconnaissance vehicle UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
BAT-2 OpenWater2017qualifying-44.jpg Combat engineering vehicle UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2022 at least 10 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Engineering Technologies - 2012 (5-47).jpg Combat engineering vehicleUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
[105] As of 10 May 2024 at least 34 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
KRVD/MRTO-I/PIRK/MTO-UB and PARM-1AM1Combat engineering vehicle [106] /Mobile repair complexesUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia The first 4 are based on a KAMAZ-63501 and URAL-4320 or KAMAZ-5350 vehicles. [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113]
MTU-90 2.jpg Tracked armoured vehicle-launched bridge UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
As of 10 May 2024 at least 4 MTU-72 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
TMM-3 Army2016-362.jpg Wheeled vehicle-launched bridgeUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia TMM-3M2 variant replacing TMM-3M entered service in 2016 and is based on a KAMAZ-53501 vehicle. [114] [115] [116] As of 10 May 2024 at least 26 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
TMM-6 TMM-6 bridgelayer - Omsk 2009 - 02.jpg Wheeled vehicle-launched bridgeUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
GMZ-3 Engineering Technologies - 2012 (5-41).jpg Minelayer UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024 at least 5 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
MKDM Minelayer UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on the Rosomakha quadbike. [117]
BMR-3M Engineering Technologies - 2012 (5-36).jpg Armoured mine clearing vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Russian Defense Ministry said six were delivered in November 2018. [118]
MICR (МИКР)/EOV-25321/TO-25 and TO-18Mine clearing vehicle/Excavator/TractorsUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [119] [120]
UR-77 Meteorit
Openwater2016-47.jpg Armoured mine-clearing line charge launcherUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
As of 10 May 2024 at least 34 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BAZ-6403 BAZ-6403.01 tank transporter.jpg Tank transporter UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [121]
Ural-63704 Army2016-468.jpg Tank transporterUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [122]
MDK-3 MDK-3 ditching machine at the Togliatti Technical Museum.jpg Trencher UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024 at least 3 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
BTM-3 trenching vehicle at Park Patriot 02.jpg
TrencherUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44] [123]
PBU-100 Army2016-354.jpg Drilling vehicle UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
B10M2S and BTS-150B Army2016-327.jpg Armored bulldozer/Tracked drilling rig UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [124] [125] B10M2S is in the image.
EOV-4421 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division (395-55).jpg Wheeled excavator UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union KrAZ-255B chassis[ citation needed ]
EOV-3521 Excavator EOV-3521 (1).jpg Wheeled excavator UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 6 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
EOV-3523 Army2016-346.jpg Wheeled excavatorUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [126] As of 10 May 2024 at least 19 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
KMV-10K KMV-10K crane 01.jpg Wheeled crane UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia KMV-10K is a 4-tons crane truck based on a KAMAZ-5350 vehicle. Entered service in 2018. [127] As of 10 May 2024 at least 7 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
KS-55729-7M Army2016-351.jpg Wheeled crane [128] UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia KS-55729-7M and KS-45719-7M are based on a KAMAZ-5350 vehicle. [129] As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
KS-45731 Crane KS-45731M2.jpg Wheeled craneUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on a KAMAZ-53501 vehicle. [130]
KS-3574/M3 KS-3574M3 - DayTechnologies2017p2-88.jpg Wheeled craneUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
KS-3574/M1 Crane KS-3574M3 (3).jpg Wheeled craneUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [131]
PMP PPS-84 pontonnyi park spetsial'nyi 1.JPG Floating bridge UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union PPS-84 and PMP-2M variants are in production. [132] [133] As of 19 December 2023 at least 12 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
PP-2005 Army2016-364.jpg Pontoon bridge UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Successor to the PMP floating bridge. [134] It is based on a KAMAZ-63501 vehicle. [135] As of 10 May 2024 at least 26 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
PP-91 PontoonBridgeExercise2019-02.jpg Pontoon bridgeUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [136]
IDK/BMK-MO and MT/Rotan/SNL-8Engineering-landing craft/Motorboats/BoatsUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [137] [138] [139] [140] [141] As of 19 December 2023 at least 15 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
45th Separate Engineer-Camouflage Regiment - T-72 mock-up (1).jpg Inflatable military dummy [142] UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [143] MKT-2P camouflage kit is also supplied. [144]
Special military equipment
TDA-2K ParkPatriot2015part7-41.jpg Smoke vehicleUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union [145]
TDA-3 Smoke vehicle TDA-3 (1).jpg Smoke vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [146] It is based on a KAMAZ-5350. [147] RPZ-8h smoke fields control equipment. [148] As of 10 May 2024 at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
UTM-80M 282-NBC-training-center-67.jpg Decontamination vehicle [137] UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
ARS-14 ARS-14KM (1).jpg Decontamination vehicle [149] 50–100Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [145] [146] It is based on a KAMAZ. [150]
Degassing KitUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
USSO/KRPP/UKSODDecontamination vehicle/Special process control system/Universal data collection and processing systemUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia They are carried by KamAZ trucks. [146] [151] [152] UKSOD is carried by a Tigr vehicle. [153]
TMS-65 ParkPatriot2015part7-43.jpg Decontamination vehicleUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
It is carried by a Ural-375 vehicle. [154] [145]
KAMAZ-43269 Dozor KAMAZ-43269 Vystrel (BMP-97) REA-2009.jpg Armoured reconnaissance vehicle 100+Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [155] As of 20 February 2023, at least 4 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
SANR-10M "Pantera" Armoured reconnaissance vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia M1 variant is in production. [156]
BRM-3K "Rys" BRM-3K RAE-2013.jpg Armoured reconnaissance vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
BRM-1K BRM-1K.jpg Armoured reconnaissance vehicle700 [70] Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Currently[ when? ] under modernisation [157] As of 10 May 2024 at least 28 BRM-1K and 2 BRM-1K Obr. 2021 have been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [44]
RKhM-6 Povozka RKhM-6 -4.jpg Armoured chemical reconnaissance vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [146] It is being superseded by RKhM-8 based on Tigr and RKhM-9 based on Typhoon vehicles. [158] [159] As of 10 May 2024 at least 11 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
RKhM-4 Mashina RKHM-4-01 1.jpg Armoured chemical reconnaissance vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
RPM-2 RPM-2.jpg Armoured chemical reconnaissance vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
1V12M and 1V152 Combat fights of the howitzer self-propelled artillery battalion 01.jpg Artillery command-reconnaissance vehiclesUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [160] 1V12M is in the photo.
PRP-4 Artillery reconnaissance vehicleUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
PRP-4A Argus Army2016-510.jpg Artillery reconnaissance vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [161] [162]
AZK-7Artillery sound-measuring reconnaissance systemUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is carried by 4 Ural-43203 vehicles. [163] [164]
ZavetAutomated control system for anti-tank formationsUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Deliveries started March 2021. [165]
R-149AKSh R-149AKSh - SignalExersise2017-01.jpg Command-staff vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is based on a KAMAZ-5350 vehicle. [166] As of 10 May 2024 at least 21 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
MPPU Tactical exercises of Radiological, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops units at Shikhani training ground (411-40).jpg Command-staff vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Akatsiya-ME Engineering Technologies 2010 Part6 0039 copy.jpg Command-staff vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [167]
R-177MCommand and control vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Ordered in August 2023. [168]
1B110 1V110 - 4th Separate Tank Brigade.jpg Command-staff vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
R-166 R-166-0,5 radiostation - 27th Independent Sevastopol Guards Motor Rifle Brigade (7).jpg Armoured command-staff vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is based on BTR-80 or a KAMAZ-5350 vehicle. [169] [170] As of 10 May 2024 at least 24 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
R-149MA1/A3 R-149MA1 - Engineering technologies 2012 (2).jpg Armoured command-staff vehicle500+ Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [171] As of 10 May 2024 at least 122 (83 R-149MA1 and 39 R-149MA3) have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
R-149BMR R-149BMR - ETIF-2010 (1).jpg Armoured command-staff vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [172] As of 10 May 2024 at least 3 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
R-145BM R-145BM command vehicle on BTR-60 base.jpg Armoured command-staff vehicleUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
[173] As of 10 May 2024 at least 8 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
AM-1/Medovukha and P-230T/P-234PMB P-230T Tigr-M.jpg All-terrain vehicle/Mobile telecommunications system and command-staff vehicle/Mobile field systemMore than 50/UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Four-wheelers, used by special forces. [174] Built on a Tigr vehicle. The P-230T is visible in the photo. [175] [176] [177] As of 10 May 2024 at least 3 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
R-439MD2 International Mine Action Center in Syria (Aleppo) 17 (cropped).jpg Satellite communication stationUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [178] As of 10 May 2024 at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
R-441-LM/OV Liven/Digital mobile complex of cellular communication/APE-3/5/P-244 and 243P/R-423AM [179] Satellite communication stations/Mobile communications-control stations/Digital mobile complex of secret telephone communication and mobile super-protected telecommunications complex/Mobile tropospheric communication stationUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on Ural-375 or a KAMAZ chassis respectively. [180] [181] [182] [183] [184] [185] [186] [187] [188] [189] [190] [191] [192] [193] (software manufactured by defence contractor Rusbitech). As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Legenda/P-240 Pereselenets/MT-67M and R-142/PNGK-1M/Radii-BRCSatellite communication station/Digital communication complex/Command-staff vehicles/Mobile navigation-geodetic system/Mobile protection systemUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [180] Pereselenets and R-142 mounted on a KAMAZ-53501 vehicle. [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Radiolampa/R-160/R-448M Auriga-1.2V/P-390M3/TornIntelligence system/Medium power communications station/Satellite communications system and a component of the MK VTR-016 (МК ВТР-016) mobile video transmission system/courier-postal vehicle/Mobile radio reconnaissance systemUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [199] [200] [201] [202] [203]
P-260 Redut-2US Redut-2US - SignalExersise2017-04.jpg Autonomous telecommunications complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
R-419L1 Tsifrovaia radioreleinaia stantsiia R-419L1.jpg Communications vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is carried by a KAMAZ-4350 vehicle. [204] [205] [206] Upgraded L1M version based on a KAMAZ-5350 vehicle is delivered. [207] As of 10 May 2024 at least 3 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
R-419MP Andromeda-D/R-419GM/R-416GM/TSRRS/Granit-M R-419MP - SignalExersise2017-01.jpg Radio-relay stationsUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia R-419MP is in the photo. [208] [209] [210] [211] More than 20 R-416 were ordered in August 2021 to be delivered in 2022–2023. [212] [213] TSRRS and Granit-M are based on a KAMAZ-5350 vehicle. [214] [215]
Predel-E Coastal defence radarUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 19 December 2023 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [216] As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
1L122 Garmony Almaz-Antey 1L122-2E at MAKS-2009.jpg Air surveillance radar UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Portable version is supplied. [217]
55Zh6M Nebo-M - MAKS-2017part3-073.jpg Air surveillance radarFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
As of 10 May 2024 at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9S18 Kupol Target acquisition radarUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
As of 10 May 2024 at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9S15 Obzor 9S15M Obzor-3 acquisition radar (1).jpg Target acquisition radar for S-300V UnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
1L219M Zoopark-1 1L219M back view MAKS2005.jpg Counter-battery radar UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [218] As of 10 May 2024 at least 18 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
9S932T-1 Barnaul-T 9S932-1 at the MAKS-2011 (01).jpg Air defence battle management systemUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [219] As of 10 May 2024 at least 7 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Polyana-D4 Command post "MP-06".jpg Air defence battle management systemUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union [220]
9S737М Ranzhir-M MAKS Airshow 2013 (Ramenskoye Airport, Russia) (521-41).jpg Air defence battle management systemUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
PPRU-1 Ovod-M-SV PPRU-1.jpg Air defence battle management systemUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
1L269 Krasukha-2 Krasukha-2 (Krasukha-2) Unloaded.jpg Mobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
DzyudoistMobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [221]
R-330Zh Zhitel' and R-330M1P "Diabazol" TB2015ExhibitionP2-51.jpg Mobile electronic warfare complexesUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on a KAMAZ vehicle. [222] [223] [224] As of 10 May 2024 at least 20 R-330ZH and 1 R-330M1P have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine [44]
SpectreMobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is carried by a Tigr all-terrain vehicle. [225] [226]
AltayetsMobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [227]
1RL257 Krasukha-4 MAKS2015part6-51.jpg Mobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 1 has been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
1L267 Moskva-1 MAKS2015part6-37.jpg Mobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [228]
1L262 Rtut-BMMobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is based on a MT-LB vehicle. [229]
Murmansk-BN/Palantin-K/Pole-21/LGSH-689/Groza-04 YUMobile electronic warfare complexesUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [230] As of 10 May 2024 at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
85Ya6 Leer-2 (2).jpg
Mobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is carried by a Tigr all-terrain vehicle. 1 has been lost in the invasion of Ukraine [231] As of 10 May 2024 at least 6 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Borisoglebsk 2 Borisoglebsk-2.png Mobile electronic warfare complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 15 R-330BMV and R-349BMV Borisoglebsk-2B have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
RB-341V Leer-3 TB2015ExhibitionP2-47.jpg Mobile electronic countermeasures complexUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is equipped with 3 Orlan-10 unmanned aerial vehicles for communications jamming and for SIGINT. 1 has been lost in the invasion of Ukraine. [232] [233] As of 10 May 2024 at least 2 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
K-612-O/KDKhR-1N K-612-O nuclear explosions detection station (4).jpg Nuclear explosions detection station/Chemical analysis stationUnknownFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union K-612-O is in the photo. KDKhR-1N is based on MT-LBu vehicle. [234]
Silok/Bushprit Anti-drone EW complex/Automated UAVs control systemUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [235] [236] [237] As of 10 May 2024 at least 5 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
RAST-3K RAST-3K (4).jpg Computational and analytical station of the CBRN protection troopsUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is carried by a Kamaz-5350 vehicle.[ citation needed ]
PM RKhBZ-1 PM RKhBZ-1 (1).jpg CBRN protection troops mobile repair shopUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is carried by a Kamaz-5350 vehicle. KRPP-2 control-distribution mobile point based on a Kamaz cross-country vehicle. [238]
RPMK-1 Ulibkа-М/PTTS-1 Volynets/MES-BTM/AP-3/USSA-1845 MAKS-2017part3-070.jpg Meteorological system/Mobile digital technological system/Electronic special equipment workshop/Medical system/AmbulanceUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia They are carried by a KamAZ or a Ural vehicle respectively. RPMK-1 Ulibka-M is in the photo. [239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244] [245]
SKO-10 GigienaWater treatment stationUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is carried by a KamAZ-6350 or Ural-5323 truck. [246] [123] [247]
ESD-100/ED-30 AIMobile electric generatorsUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [248] [249]
Armoured Trains
Amur Armoured train 1Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Built in 2016 and retrofitted in 2022 for the Russian invasion of Ukraine to serve for rear-line logistical support. [250] [251]
Baikal Armoured train 1Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Built in 2016 and retrofitted in 2022 for the Russian invasion of Ukraine to serve for front-line logistical and fire support. [250] [252]
Volga Armoured train 1Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Built in 2022 for the Russian invasion of Ukraine to serve for rear-line anti-mine countermeasure and anti-sabotage operations. [253] [254] [255]
Yenisei Armoured train 1Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine
Built in 2022 for the Russian invasion of Ukraine to serve for rear-line and front-line logistical and fire support. Accused of being built out of Ukrainian materials. [256] [257] [258]

Unmanned vehicles

Unmanned ground vehicles
MRK-65 Reconnaissance UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [259]
MRK-46 MRK-46 robot (2).jpg Reconnaissance/Mine clearing UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
MRK-RKh and MRK-35MA [260] MRK-RKh robot (3).jpg Chemical reconnaissance and reconnaissance/Mine clearing UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia MRK-RKh is in the photo.
Mobile remotely controlled platformMultifunctionalUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It can supply ammunitions, deliver cargoes, conduct mining and demining of terrain and remote detonation. [261]
Scarab and Sphere Reconnaissance/Mine clearing UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [262] [263] [264]
Kapitan Kapitan - Poligone Alabino 01.jpg Reconnaissance/Mine clearing UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [265]
Scorpion-MKamikaze/Multi-role [266] UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [267]
LyagushkaKamikazeUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It carries 30 kg of explosives with a speed of 20 km/h. [268]
Cobra-1600 [269] EngineerTraining2018-15.jpg Reconnaissance/Mine clearing UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Uran-6 Uran-6 - Uchenie inzhenernykh podrazdelenii v ramkakh SKShU <<Tsentr-2015>> 02.jpg Demining UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [270] [271] [272] At least 1 has been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [273]
Prokhod-1 Army2016demo-165.jpg Demining UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia The system includes a robotic BMR-3MA tracked mine clearing vehicle and a Kamaz-based command vehicle. [274]
MRK-3 Russia Arms Expo 2013 (531-38).jpg Combat support/PatrolUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
ArgoCombat support/PatrolUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [275]
Uran-14 Uran-14 - Uchenie inzhenernykh podrazdelenii v ramkakh SKShU <<Tsentr-2015>> 01.jpg Multifunction engineering machine UnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [276]
YozhikCombat reconnaissanceUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia 9
MK750 KaluzhaninCargo transportUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed trials and entered series production in October 2024. [277]
Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles
Orlan-10 UAV Orlan-10.JPG Unmanned Combat Aerial VehiclesOver 1000 [278] [279] [280] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia It is deployed from a specialised Kamaz truck or from launchers on the basis of the Tigr vehicles. [281] [282] [283] [284] As of 7 February 2023, at least 121 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44] (Can be armed with four VOG-17 fragmentation grenades). [284] A version called Moskit is used for EW. [285] As of 10 May 2024 at least 185 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
InfernoHundreds (January 2024) [286] FPV drone. Can be armed with GP-25 grenades.
Ovod-SAvailable in various configurations. [287] [288]
Night witchStrike multi-rotor hexacopter. Carries 4 munitions. First 50 delivered in August 2024. [289]
Privet-82/MolniyaPrivet-82XL and Molniya-2 heavier versions in production. [290]
Prince Vandal of NovgorodFiber-optic controlled FPV drone. [291] [292]
Forpost-R Forpost UAV InnovationDay2013part2-02.jpg As of 10 May 2024, at least 5 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Kronshtadt Orion 'Inokhodets' Army-2020-209.JPG Tested over Ukraine border in December 2021. [293]
Mohajer-6 ''M6'' Qods Mohajer-6 (1).png UnknownFlag of Iran.svg  Iran Reportedly bought and used by Russia during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. This has been indirectly confirmed on 23 September 2022, when Ukrainian anti-air defenses shot down a Mohajer-6 in the Black Sea near the coast of Odesa. [294] (Can be armed with four Ghaem-1, 5 and 9, Sadid-345 or Unknown Sadid PGMs or four Almas-1/2 AGTMs or four Hydra 70/Fadak 80 (guided) rocket pods).
Luch Korsar VictoryDayParade2018-26.jpg 2 (one was found destroyed in Ukraine on November 9, 2022) [295] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia (Supposedly capable of carrying two Aviaavtomatika PGMs, or two 9M113 Konkurs or 9K121 Vikhr ATGMs) (Tested but not operationally deployed). [296] [297]
Unmanned aerial vehicles
Geran-2Kamikaze-type unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Iran.svg  Iran Russian designation for Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drone. [298] Both Russia and Iran have denied these are built in Iran. They are license built in Russia. [299]
Geran-1Kamikaze-type unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Iran.svg  Iran Russian designation for Iranian Shahed 131 kamikaze drone. [300] Both Russia and Iran have denied these are built in Iran. They are license built in Russia.
KartografUnmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia As of 10 May 2024 at least 10 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
VelesUnmanned reconnaissance/strike aerial vehicle1,500 a month (September 2024)Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Modular FPV-drone. [301]
Supercam S350 BVS Supercam S350.jpg Unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [302] As of 4 July 2023 at least 6 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44] [303]
Yakovlev Pchela Yakovlev Pchela NTW 2 93 2.jpg Unmanned aerial vehicle92 [304] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
ZALA 421-16E ZALA 421-16E ISSE-2012 02.jpg Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [305] As of 10 May 2024 at least 56 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
ZALA 421-08/Strekoza ZALA 421-08 Engineering technologies international forum 2010.jpg Unmanned aerial vehicle400Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [306] [307] At least 1 has been lost in the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Orlan-30 Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2013 (500-47).jpg Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [308] As of 10 May 2024, at least 10 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Eleron-10 Eleron-10 - IDELF-2008-196.jpg Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [309] As of 10 May 2024 at least 3 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Eleron-7 Army-2020-240.JPG Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [310]
Eleron-3 Integrated Safety and Security Exhibition 2011 (363-38).jpg Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It can be used for reconnaissance and for jamming. [281] [311] As of 10 May 2024 at least 30 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Dragonfly EngineerTraining2018-16.jpg Sapper reconnaissance UAVUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [312] [313]
DJI Phantom 3 International Mine Action Center in Syria (Aleppo) 17 (cropped 2).jpg Tactical reconnaissance UAVUnknownFlag of the People's Republic of China.svg  People's Republic of China [314]
Grusha Grusha Engineering technologies international forum 2010.jpg Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [315]
Granat Granat-4 UAV at Interpolitex-2015.jpg Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Granat-2 and 4 in service. [283] [316] [317] Granat-4 is in the photo. As of 10 May 2024 at least 8 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Takhion BLA Takhion .png Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [318] [319] As of 10 May 2024 at least 7 have been lost in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. [44]
Zastava Bird-Eye 400.jpg Unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [320] [321]
Helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicleMore than 40Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [322] [323] [324] [325]
ZALA KubKamikaze-type unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [326] [327]
ZALA Lancet Army-2020-314.JPG Kamikaze-type unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [326] [328] [329]
ScalpelKamikaze-type unmanned aerial vehicle20 a month (November 2023)Flag of Russia.svg  Russia A cheaper and downgraded analogue of Lancet which entered small scale production in November 2023. [330]
GastelloKamikaze-type unmanned aerial vehicleUnknownFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Production started in August 2023 with a components localization of 30% which is aimed to be increased to 95% in the next months. [331]

Individual equipment

Uniform equipment
VSR camouflage pattern
Vladimir Putin in Gudermes - 1 January 2000.jpg
Camouflage patternFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Extremely limited use. Seen on ammo pouches in 2020
Flora camouflage pattern
Alexander Kolmakov receiving a report for duty - July 27, 2004.jpg
Camouflage patternFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Limited use.
EMR camouflage pattern
EMR camouflage pattern swatch.svg
Camouflage patternFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as a unified camouflage pattern and uniform for entire armed forces in 2008.
Camouflage patternFlag of Russia.svg  Russia In 2023 was adopted as a standard camouflage of the new army field uniform. [332] Has been in use by special forces beforehand. Over 200,000 sets on order as of early 2024. [333]
6B48 Ratnik-ZK
6B48 Ratnik-ZK - 4thTankDivisionOpenDay17p2-09.jpg
AFV crew individual protection kitFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system.
Infantry combat systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Broadly fielded. [334] [ unreliable source? ] Barmitsa is on the right of the photo.
6B15 Cowboy
Tanker uniformFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Widespread use. [335] 6B15 Cowboy is on the left of the photo.
6B21/6B22 Permyachka
Infantry combat suit [336] [337] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Permyachka is in the center of the photo.
KBS Strelok
KBS Strelok 2.jpg
Body armor systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia 25,000 kits have been delivered. [338]
Russian servicemen during Tsentr-2011.jpg
Ballistic vest Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced in 2003. No longer produced, being replaced by 6B45.
6B43 [339] Body armor Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [340] Basically an early version of 6B45
6B45 [339]
6B45 bulletproof vest - InnovationDay2013part1-61.jpg
Ballisitc Vest Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [340]
6B46 vest - InnovationDay2013part1-62.jpg
Plate Carrier/Ballistic vest Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [340] Used in high mobility units (VDV, etc.)
OberigBody armorFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Serial production launched in early 2023. A large contract was signed with the Defense Ministry in June 2024 for a modernized version. [341] Supplies of the Oberig-S sapper's armor begun in June 2024. [342]
6Sh117 load bearing vest. - InnovationDay2013part1-63.jpg
Load bearing vest Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [340]
6B47 [339]
6B47 helmet - InnovationDay2013part1-56.jpg
Combat helmetFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [340]
Interpolitex 2011 (407-6).jpg
Combat helmetFlag of Russia.svg  Russia It is expected to replace the SSh-68 and other helmets. [343] [ unreliable source? ]
6B7-1M helmet.jpg
Combat helmetFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Replaced in production by 6B47
Combat helmetFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Being replaced by newer helmets
PMK gas mask
Russian gas mask PMK-2.jpg
GasmaskFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union [344]
PMK-4 gas mask
Museum of 33rd Central Research Test Institute of Ministry of Defence (Russia) (412-12).jpg
Gasmask Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [345]
RIAN archive 842936 Military exercises of Guards Engineer Brigade and Engineer Camouflage Regiment of Russian army.jpg
Bomb suitFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [346]
OVR-1/2 Bomb suit Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [347]
OVR-3ShBomb suitFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [ citation needed ]
VKPOAll-weather Field Clothing ensembleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Supplies of over 100,000 clothing sets begun in March 2024. [348]
VKBO/Modul-Monolit, Pantsir, Kolpak and Tserepakha/Dospekhi-KP-M/Avangard/Chimera/Medoyed and RosomakhaClothing ensemble/Individual protection means/Armoured suit/Protective shield/Masking coat/Modular body armorsFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [349] [350] [351] [352] [353] [354] [355] [356] [357]
OZK-F Nerekhta/SVI and SLVI-15/SLEV-1Chemical protection and diving suits/Autonomous local electric heating systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [358] [139] [359]
Special uniform for hot climatesFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [360]
Strelets-tsasovoiGuard bracelet systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [361] [362]
Other equipment
Nozh razvedchika streliaiushchii NRS-2 - 27-i otdel'noi gvardeiskoi Krasnoznamennoi Sevastopol'skoi motostrelkovoi brigady 06.jpg
Survival knife Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
Groza.04.K/Chistyulya/SapfirAnti-drone EW systems/Anti-drone EW system for engineering unitsFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [363]
Argus-AntidronAnti-drone rifleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [364]
HarpyaAnti-drone rifleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [365]
StuporAnti-drone rifleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [366]
LPD-801Anti-drone rifleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [367]
TPN-NDOReconnaissance deviceFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [368] [369] [370] [155]
PKhRDD-3 - 4thTankDivisionOpenDay17p2-52.jpg
Chemical reconnaissance deviceFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
Arbalet-1/2 and Malva
Parachutes Flag of Russia.svg  Russia In use by the Special forces. [371] [372]
Parachute Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [373]
Parachute Flag of Russia.svg  Russia It has been superseded by the D-12 parachute. [374]
R-187P1 Azart
R-187P1 - 4thTankDivisionOpenDay17p2-43.jpg
Handheld combat radioFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Introduced as part of the Ratnik infantry combat system. [375]
SNARK/Namotka-KS and ArakhisSmall-sized satellite communication station/Portable radio stationsFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [376] [356]
R-444-PTN LadyaSmall-sized satellite communication stationFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [377]
R-438 Barrier-T and R-438M BelozerSmall-sized satellite communication stationFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [378] [379]
Prestiz/UGS-1/GrozaClassified communications equipment/Public address equipment/Tropospheric communications station [380] [381] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Prestiz replaced Selenit equipment. Supplies of modernized Groza stations begun in September 2024.
Osa and Shmel/PolikomIncreased security cellular telephone/Protected IP-telephone equipmentFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [211]
KRUS Strelets
MAKS Airshow 2013 (Ramenskoye Airport, Russia) (524-06).jpg
Information control and communications systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Included in the Ratnik infantry combat system. [382] [383] [384] Modernised Strelets-M is also delivered. [385]
INVU-3M Korshun and UR-83P Mine detectors Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [386] UR-83P Zmey Gorynych demining installation is based on a KAMAZ-5350 vehicle. [387]
IMPS-2 and 3/PIPL and PPO-2IMine detectorsFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [388] [139] [389]
27th Independent Sevastopol Guards Motor Rifle Brigade (181-47).jpg
Radiation dose measuring deviceFlag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union
IMD-7S - 4thTankDivisionOpenDay17p2-56.jpg
Radiation dose measuring deviceFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
GSA-4Gas detectorFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [390]
1L227 Sobolyatnik-O
MAKS Airshow 2013 (Ramenskoye Airport, Russia) (523-54).jpg
Man-portable radar Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [391] [392]
1L271 Aistyonok
Aistenok radar maks2009.jpg
Man-portable radarFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [393]
PSNR-8M and Kredo-M1 Kredo-M1 - IDELF-2008-248.jpg Man-portable radar [394] [395] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Kredo is in the photo.
SBR-5M (Fara-VR) SBR-5M - 4thTankDivisionOpenDay17p2-34.jpg Man-portable battlefield surveillance radarFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [396]
LesochekPortable EW stationFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [397] [398]
Ironiya and Intrigan/SextanOptical surveillance systems/Reconnaissance-signaling equipmentFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Ironiya comes in portable and vehicle-mounted versions. [399] [400]
LPR-1 (1D13) MechanizedInfantryExercise2018-05.jpg Laser rangefinder Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union [401]
LPR-2 "Anode" MAKS Airshow 2013 (Ramenskoye Airport, Russia) (525-34).jpg Laser RangefinderFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [402]
LPR-3 MAKS Airshow 2013 (Ramenskoye Airport, Russia) (525-36).jpg Laser RangefinderFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [403]
LPR-4 MAKS Airshow 2013 (Ramenskoye Airport, Russia) (525-35).jpg Laser RangefinderFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [404]
1 PN 141-1 and Malish family/Strelok/Integratsiya-64, Operator and Karta-2005Night vision devices/Ballistic calculator/Geoinformation systemsFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [405] [406] [407] [408]
1 PN 140-2 ShakhinThermal imagerFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [405] [409]
1L111 Fara-1Radar sightFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [410]

Future equipment

Special equipment
1B75 Penicillin Artillery reconnaissance systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed state tests in 2018. [411] Deliveries started in 2020. Based on a KAMAZ vehicle. [412]
REBovets ValleyMobile EW systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Mounted on a tracked platform. Equipped with the Fumigator jammer. Completed testing in June 2024. [413]
Syuzhet-MFMeteorological stationFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Passed tests in January 2024. [414]
Remotely-controlled machine-gun turretFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Entered service in March 2024. [415]
SolistHybrid drone/projectileFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [416]
TetrazdrAnti-drone EW systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Passed tests in April 2024. [417]
Tablet-A Control system for the automation of artillery fire controlFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed testing in 2020. First state contracts for its production were concluded. Deliveries were started in June 2024. Upgraded as of August 2024. Tablet-M-IR upgraded version was presented in 2022 and deliveries begun in 2024. [418] [419] [420]
LPK-101 KrechetAnti-drone sighting systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Passed trials in June 2024. [421]
Small arms
AK-12K Carbine 5.45×39mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia
5,45mm AK-12 6P70 assault rifle at Military-technical forum ARMY-2016 03 noBG.png
During ARMY-2017, Kalashnikov Concern displayed prototypes of the AK-12K, a short-barreled version of the AK-12.
AK-15K Carbine 7.62×39mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia During ARMY-2017, Kalashnikov Concern displayed prototypes of the AK-15K, a short-barreled version of the AK-15. [422]
AM-17 Carbine 5.45×39mm Flag of Russia.svg  Russia MA compact assault rifle at Military-technical forum ARMY-2016 01.jpg
RPL-20 Light machine gun 5.45×39mmFlag of Russia.svg  Russia RPL-20.jpg
SV-98M Sniper rifle Flag of Russia.svg  Russia
SV-98 sniper rifle at Military-technical forum ARMY-2016 01.jpg
A few units ordered for operational testing and evaluation. [423] In service since May 2020. [424]
Schetnik Sniper rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Serial production launched in January 2023. Chambered for 7.62×51mm NATO. [425]

Future vehicles

Tanks and infantry fighting vehicles
T-14 Armata VDayRehearsal05052016-28.jpg Main battle tank [426] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform. Planned to replace the T-72, T-80 and T-90, which will all go into reserve storage. Several versions will be developed. [427]
T-15 Armata 4mayrehearsal 02.jpg Heavy infantry fighting vehicleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform. Heavy infantry fighting vehicle meant to replace the BTR-T.[ citation needed ]
Kurganets-25 4mayrehearsal 17.jpg Infantry fighting vehicle/armoured personnel carrierFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Planned to replace the BMP series. [428] [429] It has infantry fighting vehicle and armoured personnel carrier variants. [430]
Anti-aircraft artillery
2S38 Derivatsiya-PVO 2S38 BMP-3 PVO.jpg Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun (SPAAG) [431] [432] Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Based on the BMP-3 Infantry fighting vehicle. Planned as a replacement for the ZSU-23-4 Shilka. [433] Completed development in 2023. [434]
9M337 Sosna-R Army-2018-56.jpg Short range air defense Surface-to-air missile systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia The system is expected to replace SA-13 Gopher 9K35 Strela-10 air defense systems. [435] The Sosna missile system can be mounted on a BMP-3 chassis or BTR-80 chassis. [436]
Gibka-S Army-2022-Part1-75-X2.jpg Very Short-Range Air Defence (VSHORAD) SystemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed trials in 2019. [437] First deliveries conducted in 2022. [438]
Infantry mobility vehicles
AMN-233121 Atlet AMN-233121 Atlet 02.jpg Infantry mobility vehicleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed trials in 2021. [439]
Utility, engineering and special vehicles
MKKV-1000 Mobile water treatment and conservation systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Accepted for supply in 2020. Based on a KAMAZ-63501. [440] Deliveries started in 2021. [441]
KAMAZ ATsPT-5,6 Army2016-382.jpg Tank truck Flag of Russia.svg  Russia [442]
UBIM Armoured engineer vehicleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed trials in 2020. [443]
Magistr-SV Automated air defense fire control systemFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed trials in 2021. [444]
StalkerMine-clearing unmanned ground vehicleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Completed trials in 2024. [445]
IrbisCounter-battery radarFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Entered service in July 2024. [446]
Impulse-MMulti-role tracked unmanned ground vehicleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Various combat modules can be installed on it. [447] Impulse-K variant equipped with a combat module with ATGMs passed trials in August 2024. [448]
DepeshaMulti-role tracked unmanned ground vehicleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia [449] A batch was delivered in January 2025. [450]
Armored refueling vehicleFlag of Russia.svg  Russia Passed trials and supplies begun in August 2024. [451]


Donkey [452] Equus africanus asinus.001 - Arteixo.jpg Domesticated equineThe use of donkeys for transport started being reported in early 2025 by Russian soldiers and pro-Kremlin bloggers amidst Russian shortages of equipment. Retired Russian Lieutenant General and member of the State Duma's defense committee Viktor Sobolev publicly defended the use of donkeys for delivering cargo in the Russian invasion of Ukraine. [453] [454] [455]


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