List of equipment of the Austrian Armed Forces

Last updated

This is a partial list of equipment currently used by the Austrian Armed Forces.


Personal equipment


SystemImageOriginPatternEnvironment / colour schemeNotes
Tarnanzug ÖBH  [ de ] Tanzug OBH multienvironment.png Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Organic, non-pixelated patternTemperate environmentNew standard camouflage to equip the whole force, selected in 2017, fielded since 2019. [1] [2] [3]

Colours of the camouflage: grey, dark olive, medium olive, lichen green, khaki, and sand.

Tarnanzug Beige ÖBH  [ de ] Bearb 08 Vgl-Tarnmuster-AUT (cropped 2).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Organic, non-pixelated shapesArid / desert environmentNew "standard" desert camouflage, to be used in cases of deployments in arid regions by the general troops.

It has started being supplied since 2022. [3]

Colours of the camouflage: black, grey, khaki and sand/tan.

RAL 7013  [ de ] Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2018 (42722025222).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Single colourTemperate environment / khakiFormer standard camouflage, being replaced by the Tarnanzug neu ÖBH. [1] Used with the Kampfanzug 03 combat uniform. [4] [5]
Tarndruck Beige PXL Tarndruck beige.png Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Digital pattern Arid / desert environmentThis pattern was presented in 2011 in parallel with a Central Europe variant of the same pattern. [6] [7]

The desert / arid colour scheme variant was developed to replace the solid color sand/tan uniforms used until then by troops deployed in peace keeping missions in arid regions. [8]

It was observed in 2020, for international missions such as in Lebanon, with the UNIFIL troops. [9]

This pattern is being replaced by two patterns:

Tarndruck SEK PXL Spezialeinsatzkrafte (22299924620) (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Digital pattern Multi-environmentThe Bundesheer was looking for new camouflage patterns for the special forces. A central Europe colour scheme was initially developed and a sand camouflage as well, both were presented in 2011. [6] [7]

After an evaluation, a new variant was developed and presented in 2014. It combines both variants for a muli-environment result. It is considered as an Austrian digital MultiCam type of camouflage. [10] This pattern is the same as the Tarndruck Beige PXL, and the colour scheme mixes the one of the Tarndruck Central Europe and the Tarndruck Beige PXL.

This pattern has been approved and implemented in the Jagdkommando. Later on, the decision was made to supplement it with the MultiCam™ pattern. [6]

MultiCam™ Multicam pattern (cropped).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Woodland pattern Multi-environmentUsed by the Jagdkommando and in the past by soldiers deployed in Afghanistan. [11] [12] Initially used with CLAW GEAR combat uniform, and in 2022, a new combat uniform by CARINTHIA started to be used. [13]
MultiCam Arid™ Flag of the United States.svg  United States Woodland pattern Arid / desert environmentUsed by the Jagdkommando and observed for the first time in 2022 at SOFEX 2022. [14]

The combat uniform is supplied by CARINTHIA. [13]

Protection equipment

Ballistic helmet
SPECTRA helmet


Austrian soldiers at Combined Resolve II (14118340339) (cropped).jpg Flag of France.svg  France Combat helmet Introduced in 1994, supplied by MSA Gallet. [15] [16]
Ops-Core Sentry XP Mid Cut Helmet

"Kampfhelme 2015"

Fallschirmjager des FschJgRgt26 DSCF9126 (49444916786).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Combat helmet Initial contract in 2016 for 20,000 helmets, which entered service from 2017, and progressively replace the SPECTRA helmet. [15] [17]

Additional contract in May 2021 with Gentex Corp for 18,000 helmets for €14.1 million. [18] [19]

CBRN Protection
Dräger M2000Flag of Germany.svg  Germany CBRN respiratory mask 40,800 masks [20]

Infantry weapons

Glock 17

P 80

Glock 17-removebg-preview.png Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Semi-automatic pistol 9×19mm Parabellum Standard-issue pistol, upgraded to Gen 3 standard between 2002 and 2003. [21] [22]
Glock 17 Gen 5 FDE Glock 17 FR (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Semi-automatic pistol 9×19mm Parabellum Generation 5 FDE variant in use with the Jagdkommando. [23]
Glock 26


Glock 26 (6971790359).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Semi-automatic subcompact pistol 9×19mm Parabellum In use with the Jagdkommando.

300 purchased. [24] [22]

Glock 21 Glock 21SF mit GTL22.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Semi-automatic pistol .45 ACP Primary weapon of the Kampfschwimmer (subset of the Jagdkommando). [25]
Submachine guns
Glock 18C

P 18C

Glock 18C.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Selective-fire pistol 9×19mm Parabellum In use with the Jagdkommando. [22] [25]
FN P90 FN P90 smg.png Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium Personal defense weapon FN 5.7×28mm NATO In use with the Jagdkommando and military police. [25]
Assault rifles
Steyr AUG A1 MOD

StG 77 A1 MOD

AUG A1 508mm 04.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Assault rifle 5.56×45mm NATO Standard issue assault rifle in service.

14'400 are being upgraded to the StG 77 A1 MOD standard. [26]

  • A3 housing
  • Aimpoint Micro 3×Mag-1 magnifier
  • Rheinmetall TLLM tactical laser light module
Steyr AUG A1 MP

StG 77 A1 MP

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Assault rifle 5.56×45mm NATO 600 StG 77 A1 MP procured.

Variant used by the Austrian Military Police, adopted in 2018. [27]

Rifle equipped with:

Steyr AUG A3 SF

StG 77 A2 Kommando

Steyr-AUG-A3-SF.webp Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Assault rifle 5.56×45mm NATO In use with the Jagdkommando and the Jägerbataillon 25. [28] [29] A2 Kommando rifles with various attachements such as grenade launchers, optics and suppressors are used by the [30] [31]
Machine guns
Rheinmetall MG3

MG 74

BundeswehrMG3 noBG.png Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO Standard issue infantry support general purpose machine gun. [32]

Also used as coaxial machine gun of the Leopard 2A4.



Ziel erkannt (26898627961).jpg Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm NATO Vehicle mounted machine gun:
M2 Browning

12,7 mm üsMG M2

M2 Browning, Musee de l'Armee (cropped 2).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Heavy machine gun 12.7×99mm NATO Standard use heavy machine guns and mounted on vehicles and helicopters. [34]
Sniper rifles
Steyr SSG 69

SSG 69 P4

Steyr SSG 69.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Bolt-action sniper rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Standard issue precision rifle. [35]
Heckler & Koch HK417P

lSSG HK417P (Ö)

(leichtes Scharfschützengewehr)

210923-Z-JY390-033 - ISTC Alpine Sniper Course 2021 (Image 29 of 33) (cropped).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Designated marksman rifle 7.62×51mm NATO 72 HK417P purchased. [24]

In use with the Jagdkommando [36]


Steyr SSG 08A2

mSSG Steyr 08A2

(mittleres Scharfschützengewehr)

The winners 4thNovSniperCompetition01.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Bolt-action sniper rifle 8.6×70 mm

(known as .338 Lapua Magnum)

120 SSG 08A2 purchased. [24] [37] [38]

In use with the Jagdkommando Accessories:

Barrett M82A1

sSSG M82 A1

(Schweres Scharfschützenwaffensystem)

BarrettM82 JaKdo (cropped).JPG Flag of the United States.svg  United States Bolt-action anti-materiel rifle 12.7×99mm NATO 102 [24]

Heavy sniper rifle with Kahles K624i rifle scope.

Remington Model 870 M870mcs.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Pump action shotgun 12 gauge In use with the Jagdkommando [25] [39]
Ceremonial rifle

StG 58

Exerziervorfuhrung (30580048025).jpg Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Battle rifle 7.62×51mm NATO Former service rifle, now used as a ceremonial weapon by Austrian Guard Companies.
Grenade launchers
Madritsch Weapon Technology ML40 Mk2 Granatgewehr (22156156243).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Single grenade launcher 40×46mm LV [40] [41]

Standard issue grenade launcher, equipped with Aimpoint Micro

Madritsch Weapon Technology ML40 Mk2Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Under-barrel grenade launcher 40×46mm LV Used with the StG 77 A2 Kommando [42]
Steyr GL40Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Grenade launcher 40×46mm LV Used with rubber weapons by the military police. [39]
Man-portable anti-tank systems
RBS-56B Bill 2

PAL 2000 "Bill"

Infanteriesoldaten trainieren (27136133680).jpg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Anti-tank weapon 339 launchers, and 2,000 missiles purchased in 1996 [43] [44] [45]
Carl Gustaf M2

8,4 cm PAR 66/79

GGSA 2017 (32769203643).jpg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Recoilless rifle [46]

Indirect Fire

L16 81mm mortar

8,1cm mGrW 82

81mmMORT L16.png Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom Infantry mortar 81 mm [47]
Hirtenberger M12-1111

12 cm GrW 86

Schwerer Granatwerfer (25326842743) (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Heavy mortar 120 mm85 [48] [49]

PzHb M109 A5Ö

M109A5O (cropped).JPG Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Self-propelled howitzer 155 mm


30 [50] [51]

Rechenstellenpanzer M109

2005 Militarparade Wien Okt.26. 098 (4293439914) (cropped).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Command and artillery computing station [52]


Armoured vehicles

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Armoured fighting vehicles
Leopard 2A4

KPz "Leopard"

"Leopard" (22409949966) (cropped).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany Main battle tank 56114 purchased in 1996 to the Netherlands as part of the "Mech-Paket" in a broader effort to modernise all mechanised units. It entered service in 1997. [53]

In 2006, the number of active tanks was reduced to 40, two tank bataillions.

In 2011, 40 tanks were sold to KMW. [54]

In 2017, the decision was made to reactivate a new tank battalion to reach a total of 56 tanks. [55]

In 2023, the decision was made to upgrade existing fleet to the Leopard 2NV standard, with a total of 58 tanks to be upgraded. [56]


"SPZ Ulan"

Ausmusterung und Tag der Leutnante 2016 (30085170815) (cropped).jpg

SPz Ulan (5048211700).jpg

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Infantry fighting vehicle 112112 IFV ordered in 1999, it entered service in 2002. [53] [57] [58] [43]

Turret Steyr SP30 equipped with a Mauser MK 30/2  [ de ] autocanon (30×173 mm) and a FN MAG coaxial machine gun.

Modernisation decided in 2023: [59] [60]

  • Replacement of optics and electronic components of the fire control system
  • Overhaul of the drivetrain
  • New air conditioning system
  • Mounts for the SAAB Barracuda camouflage
Armoured vehicles multi-role
Pandur I (A3)

"Mannschafts Transportpanzer Pandur A3" (MTPz)

KFOR-Einsatz (32376237061).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Armoured personnel carrier 6868 Pandur ordered in the 1990s, and it entered service in 1996. [61]


First modernisation MTPz A1/UN 2004. [61]

  • mine protection seats
  • new telecommunications equipment
  • new cabling for the central electrical system
  • new heater

Second modernisation MTPz A2, 2010. [61]

  • rear-view camera
  • camouflage nets

Third modernisation MTPz A3, 2017. [61]

  • Upgraded ballistic protection with RUAG SidePRO-KE
  • Additional mine protection with RUAG MinePRO
  • Mechanical improvements
Pandur Evolution  [ de ]

"Mannschafts Transportpanzer Pandur Evo"

(MTPz Pandur Evo)

Pandur Evo (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Armoured personnel carrier 64

(+36 for delivery)

Vehicle made by GDELS Steyr, it entered service in 2019. Crew of 3 (driver, gunner, commander) and 8 seats for a fighter group.

Main equipment: [62] [63]

  • ELSAIT EFWS WS4 Panther RCWS [64]
  • Saab Barracuda camo


  • 34 ordered in December 2016 (€105 million) [65]
  • 30 ordered in January 2021 (€106 million) [66] [67]
  • 36 ordered in September 2022, to be delivered by the end of 2025.

"Universal Geländefahhrzeug BVS10 Hägglunds"

Bludesch-Walgaukaserne-Haegglunds BvS10-15ASD.jpg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Tracked articulated vehicle 3232 purchased in 2016 for €85 million, entering service in 2018. [68] [69] [70]

Equipment and specifications: [71] [72]

ATFDingo 2 A1 PatSi

"Allschutzfahrzeug Dingo 2"

ATF Dingo 2 Austria 2.JPG Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Infantry mobility vehicle 2020 ordered in October 2004, it entered service in 2005. [73] [74] [75] Equipment:
ATFDingo 2 A3 PatSi

"Allschutzfahrzeug Dingo 2"

ATF Dingo 2 A3 PatSi.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Infantry mobility vehicle 46Purchases: [76]
  • 14 ordered in April 2016 [77]
  • 32 ordered in March 2017, deliveries in 2017 - 2018 [78]

Equipment: [70]

  • IR headlight
Iveco LMV

"Geschütztes Mehrzweckfahrzeug Husar / Husar MP"

(GMF Husar)

Iveco LMV (5118406662).jpg

"Husar" (22022902056).jpg

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Infantry mobility vehicle /

military police

123150 Iveco LMV purchased, 27 in specialised variants (see below). It entered service in 2008. [79] [80] Equipment:
  • Mine and NBC protection
  • Rear view camera
  • Radar absorbing paint
Iveco LMV

"Geschütztes Mehrzweckfahrzeug Husar PsyOps"

(GMF Husar PsyOps)

2017-10-26 AT Wien 01 Innere Stadt, Universitatsring, Bundesheer Geschutztes Mehrzweckfahrzeug Husar BH-34546 (45551199982) (cropped).jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Psychological operation 3Part of the military police mission.

Equipment: [81]

  • Loudspeaker LRAD-500X
  • Mine and NBC protection
  • Rear view camera
  • Radar absorbing paint
Observation and reconnaissance
Iveco LMV

"BAA-EO Geschütztes Mehrzweckfahrzeug Husar"

(BAA-EO GMF Husar) [82]

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Observation and reconnaissance vehicle2222 ordered in November 2013. [83]

It entered service in 2017. [84]

12 for reconnaissance companies, 6 for artillery observation teams, 4 for the Jagdkommando. [85]

Equipment: [82]

  • Mine and NBC protection
  • Rear view camera
  • Radar absorbing paint
  • Mast integrated at the back with:
    • Dual camera (day / IR), laser range finder, laser guidance
    • Multi Threat Detection System (Radar and laser detecting sensors)
    • GPS and INS
Iveco LMV

"Geschütztes Mehrzweckfahrzeug Husar Beagle"

(GMF Husar Beagle)

Iveco LMV GMF Husar Beagle, with PPE PGSR-3i Beagle radar (cropped).jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Israel.svg  Israel

Ground surveillance radar2The Husar Beagle entered service in 2021. [83] [86] [87]


Armoured ambulances
Pandur I

"Sanitätspanzer Pandur" (SanPzRd)

Nationalfeiertag 2007 DSC 2341 (1767735442).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Armoured ambulance 3Purchased for €3.8 million and entered service in 2003. [88] [89]
ATFDingo 2

"Allschutzfahrzeug Dingo 2"

Dingo BH 9329 (cropped).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Armoured ambulance 9Entered service in 2005.
NBC vehicles
ATF Dingo 2

"AC-Aufklärungsfahrzeug Dingo 2"

AC Dingo 2 (6130174263).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany NBC reconnaissance vehicle 12NBC reconnaissance ordered in 2005 [77]
MAN HX77 8×8

"Hakenladesystem MAN 38.440 8x8"

MAN 38.440 8x8 OBH (6130725846).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Armoured trucks with hook loading system24 RMMV HX2 38.440 purchased in 2009 [91] [92]


  • Palfinger PALIFT Scorpion
Armoured recovery vehicles
M-88 A1

"Bergepanzer M-88 A1"

Osterreichischer-Bergepanzer-M88-A1.JPG Flag of the United States.svg  United States Armoured recovery vehicle 10 [93] [94]
Sk-105 - Bpz Greif A1

"Bergepanzer "Greif" A1"

2005 Militarparade Wien Okt.26. 110 (4292704883).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Armoured recovery vehicle 24 [93] [95]
MAN HX2 8×8

"Schweres geschütztes Bergefahrzeug HX2"


MAN support vehicle assisting the battlegroup on Exercise Prairie Storm 4 MOD 45159296.jpg

(Illustration of similar system)

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Heavy wrecker 3Wrecker based on the RMMV HX2 41.545 that entered service in 2019. [83] [96]

The crew is made of a commander, driver and rescue assistant.

Equipment: [97]

  • Lift arm, maximum load of 160 kN
  • Winches
    • Main: 270 kN, 80 meters
    • Frame winch: 120 kN, 60 meters
    • Small winch: 10 kN, 250 m
  • Loading crane: HIAB 2222 ATF 2 (205 kNm capacity)
Engineering and support vehicles
Sk-105 PiPz

"Leichte Pionierpanzer"

Pionierpanzer des Bundesheeres.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Armoured engineering vehicle 18 [93] [98]
ATFDingo 2 A3 MatE ATF Dingo 2 A3 MatE, Maintenance and repair vehicle, Austrian Army.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Maintenance and repair vehicle12Purchases:
  • 4 ordered in April 2016 [77]
  • 8 ordered in March 2017 [78]

Deliveries in 2017-18, with the following equipment: [70]

Maintenance and repair module made by EMPL. [99]

Liebherr PR 726 G8 Bauma 2016 (26126870264).jpg

(illustration, uses military camouflage)

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland

Armoured bulldozer 2 [100]

Remote controlled capable bulldozer.

Steyr 6300 Terrus CVT

"Splittergeschützte Traktoren"

Steyr 6340 Terrus CVT Agritechnica 2023 (DSC04861).jpg


Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Armoured tractor9Armoured cabin by Achtleiner, used at the Allentsteig military training area. [101] [102]

STANAG 4569 Level 3 protection

Armoured training vehicle

"SPz Ulan" Fahrschulausführung"

GuentherZ 2011-08-06 0103 Panzer ASCOD Fahrschulversion.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Driver training vehicleUnknown
Leopard 2A4

KPz "Leopard"

"Leopard" (22409949966) (cropped).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany Main battle tank 16114 purchased, 40 sold to KMW, 58 to be modernised in total, 16 remain in reserve. [53] [54]
Pandur I TRJE 15 (22330301438).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium

APC / Armoured ambulance 7


6 APC and 1 ambulance Pandur were purchased second-hand to the Belgian Army in 2016, used as spare parts. [103]

Unarmoured vehicles

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Utility vehicles
Pinzgauer 710 M (4×4 and 6×6) 2005 Militarparade Wien Okt.26. 082 (4292689377).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Combat vehicle for motorized reconnaissance troops900


Combat vehicle for motorised reconnaissance troops (Jägerbataillon 12). [105]

To be replaced by Iveco MUV M70.20  [ fr ]. [106]

Pinzgauer 716 M (4×4) 12-01-19-yog-239.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Off-road transportUsed as a combat vehicle for a group with their equipment and transport vehicle for material and equipment up to 1.5t. [105]

To be replaced by Iveco MUV M70.20  [ fr ]. [106]

Puch G-Class W461

PUCH / G300 diesel, 0.8 t

2005 Militarparade Wien Okt.26. 022 (4292657025).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany

Multi-role utility vehicle [107]

Chassis [108]

  • 461.312
  • 461.313

Variants: [108]

  • A (KF, short, solid roof)
  • B (LF, long, solid roof)
  • C (KP, short, tarpaulin cover)
  • D (LP, long tarpaulin cover)
  • E (LF-FM, long, solid roof, communications)
Iveco MUV M70.20  [ fr ] 4×4

''Iveco Noriker Führungsunterstützung"

(Iveco Noriker FüU)

Iveco MUV M70 Austrian Army.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Command and support1 / 70Successor of the 900 Pinzgauer. Vehicle to be supplied by Iveco, and the mission modules by EMPL. [106] [104]


  • 125 vehicles for €42.5 million ordered in 2023, delivery 2024 - 2026 [106] [109]
    • 70 Command and support systems
    • 55 radio links vehicles
Iveco MUV M70.20  [ fr ] 4×4

''IDV MUV Richtfunk "

Radio links55


Mitsubishi L200

(4th generation)

Mitsubishi L 200 2,5 DK DI-D 2.5 Work Edition with Road Ranger cargo area cover

2017-10-26 AT Wien 01 Innere Stadt, Universitatsring, Bundesheer Mitsubishi BH-52505 (44687614535) (cropped).jpg

Bundesheer Military vehicles of Austria 03.jpg

Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Multi-role utility vehicle300300 ordered in 2014 [111] [112]
Mitsubishi L200

(5th generation)

L200 DK DI-D 2,2 4WD Auto,Work Edition with Road Ranger cargo area cover

2019 Mitsubishi L200 Barbarian X DI-D Automatic 2.3.jpg

(illustration of model)

Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Multi-role utility vehicle325245 with a bed cover to be delivered by the end of 2024, and 80 for driver training without bed cover. [113]

302 delivered in 2023 [114]

Nissan Pathfinder (gen 3) Nissan Pathfinder side 20070518.jpg


Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Liaison, exploration, reconnaissance, utility, patrol and training vehicleAlso used by the Austrian Army for patrols in Kosovo with the KFOR [115]
VW Touareg (R5 TDI) Military vehicles of Austria 01.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Liaison, exploration, reconnaissance, utility, patrol and training vehicle102Ordered in 2008. [116] [117]

Also used by the Austrian Army for patrols in Kosovo with the KFOR.

Skoda Kodiaq Austrian Army Skoda Kodiaq First gen.jpg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic Patrol and military police vehicle [118] [119]

"VW T6 Nutzfahrzeug"

Bundesheer Military vehicles of Austria 02.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Utility vehicles and military police280 [120]

"Pritsche Doppelkabine"

Bludesch-Walgaukaserne-military car-01ASD.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Flatbed utility vehicle40Received in 2023 [121]
VW Golf 7 Variant Volkswagen Golf VII Variant Bundesheer Osterreich.jpg

Militarpolizei Bundesheer Military Police Austria Patrol Vehicle 01.jpg

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Utility vehicles and military police80Received in 2023 [122]
VW ID.3 Volkswagen ID.3.jpg

(illustration of model)

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Civilian use vehicles3030 received in 2021 [123]
VW ID.4 VW ID.4 23.06.21 JM.jpg

(illustration of model)

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Civilian use vehicles2525 Received in 2023 [124]
Special forces vehicles
Achtleiner Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Achtleiner.png Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Japan.svg  Japan

Civilian special forces vehicleOperated by the Jagdkommando. [125]
PUCH G 290/LP  [ de ]


PUCH G 290 LP Sandviper.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Light tactical vehicleOperated by the Jagdkommando. [126]


Defenture GRF Voorzijde VECTOR.jpg Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Light tactical vehicleNew light tactical and air-loadable mobile platform for the Jagdkommando ordered in April 2024.

Successor of the "Sandviper", first deliveries in 2024. [127]

MAN HX81 8×8 HX81 8x8 HET (with IAC).JPG Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Tank transporter 3

(15 on order)

70 tons capacity.
  • 3 received in 2021 with 7-axle low-bed semi-trailers from Doll [128] [129]
  • 15 ordered in 2023 with 8-axles low-bed semi-trailers [130]
RMMV TGM MIL 8×6 RMMV TGM MIL 8x6, TGM 38.440.jpg

RMMV TGM MIL 8x6, TGM 38.440 (2).jpg

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Truck with hook loading system 72 RMMV TGM 38.440 purchased in 2009. [92] [91]


  • Palfinger PALIFT Scorpion
Recovery vehicle
MAN HX2 6×6

"mittleres Bergefahrzeug HX2"


Mittleres Bergefahrzeug HX2, RMMV HX2 42M 28.445.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Medium wrecker 24Wrecker based on the RMMV HX42M 28.445 that entered service in 2022. [131] [132]


  • 48 t 4-axle trailer
  • 2 Sepson winches, 120 kN, 60 meters
  • Palfinger 41002 EH loading crane with a 36 mt capacity, 3.8 t maximum load and 9.5 m radius. [133] [134]
MAN HX2 6×6

"leicht Bergefahrzeug HX2"


Leicht Bergefahrzeug HX2, DOLL Tieflader Quattro, RMMV HX2 42M 28.445 (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Recovery vehicle 71Wrecker based on the RMMV HX42M 28.445 that entered service in 2022. [131]

Can be used for recovering broken down vehicles, transporting goods and transporting an ISO 10-foot container.

It can recover vehicles up to 7.5 tons. with a Sepson winch (120 kN capacity, 60 meters cable). [133] [134]

EMPL Tieflader Quattro Leicht Bergefahrzeug HX2, DOLL Tieflader Quattro, RMMV HX2 42M 28.445 (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Low-loader trailer3548 t capacity, telescopic 4-axle low-loading trailer, equipped with DOLL Quattro hybrid steering and a turntable, combined with hydraulic forced steering. [131] [132]

It entered service in 2022.

Pinzgauer 712 AMB-S (6×6)

"Sanitätskraftwagen mit portablem Shelter''


2005 Militarparade Wien Okt.26. 043 (4293408700).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Off-road medical vehicle [105]
VW T6 4-Motion (left)


Ambulances Austrian Army (cropped).jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Ambulance transport vehicle20Introduced in 2021. [134]
VW Crafter 4-Motion (right)


Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Ambulance transport vehicle20Introduced in 2022. [134]
MAN TGM 18.340 4×4

"Universallöschfahrzeuge für Flugplatz, 3000 / 400 / 250"

(ULFzg 3000 / 400 / 250)

FlR3- DSC06838 (48882089762) (cropped).jpg

FlR3- DSC06846 (48881898246).jpg

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Airport fire engine 6 [135] [136]
  • 3,000 litres water
  • 400 litres foaming agent
  • 250 kg of fire extinguishing powder
Rosenbauer / MAN TGM 18.320 4×4


Landesbewerb Freitag bfkuu denkmayr 015 (29374605208) (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

NBC fire engine10 [137] [138]

In service since 2016.

  • RS14 generator
EMPL Geländegängige Löschwasserversorgung Gelandegangige Loschwasserversorgung.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Military firefighting containerContainer with 13.5 m3 of water, a roof water canon, a hydrofighter Tornado II portable pump. [139]

Transported on RMMV SX45 truck equipped with a Palfinger Scorpion T17 hook loading system.

EMPL Löschcontainer Loschcontainer.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Military firefighting equipment container3Comtainer with firefighting equipment: [140] [141]
  • power generators
  • 200 liter foam tank
  • 4,000 liter built-in diesel powered pump
  • pressure hoses
  • distributors
  • hollow jet pipes
  • pressure hoses
  • hand-held spotlights
  • thermal imaging cameras
  • breathing apparatus
  • medical backpacks
  • a chainsaw.

Transported on RMMV TGM 38.440 truck equipped with a Palfinger Scorpion T17 hook loading system.

NBC decontamination

"Dekontaminationssystem MAMMUT"

RMMV TGS MIL 8x8 MAMMUT.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Truck for NBC decontamination 8Replacement of the ÖAF S-LKW based on the TEP 90 system by Rheinmetall. [142] [143] [144]

Based on MAN TGS 38.480, equipped with a crane (33 mt Palfinger PK 33002 EH) and MAMMUT module.


"Dekontaminationssystem MAMMUT"


Base vehicle illustration

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Truck for NBC decontamination 2Replacement of the ÖAF S-LKW based on the TEP 90 system by Rheinmetall. [143] [144] [145]

Based on RMMV HX2 41.545, equipped with a crane (33 mt Palfinger PK 33002 EH) and MAMMUT module.

MAMMUT Decontamination module  [ de ]

"Dekontaminationssystem MAMMUT"

RMMV TGS MIL 8x8 MAMMUT.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany NBC decontamination module10Equipment:
  • 33-meter-tonne Palfinger PK 33002 EHcrane
  • Module 1: vehicle decontamination with collecting basin
  • Module 2: vacuum chamber for dry decontamination of electronic equipment
  • Module 3: people decontamination (inflatable dress-up tent)

Very light vehicles

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Special forces light vehicles
Polaris DAGOR

"Deployable Advanced Ground Off-road"

Polaris DAGOR to be loaded onto a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Ultra Light Combat Vehicle Jagdkommando vehicle [146] [147]
Polaris MRZR

"Deployable Advanced Ground Off-road"

Red Falcons train drivers for new tactical vehicle 150122-A-ZK259-256.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Ultra Light Combat Vehicle Jagdkommando vehicle [147]


Polaris Sportsman 570 6×6 Big Boss Polaris Sportsman Big Boss 6x6.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States ATV

All-terrain vehicle

Jagdkommando vehicle [146]
Utility vehicles
Polaris Sportsman XP 1000 Ausmusterung und Tag der Leutnante 2016 (30001752851) (cropped).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States ATV

All-terrain vehicle

38 [149]

Purchased in 2016. [150] [151]

Arctic Cat 700D Arctic Cat 700D (6288931228).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States ATV with rubber tracks

All-terrain vehicle

Used by the mountain troops for mud and snow conditions as a utility vehicle. [152]
Yamaha 700 Grizzly Schwarzenberg-Boedele-snow mobile Yamaha Grizzly 700-01ASD.jpg


Flag of Japan.svg  Japan ATV with rubber tracks

All-terrain vehicle

KTM 250Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Enduro off-road motorcycle [153]
KTM 450 SX-F KTM 450 SX-F Austrian Army Jagdkommando.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Enduro off-road motorcycle KTM 450 equipped with Acerbis plastic kit, used by the Jagdkommando. [154]
Kawasaki Versys 650 ABS Kawasaki KLE 650 Versys Austrian army military police motorcycle Kawasaki "Militarstreife" (cropped).jpg Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Police motorcycle Operated by the military police [155] [156]

Electronic equipment

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Communication equipment
Tactical Communication Network  [ de ]Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Digital communication system388388 TCN procured, first delivery in March 2024. [157]

Supplied by Cancom Austria with a Bittium software.

Ground reconnaissance
PPE PGSR-3i Beagle PPE PGSR3i Beagle radar.jpg Flag of Israel.svg  Israel Portable ground surveillance radar 10 [83] [86]

Air defence

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Air surveillance radars
Selex RAT-31DL

"FADR" (Fixed air defence radar)

"Goldhaube" Lauftraumuberwachung auf der Koralpe, Karnten.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Long-range air surveillance radar 31 radar ordered in 2002 to replace RAT-31S 2002, 2 additional ordered in 2006. [158]

Stationary radars, upgraded by Leonardo in 2020. [159] [160]

Selex RAT-31DL/M

"DADR" (Deployable air defence radar)

Model of RAT-31DLM.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Long-range air surveillance radar 1


1 radar ordered in 2014 with an option for an additional radar. [161]

Mobile radar, upgrade by Leonardo in 2020. [159] [160]

Air defence
RAC 3D  [ de ] RAC3D.JPG Flag of France.svg  France Target acquisition radar 12Supplied by Thomson-CSF (Thales Group)

lFAL "Mistral"

2005 Militarparade Wien Okt.26. 041 (4292665619) (cropped).jpg Flag of France.svg  France MANPAD, surface-to-air missile 59


Originally equipped with Mistral 1 missiles, gradually replaced with Mistral 2 missiles. Coupled with Thomson-CSF (Thales Group) RAC 3D radars for target acquisition.

The Mistral is carried on a Pinzgauer 712 6×6 for the mobile air defence forces. [162]

Skyguard FC

"Feuerleitgerät 98 Skyguard"

(FLGer 98)

FLGer98 Skyguard.JPG Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland Radar and fire control system Fire control system of Oerlikon GDF anti-air gun. [163]

To be replaced by the Skyguard-3 radar, networked operations control. [164]

Oerlikon GDF 005

35 mm ZFlAK 85

FlAK85.JPG Towed anti-aircraft gun 28


Will be upgraded to GDF-009 and AHEAD ammunition. [164]


SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Pioneer boats
Watercat M9

"Sturm- und Flachwasserboot"


Flachwasserboot 3749.JPG Flag of Finland.svg  Finland Shallow water boat20Boats supplied by Marine Alutech. [166] [167]
ALU Pi-Boot II

"Aluminium Pionier-Mehrzweckboote"

(Arbeits- und Transportboote, ArbBo)

Pionierboot in voller Fahrt (18592101502).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Shallow water boat80Boats supplied by ÖSWAG Werft Linz AG  [ de ]. [168] [169] [170] [167]
Special forces boats
Hurricane H955 Mach II Speedboot (22342579192).jpg Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria


(rigid hull inflatable boat)

Boats supplied by Spider-Rock, coming from Zodiac Milpro used by the Jagdkommando. [171]
Sillinger Proraid 765Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria


(rigid hull inflatable boat)

Boats supplied by Spider-Rock, used by the Jagdkommando. [171]


Fixed wing aircraft

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Fighter aircraft
Eurofighter Typhoon T1 Eurofighter Typhoon AUT.jpg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Multirole fighter 15


All aircraft are Tranche 1/Block 5/SRP 4.3, but lack the Praetorian DASS and EuroFIRST PIRATE. Currently with short-range IRIS-T missiles and Rafael Litening 5 targeting pod.
Leonardo M-346FA Alenia Aermacchi T-346A Master MM55155 61-04 formazione legend (22064642876).jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Multirole fighter 0 / 12Contract signed on 28 December 2024. [172]
Transport aircraft
Lockheed C-130 Hercules AIRPOWER16 - Der Samstag (29317830372).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Military transport aircraft 3


Three former RAF machines (Hercules C Mk.1P) were overhauled, upgraded and delivered between 2003 and 2004. [173] A fourth aircraft to be used for spare parts and ground training was delivered in 2015. [174]
Embraer C390 FAB2857 Embraer KC-390 Millenium Brazilian Air Force.jpg Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Military transport aircraft 0/4Procurement of successor initiated in 2021 with 4 aircraft planned for 2026 - 2027.

Selected as successor in September 2023, contract negotiation ongoing. [175] It was selected for its capacity to transport a fully equipped Pandur EVO with a mounted weapon station. [175]

Contract signed in July 2024 with the Netherlands at the Farnborough Air Show. [176]

Pilatus PC-6B Porter PC6 Austria (26701299524).jpg Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland STOL utility aircraft8


Training aircraft
Diamond DA40 NG Diamond Aircraft DA-40NG Diamond Star.jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Military trainer aircraft 4


Used for basic training (Phase 1) and pilot selection. [177]
Pilatus PC-7 Turbo Trainer Pilatus PC-7 "Turbo Trainer" (25955576135).jpg Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland Military trainer aircraft 12

Rotary wing aircraft

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Bell OH-58 Kiowa Im Tiefflug (19897149639).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Observation helicopter 1012 received from 1978 onwards, 10 remaining in service. [69]

To be replaced by the AW-169M (second order) by 2028. [178]

Agusta-Bell AB 212 Prazision im Team (19134019140).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Utility helicopter 2223 were in service at the beginning of 2023, but one loss occurred in 2023 in an accident. [179] [180]

All helicopters underwent a MLU between 2010 and 2016 (new glass cockpit, defensive aide suite, service life extension until 2041). [181]

Sikorsky S-70 Black Hawk


"Black Hawk" (25322871684).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Utility helicopter 9 / 99 S-70 ordered in 2000 for $183 million with 3 in option (which wasn't used), all delivered in 2002. [182] [183]

A modernisation program in cooperation with Ace Aeronautics LLC is in progress which includes new avionics and a completely new glass cockpit.

0 / 3


3 UH-60L purchased to Royal Jordanian Air Force in 2020 for $72.8 million. [184]

In 2021, the first two helicopters were transferred to Austria. The Air Force signed a contract with Ace Aeronautics LLC to bring it up to the same standard as the Austrian S-70. [185] [186]

Sikorsky UH-60M US Army UH-60M (cropped).jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States Utility helicopter 0 / 12


12 ordered on 30 June 2024 for €715 million, and to be delivered from 2028. [187]

They will replace part of the AB212.

AW169B Lion Austrian Air Force AW169.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Training helicopter9 / 12


First order of 18 AW169 in December 2021. The government-to-government (G2G) agreement is valued at €346 million. The aircraft in this order is the successor of the Alouette III. The helicopters are planned to be delivered between 2022 and 2026. [189] [190]

The variants ordered are: [191]

  • 6 AW169B for a training role
  • 12 AW169MA as a multirole (troop transport, disaster relief, emergency response, firefighting, mountain rescue, medical evacuation) / attack variant

Second order of 18 AW169 in December 2022. The government-to-government (G2G) agreement is valued at €304 million. The aircraft in this order is the successor of the remaining Aerospatiale Alouette III and the Bell OH-58 Kiowa. The helicopters are planned to be delivered by 2028. [178] [192]

The order is for:

  • 6 AW169B for a training role
  • 12 AW169MA as a multirole (troop transport, disaster relief, emergency response, firefighting, mountain rescue, medical evacuation) / attack variant


The Austrian AW169M is equipped with a skid landing gear and is to be delivered in 2 variants, training and light utility multi-role tactical variant.

The equipment of the tactical variant consists of [199]

  • Internal weapons: 12.7×99mm NATO machine gun or two pintle-mounted 7.62×51mm NATO machine guns
  • External weapons: 2 potential pods, whether a 12.7×99mm NATO FN Herstal HMP 400 gun pod, or Hydra 70 rocket pods (7 or 9 guided / unguided rockets)
  • Sensors: laser designator, IR camera, camera, missile approach warning system, laser warning receiver
AW169MA Lion Austrian Air Force AW169.jpg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Multirole light utility helicopter / tactical variant 0 / 24

(on order)

Aérospatiale Alouette III Alouette III OWR.jpg Flag of France.svg  France Utility helicopter 0Retired from active service beginning 2024 [200]
  Recently retired

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

SystemImageOriginTypeRoleIn serviceNotes
SurveyCopter Tracker  [ de ] Survey Copter Tracker, ILA 2018, Schonefeld (1X7A6073).jpg Flag of France.svg  France UAV


Artillery ISR

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

186 systems, each with 3 drones


Asc Tec FALCON 8 AsctecFalcon8.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Miniature UAV


Short range ISR

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

1 [202]
Huginn X1 Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Miniature UAV



Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

1Made by Sky-Watch A/S [202]
Riegl RiCopterFlag of Austria.svg  Austria Miniature UAV



Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance

1 [202]
DJI Mavic Pro 2019-03-23 - Mavic Pro -3941.jpg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Commercial UAV


Aggressor role (Feinddarstellung)1 [202]
DJI Phantom 4 20160430-00226-DJI-Phantom4.jpg Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Commercial UAV


Aggressor role (Feinddarstellung)1 [202]

Future equipment

Firm orders

Pandur Evo MTPz (225 on order)

Under the development plan "Aufbauplan Bundesheer 2032", [203] the Austrian Army ordered 225 additional Pandur Evo MTPz  [ de ] in February 2024 for €1.8 billion from GDELS Steyr. [204] Twelve variants are planned to be delivered between the end of 2025 and 2032. [205] [206] [207]

Not all suppliers and quantities for each variants are known yet, but the table below summarises the known information:

Pandur Evo MTPz  [ de ]


Pandur Evo (cropped).jpg Armoured personnel carrier Crew of 3 (driver, gunner, commander) and 8 seats for a fighter group.

Modular interior, and could be transformed for CASEVAC role. Equipment supplied by Elbit Systems: [208]

MTPz PAL  [ de ]


Pandur I EVO - MTPz PAL with MBDA Impact turret and Akeron MP anti-tank missile.png Tank destroyer (missile) Same variant as the base MTPz APC, with an anti-tank turret added.


  • RCWS that will launch the successor of the RBS-56B Bill 2 (supplier unknown / tbd)
  • Elbit Systems driving, and situational awareness systems [208]

Pandur I EVO presented with MBDA Impact Turret (as on the picture) and Akeron MP at Eurosatory 2024.

MTPz Aufkl  [ de ]


Scout vehicle Equipment:
MTPz JFS  [ de ]

"Joint Fire Support"

Coordination tactical fire supportRole: coordinate tactical fire support (artillery, mortar, aircraft, drone).


MTPz Fü  [ de ]


Command and control Equipment:
MTPz SGrW  [ de ]

"schwere Granatwerfer"

Pandur I EVO mortar carrier with Elbit Crossbow 120mm mortar turret.png Mortar carrier Equipment:
  • Elbit Crossbow 120 mm unmanned turret In May 2024 a €49.3 million contract was signed by Elbit for the mortar turret to be installed on the Pandur Evo [209] [210]
  • Elbit Systems driving, and situational awareness systems
MTPz FlA  [ de ]

Skyranger 30 A3


20241024 122629 pandur evo at.jpg VSHORAD / SPAAG 36

(+ 9 option)


Turret to be supplied by Rheinmetall Air Defence, delivery planned from 2026. [212] [213]

Equipment: [212]

MTPz SAN  [ de ]


Armoured ambulance 2 variants: [214]


MTPz Pi  [ de ]


Armoured engineering vehicle Equipment:
MTPz FüU  [ de ] Communication Role: leadership support with communication systems

Equipment: [214]

MTPz ERFOS  [ de ]

"Erfassungs- und Ortungssystem"

Electronic warfare /


Equipment: [214]
MTPz STÖRSYS  [ de ]


Electronic warfare /

Radio jamming

Equipment: [214]

Other land equipment

SystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
RMMV trucks RMMV HX3 unveiled.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of Austria.svg  Austria

Logistics Vehicle up to


Deal between the Austrian Government and RMMV, up to 1,375 Logistics vehicles of HX, TGS and TGM will be produced in Vienna [215]

Planned investments

In 2022, Defense Minister of the Austrian Armed Forces, Klaudia Tanner, unveiled the new "Mission Forward" plan, a 10 year long investment plan into the Armed forces totaling at over €16 Billion Euros [216] [217]

ProgrammeSystemImageOriginTypeIn serviceNotes
Armoured fighting vehicles
Leopard 2A8 LEOPARD 2A8 (Edited).png Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Main battle tank58 [218]
Pandur Evo MTPz  [ de ] Pandur Evo (cropped).jpg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Multi-role armoured vehicles156Option on the order of 225 Pandur Beyond 2032 [219]
Air defence

"Military Air Surveillance and Acquisition Radar System"

Air surveillance radar [220]
European Sky Shield Initiative IRIS-T SLS IRIS-T SLM.jpg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of Europe.svg  Europe

Short range air-defence batteries 4


Austria is planning joint procurement and training with Germany.

Each battery procured should be equipped with 3 TEL. [221]

IRIS-T SLM Medium range air-defence batteries 4


Long range Air defense system Patriot PAC-3 Patriot at Gifu Airbase Festival 2014.11.23 No.2.jpg Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Long range air-defence batteries UnknownThe government announced that for the first time in the history of Austria, it would pursue long range air-defence missiles, the project would cost somewhere between €2-4 billion. [222]
SAMP/T Systeme SAMP-T (14 juillet 2021) (6).jpg Flag of France.svg  France

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Arrow 3 Arrow system.jpg Flag of Israel.svg  Israel

Flag of the United States.svg  United States

Additional jet fighters Eurofighter Typhoon T1

2 seater

Eurofighter Typhoon two seat prototype, Imperial War Museum, Duxford, May 19th 2018. (28511398577).jpg Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom

Flag of Germany.svg  Germany

Flag of Italy.svg  Italy

Flag of Spain.svg  Spain

Conversion trainer 4


In an interview with Upper Austrian News, Defense Minister Tanner said that an initial €1,6 Billion Euros had been invested into the Air force with 4 new airframes of two-seated Eurofighters planned [224] [223]
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Unmanned military aircraft combat technology

"unbemannte Militärluftfahrzeuge Gefechtstechnik"

(uMilLfz gefte)

Military UAV 315

(+300 option)


To enter service in 2026. [225]


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